THE ENTERPRISE. Friday, February 22, IQO7 _I- " ~ VIRGINIA SCHOOLS & COLLEGES use StkfT pianos because they best stand the constant use of students. L-t us show you what College Presidents say about it. When vou buy a Stieff piano, yi buy from the maker and save the dealer's profit. No other piano stands our climatic changes like the Stieff. Send name & addrers for proofs, and for special offers while in tem porary store. Tic Plana With Ike Sweet Tone CHAS. M. STIEFF, 15ft Gratiby St. NORFOLK, VA. LOCAL BRIEFS. —Watch the straws. —Read the new ads. in this issue. —Be s Chuloo. See the ad of 1.. K Corey in this istue. —Today is George Washington's birthday and the banks are all closed. -*-The Brass Band is an assured fact. The instruments will be ordered now in a few days. —Deeds of Trust, Warranted Doeds, Crop Liens, Chattel Mort gages, order Books, etc., printed /or sale at this office. Miss Hyman one of the effi cient teachers of the graded school had to dismiss her class yesterday morning on account of being ill —The skating rink is now runj ning in full blast. The floor is in good condition and the young peo ple are enjoying themselves im mensely. —The Dora Mystic Lindley Co. will be at the Opera House three nights next week, Monday, Tues day and Wednesday. —Messer. Brown and Roberson tbe'upto-date Ladies' and Gents' Furnishers have a very attractive ad. in this issue Read what they have to say. —There will be something doing at the Opera House Monday night, Tuesday night and Wednesday There is is a treat in store for those who go. —The regular meeting of the W. O. W. to night at eight o'ckck. Let every member be present as there is work to do. By order ot the Consul Commander. John B. Pope.-Cleik. —There has been some question as to where to locate the artesian well. This is to be settled in the near future. The town commis sioners have agreed to pay the ex penses of a United States Geologist to come down and locate the well. —Mrs. W. Andrew Cherry died rather suddeuly Tuesday afternoon at her her home over the creek. She had been in bad health for a long time but her death was not expected at the time, She waa about 65 years old. Our sympathy is extended to the bereaved family. —The Dora Mystic Lindley Co. will be at the Opera House three nights next week. Harry Lindley is with this company and the thea tre going public need no introduc tion to him. Harry Lindley is the best comedian that has been to this burg in years. —Messrs. T. 8. Graham and W. T. Meadows, two of Williamson's hustling warehousemen, have been distributing tobacco seeds to the farmers making application for same. The* gentlemen give as their opinion that there will be more tobacco planted this season than ever before in the hutorj* of th« county. . ' —Sometime Sunday the Roa noke Warehouse was entered by miecreanta and the skates belong ingto Messrs. Meadows and Graham the gentlemen who are running • the akating risk, were broken np. The devils whoever they were were not satisfied with hammering the »k»te« oat of shape, bnt took off the wheels and scattered wheels and balla all over the warehouse floor. The owners of the skating rink think they have spotted the little fellows, but Will not make any move toward prosecution until they complete their evidence. Mr.F.F.Fagan.the genial cashi r of the Farmers & Merchants Bank, went to Plymouth Sunday night to fix up paper* to have Fimk Sltorts alias "Missouri Shorty ", arrested for the robbery of the Postoffice in 1898. Frank Shorts is now serving in the South Carolina penitentiary and his time will be out on next Monday, when he will be arrested and taken to Washing ton county for trial. The robbery was committed on the 14th of June 189S, at ■ 146 a. m.. tlie clock on the wall of the office hnvi lg stopped when the explosion occurred that blew open the safe. Mr, Fugan was at that time assistant post master at Plymouth. A BUGGY FACTORY $5,000 Capital—Order for Material to be Given at Once Tha buggy factory for Willinms is now an assured fact, the stock had been subscribed, and the ma terial for the plant will b j ordered at on«.e. Tha capital stock of th's company is $5,000. Mr. John Z. Gardner, a fine fin isher. and who has been with the Flannigan Buggy Company, of Greenville, for ten years or more wilt be in charge of the plant. Efforts are being made to secure the Newberry stable for the home of this new enterprise. I'he com pany will make a high grade bug gy, and will do all kinds of bug gy and carnage repairing. The following are the stockhold ers: Messrs. T. J. Smith t J. G. Godard, Wheeler Martin, Geo. \V. Blount, J. G. Sta'on, S. A, Newell and S. J. Everett. Seriously Injured Mr. Geo. Gardner, employed in the log woods by Mr. W. W. Grif fin, contractar for the Dennis Sim mons Lumber Co., was seriously injured Monday morning about nine o'clock near Cedar Landing. A large tree fell on Mr. Gardner breaking his back and his thigh in two places. Drs. Warren and Rhodes were called to the iujured man, and did all possible for his comfort. The injured man is in a precarious condition and suffering greatly. Trestle Burned Last Tuesday morning the pas* senger train was several hours late The latenss of the train was dun to the burning out of the trsstle be tween jamesville and Dardens. The trestle was burned sometime during Monday night. The cause of the fire has not been ascertained. The officials at Rocky Mount were notified early Tuesday morn ing of the destructon of the trestle and immediately sent out a work train to repair same. The work train passed here about eight o'clock in the morning and had re* paired the trestle sufficiently for the passenger train to pass in a short time. Senator Tillman has acquire 1 the degree of D. C. F. I, Dot-tor of corn Field Law. | ( x For Twenty-one Years Bonanza, . Orinoco Farmer's Bone P • ~ Tobacco guar.os in the South— HUISTtRCD j because great care is used in the selection of materials. Ask your dealer for Royster'S F. S. ROYSTER goods and don't take substitute* ' GUANO CO., «id to b. just« rM Norfolk, Va. SMWIMMWRNN I « 11 I'IIIII >■' '."-V--L--* PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. E A. Phelps of Kreretts was here Monday. Mn R. G. Sexton of Jamesvelle was in town Saturday. Rev. J. 0. Guthrie left Monday for his home in Raleigh after spent ng several days in town. Mr. Wheeler Martin went to Norfolk Tuesday morning to buy stock for the Martin Live Stock Company. Mr. J. L. Daveuport of Jaraes ville was in town Wedesday. Mr. J. W. Burroughs of Kveretts was here Tuesday. Mr. R. A. Bailey of Rotiersonvil'n was in town Monday. Hon. H. W. Stubbs rame home Saturday night and spent .Sunday aud Monday. He returned to Ral eigh Tuesday morning. Mr. Ed. James of Robersooville was in town Saturday. Mr. W. T. Spruill of Ply mouth was in town 011 business last Satur day - Capt. K. £. Owens, of the Den nis Siunnon Lumber Co. bargfc "Stran", was here last Saturday. Capt. W. R. Fowden spent Sunday in Rocky Mount. Mr. W. E Gladstone of Hamil ton was in town Monday. Mr. J. M. Reuss, Secretary of the Masonic of Greenville, was here Tuesday. Mr. S. Justus F.veretl left this morning for Halifax on professional business, he will return tomorrow evening. Messrs. K. F. Fagau and C. H. Godwin left yesterday morning for Norfolk to attend the performance of the Clansman. They drove to Plymouth and there took a gasoline launch to Kdentou and thence to Elizabeth City where they caught the special train from that point. Rev. J. O. Guthrie filled the Methodist pulpit Sunday morning and evening. Mr. D. C. James of Greenville was here Wednesday. Mr. Ed. H- Shelburn of Green ville, representing the Coca-Cola Co,, was in town Tuesday. Mr. George Gurganusof Norfolk is visiting in town this week. Mr. W. H. Biggs returned from Richmond last Friday evening. Wheler Martin, jr., left last Sat urday for VVarrenton High School. Hon. Joseph B Coffield of Kv eretts was a genial visitor in town last Saturday. Mr. Ollen Warren, of Greenville was here Friday and Saturday set ting out some choice trees and shrubbery for bis brother, Dr. Wm. K. Warren at his home on Haugh ton street. Dr. J. A. White, who has been at his home in Hobgood for some time on account of ill health of his mother, has returned* to the city and is now ready, for business, SOCIAL ITEMS. Miss Annie Anderson spent Sat urday and Sunday in town. Sh» returned Monday morning to her s.houl at Gold Point. Dr. John D. Biggs left Mi ndav for Raleigh, he was accompanied by his wife as far as Scotland Neck. Mrs. Bettie Pope, Miss Ann* Pope and Mr. John E. Pope, ac companied by Mrs. A. Hassell, spent Sunday in Robersonville. Mrs. Mary E. Ward who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Page, returned to her home iu Bethel yesterday morning ac companied by her son Mr. Herbert Ward. Mr and Mrs. J. G. Staion left Tuesday morning for Norfolk. Mrs. S. Everett is on. a visit to her parents in Scotland Neck. Miss Stalling of Atlanta, Ga., is visiting Eliza Daniel in Haughtcn street. Long Mlzell Mr. K. U. l«ong of Jamesville and Miss Charlie A. Mi/ell of Parmele were united in marriage Sunday morning at 10 o'clock at the residence of Mr. Marcelltis Stubbs iu Washington street. The ceremony was performed hy Mayor B. F. Godwiu. Woman s Auxiliary During Lent the Woman's Aux iliary will meet every Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the resi dence of Mm, Dennis S. Biggs. The Junior Branch will meet •very Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock News From Everetts Mrs. W. H.j Holliday who has been sick for two weeks or more is much improved. Messrs. Bailey A Barnhill have moved into their new brick store which was recently completed. This is a most enterprising firm and have met with wonderful suc cess, as their handsome two-story building attests. The bui'ding is jo X9O feet and the interior ar ragement 1% excelent. Deatb ot Mrs. Wm. Roberson The remains of Mrs. Wm. Rob. erson nee Miss Rosa White, daughter oPMr. Mc. G. White were brought to this pl*cC Saturday night for interrmcnt The burial services were conducted Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock by Elder Sylvester Hassell of Williamston and the remuius laid to rest in the family burying ground. Mrs. Roberson's death was a sad blow to her friends here. She had been sick only four or five days of pneumonia. She was a great fav orite among the young peop'e of this community atid beloved by all who knew her. She was only about ss years old and had been married about a year. She Waves a husband and an infant. Mr.Roberson was taken with pueu monia a few days before his wife and was seriously ill at the time of h«r death. The sympathy of the entire community is extended to the young husband and the family in their bereavement. PflWDElfljg 1 I JH The only excuse for buying anything but I a Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Baking 11 Powder is to save a few cents in price. ml * J ROYAL costs you a few cents more per can than Alum or Phos- Km phatc of Lime powders, but it is worth far more than'the difference Km to keep your biscuits, cakes and pastry free from the.injurious. Km J effects of these cheapening substitutes. use of Alum means permanent injury to health. Chancellor Day of Svractue makes a noise like the monkey! ... I with the money can. Rising Froa till 6ritt A prominent manufacturer, Wm, 1 A. Fertwell, of I.ucama, N. C., re-; lates a most remarkable experience. He says: Alter taking les* than three ; bottles of Electric Bitters, I feel lik' ; one ri-ing from the grave. My j trouble is Bright's disease, in the Diabetes stage, I fully-believe Elec tric Bitters will cure ine permanent ly, for it has already stopped the liver and bladder complications' which have trouble me for years." Guaranteed at S. R. Bij.-gs druggist Price BUSINESS ITEMS. FOR SAIvIi- Old newspapers jn cents per hundred, this office. i'OK SALK —Souvenir Pout C»iiU> View* of WUlisrostoS. Apply at the Ku terprise. / FOR RENT—One four room cvttnge Apply to 8. K. BIGGS. WANTED —White wotnuu for cook ing and general housework in 11 small fumily. Apply at thi» office- HUH RKNT- One nice live room cot tage with large yards and good garden Eor term* apply to t-at-si MRS. I{. \V. SHORT. FOR yAl»K—One 5 room cottage, 11 u finished, on Simtrions Avenue. For par titulars apply to' Ma-lt JRSSK WVNN, R F. 1). Bo* Jo NOTICE All persons indebted to the estate of the late I)r. W. 11. Harrell will please come toward and make im mediate payment. S. R. BIGGS, Adni J. B. SPELLER, DEALER IN Wood, Shingle*, Poultry, Eggs and Furs. Jil Williamson, N. C. TO CURK A COLD IN ONK DAY LAXATIVE HROMO Quiniue Tab leu. Druggists refund money if it fail* to cure. 8. W. GROVE'S signature on the bo*. asc. H. M. BURRAS General Merchandise F. K. Hodge* old stand one door above mount's Hotel GROCERIES A SPECIALTY FREE DELIVERY PHONE 25 Qlv* M» Your Order or 'Phono Me \'ou bad better take advantage of a bar rel of Good Flour at the Old Price- - Flour, you know, has advanced 40c. iu the barrel within the last 10 days. BRING ME YOUR CHICKENS, BOGS and POTATOES and yon will get the RIGHT PRICES f l T T -,. • - . • . *• t .. • stathmhnt to tiik CORPORATION COMMISSION ok tmk condition ok The Farmers and Merchants Bank At Williumston, N. C.„ at the close of hunitiC£S ou January 26, 1907. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts f91.6t6.83 Capital Stock f25.000.00 Overdrafts 6,087.49 „ , , Ranking Houses Fur Fix 10,701.04 Suplus Fund 3,000.00 One from Banks' 5,855.50 Undivided Profits 18.5 a Cash Items •« 4')5.66 Time Cer. of Deposit 30,035.81 2T C °'? H77 5 ° Deposits - 60,095.87 Silver Coin 779-14 u . /m 1 *-L Nat. Rank Notes 1,774.0? Ctotaier s Checks 36.96 Total Total #118,187.16 Stale ef North Caroliua -County of Martin. , 2_t I. Frank F. Pagan. Cashier of the ul>ove named bank, ilo solemnly 4wcjyr*hat the ■l*ve statement is true to the bent of my knowledge and beliefs )*'RANK F, FAOAN, Cashier. Huhtu ribei ami *wyrii to before me, this ami Hay of February xyoj. ABA T. Crawford. Notary Public Corr«rt—Attest W. H. Ctawford, Dennis S. Biggs A Haasell DENNIS S. BIGGS, President. C. D. CAKSTARPHKN, Vice Pres. FRANK F. FAGAN,-Cashier. L mmm | ... _ |-----| imhmm— FREE FREE FREE • To Our Patrons and the Public We have in tile a contract with a targe eastern manufacturing company which enables us to give to each of our customers, old and new, an enlarge I portrait of themselves or any member of their laniily. ' When their cash purchases have reached the sls mark, It you haven't already gotten a ticket, ask for one when making purchases. We hive purchased the largest assoitment of frames ever exhibited in Williamston, and will furniah you one at the wholesale price. Cardinal paintings, are something new. Take advantage of this libei al offer. V\ e will otter shecial inducements to those holding tickets on Millinery, Shoes, Dress Goods, Ginghams, Whiie Goods, Outing Flannels, Hosiery and Gloves, Do not fail to take advantage of this libtf'al ofter and get your picture enlarged. G. D. GARSTARPHEN & GO. STOP AND THINK ■ —■ ASK YOURSELF THE QUESTION Am I Getting My Money's Worth? You Don't Have to Ask Yourself That Question When Trading at This Store When you arc trading here you qan rest as sured that YOU are always getting a full hun dred cents worth of the very best goods ob tainable for every dollar you spend. We want to impress upon you the fact that you can get more and better values at this store for the Almighty Dollar tfian you can get elsewhere. . .* . j We Have a Select Stock of Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings We want to see you at our store and will prove to you that you can get Better Values Here Than Elsewhere BROWN & ROBERSON Ladies' and Gents' Furnishers WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA ■ • m

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