DVE p T/SING Your money hwh.-jadicioni iiltvtb ing h the kind that pays back to you the innnev *o«« invest. Space ia this paper assures you prompt retnrns . . VOL. VII. - NO 13. DIRECTORY T#w» Officers Mayor— B. F. Godwin. CamraiiMoacri —A Aadersoo, N. 3. I'eel, W. A. Rlliiton. J. D. Uggett, C. H. God*ia. Steet Commissioner— ]•' D- Ueggtt. Clerk—C. H. Godwia. Treasurer—N. S. Port. A ttorue y— Wheeler Martin. Chief of Police—J. H. Page. nr r-i Slices "Xi ._ dkewarkee Lodge. NO. 90, A. F and A. U. Renal u meeting W«ff tail aad 4UI Tuesday nights. R'«aake Camp. N.». 107. Woodmen of the World. Regular meeting every and lut Friday nights. Church of the Advest Service* on the second snd fifth Sua dsys of the nio.ilh,morning HIM! evening, and oa the SstitnUv* (J p m.) before, and ou Mondays (9 a. m.) after said Sun day* of the month. All vrr cordially in vited B S. LASSITgn. Rector. Methodist Csurch Rev. 8 8 R'»e, the Pas tor, has the following sppointmeats: Every Sunday moruiug at 11 o'clock snd night at 7 (/clock respectively, except the second Sunday. Sunday School every Saaday morning at 940 o'clock. Praysr mating every Wtibi—day even ing at 7 o'clock. Holly Springs 3rd Sundsy evening at 3 o'clock; Vosaoa Ist Suailsy evening at 3 o'clock; Hialkoi »ud Sunday, morning and night; Haasells snd Sunday at J o'cleck. A cordial in vitation to all to attend these services Baptist Church Preaching on the 'at. 2nd and 4th Sun days at 11 a. m., and p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday night at 7:Jo- Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:to. J. D. Biggs, Superintendent. The pastor preachea at Hamilton on the 3rd Sunday in each month, at 11 s. in. aad 7:30 p. m., and at Riddick'a Grove on Saturday before every Ist Sunday at 11 a. m . and on the Ist Sunday at 3p. in. Slade School Houae on ths and Sunday at 3 p. m . and the Biggs' School Houae on the 4th Sunday p. nt. Everybody cordially invited. R D. CABKOLL. Pastor, SKEWARKEE JL L °^ E JMKR No. fO, A. F. kA. M. / >s^' DIRKCTOKY FOB 1905. S. S. Brown, W. M.; W.C Manning,S W.; Mc. G. Taylor, J. W.; T. W. Thorn aa, S. D.; A. P. Taylor, J.D; S. R. Biggf, Secretary; C. D. Caratarphcn, Treaaurer; A. B-Whitiuor* and T.C.Cook. Stewards; R. W. Clary, Tiler. STANDING COMMITTKKS: CHARITY— S. S. Brown, W. C. Man ning, Mc. G.Taylor. PIXAITCS—Joa. D. Bigg*, W. H. Har ell, R. J. P*l. RKPRRKNC*— W. H. Edwarda, W. M. Green, P. K. Hodgea. ASYLUM—H. W. Stubba, W. H. Rob ertson, H. D. Cook. Mtunau-|. H. Halloa. Professional Girds. DR. J. A. V WHITI{. BKNTIST Orrica MAiw Srmarr PHONK Q I will be in I'lyraoiitb the firat week in each month. WM. n. WARIKN J. K. (MITHWICE L)RS. WAKRKN JFC SMITUWICK PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS omcs IN Bioos' DRUG STORK 'Phone No. ao BURROUS A. CRITCHER, ATTOKNKY AT LAW Office; Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, A,V WILI.IAMBTON, N. C. s. ATWOOD NEWELL ILAWYER OAct up «UUr* (B New Bank Mid. •• inc. left hand «Mc. top of atrpc. "V IIXLAXBTOW N 0. Whictkt whrnitr atrficn are MrH »p«cial attention (ivea to eaaaiiaiag aa4 auk •flkkhrsarctwm of llmhrr and tfabn laada. •paclal attention will be gHea to real **UU tidaa|t. If >M wiah to lwyor sell laadl can 0»h. too PI IOW T4 LADIES MM MM Not Difficult "if Certain Rules are Followed by Huntets MANY ARE WORTHLESS barge Rewards OCmd Captains of | Vrastli to bsara Safe Tran«|»orta- | Uoa «f lMh a Cargo Aa No Inaur aan Oompaay will Take the Rinks Ma— aad Bean Sot Valaable. It wa war* aakad why we adopted tha prof—ton wa have chosen In prafaranoa to all other*, writes | Charlaa Mayer, "trapper to the King j ! of Slam." li tha London Magaxlne. I I doubt not moat of ua would (Ind U a qusatlon difficult to anawer. and I can «ly explain that 1 took to the hualnaaa of trapping bis game be cause It appaarad to offer a lire of . advsntur* not altogether dissociated ! with plaaaura aor devoid of prom. 1 Slice I made my choice, eighteen years ago. I have pursued my calling : moatly la the Malay Achtpelago, with occaalonal expeditions in Chlua, In ! dla. Slam aad South America. Tha rlak the trapper la called tt|H>n to run doae not end with the caging of the quarry. True, the actual iierll •f the hunt Is at an end, but he has yet to gat his merchandlae to market •r to tha purchaser, which is uot al ways a matter of eaae. The varia tions of allmate the animals will en couater during a voyage, and their liability to suocumb under unfavora ble conditions, make It Imperative that no chance of tranaportation ■hall be loat during the favorable eeason. Tae obvious remedy against loaa both at the port and on the aeawould be Insurance, but It la a cargo that ao insurance company will take riaka on. Conaequently, the beat thing to do la to personally Interview the cap tain, and give him an Intereat In the aelllng value of the cargo—say, of u third or n half. Thla may seem a lot to give away, but it la wlaer to pock et reduced profit than to auataln a total loaa. It la because of auch difficulties as these, and of the personal danger run by the trapper, that the prices of big game for live delivery run high. Ti gers are worth anything from £. r io to l9O. leopards from £SO to £BO, ele phants from 1100 to £2OO, while a rhinoceroa or a giraffe top the list HH profitable baga, aelllng at from £Boo' •to tI.OOO each. Llona, however, are • drug on the market, and worth comparatively nothing, being such good brooders In captivity; nor Is thers much money In beara. Snakes are s good lias, when they run to any alss. The largest I ever had the good fortune to handle was a thirty two foot python, and sold for £2OO. And there Is this advantage about these reptiles—they can be at u Red with aufflctent food to last for montha, aad, being fed are ahlpped, i will travel In a state of coma, giving ao trouble during the voyage Elephant trapping paya well when the business Is rightly msnagnd; but If the herd that ia being trapped stampedes, wseks of work may be thrown away, with the possible lons of two or three lives. Where it can bo arranged ths better plan Is to work with a tame elephant, which acta aa a decoy to Induce the herd to eater the atockade; but thla Is often Impossible, aad was so on the first occasion I went hunting in the little known aad unexplored stale of Trtnggaua la the Malay Peninsula. Ws were la about three and a half to four miles of the trap, with the herd golag so well that I was in hopes of aoelag them in the trap the next svealag, when toward midnight the dreaded accident took place The elephants had got wind of 11s; pos sibly s baby slsphsnt had seen one of the men; aad, with trumpeting* loud aad fierce, the lot turned and stam peded. craahlng through the jungle like s hurricane, aad clearing every thing la their way. I had Juat time to Jump behlad a tree—ln fact,'l waa almost thrown there —away from a big bull elephant. He missed me. but, unfortunately, caught the native who had officiated at the ceremony of blessing the trap, grasping his body with his trunk. Placing one foot on the poor fallow's cheat, he literally tore him la halves, aplaahlng me with his blood. A moment later he had another man la hie trunk and dashed him to death against the tree bo was trying to reach for ahelter. When torches were lighted snd the ■sen collected, we found twelve had been dsshod or trampled to death; aad the whole thing occurred In muck shorter time than It takes to relate. Bat seven daya later, having reorganised the hunt, I had forty four fine elephants aafely la the trap, laeludlag a rarity la the way of a youngster with Ave toes on each foot, wkleh passed Into the posses atoa of the MaharaJalt.oT Mysore. ■mall moaksys are easy to catch; they can be caught with birdlime or a bottle; and by meana of the latter I have captured hnadreda. The bottle ■HNT aot bo toe wide In the necK aad It muat he baited Inside with sweetstuff, or a damp rag sweetened with sugar; thea It is fastened by a string to a tree. The monkey comes aloag, soeats ths sweetmeat snd promptly inaerts hla hand In the bot tle. He gets a handful of bait, then trlss to withdraw his bulging list. This Is Impossible, but he 'would rather be captured than relinquish the tasty morssl, and he accordingly te.—Brooklyn Eagle. A shoemaker is a whole soled maa aad ceaerally well heeled. I ▲ baker caa always raise ths dtngh WILLI AMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, JANUARY iy, 1906 JACK SHKKIDA.VS RKTIKKMKNT Hrro of Maujr Diamond Bulllit Is Now aa I'ndertaker. "Twwnt.v years as umpire, and not a scar, bump or blemish to show for It!" 80 said Jack Sheridan better known aa the Human Foghorn. After twenty years' continuous aervlee In seven different leagues. dodging bricks, bottles and epithets. the vet eran Is about to retire to the simple life among the coffins. There Is expert testimony on tap, north, east, south and west, to prove tbat J'ui a bank robber, hod carrier, horse thief, second etbry worker and murderer I -could work nt any of those trades and make good money; but undertaking will hold nie for a While." 1 Thus It appears that Jack hsa not mliuM-d any of the tips handed-ont in twenty busy years. No better or si)iititor umpire than Sheridan ever traveled the circuit, and the Ameri can league will miss him. A con tinuous iterfurmauce of twenty years Is NuilicW-nt recommenahUon for any utau. when you cutiKidei the nature of the busiuess in which he was en gaged. Home of the- umpires .do uot last twenty minute We Were about to say Sheridan Is as good as any man who ever wore th'e "ud and Indicator, but he uses neither. A twent>-ti\e cent necktie is the only armor hung upon his broad chest, and sometimes for a bluff he peeked into his empty hand. Jack has been long enough In the business to count three strikes and four balls without the aid of me chanical appliances. This is uot a rap at the other umpires. A saving sense or humor pulled Sheridan through manv a tight cam paign. He saw the funny side of the tumults nnd riots, and adverse criti cisms never touched him. It war to laugh. He is u tnuu of intelligence and education, with a well shewed head and cleanly Cut features like those of the early Kotuuus. Here Is a sample of Jack's sunny humor tluit slung the fanatics from Detroit. Artei announcing the bat teries iu the (Imil game of the set, the umpire turned his solemu visage once more to the crowd and let off this 111 tie vnledlelor . "tsMltes aud *>-IH LENTEN: Thla la the rareivell appenraure Iu Detroit of Jack Shetiilitu us an umpire. He fore departing forever, I wlub to thank one ami all lor the many cor dial receptions given me here. Never will I forget your generous treatment. I leave' Detroit with but one *ln ere regret, and tliut Is the rules or the game would not permit me to accept your thousand and one kindly in\Uat'otis 10 corny under lUo gran I stand a nit get 110 block knocked off." That Hiili-cltmax, worked up with, much tender reeling aud sentiment, Jarred the ranuilcs off their balance. A dumb, deathly silence followed the last file words of the speech. Then came a greai roar of laughter, and Jack fro! a 11' iiicii(l£>ug Uuri»».uf uppliuihe Thin never did esteem htm In Detroit, In the third round he gave a ruling tin-home team did n't like, and H voice In the bleachers howled: "We don't earn If ynn nover romo back However, the umpire had liauded the 1 njowd one, unit bin soul was at peace SheHdan was born al Decatur, 111., how many years ago ho didn't state. At the age of (1110 year he went to California, with others In the party, and there developed the robust physique njid Voice that enabled lilin to stand the gaff HH an umpire For a time lie played ball on tb»r coast, and (hen ' i forili on his'travels. Bnme of the things tbat happened to the future undertaker-are herewith related. •Ilmplres of to-day Imagine the) have troubles. J'oiget It! Arbitrat ing ai the presenters hi like picking cherries or drinking pink tea with the ladles. St t.ouls used to be a ■well town for tin- umpire. Hi,lining gantlet kept him In comlttlou. "In INSMI and ISIT7 Von der Abo's combination ball | ark and race track wns In operation. From the home plate the umpire passed through a picket fence, crossed an open space or paddoi k sevo'ntv-flvo >ard.i In width, and popped under the stand Well, It was crossing ibis oi>en stretch after the game (hat gave the umpire the time of his life. I never made the dash without thinking of Munroe's dime novels, where the In dians stuck burning arrows into the fleeing white man. "The minute the gnme ended the'* rooters poured Into the 'open space, and formed two solid lines from the gate In fhe fence'to the hole under the stand. Thai was the gantlet the poor urnp had to run .The space be tween the living Haas was about feet. If the umpire escuped the cane*, umbrellas and beer buttles on that seventy-five yard sprtnt. lie stood a chance pr having a betjr keg bounced off his head while dodging Into, the hole under the xtutid. Some times they switched to a chair,"—• New York Mull. ' "itomi r»r *i.. ■*•««» »mi I'in.*. British aioloriutK paid un a« -le gate of nearly SJ.;V>O,UMI in finea for •fxreeding 'he sii'fd lln.lt in tin* vwr 1904. In certain dlstrio!* th» po'ine trap* ar«* wo Intenfonely laid nnd magistrates so surely convict mntw iitK that the latter are 0»W roniltln ing to thew 'dacPH a Wide bi-ith. Popular feeling, eapeclally in conn try- districts. againat IHcs motor ncorcttara grows fierc*t daily, Ibi! of fers of "road hogs" are axi gio-«.— Nevk, York World. A t>aliy carriage m;nr,ifucturcr UTtc tails to path hla ouaineaa. UCSINKSS WOMEN ix MEXICO. AM Vrt In No l.lwe of IkislneiK On They Oniau tuber Men. In the teaching profession they predominate In numbers very much over the male and In the trade of cigarette making they are almost entirety employed t» the factories, but In the matter of busi ness they hare cot yet readied the point where they compete with men to the extent of driving tho latter out of ®nv particular line, a* has oc curred la several cases iu the I'niteJ States. > The number of wtiuun and girls employed in the dry goods stores of this city is Tery much smaller than that employed la ths name class of h'sinees in the c" ius df the United Btntes, and whllt ■ IbfUr >whkw has beet increased In recent yeafs In the dry goods stores.'lt will be s long, time yet beforo t!tev will supplant the men to any a#-treclable extent In this city. A trood many American stores are now employing Mexican young lad les as cashiers, .ml It Is probable that the number of girls who will fli.d einplovuieut 11 this Held will lie Uixi'iy lucn a .ed la the near future, as ihe> are generally found to lie tao:c suited for this work than are The tendency of the Meilcan girl 19 ' toward bnataiem Not mituy of thetn care to tnuimi rooks or dresi matiere. In fuel. to devote their lives to any line partaking of the natuffe of a triple of menial aer vire. preferring to turn their atten tion to commen til pursuits, where the\ believe that thi'lr social atatua w 11} he more cb tated As a' result of thtt Idea and their Inrltiiatlon for so-called "tel'u**i employment, they are drifting Into the fl l(l that offers the ft west oI»;tar! namely the Held of HU»nogr*|»ti«r aud the t> pew titer (I>l , While the M vl .ll girl cannot, na yet ronipett «i >i men In thin, to the txt- iit ol |ie: fot Uilnil an equal amo nt of wor* |f r day. It la uotn wi ■> I hat 'n > are mora careful of the fine potnta, am h as orthography and :iiiu'tita>luQ and they are rarely abie it from their plan a without ao rIOUH caui-e M ! 11l Herald, t* _ .. T ikittft t i« «>» th liaby. Thtf followin> rules for the care of the bah* ha»e le en win out by the WaM.rof l|iii!il •. • it. ll, Kngland \!wava fee*! the baby at regular Inte;Vat*. et«tv three hours' Al«avs k. 't, the baby very clean. Almns I . the tor sponge all over) the l).ih> i.n. e a da> In warm water, AI wa > ■ lei the bi»by sleep In a eru-, die or.xn :i whi.er basket luakea i" ' . ■ 'H Ml ulttply pack* tnr SO9 r '' • .>■* A hut -t tiee fullers' i arth to pow der the bnliy, not xtan h or flour. MWII.'-K iiti«-."i to the hah) when It crl "1 bab\ cries On one of thr tesi-'iii til The baby -la htiip' at \ or i- i the la uni nH*wrtu ble HI KII iiethinu hiti , or* (3) tlie bah la 111. Neter (the the liMu soothing sv- I l. i Ml jiii> tiling of that fort. i .«r vlve the baby bread or J.VA tu i.o.hiiiiiuod ax« cept milk t!11 It la more than '7 moiti'm 010 Nfver i-ii i tin bnliy ak I turned milk or ti l't. that la not perfectly fresh and good. N. '.IT i n i 'liittle with A lotte. riile. NnliO'li the In side of a t'ib" clean f'^ KMM I. > ' bubj "htffillg up" until it l« f> month*' old .Nt ver ii" -elect to si nd for a doctor If t ie t>. i.v i« in llnhlea are soon ovei i dtiie and-easily die Ollat'* 1.-IIJI Coat. T*i» One lr. tin llliistration d'e alK'i't! '•> M • 'en, U mude of dart i l i ■> Mi :- d with held lu„ hi Ik ,i,i«l t.ltii 1 with siik braid, A V ■ J>7 fr 'Mvf fa I i>o . ■ Hrhtle the f, iUinl are exceedingly handco eOK ~t jpnioi. EJ pearl, but the BIOiJcJ is (J.jte >£ 1«1 ttU' enough tO b« ana il'd in .i , • i everything aea sonabti For of play and hardt. i. . . i .. .'d ie and brown pordiii i • ' *ll and cheviot are well ipr tat more dreaav mi - u 11, velvet and velveteen in lighter colora are uacd. "t ("'I '-\i (if Home. Few I'-i- j t t id« the Carnegie houaolxil'i I . . ... ila of Mrs. Car n«rl'-'S I" .HI;.- e for the material comfort:- o; ii r husband. In paat years the laird of flkliio*looked after, all aon> of s>tuor buslnesa details, but .a el;. 1;'.: atlbful spouse has re lieved hi no; iiecb worry In that di rection. Willi her own hands she cool:a lib- or. ng dlab of oatmeal, and 1 . i!.U by 7 o'clock eyefy fr-r Mr. Cat uegie ia al w4>s out and about by 7.20. MANICURING THE NAIIA. Requires Utile Time aad Kffiort To Have Well Kept Nails. Any woman who la willing to de vote a half hour once a week and five minutes every day can have at tractive looking nalla. Some, of course, are less responsive to treat ment than others, but none U hope less. Some nails are too brittle, which causes them to break, and others are too soft and bend In aa annoying manner. Thla ahows plain ly that they need an emollient of some sort. If you can, conault ■ reliable manicure, who will advise you Just what will be best for "your particular case. Persevere until yon Bad a preparation that Is beneficial, aad then pnwevere In using it until your nails are in a healthy, normal condi tion. After getting your nulls, In a healthy condition, the n *xt step Is to get them well ahnped. For shaping the nails emery boards are the best. Kun the board around the outline o' the nails and shape them as pit ttily as posalbls; then let them ulono. Constant snlpi'ln* »l!"i curved scissors is r p ' • f r many a mis-shaped nail. The cuticle should next receive attention There Is no possible excuse for using scissors upon the cuticle, and the soou.er ths woman who IM doing her own tuanl- Cttrlug learns till* the better for ths appearance of her hands After soak ing the fingers In warm water, push the cuticle gently back with a bit of soft Turkish toweling. If It Is slightly, obstinate, use s little cold cream ou au orange wood stick very gently and with much caution. This will keep the nail long and almond shaped auil cause (he moons to ap pear. There are moons at the bass of every nail, and perseverance In this treatment will make them ap pear • Many wrongly believe that man ual or domestic work dooms ths nalla to ugliness, but this Is uot so. The treatment' advised above will bring out all the natural ahell tints of the nulls and preserve their beau ty Indefinitely. But they must havs regular attenllon, or their beauty will disappear. To tiean Ivory, Wash the ornanieiUjOi'aH In soap and water, using a {soft toothbrush to remove the dust from any tins work thers may be upon them. Dry them by laying them In blight sun shine. keeping Iheni constantly wet with soapy water tor several days while they are In the sun. Finally wash and rinse them again. Nsver let tbelli get dry, or the heat will cause the ivory to warp. If the ivory Is much stained, but not very deeply, rub the surface with finely ground pumice, alone and wa ter, moisleti nell' ntrd lay In the sua to bleach, as above recommended. If tills does not succeed, wash the knife handles or other articles with ofie part of nitric acid and ten parts or water. Polish with very finely powdered whitening made Into a paste with Vinegar. IllH HKHIII.II Ht'fHIEMTIONS. Jellies are or a finer flavor when the sugar Is not bolleil long with ths Juice. To make boiled potatoes white let tliem lie (pared) Iu cold water for two 01 three hours previous to cook ing Itolled cauliflower will be much whiter If placed In the saucepan head down, to Insure their submer sion Cooked meat slnuueredjgently In a good curry an ace Is quite dlgestlbla, and much more tasty thau cold mest. A good way of cleaning oilcloth Is to sponge It well with skim milk, as It brightens and preserves ths color. When making starch for light fa brics add one teaspoonful of borax, which not only keeps things clegnsr, but puts u ulce gloss on them. . Woman Nutfr.ige In China. In t'hlna the rever for uew thing* reaches even the women, ssys a cor respondent. Schools are being open ed foi them; some go to Japan to study, aud the empress has ordered the .creation or a Kuropean school for girls iu I'ekln. tit need hardly be added that Iu ull these schools the teachers are Japanese.) A move ment for femluine emancipation Is shaklug the old order to Its founds tlon. The Chinese woman now reads her magazines, in which she finds articles on woman's rights translated from the Japanese. Double Decked Shoe Nest. This will be round a great con- venience where the room Is not pro vided with a closet, as H obviates ths uecesslty of keeping shoes under ths bed to collect dust, Chop cold boiled ham very Da* and mix It with the jolks of «||i (beaten), a little uii.dtard and pep per and spread on very thlu allow of bread, battered on the loaf. Bad Hwbaad. She—She baa black eyes Does aha gat them from bar mother? Ha—No. From ber husband. . Imitating Real LUe. Papa—What wera you aud your atatar quarreling about? Bobby—Wa waan't quarreling; wa waa playing that we ware married. Not the Fourth Thla TUna. Smith (a stranger) I notloa that all the undertaker's establlah menta are decorated. Wliat's the raaaon? Brown —The doctora are going to hold a reunion here uest week. Ut'i Move There. Bloaaom—ltaly muat be getting to be a fine place to live In. Bloomer—What makea you think no? Bloaaom —Why, all the undealra hla luhabltanta of the place have aoma over here.—Cleveland Leader. Thau the Fight Started. I^^ "What were de trouble over at da Jouea' house laat night?" "Why, Sarah give a watehmeloa party an' ehe wanted to lave da rhlnea toe praeerve, an' dey done eat rhlnea an' all." Many Paaaaltlaa Aunt Tabttha—My, what an aw fu' game baaaball must bat L'ncle Bphralm—Why? Aunt Tabttha—Thla paper aajrs that three mw j)* y, tklrd free jjf"*" ""itlfi'frrryiwwwiii \A DVERTISINO | Z Vour money back.—Judicious ad vertia- 1 | in* is the kind that pays back to you f J the money yon invest. Space in this 9 | peper aaaurea you prompt returns j . ji * fiT fll fH MM MM MM# WHOLE NO. uc! THE OLD RELIABLE Royal BAKING POWDER ABSOLUTELY PORE Th« greatest of modorn-timo helps to perfect cooking Used In thi best fan- Hits tho wtiid ovor MTU. IUIM NwHN «•., MW IM WilliamstOD Telephone Co Office over Bank of Martin County, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. ?hone Charees M«W|« limited to } mlnutea; eatra charge will poaltlvalv be ma * (or looser time. To Waehington •$ Canta. " Greenville *j " " Plymouth aj u " Tarboro 13 " " Rocky Mount JJ •; " Scotland Neck .x >] " Jameaville 15 ,i .. " ICailer Lilley'a ij ~ " J- G.jftpton 15 ' ■J. Ti. Woolard Ij " ' O. K. Cowing & Co. 15 " ' I'ariuele 15 " " Robersonville ij " Kveretta IJ '• Gold Point 15 " Geo. P. McNauxhton 15 " Hamilton ao " For other poiuta in Kastern Carolina aee "Central " where a'phone will be ouud for use of nog-iubsrribers. In Gase of Fire you want to be protected. Iu case of death you waut to leave your family some thing to live on.ln case of accident you want some thing to live on besides Iwrrowing. Let Us Come to Your Rescue We cau insure you against loss from 1 Fire, Death and Accident, We can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Burg lary. We also can bond you for any office requir ing bond Nori But But Coiiulis Riiriiutif K. B. GRAWfORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building a^ a WWHOfIHingBB!BRB9HBBBBP You have tried the rest now try the Best AT CRYSTALS Shaving Parlor Bank Building, Smithwick St. W. T s RHODES. Prop.; OUR MOTTO > Sharp Tools I^S^aAOt-MAWKaT™as^>Ha!!!^aß all oouulrlw, gruuln. Wa obtain PATE NTS ■ THAT WtY. adwrtlaa tkuu thoroucU)'. at oui ■ aipanaa, and Lalp you to iniimaa. laud modal, photo or akalah to* fit CI rv»t| 00 pauntabtlty. » rw pMotlM. SUM- ■ faaaiNa ncrcncNoce. book on ProStabl* I'muoW wrtaa «o •OS-SOS eavanth Slraat, | WASMIMOTOIJiaa .'I