ADVERTISING Your money back. —Judicioua advertis ing is the kind that ptp back to yon tiie money yon invest. Space in this paper actum yon prompt return* .- . VOL. IX. - NO. 8 COTTON—ROTA L RIVALRY—CORN - A (American FanueT) Duiing the last month there cog nized rulers of the agricultural world set up their courts in a friend ly contest for supremacy. King Cotton sat in high estate at Atlanta; King Corn pitched his tents in Chicago. Each sought the center of their respective domains, one in the fleecy belt that stretches from the Carolines to western Texas, the other near the heart of that vast region celebrated as the home of the prince of cereals. The re spective expositions were attended by the beat and greatest of those devoted to their respective culture. Those who raise cotton, those who manufacture it and those who deal with it in the marts of trade appear ed in the Georgia capital to sing its praises, to point its economic value to the nation and lay plans for fur thur extension of its usefulness throughout the civilized world. King Corn had even a more impos ing display. Never before was he' honored by so many. Never K be fore did he receive such distinguish ed consideration; never before were his manifold merits so abundantly displayed or so universally recog , nized. Able orators set forth the magnitude and value of the crop. Experts were preseut to demou strate its value as tood aud by prac tical tests to show the scores of ways in which it could be cooked to satisfy the appetite of man. The old paganfest in honor of Ceres was revived and processions of maidens sang sougs of triumph as they inarched around the throne of "the great white Czar" of our national agriculture. Prizes amounting to many thousands of dollars were awarded competitors for excellence in the production of this imperial grain. It is curious to reflect on the in dispensability to man of theaa famous products. It is difficult to assign supremacy between the fiber and the food. One clothes the world; the other feeds it. Were there no other articles out of which to make raiment or nourishment, the human race' could get aloug quite well 011 cotton and corn alone. As it is, for the largest proportion of human beings depend on the fleecy staple of the South for their covering. An equal number rely upou corn as a direct or indirect means of livelihood. Not only is it the staple bread of millions, but as feed for stock it also becomes Strike corn out of the world aud a gulf of awful propor tions will appear. The wheels of commerce would stop, gaunt pov erty would lift bis horrid head and national exchequers would suffer bankruptcy. Take cotton away and there will he wseping snd wail ing and gnashing of teeth among countless millions. The South would lie utterly ruined and in its calamity would carry down practi cally every other nation of the world. For this lordly crop adds every year to the wealth of the gulf States more than $2,000,000,- 000. Withhold the supply of raw cotton and thousands of mills in the South, in the East, in England, in France, Germanv and Asia would lie paralyzed. To dethrone King Cotton, thereto! e, would mean a revolution more disastrous than ever arose from the unseating of a merely human king. None cau estimate what corn is worth to the United States. Even in the raw it would bring every year a billion dollars, but this re present* but a part of its value. It appears daily on every table be tween the oceans. It is fed in every trough where there is a horse, a hog, a cow, a pig or other domestic animal. It is substantial ly a universal human food as well as a universal animal food. It was shown in Chicago that it could be prepared in two hundred different ways for the table As s nourisber it is uuequaled; as a fattener it is unsurpassed. Rail roads get rich hauling it and the stock which it is the principal agent in preparing for the market. Corn and cotton combined constitute an _ overwhelming proportion Qf our agricultural exports But for then Uncle Sam's pocketbook woaM he. FT . . . T-' . , much slimmer and onr "unex ampled prosperity" would go glim meting. And the United States, happy country, practically mon opolizes one of these crops and furnishes two-thirds of the world's supply of the other. They have made the United States rich, and are deatined to make it richer be yond the dreams of avarice. To monopolise one staple crop of uni versal necessity is enough to make a country prosperou*. To monopo lize two such crops will give a pre eminence, a hegemony among nations that cannot be con ferred by armiea or navies No wonder, therefore, that they received at their recent national ex positions royal honors, almost re sembling reverential worship. Friendly potentates, in rivalry not of a hostile nature, not foreboding war of devastation, but peace and plenty to the struggling children of men. Where cotton grows, the humblest aa well as the highest re ceive some of the wealth dropped from his beautiful bolls. Where cornTeigns, every one, however lowly, partakes of the beneficence distributed by his lordly ear. King Cotton, we take off our hat and ac knowledge ourselves your most loyal subject. King Corn, we bow before vou and in gentle genuflec tion offer our most heartfelt devo tion. A Slfiiflciat Prifir '•May the Lord help you make Bucklen's Arnica Salve known to all," writes J. G. Jenkins, of Chapel Hill, N. C. It quickly took the pain out of a felon for me and cured it in a wonderfully short time.'' Best on earth for sores, hums and wounds. 15c. at S. R. Biggs drug Gladys Vsnderbilt's prospective husband is said to be the tigh test tightwad in Europe, but he may loosen up after Gladys furnishes the wad. - We have secured the agency lor Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup the laxative that makes the liver lively, purifies the breath, cures headache the digestives organs Cures chronic constipation. Ask us about it. C. C Chase and S. R. Biggs. A first voters' club has been form-, ed in Atlanta, but what the demo cratic party needs throughout the country is to get the votes of those who hare takefi tqfthe woods in re cent years.' DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve penetrates the pores—thor oughly cleanses—and is healing and soothing Good for piles. Sold by S R. Biggs, Williamston, N. C, Slade Jones k Co , Hamil ton, N. C. The Guthiie, Okla., Leader thinks "broom corn at Sioo a ton, ought to pay well in the country". Certainly! at that price, broom corn would certainly raise the dust. Sick HiHKhi This distressing disease results from a disordered condition of the stomach, and can be cured by tak ing Chamberlain 4 * Stomach and Liver Tablets. Get a free sample at All Druggists & Dealers in Pat ent Medicine and try it. A New England newspaper some what mourufully bewails the lack of enthusim and energy in young men of to-iay. Surely, it never saw a crowd of them on the way to a football game. A tickling cough, from any cause, is quickly stopped by Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. And it is so thorough ly harmless and safe, that Dr Shoop tells mothers everywhere to give it without hesitation even to very young babes. The whole some green leaves and tender stems of a lung-he»ling mountainous shrub, famish the owative proper ties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. It calms the cough, and heals the sore and sensitive bronchial mem brances. No opium, no chloro form, nothing harsh used to injure or suppress. Simply a resinous plant extract, that helps % to heal aching lungs. The Spaniards call this shrub which the Doctor uses, "1 he Sacred Hefb" Demand Dr. Shoop's. Take no other. S. R. Big**. tk (Mtqinse. WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15. 1907 BOWSER THE HERBIST He Sets Out to Gather Some of "Mother's Remedies." GETS MOTLEY COLLECTION. It Turns Out, However, to Be an Ag gregation of W«di Having No Medloinal Valua—Called the Biggest Foot In America'. (Copyrtflit. 1907. by Homer Spi-ague.] Mrs. Bowser was not a tittle aitou- Isbed at 3 o'clock the other afternoon to bare Mr. Bowser walk Into the bouse three hours abead of hts usual time. He waau't 111, and he hadn't met with an accident, hut after inak lug a mystery of the matter for five minutes he asked: "Mrs. Bowser, have you planned to gather any herlw for winter use—any catnip, ainartweed, mayweed or pep permint?" "Why, 00," she replied. "Where should I gather them and of what use would they be?" "That's about the reply I expected of you. The bargain sales of the last twenty years hnve driven all the solid sense out of women's bends. You bait S mother." , "Naturally." "That mother wasn't looking for fif ty cent hosiery reduced to 22 cents. She was looking after the health of her family. She wasn't calling the doctor every week and piling up big bills, but She was making use of nature's cures. She gathered and used sage, catnip, mayweed, stunrtweed, spearmint, pep permint and the leaves of the horse radish. She accomplished as much with mustard leaves as a doctor would with all his flumadnodle prescriptions. With these things she carried you UK II Kit AN TO HUN ArnOHK MOTHRR'S tIH f through the chicken pox, the croup, tjue scarlet rash, the whooping cough and lauds only knows how many cases of colic." ~ Mother's- Rsmediss. "Yes,'mother used to doctor us chil dren with those things," she admitted "Of course she did and saved your lives a dozen times over. They were as good for adults as for children, but have we got anything of the kind in the house? If I was dying for the want of a bowl of sage tea have you the herb to make It?" "Certainly not, but. you see, we don't have to gather and save those thing* now. The druggists have thein for sale In compressed form." "Yes, aud they have marsh hay and cornstalks In compressed form, tio to a drug store and ask for catnip, and you might get burdock or plantains. Mrs. Bowser, I don't want to criticise you, btit I njtist say that you have been very remiss. I might have died at sny time during these last ten years for the want of these remedies. I was talking with a noted doctor this forenoon, and he told me that one bunch of catnip would save more lives in a year than the skill of any three physicians." "I thought it was about time some doctor came around and gave another Jblt," observed Mrs. Bowser, with a Sigh. "Woman, don't make use of vulgar terms, and don't sneer at well known (acts. We ought to have a supply of herbs in the house, and you know It As a housewife you should have sup plied them. As you have not done so and as you have no intention of doing •o, I must leave the office for the pur pdse. I have made up my mind that no doctor shall step foot In this house (or the next year. If we are ailing we wlii have the cure right at hand. There Is nothing to beat mother's remedies '* "And 'you came home to gather them?" she queried. "Exactly." "And where sre you going to do it" "Out in the country, of course. I'm going to take a suburban csr out about Hts miles and then drop off and gath er. If either one of us are suddenly taken with convulsions tomorrow we will hare a cure in the bouse." "And yon are sure you know catnip from skunk cabbage?" Mr. Bowser flushed red and glared at her, and the cat made a sneak un der the piano to get out of the way of flying slivers. None flew. It was an awfdl Insult on blm, and the only way he could meet it was to walk out of the house. "Will yon he bsck by dinner time?" She ssked as be started to go. No answer. "If you are delayed, will you tele phone?" ' v .... Mo answer. "I hope you won't meet with sny ac cMsnt" Mr. Bowser drew himself up stiffly and descended the steps and marched off with all due dignity. Two blocks away he took a suburban car and went his way eountryward, and the cook came upstairs and asked Mrs. Bowser: "Has he gone for gunpowder or dyn amite or something to hlow up the house?" "Of course not." "If he has I want to get away on time. I was blown up with a kerosene can ouce as I was hurrying up the Ore, and It seemed a whole week before I came down again. I'm a poor orphan girl and must looV out for myself In this world." Confides In Conductor. The car conductor looked like a fam ily man and one in whom a stranger could repose .seafldence, and after a hit Mr. Bowser laid his heart bare. He found an enthusiastic coadjutor. The conductor related ten different in stances where catulp or sage had drawn him back from tbe grave. He had been left a widower with eight small chlldreu. He had saved every one of them with Suiartweed tea. He bad theu married a widow with eight more and saved them with mayweed poultices. He located a spot where all those things could be found grow lug In the greatest profusion, snd he also recommended Mr. Bowser to bring hack a good lot of slippery elm bark. It didn't seem to have much effect on a broken leg. but taken In connection with spearmint tea it would cause tbe asthma In tnau or woman to get a hump on itself. Mrs. Bowser's cyuiclsin and mean ness were forgotten as Mr. Bowser started down the highway with tbe Joy of the country In his heart. The woodpeckers pecked, aud the crows cawed; the lambs frisked,, and tbe cows lowed Now and then 110 could see a happy farmer at. work tn the held, and now and theu he came across a hog bedded In a mudhote and taking solid comfort. He hnd only half a mile to go before he began to run across mother's herbs, aud be witched right in without a doubt assailing him. When he hsd gathered sufficient to put a'doz en doctors fliit of practice for a year be looked around (or n slippery elm tree, There was one right at the edge of the woods, and he began on It with his pocket knife. Confronted by Farmers. I'p to this point Mr. Bowser had passed only one faruihouso and had met with no sons of toll. He was working away at the bark and thluk ing how he would astonlsn Mrs. Bow ser when he returned home when a heavy hand was laid on his shoulder, and he turned to be confronted by three farmer* wbohad'eotsre out of the cornfield near by. "What tbe devil arc you doing to tbut tree?" demanded the eldest of the trio. . jf "I was going to get some slippery elm." The three burst Into guffaws, "Hllppery elm from a beech tree! Say. old man, that won't go down." "But I guess I know » slippery elm from a beech," protested Mr. Bowser as lie (lew mad in a tninu# "And mobbe you know a cow from a barn door, but you have no right mu tllatiug my trees. What's this bundle of stuff?" "I—l've been gathering some herbs for sickness." There were three sets of guffaws this time as the farmers overhauled the stuff. "Here's goldenrod mullein stalks, burdocks, swamp Ivy and wild celery," said the lender. "!)• you mean that you've come out from tho city to gath er such trash?" "I came out after catnip and smart weed aud mayweed and spearmint and'— Two of pie men rolled on the ground with laughter, and the third giggled and gurgled and said "And some slippery elm from a tieech tree! Sny, mist or, have you got a wife?" "Yes, sir." "Waal, go home and ask her If she knows she's been living with the big gest fool In America!" Mr. Bowser made a I,'ood fight for it, but his opponents were three to one snd husky fellows. They threw him over the fence and headed hlin for home. Just at dsrk he walked Into bis own house. "But where are mother's herbs?" asked Mrs. Bowser as she came for ward to greet him. "Talk Eugllsh If you want me to un derstand you!" he growled as be head ed for the dining room to get a cold bite M. QUAD. Ths Proepective Dinner. My little kitty washed her face. She did It with her paw*; Shu tried to get It very clean— I know she did. because Mamma la oooklnt chicken pie For company that's come. And If my kitty's race 1a clean She'll .certainly get some. —Gladys Hyatt Sinclair In Woman's Home Companion. Lata Discovery. He— Do you • know, I hadn't been speaking to the Johnny more than Ave minutes when he called me an idiot? 1 She (bored)— Why tbe delay T-Ohipa. I TEN MEM OF PACKINGTOWN (American Farmer) Teu nit 11, nil living in Chicago, possess a power little short of life or death over the peoplie of the Uuited Stales. This power is due to control nvei the two staffs of life, tneai aud, with an aux iliary grip on many other articles of prime necessity indispensable to mau. These men owu the big packing plants of Chicago, which fact becomes significant when it is stated that they are all directors of the same corporation—the National Packing Company, orgauized under the laws of New Jersey, with a capitalization of $15,000,000. The latter concern was organized as a holding company, after the govern nient, through Judge Grosscup's court, enjoined the old meat trust from carrying on in re straint of trade. Since then tliey have been more defiant and power ful than ever, and the government is now taking steps to see if this latest combination can be broken up. These ten tyrants, more powerful than those driven out in early Rome and Greece, have ab solute control over these three things, among a latge list of others: The price of meat to all consum er*. The price of cattle to all breeders The price of leather to all fac tories. The price of grain is controlled through wide interests aud thus, as an incidental, the price of bread. Without taking in the details by which the trust controls tbe price of tbe farmers' fertilizer, the gov ernment has already found out through its agents thai this score of men actually monopolize the essentials of life—bread and meat. I.ike the old Roman triumvirate of Caesar, Anthony and Octavius, a handful of men in Packingtown have brazenly divided the world among themselves. Germany and France are given to Armour, Swift and Cudahy; Great Britain is assigned to Morris, Armour and Swift; the British colonies to Morris and Cudahy; Ametica to all six companies; Russia to Armour and Swift, and other cour.tries to pre fered corporation. Each company enjoys advantages in its territory which enables it to win there, no body being allowed to rob its vic tim\but itself. Now dosen't that jaryouT It is amazing and would be incredible but that we have it on the assurance of the government officials who are investigating those astounding transactions. Only a month ago the big ten at Chicago served notice 011 wholesale meat dealets that all meats, except pork, were to be advanced three to four cents a pound, which bad been preceded by a succession of advan ces this year, with ptospects that there will be others. Thus it will be seen that this small coterie has the power to arbitrarily raise prices whenever it desires. There is no question of supply and demand, needs of the market, or other com monplaces of economics. Prices are put up automatically, just as a carpenter turns a wrench, just as a builder gives his screw another whirl. The government's contention is that the big teu at Chicago have raised the price of necessities of life to the consumer and made no coricsponding increase iti the price paid for raw material, and it is upon this line that the most inter esting trust fight in the country is now being planned- When the "Ten Men of Money Island'' de cide upon the price to be paid for cattle, that settles it, according to the government's information. All of the other corporations in the country, with a few unimportant exceptions, bow to the wishes of the score of leaders who have their grip on the food markets of the world. It was only by an inside quarrel over division of territory kind of a falling out among thieves —that the government was enabled to get the particulars nf this con spiracy against the human race. The "squealers" let thecawut of the bag, and it is hoped the gov ernment miry in time break up this modern edition of the "Deu of A PELVIC DISEASE Of Which Peruna Cured Mt In a Vtry Short Tim* WA2S SAPPING IVIY LIF^E. ■I if ill MM. SOPHIA CU.DWlU.. MRS. SOPHIA CALDWKLL, 11M McOavock St., Nathvllle, Tana,, write*: "After doctoring fort year and flnd- Ing no relief from leucorrhea renultlng from prolap»u* uteri, and which wa* •apptng my life force* aw»y,/T finally tried Peruna, and when I found Utat it win helping me evury day, It almost too good to bo true. x " But, tt not only helped me, It cured me and In a very mhort time. '•1 am nowttnjoylug the beat of health. "I am atrong and free from pain, and I certainly feel that all praise and honor are due to Peruna." Thouaanda of women will read the testimonial of Mr*. Caldwell an above given. Thousand* of them will lie Induced to try the remedy that saved her. Thousands of thorn will have the ■ame experience she had. Peruna Is the remedy such women need. Peruna cornea like a boon to suf fering womankind. Mrs. John Hopp, Webster Ave., Glen dale, L. 1., N. V., has also been relieved of pelvic catarrh by Puruna. (less than) Forty Thieves," which is readv to be written up in the new Arabian Nights. The people had about come to the conclusion that at a trust the Standard Oil was the limit. There could be nothing meaner, nothing greedier, nothing more niysteriou*, nothing more rapaciom, nothing more complete as a machine for wholesale robbery. -But the arti cles dealt ill by the Standard, while useful, are not leallv-necessaries of life. We can make shift to do without any of them, but we can't do without the articles dealt in by the tyrannous ten. We can live without kerosene, without gasoliu: without lubricating oil. Hut we cannot live without eating. We must have bread and meat and we must have shoes to wear. The Standard Oil has us bv the pocket; the Ten Tyrants have us by the throat. Like Joseph in Egypt, by cornering all the food supplies they may eventually force the people to give up, first, their money, tlieu their land, and, finally, their liber ties. Rome was free 110 more aftei the triumvirate of tiaitors took charge. Nor can the liberties of this country survive if a few pirates like the Standard Oil crowd are al lowed to filch a billion dollars clear money from the tickets of the peo ple in eight years, or a\still meaner gang is allowed to grip us by the throat and name their price for all the food thai ptsses through onr lips, , When the Stomach, Heart, or Kidney nerves get weak, then these organs always fait. Don't tlmy the Stomach, nor stimulate the Hfart or Kidneys. I hat is simply a makeshift. Get a pres cription known to Druggist every where as Dr. Shoop's Kestorative. The Restorative i 9 prepared ex pressly for these weak inside nerves. Strengthen these nerves build them up with Dr. Shoop's Restorative —tablets or !iquid--and see flow quickly help will come. Free sample test sen ton request l>y Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis V'our health is surely worth this simple test. S. R. Biggs. Regardless of panics and politics, the chorous girl continues b«r march through princes, belted earls and common .millionaires. Foley's Kidney Cure will cure any case of kidney trouble that is not beyond medical aid. C. C. Chase, &.S. R. Biggs. A D VERTISINO Your money back.—Jodkioo* advertis ing U the kind that pay* back tsra the money yon InvMt Space la tkU paper aaeoree yon prompt retain* . . WHOLE NQ. 40 Professional Cards. HUGH B. YORK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office: Chaae'* Drag Store. Oppici Hours: 8 to 10 a. u. Williamston, N. 0. Office Phone No. 53 Night Phone No. 63 DR- J- A. WHITE. 6® DENTMT Opmcr-Maih Strbbt Phons q I will tie in Plymouth the first weak is November. W. B. Warren. j. 3. Ikedee. DRS. WARREN & RHODES, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. OFFICK IN Biggs' Drug Stork J 'Phone No. AQ BURROUS A. CRITCHSR, Attorney at Law Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, ag. Wiujamston, N. C. p. I). Winstok 8. J. Kvaamr WINSTON & EVERETT attornrys-at-law WILUAM9TON, N. C. 'Phone 31 Money to loan. S. ATWOOD NEWELL LAWYER Office formerly occupied by J. D. Big gm Phone No. 77. "Vii-liamston, N C. A. R. DUNNING attorney-at law Robhrsonvillb, N.,C. hotel BEUMJhP I). C. MOORING, Proprietor ROBBRSONVIM.K, N. C. Rate* | j .00 per day Special Rates By the Wedk A Firat-Cloaa Hotel in Bvery Partic ular . The traveling public will tad It a most convenient place- to *top. A SUDDKN RRMINDBR if youi negligence in securing a fite la suruuee policy may come in the shape of n fire at any time THR SOONKR YOT! INSURE the letter for you. You know it, aad this is only to remind you that the knowledge will do you no good unit** vou act upon it. Let us write yeu a pol cy and have it over with. You'll feel better and sleep eaaier. K- B. GRAWFORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building ' i . - Tire and Life INSURANGE 1 have some of the Strongest and Best Companies on the Globe, Let me write you a policy on yonr building TODAY. J. E. POPE Insurance Agent —B—B? Now is the time to visit the JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION it is completle in every department the WAR Path Air Ship Naval Display will interest and instruct you. Do not fail to go at once. For beautifully il lustrated folder contain ing maps, discriptive mat ter, list of hotels, etc., write. - T. C. WHITE, * Gen'L Pass. Agent. W. J. CRAIG, Pass. Traffic •HE'. r * -*•- Wilmington, N. C. Atlantic Coast Line R. R. Co. the short through car liaa