AovetT.sna VOL. VII. - NO 12. DIRECTORY Tawa Officers Mayor—B. F. Godwia. VWt, W. A. KUisoa J. D. C.B. Ootlwiu. Street CoaaiMMKr -]. D. U«IL Clet* —C. H. Godm. TmiH I —N. S. PeeL Atloraey-Wheriet Martia. ' Chief of Police—J. H. r*p. Ladges SkeMrkct No. 90, LP uIA. M. hplM BWlin WT —* —J 4 th Tindiy lighu. Kofihe Cup. No. toj, WBBIIMW of Ik* World. Kecalar ncttac nor laat Ptidtr sights. Charcfc •( the Mnat aad oa tke Saturday* (]p.aj Moat, aad oa Maadtn (»i- at.) afcfM 9aa d«fi of tkt ■oath. AH arc cordially ia rited. B. & UMRB. Itrtat. ' NctMtat Caard In. R. B. Roae, the Methodiat Faa tor. kM Ikt tolliaiag i|iyiilairti: Brery Sunday moraiuc at 11 o'clock aad aiftbt at 7 c'clock myactwtly. exctpt the Mcood Sunday. San day School •very Sunday trail at o'daek. riil« laaariag erery Wadaaaday aiaa ion at 7 o'clock. Holly Bpriaga jrd Sunday em lag at) o'clock- Veraoa tat Sunday evaaiag at 3 o'clock; llawiUna rod SudiT, morning aa4 fwlrf• HMMUS aad Saaday at J o'clock. A cordial la ritatioo to all to attaad theae aanricaa Baptist Cfenrdi QPreachiac oa the tat. aad aad 4th Saa day* at 11 a. at., aad 73* P- a. Prayer mcetinx ntn Tharaday aigbt at TJor Saaday School every Saaday a*oraiag at ]. D. Bin*. Sapenateadaat. jid hnadar ia each aoath. at 11 a. m. aad 7:30 p. a., aad at Riddfek'a Gran oa Saturday before rrcry tat Saaday at 11 a. at., and oa the tat Saaday at 3p. a. Slade School How oa the aad Saaday at 3 p. m . an«l the Hint*' School Hoaae oa the 4th Saaday at 3 p. at. Everybody cordially invited. t D. Cxaaotx. Paator. SKEWARKEE JL LODGE No. 90, A. F. kA. N. AsJA OiaacToav Foa 1903. S. S. Brown, W. Maaaiag.S. W.; Be. O. Taylor. J. W.; T. W. Thoa aa. S. D.; A. V. Taylor, J.D; S. B. Biggs. Secretary; C D. Caratarphea, Tieaaarer; A. B.Wbitmore aad T.C.Coak. Steward*; B. W. Clary, Tiler. STANDING COMBITTKBS: Ca*UTv-&# Broara. W. C. Baa aiag. Be. G.Taylor. PiMAMca—foa. D. Bigg*. W. 11. Hat ell, B. J. Peel. • Raraaaxca—W. H. Kdwards. W. M. Green, P. B. Hodgea. ASVUJM— H. W. Stubbs, W. H. Bob ertaoa, H. D. Cook. MiUliU—l. H. Hattoa. Professional Cards. DR. J. A. WHITE. DENTIST Ornca— Baia Sraasr Paoai« I will be ia Plymoath the faat wweka each moath. wm. a. vttua j. a. SMITMVICC D*S- WABBBN & SMlTHanca PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OPnCB IK BIGGS' J>BOG STOBB 'Phone No. 2o BURROUS A. CRITCHER, ATTOBKBT AT LAW Office: Wheeler Martin's office. ' Pbone, 23. WILUAIUTOM. N. C. s. ATWOOD NEWELL LAWYER laa. r !e7tlaaSlaMe.ujilaill - " TILUAMSTON K GL •pfctet aMeaHaa aaoaWaiaMaak M'rhl airaH— will ke thmtomleaub .V 'ih »" *'" ' County statement. (Continued From Laat luue) 35a J I Brittoo lumber lor bridge in Croat Roads to 40 3*3 S W Harrcll repaint on court IMNKC IJJ 354 Slade, Jones &Co supplies to poor 15 50 335 J B Harris ft Co' 800 356 J O Barnhill ACo 20 00 357 J C Crawford 12 00 355 HC Jackson 600 359 S L Wallace 900 160 J L II—»H *Co t a7O 361 Anderson, Crawford &Co ' \. 17 00 36a C D Caratarphea &Co 500 363- " " . " supplies to county home 33 34 J6>4 " " " sappliea to jail 852 365 J H Eabanks lumber aad repairs 00 Browns bridge 864 366 W C Manning aerrices 28 75 36* A L Mizell officer grand jury 600 369 1 A Whitley Taking tax list Poplar Point 20 00 370 Plenty Peal " " " Griffins 25 00 371 B S Cowing * Baar Grass 25 00 37a Geo R Ward " •• '• Jamesville 50 00 373 8 E Hardison " " " Williams 25 00 374 A R Dunning " " '• Robersonville 50 00 373 J C Rosa " •* " Goose Nest 40 00 376 E Ertmondson " *' " Hamilton 40 00 377 B F Godwin " '• •• Williamston 50 00 378 H W Stubba legal acrvkes for county 25 00 379 Enterprise Ptg Co blanha and insolvent list 900 3SO Wm Chance witnes fees at June court 1 75 38* H H Moon supplies to poor 300 3«2 SW Mizell 7 00 383 Fanny Slade 550 384 Anderson, Crawford &Co 16 25 385 R T Taylor 29 00 386 A G Powell 400 387 M W Ballard # 18 00 388 Jacob Spivey repaint on bridge 1 00 389 JO Bo wen services keeper countv home 20 8 4 390 DrWH HaneD aet vices county supt of health 10 00 391 J A Hobbs bill of statiooery 420 39a J D Leggett lumber and building bridge 4138 393 Edwarda & Broaghton Sheriff's tax books 525 394 H D Gurganua lumber for bridges Croaa Roads 29 11 393 J L Woolsrd footway lumber. Little Creek 450 396 G M White board for jurats 420 397 S R Biggs med co home and c 10 25 .198 Brown & Hodgea supplies to poor 400 399 York. Hayea Co 400 400 C D Caratarphea &Co 300 401 " " " aupplies to county houie 3625 402 J L Haaadl &Co supplies to poor 275 403 J C Crawford jail fees 20 30 404 G W Blount conveying grand jury to county home 300 405 A J Robersou lumber (for footway) bridge 625 406 W C Manning services aa clerk to board 38 50 408 G W Griffin 3 days com 6 and 54 uis at 5c 870 409 J L Hassell &Co 1 uppliea to poor 320 410 JD Bo wen services aa keeper of county home 20 83 411 V R Taylor supplies to poor 8 x> 412 A L Wynn 600 413 J L Hassell &Co 275 414 LB Wynn lumber Croaa Roada bridges 1081 415 Daniel & Robersou lumber St building Foster's Mill bdg 255 00 416 Harrell Ptg House blanks for county 85 417 Joseph Bullock Conveying prisoner to jail 200 418 . D D Stalls conveying prisoner to jail and board 225 419 H A White expenses getting tank wagon out of swamp 17 50 420 J B Harris &Co supplies to poor 4 20 421 S W Mizell •' " " 350 422 Wm Powell " " " 400 423 S R Biggs supplies to poor and mel lor county home 625 424 Fanny Slade auppiiea to poor 275 425 C D Carstarphen &Co supplies to poor 500 426 " " " supplies to county home 35 54 427 Simon Bland labor repairing Butler's bridge 21 75 428 Geo Everett 400 429 Wm Lawrence 100 430 B D Downs 100 431 Kubanka & Purvis lumber Butlers. Johnson & Mill bdgs 124 08 432 Edwarda & Broughton record and tax books 49 1 > 433 I F Britton conveying prisoner to jail 150 434 J A Hobb stationery tor cs c i 85 433 W B Lilley supplies to poor 10 00 436 J D Johnson lock and work on court house 274 437 York, Hayea &Co supplies to poor 200 438 Slade. Joaea ft Co 33 31 439 W C Manning aarvicca as clerk io board 10 00 441 J C Crawford jail fees 54 55 442 C C Daniels solicitors fees September court 1903 57 50 443 J C Crawford aheritta 40 45 444 J R Robertson 60 445 L W Tuckr " 320 446 J C Jordan J P 63 447 T E Darden 145 448 J L Swell sas 449 F M Johnson J P and witneaa 393 450 A L Miaell 505 431 B F Godwin 542 45* S L Roaa 280 453 LB Wyan 180 434 G D Gurganus ' 1 35 455 J J Weaver 1 26 456 J H Page Coaatable 13 40 457 W C Shorron 430 458 W L Stailings 50 459 Joseph Bnllock *3 78 460 J F Britton 1 30 461 A L Robuck 142 462 D D Stalls . 190 463 C N Bellamy coaatable and witness 320 John Mnnntng witneaa 1 24 465 Willis Rogers 256 466 Sarah Slade 2jj 467 James Smith 13 75 468 Smith Cobura 520 469 Jaa Quartermua - 520 470 J Eli Roberaon 520 471 J H Miaell 410 47* Berry Downa 450 473 W R Howard 403 474 Atkinaon . 385 475 J«i Slnde 1 50 476 Sherod Carson 1 160 477 J H Whichsrd 160 478 J A Hobba CSC _ 8142 479 C D Carstarphen &Co Supplies to county home 37 36 4*o " " " ' poor 500 48! " *• " jail 12 19 482 Martha Roberaon Witness fees Sept 1905 670 483 John Gaskin 260 484 S L Wallace 220 483 W B Lilley 260 486 Robt Mobley 260 487 J B Allen 1 60 4*® J E JJogeraon 390 ♦B9 J S Peel Jr 390 *9O Wiley Phelps 363 (Continued in Next Issue) WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, JANUARY ij, 1906 The Management of Private Theatricals. ' The inborn craving for the dra matic is s.nisfied in a mild way by the amateur tig by the professional This is wliv the home pl.iv i>> c«»n tinutlh *1 1 -e! -1 i-'i . .11 a» its cduCdilwiiai aul ic Uses arr- merely sec>i s . Norali Ander»>u IU an article on "The Management of Private The atriatricals." Ii the Peburary New Idea Woman a Magazine The writer helpful sug- Kestious to smooth away the diffi which perplex the amateur mana ger who has beet fortunate or un fortuuate enough to discover dra matic talent acquaintan ces The question of tiTne fs taken up first, "four weeks, at an aver age of three weekly rehearsals be ing just loug enough. There are ilangers iu stretching out the time 1 1'jo long, the danger of wearying of the play itself and the still more insiduous nauger, that of wearyiug of one's fellow actors " The choice of the pljy should he determined by the amount of stage action, foi although it is more work to rfc- Uearse, the play 's success depends on it. How the novice completes his own "make tip," where to pur chase costumes at the least possi ble expense., stage carpentering, and the collecting of stage proffcr ties are all commented upon Above all, the uecesssity of a stage uiana ger in the jiersou of a competent mail or woman who will assume all restHJUbibility and who is able to conduct the alT.iir iu a systemat ic, business like way, is emphasized Other su'ijects touched upon in this cuinpieliem-iv-e article are the Value ot theatrical perlormauces in schools, flower plays tor chil dreu, and the good work that is done by permanent dramatic isocfe Beautif) ing methods that injurt the Su.n and health are dangerous. Be beautiful*\vuhout discomfort b> taking llollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea. Sunshiny faces follow its use. 33 cents at J. M. Whee less Hi Co., Kobersonville, N. C. Posting Him. Ou due occasion when Rev. Chas. Fage J'.den was dean of Orieti Col lege grave complaints against the college cook were brought to hiui by one of the uudergraduates. The dean sent foi the offender, recapit ulated his several deliuqumcies and threatened him with dismissal. "La, Mr. Kdeii," rejoiutd the cook in a confidential tone, "it's no mauuer of use attending to what the youug men tell you about mv dinuers. Why, you know, Mr. Eden, they come in just in the same way to me and complain alxtut your lectures!"— London Mail. k Modem Miracie "Truly miraculous seemed the recovery of Mrs. Mollie Holt of this place," writes J. O. K. Hoop er, Woodford Tcnn., "she was so wasted by coughing up puss from her lungs. Doctors declared her end so near that her family had -watched by her beside forty eight hours; when, at my urgent request Dr. King's New Discovery was given her,with the astonishing re sult that improvement began, and continued until she finally com pletely lecovered, and is a healthy woman to day." Guaranteed cure for coughs ar.d colds, 50c and $1 at S. R. Biggs Druggist. Trial bottle free. A girl at sixteen likes men older than lietself; at thirty-six, younger. Hit Uvi 1 Hundred Years The chances foi living a full cen tury aie excellent in the case of Mrs. Jennie Duncan, of Haynes ville, Me . now 70 years old. She writes; "Kitctric Bitters cured me of Chronic Dispepsia of 20 years standing, and made uie feel as well aud strong a;- a young girl.'' Elec tric Bitters cure Stomach and Liv er diseases, blood disorders, aud General Debility and bodily weak ness. Sold on a guarantee at S R. Biggs'a drugstore. Price only 30c. Why he Changed Faith. A Southerner was telling of an old c»loretl man in his neighbor hood who first joined the Episcopal Church, then the Methodist and n«*x t'le R i»Hv >vhert* hi* remain t re " 11 ICii'i; 'lit- 1. -.p ilnleU V II -IH his i\»y Dt pir. o,' t 11 tteiuin.iu, suh, but I couldn't keep up with de answerin' back in dey church De Metho dius' dev nlways holdin inquiry meetin's and I don't like too much inquiriti' into, but de Baptis', suh, dey jus dtp and are done with hit." —Few Rork Press. Millions rush iu mad chase after health, from on 1* extreme of faddiam to another, when, If they would only eat good food, and keep their liowels regular with Dr. King's New Life Fills th«*ir troubles would all pn« nv.nv Prompt re lief and quick cure for liver and stomach trouble. 25c at S. R Biggs drug store: guaranteed. Also a Lady. A young Eastern woman left the traiu at a way station in tastern Montanna, one afternoon and asked the only man iu sight how she I'oultl get to her destination, far out in the country. "You'll have to wait for the stage iu the morning," said the man; "you can't get any rig here." "Hut where am I to stop?" in quired the young lady. "There's nothing here but the station, and I can't sleep 011 the floor." "Guess you'll have to bunk with the station agent." "Sir!" she exclaimed, "lam a lady!" "So's the station agent," said the man. It is a fearful fate to have to en dure the tortures of Piles. "I can truthfully say," writes Harry Col sou, of Masonville, la., "that for Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Pro truding Piles, Buckleti'c Arnica Salve, is the best cure made." Also best for cuts, burns and in juries. 25c at S. R. Biggs drug gist. Before returning a favor see that ts iu as good condition as'when yon received it. Half The World Wiilirs how the other half lives. Those who use Bucklen's Arnica Salve never wonder if it will cure Cuts, Wounds, Buns, Sores and all Skin eruptions; they know it will. Mrs. Grant Shy, 1130 It. Reynolds St. Springfield, 111,, says: "I regard it one of the absolute necessities of housekeeping," Guaranteed by S. R. Biggs druggist. 25c. A piosperous looker isn't always a prosperous feeler. Stomck Iron bin aid Cmtiiitloi "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are the beat thing for stomach troubles and constipa tion 1 have ever sold," says J. R. Cullman,|a druggist of Potterville, Mich. They are easy to take and always give satisfaction. I tell my customers to try them and if uot satisfactory to come back and get their money, but have never had a comptaint." For sale by S. R Biggs. Kven the church bell repeats all that is tolled. Cirid His Mtlkir if Rkuuttta "M;- mother has been for many years a suffrer from rheumatism," says W. H. Howard of Husband. Pa "At times she was unable to move at all, at all times walking was painful. I presented her with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and after a few applica tions she decided it was the most wonderful pain reliever she had ever tried, in fact, she is never without it now and is all timea able to walk. An occasional ap plication of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that she was formerly troubled with." For sale by S. R. Biggs. Not Sectional. After an evening performance at ■ theater in Richmond, Va , says the Boston Transcript, one of the waiting xtteet cars was quicklv fill-' ed b* " " Hr. > r ' . • c in.n> (H.VII ilk' >n 11 At la.-1 tu oid i.>a> vv , iHU forward by the jam A bov I. looking fellow promptly spiting upl and tendered her his seat. The old lady's pale face, sadden ed by sorrows which could be guessed from the little gold and blue and red enamel Confederate flag pinned on her breast, bright ened as she accepted it. "It is easy to see what part of the country you come from,' 1 sM[ said, graciously, immediately cred iting the action to the Sooth. The young fellow's face glowed as he took off his hat. "Permit me to thank you,'' be he said bashfully, but fervently, "in the name of Vermont." The Pessimist—Uncle Sam is at the head of a great country, but he will have his Waterloo some of these days. The Optimistical Joker —Possibly. He already has his Bonaparte.— Chicago News. Clialiriilii CN|t Rmtfi Absiiititv Haraliu The fault of giving children med icine containing injurious substanc es, is sometimes more disastrous than the disease from which they are suffering. Every mother should know that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is perfectly safe tor chil dren to take. It contains nothing harmful and for coughs, colds and croup is unsurpassed. For sale by S. R. Biggs. The girl question is as serious to the average woman as it was to her husband in his younger days Cliabirlilit CoH|k Hindi tin But "In my opinion Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best made for colds'" says Mrs. Cora Walk er of Porterville, California. There is no doubt about its being the the best No other will cure a cold so quickly. No other is so sure a preventive of pneumonia. No other is so pleasant and safe to take. These are good reasons why it should be preferred to any other. The fact is that few people are satisfied with any other after haviug once used this remedy. For sale by S. R. Biggs. Loth of men are houest because they make more money by being so. But* Til Mule Can ."To keep the body in tune," writes Mrs. Mary Brown, 20 Laf ayette Place, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. "I take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are the most reliable and pleasaut laxative I have found. Best for the Stomach, Liver and qowels. Guaranteed by S. R. Biggs druggist. 25c. A man's epitaph is about as much benefit to him as a last year's snowball. Three little babies were nestled in bed, "I'll name William, Willie and Bill, mother said, Wide was her smile, for triplets they be, She lays her good luck to Rocky Mountain Tea. (Great baby medicine.) Some men think without talking and some talk without thinking. The season of Indigestion i» now at hand. Ring's Dyspepsia Tab lets relieve indigestion, and correct all stomach disorders. Sold by S R. Biggs. It invigoratvs, strengthens and builds up. It keeps you in condi tion physically, mentally and mor ally. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will d> 35 cents Tea or Tablets. J. M. Whit ers &Co. Robersonville. A DVERTISINQ Vpur inouey Uck._Judiciou.advartl*- Ukg Is Um kind that pay* back to yon the money yon invert. Space in this paper uaure* you prompt return* . . WHOLE NO. 314 Royal Baking Powder is made of Grape Cream of Tartar. Absolutely Pure. Makes the food more Wholesome 9 and Delicious. ■ J Williamston TclcpHoncCo Office over Bank of Martin County, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. - -- Phone Charges U«H|« limited to j mluutes; extra chart* will positively beau « (or loaaer Um. To Washington 15 Casta. " Greenville aj 't " Plymouth ,»5 " " Tarboro tj " " Rocky Mount jj -j " , Scotland.Neck aj g " Janie*ville 15 m " Kader Lilley'a k 1 j g " J. G.,Staton 13 g • J. L..Woolard 15 •« ' O. K. Cowing ft Co. 15 " ' Parmel* 13 «• " Kuberaonville 15 " " Kveretta 15 •• (Jold.Point Ij " Geo. P. McNaughton 15 " Hamilton ao " For other point* in Ran tern Carolina tec "Central " where a 'phone will be ound for uie of noa-tub*criber*. In Gase of Fire you want to be protected. In case of death you want to leave your family some thing to live on.ln case of accident you want Home thing to live on besides borrowing. Let Us Come to Your Rescue We can insure you against loss from Fire, Death and Acc/dent. We can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Burg lary. We also can bond you for any office requir ing bond Noil Bit But Coamlit Rnnsiitil K. B. GRAWFORD INSURANCE AGENT, , Godard Building You have tried the re»t now try the Best CRYSTAL: Shaving Parlor Bank Building, Smithwick St. W. T. RHODES, Prop. > OUR MOTTO Sharp Tools ■ Wi ntmi MT1IIT»B I ■ tmi moOH. jiktUt aM formic n»ort| ■on iiinuiiflii'. m y«mr mln. »u«-1 I ■ SOJ-BOS S.v.nth V WASmNOTOJtUO.

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