LOCAL BRIEFS. —EI Coreso. —Are you a Chuloo? ;* —Taffy-Tolu Gum. The Best. ' —Read the new ads. in this issue. —Ask tor El Coreso, Refuse others. —County Cotnirissioners meet Monday. „ . —Tbe peanut plant is now in full operation. \ —Elder Hasseil will preach at the Masonic Hall Sunday morning. —Sinrke El Coreso. —Taff f-Tolu, that's me. —Chew Tatty-Tolu Gum. —Mr. George W. Griffin of Griffius Towu ship was a pleasant caller at our office yesterday. Mr. Griffin States that the crops with him are very good. —An "Hallowe'en party was given at tbe rectory last night for the' Epuecopal Sunday School. There was a very large attendance and a fine time was had by all. —The price of tobacco is still high, a gentleman sold a barn of tobacco on the Farmers Ware house floor one day this week that averaged him 27 cents per pound. Oe Witt's Little F.arly Risers are the best pills made They do not gripe. Sold by S. R Biggs, Wil. liamston. N. C. Slade Jones k.Co.; Hamiton, N. C. —Lieut.-Governor Winston of Windsor was in town Tuesday af ternoon and night. He left Wed nesday morning for Tarboro where he aud Mr. S. Justus Everett ap peared before Judge Neal for the plaintiffs in the Jamesville liquor case. —Peanuts this season are not bringing as much they did last sea son by 35 per cent. The faHiugoff in price is due, stated one of our peanut men, to the fact that the crop is more than 35 per cent larg er than it was last year. « —Loyal 8., the trotting horse of I)r. Wm. E. Warren won the 2:30 race in Suffolk last Tuesday, Dr Warren had his horse entered in the 2:40 class. Doc is a true sport, and is always willing to give the other tnan a fair chance. We were informed that Loyal 8., was to trot yesterday in the free for all class, but have not heard from that race. »\, ■; —Do you like The Enterprise? Yes, well get your friends to sub scribe for it. Only SI.OO a year now. The cost of making a news paper bas advanced so rapidly re cently that we are contemplating raising the price in the near future. If you want your home paper at the present price better subscribe NO W. Foley's Kidney Cure will cure any case of kidney trouble that is not beyond medical aid, C. C. Chase, & S. R. Biggs. SOCIAL ITEMS. Miss N. Brinkley of Plymouth is visiting Mrs. L. B. Harrison this week. Mrs. W. E. Warren and siater, Misa Deborah Fleming, are visiting in Pactolus. Mrs. Marion Cobb of Mildred spent Sunday in town with her ais ter Mrs. S. A. Newell, 1 Mrs. S. Atwood Newell who has been confined to ber room for more than a week is able to be up again. Misa Mayo and Mr. W. G. Lamb went to Scotland Neck Monday to attend the funeral of Mr. H. S. Hy man. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Mizell spent tbe week in Suffolk, Va., where Mr. Mizell drove Dr. Warren's j horse in the races. Paestieus Tsetaters. WUI making often afforda a man aa uartvaled opportunity of pay log off old scores and speaking bis mind wUh . oat any fear of unplaasaat conse quences to hlmeelf. ' Tbe great Duke of kisrlberougb * ri ds ally could not resist the tewptatfcm of a farewell slap at his docbeaa when bi left ber ~£ 10,000 wherewith to spoil « Blanket*! ta ber «wa way aa* II&JOOO . * keep clean and go to law wit*." There Is also a distinct note of spite fninesa In this extract from tbe tes tament of a Mr. Kerr who, after de claring that be would probably have •eft bis widow IO,OOO If she bad al- Iswed him to read bis evening paper hi peace, adds: "But yon mast remem ber. miy dear, that whenever 1 com fenced reading yon' started playing and staging. Ton moat therefore take leave yon fLo>o"j A Batter Dish Factory for Willlamston Messrs. O. B. and O. 11. Lay, of the Lay St Balcom Manufactur ing Co., of Port Alleghany, Pa., have been in town several days this week prospecting. These gentlemen are very favorably im pressed with our town and want to locale their plant here for the man fact urance of butter dishes. They have visited a number of other towns, but prefer this on account of the-close proximity to the raw material. This materml. the sweet and boll gum, is found in inex haustible quantities in our swamps. The chief difficulty in locating this plant here is the freight rate. There are factories in Elizabeth City. Suffolk, and other points in this viciuity that are making the same product that these gentlemen want to make, and in order to compete with these plants they must have freight rates in keeping with them. Looking to the location of this plant in our town, the businessmen held a meeting last night in the Lotus Club rooms, where these gentlemen were entertained, and discussed the possibilities of secur ing the plant. A site for the fac tory was offered them, and a com mittee was appointed to look into the freight rates today and report tonight to the business men in a meeting to be held in the Club rooms at eight o'clock, at which time every business man of the town,,whether a member of the club or not. is, requested to. be present. The plat) of these gentlemen is to contract with Mr. W. J. Francis, who is now operating the Francis- Eure Veneer Co., to furnish them with a certain kind of veneer, and in a quantity sufficient to run their factory, thus relieving them of the first handliug of the logs, and they turn out the finished product. This plan will keep Mr. Francis prettv busy on their order alone. In ad dition to the help employed by Mr. Francis the factory will employ from 40 to 50 other persons, princi pally young women who will oper ate the uiahines to sew the dishes. This work, we understand, is light and healthful, as well as remuner ative. Messrs. Lay have made a very favorable impression upon out bus iness men and every effort will be made to secure for them rates that will justify them in locating their plant in Williamston. When the baby is cross and has you worried and worn out you will find that a little Cascasweet, the The Jamesville liquor Case The hearing in the Jamesville liquor case which was set for the . 16th at Louisburg, and later chang ed to the 30th at Tarboro, was heard in the latter place by Judge Neal Wednesday. Winston & Everett appearing for the plain tiffs and H. W. Stubbs fcr the defendants. Our readers remember that on the first Monday several parties of Jamesville made application to the Board of County Commissioners for liquor licence, and a restraining order on the Board had been ob tained by the anti saloon men of Jamesville and was served on the Board that morning. This was the outcome of the election held in Jamesville, and which the anti-saloon men ciaim to be illegal, and corrupt. , The decision on the matter has not yet been given. Hamilton News Mr. John House and Miss Mag gie Everett were in town Sunday, the guests of Mias Seluia Staton. Mrs. Pitt Jones who has been visiting her sen, in Norfolk, retur ned borne Monday. Mrs. Mary Doughtary of Grif ton has been visiting Mrs. S. D Matthews. Miw LiHa Whitley is visiting Miss Kulala Perkins. Mr. William Grimes is home from Baltimore. Mrs. Zela Grey has moved to Norfolk to be with her son and I daughter. Mr. S. D. Matthews and son are in New York where tbey will be several days on business. Mrs. Slade lias returned home. [ Miss Inez Grey was in town this 1 wedte,;. .. '.. _ j ' * V* h '* • • -•*" A : THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMSTQN, N. C., NOVEMBER i, 1907 I The Lure of TKH)iMrtoldj IF King Edward VII. accepts the gift of tbe Culllnan diamond voted to blm by tbe Transvaal legislature be will bau> a cos aide ruble addition to make to his crowu should be desire to Include tbe geui In tbe collection be wears npon his brow ou state occasions. The British crown already aver-thirty nine ounces, and the Ctil iinau diamond, which I* the largest in the world, weighs :!.>•_'l% en rata, or about one and three-quarter pounds avoirdupois. A crown that Veighs over four pounds la not a very com fortable thing to wear, even to show off the finest diamond In nil. the world. But King Kdward may well lie grati fied by tbe actlou of tbe Transvaal legislature in voting blm so valuable a present. It was taken as a mark of appreciation of tbe grant of repre sentative government to tbe colony so lately In revolt against British author ity, and it Is well known that King Kdward was strongly in favor of the policy adopted toward the Transvaal by the home government, Such a dis position of tbe famous gem was warm ly urged by Premier Botha, who led tbe armies of the Boer republic during part of tbe strife with the British. The price to be paid for tbe diamond baa not been disclosed, but It Is supposed it will be about $750,000. Tbe owner of the gem, the Premier Diamond com pany, has been unable to sell It and is willing to sccept payments extended over a period of years so as not to make tbe cost of tbe gift a burden upon the already overtaxed people ol' tbe Transvaal colony. The Culllnan diamond was found near Pretoria iu January, 11105. Cut ting would probably reduce it aliout one-half, but tile process would be long and costly. In Its present shape It measures four and a halt by two and one-quarter Inches. When it was shlp|ied to Rngluml an insurauce of $2,300.000 was taken out ou It, but tbe difficulty lu putting It to auy use com mensurate with Its importance as the largest diamond in the world bas de creased its market value. At just tbe time that the Culllnan diamond bas coiue into promlueuce agaiu there happens to be etcltement over the rinding of sparklers In con siderable quantity lu tbe United States. Prospecting for diamonds Is going on In several parts of this coun- II a TSK CI'LMNAN DIAMOND. try, but tbus far th*; most success has attended the effort's' of, the diamond hunters of the state of Arkansas, where something like a real diamond boom bas becu created. The precious crystals for which men risk life aud limb have been found In lit least one locality In Arkansas—namely, ,\(ur freesboro. Pike county, ♦he United States geological survey has made a re|H>rt on tbe subject, according to which It appears that tbe gems found occnr lu igneous rock similar to that In the Houth African mines. The llrst stones were found In August, I'.SKI, by a fanner who was examining patches of green dirt aud rock on his farm with the Idea that possibly his land contained copper deposits of value. He picked up u pebble with a pecul iar luster, sflpped it in Ills pocket and later showed It to a geological friend, who advised sending it to New York. This was done, and the value of the stone as a real diamond was thus as certained. Since then there have been many other finds In the same locality, and drilling Is now in progress to de termine the extent of the existence of gems In the soil of the vicinity. It re mains to be discovered whether val uable stones can be found In sufficient quantity to render It commercially profitable to work mines for them. When diamonds have been found In the United States heretofore geologists have explained the finds on the theory that they were not Indigenous to the soil, hut only migrations during the glacial period from some far distant locality. This does not apply to Arkan sas, which is some hundred miles south of the extreme limit. A bunt for diamonds Is also being made In Kentucky at tbe present time under the auspices of General Samuel Pearson, formerly of the Boer urmy. Test excavations are being made In tbe so called "bine ground" region of tbe State, as tbe soil in this locality pre sents a marked similarity to tbat of tbe famous Kimberiey district in Boutb A frlra Worm* That Livs In les. In a recent ascent of .Mount Tacoma Professor John B. Flett of Tacoins, Wash., Professor Cowles and a scien tific party from Chicago discovered tn the Ice of Urania glacier millions of small worms. Tbe discovery aston ished tbe scientists who'cut Into tbe ice snd removed some of the worms for microscopic examination. The worms were slsint an Inch long and tbe size of a hair. Tbey were a wrig gling, squirming mass in the' solid ice. In places the ice was almost black with thtm. _ LOST—At Sparks Show Oct. 19, one Girls Hat and one C|tills Knitted White Sack suitable reward if returned to this office , . tf Think of living! Tby life, wert thoi the pltlfulest of aM tbe sons of earth, Is no idle dream, but a solemn reality. It Is tby own. It is all thou hast ta front eternity with. Work, then, even as be has done and does, like a star, units at lug, yet unresting—Thomas £a* PERSONAL MENTION. Judge Joseph T. Waldo was in town yesterday. Mr. J. S. Peel of Everetts was in town Tuesday. Mr. J. T. Lvnch of New York is in town this weejt. ' Mr. E. B. Taylor of Henderson relumed to Ills home this morning. Senator Harry W. Stubbs spent a day or two in Tarboro this week. Messrs. Herbert Lilly and John Williams of Jantesville spent Wed nesday night in town. Mr. Maynard, bookkeeper for the Dixie Warehouse, went to Richmond yesterday. Mr. Robert M. Pagan of Prank lin, Ya., who spent several days visitiug Mr. Fowden, left Tuesday foi Chocowinity, Mr. S. At wood Newell who has been confined to his home for more than a week is able to l>e out again to the delight of his friends. Mr. J. A. Mizell received a tel egram yesterday informing him of the serious illness of his sister, Mrs Z. B. Brown, of Greenville. He left on the 4:30 train to see her. Mr. and Mrs, A. T. Crawford went to 1 Scotland Neck Wednesday afternoon to attend the wedding of Miss Annie Higgs which took i>Urfe there yesterday afternoon. Mr. Harry A. Biggs left Thurs. day for Chapel Hill where he will visit Mr N. B. Caunady in the University. Upon his return Mr. Biggs will stay a day or two in Raleigh to be there for tlje Shu; mann-Heink concert. Rev. E. S. Watson, of Ports mouth, Vs. preached the last of the series of sermons at the Baptist Church on Sunday Evening. Mr. Watsou's sermons since his stay in Williamston have been strong, and j well delivered. He is a man of 'strong countenance, and an engag ing personality and it is hoped that his stay here resulted in a spiritual revival. DeWitt's t.'arbol zr-d Witch Hazel Salve penetrates the pores—tho,r oughly cleanses —and is healing And soothing Good for piles. Sold by S. R. Biggs, Williamston N. C. Slade Jones A Co., Hamil ton. N. C. V j]Buy at | Your Own Price 1 We are closing out (lie entire c 1 1 stock of our MAIN STRI'.KT Store > f nt 4 Public Auction. ; Sales every day and night. Be Sure | to attend this «r«*at ante it possible. ) / Pau -Gale-Greenwood Co Inc S Watchmakers ■nil Jewelers. Va. Similar in Appearance But Different There in a great similarity in the appearance, and even in (he tone of new pianos, but a K reat differ nice in durability, which is the real Ust. STIEFF PIANOS have been leaders for aixty-tive yearn, always giving SATISI'AC, v TION. A Stieff piano lasts a life time, and longer. BEWARE of a "Stencil" Piano. Be Sl r RH that the name of a reliable and re sponsible maker is on it. For perfect safety, buy a STIEFF PIANO Write for prices, terras, etc. CHA6 M. STIEFF, L. C. STEELE, Man,, 114 GranbySt., Norfolk. Ya. The Piano with the Sweet Tone- Oflicial Piano Jamestown . F.xpo" sition, L_ S THERE IS ALWAYS # SOMETHING NEW And we can Supply it in Silks and Dress Ooods, White Qoods, Laces and embroid eries Printed and Woven Dress Fabrics, Dress Linings and Housekeeping Ooods, Prints and Qinghams, Linings. Rugs and Mattings, Do- Underwear, Hosiery, Oloves, Men's Shirts, Working Shirts and Ov eralls, Novelties, Small Wares and and Men** Wear. v See our line of millinery the prettiest Styles in town Harrison Bros, & Co. PERFUMERY Best line in the State CHAMOIS SKIN for all purposes GENERAL LINE TOILET ARTICLES SPECIAL 5 and 10 cents TOILET SOAP s. R. BICCS DEPOSITORS RIGHTLY BMlLli I lit him wlio refuses to avail himself of tlie advantages of having a hank account. I They know their money is safe from | theft, injury or lire, while Ilia is in dan | ner all the time. Bank of Martin County I suggests that if you have not vet opened an account it wouhl lo 110 ha-m ti> lo so ■us an experiment. If you ilou't like the t red loin from worry such au account will give, you can close it any tune. Hut you'll like it. We Pay Interest on Time Deposits Now is the time to have your piano put in good condition for the long winter ev [ filings. Expert Tuning anil Repairing. ; Drop a postal and I'll call. All work guaranteed. W. V. ORMOND Itox 174, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. No Insurance Company will insure any one hav ing anv trace of Kidney Trouble J Every frace of Kidney trouble is | eliminated by UVA SOL ! SIOO.OO will be paid l»y the Inter j state Chemical Co., of Baltimore," Md., for auy case of kidney trouble UVA SOL will not help, j A word to the wise. For sale by Chase's Drug Store WILLIAMSTON, N. C. BUSINESS ITEMS. —Ask for K1 Coreso. j I'OR SALE- Old newspapers 10 cents j per hundred, this office. Taffy-Tolu Gum quenches thirst. Boarding Mrs. Sitlerson's Hoarding House now open for the public. Board one dollar a day. Liberal rates to week and monthly boarders. ti MRS. J, M. SITTERSON, TOBACCO is selling high AT THE Farmers Warehouse It is bringing from 6 dollars to 50 dollars per hundred. Williamston is 0110 of the coming tobacco markets of eastern North Carolina. Although one of the youngest markets she has grown faster than any other market Now bring your tobacco to the Farmers Warehouse and we will see that ywi get. a good price for every . pound of your tobacco. Gome One, Come all, and let J. T. Fishel, the Silver Tongued and Leather Lunged Auctioneer sell your I tobacco and you will go home pleased. ! Your friends, t S Gurganus & Fishel II _ . . ' r Tht BENTHAL PEANUT PICKER Will Cost Vou Only $350.00 | Let Me Sell You One Also am Agent for Gasolene or Steam 1 J Engines to Match { Gasolene Engines, $l5O Steam Engines Mounted $235 t Soliciting your orders, lam respectfully, ;J J. PAUL SIMPSON, Wllllamston, N. C. ;! Suffolk Feed and Fuel Company tttirrOUK. VIRGINIA IH'.AI.RkS IN . ' Corn, Oats, Hay. Cement, Lime, Coal. We Can Supply You on Short Notice. Send U« You» Orders ' You Will Find Us the Same During 1907 that You Did Daring 1906 Subscribe to The Enterprise ; 3