ADVERTISING Your money back.—Judicious advert i»- i»g i» the kind that pays back to yon the money you invest. Space in this paper assures you prompt returns . . VOL. IX. . NO. s PEANUT GROWERS '-' • v Urged to Stand by Th« Organiz ation —Successor to fir. Steph en «on —The Outlook. (News & Obaerrer.) To the members of the Peanut Growers' Association: In a letter this week from one of the leaders of the Peanut Growers Association, discussing the difficul ty of organization, were these words: "If their peanuts were sell ing at 2 cents there would be no difficulty in getting them to gether." This sentence has set me to thinking. Can it be that the farmers are going to let slip this opportunity to get control of their crop simply because last year they realized a fairly good price for their peanuts? Are they going to sit down in enjoyment of their state of semi-prosperity and take not one thought for tomorrow? In Bible history, Joseph told the Egyptians that in their seven years of plenty they shonld lay aside for the seven years of famine, and the years showed his wisdom. His advice may well be heeded by the peanut growers at this time. It is true that the farmers last yeat received more for their pea nuts than they have in fifteen or twenty years. Some have said that the Peanut Growers' Associa tion had nothing to do with thisi advance; others have gone farther to say that, if it had not been foi association, the prices would have been still higher. Ido not believe a word of it. Here js my reason ing: Before last fall, the farmers had been considering that 3 cents was a good price tor peanuts. As they organized and began to du>- cuss prices, they became convinced that they should have more. Grad ually they came to see what was a profitable price. The buyers of peanuts, no matter who they were, began to see that the farmers were growing restive under the old con ditions. They learned that, if they were going to get any nuts, they must offer a better price for them. So, gradually last fall the prices crept rp until the 20th of Novem ber when they were 5 cents and over. I believe there were distinct motives in this rise: (1) a desire to ■—BACKACHE—i "I wrote you for a.lvice," writes Lelia Hagood, of Sylvia, Tenn., "about my terrible backache and monthly pains in my abdomen and shoulders. 1 had suffered this way nine years and five doctors had failed to relieve me. On your advite 1 aook Wine of Cardui, which at once pains and now I am entirely cured. I am sure that Cardui saved my life." It Is a safe and reliable remedy for all female 1 j diseases, such as peri- • odical pains, irregulari- ***■ ADVICE A,, _ Writ* ot i letter describing all ty, drugging down sen- Y?** fympu*o». w« »..i %*nd yuu . , « Advice, In plain sealed envelope. sations, headache, diz ziness, backache, etc. i«-n. At Every Drug Store In SI.OO bottles. Try it. CARDUH Cosby Patent Air-Tight Baker and Heater IT HEATS COOKS TOO. The Most Convenient, Useful and Economical Stove for the Home Ever Made. .... IT DOES DOUBLE DUTY It warms the coldettaad largest room in /* v S ~ the house, making it Cory. The busy / housewife can cook Or take anything K c from light rolls la a Thanksgiving or Christmas turkey. Still it looks just aa V,> neat aa any heater made. it ii afr-tight m ! and a great fuel aa'-cr. Thooaaada are be- IS • ing aold. Thonaanda of hoaaekaspen are H enthusiastic. Fire Cast Iron ton aad bottoina, making it laat lot years without !■ repairs. Made only by # UNION STOVK CO., Inc.. MFi . tJjg 1 9mBICHMOHD. VA. lay hands upon all the peannts they could so that they would not have to buy from Union men; (?) a desire to convince the farmers that, if they would not combine, they wonld get good prices just the same. When the tobacco growers of Kentucky went to organize, the trust offered $2.00 in the hundered more for the tobacco of the non-un ion men. This was to persuade the farmers that if they would not join a union, they would get better prices. But the tobacco growers were not caught .napping, neither did they allow themselves to be "soft-soaped" by the trust. To day the tobacco growers are realiz ing ten and twelve cents for the grade of goods that they once sold for three cents. Now let me tell you how I think prices are going in peanuts, I don't claim prophetic power, but see if my words don't come true- Let the association die down and let those who manipulate the peanut market become convinced that the farmers have given up the idea of controlling their crop, and you wiil see prices begin to gradually go down. And I shall not abuse them either, for we need not expect them to give four and five cents for pea nuts when they can get them for three cents. Men, for the sake of the future rally to the association and carry it Ito success. You have laid your | bmds ti the plow. You cannot look backward. If you fail now, it were a great deal better to have never begun at all, because the price-setters will look at.,* you in scorn and say, "You tried toorgan iie and failed; now you turn over matterg t6 our hands where they have always been." Could you blame them? Mr. J. W. Williams and Pugh Ward of Jatnesville attended the play here Tuesday night. But yon say, "Oh, well, all this is easy enough to talk and it sounds. mignty nice; but tt can't lie done." It can be done. The man who' says a thing can't be done that ought to be done is, nine times out of ten, the. man who has not tried. If you will only do your duty, you will not have time to worry about what othets won't do. % ®itter^risf. WILLIAMSTON, N. C M FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1907 1 Mr. K. S. Askew, Wiudsor, N. C., has been appointed my succes sor. I want you to help him out. 1 Without your aid he can not suc ceed. With your co-operation, he cau accomplish great and lasting i good for the peanut growers of 1 North Carolina and Virginia. GII.BKRT T. STBPHKNSOM. His Dur Oil Mother "My dear old mother, who is now eighty three years old, thrives on Electric Bitters,'' writes W. B. Brunson. of Dublin, Ga. ' She has taken them for about two years and enjoys an excellent ap petite, feels strong and sleeps well. That's the way Electric Bitters affect the aged, and the same happy results fo'low in all cases of female weakness and general de bi ity. Weak puny children too are greatly strengthened by. them. Guaranteed also for stomach, liver and kidney troubles, l>y S. R, Bi K 'gs, Druggist. 50c. "When you read some of the 'news' from Washington", savs the Philadelphia Inquirer, "you realize that it is still the dull sea son in that city". What a deli cious bit of humor from a cilv where they never have any other kind of season! Miri Thin Eioigk n toi Mock To maintain health/ a mature man or woman needs just enough food to repair the waste and supply energy and body heat, Tl'fe halt itual consumption of more food than is necessary for these purposes is the prime cause of stomach troubles, rheumatism and disorders of the kidneys. If troubled with indigestion, revise your diet, let reason and not appetite confol and take a few d se. of Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will soon be all right again For sale by All Druggists and Dealers in Patent Medicine. "Borne so culled Ntatesipeu," observ ed the p l>J l >M >| >ti Uh I boa rder, "are merely political NelmiiographK. They are always in a state of agltatlou over ' wme upheaval that IN threatening to destroy the foundations of civilisation, but they can't tell exactly what It is or where It is."—l'hicago Tribune. Whsrs Warm Clothing Is Usslsss. lu a hospital for soldiers' wives In India a poor woman was a I K>U tto be Invalided home. A lady Kot her some warm clothing for the voyage. Un fortunately the patient died lieforo •he could la' got H way. The matron, ■nxiouH to improve (lie OCOIIKIUII. said to tbe lady who had provided tbe clot hex, "All, well, poll' Hon I. xlie've gorn w ere nlie won't never wnut uo more wttrni elotblug!"—Oornhllj^ Curnn'i Comment. At a dinner table In London tin* cofi vermillon turned on public a|>eiiklutf Curran Htated that lie eould never ad dreaa au audience Tor a |tiarter of un hour without moltiteiiiiiK IIIM lip*. . "I have the udviintuge of ,VoU there, Curran," said Sir Thulium TUfton. a POUI|IOIIH and preteutioua member of parliament. "1 Npoke the other night In the house of couiiuona for five liuun on the nabob of Onde and never felt In the leant thirsty." "That la very remarkable Indued." replied Curran, "for every one uureea It waa the drleat speech of the aeaaion." „ Tha Arctic Blueberry. ID August, when blue and salmon berries ripen In the reindeer moan, Es kimos are everywhere with aenlakin leather palla, their gay colored parkas, the hood with wolverene fur border, adding a picturesque color note to the cfilaroacuro. The arctic blueberry U richer, more delldoua than Ita kindred of tbe States, while the aaluion berry la an aeatbetic delight aa It lifts Ita roy al yellow fruition from a bed of au tumnal tinted leaves of waxlike tex ture. American housewives coijublnu tha blue and aalmou berry Into a de Uclous preserve. The natives bury the in In the ground, marking tbe place with a cover of willows. There they freeze and * are taken out aa needed and eaten with seal oil.—Circle. A Mistaken Diagnosis. A Cincinnati doctor who thinks that all the ills of tbe human race can be traced to the drinking of eoffep and tea entered a restaurant recently and seated himself opposite an Iriahmau who waa busying himself trying to dis pose of a steaming cup of coffee. "How often do you use coffee?" queried the doctor. "I drink It morning, noon and night, air." i "Don't you experience a slight dizzi ness of tbe brain on retiring at night?" "Indeed I do, sir, very frequently." "Too have a sharp pain through tlio temples and In andtferuond tbe eyes?" "Right you are," replied the Irish man. "You are possessed with a drowsi ness when you awake In the morning, and your head often aches and feels very heavy?" "Right again," answered the Irish- J man, still slicing his coffee. . "Well, then," exclaimed tbe doctor, sitting erect In bis chair, "aren't you jiow convinced that tbe coffee Is tbe ' cause?" - * ;,jl 'J "Is tbat so?" said the Irishman lu as- toniabmeut. "Faith, I always thought | tt waa the whiskyT-What to Bat THE LIMEKILN CLUB, | Brother Gardner Talks About the Watermelon. HUNTS UP HISTORY OF FRUIT How Ham Wen the Eternal Gratitude •f Humanity by His Dieoovery. , Winter Watermelon l« Due, Says the ), Good Brother. JCopyrtght, 1907, by M. kl. Cunningham.] "My frena," began Brother Gardner > aa he roue lu bis place at the last . meeting of the I.lmekilu club, "1 has been axed varus questions about de ( watermlllyon doorln' de past week and have lieen at considerable pains to . hunt up It* history and secure de In formation 1 nm gwine to gib you dls ' eavenln'. 1 "Dar am four speshunl things con nected wld de life and history of de ■ cull'd race—vl*, de chicken, do possmn, de yam and de wiiternilllyou. With out 'em we coulil not flourish. Take "BR J EST 111 >l,l, Kit TWKNTY or UK lIIiIUKHT UNKH TOOKTIIKK AND HOT DOWN TO I.UNCMBON." any one of 'em away from us and de loss could not t>e made up lu a hun dred years. Natur' makes no mis takes. She lunged what de cull'd man would want when slie created hltn, and as soon as he arrived on nlrth he found dose four things wait- In' for htm, and be was toiil to go tight ahead and enjoy hlssclf, "I shall speak o£ ile wiifermlllj on aloue dls eavenln'.wHt has ile Vhorjest season of any of de four, nnil It seems> to conw clusser to de onll'il man dan any of do rest. De possum, do yarn anil de chicken bring up bright antlcl pashuns, but when you want sunthlu' to make ye motif water anil de heels to lift up off do ground you Hot down oil ile doahsteps mid let your thoughts dwell on de wntermillyon. "Who whs do first cull'd man? I I answer Ilanu I can't find out any thing about his rudder and inudder, hut as ulgli as I kin find out about Ham hlssclf lie was jest like any of us yore tonight. I don't reckon he did any mo' work dan lie was obleeged to, anil If ilar had been uny odder cull'il man around ho would probably have tried to borry a dollar now and den. Found Heap of Good Things. "Ham found a heap of goisl things waitUi' fur litui. Dar was fat rab bits. great big wild |>liimß ond straw-, berries fiii de htlTsldes Dnr was wild tnters f ami razorbacked hnwgs and ducks and geese flybr around. Ho lilted high and slept late In do inawn ln', but ilar come n day when he lost his appetite and got dumpish. He was lon cln' fur somothln' rtirthe Inula't found yet. He begun to fall away In speorlts nnd flesh, and nobody kin tell what would hev happened to him In do end had he not made a disk I very. "flatp wan wanderln' aliout one sum mer's day, thlnkln' he was not long fur dls world and havlu' n yearnin' ilat mode his head ache, a mammoth twenty-eight feet high anil welghln' 0,000 pounds got after him and -put him on de hump fur ober twenty inlles. When de old mammoth let up Ilain found hlssclf In a strange ken try nnd In de midst of a wateriulllyon patch of five acres In extent. Do fruit hud no natno at dat time.. It lay dar ready to be devoured Some of de fruit was about as big as a stovepipe hat and some as big as a bari. Some was green yet, and some was hustln' open anil showln' do red core. » "Don't you go to bcttln' dat Ham didn't pitch Into dose uiillyona. Ho knoweil he had found what he hail been butitin' fur so long. Ho Jest roll ed twenty of de biggest ones together and not down fur luncheon. When he hail eaten all he could he went to sleep for a couple of hours and woke up to tear de red hearts out of some mo'. Hc was Jest like a steer In a co'nfleld. He stayed right dar fur two days aud nights and hogged down millyons and I slept by turns, and when he finally got frew ho was a different Ham. Ho had I also glben to mankind dot-was to cotne , arter him a new fruit anil a new Joy.. "You can't find anywhere In de Scrip tures or In history dat de white mini disklvered de watermillyon. He was on alrth liefo' Ham, l»dt he wasn't look- In' around. „ "Christopher Columbus disklvered America, !fi which at de present time am 4WJ trusts, inakln' It as lively as possible people, but Hum dis klvered de fruit dat brings Joy to 500,- | 000,000 people annnally. "Napoleon conquered de world, but Ham gib de world sunthln' to turn around oo and lick NufKMeon. , Ham's Groat Discovery. "n«rrey disklvered de circulation of | i 4* blood, bat Hun disklvered sunthln' 1 to keep Je circulation gwlue arter II got started. "Newtoil disklvered gravity, bul Ham dlskiveredievlty. "llatiiilSal crossed ile Hellespont • What In- did arter ho crossed 1 Uuu don't reiietnber, but 1 know he didn't eome b;u I; wld a wateriulliyon undt'i his i;rm and tell everybody ilat he bail found a good thlug. "Willie Nero was making one half dt world stand around Hani was feedlu' #e odder half on Ills new fruit and > Work In' 'em tip to git Nero In a hole. "White men liev gllien u* de rail , rode, do steamboat, de telegraph, df telephone and de trolley eah, but dt day ilat Ilain gib us de watermlllyon I he wou de eternal gratitude of human ' ity. t "De white man stands on de rostrum 1 and In words of patriotism and elo ■ quence stirs do heart fur war and glory. He cull'il man takes a big red > cored mlllyou under Ills arm anil hunti fur a shady spot and Bots down and • brings peace and contentment to At land as he oats. "De question has la-en axed me: Has ' a cull'd man a moral right to gohbk . a watermlllyon wheneber anil wlier eU'f he klu find It? I hev spent three 1 days tlggciiu' on dat question wld a blue pencil. Sometimes my llggeri conic out one way, and sometime! anodder. Sometimes It appeared din he lias, and agin It appeared ilat he hain't. 1 shall ilarfo' leave dt question fur each one to decide fill hlssclf, "I nm libin' next doali to a cull'd wan. He raises some mighty big mill yonn. He don't keep no watchdog. He don't set no spring guns, lie am an oltl map and goes to bed airly and sleeps like a log. Knowtn' ilat ilat cull'd man will steal tny mlllyotis right aloud It aeetus only right dat I should make one hand wash de odder by steallu his. He misses his fruit and sees my tracks lu de silo. 1 miss mine and see his tracks, but we don't say nutliln' to each odder übout It. Whit* Man's Truck Patch. "In de cahc of a white man's truck patch de conditions am different. It de uiillyona am left lyln' around dert dey will prove a temptation to dt young Innocent. De.v w ill bring crown r around. Dey will be forgotten and gt i to decay. I can't see any pcrtlcklel objection to de cull'd man removln' a i few at a time, tint he should be con ■ Hlderalo about It, lie shouldn't break down de fences or steal de hull patch 1 nt once. If while he am In do patch I he meets up wlil anodder cull'd uiiiti i who am ilar fur de same purpose, dm nm no call fur any hard fcellu'a be tween 'em. Dnr am alius two big tnlllyons In tic same patch, and dc gentlemen kin lift 'cm up and go dell separate ways « 'in devourln' a million raised II your own. -garden you kin leave de rinds In a heap oil de doahsteps to inn Ice odder persona jealous When you hev devoured one couiln' from a white inan'H patch bury de rinds wld care. De white man am unsartln. You nebber kin tell what he may do. "I have no chll'en, but fur sartln I domestic reasons I alius cut a water mlll.vfn In .half wld Mrs. (inrducr. Dose domestic reasons am dat she will fly fur de broomstick If I don't, but ilar nm many of you differently situ ated. Jlb de old woman a fair slice and let de .chll'en mostly gnaw de rinds. "I hev lieen axed If de watermlllyon contains germs or microbes and Is a spreader of disease. Don't let nobody fool you on dat question. If you kin eat 'em* Up and tifke your ehnnßM*. .No. one kin ask fur a .more pleusiyit death than to lie killed by a rod ffived watermlllyon welghln' aliout thirty pounds "One of de most lamentable things of de alge am do fact dat de mlllyon sejtun am so brief, but de Inventive genius of ile black iiian nui at work, and any day tie world may Is- startled to hear of do winter WHtormillyou ilat needs no Ice tp cool It off liefo' you sit down to It and—yum, yum!" M. QUAD. The Only Time He Would Quit. ."Your husband tells me hc has quit playing the races." "Dear me!" exclaimed young Mrs. Torklns. "I'm so sorry to hear Hint!" "Don't you think It Indicates u good Intention on his part?" "No; It Indicates that he has no money left." Washington Star. Mere Toye to Him. "What kind of snakes do you sup pose those were that the baby Hercules just played with In his cradle?" "I guess they were rattlesnakes."— Minneapolis Journal. It Would Beem So. Oyer—B|>eaklng of the seasons, sum mer Is the pride of them all. Myer-How do you figure that out? Oyer—lt goeth before a fall, you | know.—Chicago News. Photography In the Wilderneee. ; Disappointment and disgust of Snap , pltt anil l'opleigh, who have been , (talking each other for hour*.—l'uncb. ( Literal. the pace that kills," said the ' sent Hit loub philosopher. • 1 "No, It Isn't," corrected the amateur ( motorist. "It is gettlug mixed up with ( the machine."—Baltimore American. ; SLUCGIBH LIVER PROMPTLY BENEFITED JPL n. r. 9AS3, JR. RICHARD F. HASH,' .111., roum 115, Iturllngton llldg., Hlo Olive street, I St. I/onls, Mo., writes: j "I (to llllt lie- Pe-ru-na a Godsend i there In a to Wirklnl People. ;) iko l ii who takes Pcruna but IllUlit Hilllll Unit III' liux llOt'Q , benefited. j "1 have met ft larne number of men •nil women who luivo uneil it, but' have yet to Hud the first oue who has nut been helped by It. y ( •* 1 1 Uof special benefit U> pocr work- I lng men and women who often Huffer ! for the necessiticaof life, contract dis i ease and have no money to week medical > advice. "To such Peruna come* an a godsend, I as it brings health, i " I have used 11 myself for a sluggish liver and for catarrhal trouble, with ; lu- lu-bt result*." I : Could Elongate Himself. 1 John Brink prided himself on huvlng 1 the largest general store In Ihe county "If ninii wishes It nnd it IN miide, 1 ! have It," whs the sign over lilh stor* ami Ihe motto which capped nil lib ' advertisements In the newspiipura. "William," Hiild Mr. Brink one morn liiK as he ««# giving Instructions tc n green clerk, "no one must ever leave 1 this store without milking ii purchase 1 If u person doesn't know what he ' wants suggest something. JVTtd, r«*~ meuilier, we have everything from car peP tacks to mausoleums." William's lirst customer was a lei surely appeal ing onap who gazed about curiously, but had no definite object I In view. "Just looking around," he explained. "Wouldn't you like to take a loo!t at our new line of postal cards?" sug gested the eager clerk "No, not Ibis time," answered the stranger; "I'm Just a Utile short tills morning." "Ah," urged the new clerk, who was not familiar with the wonderful ex patiMlvehess of the language, "then perhaps you'd like to look ul our line " "Of Tftff "mm TintfilxWue. B'trefcßerS V" - Harper's Weekly. Trial atarrh tr» fitments are be ing mailed nut rcipiest, by Dr. Slump, Kacine, Wis. I liese tt'STs are proving to the people without a penny's cost-»the great value of this scientific prescription known to druggist everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold I' y S. K. Higgs^ A boy's hair grows one half slower than a girl's In boys Hit; average rate of growth I* three feet three Inches lu six years, being :in average of .01S Inches per day. Willing Ills twenty-first and twenty fourth years a man's hair grows quicker .thun at any other pe rlod Don't get ol " of patience with the baby when it is peevish and rest less, and don't wear yourself out worrying night and day about i' justgiv; it a little Cascaswt'et Cascasweet is a corrective lor the stomachs of babies and children Contains no harmful drugs. Sold by S. R. Higgs; Williamston, N. C. Slade Jones & Co., Hamilton, N. C. Pearl Why are you so blue? Hub j*, Been use ieorge had the au daclty to propose, nnd 1; told him to gc to griiss. Pearl Well, did be go? rtuby Ves, the horrid thing went tc a grass widow, proposed, and now they are married. -Chicago Nfws. To check a cold quickly, get from vwr t titfeist some little - Candy Cold Tablets called .i'reven | tics. Druggists everywhere are now dispensing Preventics, for they are not only safe but decided ly certain and prompt. Preventics contain no Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sickening. Taß en at the "sneeze Preven tics will pre velit Pi.cuntonia, Bron chitis.-La Grippe, etc. Hence the naftrs Preventics. Good for fev i erfsh children. 48 'Preventics 25 • cents. Trial Boxes scts. Sold by j S. R. Biggs. • r / ADVERTISING Vour money back.—Judicious advertis ing U the kind that pay* back to yon the money you invest. Space in this paper assure* yon prompt returns . . WHOLE NO. 399 1 Cards. HUGH B. YORK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office: Chase's Drug Store. OFFICE HOURS: B'to 10 A M ; 7 to 9 p. u. WilliamHtou, N. C. > Office Phone No. 53 Night Phone No. 63 DR. J- A. WHITE. DENTIST OFFICII— MAIN STmwrr PIIONK Q I will tie iu Plymouth the first week ia November. W. K. Warren. J. s. Rhodes DRS. WARREN & RHODES, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. OFFICE IN BIGGS' DKUG STORK 'Phone No. aq BURROUS A. CRITCHER, ATTORNKY AT LAW Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, 33. WLLUAMSTON, N. C. s. AT WOOD NEWELL LAWYER Office formerly occupied by J. D. Bigg*. Phone No. 77. "VLI.LIAMBTON, N C. «®-Pracltce. wherever Mrvlcea are special attention given to examining and mak landa purchaaers of timber and limber Special attention will be given to real e»Ut« exchanges. if you with to buy or aell land I can heluyou- PHONI4 / . I'. I), WINSTON S. J. EVKB*TT WINSTON & EVERETT ATTORNKYS-AT-LAW 1 WILUAMSTON, N. C. ' 'Phone 31 Money to loan. * A. R. DUNNING I ATTORNKY-AT I,AW ROHKKS'IX VILLR, N. C. ; HOTEL BEULAH . I). C. MOORING, Proprietor P RoHK.KSONVII.LR, N. C. '■ Rates #2.00 per day Special Rates By the Week A Hirst-Closa Hotel in Every Partic ular. The traveling public will find it t a most convenient place to atop. I A SUDDEN RRMINDHR if yonr negligence in securing a fire in surance policy may come in tOe ahspe of H fire at any time THH SOONER VOU INSURE the 1 letter for you. You know it, and this is only tq remind you that the knowledge will do you no good unless I you act upon it. Let us write you a pol- I icy and have it over with. You'll feel 1 letter and sleep easier. K. B. GRAWFORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building Williamston Telephone Co. S A T WOOI) NKWELL, MANAGKB. Office over Bank of Martin County. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Phone Charges: Messages limited to 5 minutes; extra charge for over time. To Washington 25 eta. " Greenville • 35' i ~" " Plymouth »5 " " Tarboro / as " " Rocky M0unt..;.... 35 " " Scotland Neck r.... 25 •' " Jamesville... ■ 11 — " Kader Ulley's 15 " ' " I. G. Staton 15 " " I. L. Woolard ; 15 " "J. B. Hurries St Co 15 " " Parmele. 15 " " Robersouville 15 " " Everetts 15 " " Gold Point ' ■.... 15 " I " Geo. P. McNaughton 15 " I" Hamilton ao " . For other points call "Central." Non- Subscribers must go to Central. Nop- Subscribers must pay for ph»ne connect - • .?