THE ENTERPRISE. Friday, March as, tqo-j APRIL IST WE MOVE TO OUR PERMANENT STORE prior to that we are offering BARGAINS IN PIANOS NEVER EQUALED Write£for Particulars Tbc Piano With the Sweet Tone OFFICIAL PIANO JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION CHAS. M. STIEFF, 156 Crauby St. NORFOLK, VA. r LOCAL BRIEFS. —EI Coreso. —Watch the straws. —Taffy-Tolu Gum. The Best. Read the new ads. iu this issue. Taffy-Tolu Gum quenches thirst. —Read the ad. of J. Paul Simp son in this issue. —There has been large crowds in town every day this week. —Mr. N. T. Riddick has sold his farm of 225 acres to Mr. S. E. Harrison. The price paid for the farm was $4,500, —Messrs. J. E. Barn hill, Whit Moore, L. B. Wynn and J. A. Bo wen, of Everetts, were pleasant callers at this office this week. —Mr. Joseph liarley was iu town this week attending court. Deeds of Trust, Warranted Deeds, Crop Liens, Chattel Mort gages, order Books, etc., printed for sale at this office. —Ask for El Coreso. —A large crowd attended the barbecue given in the Burroughs Grove Wednesday at noon. The members of the bar and the visit ing lawyers were in attendance, and all enjoyed themselves im mensely. —Have you a Bible, or prayer Book, or Hymn Book that you would like to have your name put on in Gold letters? We do this work and do it right. Gold letter iug of all kinds at short notice —Taff/-Tolii, that's inc. —The millinery displays of the different stores in town yesterday were indeed attractive) and the ladies of the town and surrounding couutry were busy admiring the latest creations in millinery. The men are trembling in their shoes. Mrs. W. T. Meadows has re « turned frcm Granville County where she went last Saturday to attend the funeral of her father, Mr. R. P. Aiken, which took place Sunday afternoon. Mr. Aiken was 79 years old and was one of the most useful and highly res pected citizens of his county. He had been a member of the Metho dist church for nearly fifty years. —Smoke EI Coreso the Best 5 Cent Cigar. —A meeting of the Martin Connty Medical Society was held in the office of Drs. Warren & Rhodes on Monday. All the doc tors of the county were present but two and a most enjoyable and profitable meeting was held. The following officers were electeed: President J. H. Sauuders, Vice- President, Dr. J. B. H. Knight, Secretary and Treasurer Dr. Wm. E. Warren, Delegate to State Med ical Society Dr. M. I. Fleming, al ternate, J. H. Saunders. The next meeting will be heM in June. - Reporter Saw la New York A recent Tint to one of the largest paint factories in the world, disclosed machinery that wai producing 10,000,- 000 gallons of Paint, and doing it better and ia leas time than 100 gallons could be made by hand mixing. . This was the celebrated L. ft If. Paint. The L ft M. Zinc hardens the L. & M. White Lead and makes L. ft M. Paint wear like iron for 10 to 1$ years. 4 gallons L. ft M. mixed with 3 gal lons Linseed Oil makes 7 gallon h «f paint at a coal of lew than per gal low. If any defect exists ia L-. ft M. Paint, will repaint house for nothing. Dowel tons ot I* ft It. made to chorebaa. —Mr. Fred Robuck was in the office yerlerday and repotted that he had tobacco plants as large as quarters. This is growing them some. —The work on the artesian well continues. It is now about 180 feet deep. The pipe has been re duced from six to four and a half inches. There is no telling how deep the well will have to be drill ed before gettmg good water. —The visiting lawyers in attend ance at this term of court are: Lieut.-Governor Winston of Wind sor; Hon. Dou Gilliam of Tarboro. Col. John W. Hinsdale of Raleigh: Mr. A. O. Gaylord of Plymouth, Mr. A. R. Dunning of Roberson ville, and Judge Waldo of Hamil ton. —The fixtures for the new post office are here and are being put up. When the new office is com pleted we will have as nice post office as any town in Eastern North Carolina. The fixtures are quartered oak and of the very lat est design. Theie are about 350 boxes. The lock boxes all have the combination lock. It is under stood that the office will be lighted with acetyline gas. —Hubert Roberson, the ten year old >Oll of Mr. Theo. Rol>erson, svas very painfuily hnrt late Sun day afternoon while at the home of Mr. N. T. Rtddhk. Little Hu bert was riding one of the TSules to water when he fell off and got one foot tangled up iu the line, he was dragged some distance and his head struck a rail cutting his head very badly. Dr. Warren was summoned from town and soon had the little fellow fixed up. The lit tle fellow is getting along nicely. —Miss Elizabeth Tesh, State Secretary of the Christian Womahs Board of Missions, lectured in the Christian Church here last Friday evening. There was a large audi ence out to hear her tell of the work that this organization is do ing. and they were well repaid for their attendance. Miss Tesh is cer tainly well posted upon the work, and with the help of the map u»ed to illustrate her lecture, the aud ience wss instructively entertained, Miss Tesh is a singer of uo mean ability, shebang several selections, which were greatly appreciated. PIANOS AND ORGANS I'ut in thorough order. 29 years a tuner and builder. * R. B, SHAW, at Atlantic Hotel —Smoke El Coreso. —Are you a Chuloo? —There was au alarm of fire yesterday morning about 7:30 o'clock caused by the old hotel near the brow of the hill on Main street, catching fire. The house is occupied by Mr. Will Robertson. The fire department responded promptly to tbc alarm and soon had the fire out. There wasvery little damage- For Twenty-one Years Bonanza, Orinoco * 221 Farmer's Bone ' "pC' ' have been the standard Cotton and nri !>• Tobacco guanos in the South — REGISTER CD because great care is used ii} the selection of materials. Ask your dealer for RoyslCT*# F. S. ROYSTER goods and donjt take substitutes niIAIMO Ci l said to be just as good. See that ' .. '' the trade-mark is on every bag. Norfolk, Va. Dennis Simmons Biggs Died Suddenly Yesterday Morn ing, Aged 34 Years Dennis Simmons Biggs, son of the late John Dawson Biggs, died very suddenly at his residence on the corner of Main and Haughton streets yesterday morning at 7:15 o'clock, of heart failure. He was 34 years old. I Mr. Biggs wasou the streets Wed nesday in apparent good health at tending to his usual duties. He drove to Washington, a distance of 22 miles, Wedu'Slay afternoon, re turning at a late hour last night. Upon reaching his room anil feeling somewhat unwell he called in his physician who remained with him for an hour or more. When the doctor left he was resting easy and with no apparent svmpton of an early death. At his usual hour of rising bis housekeeper sent to his room to call him, but the boy could get no response to his repeated knocking, he reported this fact to the house keeper, who went herself and called him. Getting uo response to her knock, she entered the rootn and louml Mr. Biggs breathing lalxir iously, but unconscious. She called Mr. Frank Kagan who rooms at the residence, and he too went to Mr. Biggs' room but could not arouse him. Mr. Pagan hastily ' summoned a physician who arrived in a few minutes only to find that his patient was beyond earthly as sistance. In a few minutes the soul of this much beloved young mail had passed unto the God who ' gave it. Mrs. Biggs, his wife, in company with Mrs. Asa T. Crawford, sister ' of the deceased, and her husband, left Wednesay morning for Nor folk, where Mr. Crawford, secre tary ot the Dennis Simmons Lum ber Company, was to attend the annual session and banquet of the North Carolina Fine Lumber As sociation, which was in session yesterday. Mrs. Biggs was notified of the . death of her husbaud by long distance phone in time to catch the early mcrning train for Tarboro, reaching Wil liamston last night. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Came by the Norfolk & Southern to Ply mouth and drove through the coun try, reaching town late in the after noon. Dr. John D. Biggs, brother of the deceased, and his wife, nee Miss Lucy Dunn, of Scotland Neck, were attending the funeral of Mrs. Albion Dunn of Scotland Neck. Dr. Biggs had accompanied the corpse to Mt. Airy and was not communicated with until late yes terday afternoon. He is expected to arrive about noon. His wile reached town yesterday afternoon, driving through the country from Scotland Neck. Dennis S. Biggs was the town's i most prominent and enterprsiug citizen, and was one of the lending business nieu in this section. He! was well known among the lumber men of North and South Carolina, Virginia and Maryland. He was president of the follow ing companies: Dennis Simmons , Lumber Company: Farmers and Merchants Bank; Marti* County- Tobacco Warehouse Company; The Martin Liv* Stock Co.; Martin County Buggy Co.; Martin County Real Estate Co. and the Lotus Club. The town has not in years re ceived such a shock this death has caused. Mr. Biggs was universally loved. He was a friend to the poor as well as the rich, and the sadness that is apparent ou every face upou our streets cannot be mistaken, anp the entire citizen ship of the town and community unites in heartfelt sympathy with the bereaved family. - The funeral will be this after noon at 2 o'clock. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. C. E. Ellington spent Sun day with his family here. Mr. C. D. Carstarphen returned from Baltimore last Friday eve niug. Mr. A. Coy Monk of Greenville is spending a day or two in town. Messrs. S. L. Wallace, L. M. Brown aud J. C. Jordan of Jatnes ville were in town thus week, Hons. J. B. Coffield aud J. A. Whitley, of Kveretts were in town this week. Mr. W. O. Lauih, Jr., has wound up his spring trip and is home for a week or more. Rev. C. L. Read left Tuesday morning for his home on account of the illness of his brother. Elder Sylvester Hassell went to Washington Saturday to fill his regular appointment in the Prim itive Baptist Church in that city on Sunday. Mr. G. T. Brantley, local repre sentative for the Suffolk Feed and Fuel Co., of Suffolk, Va. left Tues day morning for a tup in the in terest of his firm. Hon. Harry Stubbs returned from Raleigh last Tuesday evening. He is looking as fresh Al though this Legislature was ex tremely strenuous he appears none the worse for wear. Hon. J. A. Whitley has been in town most of the week attending court. He is looking as young as ever. The sixty days spent at the State Capital took none of the brightness from his eye. Mr. Bell, of the Suffolk Feed & Fuel Co,, of Suffolk, Va., spent a day or two in our town recently and was strong in his praise for | the progressive spirit exhibited by i our citizens. - ~ Major Neil of Scotland Neck i spent a day or two in town this week The object of his visit was I to pay a death claim for the Secur ity Life & Annuity Co., of Greens boro, which lie represents. The | claim $2,000.00 was paid to the representative of the estate of Mr. W. W. Davis Tuesday. You can make better food with Royal ABSOLUTELY PURE » Lighter, sweeter, more palatable and wholesome. ROYAL BAKING fOWOEK CO. N«W-YO«» Mr. A. C. Jones returned from Littleton Tuesday. Messrs. W. L. Sherrod and W. j S. Rhodes of Hamilton were in town yesterday. Dr. H. B. York returned from Norfolk Wednesday evening. Mr. J. W. Ferrell of Roberson. ville was in town Wednesday. Mr. W. E. Gladstone of Hamil ton was in town several days this week. Mr. H. B. Hardy, the clever representative of the News & Ob server, spent several days in town this week in the interest of that paper. Mr. J. F. Lynch, of New York City, has l>een in town several days. Capt. White of Janiesville has been in town this week attending court. Mr. Cleve Taylor of Gold Piont, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. Walter Anderson returned to his Thursday morning. SOCIAL ITEMS. Miss Nannie Smith spent Sun day ih Jamesville. Mrs. D. S. Biggs left Wtdm-s day morning for Norfolk. Miss Annie Anderson of Gold Point spent Sunday in town. Mrs. S. Justus Everett went to Scotland Neck Tursday morning. Miss Euzela Deans returned to her home in Tarboro yesterday morning. Mrs. Charles Ilussey of Washing" ton who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. S. R., Biggs, returned to her home Tuesday. Miss Einstein of Kinstou at tended the reception at the Lotus Club Tuesday. While here she was the guest of Mr. I). S. Biggs. Miss Leta Taylor of Gold Point returned home Tuesday morning after spending several days with Mrs. J. W. Anderson. Mrs-. F. F. Bullock left Wednesday morning for New York to join her husband who has accepted a po sition there. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Carstar phen of Norfolk, Va., returned to their home Wednesday morning af ter speudiug several days with his mother, Mrs. Mary Carstarphen. MrS. PowelL»who has been vis iting her parents Rev. and Mrs. Geo. J. Dowell. has returned to her home in the Western part of the state. Mr. Noah Biggs and daughter, Miss Annie, of Scotland Neck, ar rived last nigbt to attend the fun eral of the late I). S. Biggs. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Biggs of Raleigh arrived last night. YOUR EASTER SUIT SHOULD BE FAULTLESS We have them from $9 to sls READY MADE BROWN & ROBERSON Ladies' and Gents' FURNISHERS • 1 BUSINESS ITEMS. FOK SAW;- Otil newspapers ao rents I*t hundred, this oHice. FOR RKNT—One four room Apply to 8. R. ItIGGS. FOR SAl.R—Souvenir Post Cards, Views of WUliauiston. Apply at the En terprise. WANTED—White woman for cook lug and general housework in a small family. Apply at ihis oflicc —Chew Taffy-Tolu Gum, ' STATKMKNT TO THK CORPORATION COMMISSION OK THK CONDITION OH The Farmers and Merchantsßank At VVillUtnston, N. C., at the close of business ou January 26, 1907. RHSOURCKS MABIMTIKS I.oans ami discounts f91.616.53 Capital Stock 1 >25,000.00 Overdrafts 6,087.49 . ~ . lift 11k i. IK Houses Fur Pis 10,701.04 S, '" lu9 J' u » d I>ue from llanks 5,(155.50 Undivided Profits 18.52 Cash Items 495.66 Time Cer. of Deposit 30,035.81 H?' n x 77>. ,u Deposits 60,095.87 Sliver Coin 779.14 ~ . . . , Nat. Bank Note. 1.77X00 Cahhle i: s Che,k " Total- '••••--—|l|fH}jM7.i6 Total " $118,187.16 Htnte «f North «Couuty of Martin, I, Frank F. Pagan, Cashier of the ul> »ye named bank, do nolemnly sweat thnt the altove «tatrnifut in true to the bent of my 1 nmvledge and l»Hief. I'KANK F, I' A(»AN, CA»hier. Sublet ibt-d RiiH nworu to before me, thin and day of February 1907, ABA T. CRAWFORD, Notary public Correct—Atte»t \V. H. Craw ford "Dennia B, Blgga A HanaeU DENNIS S. HIGOS, Preiiiilent. C. I). CARSTARPHRN, Vice Pre«. FRANK F. FAG AN, Cashier^ w—w—itHirifti uriwiinrwiwgMi i n iw——i ____ 1 .. - Watch this space in the next issue for the announcement of our Millinery Opening Under the Management of MISS ROSA DOWELL * who is now in the Northern Markets purchasing the Latest Parisian Styles; We will be glad to have all the ladies call and get a new Easter Bonnet. Very respectfully, G. D. GARSTARPHEN & GO. BROWN & HODGES Dealers in Taney and Staple Groceries Our stock is complete Let Us Supply Your Table Wants Free delivery within corporate limits * 'Phone us your orders J. PAUL SIMPSON WILLIAMS ION, N. C. Hanufacturer s Agent for I Boilers, Engines, Saw Mills and Gasoline Engiens Prices and Terms submitted upon application This is the Paint Season "BRIGHTEN UP" J FOR RRNT-One nice five room cot- I tage with large yard* ami good garden, i Ivor terms apply to a-aj-jt MRS. E. W. SHOUT. FOR sALH—One 5 room cottage, nn finished, on Simmons Avenue. For par -1 ticulars apply to !2- 22-2t JKSSK WVNN, R. F. D. Bo* 20 —Ask tor K1 Coreso, Refuse 1 others. LAND FOR SALE—I have eifchty four acres of laud where I live with ; dwelling house and outbildings, I offer I for sale. For further information apply | to Milton K. Bennett, Williamston, N.C.