BuAl Smut litis are as common in as •« stom ach and liver disorder* with as. For the latter however there is a sure remedy: Klectnc Bitters, the gieat restorative medicine, of which S. A- Brown, of Bennettsville. S C. - , says; I 'Thev restored my wift to perfect health, after years of suffering with dyspepsia and a chronically torpid liver." EK— trk Bitters cure chills and fever malaria, biliousness, lame bn*"' kidney troubles ami bladder ol orders. £K kl IMI guarantee bv R R. Biggs druggist. Price 50c. Every time the committee meet' to lake action on the Suwot case. some member causes a postpone ment by lieiug sick. By the etui of the session tl»e public will also be complaining. There is no need worrying along in discomfort because ot a disord ered digestion. Get n bottle of KKIOI for Dyspepsia, and see what it will do for you. Kodol not on ly digests what you eat and gives that tired stomach a rest, but is a corrective of the greatest efficien cy. Kodol relieves indigestion, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, flatulence and sour stomach. Kod ol will make your stomach young and healthy again. You will wor ry just in the proportion that your stomach worries von. WorTy means the loss of ability to do your best. Worry is to lie avoided at all times Kodol will take the worry out of your stomach. Sold by S R. Biggs. The Neill report has already ac complished wonders. The pack ers, it is said, have ordered all em- ployees to wash their hands at least once a day Lota of iieople know now what "abattoir" means Who didn't use to. A liandy little thing in its way is the dictionary. Best Time to Get Well. All Poisons Can Be Driven Out of the System Now. Right now is the lie»t season of the year to get rid of the blood, liver and kidney alfectiona that have been troubling you. You need building up now in order to aland the strain of the hot weath er of summer. Lef Rheumatism, Sciatica, Gout, Catarrh, Indigestion or Constipa lion lull through these months and they became chronic and hang on for years. A regular course of RfIEUMA CI UK taken at the present time will thoroughly cleanse the blood tone io the stomach, set the liver and kidneys to doing their normal work again, aim will build up the entire system. While it is the most wonderful blood purifier in the world, yet RHEUMACIDK is a purely veget able preparation that operates through entirely natural methods. It has l>een tested on the delicate stomach of a baby without the slightest harm. Better gel a bottle today and start to get well KIIKUMACIDE has cuied hundreds of stubborn cases after all other remedies, not ed physicians and even the great Johns Hopkins Hospital have fail ed. RIiKUMAt IDE has cured thousands of cases and we believe it will cure you. Your druggist sells it RHEUM ACIDK 'gets at the joints from the inside" and '-makes you well all over." Sold by S. R. ihlfgs- TO CURg A COLO IN ONg DAY Take UAXATIVR UROMO Quinine Tab lets. Druggists refund money if H fail* to cure. K. W. GROVK'S signature on the box. 25c. The Triadic Shaving Parlor OVER J. W. WATTS & CO. |Sharp Razors, clean Towels aad Good Work Guaranteed. Cleanliness Our MOTTO Thanking one awl all for your past patronage and hoping for a continuance of the same, I remain. Yours |0 serve, J. H. HYMAN, Prop. /T I.W. X / HARPERN I KENTUCKY [WHISKEY ■AMlftt OAMC CHICKENS. liwil HmM Down by Generatlciu •f Irtadtn In tlw South. Tfcs antotog at |MM itktu for the poultry *ow gad tor the pit are two AtlauUi different taduatries. The for Mr rafdw only a good knowledge of poultry Is—dial, while «he latter In volves a* wall a a umber, of Oner polmi whlck an known only to a few whs hare boaa loag and closely connect ad with tha work. Tfcnaa morata have in many cases been handed down from generation to genantloa, carefully guarded Every breeder ot gaan ahlekana In the Soiub Ma that the sunoea* of hU Mrda is largely luialiat upon theae secrets, aad they are wtthout doubt IhnMy tv sponslble tor tha auooeaa ot rais ed by Southern bmliw. A few facts concerning lime Mrda and their rais ing tar tha pit, secured from a Virgin ia plantar, will be of general Inter eat.- The gentleman aays his ancetrois brought their original stock of chickena to this country, and their descendants have been raising them ever at nee. Ha la confident that thU particular il-aki of birds can hold their own with the beat the country afforda Thia la not Idle talk, for his btrla have won lights In the principal dtlee at the country. Fliwt of aU. the binds have been ralaed only tor fighting purposes, and then year after year of careful breed lap and selection has developed qual- Ittee which oould be secured In no other way. Birds are raised only from winners and etattra of winners. The chickena ar« kept together from the time they are batched ID "he spring until the young cockerels, or stage, begin to uianlfeai Qgktlng pro cliyltlea. That aomea In the fall. They are than aaparatod, aad each ■tag Is pieced on a walk. That nvnuis that a farmer or negro Is paid to take the > jck and keep him on his farm with not mors than six ban? In such a place that ho wtll not come In oon tance with any other oock tor a year. One might think the bird should be fighting all that time to develop his nettle, but careful study has shown that this to ant tha caaa. During «he Tear the bird teas no Other oorka; be to abaolutaly king of the little realm la which he rules, and hj» reallaw It. He grow* In atatunt, dignity and courage. In s few months nothing can encroaoh 00 his tarrttory without a challenge aad stubborn fight, be It cow. horse, mul* dog or man At the ea& of the pear these cocks sometimes fpnad over a territory twenty mile* (H circumference, are gathered In and Gapped up, preimra tory to tenting IV toncler holds little mains for hla own and his friswda" uaaarasnt, and in thia way finds out what qualities the oocfcs poa aena. A fight meane death to one Idrd, and In oonsequance there Is a thinning out. Sometimes when two birds of ex ceptional worth are put together they are separated after they have demon ■rated their good qualities, because they an too valuable to be sacrificed, the bast birds then shipped to various parts qf tha country to take part hi Ma fights A mate, _pr cockfight. Is on Interest ing affair. A opnple qt men. for In stance. fight twaaty birds tor a puree at 9XOO. SIOO or |6OO, with #lO, 120 or |M on ach fight If one man wln« eleven fights he gets the purw, plus tha naaount on each fight he win*, and tha loner gets the money for the fights he wlna. Thia helps htm to pOf axpanaaa. Large sum qt money arr also put up oa tha raauh ot tha main, or on each separate fight, by company assembled. Bomrtliaee the fan elds' friends acne with him and back bis Mrda to their la# feat, but generally the money to placed by men on birds they fancy, sad Whleh their cduoatod Judgment telle Asm will win. The preparation of a game oock for tha pit. usually a ring tycd with tan bark to prevent the birds from Injur ing themselves When thoy fall. Is near ly aa elaborate aa that of a prize fighter. First, tha oock's natural spurs an eat down to a short stump, per il ape half an Inch long, chamois strips an wound around this and about the tog and orer this (fee gaff, or steel spar, to fitted and tied on securely. Neat, the wtaga and tall are crop ped abort, the tonnur for the purpoee at making thaan hit harder, and the tatter probably becauae It makee the bird took fieroe. The hackle feathers an then cropped and the soft, downy feathers of the breast arc cut close to keep the bird cool. The cocks are held together for a minute, and than dropped on the bark, aad In a few mlautes then Is a blur at feathers. Thf fighl may laiit five seconds or an hour, but twenty min utes to a good average. When the birds gtt hung together, they an separated for a moment, un>. tha owners blow down their throats to retire them, but (he rest Is of shorn duration, and the cooks are set at I: again In many eases, tha training of birds to elaborate. Tha Mrda are dtrfed and exerclaad to them tor the content. Two Mrda are often put to gether. rigged out with muffs or mln ature boring glovaa for this purpose. They an eaercleed by tossing them ap and down on a padded table. A Mrd that to aot "dead game" and win not "land steel" has Its throat cut an soon aa Ita owner finds it out, and tha aaasa disposition Is made of the eoeh than nam Its bill and not lta M, whaa idling Tha Turkish Language. Tfce Tnrktah la nM by wMm to b* Mft«t and moat iwlfl ot II an ttmaa, batnc better ihp>i to (k« purpoaa of must raj no tation *MI flatten tha» tmm U»a 11.H.. ' The cmnmisiiionerr tro«l on the packers' pet hr»f. When the baby talk* it is tinw to give.Hollister'n Rocky Mount ain Tea. It's the greatest baby medicine known toiovin* mothers. It makes them eat si *r —* l Tow. let* 8 R. Kooersoi) 11 11 z u &j, .. ,mJL AGE OP IMUMLW HAS PASSED. Vlgllanoe of Ihvenia Officers Haa Re duced It to a Minimum. For year* the department was nou pluaxd to discover vajn and ineaua ot shooing or gluing thu professional smuggler without persecuting the inno cent tourist. Aa a first step In the ro loruiatlou the hundred-dollar limit WIUI to«orporated In the tariff law. Since UK law went Into effect- 18U7 to iuo6 —the aggregate amount collected by Uncle Saiu (fa personal effects has been tou.uov, roundly speaklug. Conuunt ihia with the eatlmate of fIOU.UOU.UOO worth of merchandise previously brought Into this country In the ot permmal effects ou which no duty WJL- paid and the revolution In reveuue lacUcti nu) be better reallxed. In the chief cities of Europe the treasury department employs secret agents who keep track of sales male to Americans by all of the big Jewelers and exporting, houses There are live ol these In I'arls, four lit London, three In lleriln. and ao on, oach receiving stt a day and expense*. they receive ready to-opcratlon from the foreign merchants, who do not wish to see the ■muggier uuderaell them In their legit imate importing business Cortalu big houses abroad Immediately notify the tr« iMury amenta when'an American liua made a purchaae of diamonds. Bilks and other dutiable goods One noted to bacco house In Havana regularly glvea the same sort of warning- Moreover, the treasury agrees to divide the value ol Belaed goods with dlslntereetea per sons giving a clue to a departure ot amugglod articles purchased abroad In addition, there are always em ployed to go back and forth on the big ocean liners traveling "■pottera." whu receive fit) a day aud expenses, and whose business It la to Ingratiate them selves with passengers and learn what they can concerning4 heir foreign pur chase*. - KuaHlai) furs bave, Indeed. become so relatively scarce by ruaaon of the ltus so-Japaneae war having paruJy&ed tbe Industry that tbe lilgb priot* they bring Inspire porlodtcal attumpts to smuggle them lnti> this country In homeopathic quantities. ArrlvluK on the Hamburg-American lluor Dlucber recently, a Cleveland fuwrler and four members o his family quite forgot to Inform tbe tuatoom officers of some s2.two worth ut sable, sliver fox and mink boas and muffs Hy mere chance Deputy Oollectors Coneys auo Norwood, known In the service as the men with Rountunu ray eyes, observed the quintet coming down tbe gangplank. and decided that ths young women of the party were of aiii.txing physics 1 architecture The faintly was permitted to proceod un challenged to tho letter H, and were delving In search of their baggage when the action of the little melo drama began (lently tapping the head of the family on the shoulder, they re quested the honor of a fow minutes In private with him. lly way of denous ment, a woman Inspector tapped i rich vein of furs In the lining of their gowns, while Deputies Conoys and Nor wood made a similar discovery on searching the leader of the party When the live ohloaus finally disembarked they had shed enough weight to create considerable astonishment among such acquaintances as they had formed dur ing the voyage. Bxceptiug woniv.ii, and occasionally men, who are detocted trying to evade the payment of duty on articles of rela tively small value, smuggling on an ex tensive scale la generally limited to dressmakers and out-and-out profes sionals Sometimes where a person Is well known the Inspectors are con strained to take hla or bor word Ip lieu of a searching examination And It la seldom that any advantage Is taken of the courtesy, although, as In the recent raw of a California magnate, it were an easy matter to hoodwink the cus toms officers. Asked If he had brought back anything dutiable, the wealthy California!) Indicated a small parcel done up In an ordinary shawl strap. Upon examination It was found to lie an |B,OOO tapestry, upon which 91,u00 revenue was cheerfully paid. An Electrical Phenomena. According to the American Hlectrl clan, a peculiar effect on patients while being electrically treated has, under certain condltona. been obeerved. While under treatment the hands and fact* of patient* sometimes become black, espe cially In cold weather, and. on exam ination, It Is found that this condition only occurs when the chair on which the patient Is seated Is electrically pos itive and the crowd of the head nega tive. "In the room were open fire places, and In them were placed nil heaters to keep the room warm; and It was discovered that the minute car bon particles given off tiy the burning oil In these lamps, although too minute to be visible In the air, was fhe cause of the hands and faces of the patients becoming dark. When the polarity of the chair and the crown of the bead were reversed, the phenomenon could not be obtained, nor could It he pro duced on days when the oil stoves were not burning." Hew One Bet Was Paid. A Moscow man made a curious wag er. As against 500 roubles h-t by his opponent, he agreed to eat his fkm its if Ruaala did not force Japan to sue for peace last summer He lost and car ried out his agreement Cutting a small atrip dally from his footwear he masticated and awallowed |i, ]t took him nearly five months to complete ths • operation. Ths Mikado's Daily Fare. The mikado's dally fare is strictly Japanese. His breakfast consists of bean soap and a few other dishes. but | his dinner Is on elaborate one of twen «> courses. Hla banquets are European and expensive. | ; Spriiiid Aiikli. Sttff NtCk lane Shouldm These are three common ailment*, j for which Chamberlain's I'Min i Balm is cs|>eciallv valuable. 1!! j promptly applied it will save you 1 I time, money and suffering when' troubled with any of these ailments, j For sale by S. R. Biggs. _________ i Man wants but little jiotted m« here below, but wants that litttej clean RHEUMATISM TO 3TAY CURED. I RUBBING I 1 DONT CURE. I f - I «•* and requires an internal remedy. I M RHBUMACIDE "Q.ts at the Joints from ■ the Inside," and that is the reason It Cures I •«* all other remedies have failed. Rheumaclde I ■ y i wM *" —• ™rx r. I k - -«- -&-.»—- i« REMOVES THE CAUSE OF THE PAIN. I ■ ■ BoM>iii f'hcmii *1 n 'H!!ii , ,moi N ' , M.i ' Ulr *** fc. fSSSntifSSSL'» « '**"•* I ' ■ BOBBITT CHEMICAL CO., Proprietors, BALTIMORE. | * lumc remit* Your* very truly. h Quincy There's Danger in Delay. ■ h . - . ~ Sold by S. R. Biggs —J Blind Headache I "About a yt';ir ago," writes Mrs. Mattle Allen, of I 1123 Broadway, Augusta, Ga., "I suffered with I blind, sick headaches and backaches, and could get I no relief until 1 tried 7 CARDUI - Woman's Relief -I. I immediately commenced to improve, nnd I now 1 feel like a new woman, and wish to I recortimend it to all sick women, fur I I WRITE Nk know it will cure them, as it did me." ■ US Cardul is pure, medicinal extract of I FREELY vegetable herbs, which relieves .1 and (rinkiy, dwoft>i> v female pains, regulates female I I y 00 '"»• W " wl!1 fuiKtions.tonesuptheoreans I ■ consider you' case nnd rfve Vy . . ' » . ... ■ you free «d»,* (jq pbin to a pr >per state of health. M envelope). Don't hesitnte, Imt J ry jt for VOUr trouble. I ■ wiito today. Addrw.%: Indies' Al- ... . „ . I visory tk'i't The Chattanooga Mull- KVCry drUgAlSt SCIIH it I H Cina Co., CliatUrwoßn, Tenn. 111 SI.OO DOttICB« Demit* S. Prt.*s .S Tr«?«ia T W. Ttl^hiimn ( Wm». Awi T. Crawford, S*« DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO Manufacturers of . Kiln Drier! NVrth Carolina Pine Lumber, •.* -* -* » » - . DENNIS SIMMQNS'IBRANOi CVPRESS BMINC.LE OKnntS AN! COKUESPohDENCE SOLICITED WILLI AMSTON, N. C. I KIDNEY DISEASES SmE | When th 6 Kidneys fail to perfprm their functions properly by not straining out the poison ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them, the poisons are carried by the circulation to every part of the body, deranging the different organs. This causes' heart trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys. FOIEYSKIDHEYCURE corrects irregularities and cures Kidney and Bladder diseases In every form, tones up the CURED OF BRIGHT'S DISEASE. whole system, and the diseases that have E3 Signs? resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear, M I had to gel uplram DtoK tlrn«i» ««ch nifll« tn rr y h'la&£>* c '" because the cause has been removed. Com with irop«y aai my •yesfcht was so impalted that 1 could scarcely see ono of my family . . . nAT nxnn TrirMTi-tr T Y v~i r* t mence taking FOLEY S KIDNEY CURE «T«v: n yro at the first sign of danger. Do not risk * all thought I wst going to die. Kvrry (BW diyi som? on« to'mei from mllsaawity to Utra ». «M T"\. t. tho name of the wunderful, medicine that cured mo of Bright'* niuut, and not ou that having Dfight 8 L/lSeaSe Or L)l&DeteS. i hu tried It b»e failed to b* Uoettttcd. h Two Sizes, 50 Oeats and SI.OO. 5. R. Biggs, Williamston, N. G. :M THE ENTERPRISE ..JOB' DEPARTMENT.. All Kinds Printing Done The l atest Ideas The Best Workmen The liest I Equipped Plant In Eastern North arolina Enables us to Turn Out the liest Work for the v . . . LEAST MONEY . . . 0 ■ We Make a Specialty of Commercial Printing No Order too Small No Order too No Job too Small No Job too Large ~ , Letter Meads, Packet Meads, liill Meads, Statements., ■m- Envelopes, Circulars, Cata logue and liook Work. We are now preparing I'or Tobacco Warehouse work, send for prices and samples. The Enterprise Company, Inc,. PUBLISERS - PRINTERS - BINDERS Williamston, - . North Carolina