7"c. 1 RMT TO «FK COMMISSION I*l OF Y MARTIN GOUNTY LIABILITIES. tasaludd djsoooats $92,732.72 Capital stock $15,000.00 OvferdrtN 4. '75 98 Surplus fund 8,500.00 Strcfcs, Bonds, etc. 1,000.00 Undivided profits, etc. 1,633.60 Kowturt and fixtures 1.850.00 Dividends unpaid 9.00 Suefrom'blmks, etc. SgU Time deposits 30,686.46 Sliver coin, etc. 3,636.11 Deposits sub. to ok 59,230.69 $115.059 75 ' $ l 1 5.°59-75 State of North Carol in*—County o ( Martin. ... I I. O. (Joilant, cashier of the Bank of Martin County, do solemnly •wear (or affirm) that the above statement is true to the best of knowledge and belief. ]■ 0. GODARD, Cashier Sworn to ami subscribed beforeJiie j Correct —Attest: Wheeler Mar this J6UI d#y of June, 1906. » j tin, Jno. L. Ilaasell, J. O. Staton, - cli. ObrtWTX, Notary PabUr. | Wrectwrfc —- WHKKI.KK MARTIN, President. J. G. STATON, Vice-President. J. G. GODARD, Cashier. Notice. By order of the Superior Court for a resale of of land deacribed in a petition in a special proceeding pending there entitled Luke Jamei and Aroirah Har rell, W. P. Rice and wife, Hettic Rice, ex parte, 1 shall sell to the highest bid der for cash, on the 6tb day of August. 1906, the following described land, to wit: Lying and beiug in ('.oose Neat township ou the road leading from the Hamilton and I'alinyra road at John Andrews' church to the Con*ho church, adjoining the l'nrker plxe, the Heuriet ta Bowers place and know. 1 as the Ben jaulin Harrell tract of land, containing fifty acres more or less. Thu, the jrd day of July, 1906. S. I. KVHRKI r. Com. WINSTON St BVKRKTT, Attvs 7-/>-06-4t Notice. North Carolina. Martin County. Van Williams, j W. Watt* and It. D. Williams, vs. J. T. Kwell and wife An nie, G. L- Barnbill and B. H Itaruhlll. The defendant (1. 1,. Harnhill. atmve named, will take notice thai rction a-, above naired lias tteen commented 111 the superior court of Martin Count) be fore the clerk to sell for |>artitiou a cer tain lot of land situated in the town ofWd liamston N. C., and more paiticulr'ly ■lesrribed as follow*: One certain lot of land in the town of Williamson, N. C., bounded on the north by C. I>. Car star phen's land, on the South by Main St on the east by t.e Martin I.lve Stock Co'i. land autl oti we I by I tennis S. Biggs' and Wheeler Mietin's lot and known aa the "Van William* lot." and the said defendaut will further take no tice that he is required to a|>|icar at the office of the clerk of the superior co..i t of Martin County, in Williamston, N. C . on the 16th day of July 1906, ami answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the et irt for the relief demanded in mi id complaint J A. Iloims. , C. 8. C Hiirrouk A. Critciikr, Att'y. ft-u-4t NOTICE NOTICE Great Semi = Annual Clearance Sale At MACHT BROS. & RUTENBERG'S, '__7'. ' ' • j 4 The New York One Price Clothing and Dry Goods Store, ♦ ' . ' , • . ' ' ' > r Williamfcton, N. 0. ALL SUMMER GOODS PRICES CUT DOWN ONE-THIRL) OFF. ' sale Begins Monday, July 2nd, :( ' . w >* Tor 12 Days Only, v -. , • Ending' July 1 ttli. Conic early before the l>eftt is County Entrance Examination ot the A. It M. College. Applicants for admission to the A. & M. College at Ralegh will lie examined by the county superin tendent of schools at the conn house on Thursday July 12th, at 9 o'clock a. 111. Hoys wishing training to fit themselves for the active duties of life would do well 1 to come forward and try the ex amination. liach county is en titled to as many scholarrhips as it has members of the House of Rep resentatives in the State Legisla ture. .A Hard Lot Of trouble to contend with, spring from a torpid liver and blockaded bowels, unless you awaken thorn •o their proper action with Dr. King's New Lite Pills; the pleas antest and most elfective cure for .Constipation. They prevent Ap pendicitis and tone up the system 15c at S. 1 biggs' drug store. Mr. Bryan can return the com pliment by inviting King llarken to his inaugeration. , It is always well to have,a box of salve in the house. ; Sunburn, cuts, bruises, piles, and boils yield to OeWitt's Witch Haxel Salve You should keep a box 011 hand at all times to provide for emer gencies. For years the Mandard hut followed by many imitators, he sure you get the genuine De- Witt's Witch Ha/el Salve. Soldby S. K Biggs, Tobacco Warehouses Open August 2nd. The tobacco warehouses of WiJ liamston will open for the sale of 1 tobacco Thursday, August 2nd. There will be three warehouses here this season instead of onlv two as heretofore. Besides the Roanoke and Dixie, the Farmers, which is a new one just completed, will be doing busines. An" an nouncement of the Utter house will be found on another page of this paper, which will be of inter- j est to the farmers. A Tragic Flilsk. A watchman's nejlecrpermitted a leak in (he *reat North Sea' dyke, which a child's finder could have Stopped to become u ruinous break, devastating an entire: province of Holl'ind In like manner Kenneth Mclver, ol Vancehoro, Me i per mitted a little cold to go unnoticed uutil a tragic finish wa3 only avert ed by Dr King a New Discovery He writes: ' Three doctors gave me up to die of lung intlamation caused by a neglected cold; but Dr Kings New Discovery saved my life." Guaranteed best cough and cold cure, at S R. Biggs' 'drug *tore. 50c and fi.oo. Trial bottle free. A short time ago Secretary Shaw insisted that we ought to do more thinking, and lowa immedi ately gave him something tolhink about. A sweet breath ad«' * to the joys ol a kiss You wouldn't want to kiss your wife, mother or sweet heart with a bad breath You can't have a sweet breath without a healthy stomach. You can't have a healthy stomach without perfect, digestion. There is only one rem edy that digests what you eat and makes the breath as sWeet as a rose—and that remedy is KODOL FOR DYSPKPSIA. It is a relief for sour stomach, palpitation of the heart, and other ailments aris ing from disorder of the Stomach and digestion Take a little Kudol after your meals and see what it will do for you. Sold by S. R. Higgs. ■ are the days friends and fellow countrymen, when, the sov eign geople are tumbling down the Machines in Pennsylvania! Glory lie' Does evil still, your whole life till? Does woe betide? Your thoughts abide oil suicide? You need a pill! Now lor prose and facts—l)e\VitH Little liarly Risers arc the mo t pleasant and reliable pills kn'iwn today. They never gripe. Sold l*y S. K Biggs. ' , PERSONAL MENTfONJ Mr. S, A. Newell went to Mil dred Tuesday. Mrs. Lela Newell left Tuesday for Mildred. Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Biggs left this week for Buffalo, N. Y. Major Jno B. Neal, of Scotland Neck, was here on business this week. Dr. Joshua Taylor, of , Washing ton, was in town Tuesday on busi ness Mr. C. D. Carstarphen is spend intC thin week at Virniua Beach I with bin family. r Miss Katie Blount left Tuesday morning for Rocky Mount on a ' visit to friends, Dr. C. W. Knight, of Wilson is here on a visit to his brother Dr J. U. H. Knight. Mrs. J. W. Hodges and chil dren, of Washington, who havt been here visiting relatives, return ed home Tuesday. Mr. C. A. Baker left yesterday for Norfolk, where he goes to en ter the St. Vincent Hospital for treatment of typhoid fever. Mr. atid Mrs. J. G. Staton, HI: companied by their children and Miss Kilt Staton, are enjoy in« tilt breezes at Virginia Beach. Miss Nora Fowden, a nurse in the Washington Hospital, is in town to spend her vacation with relatives. Mr. J. A. Whitley, of live ret Is, who has announced himself a can didate for the nomination to the legislature, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Rqberson, of Palmyra, n memlier of the firm Horrisson Bros. tk Co., of this place, was in town Tuesday looking after business matters. Mr. H. W. Stublts, who returned from Wrightsville Beach Saturday where he had peen in attendance at the liar Association, left Tues day fot Virginia Beach. Mr. J, F. Cothran, one of the Dixie tobacco warehouse proprie attd who has been spending several months at Chapel Hill reading law, returned Saturday. Mrs. A S.Terry and son, Mr. Lee Terry, left Tuesday morning for Washington I). C., from which place they will go to their former home in New Vork State, where they will spend the greater part of the summer. Dr. J. A. White, who at tended the Dental Association at High Point and spent several days at the Vade Mecurn Springs, re turned last Saturday. He is spend ing this week in Plymouth on p-o --fessiotial business. Dr. J. B. H. Knight, who has lieen confined to his lied for eight days by typhoid fever Is now im proving. He has the service of a trained nurse, in the person of Miss Nannie Newby, of the Sarah Leigh Hospital, ot Norfolk, who arrived Monday evening. Wn.LIAriSTON AND URBEN VILLE SCORE A TIB Rotwrsonvilte Gives Tarboro a Complete Shut Out. Two games of baseball were played Wednesday, the re tilts ot which will be of interest to tlie readers of this paper. One of the games was Itetwecn Williamston and Greenville, which was played at the last named place resulting in a score of 2 to J. The - e were only 8 innings played, the game being terminated at that stage on account oi rain. The other game took place at Rolwrsouville between the team of that place and Tarbor. This game was also cut short on account of rain, and when the game was call ed the score stood 9 to c in favor of Robersonville. Robersonville having had six innings and Tar boro seven. Try » little Kodol for Dyspepsia alter your meais. See the effect it will produce on your general feel ing by digesting your food and helping your stomach to get itself into shape. Many stomachs are overworked to the point where they refuse to go further. Kodol digests your food and gives your stomach the rest it needs, while the reconstructive properties get the stomach back into working or der. Kodol relieves flatulence, sour stomach, palpitation of the heart, belching, etc. Sold by S. R. Biggs. HOW CARASAOM FIGHT. A Bloodless Pushing Contact l« Thl- Flllplno Sport. The native* of the Philippine* bar* a sport which the flpaniarrta. wt-nn maters of the inland*, contemptuous ly regarded as a .Icgenernte kind of ball lighting. ■an the iww York Tr» bane. It WM not daugsmas or bloody enough, they aald. It did not have any at the "refined terror*" of their own national pastime. It lacked seat for them because it did not endanger hu man life, because no matador dance J before uaeir eyes, playfully dodgirg the mad rushes of a bull and approach ing death ao cloaely that escape seem ed Impossible Water buffaloes, or carabaoes. are the combatants In these struggles : Two bullocks are matched against each other, and after being led to where they stand, head to head, tltry are made to lock horns. At the sua? of * whip the two Ix*** strive to push the other backward. A rta* la drawn around them, and the 0r..» which ahovee It* adversary's four f«vu out ot the circle la acclaimed the vic tor "The caratAo of the Philippine* more strength 111 Ks head and ne* than twelve ordinary men In tne.r whole bodies," Mid an army offlcor who reoently returned from aa «xten>t ed tour at the Philippine Inlands "I once saw aMg of war In which one water buffalo by n.. uia of a rnf tl"l around Its boras milled ten husit/ American r- Iters after him. "Although the domeetlcated care tnn Is even more stupidly docile than the ox of the United states, yet It bus a pugnaloiMin»B In Its nut ur- whtcn needs only to be aroused to asset t it self When two water buffalo foul is are Ht first pitted agaliuit the oth'-r, tbey will ipake no attempt to start :« struggle. They have to be coaxnrt in to a fight. Not until they have been made to crash their heads together a half dosen times do they get the Ides of continuing the conflict of their own accord- "The carabao fights are eh lolly lov ed by the Klllplnoe. I believe I* ■' "«e of the chance they give them to KB a ble Every spectator bet* on one an imal or the other I know of on> in stance where a fight WHO held at the capital of the 3ulu Archipelago at which the Sultan, although he hart wagered 1100 on the larger combatant, acted aa Judge. Bach beaut wae ov ti ed by a datto, or native prince IVrth bulls had been In former atruggWw. and each wtut the champion of hie re epectlve province Yet neither would consent to fight until thoy had seen stars three or four times from era Ic ing their skulls together at the snap of the whips of their maetnra Then «t last they locked horns First on# would shove the other dangerously near the circle, which had been drawn around them with a diameter of ah.»ut twenty feet, and then be compelled »o retreat as close to the line itaelf Hev eral times I thought the smaller eera bao was defeated, but In each Instance It kept one foot within the ring. Whenever either carabao tried to break away and use Its horns to gore Its adversary It was Imaten savagely over the nose and Its murderous de signs frustrated. Neither datto desir ed to loee his ba«M. for although M might buy another for |76. to him the animal represented a small fortune. Since the plague, whtoh killed oil nine-tenths of the carabaoee ot the Islands, they have become to the na tives almost prtoeltisa "At last the smaller animal, by catching Its adversary off Kg guard, shoved It oompletoly oat of the ring. The struggle had lasted about fifteen mlntiisST 1 looked at the Bultan, to see him pay the owner of the winning brute ttu> |IOO he had pompously an nounced that he had oet againat him at the beginning of the fight Rut, to my surprise, he simply took out the money from his sash with one hand, held It out toward the victorious datto and then put It baok with the other hand. Thereupoo. I learned that the Sultan never loses s wager That whenever be bets with a subject. and his subject wins, the'latter gives dp his claim out of loyalty to his sover eign Accordingly, the Bultan Is a great plunger " In striking contrast to the dnmeeti cated carabao of the Philippines, which Is to the natives of those Inlands what the horse, donkey, mule, ox, goat, trot ley car, subway and railroad train are to the Americana. Is Its aoualn, the wild water buffalo of India. This an imal Is noted for the fierceness with which It Aghta Instead of simply ramming Its adversary with Its bead. It uses Its horn* so skillfully as to kill Its enemrv and Is dreaded even by the tiger. A favorite eport among Indian princes Is to corral a wiuer buffalo with a tiger and watch th.-m fight. As a general thing the buffalo la the victor, for It pursues Its enemy relentlessly, giving it no opportunity to get Its breath and parrying the great cat's plungea with Its sharp hours. This type of buffalo attains a alse of ten and a half feet from nose to the -root of the tall and (fix and a half feet In height at the shoulder. The water buffalo of the Philippines Is sbout the sfse ot the America* ox. Beatrice Fairfax say» that It me® would reason with thai* wlvoa there would be a groat deal loss Infelicity In the world. Most men And It safer to keep their mouths shut and accept Ike alt nation. —Washington Poet. Tviti Year Battle. • ••I was a loser in a twenty year battle with chronic piles and ma lignant sores, until I tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve; which turned the tide, by curing both, till not a trace remains,'' writes A M. Bruce, of Farmville, Va. Best for old Ulcers, Cuts, Burns and Wounds. »5C at S. R. Biggs', druggist. RKI-OKT TO THK NORTH CAROLINA CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THK CONDITION or The Farmers and Merchants Bank At Williamstoo, N. C.. Rt the dam of bunine* June 18, 1906. RESOURCES. UARIUTIML Loans Rod discounts* 91,396.61 Moc fc f 25,000.00 Overdrafts 1,656.32 . . «*»*> Banking houses 3.408 .33 SnrplM fand , 300 00 Furniture and Fixture* 1,500.00 Undevided profitable. 2,040.09 Due from Banks 11.065.89 Notes aod bills re- Cash items 299.82 discounted 12,690.17 Gold coin 487-50 Time certificates 27,901.85 Total sli 1,241.90 Total $111,241.90 State of North Carolina—County of Martin. j\ I, Frank F. Pagan, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly •wear that the above statement is true to the tcat of my knowledge and be lief. FRANK F. FAGAN. Cashier. Suhscribed and sworn to before me, this 36th day at June, 1906. As\ T. CRAWVORD, Notary Public. - Correct—AtteM: W. H. Crawford, J. B. H. Knight, C. D. Carstarphen. . ... , . . J DENNIS S. HIOC.S, President. CJ». CARSTARPHEN, Vi//Pres. FRANK PAGAN. Cashier. 1 LI ftF LAIS' SLIPPERS Have jiint arrived, and wo would lie glad to have you call wee them • We have decided to'dispose of Jthem at a very low margin as they are late in coining in. There are about 150 pairs in a dozen styles, newest leathers, thin soles, the favorites, manufactured by Cahill, Holters ompany, makers of Ladies' Nice Slippers only. They must go at a sacrifice. Come at once. That Great Line of Samples is still selling, creating a sensation. Anderson, Crawford & Company. We Can Supply You We CUII supply all dealers in this section with Corn, Oats, Hay, Cement, Coal, Lime Meat and Meal. Ott short notice. Give us your business. Suffolk Teed and fuel Company. 1 G. T. BRANTLEY, LOCAL I !REPRESENTATIVE | Great Reduction Sale I ~ . ii in i: ] 7 1_ :, . '.ji Millmery, White and Taney i | Lawns at G. D. GARSTARPhEIN'S. | Ladies, come and get, your piek. [ The prettiHt Lawn you ever saw. • | CLOTHING AND MEN'S HATS at reduced oriee. - - n o\s - - Combined Harrow and Cultivator * living of One J orse and Two m J4T - - ks both sides of row -* -- » time. Breaks the «ad cultivate* With M flmum much esse as any ordinary What Every rarmer Needs For cotton, corn and rioe, and the very thing track gardeners need Si lls on its merits when seen at work. All Kinds and Sizes Tobacco Flues Made to Order. For information and prices call 00 or address J. L. WOOBARD, M-tf

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