ntacy TraaMc Makes Tm Miserable. Almal everybody who reads the news paper* i* awe to know of the wonderful a .I i, cure* mad* by Dr. $M> -JFz Ilk Klhner'* SwamjCjtoot, 1 !} meal kidney, liver Q l_'&-r , y jli and bladder remedy. 1 IjaVj jx It to the freat medt- JLll f«/ Mfcal triumph of the nine in I iM teenth century; dto A*!! —JiHjli aoemilic research by "n lr~t| "uPxl Dr. Kilmer, the eml || " UL-. ■ nent kidney and btod «i ■ ■■ ' (tor special!*!. *nd to vaedahDy successful In promptly curing lama baok, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou ' Mae and Brtfht's Disease, which to the wore: farm of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root la not rec ommended tor everythlnffcut If you have kid- 1 nay, hver or bladder trooble I! will be found )uat the remedy you need It has been tested In ao many ways. In hosplial work, in prlvaie practice, among the helpless too poor to pur ohaae relief and has proved so successful In every case that a special arrangement h*_ been made by which all readers of Ihis papei who have not already tried It, may have a aampie bottle aenl free by mail, also a boo!, telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. Whan writing mention reading this generous olfer In this paper and f Mind your address to Mkw J|j!N' U ) Dr. Kilmer h Co., Blng- HBBplnßMijifi2L ham ton. N. Y. Tbe* 8 regular fifty cent and Hon* o (nmp-iM dollar die* are sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remembe. the name. Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer i Swamp-Root, and the addrea*. Binghamlon N. Y.. on every bottle. CRYSTAL Shaving Parlor WH W. T. KHODKS, I'rop. Bank Building,jSmithwick St. I'M New and I'p-to-Dute tTX F U KNIT IT K K The Best Barbers that can be ob tained. Polite and courteous to all. MQyTO : KLc "We lead, others follow. " !K ILLtmi COUGL." MM CURE TMt LUNCB i"™ Or, King's Na* r«««o»6 I /'ONSi'TITON Prlre H|H I OUUHSand 50c ft SI.OO m« i Surest an" C*i icKtst C.:ie s. i . THROAT and T.UNO TTtOtfß UCS, or MO-TBY HAUi. ————a— ai a «■»«!» i *-« » I ' 1 -I I I I m •BOSS" COTTOH FRSMI uptnr, rraoaaarr. am Twa Muanav •ia*i*a MWi Mae. hrtw. Owhaan ■*• 'U MACHINUT O*. i»ki>. a. c. HOLLIBTrF!!! Ricky Mojn;a:n f.u l.uyet: A 4*y Mml.iuuc for 2>ua/ i'wp v OolJea and E»o»w«j Vigor- A f«»r Cotwtlnaf ion. hi liffettio.i. I.lw «C4.lr»e*y Trouble*. niupi»*«, E.*»«nit, Ymmtr 4. Ikui Slutftfiith Bo*rU .1 btnl 11*• R vky Mountain T«i In tnl I i f« Im, c*nta a hot. Oeuutnn b HuuiTM Darn Compact, Mn«li*'n. fn* GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE I fatter I sSb* 1 I KSTfL #mj boula. Sold by S. R. Biggs. Blind, bleeding, itching and pro truding piles are instantly relieved by ManZan. This remedy is put op in collapsible tubes with nozzle attachment, so that the medicine may be applied inside directly where the trouble originates. ManZan relieves instantly. Sold by S. R. WHISKY STORED IN OIRMANY. Distiller* Find It Cheaper Than Ray ing Taxee In Thle Country. It la not generally knows that vllle dlatlllera and warehouse men uws warehouses la Oermany In which con siderably more than s million gallon* of Kentucky whlaky la stored and will soma time be returned to this state, | says the Louisville Herald. The reason for storing whisky In | Oermany la to save money, although | there may be the contributing reason !of securing a sea flavor. The national | law formerly provided that whisky must be taken out of bond Inside of I three years, and the tax of $1.1(1 a gal lon must be paid on It when taken out. It alio provided that If whisky be ex [ ported such tax would not have to be paid on H at the time of the taking It out, and. further, that It might be re- Imported upon payment of 91.10 a nal lon. The duty on Imported whisky which to not made In America 1* 12.25. Many dlatlllera and warehouse™ found It cheaper to export the whisky and Import It later than to borrow the money for Internal revenue taxes. An enormou* quantity of whlaky was then aent abroad, and, as Oermany I* the only country which will admit It with out payment of a duty It was sent there Both Mexico and Canada Im pose a heavy duty. The distillers flg? ured that the cost of transportation both way* was cheaper than the Inter est on the money with which they would have to pay taxes at the time Tbey could keep the whisky stored In Oermany many years, or as long as they wanted to, and bring It back in small quantities, so they were not put to the embarrassment of borrowing very large amounts of money for taxee. Congress has since passed a law allow ing whisky to remain In government warehouses eight years before the In ternal revenue taxea are paid. Educating Children's Memory. As children, part of the Jap's educa tion is learning to notice. A tray with a doaen things on It to given to the child for a few minutes, when it Is tak en away from him and be Is required to repeat from memory the name of everything that was on the tray. Orad ually the numbers of things are In creased, and the time he is allowed to look at them decreased, until noticing becomes u habit, and in a single, cur aory glance catches up the main Idea and details In an almost magical way. One mother, who heard of the method, wan so struck by Ita simplicity and by the value uf quick obaervlng that sbe tried the experiment* with her own children—not with trays and objects, but In their walks. She found that the children develop splendid memories as well. Odd Form of Coal. One of Colorado's greatest discov eries In the form of innovation In coal Is Interesting experts and scientist* In that atate. where a deposit four and a half feet In thickness has been pros pected for two miles in extent and has yielded coal In the strikingly peculiar form of Utile cubes and hexagon- column*. It separates easily, the .seams give off little dirt or dust, it biifus with a blue flame, retain* heat • long time and makes little ash. It breaks to a small nut size and la considered suitable for hard coal burn ers and grates. Many regard the new coal as one of the most valuable fluds lu this almost unknown empire of riches. The Oath in Siam. The formula of the oath of ofltce In 81am is long and complicated. It la also very violent. For example, here is such a form of it as high functiona ries go through In swearing solemn fealty to Iheit sovereign: "May the blood.drop from my body; uiay my head break in two: ma)' the crocodiles devour me; muy I be com pelled to carry water In wicker baskcta to quench the flame* of hell; may 1 suf fer the most horrible tortures until my years are as many HS the grains of sand by the sea if Inviolate this, my solemn oath." King Christian'* Palace. Fredensborg. where year by year King Christian's descendants gather lu patriarchal fashion, is about two hours' distance by rail Horn the capital. The palace contains about 400 apartments, lucludlng a vast-domed ball where din ner is served every eveuiug, and the va rious suites of rooms devoted to the use of King flu Ist tail's sous aud daughters when returning for a space to Fredeus l>org. says Woman's Life. It Is sstd that one of the simplest la that occupied by Queen Alexandra, whose little possessions are treasured most carelully. Frrdensborg bad mauy memo i ies uf the late Queen Louise. • Buccaneer Fish. The blue buccaneer* are among the most voracious of all flsh. Swift, strong, armed with efficient teeth, they possess unlimited appetites and they know not the meaning ol mercy or tear. Moot destructive of all our sea flfh, they rival the worst of the carniv orous species uf South American wat ers. 'ihey are thev wolves of the sea. and very frequently they destroy for what appears to be a mere love of butchery. They move In large schools and the) never hesitate to attack ilsh of almost twice their own size. Observing Yukon Day. What St Qwrn'l Day U to litltalu, what DdmJtfoii Pay to to Canada and (hit ludepeudeuce Day I* to the Amer ican republic. 1* August lti to the Yu kon It was on that day nine years ago that Skookum Jim washed out hi* fa mous pan on Rabbit Creek, w hose re ■ult' was the bringing oC thousands ot people to thi> country ai d eatlc UluiJ th« world'by 11 g».0O0.n08 in gold.—Yukon Win I ' Now is the time to guard the i!i altb aud strength of lungs. The 'jest remedy to use for coughs and 1 :olds is Bee's I„axative Honey and Tar. The only cough syrup that loes not constipate the bowels, but •vhich on the other hand, expels ill cold from the system by acting is s pleasant laxative. Best for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cougb, etc. Sold by S. R. Biggs. i FOOD VALUE OF BANANA*. They Ar a Net, Like Some Fruits, Good Only for Their Flavor. Professors of dietetics tall us thst the banana is not, ss many fruits are, a flavor and nothing more, but a food and a source ot real nutriment. It i* at once useful and delicious. It not only gratifies the pa lata, but supplies material for combustion and the main . tenance of animal heat, while It also ' build* up the muscles and repair* the I worn and threadbare nerves. The flour made from It in Its dried state I* eqnal In nutritive value to rice, and bow invigorating and *u*taintngrice ' I* haa been demonstrated In the recent ; acbievementa of the Japanese. Dried ' .ind sprinkled with sugar, a form In > which it has been recently Introduced In this country, the upstart banana i*, weight for weight, aa nutritious as tbt venerable flg. But it to In the fresb state that the bauana chiefly appeals to us. It* creamy aucculence and delicate odor arc luvltiug. and its pleaaant sapor 1* a prelude to good digestion. Dependent a* that aapor to In ethereal body, which the coal tar investigators have not yet been able to Imitate by chemical es sence, It I* a subtle stimulus to all sub sequent elementary processes. And tbu* it I* that the banana to an eminently digestible food. No sense of oppression or drowsiness follows a meal of It, and a meal of It may be bulky enough— Pall Mall Oazette. Queer Case ftf Graft. The Ruaslan press has been full of accounta of a mysterious discovery of gold on one of the iraln* arriving at Samara. Three large caaes. aupposed to contain Ked Cross medical supplies, were found to be stuffed with gold and pajier money to the amount of 1.'>00,- 000 roubles, which had apparently been (hipped from the front. The gendarm erie took the matter in hand. An In vestigation. was ordered promptly and a* promptly suppressed, apparently by high suthority. The Nowostl. commenting on the In cident, remarks: "That robbery of state, property goes on in the far east we knew long ago. That it also exists in the west, south and north as well as In the center, we also hsd reason to be lieve; but the caae under notice ia in teresting, because upon the first count the money amounted to a million rou bles, but upon being counted by tbt police it amounted to about 900,000. "Being then placed under 'control,' It had. of course, to be counted again, when it was found to be 'shout' 640,000 roubles. The arithmetic of the various department* the money passed through rarlad so conalderably that the sum presently dwindled to 600.000 rouble*. The higher authorities, having now atepped in, It to to tx; preaumed that further countings will take place, and by (he time the wealth reaches the con signee it I* hardly likely to amount to double flgure*." Suck la graft in tb* czar'* domluiona. Mushroom* In Brick*. The work of the plant bureau la la character almost Infinitely varied. Tak* for example the successful experiment* recently made in the growing of im proved varletie* of'mushrooms If you will visit the town of Columbia, Mo., you will And there a great establish ment with surroundings which suggest a brickyard In full operation, it is. in fact, a brick factory, but the bricks which are stacked in huge piles out of doors, are not of clay, but uf mush room spawn spawn, that Is to say, of a superior quality, guaranteed to pro duce much flner mushrooms than those hitherto purchasable in the markets. This Industry Is the outcome of a discovery, made by one of the plant bu reau's experts, that It was practicable to introduce small bits of mushroom* into bottles of sterilized manure, and, wheu the thread-like vegetation uf lbs fungus had run all through the manure, to use the latter for the seeding of mushroom beds. Inasmuch as only the largest and llnest mushrooms are chosen for the purpose, the spawn ob tained to of a superior variety uiid yields mushrooms of corres|ioiidliiK quality. By mixing it with heaps of compost the latter Is aoon converted luto spawn of like high grade, wnich, made luto bricks, flnds a ready market at a very remunerative pries.- Outing Magazine. Blasting with Acetylene. ' A new process for using calcium car bide lu blasting la inscribed by Oue dras In the Comptes Heudua A sheet Iron cylinder Is use aa a cartridge. U has three separate compai tiueuts oue containing calcium carbide, another water, aud the third only air aud an electric tuse. The cartridge to placed In the drill hole, the latter closed by n wooden plug, and the water In the cartridge then allowed, by a special de vice. to flow Into the carbide compart ment. After about live minutes, during which time the cartridge ha* become tilled with a mixture of acetylene and air under high pressure, the electrte 1 use 1* Ignited by a current, and a vio lent explosion reaulta. A Japaneae Lighting Plant. The Dsaka Electric Light Co. of Osa ka. Japan, a city of 800:000 people, to equipped entirely with American elec trical apparatus, Including six turbines, also made in Scheneclady. N. Y. This company has a paid up capital of st,- 200.000 and to ao progressive that it i* on a par with some of the best Ameri can electric lighting companies. Wood for Pencil*. The amount of wood which I* used •very year for the manufacture of pen cil* is almost Incredible. Nearly 4.000 acr«* of cedar tree* are rut down anuu nllv for this purpoae alone, and ot Utc." 1.000 acre* are in Florida. Id B»nir-i. au>ne theie are aouie forty pen- It is a sin to suffer with back ache and pains over the Kidnevs, wheu a single dose of Piue-ules will give relief in one night. Suf fering women should heed these warnings ere it is late. Female troubles may result. Pine-ules will strengthen the kidneys and and bladder, cleanse the blood and relieve the aches and pains of Neu ralgia and Rheumatism. Sold by S. R. Biggs. flf "THERE'S A CURE FOR RHEUMATISM!" Not the mere temporary relief that the old "remedies" gave* not the Iltt,e Mp that the doctor's prescriptions give; bat Rheumaclde does. Rheumatism is caused by an excess of 1 « All i| uric acid in the blood. It Is an Internal disease and requires H . jlifn [lliil a strong and vigorous internal remedy that will cleanse. iifllr/ H the blood of all its germs and yet act through such nat jl'lWr!# ufl ul> ai methods that it builds up the entire system. rfvKr ■ SWEEPS ALL poisons sr™ blood. Tte treat Blood Poritiere I CURES TO STAY CURED. I DUBIIMJtTieH 1 HE latest scientific discoveries. At the same time it cures KnbUmATISm $ feM Rheumatism it sweeps out I AU« . Specific lor*ll other DiMases » H CU " ED ,' 6 , ° ff tbe blood the germs of J arising frop, Impurities of th« Blood. : j[»Jj| For 1-1 year. I h»« with °ther Wood diseases, II niDrrrinui 2 HrM R»'«umatwm. i »«* tn»t*d b>- phy- and cures Indigestion, Con- DIRtCTIONS. a Hi alcians hutf?>tno relief. Long h:ucal cl-spair*d - . t • u a4hiu. mt. i»o uui»Miuk in ■ inn* '* njjfa of rvcr i» i:ik wcii a»'.t'n. But. hcuring of stipation, Catarrh, Kidney 11 I a SHI and Uver Troubles, La 8 pnnDiTTTHrMirii r« I 111 «"»•'' Orlppeand Contafloue I BOBBITT CHEMICAL CO., | HI »' u " Ji jKrA^ d lirGAKßffißr"™- Blood I ' * vt * | 9B 1301 Jainea St., Baltimore. VOUH OHUOOIST SCLIS IT I | ||-r-rs.r.u'rtrs BOBBin CHEMICAL nn,**«.mTiiim,«. I f SHAKE THE BOTTLE. 4 | MBWiiyiMicgiataflßi' mmmmm rmwrmm ■ ■HIMI Will 111 II II lIWIIMM I "CUT IT OUT" H says the doctor to many of his lady patients, because he doesn't I know of any medicinal treatment that will positively cure womb or I ovarian troubles, except the surgeon's knife. That such a medlclna exists, however, has been proved by the I wonderful cures performed on diseased women. In thousands of I cases, by 7 CARDUI I Woman's Relief It has saved the lives of thousands of weak, sick women, and I has thousands of others from a melancholy lifetime of I chronic Invalid.sin. It will cure you, If you will only give it a chance. Sold at tvcry drug store In SI.OO bottles. Try it. WRITE US A LETTER GAVE UP SUPPORTER I freelj and traitklv, In strictest c»nti- "I wore * smarter fur years, for iny worn hf which h.id cruw.YJ evory- I dence, telling US all your troubles,' thing doWn Ivforelt.\v>ii t .> Mrs. S: J. M I We will send Free Ad wee (In plain, Chil.sniati, u( M.imisv .(:I*. N. Y. "I suf- H , A ... « ii » fered untold iiiiseiy «i.d cut Id hardly H! ■■ seated envHupe), Address: Ladles' .. ... . . ... I After t.tKi !•; ..iidiil I sue up H I Advisory I l»e i hattanuuga , n y supporter and nit now lie on iny I Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. feet half a day at a tune." IK-titits S. llikk , Hri-i Si 1 TW, Tlljfhiunn tiru. .\MT.Cn«f^Sc DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO Manufacturers ol . Kiln Dried North Carolina Pine Lumber, .* > J* a rn « . ORNNIS SIMMONS' BRAND CVPREBB SHINOLf ORDERS AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED WILLIAMSTON. N. C. : :1 - - I LA GRIPPE—PNEUMONIA 1 So many people who have apparently recovered from an attack of La Grippe are stricken with Pneumonia. This is due to the fact that the Bronchial Tubes and Lungs are left weakened | and unable to resist disease. y FOLEY'S HONEY-TAR II not only cures La Grippe Coughs, and prevents Pneumonia, but strengthens the Lungs so they I will not be susceptible to the development of serious lung troubles. Do not take chances with I I, some unknown preparation that may contain some harmful drug when FOLEY'S HONEY AND I TAR costs you no more and is safe and sure. v Contains no opiates. I had • bad cm of La Grim* about ten rears ago which left try Lung* O. VACHER, 157 Oagoal St., CEtcaga, Nf« "My tfli bad a vary I ■ so weak thai 1 have been troubled more or less every winter since until I used avrere caaa of La Gripp*, and It Mt ber with a vocy bad CMgfc. Sb« triad I FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR, which cured me completely and ay Lungs , bottK oI FOLEY'S HONEY AMP TAR and it gave niW." ■ H TblWwea—2Sc. Stt-ceat alsocontaina two and small also and SOLD AID IT S. R. lii&fts, Williamston, IN. G. Sold by S. R. Biggs i \ THE ENTERPRISE ..JOB DEPARTMENT.. All Kinds of Job Printing Done The Latest Ideas The Best Workmen- The Best Equipped Plant In Eastern North arollna Enables us to Turn Out the Best Work for the ... LEAST MONEY . . ! t We Make a Speciaty of Commercial Printing No Order too Small No Order too Large No Job too Small No Job too Large ■Mfc. . . . • . • Letter Heads, Packet Heads, - Bill Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Orculars, Cata- logue and Book Work. We are now preparing for Tobacco_Warehouse work, send for prices and samples. The Company, Inc., PUBUSERS^-tPRINTERS;-:BWDERS UWilliamston, - NortliCarollna