4 Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouMe preys upon the mind, dis courages ana MWens amotion; beauty, vigor tand cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it Is not uncommon lor a child la be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If Ihe child urin ates too often, if the urine scalds tne flesh or if, when the child reaches an axe wnen it should be able to control the paaaage. It is yet afflicted, with bed-wetting, as pond upon it. the cluse of the difficulty » money trouble, and the first step should oe towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and oiaoder and not to a habit as most people suppose Women as wad as men are made mis erable with money and bladder trouble, and both neeo tne same great remedy. The mild ana ute immediate effect of Swamp-Root It soon realized. It is sold by druggists. »n fifty- f ATti n cent and one dollar sizes* You may nave a sample bottle oy mail free, also pampniet tell- HO„.« O» SWMUIVIU** Ing all about M, includirfg many of the thousands 01 testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer ti Co.. Blngnamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y.. on every bottle. Silver Star IS TIM': BEST Two-for-a-INickel OEOAK BUT DON'T l ORC.KT EL COREJO L. E. COREY Wholesale Grocer When in need >f (lood House Paints Call wii or aliens T. A. PEEI). Williamston, N. C. J. B. SI 'EL LK K, DKAI.HR IN Wood, Shingles, Poultry, Ekjjs and Purs. We crrrv a Hij; Line of Wall Paper Williamston, N. C. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup CONTAINS HON FY AND TAR Relieve! Colds bv working them out of the system through a copious and healthy action of th'e bowels. Relieves Coughs by cleansirg the mucous membranes of the throat, chMt and bronchial tubes. "At pleasant to the taste as Maple Sugar" Children Like It For Sate By S r Hi k^s , Willi,unston Slaile, Jones a .Co., tlaiinltoii. Hi TRADE-MARKS prt.Hut y ■>>■ . m | aiico ' " ' w PAT .NTS ■ THAT PAT.wv.i' f'. ii:,,,,.!.. y 4 out ■ •XDCUMT. Midi )tlll t«» Mil-CVKK brtul UK*ittl. jiftot.. ur hk. ii U fot fHfc[ %orl ■ oo iMUnubißi) "go ,raiV pr**k*. «jr. ■ MttlNQ RiFt RCNCES F. rfi.* 4\»l. ■ SO3-808 Seventh Str «t, | _WA3HI NGTON, P. »J. I IgSSS free ftdvto* few to obUin Ir—U maHu, ■ IN ALL COUNTRICS. Busbtru &rn t n ilk Wms king ton MIVI t>m*M momry mad of len the faimt. hM iM hrfrtaf«ne*t Pnrtlcf EicluiWely. I Mi Mb MtmL an. VMM tteUa Mat 01?«. l _ WA>NIHKITQN, P. C. 1 Now ia the time to have your piano put in food condition for the lone winter ev enings. Expert Tuning and Repairing. Drop a postal and I'll rail. All work guaranteed. «. W. V. ORMOND Box 174. WILUAMSTON. N. C. * *ji »*- O&jyfe* "H: - - THE HOME CIRCLE COLUMN Pleasant Evening Reveries---A Column Dedicated to Tired Mothers as they Join the Home Circle at Evening Tide. By J. KNOX HALL "Better than k*'l »* * peaceful home. Where all the fire side charitte* come— The shrine of love, the heaven of life. H illoved by mother, or sister, or* wife. H"«'e\'er humble the bime may lie, Or hied by sorrow by heaven's decree, The blessing that never were bought or sold, Ami center there, are lietter than gold." Til AN KSC.IVI NC. RIAHKIKS. l'ot many years, ave, almost since first this coui try had a name, it has been the custom of the people to set a] >art one day in the year, after harvest time, for thanksgiving and praise to the Great Ruler of the universe for His loving kindness and tender inerHes. Who can live in lieautiful America and not be lieve that there is a God, nnd that it is His pleasure to p'osper the li berty loving people of this great country. The evidences, strong, 1 indisputable, convincing are on every hand. The greatest of feast days in A met ica should lie one of rejoiceing anil thanksgiving by all the people. This is the harvest time for the in gathering of thanks for the bless ings of the year. Thanksgiving Day was first established in the United States by the I'ilgrims at Plymouth, New lingland, replac ing Christmas as the great family festival, and has been gradually adopted in other parts of the coun t*y, Congress recommended days of thanksgiving annually during the Revolution, and Washington, in 17S0, alter the adoption of the con stitution. Other days of national thanksgiving have been proclaimed .1111 since 1563 the last Thursday in November has been annually pro claimed bv the president as a nat 11.mil Thanksgiving Day. In this munificent land of ours, as void of famine, pcstilenc and dis asters common to other lands, and where peace and plenty so univer sally abound, and civilization in its highest type so exalVs humanity, we are truly doubly blessed and our aiitumhs are golden in more ways than one, ami as sowers and ren|H.rs, Ihe children of men par ticularly in the bounds of this lati tude, can do no less in gratitude thun absotb anil reflect' the sun shine so lavished upon theni. l'rerlv we receive, then freely wive, 'Bless as ye arc lile»aed; Yichl forth MI the life you live The purest ami the ln'st. 1 This is Ihe harvest lime for thanks. True, there have been ti ials, calamities in some places, homes destroyed, losses aud sor rows, but taking the country over our blessings have been vcv many ami far outnumbered the dark ap apalling things of life In spite of mam evils there has been as much oT true sympathy, of genuine benev olence, of a cordial spit it, of broth el ly love and good fellowship we can keep our thanksgiving in the spirit of the scriptural admo nition. lank ful." It has come to be thai we bear too much about feasting and too little about thanksgiving. The bouse wife whose menu reads: - 1 lysters 011 the Half Shell, Tomato Soup, Celery, Koasl Turkey, Creamed Potatoes, Chicken Pie, Baked Sweet Potatoes Pickles, White Bread, .Drown Bread, Cmtil>erry Satin*, 11 range Tans, Mime Pie, Pumpkin Pie, Cake, Fruit, Colfee, Will likely have very little time for another reading: Song of Praise, Prayer, r Singing, Address, Sinking, • Prayer, Love Feast Old Hundred. - Let us be thankful however diffi cult and full of temptation lite may be, we are given wisdom that suffi ces for daily living. No part of man's nature is so strengthened by right choice as the conscience. It is the still, small voice that we must ■isten for, and the oftener we hear it and obey, the clearer and fuller is its tone.—- It is the delicate intu ition that is dulled and finally de stroyed by the doings of evil. Let us be thankful that most men are I filessed with the righteous desire to io good and to deal fairly by their neighbors.* ■ — ** ■ g Train Thkm Boys arc not naturally selfish, and i « TMK KKTERI'RISE, WlLtlAMSfOtf, M. C„ NOVEMBER 23, 190? ! evei y mother who has not a will ing, efficient helper in her boy, is herself to blame, and must not only suffer Ihe consequences of her mis take herself, but the future wife wil) have them to bear also. Kor your own sakes, mothers, and for (he future wives of your boys, spare no pains to impress upon them the magnitude of woman's work. After they have been accustomed to help ing in all the ways they can about •.he house, (and there are few things they will not l>e the better for hav ing learned to do) they will not think housekeeping "just puttering around " Teach them that the w oiuan who keep* her house in or der and looks after the comforts of her family in every way, earns as much us the man who furnishes the. money paTt of the paltnersliip, and tliey will lie ready to do as we heard a boy say not long since: "I shall (five tuy wile half of all my income to do with as she likes," instead of asking what she had done with that last quarter he gave her, and talking as if he earned all the money and she and her children spent it, as one poor wife told us her hus band did. Begin to train the hus bands —yes, and the wives, too—in their childhood, and no one will ask, 'ls marriage a failure?" in the next generation. There is nothing better tor stum ach troubles than KODOL, which , contain the same juices found in a | healthy stomach. KODOL is of | fered on a guaranteed plai. for the relief of heart burn, flatulence, sour stomach belching of gas, nausea | and all stomach troubles. So at , time when you don't teel just right ( when vou are drowsy after meals, and your head aches or when you have no ambition, and you are cross and irritable, take %/little j KODOL. It digests what you eat l| It will make you healthy. Sold by S. R. Biggs, Williamston, N. C, j Slaile |ones A: Co?; Hamilton, N. j C. "Kinperor William isn't nearly , so talkative as he once was", says , a contemporary. His Majesty is a i grandfather two times—and has been on the Kiuperor job quite a J while: Naturally, he has learned: liotii wisdom and discretion. I . - - jl A Hard Debt to Piy , ' I owe a debt of gratitude thai ] ( can never be paid oil," writes (1. | S Clark, of \Vestfi«ld. lumn. '.'foru hiy rescue from death, by I>r. j Kind's New Discovery. Both lung* were so seriously affected I that death seemed imminent, when I commenced taking New Dis ( covery. The ominous dry, hack-1 ng cough 'quit before the first hot- j 1 lie was used, and two more bottles | s made a complete cure.'' Nothing has ever equaled New Discovery j for coughs, colds and for throat and ; lung complaints. Guaranteed by I S- K. B'ggs druggist. 50c and SI.OO. Trial bo't'e free. h The great strike in Knglaud will J go down in history as not having , been struck. 11 A Significant Priyar "May the Lord help you make!! Buckleu's Arnica Salve known to all," writes J. G. Jenkins, of I Chapel Hill, N. J. It quickly took 1 the pain out of a felon for me and r cured it in a wonderfully short ° time.*' Best on earth for" sores, r burns and wounds. 15c. at S. R, * Biggs drug store. 1 _•••• * - :, Japan insists that it has always | c been friendly to the United States.! v Now, hear that, Captain Ilobson!j- We have secured the agency f6rl a Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup the 1 laxative that makes the liver lively, purities the breath, cuies headache * and regulates the digestives organs. ! Cures chronic constipation. Ask us ! about it, C. C. Chase, and S. R. L Biggs. 1 There are some men of Preisden-1 ' tial size, who are not running after] ® the nomination, but they would not \ dodge out of the way if it should i run after them. The finest Coffee Substitute ever j! made, has recently been produced by Dr. Slioop pf Racine Wis, Vou > 9 don't hj*ve to boil it twenty or c thirty minutes, "Made in a ute" says the doctor. "Health Coffee" is really the closest Coffee Imitation ever yet produced. Not a grain of real Coffee in it either ' Health Coffee -Imitation is made from tmreJoaated ce ealu or grains ? witb -oiaifJSQuts, etc. Really it . would fool an eipert—were he la unknowingly drink iT for Coffee. J. A. Mizell, A Co. t i • JL If Saturn is getting tired of iu rings, perhaps King Edward might utilize one of them to set his $750,000 diamond in. You can't he well if you have a weak, unhealthy, tired out stowach. Neither can you feel good if by some little irregularity ii> eating you have caused the stomach to get out of order. These little stom ach troubles are signs ol indiges tion, which may nnd very often does turn into a very bad case of dyspepsia. Don't allow this to go 011 a single day without doing something to overcome it Take some (food reliable and safe di gestant like KOOOL For Dyspepsia KODOL is the best remedy known today lor heart burn, belching and all troubles arising from a dis ordered digestion. It is pleasant tn take and aff >rds relief promptly. Sold by S. K Bi»,'gs, Williamston, Sla'te Jones A Co , Hamilton, N C, j Little Delaware conies to the fiont with two counties "dry" but 1 that is half the State. The N«v Pure Fori and Drug La* We are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for couphs, colds and lunjr troubles is not ' af fected !>y the National Pure Food anil Drug law as it contains ro opiates or other harmful drills, ai d w* recommend it as a snfe remedy for childp n and adults. C. C'tas •, and S, R. Bigg*. It is claimed that "Bee stings banish pain" Still, most people will prefer the old'pain to the l>ee slings. Dancing Prom Fatal Many men and women catch colds at dances which terminate in pneumonia and consumption. Al ter exposure, if Foley's Honey and Tar is taken it will break up a cold and no serious results need be feared. Refuse anv but the gi'iiuine in a yellow package. C. C, Chase, S, R Biggs. ♦ ♦ ♦ Of course, ths prohibition issue in Klntttclcy was too much for the loyalty of some of the old Dem ocratic colonels. Ho Fought at 6«tt|sbis{ David Parker, of Fayette, N, V., who lost a foot at Gettysburg writes: ' Klectric Bitters have done me more good than jiuy medicine I ever took For severul years I had stomach trouble, and paid out much money for medicine to little purpose, until I began taking F.lec-. trie Bitterg, I would not take SSOO for what they have done for me." Grand tonic for the aged and for female weaknesses. Great altera-] five and body builder; sure cure lor laifie bai k and weak kidneys. Guaranteed by S. K. Biggs,' drug gist. 5.1 c. That man has a real se|ise of hu mor, who loots upon the decima tion of the Taft boom as a case of spilling the fat in the fire. How to Curos 1 Cold Be as careful as you can you will occasionally take cold, and when you do. a medicine of known reliability, one that has an estab lished reputation and that is cer tain to effect a «|nick cure. Such a medicine is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I has gained a world wide reputation by its remarkable cures ol this most common ailment, and can always be depended upon. It acts 011 nature's plan, relieves the lungs aids expectoration, opens the secretions and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. During the many years ni which it has been in general use we have yet to learn of a single case of cold or attack of the grip having resulted in pneumonia when this remedy was used, which shows conclusively that it is a certain pre ventive ot that dangerous disease. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy con tains no opium or other narcotic and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. For sale by All Druggists & Dealers in Patent Medicine. The trouble about Tom Johnson for the democratic nominee, Is that most people probably including Mr. Johnson himself, would prefer for Mr. Bryan to run. When the Stomach, Heart, or Kidney nerves get weak, then these organs always fail.* Don't drug the Stomach, nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That is simply a makeshift. Get a pres cription known to Druggist every where as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. The Restorative is prepared ex pressly for these weak inside nerves. Strengthen these nerves, build them up with Dr. Shoop's Restorative —tablets or liquid—and see how quickly help will come. Free sample teat sen ton request by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. .Yo_ur health is surely worth this simple teat. S. R, Biggs. An actress lost 51,000 wortlf of jewelry Saturday, and got about nine columns of newspaper adver tising as a result; and yet one would have thought Atlanta more up- to-c'ate than that. This is Wtrtk Renumbering As no one is immune, every per son should remember that Foley's Kidney Cure will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reacb of medicine C. C. Chase and S. K Biggs. Gov. Beckhaui has issued a leu* and stinging criticism of Henn W aterson, holding hiiu responsible for the J) mocratic in Ken tucky. It must be gratifying t M arse Henry, to know that he tan influence an election either way. De Wilt's Little K.arly Risers art j the best pills made 'I hey do not I grine. Sold hv S. R Big;j, Wil liamston. N. (Made Jones A Co.: I II amiton, N C. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is hot beyond the reach of medi cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright's Dis ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. -50 c. and fl.oo Bottles. C. C. Chase and S. R. Biggs, I have a nice line of TESTAMENTS AND BIBLES I'roitr 25c. to jt2.s at the Bible and Grocery House Where I also handle a nice fresh line of Groceries, Chickens. ERRS J. L. CHERRY Ilaniiltou KOHI, Near Cemetery KILL™ COUCHT MV CURE THE LIIWCB w,th Dr. King's New Discovery FOR niSw. AH9 *U THBOAT >NDt.UNO TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OH HONEY REFUNDED. F / HARPERX / KENTUCKY \ (WHISKEY) \ for Gentlemen / \ who cherish / V Vualtty. f v' Kor sale by J. W. Watts & Co. Heart Strength flh, or Heart Wetlme**. tytmtu SYrr# Mmoffth. or Nanr* W»-*kn»'«t—nothing won*. l'oa Utvniy. not on* weak heart in % humfml Is. In It- E!K I'""****- It •» alraoet always a hidden tiny little nerve tlu.l rv.lly | s a || at („„|v Thltobarure nerre—thetfcnllac. or llmrt Ncrra * ""**• " mrt more poaer. mora ■ability. raorr controlling, more governing •tranjrth Without that the Heart nnM •nntlutM to fall, and the and kldneyt also hart Umm tain 1 controlling nerve. Th!» clearly explain* whr, as a medicine. Dr. Shoop ■ Reatnrallve ha. in the paM done w much for weak ami atllnc Heart. I>r. Khoop am M>n«ht the oauM of all thi. painful. palpltatbic. mflocat tn« bwrt dltfrea. Dr. Shoop . ReMoratWe-thli popular prescription—l. alone directed to thew weak and wartiii* nerve center*. It build*; it ftrmfthen.; It ort..r» real, fenulne heart help. If JOU would have .trout Heart., »tron« dU Jpatlon. itrencthen thane Uiorve.— them a. Deeded, with Dr. Shoop's Restorative S. R. BIGGS. BARBER SHOP J. H. HYMAN, M*F. Main Street First Class Shop 5 Chairs Everything Clean and in Order PRESSING CLUB We are running a pressing cl lb in connection with our barber shop and have an experienced presser and demtief in charge. Oive us Your Work (£]f]lfl 11IMJF do I take Cardui"? writes Mrs. ufll ■■ cmma Mullins of Odessa, W. WW I Va. "Because, after suffering ■ ■III for several years with female trouble, and trying different doc tors and medicines without obtaining relief, I at last found, in Wine of Cardui, a golden medicine for all my ills, and can recommend it above all others for female complaints." Cardui furnishes safe relief for backache, headache, periodical pains, irregular, painful or unhealthy cata menial flow, and all ailments from which sick women suffer. A perfect tonic for delicate women. A pure vegetable medicine for girls and women who are subject to.the complaints peculiar to their sex. Has benefited over a million who used to suffer as you do. At every drug store, in 51.00 bottles. WRITI US A LETTER I WINF A A ftftlll fully all your symptom* •• llw !■ I ® I •nj»r»ill «rnj you I re* AJvkr ■ II Bh In r Jin •nxeliipe. I.ajlrt' _ ■ a M M ■ ■ ■ 111 ajvi-uhv hfpt.. Tt»« fir ■ ■ ■ Mi* J Co., I run. |j J | ■ A New Business School I Eastern North Carolina now lias a first-class business school where its young men and women can acquire a business training; equal to that given iu any of the business schools of the larger cities and at . much less expense* Opened June 3rd Enrollment first mouth, 52 .pupils. Can begin at any time. Special rates to first pupils who eu ' roll from new sections. Write TODAY for catalogue if interested. Courses of Study: Business, Shorthand, English, Telegraphy I First Nat. Batik lVuilding, Washington, N. C.; also Norfolk, l'orts f mouth and N'ewjiorr News.A'a. J. M. RESSLER, Pres. * -• ' - ■—- - 1111 '■ Statement of the Condition of BANK OF ROBERSONVILLE ' Ha At the close of business November 15, 1906. RR9OURCKS. ' MABII.ITIKS. ,NB * NK » #10,47.V15 Capital stock >R 3 , 000.00 Loans and diacounta 5*>.»5*.99 Surplus sn.l Profits 6,667.05 B'kng House, F. and fixtures -3.685.M1 Bjlls p av ,|, le 10,000.0., Overdrafts 1.8764, I)EPO8IU - 3,879.98 CASH anil caah items '3.373 S .T Cashiers' checks outstanding 50,111.17 F85,668. JO • 185.668.20 J. C. ROBERTSON, Cashier. Executive Committee: W. 1,. Sherrod, I)r. R. H. Hargrove, J. H. Kobersou, Jr., A. S. ROLHMSUN AIVL J. C. Rotn-rtson. JOHN D. BIOGS, President ASA T. CRAWFORD, Secretary & Treasurer T. W. TII.GHMAN, General Manager. The Dennis Simmons ! Lumber Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Kiln Dried N. C. Pine Lumber DENNIS SIMMONS BRAND CYPRESS SHINGLES m iii. ORDERS AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Take Your Clothing To Octavius Price When you want them cleaned or pressed. Ladies Skirts cleaned and pressed at a reasonable price. Work Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. : ; Roanoke Pressing Club in Mobley Building S __ c Cosby Patent Air-Tight Baker and Heater „ - -IT HEATS IBTUI coors TOO. f The Most Convenient, Useful 1 and Economical Stove for the Home Ever Made. ... .-. IT DOES DOUBLE DUTY _ It warms the coldest aad largest room in / jF (f) >, }' t-' th» house, making it coxy. The husv A G\ housewife can cook or bake anything r» a from light rolls to a Thanksgiving or Christmas turkey. Still it looks just as i neat a* any heater made. It ia air-tight wfl and a mat fuel saver. Thousands are be ing mid. Thousands of housekeepers are - enthusiastic. Pine Cast Iron tops and bottoms, making it last for years without repair*. Made only Jtjy UNION STOVE CO., - I B * t mS » MCBMOMD, VA.

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