ADVERTISING BKMUT bark.—Judicious advertis ing » tfc* kind that pays haelt to yon the Moaqr you invest. Space in this paper assure* yon prompt returns . . VOL. VIII. - NO 20 HINTS rOR FARMERS Tha Perehsron Draft Horss. Tbe Percbaruu iiorse 1* a French bred bora* suit lias lieen developed tlirough many years of careful breed 'ug by farmers of central and southern France. Of all tbe draft braetls be li probably the most popular In Amer ica today. While be poeseestv a mar rive frame, weighlug a ton or more, bla conformation la such aa to give him excellent action, making him extreme ly well fitted for IIW on city transfers, where great strength rotublued with reasonable speed la needed. #Keitber ia be less well fitted for farm work, since be |iosse**es strength, e»- aMing him to do heavy work with e«ae. and bla rapid walk Is very desir able both on the road and in tbe plow. Tbe modern Perrlierou la abort legged, cloaely and strongly built, with broad. ' deep, well rounded body, broad croup and full quarters.—Farm Progress. Spelts aa a Dairy Peed. Professor ft haw, who for several years waa Identified with the Mlnne aota station and la now one of the edi tor* of the Orange Judd Fanner, Is of tbe opinion tbat emiuer, or speltx. is equal to barley. In an article In tbat paper be say*: "In tbe regions where It grows well speltx Is likely to lie fed freely to cows lb milk. The Itanes know full well the ▼aloe of barley lh milk production, aud they use It accordingly. They feed it much along wltb oats, and speltx may b* fed with advantage In the same way. Equal parta oata and spelta are g--»'. for milk production. Tbe asmc la tnse of these eralna fed in almost any Kind of eomWbattou, but wbeu the two are nearly In equilibrium the re tnNi are u»iull.r more satisfactory." , Warklaj Butter, the la worked to expel tbe earptus ruolMun. to incorporate tbe •alt and te glre the nutter a compact OvflrweHthtf Injures the tex ture Bail wakes the butter appear gr«»*y When possible. It is desirable to work tbe bstter a little and then allow It to stand for a couple of hour* or until tbe nest day; tbeu Uulab. If - there is uot a suitable place to keep tbe hatter In between workings. It is better to finish It right up The work lug should he stop|ied wheir ihe butter Itreeks, with a alight tendency to bold together or string out lu abort pin points. Aa Moon as It passes the stage where It hreaka with a clean break, •top working. More butter Is Injured by overworking than by Insufficient Working.—Bulletin Put-due Station. Hog Wisdom. - dive the brood sows warm, dry sleep ing quarters. Be sure tbat there are MO drafts lu tbe (tens. Hogs are sub ject to pneumonia If ex|>o*ed to cold and drafts. I»ok out for drafts of Icy wiud un der the floors. Do uot attempt to keep a number of brood eofrs In tbe same |ieu. As they grow heavy separate them, t.'rowdlug may cause aliortiqp. If yon are troubled with lice on tbe hogs, use kerosene emulsion. Spray the bogs and spray tbe |>en. In order to make a success of hog raising every animal must lie atten tively watched and every small detail of tbe business carefully attended to.— Farm Journal. Poultry Pickings. Yon never *nw a scrawny hen laying, •ays Farm Journal. It la the well fed lieu, tbe one tbat look* neat and trim. Husty Iron placed in tbe drlnklug wa ter at this season serves au excellent purpose as a tonic. It is a mistake to think that common or mixed chickens are more profitable than pure bred varieties. tiood birds cost high. Bear this In mind when purchasing new stock, tiood ones sre the cheapest (n tbe end. It Is Important tbat the Interior of , the houses. Including tbe floors, be dry and tbat plenty of fresh air can get Into tbe pens without drafts. • Bread Is Net Only Paster. one sees a great milk and but ter "record of a herd of cows of a given breed he most not conclude that all be has to do to achieve similar success la to buy a herd of tbat breed. He most retneml>er that tbe cows must have the Individuality of tbe record makers and tbat be mast possess tbe ekll! for management tbat the owner of the record makers does. Breed Is only one of many factors tbat make for success. Protect the Pigs. Special care must be used lu prevent ing cold drafts. A cokl draft on pigs will carry them off faster than any other kind of exposure. Protection against exposure is In fact tbe chief and moat effective remedy for cutting down tbe annual spring loss of pigs. The diseases they contract at this pe riod usually /rlgluate lu bad colds, which develop Into more serious mala dies. Remember to Salt the Cows. The carefully kept cows on tbe De troit dairy farm receive four ounces of salt dally Mixed with their feed. They eat their food better, and the owner thinks they do better when they have thla amount than when tbe allowance la smaller. The cow* are fed three times a day. and the salt Is divided lie J tween the three feeda.-Kjtfin I'r.igress. Oat May Per Cows. Too tor ton, many farmers are find- . tag that nntbraahed oats, cut when the state am" V* SPORTING WORLD Kelly Anxious te Fight. ITngo Kelly. tin- great middleweight lighter, in making a very loud noise |ust now. He la so anxlon* to fight Ibat he la with difficulty coaxed to go to (ml »t night. Kelly's muuager and n representative *f Tommy Kyan met in Chicago re tently and opened bids for a Kelly- Ityan bout. Tliey were lnclln«>d most favoratdy toward an offer o( |l.\ooo from the Itb.vollte dub of Nevada. Tbe weight for tbe Bynn-Kelly fight will he 158 pountj* ringside aud will he •v • v'K" Itt'lKl KELLY, the llrst middleweight championship coutest si nee Fltxslmmous defeated ]>enipNey for the title. Kyan la of course the favorite be cause of bis extended experience, but Kelly Is a very formidable lad. one with plenty of courage aud strength to match Kyiin'e su|ierlor skill and gen eralship. Kelly Is set on meeting "Philadelphia Jack" O'Brien, and many people there are who will wager tliut the Quaker caunot knock out the Kelly boy or win from litm on |s>luts. Kelly, In fact, has three or four Irons lu the lire, and It has been hinted that he would call off the match with Byun If a match with O'Brien liecatuc possible. If Kelly, however, defeats Ityan, O'Brfen will have to meet lilui.. The SHy QunVer will not then lie In a posi tion to say, "lo get a reputation." McKinney's Get Givs Promise. Sweet Marie's sire. McKlnne.v, 2:11'4, Is fast coming to the front as u re markable sire of extreme sliced anil seems destined to hei-ome the founder of another great branch of the Wilkes family. The prc.tnluence Into Which McKlnney has forced himself was mostly due lo Ills own Individual mer it*. Ills get have demonstrated their speed ability a* well as their race horse qualities. In regard to their prepo tency. however, bis sous and daugh ter* nre mostly too young for their offspring to demonstrate their ability. Thawing a Motor Cycle Carbur«t«r. For tbe Information of motor cyclists who cling to their mounts during the freexlng months It piay be stated that trouble with the carhurctor, nrlslug from the cold, must be handled wltb good, practical sense. If you are In a hurry, tbe only safe way to proceed Is to swathe the carburetor In cloths which have been dlp|ied Into hot water and well wrung ont. Of course there are other ways of applying artificial heat, but they are apt to convert yonr property Into a fond memory. Baseball In Pompaii, Harry Ptilllnm Is still glowing over tbe good time be had abroad. Tbe leader of the National league forces re calls one strange incident of the visit to Pompeii. "While I WHS deep lu the study of the ruins of that ancient city au American tourist learned who I was. Wltliout any ceremony he made a dash for me and put tbe question, 'Who wou the world's championship?" and I had to tell blm that the Chicago White Sox got there. Think of talking tmaatiall In that old city!" Hook Kayss Wins Australian Titla. I lock Keyen. ill* Auxtrnltau fighter, wbe rnnde a rntln-r Indifferent allowing (luring his receut vlalt to the euwt, won the lightweight rliuui|p|Mislil|) of Aun tralla by defeating Bob Turuer. The Imttle took plat l * at tbe «ayety thea ter. Sydney. Honors w«rt fairly even throughout die tight, but In the ninth round Keyed landed on tbe |«»lut of Turner'* Jaw, staggering blm. Tnrner was hetple** m tbe next round, aud tiio fight wa« stopped. Dunn to Manage Baltimore. John Dunn of laat year's Providence bnoeball club baa I wen chosen manager ! of tbe Baltimore Kastern league club by tbe director* In |rfaee of Hugh Jen nlng*. who becomes manager of tbe Detroit American league team. It wa* announced that two new player* bad been secured for tbe Baltimore club In tbe person* oMjhunill. third baseman of Toronto i\fm ba*emnn. Pilous, 2:09'/«. Pllatue. 2«0»4. owned by tbe Fraiiklla rouuty stud. Winchester. Tenu.. did a •ne business In tbe stud tbe p«ut year. WILLIAMSTON, N. C.. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1907 WHAT CURED HIM Chlters had no definite occupation, iwt his nerve* were shattered. That was Ills occupation. "What do you think Is the matter!" pays he to Andrew Ijeecb. "Do yon driuk tea," asked the doc tor, eylug him Inqulsitorlally—"after noou tea V "Yes." says Chlver* anxiously. "\N'ltll cream V "Why, yes." "That'a tbe mischief. It Is the cream tbat Is wrecking your gastrlca, irty friend." Off goes poor Chlver* at once to IMr. Ilolus Mcdorge. 'Doctor," aays he. "I'm feeliug very poorly. Should you aay. now, tea was Ixul for me?" "My dear air, that de|>euds. Take plenty of creniu with your tea, aud It will do you 110 great barm." Chlver* then looks In on the cele brated homeopath. Dr. Dodgem, quite tbe rising man on digestion, you know. "l»octor, pray tell me (he truth sltout tea!" "Tea!" says I>odgcin. "Tbe most In sidious of itolsous!" "What—with plenty of creamT" "Wltb or without. Nothing can make It wholesome." Olivers took to coffee. As he felt no better, he consulted Katlerplasm, M. D„ the family doctor, who asked blin cheerily: "Eujoy your food? Sleep sound?" "Neltlier," says poor Cblvers. "If yon slept, you'd eat. Do yoti drink coffeeT' "I do In preference to tea." "At night?" "Yea." "Just so. It's coffee keeps you awake. Wsnt of sleep naturally weakens the stomach." 80 he left off coffee and took cocoa. Cblvers bad never smoked, but now he felt a sort of craving that he could not allay, and, a friend offering blm a cigarette, lie tried It, and It seemed to do him good, but bis uppetlte did noit Improve. He fancied be slept a little lietter, but he couldn't quite decide, so he called In Dr. No. fi and explained his sad case. "Ih> you smoke?" said the great spe cialist, whose ncute nose hail detected a faint aroma of tobacco while feeling bis pulse. "Ye*. Ia It laid?" Inquired the In valid. "Bad! At* yon aware that Sir Ben- Jauilu Brodie proved that a few drops of tbe liquid sediment of the noxious weed would Instautly destroy n full grown eat?" "But—but," urged Cblvers, "I'm uot a full grown cat.' K ' "Ulve up tobacco!" Cblvers gave It up. But lie still felt very low. He thought he would ask old Kutterplasui. M. I)., the family practitioner, to dinner aud confide to blm Ills perplexity- 110 tea, no coffea, no tolmcco, aud getting weaker every day! "Oh. take a glass of wine! You're feeling 'run down.' You waut a fillip. Take two glasses once In awhile." Cblvers took two and felt better, but the next day he received a pamphlet Issued by the Society For tbe Total AiHilitlou of Hops aud Wines, which proved that Indulgence In alcohol tempted tbe best men to commit crimes of violence aud hurried thousands Into lunatic asylums. Then Chlver* met a friend who |ier suaded him to become a vegetarian, after which he declined more rapidly than ever. ""Come ttp to Scotland, old man. A little yachting around tbe Hebrides do you all the good In the world; sen air, you know." 80 Clilvers went on Isiard the Sky lark. She was cutter rigged and only twenty-flve tons. She bad not been out more than two hours when she struck on a rock, t|iid, as It was evident that she wits fast sinking, they had Just time to haul to tbe ls;at that was tow ed astern and Jump In—all four of them—with a pint of rum and a bis cuit. The weather was fairly good, but there were six hours oMiard rowing be tween them and land, no mistake. Well, that wreck cured Cblvers. Aft ter seven hours' buttling wltb n strong current that set out to sea the ship wrecked crew grazed the shingle. Carriage* conveyed the crew to Slog gers' "shanty," as be called bis elegant highland aliode. A splendid collation had lieen prepared. Including a fine Scotch leg of mutton, boiled with cu por sauce. Cblvers forgot tbat he was a vegetarian. "Lord, how dry rowing makes one!" be exclaimed, und they filled blm up n foaming lienker of brown ale. Clilvers forget that be was a teetotaler and drank it off. As they sat by the log fire Sloggers, Balson and Batoon lit up and offered Chlver* a cigar. He forgot the doc tor's warning about tobacco and smok ed It. Later on they Joined the ladle* In the little coxy wood walled drawlug room looking over tbe brink of a preci pice right out to sea. ftloggers' pretty young wife dl*|iens ed tbe aromatic Souchong In dainty enps of biscuit cblus. while lief aprlgbtly younger sister offered cream. Next day ftloggers said: "Cblvers, my boy, we're old friends, and I want to do you a good turn. There's noth ing really tbe matter with you, or If there was tbe shipwreck's cured jou. "All yon want are fresh air, an active life, something to do aud est and drink what you like. You sluili be my high land agent, steward, overseer—call It what you will. Try It for a year." Chlvers grasped ftloggers by the hand.—New York World. Happiness. Happiness Is a; wonderful tblng. The only way you can really bave it Is to give It to some one else.—Loa Angeles I Timed. PEOPLE OF THE DAY llltneis' Veteran Senator. Shelby M. Oullom, who has been Tutted States senator from Illinois con tinuously since 18S3. will continue In tbat capacity, lie has Just been elect ed for the fifth /erm. The seuator Is In his seventy-eighth year and has been In politics over half a century. He has lieeu twice speaker of the Illinois legislature, served In the natloual house of representatives from IBIS to 1871 xnr.Mir u ctriMMt. * and has twice bfen governor at the Itate. lie Is one of the big guns on the Itepublican side of the senate and Is credited with unusual tsct aud skill In |K>lttlcul mailers. This story I* told of blu: Several years apo. after n call on President lloosevelt, lie wna asked. "Did you suggest to the president any candidates for cabinet positions?" "1 never offer advice to the president," replied Mr. Cullom, "regarding cabinet position*. I did that once, and I will never do It again, When Orant was In the White House I thought I saw a chance to get an' Illinois inn 11 lu the cabinet, so 1 suggested his name to tirnnt and pointed out some of bis good qualities. Grant arose from his tabic aud. stepping up to me, placed Ills hands on my shoulders and looked me squarely In the face. Then he said seriously, 'Culioitl, 11 president wants to lie Just ns free from Interference or advice when lie selects a member of Un cabinet ns he iln-i when he picks out his wife,' 1 would like to see au Illinois man In President Roosevelt's cabinet, but If lie wants any Informa tion or advice from me he must ask for It. and be has Hilled to do so up to dute." One on Dspsw. Mrs, liepew, wife of the senator, tells with glee a story of her wedding tour. They had among their fellow passengers a stodgy, slow wltted Scotchman, who liked the conversation of the orator, though lie did not know him. "That's ns Chnuncey Dcpew al wnys tells the tale," suld Mr. Depew, finishing off one of his stories. "What like Is tills ('hamicey Depew?" asked the Scot. "My dear," said the liuroor b»t, turning to ills bride, "what does liepew look like?" "Very much 11s you do, I Imagine," answered the lady. "Surely, madam, you do your husband an Injustice," answered the Scotchman, with a gesture of expostulation and protest,- 'hlctigo t 'hronlcie. The Governor of Jamaica. Blr James A. Swettenbum, governor of Jamaica, whose curt request tliut Itcar Admiral lhivls withdraw bis re lief parties from Kingston astonished the civlllxed world, lias been In the colonial sen-Ice of fireat Britain for nearly forty years. During Ills resi dence In the Island, It Is said, he has contrived to render himself unpopular with (lie nnth% horn residents. This Is due, It Is alleged, to bis autocratic man ner and Ills Insistent refusal to make himself part of the life of the |MHiple. fliwernor Hwetleiilinm, who Is sixty one years old, entered the Ceylon civil MH liVn ALKXANDBB HWSTTKKHAM. ■•rvlce In 1808 and remained in rarl •im grfidc* of ('pylon service for flftocu years. lie won auditor general of the Island of Cyprus from 1884 to 181(1 and auditor general of Ceylon from 1801 to INTO. Then lie wus made colonial sec retary Ht Singapore and from JBOB to 11100 was acting governor of the Strait* Settlements. Sir Alexander got hi* decoration and bis knighthood for colonial service and. was then sent to Jamaica, where he ar- . fired In the fall of 1804. FOR THE CHILDREN Old Chsst Qsms. The "ihest" may lie arrange*] In any way that will hide oue of the players. Tbe game Is baaed on tbe old poem, "Mistletoe Bough." Th« mistletoe bung In the castle halt. The holly branch shone on the old oak wall. The baron's retainers were blithe and gay, A-kreplng the Christmas holiday. The "retainers" all form a rlngabotll the "lover," who Is blindfolded. Th« retslners sing: Here we are so blithe snd gay. Keeping our Christmas holiday. One will hide In the chest hereby; To gums who It Is yon must surely try. With that one of the retainers rum and hides In the Improvised chest. The "lover" Is led lo It, snd he may ask questions of the hidden one. who may reply by "Yes" or "No," disguising the voice. By these answers the "lover" must tell who the retainer Is. If li» falls he must Iry again. When he suc ceeds the hidden person l>ecomes the lover. Chinsss Hsvs Plsnty pf Tims. Time, either his own or limt of oth ers, luis absolutely no value to a China man. The |teople do not observe a weekly day of rest. Nothing urgei them to set apart a certain portion of work to lie accomplished between Hun days, each day and hour having Its share. Children attend school from daylight until dark, with no recreation and no recess except that needed for refreshment, and this every day In the year but oue—New Year'* day. Thus, at an early age they gain the Impres sion that time is limitless. Hie divisions of time are Indicated with sufficient exactness In China by the terms "morning" and "evening." If one promises anything for the morn ing he will be prompt If lie keeps his word any time liefore noon. They are amused at the foreigner who values his minutes and liecomes Impatient when he Is made to lose even a few of thcui. Intelligent Sparrows. An eyewitness relates an Incident that shows how close Instinct some times comes to reason In birds, says Chicago News, A bill poster had drop ped a lot of paste on the sidewalk near a wall, und tt hungry sparrow had got himself so mixed up In It that Ije could uot get out. Ills struggles attracted the attention of a score of other spar rows, and they were busy lu their ef forts to release him. One after anoth er they would fly lo a nearby fountain and flutter In the water for a minute. Tty'ii they \\ould go to their paste Im prisoned companion and scatter on him the water from their feathers. In a little while they had In this way dis solved enough of the paste to free the prisoner, and then they accompanied lilni to the fountain, where he took a good bntli, shook himself vigorously and flew off in high glee. Miniature Marvels. Almost nuy commonplace object mag nlfled under a go«sl lens will reveal as tonishing 111111 unexpected form, struc ture and life. For Instance: Insect* of various kinds may lie seen In the cavities of a grain of sand. Mold I* a forest of beautiful roses, with branches, leaves and fruit. Butterflies arc fnlly feathered. Hairs are tubes filled with pith and ornamented on the outside with scales. The surface of the human body Is covered with scales like a fish. A sin gle grain of sand would cover Iff) of these scales, and yet a scale covers about Mxi pores. Through these liar row openings the perspiration forces Itself llkf water through a sieve. Each drop of stagnant water con tains 11 world of creatures swimming with ns much freedom as whales in the sea.—Circle. A Dangerous Work. Few kinds of work have been con sidered more dangerous limn cutting steel. The force required Is very great and the particles set loose by the saw most harmful to the lungs of the workmen. But recently a new process lias been discovered which work both easy and safe. A flame of oxygen gas driven 111 a thin Jet cuts through the Iron and steel with won derful facility, tbus removing from tbe path of tbe workman In his indus try 11 terrible menace to health and Ufa. Where Clothes Come From. T.lttle Mary nskNl her brother where he. bought Ids new clothes. Just to tense lie answered: "My coat came from Dacoata (Da kota*. my shoes from N'aishoeia, my socks from Woonsocket, my collar from Colorado, my hat from Cape Ilutterus and my shirt from the Chinese latin dry." Conundrums. When Is the urileut lover like a tai lor? When pressing his suit. How can 11 person fall upstairs? When In the second story. P.apid Convalescence. At nine pool Tom was sick In t>»d. A towel wrapped about his head At ten the pain I* somewhnt less. But still he feels too 111 to dress. Kleven-Thomas thinks that he May possibly got up for tea. He takes some nourishment at noon And hopes he msy feel better soon. At one he grosns and says perhaps He msy be getting a relapse. "It's wonderful." he says st two, "What good fresh air will sometimes do!" At three, to see him slide down hill, V ' Tou wouldn't knop he'd been so 111. N. B.—This Illness, I've heard say, Need not be feared en Saturday. —Baltimore Young Folks' Herald. FOR THE HOUSEWIFE To Imitate Ground Qlasa. Tlo 11 lump of glazier's putty In • ple»-e of mitalln ami gently dah the win dow pane wltli It until It Is evenly cov ered. When dry It will lust n long time without WIIRIIIUK off, HIUI when It bin worn away It can lie renewed. Should It IH> desirable to clear tho glaxH.nKuln. aoak the surface with llu need oil, ami after an hour or two wipe off the soaked putty with tissue paper and wash Ihe window with strong soda water. Another method of rendering n win dow opaque la to fasten to It tlsxue pa per which haa lieen brushed over with tlie white of an egg. The chief advan tage of tlila plan Is that faucirul de sign* can l>e cut out of the pa|>er he fore It Is stuck to the Riass. hut when once It haa dried on it is very difficult to remove. „ Lotion For Oily Bkin. When the skin grows oily through the winter the following lotion will be found retlulug and helpful In closing course | Hires: Half an ounce of oil of roaemary, two drams of petit grain, three drams of tincture of tolu, half a pint of orange flower water and a pint and n half of rectified spirits of wine. Use after the face bath at night, al lowing It to dry ou tho skin. It hai a wonderful effect In refining tho com plexion. __To Wash Laca Tiss. Make a lather of good soap and hot water, then squeeze the lace through and through the latter several times, taking care not to wring It. Illnse In milk, when the lace will be come quite crisp without being too stiff. If a cream shade Is desired, ndd cold .tea to the milk till the proper shade la obtained. Iron on the wrong Hide on some thick soft material. Sod* Crackara. Sift together n quart of Boor, one toa- Hpoonfnl of KHln ami liulf nteaspoouful of unit. Hub this Into one tnblespoonful of lard mid butter mixed, using the tips of tin' lingers. Heat one egg and ndd, together with hotter mill milk, enough to nuike n very SiltT paste. Bent until light and btlsrercd. Roll rather thin, out Into squares, prick with « fork and hake ill n hot oven. Child's Bed Strap. Nothing causes the busy mother more anxiety than to leave the little ones asleep In lied while she quickly runs to the store to purchase the hotiachold needfuls. The fear that they will awoken, crawl out of bed and get Into HOLDH nm,D IN HI D. dangerous mischief is continually on her mind. A handy device to have In such emergencies is KIIOWII here, an apparatus for holding the children 111 lied. It consists of a bed strap, which Is arranged across the lied and strap- Jied beneath the mattress. Attached to the bed strap Is a baud or belt which moves freely on the lied strap, 'l'he belt Is placed ampul the body of the child, permitting It to move freely from one side to the other and IIINO a limited up and down movement. Nev ertheless the child cannot work free of the strap and climb over the top of the crib. Onions on Toast. 801 l OIIIOIIH until done and press them through a rlcer. Season with suit mid white pepper. To two cupful* of the onion pulp and one half cupful of cream add the yolks of two eggs beat en well. Cook thorough and until the egg thickens, then pour ou to thin slices of buttered toast. Sickroom Precautions. Never wash cups, plutcs, spoon* and knives that have lieen used In the sick room with those used by the family, Infectious diseases, as scarlet fever, etc., have been known to spread In that way. Do not eat lu the sickroom or partake of anything that has stood there. Clipping tha Hair. ITalr should be clipped two or three times a year .to remove split end# and promote growth. If the hair Is braid ed loosely lu two braids and the baud drawn up over each braid the loose ends will stand out lu a way which makes theiu easy to clip. To Revive Black CJpth. Boil two and a half quarts of water with one-quarter of n pound green vitriol, one pound logwood and one hulf pound bruised galU for two hours, then strain and brush over cloth with the liquid. For the Toothache. Try alum Imi led in small quantities for toothache Hold in the mouth, but do not swallow. Alum can alao be used effectually to «top bleeding. ADVERTISING V our money buck.—Judicious m&rt »»K the kind that pays back t the money yon Space in paper aaaures yon prompt nwu WHOLE NO. 363 Professional Cards. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office: JefTrasa Drug Store. OFFICR llotms: 8 to 10 A. M. ; 7 to 9 r. M. Wiiliftmstou, N. C. Phone No. 7. Night A! dress : Atlantic Hotal. DR- J. A. WHITE. DENTIST UPKICR—MAIN STRKST PHONK 9 I will be iu Plymouth the firat week ia every other month. W. U. Warren. J. s. Rhodes. DRS. WARREN & RHODES, PHYSICIANS SURGEONS. 01-PICR IN BIGGS' DRUG STORK 'Phone No. 2q BURROUS A. CRITCHER, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, 23. WaUAMSTON. N. C. s. ATWOOD NEWELL LAWYER Ofßcp formerly occupied by J. D. Biggs. Phone No. 77. WIJ.LIAMSTON, N C. «-Pr*-iic* wherever Mrviccs are dc*tr*« tprcial attention given to eiamiuing and mak Mil* for purrhoaera of timber and timber Special Attention will be given to real estate *ichange». if you wish to buy or sell land I »n fceHwm- PHONIa/ H. I>. WINSTON S. J. Kvp.krrr WINSTON EVERETT ATTOR NKYS-AT- I.AW WII.MAMSTON, N. C. 'Phone 31 Money to loan. A. R. DUNNING ATTORNKY-AT I,A\V RonußsoNvn.i.K, N. C: HOTEL BEULAH It. C. MOORING, Proprietor ROBRKSONVIU.R, N. C. Rates $2.00 per day A I'irst-Closs Hotel iu Rvery Partic ular. The traveling public will find it 1 most convenient place to stop. WOOD YARD Provide for the Winter Have you a supply of good Pine Wood? If not give your order to JK. S. HASSELL Phone at Farmers St Merchants Bank MOLLISTEH'S Rocky Mountain Tea lluggett A Baajr Modialoa far Buy Ptopl* Bring* Ooldao Health and HaaaWM VlfW. A "w'lMi* for Constipation. ImliirMtloo, Lira nl Ki'lin'v Trouble*. IlinplMi, KCMUIU, Impura ''"'•l. Had Brenth. Sl nsrirfah Bowel*, Hsadacba nit ttitckacll*, It'i H »'ky Mountain Tea'la tab ■i rum. ?W rent* a box lignum* niad« by liiu Darn (•hiii-AIY, MIXIIod. TVl*. iOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PWPLE Williamston Telephone Co. Office over Dank of Martin County. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Phone Charges: Messages limited to 5 minutes; extra charge will positively lie made for longer time. To Washington * 25 eta. " Greenville 35 " " Plymouth 25 " " TarUiro 25 " " RiK-ky Mount J5 " " Scotland Neck 25 •' " Jameiiville. IS " " Kader Lillet's 15 " " I. O. " I. L. Woolard\... 15 " " O. K. Cowing St Co 15 " J" Purrnele., 15 " Rol>eitoiiville 15 " " Kverettt 15 " " Gold Point IS " " Geo. P. McNaughton 15 " " Hamilton ...s 20 " For other points in Bastern Carolina see "Central" where a'phone will b« found for use of nonwbacribara.

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