I ADVERTISING VIII. - NO 36 Roy^i Baking Powder 1 absolutely PURE DISTINCTIVELY A OREAM OF TARTAR 1 BAKING' POWDER m. mtmm W dfeMtMf * moU) mr mi •hmt fwIM Mm mm HMfr* tu mokl), tm * -- I Trfnriim ■rtpfarffti >gfc«i in . , "Tl ' ' ukuw/mw ' X if , - " Taxable Values (Daily News) Tax-listing time is now upon us, not only the regular annual listing of personal property and the fer of the valuation of real from the old hooks to the new, but also the revaluation cf all real es tate. A routine matter it may be said by some, simply a question of tak ing another step in the old rut, of allowiiffe things to go on as they have been going for years. But the matter is far more than this; it is a matter that calls for the gravest cosnideration and the deepest concern to the citizens col lectively as making up the body of the state. \ We think it will not be denied by anyone couvetsaut with the facta and willing to admit the truth as he actually sees it and knows it that of determining tax values aa heretofore practised is little more than a farce, or perhaps it would be more exactly in accor dance with the facts in the ease to aay a sort of free fight between n set of apparently over-credulous officials and a designing puHTTc to see how little the units that make up the public wilt be made to pay tax for the support of the govern ment. We do not say that this is uni versally true. We do not charge that as a class the tax-listers and assessors are or have been dishon est. We do not even allege that the public as a whole are dishon est. Really, no one individuality is to blame, and we are not laying the guilt at the door of anyone. But we do say that the system viewed in the light of its practical opera tion, has not not done justice either to the state or as between individ-* uais. It may be argued that it is a cus tom, so firmly rooted in long con tinued practice and so generally ac quiesced in as almost to amount to law, to value for the purpose of taxation all property far below its actual value, and that this being all but a universal custom, in the end it works out its own salvation, and does at least comparative jus tice to all. In this as in all oth±r matters of pnblic import, we contend that a law, the practice of which is based upon the assumption that some thing is true that everyone kttows is not true, is harmful in efiect; but let that pass. If the promise upop which this line of argument were true the conclusion might with some properity be admitted. If all property was listed at, say one-half of its value, the end at tained would in a measure be the same as if alt property were listed at its full value. But It' is not true. All property is no* listed at its full value, or at half its or at any other fixed proportion of its value. There is apparently no definite tn!e observed. Some time. what was valued as a vacant lot is allowed to retain ifs old val uation irrespective ff the fact thai a house has been put upon' it. In other cases public improvements ant apparently lost sight of. While regretfully and without naming or referring to and particular instance it would seem that the value, for purposes of taxation, is dependent upon who may be the owner. The only rule at all generally ob served, 90 far as we can judge by | the working of the rules, what ever they are, is that the small property is nearly always valued at a larger proportion of its market value than is the large property; with the result that the poor man pays taxes on a greater per cent, of the actual value of his holcNngs than does the rich man. What would we have done about it? The only answer you can make fo this question is that which was given when there was talk of re suming specie paymeut—"the only way to resume is to resume." The only way that we kuow of assess ing property at its actual value is to assess it at !tf actual virtue. Bert Barber, ot Elton, Wis., says "I have only taken four doses of your Kidney and Bladder Pills and they have done for me more than any'other medicine has ever done. I am still taking the pills as I want a perfect rure." Mr. Barber re fers to DeWitt's Kidne/ and Blad der Pills, which are unequaled for Backache, weak kidneys, infiamma tion of the bladder and all urinary troubles. A wsek treatment for ijc Sold byS. R. Biggs William stun, N. C., Slade Jones. A Co. Hamilton. N. C. ■ ' ■ Well, what if General Kuroki was the 71,345 th, "distinguished visitor'' to declare American women beautiful? It's a fact, isn't it? Tlllflt If you would enjoy tomorrow take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight. They pro duce an agreeable laxative effect clear the head and cleanse the stomach. Price, 15 cents. Sam ples free at S. R. Biggs, drug store. "I said in my haite, all fisher erman are liars," says an Alabama poet. There really was no occas ion for haste; nobody is going to deny it. Enn Mil Kit Ovi Doctor The average man cannot afford to employ a physician for every slight ailment or injury that may occur in his family, nor can he afford to neglect them, as so slight art injury as the scratch of a pin hasten known to cause the loss of a limb. Ilence every man must from necessity be his own doctor for this class ot ailment. Success often depends upon ptompt treatment which can only be had when suitable medicines are kept at hand. Chamberlain's Remedies have been in the market for many years and enjoy a good reputstion. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy tor bowel com plaints. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for coughs, colds, croup and whoop cough. Pain Balm (an antiseptic liniment) for cuts, brnises, burns, sprains, swellings, lame back and rheumatic pains. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for constipation, biliousness and stomach troubles. Chamberlain's Salve, for diseases of the skin. * One bottle of each of these five preparations costs but $1.25. For sale by S. R Biggs. . ' ffirt (Mmjrist. WILLIAMSTON. N. C~ FRIDAY, JUNE 7 1907 BEAUFORT CELEBRATION Many Prominent Visitors Will be Present tomorrow The town of Beaufort is to have a big occasion Saturday in honor of the completion of the line of \he Noifolk & Southern Railway into that town. One of the handsom est passenger stations in eastern Nortl/Carolina has been erected at Befufort, and this is to be formal ly opened. The building is of con crete and would do credit to a much larger town than Beaufort, but that toyvtdoe* not expect to always remain small and with a railroad and the development of the harl>or so that large vessels can enter the port, the town will make rapid advancement ami soon take its rank among the foremost cite* in eastern Carolina. Beau fort is not a new town, having l>een settled in the year 1732, qpd not until the present time has it had a railroad. It is reached bV a long trestle over Morehead Bay. Heayfort is expecting to enter tain between 3,000 ple. All of the railroads in the eastern section of the state have granted reduced rates. The Honorable George B. Cor telvou, secretary of the treasury, has ordered the revenue cutter. Seminole, now ssationed at Wil mington, to be present on this oc casion and to carry the governor, state officers and North Carolina delegation in congress over the har bor and channel improvements and out to sea and as far as Cape Look out. All the state officials, including the supreme court, have been in vited to attend. The Governors and Adjutant General Robertson's staff will be present in full regi mentals. This will be a great day that will go down in the history of North Carolina as a gteat cele bration of the beginning of great industrial and commercial develop ment in eastern North Carolina. I A prompt, pleasant, good remedy for coughs and colds, is Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup, It is es pecially recommended (or babies and chi!dren, but good (or every member ot the (amily. It con tains no opiates and does not constipate. Contains honey and tar and tastes nearly as good as maple syrup. Children like it. Sold by S. R. Biggs. Williamston, N. C., Slade Jones. A, Co. Hamil ton, N. C. The South'* Tribute to Jefferson Davis. Richmond. Va., June 3.—Under a perfect sky, with bauds playing crashing music, in which "Dixie" and "Maryland" Were pre-eminent the remnants of the armies of gray today paraded through the streets of Richmond and out on splendid Monumenfavenue unveiled an en during memoral to Jefferson Davis, the first and only President ot the Confederate States of America. The event came as the climax of the ttunion of the United Confed erate Veterans and every meml>er of this body of old men who was able to walk at all took part. The day and the event is one that will live forever in the memory of those who were present and the expressions of beautiful sentiment which were uttered by the speak er* are destined to become a part of the history of the South. Sec ond only to the tribute given to the memory of Dixie Land's great chieftain were those offered on every hand to the women of the South, whose gift the monument is. The ceremony was one for the South. No other section bad any part in it. The veterans who fought for the "Lost Cause" were gathered together to pay their tribute to the man whose memory is revered above all others. Their descendants were assembled be cause it is bred in them to cherish that memory and because they wished to imbibe new lessons. The speeches counselled the teaching of loyalty to the cause for which the Southern States struggled, but there was nothing tn the teaching bat that excited the sympathy and approval of visitors from other sec tions- ; _ •rj T- **£ i. nr*.* • • * . " * TUMBLING BY RULES, Every Move of an Acrobat Is Cartfu% Calculated. CHANCE FA#.S DANGEROUS. -4 —• - If • Tumbler Leies Hit Balance Aoal dantally and Qoea Down Hie Skill Will Net Ea • Factor In Saving Him Frem Getting Hurt. "If there la one thing more than an atbar that pallia tie," said a leading ac robat. "tt'e these "Virlaa you read some time# or bear told of ctroua tumblers and cTowus wli., tn fulling awld«*utal ly bava exercised their skill to escape unhurt. "You read of ah acrobat falling out of a window, but. with rare preaauco of mind, giving a aort of wriggle Just as the utile walk ilrfws near, landtag ou the back of bla neck la precisely tbe right wa.v and thou bouncing to bla feet and bowing gracefully to the star tled spectators. . "Oh, I've read fit such things time and time again, but take my word, they are all fakea pure Ind almple. My ax perleuce haa bean that If a tumbler loaea bla balance accidentally he la Juat ha badly off and will tall juat aa far and Juat aa hard aa the man or woman who does not evsil know bow to turn a aomeraault. 1 a|Mak, aa I Bay, from bitter experience, hud no doubt any other circus or Vaudeville tumbler would emphasise thia should you bother to aak lilm "The explanation 1* simple enough, tf perhaps you not graaped It al ready, euilKMlylot aa It does tbe fact that tumbling Is' a telenca and that ever>- move, however careless or slip ahod It uiay appear to the apeetator, la a calculated niovrs'nd that any tumble or fall proceeds 111 certain definite moves from start Jo ilnlah aa exact ihd perfect aa a probfrtu In arithmetic. "Tbe act may tprlte roars of laugh ter, but I wonder would the laughter be so great did the apectatora know how that mirth provoking stunt bad been worked over from point to point and atudlcd and practiced. Well, 1 anppoae It'a like any other bualheaa where the glamour. Is all on tbe outalde. "gpeaklug of tumbling In real life, you ahould have licon with the Kye paugh allow one summer evening some years back. We were doing a Sunday jump from Topeka, 1 think It waa, to some little one %-ot town down tha line, aud tbe members of tbe troupe were pacified In a long caboose on the rear of a freight train which waa made up partly of our property cars. "It was raining hard that nlgbt and black as a tent ringer's heart. The cs l>ooae waa ao aiming hot that two or three mem Iters of our troupe would go up In tho caboose tower every now and then, open tbe lookout window and drink In the air. "Finally the.train came to a stand still, aud there stood for at least ten minutes, with all aorta of rattling and bumping going on ahead. At last after about fifteen minutes one of tbe glrla up tn the tower called down that there waa H Are ahead. We all crawled up, one after tbe otber, and took a peep. Sure enough, there waa a big blase up forward—a railroad station, every one thought It waa, but It turned out to be two of our forward cars. "Mind you, the nlgbt waa ao black that you could not see three feet ahead of your nose. The whole crowd made a rush for the caboose door. Luke Htark was tbe first, and I.uke waa tbe flneet aerial tumbler In the country. He bad tbe chunce of bis life right there, for as he stepped off the laat step, thinking to hit the ground, he bit nothing at all. Tbe bloomln' car was on a trestle. "Well, a lady elephant tumbler was right beblnd Luke, and It waa a race for the bottom. I waa next, but as I saw the others disappear 1 reached up and caught the hand rail juat aa my feet dangled In the air. It was a mat ter of but a second to pull up again, but before I bad my feet fair on the step I could besr from below a sort of dull splash and scresms of gurgling terror. "We got Isnterns and ran down the side of tbe trestle, thinking to find two dead persons, but Instesd we discov ered In about a foot of water and six feet of yiud the two tumblers and wedged In so tight they not move. We dug them out of the mud, bauled them hark to the cabooae, and after tbey had changed their clothes we aaked them how tbey came to make such nice falls out of It But they only looked mad. Of course tbey tell like any ordinary baby would have fallen. "As for me. one nlgbt In the Coliseum In Ksnaas City tho heel of my shoes caught In the end ot tbe platform on which I was doing a tarn, and I dived off tbe platform .on my shoulder, spraining It frightfully. The audience laughed fit to kill, and of coarse to make good I climbed up on the plat form and fell again, but that time scl efltlfically, you bet Then I went to bed. "By tbe way, Lake Stark, who fall off that trestle, was killed Jo jumping over elephants one nlgbt, and we picked him up aud uiade a burlesque of .eaerylng him off, ao that the audience would not get out of their laughing mood. We were crying under our paint too."—New Tork Poet t——■ v ————. " Beethoven. There have been many great musl clana, many first deals masters of mel ody, but perhaps the majority of wn elclana would name Beethoven as the master of masters, ; the Napoleon of music.—New Tork American. iilillllf do I take Cardui"? writes Mrs. ■■ Jelemma Mullins of Odessa, W. ■ r |V I Va. "Because, after suffering * fill § for several years with female trouble, and trying different doc tors and medicines without obtaining relief, I at last found, in Wine of Cardui, a golden medicine for all my ills, and can recommend it above all others for female complaints." „ Cardui furnishes safe retief for backache, headache, periodical pains, irregular, or unhealthy cata menial flow, and all ailments from which sick women suffer. A perfect tonic for delicate women. A pure vegetable medicine for girls and women who are subject to the complaints peculiar to their sex. Has benefited over a million who used to suffer as you do. At every drug store, in SI.OO bottles. WWTE US A LKTTH .| U/INF A A Vlillll dwcrlbtn* futly ill your tymplomi ft I IIL I ■ I «I|J *« will trnj yuu Itn Advice ■ ■■ BK ■ ■ qgsKSfe-ig ' OF uAIIUUI ® Looking Backward J MR. EDITOR While looking into the faoe of l! nature this bright, baluiy spring l morning, I look hack over a long ' distance in life's journey, and 1 briug in contrast the years of • my earlier life. I have no recol | lection of experiencing such a spring as the one just past but one, ' and that was in my early child hood. I remember distinctly, that for many years, In my native city, the children of the many liternry and Sunday schools celebrated the 4th day of each recurring July. We looked toward to these occas ions with great pleasure, knowing that we would have all the cool lemonade aud sweetmeats we 1 wished after the music and recita tions by the children, I remem ber we would dress up in out' best summer attire, and march to the public place and listen to, and en gage in the songs, both religious and patriotic, which we thoroughly enjoyed. And then the feast of thiugs, and enough for each child -to carry home to give to the grown folks who could not attend. How these scenes of early childhood come before me; forms of long ago, whom we loved with all the inten sity which only a child can show, arise from the misty past, and as t we close our eyes to the present, 1 pass l>efore us, and we seenUo hear t their sweet voices and merry 1 laughter, and I am a I>oy again; reveling in tbe pure and guileless happiness ot innocency, and when we awake from our dream of v ret rospection and find that it is only a dream, our hearts cry out in sil ent yearnings, "Backward, turn backward, oh time in your flight, and make me a child again just for to night," but as "time and tide wait for no man," so we sadly realize that these joys of childhood can never return, and the stern duties of matured life present themselves which we must meet and perform, if we expect to fulfill the destiny that a wise prov idence has laid before us. On one of these occasions the day previous to our celebration the weather turned very cold and when the 4th day of July dawned upon us, we had to don our winter clothes and although we had no lemenade, we had nice hot coffee, which, on that memorable day, (I think it was in 1858) satisfied us for the cooler drinks. > ' Although the spring is exceed ingly backward, the crops are look ing exceptionally well. Tobacco, corfrand vegetables, are growing nicely, while cotton is small and on many farms has an indifferent stand. The health of our little city (Robersonville) is not now very good. Very many, especially ' children, are suffering from whoop ing cough, in a few cases the dis ease has proven fatal, we trust however that the great danger has passed and that no more deaths , will occur, , . - 1 CWe have been greatly blessed in the" absence of storms nnd severe [ liaU, which have prevailed in some jof the nearby counties, destroying the crops and necessitating the re planting of cofton. - f . While we ex press our sympifthy for those who j suffer loss, in any way, let us, who escape these evils, show our grati tude to God who is able to "keep us from all sorrow and uphold us by his omnipotent hand." E OBSKKVKR. The Miglc No 3 Number three is a wonderful i mascot for Geo. H. Parris, of | Cedar Grove, Me., according to a letter which reads; "After sufler ing much with liver and kidney J trouble, and becoming greatly | discouraged by the failure to find rtlici, 1 tried Klectric Bitters, and as a result L am a well man today. The first bottle "relieved and three bottles complcteted the Cute," Guaranteed best on earth for stomach, liver and kidney troubles, by S. R. Biggs, druggist. 50c. DIRECTORY Methodist Church RKV. C. L. RHAD; "Pastor. Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Williamston and Hamilton Charges. Services as follows. Williauißton—Preaching on the Ist 3rd and 4UI Sundays at 11 a in and 7:30 p m . Sunday School at 9:30 a ift, W. A. El lison, Supt. Prayer Meeting each Wednesday at 7:30 p m. Hamilton—Preaching 011 the and and SUI Sundays at 11 a in and 7:30 p in. Verhon—Preaching the Ist Sunday al 3 P M. Holly Springs—Preaching the 3rd Sun day at 3 p 111. All friends of the church ntid the put* lie generally are cordially invited to at vend all the services. Christian Church Services at the Christian Church, Wil liamston . Preaching third Sunday nam anil 7 pm Sunday School 3 p 111 every Sunday. Macedonia first Sundays 11 a 111 and Saturday 11 a in anil 7'30 p in. Old Ford—Second Sunday* and Sat urdays 11 a in. Jamesville—Fourth Sundays nam and 7 P "1. . J. R. TINGLK, Pastor. Baptist Church GKO. J. DOWKU,, Pastor. Preaching every Sabbath morning and evening, except the first Sabbath evening, at 11 a ni and 7:30 p 111. Sabbath School, S. Atwood Newell Superintendent; every Sabbath at 9:45 The*lvOrd's Supper everv first Sabbath Church Conference every Second Sab bath. *' * . > - at Reddick's Grove the first Sabbath in every month at 3 p ni. "fit Bigg's School HOuse every" 4th Sabbath at 3 p m. The Ladies Missionary Society, Mrs. Justus Everett, Pres., meets every firs and third Monday at 7:30 p 111. You are very respectfully and earnest ly invited to attend these services. Church of the Advent RKV. ROBT. STRANGE, Bishop. Rev. B. S. LASSITHR, Rector. Church of the Advent, Williamston. Sunday School, 9:30 every Sunday. Services on the second and fifth Suddays at 11 ani and 7p m. k On the Saturdays before those Sundays at 5 p ni. On the Mondays after at 4:30 p rnt Bible claaa at time of Sunday School. All are cordially invited. ADVERTISING ! . ' » r 3BS Your money back.-Judiciousadvertle -1 1 itif ia the kfnd that pay* back to you | *!>« money you invest. Space in thia [ paper aaaurea you prompt returns WHOLE NO. 379 Professional Cards. I HUGH B. YORK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office: Jeffreaa Drug Store. Office Hours: 8 to io a. m.; 7 to 9 p. m. Williamston, K C. Office Phone No. 53 Night Phone No, 63 DR J. A. WHITS. DKNTISTVj? - OKFJCK—MAIN STKKKT PIIONX 9 I will I* in Plymouth the.firat Wtek ia every other month. W. R. Warreu. J. S. Rhode* [)RS. WARREN & RHODES, PHYSICIANS AND SURGKONS. ' OFFICII IN Bigos' Dkuo Stork 'Phone No. 2q BURROUS A. CRITCHER. Attorney at Law Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, 23. Wiixiamston, N. C. S. ATWOOD NEWELL LAWYER Office formerly occupied by J. D. Blgga. * Phone No. 77. ■"Wilijlamston, N C. •t"Practice wherever aervtata,'art deaired ■sprcial attention given to examining and uak ng Mflefor purchaaera of timber *-and timber laud*v Hnecial attention will be given to real eatata eschangea. If you wiah to buy or aell land I en hflpyou- ~n PHONI4/ P. D. Winston, S. J. Kvkrktt . WINSTON & EVERETT ATTORNEY'S-AT-LA W WLI.I.IAMSTON, N. C. 'Phone 31 Money to loan. A. R. DUNNING ATTORN RY-AT LAW ROBKKSONVILMt, N. C. HOTEL BEULAH 'V D. C. MOORING, Proprietor Robisrsonviixk, N. C. Rates[s2.oo per day Special Rates By the Week A First-Closs Hotel in Rvery Partic ular. The'traveling public will find It a most convenient place to stop. In Gase of Fire you want to be protected. In case of death yon want to leave your family some thing to live on.ln case of accident you want some thing to live on ties ides borrowing. Let Us Come to Your Rescue We can insure youjagainst loss from f ire, Death and Accident We can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Burg lary. We also can bond you for auy office requir ing bond Norn Bit But Consults Raprasaatai K. B. GRAWfORD INSURANCE AGENT, GodarcL Building Williamston Telephone Co. Office over Bank of Martin County. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Phone Charges: Messages limited to 5 minute*; extra charge will positively be made for longer time. To Washington -v,..»scia,— " Greenville »j " " Plymouth /. jj " " Tarboro »5 " " Rocky Mount 35 " " Scotland Neck 35 •» " Jamesville... 15 " " Kader Lilley's 1$ V " I. G. Staton 15 " " J. L. Woolard 15 " " J. 3. Harriss &Co ij " " Parmele 15 " J " Robersonville ...T 15 " Geo. P. McNaughton I Per other points in R«st«fe see "Central " where a 'phone *IU be | found (or uaeof Bine ■

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