PEANUT ICKER REMARKABLE INVENTION PEANUT CROWERS' HOPE REALIZED WRITE NOW Bcnthall Machine Co., Suffolk, Va. STRAW NO. H I Straws Show Which Way the {i Winds Blow J -> 4 We are Coming Father J Abraham, a Hundred and Fifty Thousand Strong. By the terms of the con- i tract with our Company, our 1 agency must sell just $30,000 „ Life Insurance lietween this and September Ist.—-ll»e end i of our fiscal year. We have au unexcelled ; policy issued by au unex- J celled company. j We'll deliver the goods, see * if we don't.. B. T. COWPER, , A Life, Fire, Accident, ' 'l*hone No. 7 ,4 Office over I'. & M. ll'k B'l'd'g a JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION . Rates fiom Williamson as follows: Season ticket $6.25,- sold daily April 19 to November 30th. 60 day ticket $5 25. sol' l ( l ai, V April 19th to November 30th. Coach Excursions $2.90, sold each Tuesday; Limit 7 days; en domed: "Not good in parlor or sleeping cars". Thiougb Pullman sleeping cars From Port Tampa and Jackson ville, Fla. Atlanta and August?, Ga. Wilmington, N. C., via Atlantic Coast Line R. R. Co. Write for a beautiful Illustrated folder containing maps, descriptive matter, list of Hotels, etc. For reservations or any informa tion Address. T. C. WHITE, Gen'l Pass. Agent. W. J. CRAIG, Pass. Traffic Mg'r., Wilmington, N. C. Cdllcge of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts Practical education in Agiicttl ture; iifc-etvll, Electrical, and Me cbanical Engineering; in Cotton Manufacturing; Dyeing and In dustrial Chemistry. Tuiton f |.S " year; Board $lO a month. 120 Scholarships. Address, PKESIDBNT WINSTON. West Raleigh, N. C. 'UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA 1789-1907 Head of the Static's Rdttcational System DEPARTHGNTS College, Engineering, Graduate, Law, ► Medicine, Pharmacy. Library containa 45,000 volumes. New water WO-HA, electric lights, eetral beating system. New dormi tories, gymnasium, Y. M. C. A. building, Library. 732 Students. 74 in Faculty. The Fall term begin* Sept. 9, 1907. Address FRANCIS P. YRNABLK, PKKSIDUNT CHAPKL HILL, M. C. KILL mi COUGH m» cußa im lumcs Dr. King's New Discovery forcßl;Ss HB .^s*~ Now in Full Swing Continued Frotn Page One ✓ flr etery' coticefva&le amusement ana diversion, where tbe visitor to the ex position, after a long day of sightsee ing, can relax and let himself drift with tbe phiasure seeking from one amusement to the next on tlila "Great White Way," where tbe lights ever twinkle and the noise of tbe oriental music Is ever In the atr. STATE GEOLOGISTS EXHIBIT. Nerth Carolina Mineral Display In the Mines Building at Jamestown. One of the most attractive exhibits In the Mines and Metallurgy building at tile Jamestown exposition Is that of North Carolina. Tho display Is of In terest to tbe scientist In that It con talus many rare minerals and gems and some of rare crystallization. Tbe collection aud Installation of this ex , hi bit have been under tbe direct charge of I>r. .1 oHcpb Hyde I'ratt, state geolo gist of North Carolina. The exhibit consists In tho main of buying stones, such as granite, marble and saudstonc; nllca, mpnazlte aud talc, for which North Carolina Is especially noted; barytes, copper ores, kaolin, tin, cbromlte, specimens of abrasives, such as millstones or buhrstones, corundum aud garnet, and quite an eluborate dis play of gems aud precious stones, cat ami uncut. Mica has also a prominent place among the North Carolina minerals, and the North Carolina uilca Is regard ed am standard. North Carolina is well supplied with mineral waters of various medicinal qualities, aud these are well represent ed In bottled form by the many owners. Otbor economic minerals, as copper, gold, silver, barytes, graphite, coal, Iron, chromlte, etc., aro displayed prominently, and mony minerals of In terest to the scientist, as feldspar, flexible sandstone or Itacolumite, the ores or uranium, etc., are Included In this exhibit. The portion of tho exhibit that has appealed most strongly to all who en ter the Mines building Is the splendid array of gems and precious stones. These collections buve bPen furnished by Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, state geolo gist; American Gem and Pearl com pany of New York, and the state mu seum, The two gems found exclusive ly in North Carolina, rhodolite and hldilcnite, are eagerly sought, and yje splendid array of rubles, garnets, ame thysts, emeralds, emerald matrix, beryls, including the golden blue and aquamarine, conpdtim gems, rutllnted rose and opalescent quarts, oligoclase, carnellans, cairngorms, sunstones, etc., has excited keen Interest. About twenty diamonds have been found In the state, one of which Is shown In this collection, HAD AN AWFUL TIME But Chamberlain s Colic. Cholera and Olarrhoaa Remedy Cured Him It is with pleasure thn| I give you this unsolicited testimonial. About a year ago when I had a severe case of measles 1 got caught out in a hard rain and the measles settled in my stomach and bowels. 1 had an awful time and had it not been for the use of Chamberhin's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy 1 could not have possibly lived but a lew hours longer, but thanks to this remedy I am now strong and well, 1 have written the above through simple gratitude and 1 shall always speak a good word for this remedy.—Saw. H. Gwin, Concord, Ga. For sale by S. R. Biggs NORTH CAROLINA FURNITURE. Fin# Display In the Ststaa' Exhibit Palace at tho Jamestown Exposition. North Carolina has become famed In many directions aud for many rea j sons, and not the least of those Is on account of her furniture and textile | factories. With the display of the | varied Industries of the ijfate at tbe Jamestown ex | ion 11 HtlM h ore Is a tine exhibit along these lines of nutnufnc | ture. These departments are In charge of Aaron 11. Chlsholm, who under stands the business thoroughly nud who has arranged - the exhibits In-a very artistic manner. The cotton fabric Interests of North Carolina nre among the most Impor tant In the state. These nre complete ly covered by the textile display, sev eral thousand specimens being shown in the stacks and cases, and more than a hundred mills are represented. The furniture department shows a collective exhibit from the numerous factories of the state in suits and oddi ties and also the woods In tbe different stages of manufacture. Most of the cabinet woods of the state are employed lu this furniture manufacture. You will soe a number of pretty and useful articles aud will realise—perhaps for the tlrst time, unless yoif nre from North Carolina— thut that state Is by no meaus uu ! known In the world which the exhibits in this,department represent. _———■ Everybody loves our baby, rosy, ""sweet and warm, W1 h kissy places otviver wck and dimples on her arms. Once she was so .thin and cross used to ery with pain— Mother gave her Caacasweet, now she's well again. Sold by 8. • R. Biggs, Williamston, N. C; Slade Jones, & Co. Hamilton, N. C. The Kid—Pa, what is a "automobile meet':" The Dad-Anybody that get* In the way of one I* automobile meat —CK?Yetaud Main Dealer. Keep the pores opeft and the skin clean when you have a cut. burn bruise or scratch. DeWitt's Carholized Witch H»/et Salve penetrates the ,pores and heals quickly. Sold by S. E. Bigga, WjUiamston. N. C,. Slade Jones, S Co. Hamilton, N. C. a. DO YOU GET OP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trimble Makes Tm Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful l===E=Li£jf I; Kilmer's Swamp-Root, I th ® peat kidney, Hver I i*>sa~rl 1! and bladder remedy. " B|7VVI LJS "'■ great medl »lA (J *§ est triumph of the nioe -1 VJ_ I M teenth century; dia- L 111 l covered after years of ,1 F "3T" fflti scientific research by 'r jr- I £3rp\| Dr. Kilmer, the eml • JL--. * nent kidney sad Mad ui." ■ i" l *'der specialist, and is wonderfully successful In promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric scid trou bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root l« not rec ommended for everything but If you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found Just'the remedy you need. It has been tested In so msny wsys. In hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful ln» every case that a special srrangement has been msde by which all resders of this paper who have not already tried It, a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper snd ■ send your address lo Dr. rtimet 4Co.,Bini; nWflWttffi hamton, N. Y. regular fifty cent and »M»itsw»im dollar sizes are sold by ail good druggists. Don't make shy mistske, but remember the name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghsmton, N. Y„ on svery bottle. North Csrollns Expenditures. ► The state of North Carolina appro printed the sum of ».V),ooo for Its rep reseutatlon nt the Jamestown exposl tton. Of this amount $25,000 was H petided 111 constructing and furnishing the building, a portion of the furni ture lu the building belug donsted. The remaining $25,000 was expended lu securing, transporting and Installing exhibits and was apportioned us fol lows: Agriculture, horticulture, for estry uiid fish exhibit, under tbe su pervlslon of T. K. Bruner, secretary of the agricultural department of the state, $0,200; textiles and furniture, under the direct control of Colonel rogue aud tbe Immediate uiausgement of A. It. Chlsholm, s4,r>oo; mines and metallurgy exhibit, under tbe su|>ervl slon of l>r. Joseph Hyde i'rutt, stute geologist, s.'i,ooo; historical exhibit, In cbargo of Mrs. Mudsay Patterson of Winston Salem, assisted by Misties illnton and Sdienck of ltnlelgh and. (Ireensboro, respectively, $2,000; edu cational exhibit, under J. Y. Joyner, superintendent of public schools of North Carolina, SI,OOO. In addition to tho nliove, there \vas an appropriation of sr>,ooo by tbe legislature for the lielieilt of the negroes of the state, with which to secure their exhibit for tho Negro building. ECZIiI For the good of those suffering with eczema or other stub trouble I wish to say, my wife had some thing of that kind and after using the doctor's remedies for some time concluded to try Chamberlain's Salve, and it proved to be belter than anything she had tried. For sale by S. R. Biggs. North Carolina Education. Tbe educatloiiirTeXhlldt of the state of North Carolina at the Jamestown exposition Is, a complete demonstra tion of the educational methods em ployed In the various parts of the state aud graphically represents the public school system of the state. The c«- h I bit consists of plcturea, charts, maps aud the handiwork of the students. The largist and most Interesting pic ture ic one representing of North Carolina at Cbappel 11111. Here nre shown the en tin- campus und surrounding country. Charts aud sta* tlstlcenitder this picture show the won derful growth of the university since its inception in 1878. John Riha, u prominent denier of Vining, la , says; *'l have been selling UeWitt's Kidney and Blad der Pills for about a year and they give better satisfaction. than any pill I ever sold. There are a doz en people here who have used them and they give perfect satis faction in every case. I have used them myself with fine result,'' Sold by S. R. Biggs. Williamston, N. C; Slade Jones, A Co. t Hamil ton, N, C- Exposition Hatee Reasonable. District 1 ntweuger Agent J. H. Wood of the Southern Hullway company at Ashevillc has returned from a several daya' trip to the Jaiuaatowu exposition and declares that ha waa favorably im pressed with the excellenea of the ex position. He said that thers waa no reason for complalut; that the trans- porta t lon facllltloa were entirely ade quate: tlint hotel facilities were atupl« «ud that rotea were rvaHOualiie. The exposition Itaelf, Mr. Wood Mid, waa Intel-eating aud Instructive ami slght neern could very pleasantly aud profit ably apeud several day* likand around Norfolk aud the exposition grovutfc.- Cltisen, Aahevllle, N. C. i © ' Fir u kiMlrti Mlitlti To improve the 4 appetite and strengthen the digestion try a few doaes of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr. J. H. Seitz, of Detroit, Mich., saya: •They restored my appetite when impaired relieved me of a bloated feeling and cau#ed a pleasant and satisfactory movement of the^bow-1 els." Price. 15 centa. Sample 1 free, S. R. Uigga. North Carolina Negro Exhibit. North Carolina baa contributed to the Jamestown exposition a moat lnter estitig negro exhibit. housed In the Negro building at the Uuder the charge of the Be*. C. H. Williamson, commissioner general of the North Carolina ne*ro axWblt. tMa dlaolay represent* the *ol* rf etery >.V ... educational, Indbstrial and religious in ■tltution la tb* •tot*. Moat wonderful of all to tb* wart done by the *chool for tb* colored deaf, dumb and blind, located at Hal elgb. The noodle and fancy wort and the woodcarrlng and other handJ wort of the unfortunate ■tudentu of this Inntltatlon bar* attracted the at tention of the entire country. The college* and Mbooto represented In tb* negro exhibit of North Carolina are aa follow*: Bcbool For the Colored D*af, Dumb and Blind. Ratelgh; Aahe- Tllle graded school, Albert lie; High Point Normal school, High Pflnt; Stat* Normal school, Biit*b*th City; Boanofc* lnatltate, Elisabeth City; Whittod graded achool, Dwhain; St school, Raleigh; A. and M. collage Greensboro; Jo*eph K. Bride achool, i£nfield; Henderson Normal initltut* and Hhaw university, Raleigh. Among the moot Interesting exhibit* In tb* general dlaplay of North Caro lina negro development la a collection of negro publication*. Tbo exhibit of African curios la al*o most Interesting and unique. Ckaaltrtiii's CoHe, CMira w Blir rhMi RIHI litlir Tin Tim DoetMt 1 Three years ago we had three doctors with our little boy and everything that they could d> seemed in vain. At Inst when nil hope seemed to be gone we hegar using Chamberlain's Colic. Choleru and Diarrhoea Remedy and in h few hours he began to improve. Today he in ns healthy a child a* parents could wish for."'-Mrs. 1 J. Johnston, Linton, Miss. For sale by S. R. Biggs. Why ah* Waited. An old woman, rod no*ed *nd In rag*, atood In front of a pawnshop that waa burning down. Tb* flame* threw weird lights on her, and alw cried and wrung her handa ptteoualy. "What I* the matter with you?" a fireman a*k*d. "You don't own the •hop, do you T' "No," *d* walled. "But my old man'* Sunday ault 1* up that spout, and he don't know It" DeWitt's Little Karly Risers don'l sicken or gripe. Small fills, easy to take. Sold hy S. R. William ton, N. C; Slade Jones A Co. Hamilton, N. C. Let* *f Riiun for Hl* drouth. "What make* you *o grouchy 1" "I won 900 nt poker laat night." "Well, doe« that make you *or*T" "Sure it uukex m* aor*. I had to ■pend flO for drink*, |3 for cigar*, 943 for a new dress to aquar* myself with roy wife, and I burned a hole In my new trousers with a cigar. And they paid me all my winnings In I. O. U.'a." —Cleveland I-eader. "We never repent of eating too little," was one of the ten rules o( Thomas Jefferson, president ot the United StaUd, and the rule applies to every one without exception during this hot weather, because it is hard for food even in small quantities, to be dige«ted when the blood ia at high temperature. At this season we should eat spar ingly and properly. We ahou «1 also help the stomach as much ns possible by the use of a little Kodol For Indigestion and Dyspepsi*. which will rest the stomach by dig esting the food itself. Sold by S, R. Biggs. Williamston. N. C; Slade Jones, & Co. Hamilton, N. C. ' The Jatropha unrns I* said to be the moat puluonoua plant In existence. It* aetlou 1* on the heart, and a decoction kill almost Instantaneously. Those who have stomach trou ble, no matter how slight, should give every possible help to the digestive organs, so that the food may be digested with the least effjrt This may be done by ink ing something that contains lift ural digestive propel ties-some thing like Kodol For Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Kodol is a pre paration of vegetable acids and contains the very" same juices found in a healthy stomach. It digests what you eat. Sold by S R. Biggs, Williamston, N. C; Slade Jones, & Co. Hamilton, N. C. •Jamsstewn'* Aooeesibillty. Wilhlu u tweuty-four hour radtu* of the axixMttton th*r* Uv* some 40,000,- 1)00 people. or ; nearly half the popula tion of the eutlre United State*. Might or ten railroad* and a* many ateain ahlp line* center In Norfolk and New port N*w*. making It poaalbl* to bring all of these people to tb* expoaitlou during the period of tbo celebration, and ail who Miter the gate* of tb* Co lonial City by th* He* will And enter talnment in tb* highest sens* ot tb* word. I will mail you free, to prove merit, samples of my Dr. Shoop'a Restorative, and my Book on either Dyspepsia, The Heart or The Ridneya. Troubles of the Stomach, Heart or Ridneya, are merely symptons of a deeper ail ment. Dori't make the common error of treating symptoms only Symptom treatment Is treating the MSULT of your ailme«\t,and not THE CAVSK, Weak Stomach nerves— the inside nerves —mean Stomach weakuess, always.' And the Heart and Ridneys as well have their controlling** inside nerves. Weak en these nenres, and you inevita bly have weak vital organs. Here is where Dr Shoop's Restorative has made its fame. No other remedy even claims to treat the "inside nerves." Also for bloat ing, biliousness, bad breath or complexion, use Dr. Shoop's Res torative. Write me to-day for sample and free Book. Dr, Sboop, Racine, Wis. Tta* Restorative is sold by S. R. Biggs. JpS. ' . ' On* Waa fti N* Harry. Bespect i* Uw to the inuu ou hi* last journey to the cemetery, and the cab man who was making f* V ictoria ata- Uon showed the proper reeling In driv ing for some distanc.- alffug the pro cession without trying to cross It But at tost he could contain himself no longer. Turning hi* horse across the hearse, be said, In a cabman's whisper, "lAOk 'ere. my far*** lu a 'nrry, aa' yours sln'tr— Telegraph. Rtittfj for Marrlmi Imr Kim ta m "1 want to say a few words for Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Re>» *-«ly. I have used this preparation in my family for the past fire yar* and have re commended it to a number of peo ple in York county and have r.e«'e known il to f-«i1 to ffect a i • ie in any instance I fel that 1 can tot say too much for the best remedy of the kind in the world " —S Jemison. Spring Grove, York County, Pa. Thi« remedy is f>» t-ale by S. R. Biggt UNIVERSITY COLLEGE IOF MEDICINE. MIHBIII— ttMTIITrf- HIMtWT SsfiioT IMaitlcUSchbgisour m HaifltaL Fur AtWUd l»tur»«tio«, wnIeTHK f SUCTO*. CITY BARBER SHOP J. H. HYMAN, M*r. Main Street First Class Shop 5 Chairs N Everything Clean ami ut Order * PRESSING CLUB We are running a pressing club in connection with our barber shrp and have an experienced presser and cleaner in charge. Give u$ Your Work i————— Sour Stomach No appetite, lou ot strength. nervoua neaa, headache, conatlpatlon, bed breath, general debility, aour risings, end catarrh of the stomach are all due to Indlgeatlon. Kodol reMsvea lnd ;estlon. Thla new discov ery represents the natuial Julcea of diges tion as they eilat In a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonio and reconstructive properties. Kodol for dyspepsia doee not only relieve Indigestion and dyspepala, but thla famous remedy helps all alomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and itrengthenlng the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. 3. 3. 80. f Ksveesweed. W. Vs.. wr " I was troubled with soar stomach for twaetf r»«r«. Rsdol cured me sad we ere sow uslnf It Is ml* Digests What Yost Cat. Bottles tely. IndtsesOon. soar stomach, betchinf of fsa, etc. Prepared by a. O. OeWITT It CO., OMIOAOO. For Sale By: S. R. Rifa, Williamson, blade, Jotiea a Co., Hamilton. Cure* Blood, Skin Dlmum, Cancer, Greatest Blood Puriflar Free. If your blood U impure, thin, diseased hot or {til! of humors, if you have biool poison, raacer, carbuncles, eating miw, scrofula, eczema, itching, risings and bumps, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rhenmatistll, or any blood or Skin disease, take Rotnnic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Soon all sores heal, tches and pains stop and (be blood is made pure and rich. Druggists or by express fi oo per large bottle. Sample free by writing Blood Balm Ct„ Atlanta, Ga. B. B. B. is especially advised for chronic deep-seated casea, as it cure* after nil else fails. - SSHHi >ll nittnum uthlo W« afeMia PAT NTS H THaT WkY, SS.rrttW Uwm » «u ■ MnuM pkulu *•*■** for PHCI ««■ OB (MtantalnSt), M jMtnf meUo«. Mill- ■ PABSINO ntrtNKNCta. total Rwk |« Prnnt]it>h> IStlnrt* wwto Mr jM, I - STJE; J _ watiiw»raw, ». o. B I*l Vm k 111 iMi .. .JUL' 4 -J- - - • Sty /harperX / KENTUCKY T \ I whiskey) IK For sate by J. W. W*tls A Co. ' Littleton Female College Splendid location. Health resort. Hot water Beat. Electric light* mud i other modern improvements. 240 boarding pupils la*t year". High todanl scholarship, culture and social life, Conservatorj advaatages ia Muaic. Advanced cuarae* ia Ait and Elocution, KnuMn Cdhgt, Bible, and Nrunl courses. Health record not surpassed. Clone personal attention to the health aad social development of each pupil. Uniform worn an all public arena In— CHARGES VKRV LOW. 36th Annual Session will begin on September 18th, 1907. Per ctalogwe, address Rev. J. M. RHODES, President, I LITTLETON. N. C. Take Your Clothing To Octarios Price v When you waut them cleaned or pressed. Indies Skirts cleaned and pressed at a reasonable price. Vi ork Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. : : Roanoke Pressing Club In Mobky Building TUB NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Courses leading to degrees of Bachelor of Pedagegy, Bachelor of Art* bMkU 01 Science, and a new eoona leading to ths degree of Bachelor of Marie 'l-nnrd. laundry, tuition and feea for uae of text books, ate., $l7O a year. For fiee-tuitiou »tui*euU, $125 TnK NOKMM. DK>-*A IMKNT give* thorough inatruction ia the subject* taught in the schools and college*, and *|«cial pedagogical training for the profession of teaching. Teachaca and Graduates of other colleges are offered a one-fear special ronr** in Pedagogy and allied aubjects. TIIR CoMHKMCfAt. nRTAkTMBNT offern practical inrtrnction ia Stenography, Typewriting. Book-keeping and other business aubjects. The Department* of Manual Arts and Domestic Science provide instruction ia Manual Training and in such subjects as relate directly to the hone aad family. The Muaic Department, in addition to the deftree coarse BOW offer* A certificate course in vocal and instrumental muaic. To secure board in the dormitories, - all free-tuition applications should be made before J.dy The fall term opens September 18, 1907.. For catalogue and other information, address. ~ J. I. FOUST, PRKSIDKNT, GREENSBORO, N.C. y. JOHN D. BIGGS, President ASA T. CRAWFORD, Secretary & Trwuurer T. W. TILGHMAN, General Manager. The Dennis Simmons ■ ••• • •# • • ; ... * Lumber Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Kiln Dried N. C Pine Lumber DENNIS SIMMONS BRAND CYPRESS SHINGLES ORDERS AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Suffolk Feed and Fuel Company •UrrOLK, VIRGINIA ; DEALERS IN = Corn, Oats, Hay. Cement, Lime, Coal, Meat and Meal We CM Supply You on Short Notice. Ghre UI Your Orders G. T. BRAN I LEY, Local Representative You Will Find Us the Same During 1907 that Yon Did During 1906 We Carry at Williamston, N. C., A Stock of Corn, Oats, L,ime and Cement so as to save delay in filling I orders WE SELL TO MERCHANTS ONLY Statement of the Condition of BANK OF ROBERSONVILLE At the close of business Friday, May ißth, 1906. RESOURCES. - LIABILITIES. Loan* and discounts . ($5,894.1 dCapiUl stock $1#,000.00 Ov*rrf™fU M.t7. 8 %® Br P lu * *** 5,800.00 Undivided profits 7'4-7> B'k'ng House, F. and fixture* 1,685.811 Due from banks and bankers 1 .S 68 Time certificate* ot depoatt 4,544.00 Cash itonn a.07t.77l Deposits *5.44^.93 ' T Cashiers' checks outstanding Si ** »&4.J593> State ot North Carolina—County of Martin. I, J. C. Robertson, cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the beat o I my knowledge and belief. J.C. ROBBRTSON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29 day of May 1907. S. 1.. ROSS, Notary Public. Correct —Attest: A. S. *ober*>o *nd J. H. Rohertwn Jr., Director*. ATLANTIC COAJT UNC RAILROAD CO. PASSENGER TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT, K' Wilminotok, N. C., April 6, 1907. TRAIN SERVICE: —Inauguration New Train Service, Nm. 73 . 72, between Wddoo and Kinston, N. C. Effective April 8, 1907, new train *ervice will be inaugnarated be tween Weldon and Kinston, N. C. train* Noa. 73 and 7a on following SUNDAY |W$ UCOT SUNDAY ||| 32$ am Leave Weldon ' ' Arrive 30 p ■ 840 am V Halifax .leave 710pm aotan " Tillery -J.Hkx " 6sl p * 91* am " Spring Hill jJpT ■ " 640pm g-it a m " Scotland Neck " 626 p m .owam " Hobgood 610pm to tit am " Oak City " 5 4#P«n to so am " Parmele " J» P m 1117 am Honae " 4 J* P m | 1125 am Greenville 4 a 4P m 1139 am " Winteryilto « •• 410 P m ,iS»mp" Ayden , * 4°«P» 'Jfe 1207pm I Grifton -*c , -SL " 12 29 p m J* Gi-atnger « 3 30p«