Does Your Heart Beat Yet. 100,000 times each day. Does it tend out good blood or bad blood > You know, for good lood is good health; I , bad blood, bad health. And you know precisely whst to take for bad blood—Ayer's Saraaparflla. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years. O— rm—at —mfM Mwwl t« » rtmrt.h 111, T1 J* prort nr« niiml !p»t lou. l*»t«>>in>iia {■kaiaewa *r» »b.«rj*"i imo Uw *>i««i, &l,l of Moil r»mor»'l from lh« Mjr 4»"r M Hlun KiMtp the howdt •Mh Ar«r*« Mil*, liver pilli. All »«w»kle. * °^ f BAia VMM. - vers WMiamston Telephone Co OBce over Bank of Martin Couaty,* WILUAMSTON, N. C. Phone Charges Mamfn Halted to 3 minutes; citra chare j , Will tMMritivelv be mo * lor Inncer time. To Waahington aj CeuU " Oreenville t$ " Plymouth >5 " " Tarboro »5 " 1 " Rocky Mount 35 -( " Scotland Neck 1} >, " Jatneiville ij " Kader Uiley'a IJ c "J3P- O. Staton rj ' J. L-lWooUnl 15 " | '. O. K. Cowing£&)Co. 15 " , ' Pannele 15 " " Roberaonville 13 "||| " Everett* IJ " Gold.Point 15 " i Geo. P. McNaughton ij " Hamilton 30 " For other point* in Kaatern Carolina ■ee "Central " where a 'phone will he ound for uae of noa- subscriber*. In Gase of Fire you want to be protected. In case of death you want to leave your family some thing to live on.ln case of accident you want some thing tojlivejjonj besides borrowing. toJ|Your Rescue We can insure youjagainst loss fronij; hire, Death and Accident We can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Burg lary. We also can bond you for any office requir ing bond -Nan Bit.Bast Coßpailes Representee K. B. GRAWPORI) INSURANCH AGKNT, Got lard HtiiltliliK i I You have tried AT Shaving Parlor Bank Building, Smithwick St. W. T. RHODES, Prop, [jn OUR MOTTO J» Sharp Tools lUtoutiM, f>» W» obuun PATENT*! THAT Wtv, »d**ru*i Um*> Uhuwwiujt. >1 uui ■ MaoM oucu or for rsit roportl on pMMt.Mttj m jrW pnwioa IUN-1 passing ncrcacNcca. »ur u»u» ■ ifeuk on Pr.rflu.lilo hu«Ml wittr to SOa-CO* aeventh atreet, V HOI.LISTCH S Ricky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Ban lUdWiw far Bo; Pvopl* Brtaf* o«Uaa Htalth ul kwrnrtd Vlfr- A meolSo for OhoMlnatlan. led lee -on .lv« HuJ Kidaey TroubiM, Itmptee. n, .ipiirr Bood. Bwf Biwh. Hlm-K-hih How, 1, , «a*Haekaeta. It'*R«rky■'l .Inuli let form, * cent* it b. T (Jrt , ■ ntde b- Unmeiaa Dim Oom-ixv, .1, '>' l*. 60LDEN WeeETS FOR f ' P€oPlt It ia not difficult to telieve blind, Ueeding, itching or protruding pilea with.ManZau, the great pile retnedr. It is pat up in collapsa ble tabes with nozzle, and may be in trod need and applied at the seat of the trouble. Stops pain instant ly. Sold by 3. K. Biggs. * 1 Automobile for th« Sudan. Am the rMult of * ate naive expert* meat In the u*e of an automobile on the deaert a novel oar baa Juat been completed for tbe uae of the Sirdar of Egypt, who will uae It on the vast sandy atretcbea of the Sudan. The wbeela are entirely enclosed by light metal aide platee,' leaving noth ing but the broad, eoltd rubber tire* exposed, and It la thought that the lat ter will remove the difficulty of getting over the surface of looee. shifting aana without becoming Imbedded eo deeply aa to Impede progreaa. To prevent tbe fine grit working Into any part of the meehanlim the entire under body K protected by an Ingenlouely deviaed apron. Dither keroeene or gmaollne nult* tbe engine equally well, and owing to the character of the oountry to be traveled provialon baa apecially been made for a three days' supply of cooling and drinking water, as well aa fuel. Ths change xperd gear give* a range from three to twenty miles an hour. The car will In addition haul a two wheel trailer very almllar to a gun carriage upon which will be mounted a dynamo and a searchlight, to be run from the CM engine. This will be used for night observations In the desert. Without the searchlight carriage tbe weight ol the car Is cloae (o 6,000 pounds.—Mo tor World. There la some opposition In Eng land to the celebration of the centen ary of Trafalgar, planned for October 21. The clitics think It a poor way of atrengthenlng the French entente. Boyce—"What do you do with all your moneyT" Joyce—"Give It to tbe landlord and groceryman for Investment." Tou can't depend on anybody but yourself and you can't depend on yourself much. If words were backed by deeds there would be something strenuous doing all tbe time. The l>est way to rid the system of a cold is to evacuate the bowels. Kennedy's ' Laxative Honey and Tar acts as a pleasant yet effectual cathartic on the bowels. It clears the head, the bronchial tubes relieves coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough etc. Sold by S. Biggs. An appropriate time for our friend, the James, to step in and raise us one or two. Chamberlain's Cough Rinidithe but and Most Popular "Mothers buy it forcroupy chil dren, railroad men buy it for se vere coughs and elderly people buy it for la gripfe," say Moore Bros., Kldon, lowa. "We sell more of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy than any other kind. It seems to have taken the lead over several other Hood brands." There is no ques tion but this medicine is the best that can l>e procured for coughs md colds, whether it be a child or an adult that is afflicted. It cures and cures quickly. Sold by S. R. Higgs. .. A Philadelphia newspaper con tains an article on Chauncey De pew's future. Doubtless Mr. De pew would prefer that reference tie made to his future rather than ».o his past. . JL.. 11 » ■ A liquid cold cure for children that is plersant, harmless, atfd ef fective' is Bee's Laxative Honey md Tar. Superior to all other :oukli syrups or cold remedies be cause it acts on the bowels. An ideal remedy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough and all 'arable lung and bronchial affec ions in child or adult. Pleasant o take. S R. Biggs. Argentina is suffering for rain, hut it is hard to make any who has !>ecn in Los Angeles for the past two months believe that there is a 'lry spot in the whole universe. Hinai Blood Mirks A tale of horror was told by marks of human blood in the home of J. W. Williams, a well known merchant of Bac, Ky. He writes: Twenty years ago I had severe hemorrhages of the lungs, and was near death when I l>egan taking Dr. King's New Discovery. It. otupletely cured me and I have cmained well ever since." It ■tires Hemorrhages, Chronic 'oughs, Settled Colds and Bronchi : is, and is tbe only cure for Weak I,lings. Every bottle guaranteed hy S. R. Biggs Druggist, 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottle free. It is now believed that there are cveral persons connected with the life insurance business who regret that "Andy'' Hamilton didn't re main a i>ermaiient resident of Paris. All smart up-to-date women of to day; Know how to bake, wash, sing and to play; . Without these talents a wife if H. G. Unless she takes Rocky Mountain Tea. But suppose you were the grand son of the furtive Johnny D., you would find you had a grandpapa whom yon could never see. Nothing will relieve indigestion that is not a thorough digestant. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat, and allows the stomach to rest recuperate grow strong again. A few doses of Kodol after meals will soou restore the stomach and digestive organs to a full per formance of their functiousjnatural ly. Sold by S. R. Biggs. A Cutthroat's Club. "The Five Points," the meaning of whoee name la unexplained, are • cheerful gang of cutthroats just dis covered. Their dark deeds read llk« gory stories of plratsa of old. A young fellow of twenty, arrested for having shot down and half killed a woman whom be bad never seen before is tns Boulevard ds Cllcby, where tbe now fashionable Montmartre music ball* are, told tbe police, "All I meant to do was to qualify." On further Inquiry It was round that he was a probation ary member of the "Five Points" gang. He had been accepted as a candidate for full honor* Ave months before, ana had gone about with the gang on bus iness. But he lacked the necessary qualification for complete membership. The flrst rule of the cutthroats' club l that "every full member must hav* at least once killed or attempted ta kill, some man or woman." Robbery, burglary, arson, and other mlnoi crimes qualify you for only the proba tionary stage, that reached by out hero. For live months he vainly tried to screw his courage to the sticking plac* and was despised aa being too full of the milk of human kindness by th« band of brother*, for whom he acted as a mere fag. not on a footing of equality with them. At last, taunted by them to deeperatlon, he said, "I will hear It no longer; 1 will kill some body this Instant," and a woman paas- Ing by him aa hs spoke, hs added, "Here goeel" and flred bis revolver point blank at her temple. She felt, he ran, but waa caugbt by the police. The gang got oft and cried aa they dis appeared around tbe corner, to th novice who had Just quail fled: "You should hav* used the knife lnitead of a revolver." The gums and resins obtained from pine trees have long been recognized as highly beneficial in the treatment of backache, kidnev anil bladder troubles. Pine-nles is the nanie of a new medicine, the principle ingredients of which come from the pine forests of our own native land. Sold by S. R. Biggs John I). Rockefeller, third, is not worrying alxmt money matters at the age of two days. And with all that's coming to him, he will be foolish if he ever has that kind of worries. The most rational remedy for Coughs and Colds is Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. It acts on the bowfcls as a mild cathartic expels all cold from the system Cuts all phlegm out of the throat, relieves coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, etc An ideal remedy for children—equally good for adults. Sold by S. R. Biggs. While the operators are busying themselves to store reserve coal against the proposed strike, the public are coincidentally storing reserve funds to pay for it. A dose of Pine-tiles at l>ed time will usually relieve backache be fore morning. These beautiful little globules are soft gelatine coated and when moistened ami placet I in the mouth you can't help from swallowing them. Pine-ules contain neither sugar nor alcohol just glims and resitis obtained from our own native pine forests, com bined with other well known blad der, kidney, blood and backache remedies. Sold by S. R. Biggs. Among tbe prominent articless however that cannot lie lalieled as made in Germany, may doubtless be mentioned the Algeciras article, of agreement. A Lick! Pistaistrus is Mrs. Alexander, of Carey, Me., Who has found Dr. King's New Life Pills to lie the best remedy she ever tried for keepiiig the Stomach, Liver, and Bowels in per fect order. You'll agree with her if you try these painless purifiers that infuse new life. Guaranteed by S. R. Uiggs. It seems strange that while we often hear of a man having more than one wife, we seldom hear of a woman having more than one hus band. It only goes to prove bow much more economical women are than men. For 1 Weak Digestion- No medicine can replace footl but Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will help yoti to di gest your food. It is not the quati itvof food taken that givesstreugth and vigor io the system, but the amount digested and assimilated. It troubled with a weak digestion don't fail to give these Tablets a trial. Thousands have benefited by their use They only cast a quarter. For sale by S. R Biggs If we should happen to meet the weather man to-night alone in a dark country lane, we will simply say that we would not care to l>e the firm who wrote his life in surance. Is til Mas* lakalltsd. Science has proven that the moon has an atmosphere, which makes in some form possible on that sat ellite; but not tor human beings, who have a hard time on this earth of ours; especially those who don't know that Electric Bitters cure Headache, Biliousness, Malaria, Chills and fever, Jaundice, Dyspep sia, Dizziness, Torpid Liver, Kid ney complaints, General Debility and Female Weaknesses. Uneq ualed as a general Tonic and appe tiser tor weak persons and especial ly for the aged. It induces sound sleep. Fully guaranteed by S. R. Biggs Druggist. Price only 50c. fPI "THERE'S A CURE FOR RHEUMATISM!" I nil m i 'in tip _J|M||L Not the mere temporary relief that the old "remedies" save, I not the little help that the doctor's prescription* give; but ABSOLUTE AND COMPLETE CURE. That to what I Rheumaclde does. Rheumatism la cmwd by an exceee of I « 111 m uric acid In the blood. It Is an Internal diaeiM and requires I \ MHT |l|Vn JM a strong and vigorous Internal remedy that will cleanse /MX A r IllrV ■ the blood of all its germs and yet act through such nat- V' \l\|ry ural methods that It builds up the entire system. *■' l Wjr I SWEEPS ALL POISONS Sftm BLOOD. I Tfa great Mod Pnrtfier. I I CURES TO STAY CURED. A SURE CUNC worn ....... . .. .. .. .. 1 M latest scientific discoveries. At the same time it cures ■ RHEUMATISM M Rheomattom It ■ I AIM . Specific for AII OUMT DIMMMS H cu " ed «yt •# the Mmf the germs of fl I arising from Impurities of MM Blood. For W TMI« i •«« other blood diseases, ■ H Rheumatism. I wa. treated bv leading phy- an d CUTeS Indigestion, Con- ■ DIRECTIONS. sicians but r«t no relief. Long since I despaired _ , . .... AMU. «h it Im iMifMstakla tmm of ever being well again. Hut hearing of StlpfltlOH, Kidney Vator. »H*r ■—to — * M »«en»« j have takea two bottles, and, San to?hli and Liver Troubles, La w BABBITT /*HCMTiI TA H ZStfiZHZ-"&*{£} l£g » nd Contagious ■ BOBBITT CBEIICAL CO., I,f I,M " di y^ s " d D 9 GlSSl!'iSr ,ma ' Blood p° toons. eel* *ee*eirreea, ■■ 1301 ST> Baltimore. TOWN DRUQMST SILLS IT. .M.T.MW, »D.. „., N GGGGJJJ CHEMICIL nn HWMIMUL I f SHAKE THE BOTTLE. Pjjy Sold by S. R. Biare:s _ SL I TO DELICATE WOMEN 1 You will never get well and strong, bright, hap- I I py, hearty and free from pain, until you buila up your I I c institution with a nerve refreshing, blood-making H I tonic, like I I It Makes Pale Cheeks Pink II Is a pure, harmless, medicinal lonic, made from vegetable I I Ingredients, which relieve (emale pain and distress, such as headache, I I backache, bowel ache, dizziness, chills, scanty or profuse menstru- H I atlon, dragging down pains, etc. It Is a building, strength-making medicine for woman, the only H I medicine that*ls certain to do you good. Try It. Sold by every druggest In $ 1 .00 bottles. jf WMTT US A LXTTU "TOU All FRIENDS I treaty and frankly, In strictest confiJ- of mine," writes Mrs. F. L. Jones, of I ence, telling us all your symptoms and Gallatin, Tenn.: I troubles. We wIU send free advice "For since taking Cardul I have M I (In plain sealed envelope), how to gained J5 lbs., and am In better health M I cure them. Address: Ladles' Advisory than for the past 9 year*. I tell my E Dept., The Chattanooga Medldne Co., husband that Cardul is worth Its EL Chattanooga, Tenn. . weight In gold to all suffering ladies." Dennis 8. UigK l -. Pres. St Treas T. W. TtlKhmauOeu. Mgr. Asa T. Crawford, Se- DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO . ,! [Manufacturers of Kiln Dried North Carolina Pine Lumber, > * • • .« • oawma ai««3«a* •**'»oaovp*e»e aHiNot.c ORDERS AND COHHKSPOADENCE SOLICITED WILLIAMSTON. N. C. I WHEN YOU CATCH COLD 1 Do not take chances on it wearing away or experiment with some unknown preparation which may leave the bronchial tubes and lungs weakened and susceptible to attack from* I the germs of Pneumonia or Consumption. - H FOLEYS HONEY-TAR ■ not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs and prevents serious results I from a cold. Contains no opiates. J W rsltirsna. aiaht inTlmmii*. -***—*- f-T~. *** ~*i I W. R. Darii, Vissalia, California, writ**: "There is oe doubt bat winter I had • bad cotd on mj laafa aid triad at least ■ MMMM what Foley 1 m Honey mnd Tar tared my Ufe. I had aa awful cough advertised coogh midlriaM aad had ttiafiat k«a hn itailrlMi I •a my loan aad the doctor told m* I had coaaumptioo. I commenced withoat gettiag any benedt. A Wnl HIIIMIH'- 1 Folcy+m Mommy ■ taking Foley** Honey and Tmr aad found relief from the (rat aad mmd Tmr aad two-third* of a botU* and a*. I caaaMar k tha I throe bottle* cored ma completely." greataat caagh aad HHCITI la SM werid." Three aia**—2sc, 30c aad SI.OO. The SO-cant *iaa contains two and one-half timaa as much aa tha saiall daaad On 91.00 bottle almoat sis timea aa much. RaitfM SrfHMMMi SOLD An REMKIBa BY ( ■» " ■ ■ w - ■ . . 3 ' SR. Biftft®, Wllliam«ton. N. G.. , j THE ENTERPRISE ..JOB DEPARTMENT.. All Kinds O -Job Priming Done The Latest Ideas The Best Workmen The Best Equipped Plant In Eastern North arolina U Enables us to Turn Out the Best Work for the . . . LEAST MONEY . . . We Make a Speciaity-of Commercial Printing No Ordergtoo Small No Order too Large No Job too Small No Job too Large Wsm • J % v , , Letter Heads, Packet Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Circulars, Cata _ logue.and Book|Work. We_are noW|preparinjf for|Tobacco. Warehouse work, send forfprices and samples. [The Entcrprisc'Frinting Company/ Inc., PRINTERS;-:BINDERS Williamston, - , North^Carolina

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