■ ■ * UFL-1 R *L- IJ J JHI WMI CM IT HI UNM If Mr. J. T. Barber, of Irwinville, Ga., always keeps a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Ditr- rhoea Remedy at hand for instant use. Attacks of colic, cholera mor bus and diarrhoea come on so sud denly that there is no time to hunt a doctor or go to the store for med icine. Mr. Barlter says: "I have tried Chamberlain's Col'c, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy vtliich is one ol th** best medicines I ever saw. I keep a bottle of it in my| room a.-. 1 have had several ut tacks of colic and it has proved to be the best medicine 1 ever used." ' Sold by R. Biggs. Piof. Dowie predicts that after his death he will return to this world and finish his work; but even that jolly does not seem to eucourage his creditors very much. g"'. 1 **" •»,» ■ Fiial A Can Far Inpnsla Mrs. S. Lindsay, of Fort Wil liam, Ontario, Cauada, who has suficred quite a utiuiber of years from dyspepsia, and great pains in the stomach,, was advised by her druggist to take Chamlierlaiu's Stomach and Liver Tablets. She did so and says. "I find they havr done me a great deal of good. I have never had any suffering since I began taking theui." It troub led with dys|iepKia or indigestion, why not take these Taltlets, get well and stay well? For sale by S. R. Biggs. fu recognition of his eminent services, Couiuiisioncr Chas. F. Neill certainly should have con ferred upon him, the title of "smell-master" general. Best Time to Get Well. AH Poisons Can Be Driven Out ol Uw v. System Now. , Right now is the beet season of the year to get rid of the blood, liver and kidney aflections that have been troubling you. You need building up now in order to stand the strain ol the hot weath er of summer. Let Kheumatism, Sciatica, Gout. Catarrh, Indigestion or Constipa tion run through these months ami they became chronic and hang on for years. A regular course of KIIKUMA CI L>£ taken at the present time will thoroughly cleanse the blood tone up the stomach, set the liver and kidneys to doing iheir normal work again, aim will build up the entire system. While it is the most wonderful blood purifier in the world, yet RHKUMACIDE is a purely veget able preparation that operates through i ntirely natural methods. It has been tested on the delicate stomach of a baby without the slightest harm. Isetter get a bottle today and start to get well KIibUMACIDK has cured hundreds of stubborn cases after all other remedies, not ed physicians and even the great Johns Hopkins Hospital have fail ed. klihUMAt IUK has cured thousands ol CM es and we believe it will cure you. Your druggist sells it. KHFUMACIDK 'gets at the joints from the inside" and ' makes you well all over." Sold by S. K. Miggs. TO CORK A COLD IN ONE DAY Take I.AX ATI Vli HKOMO Quinine Tab let#. Druggist* refund money if it fails to cure. K. W. GROVK'S signature on the box. 35c. The Triadic Shaving Parlor OVER J. W WATTS & CO. Sharp Razors, clean Towels and Good Work Guaranteed. {Cleanliness Our MOTTO Thanking one and all for yoar past patronage and hoping for a continuance of the same, I remain. Yours to serve, J. H. HYMAN, Prop. XTwX / harperX / KENTUCKY \ I WHISKEY 1 118 IN II This Industry Could be Proiit-! ibly Carried on in America. DEMANDS~OF~INDUSTRY. PrcMnt Rivals far Trade Introduced Originally Prom Nottingham, England—Machinery Uaed Moat Dellcata In World In Seneltlve naoa to Haat and Cold. , "Calais la oas o€ the greatest i»« centers la the world, particularly tor j machine-made laoe,"- says Unitixi States Consul J. D. Mllner, In a re- 1 cant report to the Department of Coin- j sserce and Labor. ' In Calala Chare are 400 lace mnnu- | factories, containing about 1,000 lace , machtnaa. Tfceae machines range in 1 value, according to thair age and kind, ttom 11.000 to ai.ooo each. Among | the manufacturers are all kinds, rrout j those'who make the onmmonwi srti cies to those who produce the tin«st that can be mechanically made. Amons the workmen in these factories -ore 1 some employed In making common 1 articles, and others have no superiors in their profession. Calais has Its am bitious cttisens and the spirit of riv alry and deaire to oioei in it* pro ducts. This rivalry la caused by (he desire not ooty» to prosper financially, but to excel in art. "The manufacturers do not complete the lace. This is done by the bleach ers and dyers. Nor can the manufac turer afford continuous employment to the men who install and repair tne machines; these must be the 'mctteur en oenvre' and the 'regleur.' "the first machines imported from ' Euitland wsrs of a very rudimentary mecnanlam. Bucoeaalve Inventions step by step, have resulted m tho creation of one highly improvod ma chine. known as the 'Lovers.' Tne Levers machines, entirely adopted by 1 the Calais laoe are of two : types: "1. 'Lavera with lean liars' are ma chines Quite delicate in construction, of which all the parts are so com- : blned as to sssurs constant speed and regularity In thetr movements with out accidents. These manhinsß are capable of making lace of a width which varies with the machine, from 146 to 1M inchea. "2. Machines denominated 'wi th rough without lean bars' have a sort er movement than the Levers with lean bars, and a far greater capacity, as their movements are qutoker, and the width at the machines q*ii be much greater, some of them having a width of US inches. The weight of thene machine* varies, according to slse, from tt.ooo to JM.OOO pounds "The consular district at Plaurn is the only one in Germany," says Con snel Muench, "where lane (other then torchon) la manufactured by machin ery. The ecpertaess acquired by its people through many generations ol lace making fay band seemed to offer fair promise of a profitable BFId for the Introduction of modern laceipak lng machinery, and about the year 18A8 the first lace machines were transplanted to this reglou from Switzerland, in which aountry their value had been fully demonstrated This district now contains more than 7,000 machines of the several patterns hereinafter described, and has become one of the leading lace centers of the world. Following the direction at lowest wages, the industry bas grad ually spread out from this center until the vtllsges and hamlets of the sur rounding mountains have also Be come dotted over with machine lace plants, and in this wise ons or two neigh boring consular districts havu been Invaded, though the real seat at the Industry has always remained bare, snd chance shipments from oth er districts are mainly due to tho ef forts of American agencies located there to accumulate a number of or ders into one lot. "What la now familiarly known as the 'hand machine* for making em broidered lacs Is an Ingenious device. Invented by Joshua ileilmsnn, an Alsstlan, about the year 1829. Though numerous Improvements have from time to time been supplied, the princi ple of the Hellmann machine has re mained the SUDS" Consul Oenergl Peters says that tbe embroidery and laoe industry Is on" of the most Important and profitable of the esport Industries of Switzer land. It demands educated and Intel ligent workmen for the management of the embroidery machines, and mnny clever female helpers for the auxiliary machines snd for the various processed through which the merchandise' hae to go tjefore It Is ready for export. The industry sends Its product* to ati the clviilssd countries in the world From a national economic point of view this Industry .* interesting snd worthy of attention, because tho cost of production constats principally in the workers' wages and only In s rec ondary degree in the value of the ma terial and raw products. In Normandy, France, there stands a modern chateau, the brick of which la laid in sach elaborate paterns that it gives the effect of intricate em broidery,- The awlfteet bird Is either the vul tnre. which M said to be able to travel at the rate of ISO miles an hour, or j the Bnglish kestrel, which can prob ably equal, if not thlr sfecrl. The old time method of purg-i lag the system with Cathartics that tear, gripe, grind snd break down j the walls of the stomach and intes-j tines is superceded by Dade's Lit tie Liver Liver Pills. They cleanse 1 the liver, and instead of weaken- j ing, build np and strengthen thej whole system. Relieve headache, I biliousness, constipation, etc. Sold | by S. R. Biggs. | ' 1 1/ VAST NESS OF THE GREAT WEST. Hew Mexico, Arlxona and the Rest of the Country. "When my son gets old enough to appreciate and romember the things he sees," said a writer In the Chicago Record Herald, "I'm going to take him all over this big country of ours and show him *hat it really is. I've ' come to the conclusion that no man who has not traveled a good deal can be ptoperly educated, and I predict thai the time Is coming when a y*ar of traveling will cunautute a regular part of a full college course. Thta , Is my first trip to the Par Wed. I've rend a great deal about it, and I've seen many pictures which are ! supposed, to show the beautlee mill the wonders thnt are scattered through ■ It. But I've found out that books and pictures, which are good enouqn I In their way, cannot give the impres ' slons one gets from looking at i«r | real things. "I think nearly everybody In tne Kant understands that most ol our territory Ilea west of Chicago and HL Louis. There may be people In lloston | and New York who haven't learned this, but, generally speaking, those of us who have gone to school in t-o i East or middle West know In a vague way that California la bltoter than Maine and that Wow Mexico nas more square mllos of land than Orm nectlcut. That, however. Is ntssit as far as we get In out knowledge of Oils part of the country without com ing here and seeing It I never real ised before how foolish It Is to expert 1 any man who has not traveled much to have an appreciation ot the needs or the ambition of p»oplc wbo do not ; Inhabit the narow xone within whlrn his life has been spent. Here's a ; j case that will show what I moan: 1 1 [ know the editor of a country news paper back In Ohio. He has noer i I been 800 mllos beyond tho borders 01 j ! bis native county His neighbors ro gard him as a pretty bright fellow, I | and he Is fairly well Informed ne cently he has been writing somo virn est editorials on this statehood ques tion. Now. I haven't tiny desire to take up tho cudgel in favor erf either j Arlsona or New Mexico, and it doesn't make any difference which side he in on; but what can a man In his position know about conditions out hero, ami how is he to decide what will be thu best for these people "Some of tho men we oloct to Con gress get out of their native Htnte lor the first time when tbey go to Wa*h lngtott. How are such men' able to vote Intelligently on measuixu thai will affect In different wayn px>pl« wbo live In widely neparatxl parte of tbe country Wo ought to have some sort of a law that would make It neeea sary for a man to do almut a years ■toady traveling and see *vory i*>r' of the United Statos twfore he oeitd teiiue eligible to hold a ixihitc 01- fioe. "The railroad map Is one of the r"a sons why tho else of tbe Western pnrt of our country is not uppreciat- d by lieople who have never sivri it. ilailroal maps, and especially tt in that are published by eompanl« WIK je lines lie oast of the Mississippi Klv"r, generally Bhow the West, If thqy H'n>w It at all, us drawn tii a snuiller sculo than that which Is used for RUCII States as MtchlKap, Itulbuta tlhio. Pennsylvania and N>w York. \a shown on the average rallnsid intp Utah Is about the slse of Ohio, mid Arizona corresponds in size with V)i elnia. Here are a few comparltu ns In thr matter Of sl7c: Mairv tho largest of tht New Rn«;land Sinies, has an area of 33,000 squaro m'les; California covers IR«.IKK» square mi ce of territory. Ban Bernardino county. California, a* big as Vermont mid New Hampshlro combined, and Cocon ino county, Arizona, —t|io county in which the greater part of the tlrund Canon Is located —1b as big ns MH'-HS chusettfl. Connecticut and Now Jer sey. If It were possible to move inn States of Now York. Pennsylvania nnd Maryland they mlgnt Is' set down in side of Arlsona and there would "* room for Delaware. The area of Now Mexico Is greater than that of nil note and Wisconsin, while Indiana »nd Michigan are only a little larger phys ically than Utah. "There is one thing about Colorado that the people of the Knst do not generally understand It Is common to suppose that State consists entire of Rocky Mountains and bad men with picks. Ip the Imaginations of a ma jority of the people who have never been there It Is what might be caned a perpendicular State. While It Is a fact that Colorado has constantly on hand a large stock of goods in the mountain line. It is not all mountains There Is In the eastern part of it a district as largo as the State of Ohio that Is comparatively level and well adapted to farming purposes "It Is only by traveling through these big States and Territories that one may get a fair Idea of their vastmss. It Is. for instance, almost as far from Los Angeles to San Francisco as from Chicago to Burralo, and It takes a fast express train all day and the greater part of a night to cross Ari zona. In case New Mexico and Ari zona become a single state It will have an area as great AS that of Illi nois, Indiana, Michigan. Ohio and Pennsylvania, and If Santa Fe Is to bs the capital the man who is elected to the Legislature from the south western part part of the State win have to travel as far when ho goea to represent his sonstltaentA as a Meaner of Congress from Missouri doan-to yjahlngtoa.''. , - Dull From Lockjaw | never follows an injury dressed ; with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Its.l | antisceptic and healing properties! 'prevent blood poisoning. Chas. ; Oswald, merchant, of Renesselaers jville. N. Y., writes- "It cured j Seth Burch. of this place, of thel ugliest sore on his neck 1 ever 1 saw." Curescuts, Wounds, burns land sores. 25c at S. R. Biggs' jSdrug store. |P! "THERE'S A CURE FOR RHEUMATISM!*) M NOT THE MERE TEMPORARY RELIEF THAT THE OLD "REMEDIES" GAVE/*■ NOT THE LITTLE HELP THAT THE DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTIONS GIVE; BUT H ABSOLUTE AND COMPLETE CURE. . THAT IS WHAT V I RHEUMACLDE DOES. RHEUMATISM IS CAUSED BY AN OF I 1 ALL I || II URIC ACID IN THE BLOOD. IT IS AN INTERNAL DISEASE ANLLFH(FIM ■ \HSW /A |\Y) | I ILL A STRON K AND VIGOROUS INTERNAL REMEDY THAT WILL CLEANSE"! - (WJ \ A \ URV I (H THE BLOOD OF ALL ITS GERMS AND YET ACT THROUGH SUCH NAU I I I IN URAL METHODS THAT !T BU,,DS U P THE ENTIRE SYSTEM. *' - • ILVJR 1 H SWEEPS ALL POISONS OP T TOB BLOOD. I I THE GREAT ITIOOD B CURES TO STAY CURED. | . A.SUKC CUNT FOK 1 FL| DIFFERENT FROM ANY OTHER REMEDY. THE RESULT OF THE ■ | RHEUMATISM E M LATEST BCIENTI,IC DLSCOVERLES - AT THE SAME TIME IT CURES 1 ALSE A SPECIFIC FOR ALL OTHER DISEASES I CURED AFTER 16 YEARS. OF THE BLOOD THE GERMS OF H .RHLMINM IMPURLLLT) OLTH« BLOOD, J ]FL U ALL OTHER WOOD DTOMM*, 1 °""CT'RONS. IS M AND CURES INDIGESTION, CON- M MAN*, ONE TO TWO TEASPOONLULA IN A UTILE | MB OF EWR BELLI* WELL RFIRIN. HUT HEARING OF STIPATION. CATARRH. KIDNEV WATER, ALTER MEALS AND AT BEDTIME L MIL KIIL.UM ACIDE, I DECIDED TO FIIVE IT A TRIAL. . TRL % " —— >SJ KFLFL 1 HAVE TAKEN TWO BOTTLES, AND, THANKS TO THIS AND LIVER I ROUBLES, IJ* H MM WONDERFUL MEDICINE, 1 NOW FEEL THAT I HAVE „„ J . M RFTRRITT FHPMIRIL FFT & MH ROTTEN A "NEW LEASE ON LIFE." EVERY VESTIGE VIRIPJXI ANU WONTAGLOUS B N DVDDIII UICITIICAL VU M W L|J|M OF THE DISEASE HAS BEEN DRIVEN FROM MY SYSTEM. BLOOD POISONS. •OTT .AO.AITTOAA' I MKS. LAURA D. GARDNER, * I BALTIMORE,*MO",' U! S. A ! H|| 1301 JAMES ST., BALTIMORE. VOUN DRUGGIST BILLS IT. §4- .H., E THE BOTTLE. -»J 11 BOBBJTT CHEMICAL CO.,GFE "»»«">«.». I Sold by 5. R. Biggs A Happy Home To h.-ive a happy home you must have children, as they are great happy-home makers. If a weak woman, you can he made strong enough to bear healthy children, with little pain or discomfort to yourself, by taking 7 CARDUI Woman's Relief It will ease away all your naln, reduce Inflam mation, cure leucorrhea (whites;, falling womb, ovar ian trouble, disordered menses, backache, headache, etc., and make childbirth natural and easy. Try it. At every drug store in #I.OO littles. WHITE US A LETTER I freHy i[yJ frankly, tcfllnn us nil your I troubles. We will Rend frrc advice (In I plain seated onveiof*-). Address: Ln- I Jies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga MtfMdnn -0., Chattanooga, Twin. Dennis 8. I*re« At Treu« T W. TilK''M"'H'*®n. A«a T. Crawford, Se' DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO . . Manufacturers of •. -H ■* Kiln Dried North Carolina Pint Lumber, .* -* -* J* W W » « OENNI3 SIMMONS'.BHANO BVPREHB BMINCLF ORltllM A fill I'llllHESlVh/tENCE ■ WILLIAMSTON, N. C. DRINQ Laxative * ru '' ru ' 1 * BSr I I w W Pleasant to take and does not gripe or nauseate Cures Chronic Constipation, Stomach and Liver Trouble Stimulation Without Irritation. OKINO laxative Fruit Syrup is ft now laxative syrup combined with tho deli cious flavor of fruits, ami is,vory pleas ant, to take. It will nut Kripo or sicken. It is much more pleasant and effective .than l'ills, Tablets and Saline Waters, , asnt does net derange the Stomach, or irritate the Kidneys, Liver or llowels. Constipation. Onmo Laxative Fruit Syrup wi 11 posi *€iv |y onre chronic constipation a:' it re stores tho natural action of the intestinal -tract. Ordinary aa.thart,ics may give tem porary relief but the stomach is upset and the bowels are irritated without any permanent benefit having boon derived. fill D PIIAD AKITITC Tahe ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup and if you UUH lIUAIf AR ICt are not satisfied your money will be refunded* Prepared only by FOLIY A CO., Chicago, 111. J •OLD AND RECOMMENDED BY . - -*• I 8, R. Big&s, Williamston,. IN. G. " DUE TO CARDUI and nothlnx els»', Is my baby Klrl, now I two wvks old," writes Mrs. j. P. I W'st, of Webster City, lowa. "She I Is n lino, healthy bate and we are I both doing nicely.'' The condition of the patient remains un changed. The Stomach, Liver and Bowels have not been stimulated and in a few days a stronger purgative may have to be taken. This is why I'ills and Aperient Waters never give permanent relief. Their violent action results in an unnat ural movenientof the bowels and it isnec ossary to keep taking them indefinitely. Why ORINO Is different. ORINO Laxative Fruit syrup is tho only preparation that really acts upon all of the digestive organs. Other prepar ations act upon the lower bowel only and do not touch the Liver. It can very read ily be seen that a preparation that does not act upon all of the digestive organs THE ENTERPRISE ..JOB DEPARTMENT.. All Kinds o."JoA» Printing Done The Latest Ideas The Best Workmen The Best Equipped Plant In Eastern North arolina Enables iis to Turn Out the Best Work for the .. . LEAST MONEY .. . Wc Make a Specialty of Commercial Printing No Order 100 Small No Order too l.arge No Job too Small No Job too l.arge ~ Letter Heads, Packet Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, * Envelopes, Circulars, Cata logue and Book Work. We are now preparing for Tobacco Warehouse work, send for prices and samples. The Enterprise Printing Company, Ine,. PUBLISERS - PRINTERS - BINDERS Wiiliamston, - North Carolina • ciin not euro Chronic. Ooristipation,Torpid Liver, Indigestion, Hour Stomach, eto. For Biliousness and Sick Headache. Take ORIHO Laxative Fruit Syrup. It - sweetens the stomach, aids digestion and - acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and . liowels without irritating these organa. Clears the Complexion. r ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulate! 1 the liver and thoroughly cleanses the - system and complexion of 1 pimples and ldotehes. It is the Lest lax - alive for women and children as it ia * mild and pleasant, and does not gripe or , sicken. R.efuse substitutes.