ADVERTISING Your money back.—Judicious advertis ing is tbc kind that pays back to you P': the money too invest. Space ia this paper assures yon proaipt returns . . VOL. VIII. - NO 35 rati M .BflKipa ML ifl Makes the finest, light- fir 1 est,best flavored biscuit, f hot-breads, cake and pastry. Renders the food more digestible and wholesome. I ABSOLUTELY PURE (leu- Kuroki hast set a mighty wholesome example for the dis tinguished men of this country. He has turned down all the most tempting offers to contribute ar-. tides to the magazines. For a cold or a cough take Ken nedy's Laxative CoUgh Syrup! It is BKTTK* than any other cough remedy because its laxative princi ple assures a healthy, copious ac tion of the bowels and at the same it h?als irritation of the throat, strengthens the bronchial tubes and allays inflammation of the mucous membrane. ' Contains Honey and Tar, pleasant to take Children like it. Conforms to the National Pure Food and Drug Law. So d by S. R. Biggs. Williamston, N. C.. Slade Jones. & Co. Hamil ton, N C. That southern judge who has fiued a railroad $50,000 for accept ing SIOO,OOO worth of rebates evid ently does not want to be too precipitate about breaking up the practice. v • H Harrow Esetpi Alexander Benton, who lives 011 Rural Route 1, Fort Edward, N. Y. says: "Dr. King's New Discovery is my best earthly friend, it cured me of asthma six years ago. It has also performed a wonderful cure of ii.cipient consumption for my son's wife. The first bottle ended the terrible cough, and this m accomplished, the other symptoms left one by one, until she was per fectly well. Dr. King's New Dis- power over coughs and colds is simply marvelous." No other remedy haa.ever equaled it. Fully guaranteed l>y S. R. Biggs Druggist. 50c and (t 00. Trial bottle free. Reuf and Schmitz seem unable to convince the public as to which of them was the wicked partner. Artists have no trouble in secur ing models. The famous beauties have discarded corsets and have become models in face and form since taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. J. M. Whiters 4 Co. at Robersonville N. C, The Inland Waterways Com mission will continue its investiga tion in New York Harbor or Wall Street? Caacasweet tor babies is the beat 1 remedy for colic, summer com plaint, diarrhoea and sour stomach, it is especially good in cases of teething when irritation affects the Stomach and intestines. t'ascas weet is a pleasant, safe remedy, containing neither opiates nor narcotics; all, the ingredients are printed plainly on the wrapper. Endorsed by mothers because it acts so quickly. Sold by S. R. Biggs. Williamston, N. C., Slade Jones, & Co. Hamilton, N. C. • ■ r' • ... - ' If Mexico is ultimately forced to whip Gautemala, she will have the sympathy of this country. We know by experience just what the European powers will say about "overwhelming brute force." Relief Fraa Mai Rifle Palis ' I suffered with rheumatism for over two years." says Mr. Holland Curry, a patrolman, of Key West, Fla. "Sometimes it settled in my knees and lamed me so I could hardly walk, at other times it would be in my feet and hands so I was incapacitated for duty One night when I was in severe pain and lame from it my wife went to the drug store here and came back with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I was rubbed with it and found the pair, had nearly gone during the night. I kept on using it for a little more than two weeks and found that it drove the iheu inatism away. 1 have not had any 'trouble from that disease for over three months." For sale by S. R. Biggs. It looks as though the officials of the Pennsylvania railroad had not grafted many surburban lots at any rate. Ml But Filed G. W. Cloyd, a merchant, of Plunk, Mo., had a narrow escape four years ago, when he ran a jimson bur into his thumb. He says: "The doctor wanted to am putate t but I would not consent. I bought a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve and that cured the danger ous wound." 15c at S. R. Biggs, Druggist President Roosevelt could get almost anv job iu American pub lic life he wanted except a chance to serve on the Hayward jury. Dai't fir Allaaay to be divorced from your appendix. There will be no occasion for it Jf you keep your bowels regular wiVti Dr. Ling's New Life Pills. Their action is so gentle that the appen dix never has cause to make the least complaint. . Guaranteed by S. R. Biggs, drugist. 25c. Try them. Now that Lawyer Abe Hummel has been consigned to jail for per jury, the question will be aslrfd as to how many of his undiscovered victims in New York are paving alimony under false pretenses. Wiilertil Eezaaa Care •'Our little boy had eczema for five years." writea N. A. Adams, Henrietta, Pa, "Two of our home doctors said the case was hopeless his lungs being affected. We then employed other doctois but no benefit resulted. By chance we re*d about Electric Bitters, bought • bottle and soon noticed improve ment. We continued this med icine until several bottle were used, wKen our boy was completely cured " Best of all blood medicines and body building health tonics. Guaranteed at S. R, Biggs Drug store. 50c; |j 4 '' j mt (Sittamt WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, MAY 31 1907 How Prohibition Works 1b Durham. Frequent published references to the temperance situation in Dur ham have appeared, stating the worst facts, half truths, exaggera tions atid some things that are altogether uutrue, implying there by that there is more drunkenness and crime iu oui; town now under the prohibitory laws and the whole state of things worse than it was wheu he had bar-rooms. Thsse misrepresentations have been re published by other papers in this and other states, aud used against the cause ot temperance in cam paigns elsewhere, thus injuring the cause of temperance and doing an injustice to the good people of Durham. In view of this, on last Monday, at a regular meeting of the Ministers' Association which is composed of the pastors of Dur ham of all denominations, a com mittee of three was appointed to examine the court records ot Dur ham carefully to secure aud pub lish the facts accurately as they are. Wc feel that a just and fair comparisou of the situation under the old administration wheu we had bar-rooms and that of the new under which we have prohibition can be made by showing the num ber of arrests made during a given period in each for all causes, and how many of those were for drunk enness, as tollows: During the year 1903, the last year in which bar-rooms were al lowed to exist in our town, there were, according to the report of the chief of police, 1,635 arrests for all causes, and 674 of them for drunkenness. During the year 1904, the first year under prohibi tion, there were 1,010 arrests for all causes, and 200 of them for drunkenness. That is, under pro hibition in Durham, crimes of all kind were reduced from 1,635 to 1,010 for the first year, arrests for druukeunes were reduced from 674 to 200 for the same time. Or to put it in another way, there were ouly 72 crimes of all kinds uuder prohibition to 100 wheu barrooms were open aud ouly 29 arrests for drunkenness under prohibition to 100 when we had bar-rooms. When bar-rooms existed drunk enness constituted 41 per cent ot all the arrests. Under prohibitory laws drunkenness constituted ouly 19 4-5 per cent of all arrests. This is a comparative statement of one year only uuder ad ministration. Taking the whole period of pro hibition in Durham, three years (lacking two mouths, and by add ing the figures of the corresj>ond iug two months of last year we have three full years), the average number of crimes per year, accord ing to the report of the chief of police, were 1,276 and the average drunks per year were 285, while for the year ending May 1903, wheu there were about twenty bar rooms in Durham, the numlter of arrests for all canses, according to the annual report of the chief of police, was 2,031 a »d for ness 817. Thus it will be seen that crimes of all kinds have been diminished by prohibition to nbout one-half, and drunkenness has been reduced more than two-thirds. These are the findings of the commitee, notwithstanding the large increase in otir population during the last four years. The moral tone of our city, under pro hibition has been higher in pro portion to this decrese in crime and the enlargement and prosperity ol business has been-even greater in comparison—our town is prosper ous and growing rich and our peo ple are morally elevated and happy except those who are addicted to drink and their so-called friends who desire to live at the expense of the victims of the alcohol. These figures from the police rec ord furnish a striking proof ot the wodderful success of prohibition as compared with the bar-room regime, and at the same lime show how unfounded ate the reports circulated by the ene mines of pro hibition to its discredit. We fully recognize that the law is not en forced as it should be, and as the citizens of onr town have a right to expect. One of the weaker points in the .enforcement of the law has been the light penalties imposed npon violators. We ap peal to our people to use their per sonal influence aud to see to as citizens that those to whom we have entrusted the enforcement of the law, and who are under oath to do it, shall do their duty. t C. J. Thompson, E R. Ley burn, R C. Beaman, Committee. Durham, N. C., Nov. 24, 1909. Sort Nipilis Any mother who has had exper ience with this distressing ailment will he pleased to know that a cure may be effected by applying Cham berlain's Salve as soon as the child is done nursing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth before allowing the babe to nurse. Many trained nurses use this salve with best re sults. For sale by S. R. Biggs. Hotel Rates. The citizens' commission com mittee lias been furnished rates by iu iu addition to those heretofore printed, as follows: Hotel Neddo —Single room, one person, $2; single room, two per sons, $2.50 and $3; single room, three persons, $2.50; room and bath, one person, $2.50; room and bath, two persons,ss; cots, sl. Progress Hotel—-Single room, otttfrpersou, $1 and |i 50; single room, two i>ersons, $2 and $3; sin gle room, time persona, $3 to $450. Atlantic Hotil —Single room, otie perou, $2, single room, two persons, $1.50; single room, three persons, sifVrooin and bath, one person, $4; room and bath, two persons, $2.50; cots, 50c. and sl. Algonquin Hotel —Single room, one person, $2; single room, two persons, $1.50; double room, four" persons, $1; ttom and bath, one person, $2.50 and $3: cots, sl. Gladstone Hotel—Single room, one person, $1 and $2; single room, two persons, ; .f2 aud $3; single room, three persons, $3 and $4. Pine Beach Hotel—Single room, oue person, $3 to $5; single room, two persons, #4 to $0; single room, three persons, $5 to $7; room aud bath one person $5 to $7, room and bath,two persons, $6 to $lO. The New I.enox Hotel —Single room, oue persons, $1 and I 1.50; single room, two persons, $2; dor mitory cots, 75c. Hotel Annex—Single one person, $1.50; single room, two persons, $2; single room, three per sons, $3, Colonial Hotel —Single room, one person, $1 50;. single room, two persons, >2; single room, three per sona, $3; room and bath, one per son, $2.50; room and bath, two persons, $4; dormitory cots, sl. Hotel Meyer—Singl; room, one person, $1 and $1.50; single room, two persons, s[.'so and $2; single room, three persons, $1. 75 &$2 50 room and bath, two persons, $3; dormitory cots, 75c. and sl. '"•-Dixie Inn—Single room, one person, $2; single room, two per sona, $2; double room, four persons $4; room aud bath, $2.25; room and bath, two persons, $2.50; dor mitory cots.soc. —Norfolk ledger- Dispatch. Ukaalerlale s Colic. Cfctlera n Dlir rhoei Riaedv There is probably no medicine made that is relied upon with more implicit confidence than Chamber lain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. During the third of a century in which it has been in use, people have learned that it is the one remedy that never fail*. When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. Por sale by S. R. Biggs. King Alfonso might 'as well practice saying "dee lighted" in Spanish, before the flood of con gratulations begins. When your bark aches it is almost invariably an indication that some thing is wnong with your kidneys frequently cause a break down of the entire system. DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pilla afford prompt relief tor weak kidneys, backache, inflammation of the bladder and ali urinary troubles. Sold by S. K. Bigga. Willtamston, N. C„ Slade Jones. 4 Co. Hamilton, N. C. rWomen's Painsn "I was a total wreck," writes Mrs. Beulah Rowley, of Champoeg, Qt%gon, "from pains I had for 4 yegrs, every month. Sometimes I would be unconscious for 12 hours at a stretch. I did not know that anything could stop the pain ■ entirely, but Wine of Cardui did. 1 advise all women suffering with painful periods to use Car dui and be relieved." It does this by regulating the functions and toning up all the Internal female organs to health. It Is a pure, specific, reliable, female remedy, with a record of 70 years of | miunKt 1 ■ - Writ* ms a letter describing all I *■ - symptoms, and w« will send yuu ■ • fited a million others. ■ Why not you? Try it. fen-. Sold by Every Druggist In SI.OO Bottles. "-T CARDIIM FatherandSon la The Confederate Army Both Now Living. There are perhaps very few in stances iu which father aud son served in the Confederacy and both still live, but there is one such case in Harnett county. Mr. Jacob Holder aud hia son, Mr. Ripler Holder, entered in Company H, 50th Regiment C. Troops. Oue of them enlisted in 1862, the other i and both live aud are on the pension roll. Mr. Jac ob Holder is quite feeble, being near 90 years old. There were several such instance in thiscounty two years ago, but there is only one now. One by one tliey ar passing over; steadily the eternal camp is growiug. Ere long —taps —and all will l>e asleep. I.illing tou News. It's too bail to see people who go from day to day suffering from physical weakness when Hollisler's Rocky Mountain Tea would make them well. The greatest tonic known. 35 cents, lea or Tablets. J. M. Whiters k Co. at Roberson ville N.C. Record Breaking Receipts. There was a record broken iu the Postoffice Department last week. The Postmaster General turned in to the Treasury $22,359,120 the largest amount for one quarter in the history of the office. This was not so remarkable for the Depart ment is growiug all the time aud the receipts naturally increase- But the amount exceeded the ex penditures by $1,800,815. This is a record sure enough. It indicates a good business administration and as a financial index to the prosper ity of the country it is decidedly encouraging. Now that tile "Post office is making an effort to get 011 even a better business footing, morefully weighing the mails and adjusting railway payments to cor respond, there seems a prospect of its becoming actually a self sup porting department' This will lie cheerful euough news to the gen eral public, but it has a rather om inous ring for the express com panies, telegraph and telephone companies and others of the great public utilities now run at immense profit by private corporations and whose constant claim has been in the past that the goverment could never do suclv work as they are do ing cheaply and at-a profit. Post al service is about the cheapest great service the-public enjoys, and no one can say that it is not about the best also It is never theless inferior to the Postal Ser vices of England, Germany aud France, for it permits a lot of rapacious express_.companies to skim the cieam of the service and skin the people of the United States. "Here'a to your health and hap piness"-De Witt's Little Early Risers famous little pills. Nasty, sick headache or biliousness may come the cure an Early Riser. Sold byS. R. Biggs. Williamston, N. C.. Slade Jones. & Co. Hamilton, N. C. It is to lie hoped for that Span ish baby's sake that the royal I nurse will not have to use all its i royal titles when sjie is calling in a hurry for the paregoric. When your food has not been properly digested the entire system is impaired in the satne proportion. Your stomach needs help. Kodol For Indigestion and Dyspepsia not only digests what you eat, it tones the stomach and adds strength to the whole body. Makes rich, pure : blood, Kodol conforms to the National Pure Food and Drug Law. Sold by S. R. Biggs. Wll | liamston, N, (J., Slade Joiiee. & Co. Hamilton, N. C. DIRECTORY Methodist] Church Ritv. C. L. Rkid, Pastor. Metliodist Episcopal Church, South, Williainstoii auil Hamilton Charges. Services as follows. WiUiaumtou—Preaching on the ist 3rd and 4th Sundays at 11 a in and 7:30 )> ui Sunday School at 9:30 a in, W. A. El lison, Supt. Prayer Meeting each Wednesday at 7:30 p ui. Hamilton—-Preaching on the 2nd and sth Sundays at 11 a ui and 7:30 p ui. Vernon—Preaching the lit Sunday at 3 p 111. Hull) Springs— Preaching the 3rd Sun day at 3 p tu. *•- All friends of the church and the pub lic generally are cordially invited to at tend all the services. Christian Church Services at the Christian Church, Wil liams ton, Preaching third Sunday ilaui and 7 pm Sunday School 3 p in every Sunday. Macedonia first Sundays 11 a 111 and Saturday 11 a 111 and 7-30 p in. Old Ford—Second Sundays and Sat urday* ft * ♦ti. wain"""'!' l Jamesville—Fourth Sundays 11 a m and 7 p in. #J. R. TINGLE, Pastor. Baptist Church Oho. J. OOWKIX, Pastor.. Preaching every Sabbath morning aud evening, except the first Sabbath evening, at 11 a m and 7:30 p 111. Sabbath School, S. Atwood Newell Superintendent; every Sabbath at 9:45 The Lord's Supper every first Sabbath Church Conference every Second Sab bath. Preaching at Reddick's Grove the first Sabbath in every month at 3 p in. .j£t Bigg's School House every 4th Sabbath at 3 p m. The Ladies Missionary Society, Mrs Justus Everett, Pres., meets every firs jind third Monday at 7:30 p ui. very respectfully and earnest ly itiVited to attend these services. ' Church of the Advent Rkv. Roiit., Bishop. Rev. B. S. Lass IT KK, Rector. Church of the Advent, Williauiston. Sunday School, 9:30 every Sunday. Services on the second aud fifth Suddays at it a in and 7 p tn. Ou the Saturdays before those Sundays at 5 p in." On the Mondays after at 4:30 p m. Bible class at time of Sunday School, All are cordially invited. FOR SALE- Old newspapers 10 cents per hundred, this office. —Ask tor. El Coreso, Refuse others. ADVERTISING Your money back.—Judicioui advertis ing ia the kind that pays back to yon the money yon ia*e«i. Space la this paper assure* yon prompt returns . . r " • WHOLE NO. 378 Professional Cards. fIUQH B. YORK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office: Jeffresa Drug Store. - I OKFICK Hou&a: H to 10 A. m.; 7 to 9 V. M. Wiiliamston, N. 0. Office Phone No. 53 Night Phone No. 63 DR- J- A. WHITE. Ik DENTIST OFFICK— MAIN STRKST PHONK Q I will be in Plymouth the first weak ia every VV. E. Warren. J. S. Rhodes L)RS. WARREN & RHODES, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. OFPICK IN BIOGS' DRUG STORK 'Phone No. 2g BURROUS A. CRITCHER, ATTORNKY AT LAW Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, 23. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. s. ATWOOD NEWELL LAWYER Office formerly occupied by J. D. biggs. Phone No. 77. WILLIAMSTON, N 0. Practice wherever services are deairtd Special attention given to examining and uak ng title for purchasers of timber and timber lands. Special attention will he given to real estate fichaugeM. If you wish to buy or sell land I cahelpyou r-m PHONI4S I'. I). WINSTON S. J. EVRRKTT WINSTON & EVERETT ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW WILLIAMSTON, N. C. 'Phone 31 ••Money to loan. A. R. DUNNING ATTORNEY-AT LAW ROBKRSONVILLK, N. C. HOTEL BEULAH D. C. MOORING, Proprietor ROUKRSONVH.LH, N. C. Kates| Jj .00 per day ' Special Rates By the Week A First-Closs Hotel in Every Partic ular. The'traveling public will find It a most convenient place to stop. In Gase of Fire ~ you want to be protected. In case of death you want to leave your family some thing to live on.ln case of accident you want some thing to live on besides borrowing. Let Us Come to Your Rcscua We can insure you[against loss from Fire, Death and Accident We can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Burg lary. We also can bond you tor any office requir ing bond None But Best Ciapulit Riirisutii K. B. GRAWFORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building Williamston Telephone Co. Office over Bank of Martin County. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Phone Charges: Messages limited to 5 minute*; extra charge will positively be made for longtf time. To Washington eta. " Greenville 15 ~,s " Plymouth 25 " " Tarboro " " Rocky Mount § " " Scotland Neck r; aj •• " Jamesville 15 " " Rader Lilley's 15 M " I. G. Statou 15 " " J. L. Woolard ... 15 » " J. B. Harriss &Co 15 " " Geo. P. McNaughton^^f^*" For other pointa Ir"" &*** Carol iaa see