• •/ — _ WIOAT. Jabuakt 5, 1906. LOCAL NEWS -AM the aM rtadeat. of Pral of RofaenonrDit jburffbtpi their preparatioas for • be hcH in his hoaor ia Robetaoa viUeflßjn.t3rnf. Oombridat'i eigh«yfiist.b«rtbdj> Write Mew J. C.Jtobersoa and J. D. Everett. __ of Rabenoavflle for iaforamtioa. TO owns A COLO M OM MT Take LAXATIVE SKOMO Qaiaiaa T*. leta. Dragffala nM iMty.ll it Ua to ewe. 8. V. GROVE'S lifHtaß « hoe. uc. —There wiD be two importaat ■i 11 Hags ia Williamstoa the third week ia January. These will vit ally dnt the iatcrats of every ritiaea ia the cawaty aad the peo ple should aot allow thai to paaa withoat notice. The firam nertiag effects oar ffasncial condition aad welfare. The teachers meeting effects oar educational cooditioa aad social piogicss. There is bat oae phase of oar life ■alum la il by these electing. * OMMMimo owac row nua lu-hfcg. *■«*. WWeHif ran. Dn*- girta ate antborued to refund maty U PA2O OINTMENT foil* tojrnre ia « to U days. joe. i-j-oA-iyr Death of Mrs White. Mm. J. R. White of this place died December the ißth she had beea aiek only a short tiaie beiag side only aboat one week. She was the daughter of W. J. aad Mary A. Lassiter and was married to Mr. White ia November 1890. She leaves a husband and seven wboae.ages vary from two to thir tcea'ycais. She became a member of the Christiaa Church of Mac .. edoaia She£was a high type of Christiaa woman aad her loss is felt by her church, friends and faaiilv. Mr. White expresses his grati tude tor the kiadly giv en him by friends ia the skknea of bis wife aad child>ea two ot whom are sick now, oae with pneumonia. NOTICE: The person who throagh mistake took B. T. Cow per's overcoat f*om Mis. Moore's residence on Tuesday or Wednes day will greatly oblige by retuin ing at oace. B. T. COW PER. Attractive as «ar Homes. Tea Thousand Curches paiated with L- & M. Paint, and are moat attractive, Liberal qnaatitv always given free. 4 gallons L. & M. mixed with 3 gallons oil, will paint a house. Wears and covers like gold Doa't pav $1.50 a gallon for lin seed oil, which von do in ready-for use paiat. Bay oil fresh from the barrel at 60 cents per gallon, and mix it arith Longman & Martinez L. & M. Paint. ~ It makes paint coot about $1.30 per gallon DeLancey Gregory, Fort Plain. N. Y. writes: "Have sold L. &JM. paint for over 25 years, and every one is surprised to find how little is required to paint a big house. Sold by S. R. Biggs, Williamston, N. C. A bluff by any other name would be just as unsatisfactory. Have a Friend? Thai tell hifli about Ayert *"» - _ - wv a T-ll |i| m i y rCCIui al. ICII Oim how it cured yoar hard cough. Tell hira why you always keep it i n the booae. Tell hha to ask his doctor about k. Doc tors use a great deal of k for throat aad htat troubles. ixners SET has toil wsiiiw. OiiiMj lamiU 1 Notice. All thoae owing the firm of Bar ren aad Warren will please come foward aad settle as I wish to doae ap the bttsiaem of the firm by the ! first of January *O6. 12-22 tf Wa E. Wauuw. I Stdcty. p . • Om Taeaday evening. Dec. J6th 1905. from toa till oae o'clock the ' social eyewt of the Chriatams sea ma took place when the society meaof thetowa gave the annual I Chriatmaa daace. The affair was as pi* a mat as amy ia the history J at the towa's social life; yoath ia always gay, aad. dariag the Christ ' mas hobfcys tt is particularly ao ( aad a daace aeesws to be a typical asaaaer of expressing the joyous aess of one's feelings. The hall ' waa deem toed with Chriatams hol ly, aasletne aad other evergreens. The beaatifal faces of the towa's fair aoaaia. with the swaet music | of the Itohaa hand made a deep iiapremioa aa the spectators. The | beaatifal desigas, aad the excite mem. or great pleasure, brought a , glow af health to their rheeks which awde them teochanaiag for ( desuiptioa. All the society ladies of the towa participated, aad the , Wlowiag were danrtag: MissAn aa Crawford, Mr. Ftaak F. Fagan ; Mas Naaaie Biggs, Mr. Wilson C. I Lamb Jr., Miaa Mayo Lamb, Mr. Harry A. fhggs; Miss May Rum . ley, af Washington. Mr. C. B. HaacM; Mim Tillie Morton, of Washiagtoa. Mr. Oilkm Simpson; ' Mr. aad Mis. J. Paul Simpson; | Mim Naaaie Sarith, Mr. S. Rome , Biggs Jr.; Mim Ella Statoa. Mr. Siaam Roteabarg Miss Annie Lamb, lk. J. S. Rhodes; Mim Rushaa Sherrodd. Or. Major Flem tag, of HaaaHoa; Mim Mary Shet rodd. Mr. Robt. Baker, of Hamil ton; Mim Mary Hassell. and Mr. William Sherrodd. of Hamilton; Mim Essie Feele. Mr. Calvin Has sell; Mim Annie Plrele. Mr. Foun taia Lipscombe; Mim Henrietta Peele. Mr. Jack Biggs; Miss Anna PUpe. Mr. Walker, of Plymouth, Mim Laura Joaea. Mr. Kader B. Crawford; Mim Minnie Sparks, Mr. Eirerett. of Kaberaouville; Miss Nora Fowdea. Mr. Simon son, of Kimton; Mim Gentry, of Washiagtoa, Mr. Wihner Sitterson of Plyamath; Mim Clara Hampton of Plyasoath, Mr. Wslter B. Wil soa, of GreeaviUe, Mim Hannah Victoria Fowdea. Mr. Herbert J. Me; Stags; lodge Yarrell, of Emporia Virgiaia. Dr. Baker, of Baitiamre. Meats. Sydney Mob ley, Morton, of Robersonville, Hampton, of Plymouth, Chas. Baker. T. H. Laurence, of Hamil ton. Everett, of Palmyra, etc. etc. After the dance there were sev eral partis given, among which were the following Mim Mary Hassell had as her guests: Misses Rusbtm Sherrodd and Mary Sher rodd, of Hamilton. Mr. William Sherrodd, Robt. Baker and Dr. Major Fleming, of Hamilton. Misaes Mayo and Annie Lamb entertained Mim Clara Hampton, of Plymouth. Messrs. Walter B. Wilson, of Greenville, Harry A. Biggs, Dr. J. S. Rhodes, Roy Hampton, of Plymouth, and Syd ney Mobley. Mim Anna Crawford was a host em with the following present: Mrs. J- P«ul Simpaoa, Misses Henrietta Peek Laura Joaes -nd Ella Staton Messrs. Freak F. Fagan, Simon Rntenbarg. Wilson G- Lamb Jr., J. Paul Siaspsoa, Kader B. Craw ford, Jack Biggs aad C. B. Hassell. The reasoa Dr. Dade's Little Liver Pilb give perfect satisfaction ia due to their tonic effect on the liver. They never gripe. Sold by S. R. Biggs. Aa Ideal Farmer. It was the fortune of the writer to oe invited to the hospitable borne of Mr. W. H. Daniel last Wednes to be present at the killing of the finest lot of hogs that have ever been killed ia Grifin's. The lot contained forty awe average weight being two bond red and fifteen pounds each. The "hog killiag" wm conduct* ed m the old neighborhood style. All the aeighbors aad friends were invited aad it was a jovial day for aIL We got a peep ia Mi. Daniel's barn which contains from five to six haadred hmhrfrs of corn. He raises cotton, tobacco aad peanuts ia proportioa to hog aad borainy. Mr. Daniel farms with taro mules aad his farm is ia excellent coadi tion. He is oae of Griffin's finest farm o*b foremost citizens and a thor- ; ongh Christiaa soldier of the old Smstharick Creek type. Pinesahre ia the best salve for sores, boras, boils, tetter, eczema, 1 skin diaeaaes aad piles. Sold by I S. R. Biggs. I PERSONALS 1 Miss Nolie York left Tuesday mnrning for L. F. C. at Littleton. Mr. aad Mrs. B. C. Crawford left Tuesday morning for their home in Lexington. Misaes Henrietta Peele, Minnie Sparks aad Mr. T M. Laurence attended a dance in Robersonville Monday night. Mim Nannie Smith returned Monday evening from a visit to friends in Washington. Mr. S. C. Sitterton. of Kinston. spent Xmas with his parents leaving Monday morning. Mess. Lee Terry, Herbert J. Peele and Joe Godard left for Choc owinity Tuesday morning. Dr. Hugh B. York left Turn day morning for Baltimore. Mr. S. Atwood Newell left Tues day morning on a business trip to New York. Dr. J. A. White returned Mon day evening from Hobgood where he spent the holidays arith relatives Mr. J. C. Getsinger, of Dardens, was in town Tuesday. Mi. W. T. Grimes, of Hamilton was here Tuesday. Mr. Wilmer Sitterson. of Ply mouth, spent Xmas with his par ents here Mr. Simon Rutenburg went to Hertford Mooday evening where he arill spend several days with relatives. Miss Essie Peele came home Tuesday from Washington where she spent several days as the guest of Miss May Rtinilev. Mr. Calvin Hassell left Tuesday morning tor Chapel Hill. Mr. J R. Kilison. of Suffolk Ya. was in town Sunday night. Mr. S. R. Clary, of Tarboro. was in town Sundav night. Mr. W. E. Roberson, of Pinners Point Va , was in town Sunday night. . *Mr. F. L Minga, of Petcrsbuig, was in town several days this week. Mr. Frank F. Fagan spent with his mother in Kdenton. Mr. Onward Leggett. of Ply mouth, was in town this week. Mr. A. D. Mizell spent Xmas in Jamesville with his |»arents. •y Mr. S. J. Hverett spent Xmas with his father near Palmyra. Mr. B. B. Everett, of Palmyra, was in town last week. Misses Tillie Morton and May Rumley. of Washington, spent several days here with friends last week. Mr. Thomas Yarrell, prominent banker and wholesale merchant, of Bel ton. Tex. is visiting his bro ther Mr. S. N. Yarrell. Mr. S. Rome Biggs Jr. left last week for Huntington W. Ya. much to the regret of bis tuany friends here, "Especially One." Mrs D. C. Jones and two chil dren, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Carstarphen left Monday morning for their home in Hamilton. Mr. J. S Tucker, of Belbaven, spent Xmas with his parents here. Misses Sue and Annabeth Purvis of Hamilton, are visiting Mrs. J. Paul Simpson. rMiss Nora Fowden. of Washing ton is at home with her mother who is very ill at her home on Rich Square. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hoyt, of Washington, were in town last week Mr. Judson Blount, of Bethel, spent Monday with bis uucle Mr. Geo. W. Blouut. Mrs. Lela Newell and Miss Car- Biggs left Tuesday morning foi Norfolk to *"peud several day s. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harrell, of Wdmington, are visiting relatives in town this week. Miss Nelle Y. Simpson after spending sometime with her broth er left Wednesday for Washington. Mr. and Mrs Albert Ccfield. of Everetts, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Simpson this week. Mr. Harry A Biggs left Tues day morning for Baltimore, where be will enter Sadlers Business Col lege. Mrs. F. L- Minga spent Monday night in Robersonville. | Mrs. C. W. Kellinger who has , been visiting Mrs. Cottie Crawford left yesterday morning for her home ' in Norfolk. 4 Christmas Presents at Factory Prices. From factory to you is our meth- I od of thtj National Trading Co. They make one dollar do the work of two. See what •» little money will do on goods direct from the f factory. The Wm. Rogers silver ; ware, the best goods made since t 1847 they are guaranteed 25 years. The beautiful Arundul sterling ■ pattern. Tea spoons, set of six, 59rts. Soup spoons, set of six, $1.32. Tabic spoons, set of six, $1 48. Desert forks, set of six. ti.32. Table forks, set of six, ! $l4B. lXbert Uuives tripple plat ed, set of six, $1.41. Table knives tnppltf plated, set of six, $1.48. Cold meat fork in faucy box 63c. Berrv spoon iu faucy box 87c. Butter kuife 27c. Sugar spoou 22c. Gravy or cream ladle in fancy box, 66c. Three piece child set. silk lined box 86c. Rogers three piece carving set, y iuch Spanish blade, stag handle, sterliug silver trimm -1«d $2.63. A handsome black enameld clock, gold trimmed, 12 iu. high 19 iu. wide such as jewel ers sell for $9.00 our price $4.93. , A man's watch, Elgin movement, silvereau case #3 98,, Man's watch Standard movement, silverear case, $2 49. Ladies or gentiemens 14k gold tilled hunting case, watch, fine American movement, such as 1 jewelers sell for $12.00, our price $4.93. Ladies 14k, 25 year gold V'haiu hand engraved $1.75. A four piece silver tea set quadruple plate, gold lined hand engraved, a beauty, only $5.63. Butter dish to match tea setsi.s9. Syrup clip > and rray to match tea set $1.27. . These prices are for goods deliv , cred at your home. Compare thrni with any house iu tile country you will fiud theui less than half, they charge. We have been doing bu sines* 19 years and refer you to any bank in Rochester. Your money back if you ask it. Send your or ders to, National Trading Co. Rochester, N. Y. The Triadic Shaving Parlor OVKR J. \V. WATTS & CO. Sharp Kazors, clean Towels 1 and Good Work Guaranteed. Cleanliness Our MOTTO Thaiikiug one and all for yout past patronage and hoping for a continuance oftltc same, I remain, Yours to serve, J. h. HYMAN, Prop. NOTICE OF SALE. Sale of Valuable Real Estate. NORTH CMtOI.INA I Bu|ieriur Court Martin County I Before the Court J. A.Wyuu . i . i -4W» f— ; Lela 1„ ami 1/etin 11. Wytui By virtue of an orler of the Superiot Court iu tlie almve entitled serial pro cecdioK and authority vented iu ine a> eomnnmioner I nil. ill offer for sale to thi highest hiilder at the court house door in William *ton Martin County on the izth ilay of January, 1906 the following deacrilied lamU to wit lying ami inCroaa Roads township, Martin Couuty. adjoining the lands of B. H. Wyun, 11. V. Wvnn. Kit Rotwrvjn and of David Mohlev, deceased, and known as the (ieorge Wvnn home place, containing one hundred and twenty-five acres more or Iran. Terms of sale, cash This the 1 ith day oT November 1905. S. J. KVKRKTT, 12-15-41 Commissioner. Notice. Having duly ipialilied as administrator of Raines W. Coliuru ileccaseil this is to request all pel sons indebted to said es tate to eouie fowaid and settle them at one*- and all person* to whom Mild estate is indebted will pic-sent their claims to I the undersigned for payment on or before I Nov. 20 1906 or this notice will be plead led in liar of their recovery. V. R. Taylor, Adin, i'f J.tfties \v. Coliurn. 11-2 |-6 ■ KPOHT IIH ritK coNliinoN OH 7. C. Robertson, Hanker rn KOBHKtUINVILIM. N.C., at the CIUMT of liuviu«M Nov «»lh. kKAOUICKH Usn* and Oiscouuts Overdrafts 1.610:73 Furniture iud Fixtures 3,560.36 Othet Real Rotate Owned a.jfj.to Due from Duukuud Hankeis 4,857.^ Checks «nd ctlir-f TOTAL I I.IAItIUTIKH Capital Stuck 5.00.-00 Cadividcd Mils payable B,uou.au Tine Cert iff ate* of lie posit i,60» uo Deposit a Hubjict to Check 30.J4M.05 Cashier s Check* Outstanding • 51.66 TOTAL f 45.7*0.4* _ —^ Mate if North Carolina | County of Martin J LRobertson, Cashier of the above named baak. do solemnly swear that the above statfc meat is true to the beat of my knowledge and belief. J. C. ROBERTSON, C shier Sworn ami subscribed to before me his 16 4av of Nov .m *4. & V ROSS NoUn "übUc I Santa Claus Headquarters 1 I AT HABRISON BROB. & CO. I «* Now is the best time for Christmas Shopping «n I Now while the stocks are full thousands of Gifts, Articles, just the 1 I thing you want are here. Now while the crowds are not so large as they 1 will be later. Now while there is time to choose without hase. Our ™ Oreat Holiday Stocks are ready. We want every Man Woman and Child to come and see what we have for Christmas. Neck Wear and Handkerchiefs We have just received the largest line-of Men's and Ladies' Collars and Ties ever shown by any one, just the thing you We will sell for 10 davs begitmg Monday morning Decem ». b* r nth, the Best Bargains ever seen in Men's Boy's and Children's Suits and Overcoats. We have yet a large stock V I m»'mfrSrirm^KinM^M t0 select from and wi " B ive VOU the best goods for less money i f. * than you have ever seen before. , Men's Suits from 4.00 to 5.00, Overcoats from 3.50 to 15.00, Youth's Suits from 3.00 to 10.00, Boy's Sulty Ito 5.00. Come and see the|bargains FOR YOURSELF * BARGAINS IN HATS And Baby Caps. Come [ AND SEE US Your® to Please, Harrison ros. & Co. I Williamson, . ... North Carolina. To Cure a Cold in One Day 1 Td» Lantive Bromo Qnlnine T*bhti./ex on every I s«v«i IIHMII KOM KM !■ 13 WMSL This signature, box. 25c. I Notice. Having qualified as administrator upon lh«- estate of Dr. W H. Harrell, deceas ed, notice is hereby given te all persons holding olainiH against Mid estate to pre sent them to tlie undersigned for puy ment on or liefore the 20th. day of Dec., ly >6, or this notice will lie pleaded in bar of tlieir recovery. All persons in .debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. / This the *>th day of Decernt»er, 1905 S. R. BIGGS, Administrator. County Statement. I, \V. C. Manning, clerk to the Hoard of Commissioners of Martin County, do hereby certify that the said Board was in regular session 15 days from Ist. Mon day in Dec. 1904, to the lit. day of Dec. 1905. That the said Board audited and paid to the several ineml>ers thereof a* follows: R. H. Salsbury H days as Coinmiss ioner #16.00, 2 flays bridge work (4.00 and traveled 26 miles at sc. $1.1.30, total #33.30. George W. Griffin 13 days aiCommiii ioner *26 .00, 9 days bridge work #IB.OO, traveled 426 miles .it Sc. #21. 30 total #65.30. . , James G. tttaton filed no bills to date. Witness uiy hand and official seal at office iu Williauistou Dec. 2nd. 1905. W. C. MANNING, 12-S-4t Clerk. Notice. 1 Br virtue of an order of the Superior 1 Couitof Martin County in a special pro ceeding entitled "John Daniel Biggs gnaidixu et ol exparta " I will sell for cash at the Court House in Williainston, N. C. on Monday January Ist. 1906 at public auction the following land to wit: a tract of land adjoining Hyman Bowen on the north, David Harrison on the , east. Reubiu Rogerson on the south and Noah Roberaon on the west, containing 1 twenty-five acres more or leas an known as lot uo. in the division of the Benjamin Bowen land auiong his heirs at law. This Dec. Ist.. 1905. WHKKI.KR MARTIN., 12-V-4t Commissioner. Notice. Having qualified as Executrix upon the Estate of w. L. Stallinga deceased; No tice is hereby £iven to all persons hold ing claims against said Estate to present them to the undersigned for payment on or before the first day of January 1907, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. This 20th day of November 1905. Km ma V. Sailings, i2-i-6t Executrix. ——— w ' OYSTERS! OYSTERS! The Roanoke Cafe is still doing business at same stand, below the Bank of Martin Co. Best attention given to Ladies' and Children MEALS AT ALL HOUtiS FOR WHITE PEOPLE ONLY Let fis order your Christmas oysters. 'Phone 31 * Respect., O. C. PRICE & CO. Horses and Mules & We have just received a good supply of Kentucky dorses and Mules I at our new Brick Stables on Main Street Tell us what you want or what you are willing to pay and we will try to find a Horse or Mule to suit you TheM artin Live Stock Company Williamston. - - North Carolina

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