THE ENTERPRISE. ITMT niOAT n tib muniM WUWTIHB CO. Vtlllaastoa W.C« ALFRED E. WHITMORE. Edito*. a .» re d wUllaautoo ■. C. aa •a#"* Clue lUII Metier. Friday, September si, tq°7 Apparently Secretary Taft re-', gards that 25,000 mile run as just a warming up heart. According to the News fc Ob-1 server of the 2* it looks like Drew ry and Crater are l>oth in a hole. The News & Observer is red in the face and the Raleigh limes is black, over the railway rate case. Wonder how it will end? We beg to acknowledge receipt of and invitation to attend the Central Carolina Fair Association Greensboro, North Carolina, Octo ber 15-18, 1907- The language used by one o( the papers at the capital would, ordi narily speaking, in some towns that can l>e mentioned, l»e the an nouncement of a funeral. ? Congratulation Editor Entkkpkisk, Wiu.iamston, N. C. Dear Sir; I wish to congratulate Hie lui terprise upon its eight years career which closed with the last issue. I now havfe the first x>py that ever went through the press, when it was started by Mr. Dail, and have watched its career with much interest. Tho it bas had some ups and downs, vet it is and has been a great factor for good in the com munity. It has always stood foi and boldly advocated the things that were best for the community ami has served as a great educator for our people. The county newspaper generally does not receive tlie proper support from the people that it deserves. worth is unestiniated and the public expect the lienefit of Its good in fluence without Jending either then moral or fiancial support,. Your success has been such, however, that 1 would infer that you have strong backing from your county men, you should have, out ot the four thousand families in the county, not less than -?ooo, paid up suliscribers-, v to say nothing aliout the cotnpliineutaiies I-confidentially believe that witli the steady growth of , ' ,L ' l )U l H '' that you will ere long have to in crease its size to eight pagt paper. 1 hope that the paper will louj: continue its good work for tin moral and material good of oui people. Respectfully, A SVHRCTUIIKK. There aie a great many peoplt who have slight attacks >l indiges tion and dyspepsia neatly all flu time, x Their food may satisfy the appetite but it fails to nurish tin body simply because the sto«acli is not tit cond.tion to do the work it is supposed to do. It can 1 di gest the food you eat. Ihe stom ach should be given help. \on ougth take something that will dn the work your stomach can t do. Kodol For Indigestion and l)ys pepsia, a combination of natural digestants and vegetable acids, d'- the food itself anil gives strength and health to the stomacfi. Pleasant to take. Sold l»y S. R. liiggs. MR. EDITOR: — In uiy travels over the Stite, I always find great pleasure in visit ing shops and factories. There is ever a fascination in taking mental notes of the industrial progress in the places visited. Coining into your town after an absence of five . vears, 1 found much to interest one. Being especially fond cf the pro ducts of mechanical labor. 1 spent a part of one day in the factory of the Martin County Buggy Com pany. I found as complete a shop as is generally seen in the large raanufactoring towns. Skilled workman were in charge of every department, aud the manager, Mr. V J. Z. Gardner, is well known as a man of wide experience in the building of high grade vehicles. I learned the names of the stockhold ers, and they are among the sound est business men of the town, they have confidence and money in the enterprise, aud will push tt to success. The display of vehicles is an attractive one, and the out ir.'K* .■ put is large, consi Bering the fact that the factory has existed onlv a few mouths. They combine dura bility with beautv of finish and , design. Each job turned out is guaranteed to be of the best mater ial and workmanship. The factory is a valuable addition to the indus- 1 trial progress of the County, and there should be no need for foreign vehicles. I found that purchases , could be made on easy term-!, and that prices Were Jow considering the quality. It is with pleasure aud satisfaction that I commend the work to lovers of an attractive and up to-da'.e vehicle. "SojOt'KNF.K" Sick Headache This disease is caused by a de rangement of ihe stomach. I ake u dose of Chamberlain's Stomach und Liver Tablets to c*brrecf this tlisorder and the sick headache will disappear. For sale by S„ R. '%(?•. s —lt pays to buy at Chase's Drug Store. ♦ . Great Crowd Coming That the attendance to the fair will eclipse all such previous occas -1 ions there is eveiy reason to be lieve. Many people have planned to make one trip ansewer for both the State Fair and the J-amestown Exposition, stopping at Rich mond either going l*or coming from the exposition. The double attraction of such a trip is evident, ind will appeal to manytfcdio other wise would possible not make the trip sjiecialy to attend the fair. A Hunane Appeal ° A humane citzeu of Richmond Ind , Mr U. I). Williams. 107 West 1 Main St. says: ,- l appeal to all per ' sons with weak lungs to take Dr. i King's New Discovery, the only rened/ that lias h**lpi 1 me and fill ly comes up to the proprietor's ret 1 ommendation." It saves more lives ' than all other throat and lung 1 -medics put together I'si-tl as a i cough and cold cure the w rhl over. Cures hsthnia, bronchitis, croup whooping t tiuijb, tpiinsy. hoarse -1 uess.and plithinic.stops hemorrhag * ' t-sof the lungs and builds them up. - Guaranteed at S R. Higgs lrug ; store. 5 ic. and Si.oo. I'rial bottle tree —lt pays to buy at Chase's Drug Store. Wig« and Thin Skulls, f The curious thlnncsK of some skulls t of- Egyptian minnuiles of the fourth to the nineteenth dynasty lias !>eeu 1 Kindled by' In-. ;. Kiliot Smith, pro , feasor of anitlomy al l.'iilro, anil he , suggests thai Ihe cause may have been the wear I mi'' of heavy wigs, II occurs In both male ami female skulls. It |s 1 found only In mummies of wealthy r people, mid the upper classes of the period to which the phenomenon be longs are known to have followed the L- fashion of wearing enorniuils w IgN. 1 utermittent pressure, such as that of the Water .lars carried by modern fel- la been women, does not sociu to affect t' the blood supply aulllclently to cause r the bone of atrophy.— 8t I.otils I'ost- Itlspateh. ♦ Latitude and Longituda. The lines seen on maps aud globes called degrees of lallfude and meridian of longitude serve the very Important e purpose of fixing the position of places and tilings and the reckoning of dls tnnces (north, south, east or west) '' from a given point. Latitude measures n distance north or south, longitude measures dislauee east !or west, and 1 between tlx- l\vo the exact posit lon of ' 11 county, city or ship can lie definitely * determined. The base of calculation, - north or south, Is the equator; that of - the distance east or west is lJreon .1 wlcli, England. A line JOIIIIIIR the , poles and passing through tireeuwlch is called the prime meridian, from which distance east or west Is catcu , luted. \ "If you want to know thr value of a dollar try to borrow one.''—J. Ben jamin Franklin. There is uo need to borrow if vou start to save. We want to enroll one hundred new depositors this week, aud lo encourage our depositors we shall g've everyone making a deposit with us a lie«utiful Vest PoGket Savings Bank This offer holds good only while oar stock of Pocket Hanks last. Come in end get one. Farmers & Merchants Bank, WIIUAMSTON, N, C. THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. SEPTEMBER 27. *9 >7- Gold Point Briefs Messrs. W. A. Roberson and G. A. Crofton returned from Norfolk Sunday night. School commenced here last week. Miss Bettie Taylor of Ber tie County is teaching and Mrs. Ada Wynn assistant teacher. Mr. Jesse M. Coburn of SLober sonville was in town today. Mr. Bubb Williams 'and Mrs. Emma Bullock were married near here last Sunday evening. Justice Crootn of this place officiating. Mr. T). D, Stalls is absent this week on the sick list. yuite a number from here at tended the yearly meeting at Spring Green last Sunday. Kev. Charley Lee a most able iniuister of the Christian Church I'as an appointment to preach,-here next .Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. John Willams has been mak ing repairs and building to the Harrison place and will have quite a nice residence when completed. To chcch a cold quickly, -yet from your druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets called Seven ties. Druggists everywhere are now dispensing Preventics, for they are not only safe, but decidedly certain anil prompt. Preventics i cntaiii no Ouinine no laxative, nothing harsh nor sickening. Tak i'ii at the "snee/.e stage'' Preventics will prevent Pneumonia, Bronchit is, La'Jrippe, etc. Hence the name Preventics. Good for feverish children. 48 Preventics 15 cents I'rial Boxes 5 cents. Sold by S, .JL Biggs. Hamilton News Miss Seltna Staten is home again after a very pltasaut visit to Frank lin. N. C. Mrs. Walter Salsbiiry who has beeu visiting in Kdgecomhe has re turned home. Mr. Thurston Pippin has moved hi;; family to Jamesville where lie will engage in the mercantile business. 4 . Mrs. Totulison is visiting her sister. Mis. Williams. Mrs. Paul Salsbiiry has return ed home after an absence of sev eral weeks. ■ Mrs. Moore who has been visit ing in Tarboro \jas^ returned home. Mr. Hill of Durham is in charge of the Hamilton school this year Mrs. Grimes is assisting him. Miss Kulala Perkins who has liccti v.siting her aunt in Norfolk bas returned home. (juite a large crowd went to Spring Green Sunday. Edward Matthews who has been absent nine months attending school at Friend's Mission. Va.. has returned home. Mr. Bryant Sherrod of Fnfiel 1 is visiting in town. Dr. D. \V. Lewis continues very 1 ill. | One of the worst features of kid ney trouble is that it is an insidious disease and before the victim real -1 i/es his danger he may have a fat ' al malady lake Foley's Kidney | Cure at the first sign of trouble as it corre ts irregularities and pre vents Bright's-d'sease anddiabetes. > C. C. i Chase, S. R. Biggs. The Bishop Cornered. 1 - The quick wilted son of 11 farmer was in the liublt of delivering butter unit eggs regularly every morning at the summer resilience proinlhent bishop. The latter, wliWlellglited In an earl.v u 10rnlng walk In his garden, became Interested In the t*»y and en joyed qillHlng hlui. "Good morning, my lad," said he, "1 Will give you an orange If you will tell me where God Is. "Thank you. sir." replied the boy; "I'll give you two oranges If you'll tell me where he Is not."—Exchange. BUSINESS ITEMS. Ask for El Corcso. FOR SAUK- Old newspapers ao cents per hundred, this office. I ■ Taffy-Tolu Gutn quenches thirst. N . SALESMEN WANTED—to lOOV after .1 our interest in Martin and adjacent counties. Salary or commission. Ad v dress The Harvey Oil Co., Cleveland, O. t Boarding Mrs. Sitterson's Hoarding House now open for the public. UoaTd one dollar a day. Liberal rates to week and monthly boarders, tf MRS. I. M. SITTKRSON. —Deeds of *£rust, Warranty Deeds, Crop Liens, Chattel Mort r gages, order Books, etc., printed 1 and for sale at this office. . —Chew Tatty-Tolu Gum, ' —Smoke El Coreso. I -rTaffy-Tolu, that's me. . Not a drop ; of Alcohol Doctors prescribe very little, If any, tlcohol these days. They prefer strong tonics and alters- , tlves. This Is sll In keeping j with modern medics! science. It explsins why Ayer's Ssr saparilia is now msde entirely free from alcohol. Ask your doctor. Follow his advice. publUh omr fornmksi j /I m W# banish •loohol JLM J from our m«dieloM | flyers . Unless there is daily action of the bow els, poisonous products are absorbed, causing headache, biliousness, nausea, dvspepsis. We wish you would ask your doctor about correcting your constipation by liking laxative doges of Ayer's Pills. « ».:a4« by 111* J. c. tr»r Co., Lowalt. Si". Death of Illss Anna Everett Miss Anna, the fifteen-year old of Mr. Justus Everett of Palmyra, and sister of Mr. S. Jus tus Everett, of this town, died Tuesday morning in a hospital in Noifolk, after an illness of ten weeks. Death was du£ to a for mation of puss in the aStlotninal cavity. The funeral was conducted by KMer M. T. Lawrence and the re mains were interred at Spring Green Wednesday. The Enterprise joins in .sympathy with the many friends of the fam ily Trial Catarrh treatments are be ing mailed out free, on request, hy Dr. Shoop. Kacine, Wis. These tesls are proving t'» the people— 1 without a penny's cost—the great value of this scientific prescription known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by S. K. Biggs. Americans may nevertake kind ly to vegeturlaiiism hut the Beef Trust is doing ill it can to educate them that way. Healthy kidneys (liter the impu rities from the blood, and-unless they do this good health is impos sible. .KoVy's Kidney Cu r e makes sound kidn ys and will postivily cure all Ririns of kidney uiul bladder disease. Il strength ns the whole system. C- C. Chase; S. R. Bij.'gs. Now they are enlisting a party to go out and look for the party that went out to look for (leorgt Bernard Shaw. Meantime Mr. Shaw is home. He always was an inscrutable joker. ■ 1 m m Chamberlain's Cough Rimedi 0«i (I tki But 01 tki Mirkit For many years Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has constantly gaiued in favor and popularity un 111 it is now one ol tne most staple medicines in use and has an enor mous sale. It is intended especial ly for acute tliroat and lung dis eases, such HI- coughs, colds and croup, and can always be depend ed upon. It s pleaeant and safe to take and is undoubtedly the besf in the market fur the purpose* for which it i intended. Sojd by S. R. Biggs Notice The County Association of white teachers will meet Saturday Oct 12th. at the Williamston Gradul School building. All teachers in the schools of the county, and all who expect to teach are required by law to attend. Fail not to come it you expect vour pay. R. J. I'KKU, SUPT. SULPHUR BRINGS HEALTh Purifies the Blood and Clears Up the Complexion Rwytwdy »««l» '• take Sulphur at this »ea ■oo. Nothing like h to purify the blood, clear up th* complexion and removr I hat tired feel ing But the only way to take It la In liquid form HANCOCK S LIQUID »f I.PHI'R taken Internally-i* the beat Spring tonic. Applied ea- Irrnally HANCOCK'S UtyVIO SUI.PUR qulck ly evitr* Krtetua, Tctt»r, and alt SMu Dlaeaaea HANCOCKS, the only LIUt'ID SULPHUR OIN I'MKNT, remove* Pimp'r* m v klieads and Sotca, ami g,'ve« a beautiful aoft and velvety akin Vour dr,inula! *"» It. It oiral Kdwanl D. Herring, of Kmln K'V, Md., of a bad caae of Rrttina. and he wrltca: "My lacc la as imooth a*, au infant All about Sulphur Btoklet free, If you write HANCOCK Uyl'lP SULPHUR COMPANY. Baltimore. ■ * Notice of DUsoiutioa Notice is hereby given that the part nership lately existing R. T. Taylor ami J. L. Croom, of Gold Point, Martin County, and State of North Caro lina, under the firm name of the Goli' Point Buggy Co., waa by mu tual consent on the 16th day of Severn tier, 1907. All debts owing the said partnership are to be received by the said J. L. Croom, and all demands on the aaid partnership are to be presented for payment. Thin 25th day of fsepte-mher. 1907. R. T. Taylor w * J. L. Croom This is to notify the public that I will continue the business of the Gold Point *»eyCo. nn4er my oxm natf? and wfll be gUd, too glad to act »t 4 U«n« oar old friend*- I ilioto thjbk the public for the patronage that 4» betl extended to the Cold Point Bnai Co. Stray Notice J North Carolina- Mhrtin Cotflty Taken up and entered onjny atray book according to law by wniam W. Jonea, at bia residence about line mile* southeast of the Court HonseH Martin County in Griffin Township,k certain •tray »o*' of the following (lacriptloii; Calor, White and black apottei marked crop and aplit and uaderltal in the right ear and crop and wit in the left ear Age about 3 ysts, weight al.oiit 175 pounda. W. C. MAWWiNy Kan^rr. Notice of Exacutlonpale I VMMA North Carolina —Martin Cnwty In the Superior clirt O. D. Rooernon Sctim r - v*. / Jesne 1,. Jetiki* By virtue of ttuee,Rxe lions directed to the underaigned frotJ the Superior Court of Martin County, lin the above entitled actions. I will 011 Monday, No vember 4th 1907 at 13 I clock at the Court Honne door of sail It ounty sell to the higheot bidder for lash to xatisfv snid Execution*, all theright title and iutere-st which the Hnid'ffse 1,. Jenkins defendant hn» in the foil 'wing deaorilied real estate to wit- It/, inning in the mouth of the branch empties into Bear branch. Theme S; said branch to the head. Thence Mlong Randolph Whichard's line South 40 degrees weat 3S ]>olea, thence aoutli 16 denreea west 35 |M»les to a pine sai l Whichard'a cor ner. Thence north v 5 'legrefs east to a stake in the mill jiond, tlieuce down the run of the branch to the first station containing by eatinutioii fifty acres lie the same more or lets, subject to the life estate of Mrs. Ilarne.t K Jenkins This the 14th day of September 19117, J. C. CRAW HORD, Sheriff • ' . Martin County, Notice of F.xecution Sales O. I). & J. C. Robtnou* v«. Jesse L. Jenkins By virtue of nu execuiion directed t the naders igw.d, from the Snpertoi I Court of Martin Cbunty in the a*Hive en titled action;'! will on the 4th day of November 1907, nt 12 111 at the Court I louse door of huU countv Hell to the highest bidder to satisfy said execution, all the right, title ami interest which the auid Jesse I. Jenkins, defendant, Ims in the following deacril>ed real estate, to wil: Beginning l ' ,e mouth of n branch thai empties into Bear Branch; thence along the Kmidolph Whichard line south 40 degrees went J5 poles; thence south If) west 35 poles to a pine, said Which ard a line or corner; thence North 85 degrees east to a stake in the mill-pond, containing liy estimation, fifty acres mote or less, subject to the life estate of Kairett K. Jenkins. This the 14th day of September 1907. J. C. Ckawko«i>, Sheriff 9-j7-4t Martin County. Notice of Execution Sate NORTH CAROLINA—Martin County. Sladc, Jones & Co. va. Hamilton Milling Co. By virtue of an execution directed to he undersigued from the Snperior.Court of Martin County in the above entitled action. I will on Monday the 7th day of October, 1907, at t» o'clock, in , at the Court Houae door of said county, aell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy Mid execution, all the right, title and in terest which the aaid Hamilton Milling Co., defen (ants, has in the following de scribed real estate in the town of Hamil ton, to-wit: Beginning at the corner of the A. K. Ilasker'a lot on Liberty street, thence along said street street 59H feet to W. ft Gladstone's corner,-thence along said Gladstone's aud W. \V. Purvis' line 171H feet to J. W. Sherrod's line, thence along J. W. Sherrod's line 59S feet to A. K. Masker's line, thence along A. E. Mask er's line to the beginning, containing one-fourth of an acre more or less; to gether with one gasolene engine, one cotton (in and press, one grist mill, belt ing, appliance*, etc., all attached to the real estate. This the iHth day of August, 1907. J. C. CRAWFORD. 9 6 4t Sheriff of Martin County Notice Notice ia hereby given that we will ap ply to the comMisstoners of the town of Jatnesville and to the commissioners of the county of Martin, for license to retail spirituous, vinous, and malt liq u »rs, In the said xbwn of lames ville In the building known as the W. L. Stall ing* store, on the north aide of the .nain street, for the six months ending Decem ber jt, 1907. 9 6 4t llardison & Gray Notice • Notice ia hereby Riven that I will ap ply to the commissioners of the town of Jtimesville, and lo the commissioners of the county of Martin, for license to re tail spirituous, vinous, and malt liquors, in the said town of Jatnesville in the Van horn store on the main street, for the six month ending December 31, 1907. W. W. Vanhorn Notice ' Notice is hereby given that I will ap ply to the commissioners of the town of Jatuesville, and to the commissioners of the county of Martin, for license to re tail spirituous, vinous, and malt liquors, in the aaid twwt of Jameftrille far the ■ six months ending December 31, 1907. H. T. Stalling* Tobacco Brings $6, slo' 515, S2O, $25, S3O, S4O and $45 per 100 pounds; but, to get these prices you must sell at the Roanoke Warehouse i • .:. . _ IIIW .. - -- . Tom S. GRAHAM, PROPRIETOR CARTS AND WAGONS Made to Order Woolard's Combined yy* Harrow and Cultivator. • M A saving of One Horse and two U IjffW Works both sides of the row at the Breaks the clod* and cultivates MM9OP with as much ease as anv ordinary -TIP'MNIJI] Z"*~ What every Parmer and Truck * ' U '*■*"" Gardner need*. J. W. WOOLAHD, „ . WiUiamston, N. C. r ■ ~ ■ - ■ . rr | |B* H Coming Soon! W« arc going to hav* • great display of Woolens in the Piece at our atora on Main Street Sent ttprmly to ua for ftto OOCM low fey STRAUSS BROS., Chicago. Good Tailors for 26 Y«*r». Their collection of woolen* without qooation contain more exclave pattern a of hi ah quality than any othar lilM la the country. Thair tailoring ia guaranteed, which mean* that If the alotboe don't aatUfy, yoa don't Mad » to taka than. That'* airong enough guarantee, ia'at W BROWN & ROBERSON BE SURD TO GOME. —. Suffolk Feed and Fuel Company aurrobK. VIRGINIA •* DBALBKS IN Corn, Oats, Hay. Cement, Lime, Goal. '' *• 'i - ,r , ? tii*\'i .i -v.- -** We Can Supply You on Short Notice. Send Ui Yo«i (Men You Will Find Us the Same Daring 1907 that Yoo Did During 1906 Morgan's sanitary Barber Shop Pirst Chance Last Chance •flwt Chance ImMr • Restaurant In the Rear I have a nice Unc of TESTAMENTS AND BIBLES From 15c. to sis at the Bible and Grocery House Wbfr* I alao haadka nice hok line of Groceries, Chickens, Errs —JTKICHEIfItY Hamilton Road, Hear CMMttry J. *\ Jfc"

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