ADVERTISING Your money back.— Judicious advertis ing is the kind tbst pay* back to you (he money you invest. Space in this paper assures you prompt returns . . VOL. IX. - NO. 9 Official Appeal to Peanut Growers Minimum Price Four Cents Per Poud for Prime and $1 Per Bushel for Spanish—Special Committee Urges Ail Growers to Stand for This Price—Sound and Just Reasons for Their Action - At the meeting of the Peanut Growers' Association in Suffolk, Va., November Ist, of which a brief report is given in our Virginia letter a special committee was appointed to prepare aud publish an address upon the peanut situation. This committee was compowd of Col. I y . R. Ivdwards, of Franklin, Va ; K. S. Askew, of Widsdor, N. C., Secretary of,the Association, and J. Peter Holland, of Franklin. This committee issued its address la»t Thursday in the form of a straightforward and entirely sensi ble appeal to all the peanut pto ducers of Virginia and North Car olina, urging them to stand together in inaiutenance of the minimum prices fixed at the recent meeting of the Associatiou. FOUR CUNTS FOR STANDARD. This minimum is 4 cents for prime ruuning nuts and $1 per bushel for Spanish. & - In its introduction the appeal says: "The establishing of the min imum price of the organisation does not mean that you are to sell your peanuts at that price, but simply recommends and urges the peanut growers not to sell at a less price than the minimum price es tablished. RRASON I'OR ACTION. "Further, it is not intended to convey the impression tbat this , Association in convention assem bled, assumed that it had the arbi trary power to fix the ipinituum price at four cents, but it does mean that this minimum price was based upon the following facts." The 1907 crop is )sx than three fourths of an average. The quality of the present crop, especially as to color, is above the average. The cost of production, due to the high price of laud, implements; fertilizers, lalmr, and living ex penses, is greater than ever before Four cents would mean only a small profit, as the 1907 crop, when ready for market, will cost the pro ~ ducer about three arid one-half cents a pound. The farmers are urged not to sell their entire crops even at the minimum schedule price, but only enough to supply their urgent needs. APPKAI. TO NON-MKMBERS. The following appeal is made particularly to no-nmembers: "We earnestly and respectfully appeal to those farmers who have not as yet become members of the organization, to stand shoulder to shoulder with the members of the organization in maintaining the price. The right to fix a reason able and just price, just to the con sumer as well as to the producer, can hardly be questioned, and if you believe that this price estab lished is reasonable and just, we confidently believe that you will do all in your power to assist your fellow-man in securing to himself and to yourself, his and your just reward for honest toll." JUST PRICK FOR PRODUCTS „ The address goes on to say that the country merchants are seriously and deeply interested in the move ment, their interests being almost identical with thoce of the peanut producers, and the. co-operation of these merchants is sought. r The farmers are urged to market their peanuts in good order. The appeal closes: "This is an age of organization, and surely no cause can be more just than the cause of an organiza tion seeking to bring to those who toil from year to year a just and reasonable price for fai in products.' The Association represents a belt in Virginia and North Carolina which is said to produce seven eights of the world's supply.—Pro gseasive Farmer. . Foley's Kidney Cure will cure any case of kidney trouble that not beyond medical aid. C. C Chase, &S. R. Biggs. An Appeal for "The Bread Line" The Bowery Mission "Bread I.iuc," at whitli 1.000 men who are out in the streets for the night aie given a breakfast of hot coffee and rolls every morning at one I o'clock, is one of the most pathetic sights in sitl the wide, wide world. I/Otig before the hour of opening, these poor, starring men stand in a single line that sometimes extends for blocks in length, waiting for the coffee and rolls. During the last winter, this breakfast was given to a total of 144,000 homeless men and l)oys, and up to date nearly half a million of the homeless have had their weary tramp restfidly interrupted by this unique minis tration. The first of these Break fasts is given 011 Thanksgiving morning, and the last 011 the fol lowing Kaster morning. Alto gether the Mission supplied, this year, over 233,000 meals and io,- 072 lodgings to homeless men and boys. It is for this grand, philanthropic work that we ask your kind and practical co-operatiou. The home less, friendless, disheartened and despairing men and boys of the Bowery are not native New Vorkers but meu and l>oys who, until within a year, lived happily at the old homestead with father aud mother, and perhaps wife. They aie strand ed here, aud in despair appeal to the Old Bowery Mission, which, for over thirty years, has been to the unfortunate, as the rescue cities of old, a haven of encouragement, rtst and protection. Shall we tnrn them away? It r«sts with the good I people ef this country to decide this question, and may God graciously help you to decide it aright. JOHN C. KARL,, Financial Secretary, 92 Bible Rouse, New York City. DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve penetrates the pores—thor oughly cleanses - and is healing and soothing Good for piles. Sold by S. R. Williamston, N. C. Slade Jones A Co., Hamil ton, N. C. j There are a great many reasons why Kentucky is now in the Re publican ranks, the chief of them being that the Republican candi dates got the most votes. Sick HuJickt This distressing disease results from a disordered condition of the stomach, and can be cured by tak ing Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Get a free sample at All Druggists A Dealers in Pat ent Medicine and try it. Mr. Grover Cleveland, is still able to enjoy a rabbit hunt, it appears. This, and the fact that'he recently survived the consultation of six physicians, indicates that our only ex-president is good for many days yet. a. Trial Catarrh treatments are be ing mailed out free, on requeat, by Dr. Shoop, Racine. Wis. The«e tests are proving to the people— without a penny's coat—the great value of (his scientific prescription known to druggftts everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by S. R. Biggs- The election being over this year the next vote will be on the'Mze of the turkey that father called upon to pay for about the end of the month. Hiv to Trilt a Sirili Sprains, swellings and lameness are promptly relieved by Cham berlain's Pain Balm. This lini ment reduces inflammation and soreness so that a.sprain may be cured in about one-third the time required b/ the usual treatment. For sale by All Druggists A Dealers in Patent Medicine. Unfortunately there was no elec tion in Indiana to indicate whether Fairbanks has his popularity injur ed in his own state by the cocktail incident. j fflje (Merjrisc. WILLIAMSTON. N. C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22. IQO7 MUCH THANKS. Iht Ml beside me att the play. 1 knew her not at all. But In a coy and careless way She let her hatpins fall Beneath the seat between my feet. Of course 1 had to crawl. And ne 1 handed them to her (Ah. happy flngei touch') Bh«> iald to me. she said, said aha, "Oh, thank you—very much!" Site stood bealde me In the oar, And we were strangers quite. I wasn't coin* very far. And no X thought I might Give up my seat to rest her feet. (Now, wasn't that polite*) At from the overhanging strap She loosed her frantlu clutch She said to me. she said, said aha, "Oh, thank you—very much'" She passed me on the avenue, As promenaders pass Ifur dainty kerchief, dotted blue And airy light as gas, Bho dropped behind I at rove to (lnd. And found It for the laaa And ss 1 placed It In her hand, Profaned with gutter smutch. • She said to me, she said, said she. "Oh. thank you—very much!" Now, this was not one woman lons, ltut these were Isdles three. And many more from sone to sotte Havo thus been servod by me And other men who're helpful when They cannot -help but be And ever thua we got their thanks (It surely beats the Dutch) They always say them thls-s-wsy, "Oh. thank you—very much!" I hope some time before I go To nil a tomb or urn The ladies may not thank me so - For thanks 1 do not yearn. Yet if they don't, stay dead 1 won't— -1 surely shall return! I shall return fron\ out the pit. And haply one may touch My ghost and aay, the sntiie old way, "Oh. thank you—very much!" - Robertus l.ove In Judge. Cipher Cod*. "So tlmt dining room orchestra playa by Instruction, eh?" HHM the new ar rival. "Oh, yes!" replied tile corpulent pro prietor. "When I notice a guest sip ping hot coffee I signal 'l*. W Tbat means 'Play loud.' " "ltather Interesting." "Yes, anil then when 1 see one eating soup with a great deal of noise 1 sig nal 'P. V. 1,.' That tnrans 'Play very loud.'" "Clever— very clever. Is that nil of the code?" ' "Ob, jm*—"When a man starts to eat cofti off the col) I hurry up and slgual 'P. B. L A. B. T. C.;" "And what does that mean?" ~ "Why that tueans 'Play blamed loud and boat tho cymbals.'" Chicago News. Just Kidt. ■SMAaia MEM)! ' iVV > J ' "How do vou like my new bat, Kit ty r "Lubley, Minnie, I had one Just like It la«t winter."—New York World. Incorrigible- In a cth'taln school of Waslilugton there was one lad who would persist In saying "have went" One day the teacher "kept him In," saying: "While I am out of the room you may write 'have gone' fifty times." When the pedagogue returned he found that the boy bad dutifully per formed the task, having written "have gone" flfty times. On the other side of the paper, however, was this message from the absent one: I have went. JOHN WHITE. —Harper's Weekly. Ths Horrors of Matrimony. "One of the prominent actresses says nine out of ten marriages turn out unhappily." j"Yea," replied the old bachelor; "If a man marries a woman for her beau ty be la likely to And tbjtjt « good deal of it is counterfeit and if be takea her far her money the chancea are that ahe will merely give htm an allow ance."—Chicago Kecord-Herald. His Platform as Amended. "My platform," shouted the orator, bringing bis fist down with a resound ing thwack on the desk before blm, "la 'Leave well enough alone!' " , "Beg pardon," whispered the chair man of the meeting, an eminent Bos ton citizen, pulling bis coattalln gently. " 'Let well enough alone' is the prefer-* able form."—Bohemian. The Chanoss. "Which would you rather be," asked the ambitions youth, "a great speaker or a great writer?" "It all depends." answered Mr. 81- rius Barker, "on whether you would rather take a chance on getting clergy man'a aore throat or writer's cramp."— Waahlngton Star. Hsr Wages. - Mistress—Why, Bridget, it aeeina to me you want very large wages for one who has bad so little experience. Bridget—Bore, mum, ain't It harder for me when I don't kqow how?— New Terk Life. WHERE THE MERCHANT FAILS An lowa Farmer Tells Him He Should Advertise, and How. An lowa fanner to the I)es Moines Capital ttie follow ing very pertinent suggestion as to why the mail order houses succeed in getting the business of the rural communities awav from local mer chants: "If the mail order "houses SI,OOO out of this conuty -each mouth that belongs to the home merchants fault Is with the merchants themselves. The mail order houses advertise and give us prices on everything they offer for sale. They tell ns what they have and what tjiey want for it. Of course we get soaked once in a while and if we do we can try some other house. Most of the home merchants who advertise at all don't quote prices. They neglect to tell us what we want to know —the price. Of course we can go to the store and ask the price of this arti cle, and that, but you know how it is—one doesn't know so well ex actly what he wants to -buy when he gets in a store as when he is at home. And there is where the mail order houses make their hit. They, send their advertising matter into homes aud we read it when we have nothing else to do and every niemlier of the family who reads their stuff usually finds something that he or some other member of the fnmily wants and many orders are made up and sent out just at such times. * "Right here is where the home inei chant falls down. If he talked up his business to us in our homes the same as the mail order houses do the people would be in to see him the next time they came to town, and in many casesextra trips would be made to jjet the things at once that we didn't know &e want ed until they were brought to our attention. "The home merchant can save the expense of getting up a cata logue. We ]>eople read the home paper more carefully than we do the catalogue, and if the merchant wants to talk business with us let him put his talk in the home papers and put it in so that we know he means business. The home uVer chant likely,, nine times out of ten, sejls his goods as rlieap as the mail order houses, and I believe on many tilings they are much cheaper but how are we to know if he dosen't tell us about it. "A merchant must not think that even his best c ustomers know his goods so well that they can tell what lie has without being shown. "It is none of my business how the home merchant runs his busi ness, but I don't like to see these roasts in the paper, all the time about us fellows who get a little stuff shipjied iu once in a while aud never any thing said on the other side. There are always two sides of a question, and 1 have given you mine. If it is worth anything to you you can take it." A tickling cough, (rom any cause, is quickly stopped by Dr. Shoop's |Cough Cure. And it m so thorqjjtfh ly harmless and sate, that L)r Shoop tells mother? everywhere to give i( without hesitation even to tvery • young babes. The whole some green leaves and tender stems of a lung-healing mountainous shrub, furnish the curative proper ties to Dr. Shoop's tough Cure. It calms ihe cough, and heals the sore and sensitive bronchial mem brances. No opium, no chloro form, nothing harsh used to injure or suppress. Simply a resinous plaijt extract, that helps to heal aching lungs. The Spaniards call this shrub which the Doctor 1 uses, "I he Sacred Herb" Demand Dr. Shoop's. Take 110 other S. R. Bigg". Shoved Back the Tide. "Bietberin Bobbie, a Dumfarlln cairter," went doi\ u to Cbarlestown one day for a toad of sand, but to bis dismay found It was high water and none could be got. After pouring out the vials of bis wfath on the harbor master for allowing the Ude to rise be went home with bis empty cart. Com-, tag baek next day when It happened to be low water, he exclaimed: * ", tbts is -something like the thing. The best o' folk's nane the waor o' beta* spoken to."—Dundee Peo pVt Journal One Hundred And Fifty Millions. (News Sc Observer. ) Most of the big battles of the world b.ive been fought on Sun day. Perli.ips that is precedent enough fort hi.* iaet that it was on Sunday that Secretary of the Treasure CotUh on gave out the statement that hi would issue fifty million dollars of Panama Canal l>onds and issue one hundred mil lion dollars of interest-hearing cer tificates as is authorized by law iu time of emergency. As- to the euiergeucy and the effect he be lieves these measures will have, Mr. Cortelyon says: "The Panama bonds will serve as a measure of most substantial relief, for anions other things the law expressly provides that they may be used as a basis for addi tional national bank circulation. "The proceeds of the sale of certificates provided for under the above section can l>e deposited al most simultaneously with their purchase, upon approved security. They can be made directly avail able at points where the need is most urgent and especially for the movement of the crops, which,.' if properly accelerated, will Rive the greatest relief and result in the most immediate financial returns. The acceptance of subscriptions by the Secretary of the Treasury will be made with special reference to such use. "Both the bonds and certificates ate attractive as absolutely safe in vestment." "These measures will, among other filings, enable the Secretary of the Treasury to meet public ex penditures without withdrawing for that purpose "any appreciable amount of the public moneys now deposited in national banks through out the country." Inasmuch as these are the meas ures determined upon to afford the needed relief from the money fam ine let us hope that the expected relief will materialize. Mr. Cortel yon says the money will be "dir.eet ly available at ftoints where the need is most urgent ami especially fur the movement of crops."' If this money will ease conditions so that the price for crops will rise to ■ the level they were at before the panic, the cotton farmers will be benefitted. The hope of the South is iu the movement of its cotton crop at fair prices. Just as soon as the farm ers get what cotton is worth every business and every interest in the South will improve, though, of course, the development of large and new industries will be affected by the general conditions in the country, though full prices for this crop would largely peutrali/.e tight money in the centres for en terprises not too large for Southern financial institutions to handle Besides, the export of cotton to Kurope will turn the balance ot trade in our favor and help finan cial conditions in the centres as well as restore normal conditions iu the cotton country. The actiou of President Roose velt in authorizing an issue of lifty millions of Panama bonds and one hundred millions of certificatesliad the effect ot sending cotton up one dollar and twenty fiv; cents a bale and of doing much to give confi dence. It is believed by bankers and thoughtful financiers that the bond issue will add largely to the banks' circulation and that the cer tificates will do as much good as that quantity of Treasury Notes to put irt general circulation. They are better than Treasury notes to the holders because they bear three per cent interest. Men who have been hoarding money will be iuduced to bring it out of the safety deposit boxes and old stockings and buy those certificates. They will then be virtually holding money and getting interest on it at the same time. ¥ There afe nyiny who believe Mr. Roosevelt has done the wisest possible thing in this method of adding to the money of the country—the only method the executive can employ ih ah emer gency. Iu his letter the President indicates his faith upon assurances from leaders that Congress will MAN-A-LIN MAN-A-LIN Is An Excellent Remedy for Constipation. There are many ailments directly dependent upon con stipation, such as biliousness, discolored and pimpled skin, inactive liver, dyspepsia, over worked kidneys and headache. Remove constipation and all of these ailments dis appear. MAN-A-LIIM can be relied upon to produce a gentle action of the bowels, making- pills and drastic cathartics entirely un necessary. A dose or two of Man-a-lln is advisable In sllfht febrile attacks, la frlppe, colds and InMnen/a. legislate so as'to end the money panic and to devise methods to pre vent a recurrence of such strin gency. It is to be hoped that will l>e done in a manner that will meet the necessities of the country. Certainly this action of adding virtuaily one hundred and fifty million dollars at once to the money of the country should have the effect of relieving the stringency and doubtless it will also do much to re store confidence by turning loose the money now held in the banks in the big centres and elsewhere. The banks find it necessary to hold as much reserve as possible for the protection of the depositors ami patrons and to prevent their money being taken out of the channels of trade. In addition to adding large ly to the available money, this $i 50- 000,000 should cau£* much money to come from hiding by making easier money. Let us hope that it will go far to end the stringency and to restore normal conditions. The Washington I'ost, writing of the plan, says: "The decision of the Secretary ol the Treasury, approved by the President, to issue fifty millions of Panama (.'anal bonds and one hun dred millions of/'Roosevelt 5 per cent certificates" for one year should largely contribute to relieve the financial situation, aud it may correct it entirely. This relief comes at an opportune time. Its influence will be more decidedly felt in the West and South, and the movement of the crops to the sea board cat) go 011 without serious interruption. "The President has met the sit uation with commendable fore thought, and the hope is that this large addition to the finance of the country will abate a money strin gency which loomed on the hori/.ou to a point of great distrust, il not despair." When the baby is crosiTTtiid has you worried and worn out you will find that a little Cascasweet, the well known remedy for babies and children, will quiet the little one in a short time. Ihe ingredients are printed plainly on the bottle. Con tains .no opiate Sold by S. R" Biggs, VVilliara-stori. N. C, Sl'ade lones & Co., Hamilton, N. C. "What we want," said the patriotic citizen, "to a system that will compel men to vol* honestly." "Thafe right," answered Mr. Ward Heeler; "there'* too many of our rot- Ma getting Into the way of taking your money and then voting aa they pleaae." -STMklagteM am. ADVERTISING Your money back.—Judicious advertia ing i« the kind that pays back to yon the momj you inraat. Spaca in ttia paper assures yon prompt ratanu . . WHOLE NO. 40a Professional Cards. HUGH B. YORK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office: Chase's Drug Store. OHHICK HOURS: 8 to 10 A.M.; 7 ta 9 p. M. Wiiliainaton, N. C. Office Phone No. 53 Night Phone No. 6j DR J. A. WHITE. TFIFA . DENTIST —,,lL,Orric*- JdA m PHONR 9 I will be in Plymouth the first week la November. W. K. Warren. J. s. Rkadaa. DRS. WARREN & RHODES, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. OFFIC* IN Bior.s' DRUG STORE 'Phone No. 2Q BURROUS A. CRITCHER, ATTORNRY AT LAW Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, AJ. WILUAMSTON. N. C. | r . ru __ ru nn/wm^, .. ~ r , ~W, r H. I). WINSTON S. J. Rvaaarr WINSTON 81 EVERETT ATTORNKYS-AT-LAW «• WIULIAMSTON, N. C. 'Phone 31 Money to loaa. S. ATWOOD NEWELL LAWYER Office formerly occupied by J. D. lien- Phone No. 77. WILLIAMS-TON, N C. A. R. DUNNING ATTORNKY-AT LAW ROBKRSO.VVtLLK, N.,C. HOTEL BEULAH I). C. MOORING, Proprietor ROBHRSONVILLK, N. C. Rates $2.00 per day Special Rates By theJWeak A Kirst-Cloas Hotel in Bvery Partic ular. The traveling public will find It most convenient place to stop. I A SUODRN RKMINDHR if your ucgligeiice in securing a lirt IN surance policy may come in the shape of H fire at any time TUB SOONKR YOU INSURE the lietter for you. You know it, aad this is only to remind you that the knowledge will do you no good unleaa you act upon it. Let us write yau a pal icy and have it over with. You'll frel better and sleep easier. K. B. GRAWrORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building Fire and Life INSURANGE I have some of the Strongest aad Beat Companies on the Globe, Let me write you a policy on year building TODAY. J. E. POPE Insurance Agent Now in the time to vi»it the JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION it is completle in every department the War Path Air Ship Naval Dliplay will interest and instruct you. Do not fail to go at once. For beautifully il lustrated folder contain ing maps, discriptive mat ter, list of hotels, etc., write. T. C. WHITE, Gen'L Pass. Agent. W. J. CRAIG, Pass; Traffic Mg'r. Wilmington, N. C., Atlantic Coast Line It R. Co. the short through cat line