| ADVERTISINQ t Your money buck-Judicious advertia • ing is the kind that pny. back to you , r J the moo*j you lnwrt. Space in this E paper assures you prompt returns . VOL. VIII.- NO ai Weems and the Cherry Tree Tale George and the Hatchet Episode By ROBUTUS LOVE. (CepjrHgM. 1107. by Robertus Love.] - : -A . la ]n the original cher ry tree and hatchet story, faithfully copied from the 1800 edition of Par '•cMlJ, aon Weems' "Life of George ESPVW Washington, |KVm With Curloas If Ahecdotes, Equally Honour able to Himself Mr. m. l. wxxms. and Exemplary to His Toting Countrymen." The author prefaces the anecdote with a brief paragraph. In which he says "it la too valuable to be loot and too true to be doubted." The famous story begins on page 13 of the hook. An old woman tella It "When George," said she, "waa altout six years old, he waa made the wealthy master of a hatchet 1 of which, like most little hoys, be was Immoderately fond; and waa constantly going about chopping every thing that came In hia wey. One day, in the garden, where • be often amused himself hacking bis mother's pea-sticks, be unluckily tried the edge of his hatchet on the body of a beautiful young English cherry-tree, which he hacked ao terribly, that I , don't believe the tree ever got the bet ter of It. The next morning the old gentlemui. findlag out what had be fallen his tree, which, by the way, was a great favorite, came Into the hense; and with much warmth asked for tbe mischievous author, declaring at the aame time, Hint tie would not have taken Ova guineas for bis tree. Presently George and his batcbet made their appearance, 'Meorye,' said his father, 'do you kuow who killed that beautiful little cherry tree yonder In the garden V Tbat was a toniih'qiiei tiUH; anil George staggered under It for a moment; but quickly recovered him self: and looking at bla father, with tbe sweet face of youth brightened with the Inexpressible charm of all coiiquerlug truth, be bravely cried out, 'I can't tell a tie, Pa; you knowT cant tell a lie. 1 did cut It with my hatch et.' 'Ruu to my srus. you dearest boy.', cried hla father iu transmits; 'run to ay anna; glad am I, Ceorge, tbat you have killed my tree; for you have paid me for It a thousand fold. Such au aet of heroism In my sou la wprtli more than a thousand trees, though blossomed with silver, and their fruits of purest gold.'" . Is the Immortal cherry tree story true •r untrue? To believe or not to believe —that la tbe question. 80 far as the fair fame of .George Washington ia concerned. It does not matter au lota. That la tlxeil. a star of the first mag nitude. Doubtless there are many good persona who trust fondly that little George hacked tbe.tree with his hatch et and owned up. On tlie other band, there are many equally good persona who, preferring to look upon Washing ten aa a ma* rather than aa a divinity * and aa a real boy rather than aa au atupl child, deep down In their hearts dealre to belter* that George never owned a hatchet, that there never was a cherry tree In Papa Waahlngtou'a garden and that the harking -waa a lucubration of a v hark writer. We know whe tlrat published the at«( 7. "Pamon" Weema, Rev. Mason Locke Weema. one of Waahlngtou'a earlleat biographers, did that. But It seems that tbe story did not appear nutll the fifth edition of the parson's book, which waa first published In WOO. two years after Washington's death, under the quaint title of "A "• wieamT mn> tarn UMI or nia ■A*casr us a TOSKO CHXBBT TMB " History of the Life and Death. Virtues and Ksphtlta of Gensral George Wash ington, Faithfully Taken Prow Au thentic Iktcumenta," Why. asks the prying critic, to whom ne secular history Is sacred, did not Mr. WCema inclwde the sev eral boyhood anecdotes In bis first and other early editions? You may re pJ> that perhaps he bad not beard of the stortoa at that time. But tbe con text of the book Itself dispenses with that argument Parson Weems dis tinctly atatea that both the cherry tree story and another anecdote showing the little George's goodness of heart. - which also lie relates, wore told to hloi by an aged lady twenty years befor tl»-«t£M|t jrriti..* This Isdy. he tnf her girlhood nt the family homs opposite Fredericksburg, Va., wjiere lay the orchard that grew the tree that was hacked by the hatchet that George had—lf he bad it. Oeorge Waahlngtou ni born In 1732. The hatchet Incident, happening when he wan ale, must date from 17.18. Nearly seveiity years passed before It got Into print, yet for thirty year* Washington bad been a famous char acter. »ue la Inclluad to ask why Par son Weems didn't use the atoQr In his earlier editions. «»uce he says he had known It for twenty years. Moreover, why didn't lie tell us the uaoic of tbla distant kinswoman of Washington, since by his own n Amission he waa writing the Ufa of the "greateet man that ever 11 red?" Historians who writ* actual facta are eager to give authorities for their statements. In hla first edition tbe parson de clared. right on hla title page, tbat tbe matter of tbe book was "faithfully taken from authentic documents." When the several stories were insert ed. however, we find the title page al luding to "curious anecdotes." with, tbe reference to falthfulnesa and .au thentic documents altogether eliminat ed. It la unfair to Parson Weems, how ever, to place him in eomparisou with historians. He was not a historian. He was an exhoiier. Iu whatever be wrote be made a special plea, fie set out with a Axed and definite Intention, and. though altogether locking In lit erary artistry, be hewed to the line untH he reached "Finis," In the case of the Washington book his purpose was to-plsco before tbe public, partic ularly before young Americans, a pic ture of a St. Washington, idealised, ha loed. aureoled, uutil very few attri butes merely human were left. He aucceeded. and hi* work pleased the public of his day and for many yean thereafter. More than seventy edi tions of Weems' "Washlngtou" were ptibllMbed during the nineteenth cen tury. In 1837 Joseph Alien of Phila delphia purchased the copyright and brought out the "twenty-seventh edl tlou, greatly improved," though Mr Weems bad beeu dead since 182 ft. It enn do no harm to" give a brief ac count of Parson Weems - life. As the anecdotal biographer of Washlugtou be I* almost aa Interesting as John- A> J. ■ ' "o*olll 11, r>o Tor KNOW WHO ar.T.KD THAT bSAL'TIiCL CHIKBT TRilB?" soiTa Hoswell. Ho was born In Mary laud altout 17(10, studied nßsllclne, but gave It up to go to England and pre pare himself fof the Episcopal minis try. It nppsars that he found no bish op In London to admit him to holy orders. Heturulug to America, he waa •till worse off, aa there was no Angli can bishop In the new world at that time. However, he finally became a preacher, though It is said that bo cared llttlo for creed, being willing to preach In a church of any denomina tion. H* appears never to have held a regular rectorate. When he was about thirty yeara old, ho became a book agont, selling books through Virgiula for Matthow Caroy, the Philadelphia publisher. He also itegan writing books himself and peddled bis own works. Th* Waahiugion life lu par ticular had a great aale. Parson Weema had a reputation as an amateur comedian and as one of the best fiddlers lu Virginia. IWien he had no opportunity to exhort through sermons, be diverted tbe people through music and ainusiug antics. He was, It appears, a stern moralist and In many respects an admirable character, a credit to hla period. As an author Mr. Weems eauuot withstand the fiirce light that beats upon literary criticism. His lift of Wastflngtou is full of ex clamation points snil dishes, and In this respect, but assuredly In uo other, It resembles Carlyle's "French devolu tion." The whole book la filled with tbe kind of matter which au ram est. devout evangelist of his period might talk to a Sunday school class or preach from tbe pulpit. Long passages moral ising ou Incidents hi Washington's ca reer are sandwiched between tbe Inci dents. Parson Weems was a prodigious pro ducer. One of his owtf Kooks which he peddled through Virginia was 'Ths Drunkard s Looking Giaas. Reflecting a Faithful Likeness of tbe Drunkard In Sundry Very Interesting Attltodes, With Lively Representations of the May Ktrango Capers Which He Cuts ID Different Stages of His Disease." Our Sherlock Holmes must infer from the length and burden of this title that the parson traveled about In a very stont buggy. This book bad alx edi tions by ISIB. Another work was "Tba Bad Wife's Looking Glass; or. God'a Revenge Against Cruelty to HlM bends." As this bad but two editions up to l*2t. we must conclude that tbe ladiee didn't take to It aa they did te the drunkard's looking glaaa. "Hy men's Becruitlug Sergeant; or, the New Matrimonial Tattoo For Old Bach elors." wss even mors popular, for II had sevfe Ijo|l,l by mi. WILLIAMSTON, N. C.. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY a 2, 1907 H WASHINGTON. our Washington, a|iin tKs rounding year Bring* back to us thy natal day, which avsr grows mors daar. Aye, mora and mora we reverence thee, thou who didst build so wolL The story of thy matchless deeds sire unto son will ted. I A I WASHINGTON, our Washington, wo see thee kneeling there. LmJ Amidst the snows of Valley Forge, with hands upraised in prayer. The God of Battles heard thy call and raccor to thee sent. Through all those weary, anxious yean his angel with thee went j|jj| ■■■■■■ —fh- 7- # * H WASHINGTON, our Washington, be thou our guiding star. As thou didst lead us in the past, still lend us from eLf*r; Still Father of thy Country be. guard and protect thy land. And may the ship of state e'er feel thy wise and steadfast hand. H WASHINGTON, our Washington, on blue Potomac's shore • Thy body lies in sleep eterne. at rest forevormore. But thy great soul live* on and on; more glorious grows thy fame, • . And millions yet unborn will add theft praises to thy name. GheMany Sided Washington By WALTON .WILLIAMS THAT Washington wss very well off in tble world's goods Is a matter of »oaiuiou knowledge. The fact that lie waa exceed ingly shrewd and thrifty in business matters Is 'hot so widely known. He Inherited much property, snd he In creased It by cartful management Washington was Indeed a many aided man. lie could conquer a klni( or Iq | crease a corn crop wltb the same tidel Ity to detail He looked closely after the details ID farming aa well as 111 ' fighting, and therein lay the secret of his success lu both tbess professions. "Letters and Kecoriertlons of tieorge Washington." published by Double day. Cage A CO., reveals tbe business aids of his life In s manner calculated to-convince the reader that tlie lather of His Country was s likely hand at a bargain It required a mighty lively rascal to cbeat. George Washington in a business deal He wss sn sble Judge or men end a severe aualyr.er of motives ID a tew words be could de lines te the character of a statesman or draw a correct picture of a servant, and bs looked after bis servants, both employee and slave, from tbe bead overseer on bis plantation to the ugll est scullion In bis kH hen. Tbs litters mentioned were written by Washington to hla private secre tary, Tobies Lear, a young man from New Hairipehlre, -who occupied tbst confidential post durtug the last six teen years of tbe great mau'a life. . In a letter written from "(Jeorge Town" sarly In 1701 Washington In closes several other letters, ons of Which be mentions thus: Another letter from Colo Csnnon whleh 1 may venture to say proves him to be. What I will not call htm. snd that 1 n-»t never look for any Rent from him. I pray you to aay to htm. If he does come to Philadelphia during my absence-that his ewe statement slven at New Tork— does not Justify hla prest report-end that I am too well acquainted with the prices Cif statu * the demand for it last year in bis own neighborhood, te be im posed spen by sash h tele as his tetter eihlbtta. In a word I mean that I am bf no mfana aatlafled with hla treatment of me. H Is well known that Washington provided lu his will for the liberation of his slaves sfter tlis death of his widow. While he lived, however, he took good care to see that his slaves served, him properly and that they did not permit dreams of liberty to disturb their equilibrium. When the capital of the iiaiiuu was removed to Phila delphia, Washington took a number of slaves from Ills Mount Vernon es tate to serve in the presidential man sion, a house rented by the president. It appears from the following remarks i In a letter to Mr. !.enr from Richmond I f>st Washington was worried lest I some of his negroes might obtain their i liberty under Psnnsylvaula'^laws: The Attorney-General's raaa and mlns I l conceive, from a conversation I bad with him respecting our Slaves, ia aome what different He lu order to qualify himself for practice In the Courts of Pennsyl vanla, was obliged to take the Oaths of Cltlienshlp to that State; whilst my real dence Is Incidental as an Officer of Gov sinment only, but whsthsr among people who ate In the practice of talking slaves ton * liere there la no colour of law for j It, this distinction wilt avail. I know not, and therefor* beg you will take the beat advise you can on ihe subject, and In case Itemay be found that any of my Slavea may, oc_«ny for them ahall at tempt their freedom at the expiration nt ■ alg months. It la my wlali and desire that you would send the whole, or such psrt of them as Mrs. Washington mey not I ehuae to keep, home for although I do not think they would be benefitted by the change, jret the Ideu of freedom might be too great a temptation for them to restat At any rate It might. If they conceived they had a right to It. make them Inso lent In a State of Slavery. As all except Hercules and Paris- are dower negroes. It behoves me to prevent the emancipation of them, otherwise 1 ihall not only loose ths use of them, but tray have them to pay for If upon taking good advise It Is found expedient to send thetn back to Virginia, I wish to have It accomplished under pretext that may deceive both i them and the Public:—and none I think would so effectually do this, aa Mrs. Wsahlngton coming to Virginia next month (towards the middle or latter end of It as she seemed to have a wish to do) If she can accomplish It by any con venient and agreeable means, with the assistance of the 9t«ge Horses Ac. This would naturally' bring her maid and Austin-ami Hercules under the idea at coming home to too* whilst we remained there, might be sent on in the stag*. Whether there Is occasion-for this or not according to the result of your enquiries, or iaeua the thing as )t may. 1 request , that these biuwou and this advise may be known to none but y Mritll 4 Mr*. Ifa«AUf(oH. Both bin solicitude for Mi* comfort auil health of bis slaves and bis ey* for • bargain are revealed by tbla pas sage written to Mr. 'ear lit .lime, the secretary being In Philadelphia; As 1 sliall have occasion fur m number Sf Blanket a for my people this fall; and aa the beat time to purchase them 1 am toKI la after the winter's demand la over, 1 ahould be «lnd ir you would make a pretty diligent enquiry after them, before 1 arrive; that I may know tcAetAer and apon trfcul terms 1 ran set supplied. ,Jt la probable I may want near two hundred ll* wrote several time* to bis secre tary regarding tbeui, and Mr. I,*»r seems to have bat! a lively cbase through the Philadelphia shopping dis trict looking for btaukets of the Wash lngtouiau lucllnatlou. President Washington saw n cbanc* to get hsrgnlna In servants by utilising raw material from abroad, and he Jumped st It. In a letter dated from Mount Vernon June 10. 1701, he write* to Mr. I.onr concerning some proposed changes In the force of servanta at the Philadelphia house; A boy or two may be necessary—there to assist about the horses, Carriages A Harness—but these (dutch ones) It Is pos sible may be had for their victuals A clothes,—especially If there are large Im portations from Germany (as some ar ticles In the pApers say there will be). I mention the matter now that In case ar rivals ahoukl happen before I get hark, of these kind of people, you may be ap- TOMA , I,KAN, WASHfmrroM * ritlTA'lH SMJKKTAKY. prised of my wishes:—low A squat (well msde) boys would suit b«*l. If emigrants sre not to lie liud, there can be no doubt thai eoino of the dutch servants In the family could easily procure such aa are wanted from among Ihe cltlsens. When Washington found It necessary to take a house iu Philadelphia a com mittee of citixeus hinted something about paying the rent thereof, but LJhe president (Irmly declined to have anybody but himself pay It. However, he seems tobiive had HOllie difficulty in arriving ut a fillr figure owing to vail ons Improvements made necessary I>y his occupancy and to the apparent In disposition of the owner. Itobert Mor ris, to set a price of rental. H* writes to Mr. I.eur; ■> 1 hope there Is no Intention of adding near to Pr, Cent to the rent of tljf house I occupy; for I vll remember my desir ing you to Inform the Committee thst I muif and Kould know upon what terms I was to Inhabit the Mouse and yt. you told ms they had Used the Rent at WO4; Pr. Annum. Washington's secretary made a trip to ICnropo In the fall of 17W-"t. A black smith wai neodod on the Virginia plan tations. Accordingly (lie landlord wrote to Mr. Lear: t If It should be convenient, and porfeet ly ssfe for you to ensage for me, on rea sonable terms a 'complete Black Smith, you would oblige me by doing HO. AM thors are Jaw* in Kngland prohibiting aucli en gagements undor severe penalties. and aucli may exist In other Countries, you will understand me clearly that for no conaliteratlon whatsoever would 1 have you run the smallest risk of encountering thtm—you know full well what kind of a amlth would ault my purpose", • • • He mtiat have a character on which you ran rely, not only aa a romplete workman for a farm, but aa an honest, aober and In duatrloua man If he cornea on wages they muet be moderate; ft with or with out wagea, he muat be bound to aerve me three years-four would be better. Washington sometimes became In dlgnnnt nt the dereliction* of bouae servants, which shows that a present day problem was In exislenco then. Ha wrltea: On the 2*th. I wrote you two lattere. In one of tliem I Intended (but forgot lt> to have mnde a request that you would •nqulre after the lad that uaed to wait at Suter's (William I think hla name was) whoae servitude had expired, and If disen gaged and hla character good, ss well aa handy, to engage him for me nt eight Dollars P. Month, (with the other. allow ances known to you) being what 1 am now obliged to give, to the most indiffer ent set of servants I ever had. The common opiulou In that Wash lugton wa« Mich an austere |>er>ouagv that he uerer deigned (o smile or crack • Joke. A postscript to n letter to Mr. Lear Just after he left Philadel phia and the presidency In 17!i7 has a humorous touch. The ex-preUlent was arranging to hHve bla things sent hack to Mount Vernon, to which he wai re tiring to end hla day* In peace and fuletude. He gave Inatructlona to have the grate packed In aoiue old carpeting to keep It from scratching. "The bed stead which Nelly Oistls slept on be longs (Mrs. Washington su.rsi to me. X-et this auil the trundle under It be •ent lu the Vessel." After various oth er tMtructions and Washington's La bit us I expression of affection, regard, etc., with which he closed all his let ters to bis secretary cane the post script: "Ou one aide I am called upon to remember the Parrot, on the other to remember the dog. For my own part I abould aot pine much if both ware forgot" Wheiv the Silhouette Was Popular A Sketch of Washington's Tim* By WALTER J. JANES [Copyright, MOT, by C.'N. I.url*.] «|N Washing ■ ton's day I there wa* no such art aa photography to preserve the likenesses of the great and the bumble. But for ths paint ers of portraits lit oil the fea ture* of the Father of Hi* WAaniNOTo*. Country and of the other Importsnt figure* of his time would have been lost to posterity. There existed, however, one poor make shift or substitute for the photograph. That wa* the silhouette. Washing ton, Franklin, Jefferson, Thotnas Paine and other illustrious builders of the re public are preserved to ua In silhou ette, nnd, eveu though there had been no pointers to portray their linea ments, these simple makeshifts would have given us n fairly'adequate rep resentation of their profiles. The silhouette Itself is scarcely older than the American republic. It orig inated lu 1T57. Etleiine de«'iiliouette, a Parisian hnuker, w as resfViNible for both the name and the thing. Person ally. however, he had nothing to do with It. The good monsieur was made minister of litiauce for the French monarchy In 1757. Finances were In a c tery bad eon dltlon. Inconi of Inordinate ex throughout the kirn's court, bad Hunker Kllhou ette was called to tlut financial ministry In the MADISOX. lio|«> of Nulvlng (lie problem of extrlcat lug Prance from her poverty. He was wise nud prudent. He believed In auv- Ing rather than In extravagauee. He urged economy upon all the king's courtiers, an well as upon the gov«ru uieut officials. This was too much for the reckless, pIu IIKIIIK aristocracy. The high fliers of French society laughed loud and long, and they determined to esrry out M. de Silhouette's advice by a report to burlesque. Accordingly they economized by wearing coats without folds or ruftlos, using snuff boxes made of plain wood and wear lug hats without rosettes. Those who had been patronizing portrait painters turned to the "shadow picture" lu sheer ridicule. The shadow picture was the profile the sub ject on a wall by a ■ rangeiueiit of the JHByH Tfie trnc- Ing this OW HUE IIM cutting out In HP black paper and pa sll n x white suited 111 a file likeness. Lat er some "artiste" PAl ' N|; ' grww so profi cient that they could cut profiles with out the aid of the shadow traclug, making them life size or in miniature at will. These pictures wore called silhouettes, being "« In Hllhouette" be cause they represented strict economy. A hundred years ago and more the silhouette was exceedingly popular. Scarcely anybody was too poor to pay a strolling artist for cutting a sil houette. .Much less than a hundred years ago the silhouette was still pop ular. There was no family album then. II was too early even sixty years ago for the fatnily album, which now we are disposed to look upon •• old fashioned. Tlii' very first sunlight photograph ever made lu the world. Miss Dorothy Catherine Praper of New York being the subject, was tukeu by Professor John W. I>raper in 1840, and It wan nearly twenty year* thereafter liefore photography became really practicable. Thus the modest silhouette remained may lie termed the poor man's picture until time* well within the memory of mauy person* now living. Today the silhouette I* merely a curi osity. At lorne of the summer resorts, at county falra and exposition* au oc casional silhouette be rapidly ting the profile of your aweetheart or yourself for u 1 He knows little or of the the silhouette. and the pretty muldeu who y\ merrily accepts and treasures her proflle lu black ou JK> naso:*. ■ wblte ground as a "eourenlr" of tha occasion Is unaware that such great men ax Washington and Jefferson ac tually "sat" seriously for their silhou ettes generations before the amateur photographer Infested the earth, with his propensity for taking snapshots at everything, from a pug pup to a presi dent. A DVERTISINQ Your money back.—Judicious advertis ing ia the kind that pays back to you the money yon invest. Space in this paper aaaurea you prompt return . . WHOLE NO. 364 Professional Cards. fIUGH B. YORK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office: Jeff rets Drug Store. OKFICK HOURS: 8 to 10 A. M.; 7 to 9 r. M. Willi(imuton, N. C. Plioue No. 7. Night Address: Atlantic Hotel. DR. J. A. WHITE. JFDBL DENTIST OKHICK—MAIN STRMIT PUONK 9 I will be iu Plymouth the first week ia every other month. W. K. Warren. J. S. Rhodes. DRS. WARREN & RHODES, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. OKFICK IN BIGGS' DRUG STORK 'PIIOH* No. 2Q BURROUS A. CRITCHER, ATTORNKY AT LAW Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, 13. WILUAMSTON, N. C. S. ATWOOD NEWELL LAWYER office formerly occupied by J. D. Rigf*. Thone No. 77, WILUAMSTON, N C. •9-Practice wherever aervlce* are deiitrcd Special attention given to examining ox title for putchaaeta of timber and timber land*. Special attention will be given to real eatate txrhunge*. if you winh to buy or aell land I c.n heluyotr PHONES / I'. I>. WINSTON S. J. Rvaarrr WINSTON & EVERETT ATTORNKYS-AT-I.AW WLI.I.LAMSTON, N. C. 'Phone 31 Money to loan. VJ A. R. DUNMNG „ ATTORNEY-AT I,AW ' .ROBKRSONVIU.K, N. C. HOTEL BEULAH I>. C. MOORING, Proprietor KDBHRSONVII.UJ, N. C. Kates JJ.OO per day A l-'irst-Closs Hotel in Kvery Psrtic ul'ir. The traveling public will find it a most convenient place to stop. In Gase of Fire you want to L>e protected. In case of death you want to leave your family some thing to live on. In case of accident you want some thing to live on besides borrowing. Let Us Come to Your Rescue We can insure youjagainst loss from Fire, Death and Accident We can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Burg lary. 'We also can bond yoii 101 any office requir ing bond None But Best Coipulit Represeatei K. B. GRAWrORD INSURANCE AGENT, Oodard Building Williamston Telephone Co. Office over Bank of Martin County. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Phone Charges: Messages limited to j minutes; extra charge will positively he made for longer time. To Washington 2j cts. Greenville *5 " " Plymouth 35 " , " Turlioro JJ " " Rocky Mouut 35 " " Scotland Neck 15 •' " Janiesville IJ " " Kader Lilley's 15 " " f. G. Staton 15 " " F- L. Woolard 15 " " O. K. Cowing 81 Co IJ " "JParmele., 15 " J" Roberaouville ;. 15 " " Everetts 15 " " Gold Point IS " J" Geo. P. McNaii|fbton 15 '* |" Hamilton For -ether points in Eastern Carolina * ses "Central " where a 'phone will be fouad tor ase of aon-tabeoriben.

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