THE ENTERPRISE. »O»I.WHKI>KVKR* raii»A* ■l m (MTUrait* raipriM co. «iUUiuto* K.C> ALFRED B. WHITMORR. EDITOR. Karm* at the tost "See at Wllllamrtoa, U. c. M Second Class Mall Matter. —~ Friday, February, ti, 1907] Resolution on 1907 Cotton Acreage 1 The following resolution wa*! passed by the great convention of the Southern Cotton Association held in Birmingham. "In view of the fact that a great many farmers have abopted the in tensive system of farming, increas ing the yield per acre and new ter ritory each year is being planted in cotton, that heretofore has not grown cotton, thereby increasing the -production, there fore in order to maintain satisfac tory and remunerative pi ices, we urge and recommend a full reduc tion of 10 per cent, of cotton acre age for the year 1907." "We further recommend that the acreage so reduced be planted in food crops." "We are sure that unless the farmers unitedly reduce their acre ageof cotton that they will lie con fronted at the end of the season with equally bad, if not worse con ditions than they were in 1904, when cotton went down to 6 cents per pound. Respectfully submitted by the Committee on acreage." F. G. HI'I'SON, Chairman, W. S. I'HARK, Secretary. The executive Committee of the Noth Carolina division of the Southern Cotton Association, ear nestly solicit the aid jof every farmer, merchant, banker and al' men of the State who are interested in maintaining afair price for cotton to use their influence to reduce the acreage for 1907 full to per cent. from the acreage planted in 1906 We alsocallfor help in our effort to produce 011 every farm i i the State, sufficient lood and crops for thl needs of man «nd beast on otir farms. Respectfully, Q. G. MOORK, Pres N. C. Div S C. A. Executive Committee: A. J. Mc- Kinuon. T. J. W. Broom, J. H Carrie. Charlotte, N. C., February ist 1907 It is said now that ink-marks will only last seventy years but poli ticians should be particular to say" burn this letter". AIII headaches go When you grow wiser And learn to use An ''Early Riser.'' De Witt's Little F.i*rly Risers, safe sure pills. It would be poetic justice for Sena tor Roosvelt to lie bombarded by messages for the White House. Use a little KOD()L after your meals and itwill be found to nllord a prompt andifticient relief. KODOL nearly approximates the digestive juice- It digests what you eat. It is sold 011 a guaranteed relief plan. Sold here by S. R. Biggs. The San Franciscans have just ordered 800 new pianos. After the earthquake even the piano has no terrors for them. -• VrospcctJ jqEH ' W« hare * ■ many actual I photoffrmpht of cotton J Ml4i on which so fertilise!-* worn f used and pictures of Uelda on which [ "other make*" of fertiliser* were \ Mad. Rhulli o f those crop* were I dlamal failures 1 hrrn are muJi / i "brifktor proapecta" ahead for tVe I Pi ogi eaalve farmer* of the South. | Two anil three balea to the aore are # eaty ordinary yield*' whera ~ f Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers J in oaed with proper cultivation. / \ Make jronr ootton mature early,and I / UMjwwapeJ.hajHjli weevllaandother \ I | peracre" U *ii)ii > t be fooledinto buy- / I GfawbaUtaM. f j Vlf|lttt4tftNM ft. % Does Color * ■. ..1* Aycr's Hair Vigor, as now made from our new Improved formula, does not stain or color the fialr even to the slightest degree. Gray hair, white hair, 1 blonde hair is not made « jsb .de darker. But It certainly jdocß stop falling hair. No ] question about that. I Doci notehcngt thn color of the hair. j**"*" JA " TLrmuJft with oaoh bottle j / i m Show it to your 1/1 uers i" 8 " v tbsaaoashasays I we believe it will stop every esse of filling hair unless there it some very unuriii! complication, somtthing greatly affi.e:ii:g the pencral health. Tnen you should con'-iiTi your pltyficUn. Also ail him rcw Aycr's H*ir Vigor. •t |;1 J.C. /yJt'UJ., Low* 11, >#«•.- The Thaw trial gives the yellow press the sort of stuff to print with out having to iavent it. A Valuable Lesson "jjix years ago I learned a val uable lesson,'' Writes John Pleasant of Magnolia. Ind," 1 then began taking Or. King's New Life Pills, tnd the longer 1 take them the better I find them." They please every body. Guaranteed at S, K. Iliggs, druggist 25c It's a pity that the ground-Hog Walked right in and turned right' ronnd and walk out agvln". Skin Disease of Twenty Years Stand ing Uired I want you to know how much Chamberlain's Salve has done for me. It has cured my face of a skin diseases of almost twenty years' standing. I have been treated by several as smart physician sas we have in this country and they did me 110 good, but two boxes of this salve has cured me.—Mrs, Fannie Grilfen, Troy, Ala. Chamberlain,s Salve is tor sale by Si R. Biggs The Kulgish Admiral, L,ord Be res ford thinks that a bin navy in the ] best argument for peace" Strange j isn't it, that it is always the best | argument for war? Whit to do Whin Bilious Die right thing to do when you feel bilious id to take a dose of Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse the stomach and regulate the liver and bowels. Try it. Price, j5 cents. Samples free at S. I\. Biggs', durg store,, If they should everscffl pit-statue of Secretary Shaw in a ' 'character istic attitude", it would be that of "relieving Wali street". Piles of people have Piles, Why suf fer Iron* piles when yju can use De wilts Curboliacd Witch Har.el salve and get relief Nothing else so good. Beware of imitation. See that the name i«; stamped on each box sold by S. K. Biggs. A tipsue builder, reconstructor, build up waste force, makes strong nerves and muscle, you wi 1 realise alter Inking Hollister * Rocky Moun tain fea what a wonherful benefit it will be to you. 35 cents Tea or l ab lets. J. M. Winters A Co Roberson ville The Senator from New Jersey saw his shadow and went back into his dry den. We are now occuping the store next to Biggs' Drug Store where you will always find the best in Fancy and Staple Groceries Our stock is complete Free delivery within corporate limits 'Phone us your orders Brown & Hodges ON SCORCHING DAYS THE CHULOOS CHEW COLGAN'S TAFFY-TOLU GUM You will alwayu know me after you have once chewed uie, ami will understand why I am pronounced simply delicious. The firm that makes me does not try to make me ai cheap at they can, but endeavor to make me as good aa they can, therefore, everybody tike* me. The Gum With Substance In It It Prevents Thirst. -BE A CHULOCT L. E COREY, WHOLESALE GROCER WUlie wailed and Winnie wheezed, while wintiy winds whined weirdly Willie wrigglrd while Winnie wheezed wretchedly.Wisdom whis per*, winter winds work w brazes. Wherefore we write,' Use Kennedys Laxative Cough Syrup, Nothing else so good. Sold by S. K. Biggs. Still if Senator Bailey is going to call every one a liar who believe him guilty, he may have to fight the male population ot the U. S. Hutiig for Trouble "I've lived in Califo'tiia 10 year*, and am still hunting for trouble in the way of burns, sores, wounds, boils, cuts, sprains, or a case of piles that Bucilen's Arnica Salve \yon't quickly cure writes Charles Walters of Al'eghany, . s 'ierra Co. No use hunting. Mr. Walters, it cures every case, GuaranteedS, R. Biggs drug store. 25c. The staid old Congressional Rec -01 d is the only daily newspaper io the U S., that is completely ignor ing the Thaw trial. Panama Canal—Eria Canal Machinery is the Panama Can ill a thousand timea quicker than the shovel dug the Erie. Machinery produce* the L, & M. Paint at jo times less cost for lahor, than if made by hand. The 1,, a M. xives the bent job in the world; because 1.. & M. Zinc hardens 1,. & M. White bead and make* L. A M. l'aiut wear like iron for lo to 15 years. It only requires t gallon* >f this cele brated paint and j gallons of Unseed Oil at 60 cts per gallon, to pnint a mod erate sized house. "v If any defect exists in 1,. * M. l'aiut will repuint*house for nothing Sold by S K. Hixga, Williauititon, N. "Has Congress gone crazy?" cries the Raleigh N. C., Times. Really brother, we are not certain: but it certainly lias been going some. It's the highest standard of quality, a natural tonic cleanse your system, reddens the cheeks, bright ens the eyes gives flavor to all you eat Hollister.s Rocky Mountain Tea will do this for you jjvts. Tea or Tablets, J. M. Whiter# tSr Co. Roberaon ville. rpn STRAW NO. 4 J a wind blows." J |j» A Friday that was not £ Black Friday |i> on Friday sth instance, I had 4 jr the pleasure of sending fol- 4 & lowing telegram to our Iife ij - 4 b- cation for sl3,soo""Tusnranee 4 |» tolay, including Ten Thous- 4 jft> and Dollar Policy." 4 p The party applyiug for this « F $10,000.00 contract was al- 5 f ready carrying policies iti sev- 4 ► eral Northern Companies but 1 • on beiug shown our "Kco- € p notnic Bond" declared it to be if the best insurance contract € he had ever seen and applied 4 for maximum amount issued 4 P by the Company. € i B. T. COWPER p Life, Fire, Accident. 41 f 'Phone No. 7 * over I'. & M. B'k B'l'd'n DIRECTORY Methodist Church Rkv. C. L. Rkio, Putor. Methodist Kpiscopal Church, South, Williamson and Haniilton Charge*. Service* as follow*. Williauistou—Preaching On the Ist 3rd a oil 4th Sundays at 11 a maud 7:30 pni Sunday School at 9:30 am, W. A. Kl liaon, Supt. Prayer Meeting each Wednesday at 7:30 p m. Hamilton—Preaching on the 2nd and sth Sunday* at 11 ■ m and 7:30 p a>. Vernon—Preaching tin i*t Sunday at 3 p m. Holly Spring*—Preaching the 3rd Sun day at 3 p m. All friend* of the church and the pul - lie generally are cordially invited to at tend all the cervices. Christian Church ■ Sen-ice* at the Christian Church, Wl - I urn is', on. Preaching third Sunday 11 am and 7 pa Sunday School 3 p in every Hninfuy. Macedonia first Sundays II n 111 mi> Saturday nam aud 7 30 p ui. I Old Pord —Second Sundavs and Sat urday* II a m. Jatnesville—Fourth Snndays 11 a ni and j 7 p m. J. R. TINGX.P,. Pastor. Notice By virtue of a power of mile contained in a certain trust deed executed to aie by Kdward J*me* and wife C. H. James bearing date July 13th, 1903, and did) 1 recorded iu the Register'* office in Mar tin county iu Book HOG at page 485, to ■ecure the payment of a certain bond bearing even date therewith, and the stipulation in said deed'of trust not hxv ing been complied with, I shall expose at public auction, to the highest bidder for ci-sh, on Monday the first day of April, 1907, at twelve o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in Williamstm Martin County, N. C. the following des cribed property, to-wit: One house and lot lying and lieing in the town of Rveretts, N. C., adjoining the lands of David D. Clark and others, and bounded as follows:- Hounded 011 the North by James Street 70 yards, on the South bv David D. Clark line, 7«. yards, on the Kast by Hamilton Street 55 yards, and on the West bv K. V, Kv erett line 56 yards, said to contain 3673 square yard*, and being the same prop ertv conveyed to Kdward James by Mr* E, V. Kverett, by deed, recorded in tht Martin Registry. Thi* 18th day of February 1907. 0 1-13-41 A. R. Dunnino, Trustee. Notice North Caroliua —Martin Count v. Addie Walker | v*. [ Sujierior Court Bdwird Walker ) The defendant atiove named will take notice that an action entitled as atiove has tieeu commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County for djvorce; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the next term of the Sujierior Court ol said county to be held on the second Monday after the first Monday in March it being the 18th day March 1907 nt tht courthouse of said county in Williams ton, N. C. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintifl will apply to the court for the relief de manded iu said complaint. * This llth of February 1907. J. A. HOHHS, C. S. C. MI-4I Notice North Caroliua- Mai tin County. Linwood 1,. Suiithwick } In Superior v*. > Court March 1 Gather Suiithwick I Term 1907 The defendant mlhjvc named Will take notice that an action entitled ax above named has l>een commenced in the Su perior Court of Martin County wherein the plaiutiff demands that a divorce br granted him, and the defendant will further take notice that she la required to appear at the next term of the Super ior Court of said County to be 1 eld at the court house in iu Williamaton on the third Monday in March 1907 it being the 1 Nth day and answer or demur to the complaint iu aaid action or plaintiff will apply to court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 13th day of February 1907. J. A. HOSBS. C. 8. C.- Burr rs a. Critchkr, Att'y. »-15-4t Notice North Carolina—Martin County Superior Court, Before the Clerk. A. W. Griffin v*. Annie, Ernestine and W. n. Bain. J The defendants above named will take notice that a special proceeding entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County to tell for division the land described in peti tion filed therein and said defendants will take notice that they are required therein to appear at the office of Clerk of the Superior in the court house in Williamstoo on Monday the 4th day of March to answer or demur to the com dlaint filed therein or the plaintiff win be granted the relief demanded. Thia February 4 >9° 7 J. A. Bona*. C. S. C. WINSTON ft BVHRBTT, Att'y. a-8-4t Notice By virtue of an order of the judge of the Superior court of Martin county, in • special proceeding entitled. Van Wil liams J. W. Watts N. S. Peel guardian of B. B. Williams vs. J. T. Swell an* wife Swell, 0. U. BarakUl asi J. t. FLUE CURING IMPROVESTOMCCO LIKE ROASTING IMPROVES GREEN COFFEE • Flue Curing Develops the Stimulating Aroma and Taata Found In Schnapps that Satisfles Tobaoco Hunger There are three ways used by far mers for curing and preparing their tobacco for the market; namely, sun cured, air cured and flue cured. The old and cheap way is called air cured; the later discovery and improved way is called flue cured. In flue-curing the tobacco is taken from the field and suspended over intensely hot flues in houses especially built to re tain the heat, and there kept in the proper temperature until this curing process developes in the tobacco the stimulating taste and fragrant aroma found in Schnapps tobacco, just as green coffee is made fragrant and stimulating by the roasting process. Only choice selections of this ripe, juicy flue cured leaC grown in the famous Piedmont country, where the best tobacco grows, are used in Schnapps and other Reynolds' brands of high grade, flue cufed tobaccos. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, WINSTON-SALEM, N. 0. Harnhill, guardian of H. D. llarnhill, I will sell for cash tu.the Highest bidder at public auction at the court house door in Williamstou, N. C. on the 4th day of March 1907 at II o'clock, the follow ing described tract of land; one lot iu the town of Williauiston, N. C., fil iated on Main street and boiintled on :he north by C. D. Carmarthen's land in the south by main street, on the east by Martin Live Stock Cu's. laud and on the west by Dennis S. Bigg's and Wheel ;r Martin'a lot, and known as the "Van Williams Lot. 0 This the iHth of January 191.6. Hraaors A. Cbitchkm, Com. j-i-4t Administrator's Notice Having qualified as administrator de bonis iion, cuui testaments annexo of J. U. Kwell deceased, late of Martin County S. C. to succeed P. Kwell executor under the will of said J. I>. Kwell, this Is to notify all person* having claims ngalti*t (he estate* of said deceased to exhibit tliem to the undersigned at once. All neraon* indebted to aaid estate will |ilras«»inake immediate payment. Mrsßors A. Cmtcrkr, Adm. d b n eti This Hth day of January, 1907, Notice Having qualified as administrator up. iu the estate of Mary L. Green deceased late of Mai tin County, N. C., this is to notify all persona having claims on ttie estate of the deceased to exhibit them t« the undersigned on or tiefore the 18 dav if January, 1408, or this notice will lie plead in liar of their recovery. All Jiersons indebted to said estate wil' please make immediate payment. ( This 1 Hth day of January, 1907. l-iB-6t W. M. GRIJRN, A dm. ... ——•— —— Administrator's Notice Haviug qualified ss administrator upon the estate art H. A. l'owell, deceased, late of Martin County N. C., this is U> notify all jiersons having claims agaiust the estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before llie 6th day of January 1908, or this uotice will I* plead in bar of their recovery. All persons iudebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 6th day of January 1907. |.Il-6t J. A. I'owm.i., Adm. Notice Haviug this day qualified as*|adniinis trator on the estate of Mattie S. Linley Kent deceased, all parties holding ac counts against said estate are hereby given notice that they will present them within one year from date, or thia notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All parties indebted to said estate will come fownrd sud settle at once. This January 19, 1907. l-aj-6t B. T. Cowvk*, Adm. Notice Br virtue of an order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County, for resale in a special proceeding entitled L. A. Nicholson guardian of Mary B. Ward, Bonland Ward Cornelius Ward Kx-parte: I will aril for cash to the highest bidderat public auction at the court house door in Williamaton. N. C. on the 4th day of March 1907 at u o'clock the following described tract of land adjoining tin land* of W. M. Perry ami others and boundedaa follows: On the north by Smith Utid, on the eaat by Island road on the south by big swamp and on the west by W. M. Perry's land and being lot No- 4 nlllotted to above named peti tioners in tend division of J no. L. Ward of record in Clerk'a oftce to which ref erence is wade for more definite descrip tion. Containing 47 aens more or leas. This rtlh fey of January M-4t lm*n A, C*iTC**n, Can. Hundreds of imitation brands are on sale that look like Schnapps; the outside of the imitation plugs of to bacco is flue cured, but the inside is filled with cheap, flimsy, heiVily sweetened air cured tobacco; one chew of Schnapps will satisfy tobacco hunger longer than two chews of such tobacco. Expert tests' prove that this flue cured tobacco, grown in the famous Piedmont region, requires and takes less sv/eetening than any other kind, and has a wholesome, stimulating, satisfying effect on cheWers. If the kind of tobacco you are chewing don't satisfy, more than the mere habit of expectorating, stop fooling yourself and chew Schnapps tobacco. Schnapps is like the tobacco chew ers formerly bought costing from 75c. to st.oo per pound; Schnapps is sold at 50c. per pound in 5c cuts, strictly 10 and 15 cent plugs. Fifty Third Year of BAUGH'S ■======== \ ANIMAL BONE FERTILIZERS Baugh's High Grade Tobacco Guano s/ ' The Leading Brand In the Carolinas for Tobacco — , 1 Baugh's Animal Bone and Potash Compound FOR COTTON, CORN, PEANUTS, ETC. FOR SALE BY ' j. L. HASSELL & CO. WILLIAMSTON. N. C. BAUGH & SONS COMPANY So!* Manufacturers NORFOLK. VIRGINIA New Store and Fixtures I am now located in the store two doors below my old stand on Main Street where I have put in an up-to-date line of Jewelry Store fixtures. I have one of the nicest selected stocks of jew elry, etc, to be found in eastern North Carolina. Repairing a specialty. THE JEWELER H. D. PEELE WILLIAMSTON. N. C. * . V RKPOBT TO THK NORTH CAROLINA COR PRO AT ION COMMISSION | : K * MO* THK CONDITION OF BANK OP MARTIN GOUNTY Willianiston, N. C., at the close of business Jan. a 6, 1907. RBSOURCBS. > ||l LIABILITIKS. Loans and discounts $97.453 7* 0 - , . . ' „ Overdrafts 7,43® 9' Capital atock >15.000.00 Stocks, bonds, etc. 1,000.00 Surplus fund 8,500.00 Furniture and fixtures t.868.00 Undivided profits, etc. 3,782.34 Demaud loans 3,072.89 Tioue cer. of deposit 31.9t4.66 «c. Deposits Mb. to e'k „„ M $136,324 63 $136,224 63 State of North Carolina—County of Martin. I, J. G. Godard. cashier of the Bank of Mai tin County, do solemnly awear lor affirm) that the above statement is tn a to the best of knowledge and belief, J. O. CIOPARD, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me j Correct—Attest; Wheeler Mar thls 6th itay of Feb., 1907. ; . ' tin, Jno. 1.. Hassell, J. O. SUton, 2. U. GOOWIM. Notary Public. | Directors. ' / \ B 'jm |I?HR«I4RR MARTIN, President. J. G. STATON, Vice-President. ( J. O. GODARD. Cashier. ""O A