ADVERTISING Your money back.—Judicious advertis ing U the kind that pay* back to yon the money yon invest. Space in this paper assures you prompt return* . . VOL. IX..- NO. 24 Ganderbone's March Forecast The ides of March willeame again, When Caesar's blood was let; The toes of Bryan will hide ont Behind the parapet; And when he sees them luiking there, . He'll guess their fell intent And run just like his friends all hope He'll run for President. The candidates Republican will pass the stand again, and the port ly form of Mr. Taft will show a handsome gain; the whiskerlets of Hr. Hughes will float upon the breeze the fleet that sailed Ma gellan's Straits will cruise the wes tern sea*; the infant boom of Co - Ulyou will grimly yield the ghost, and the fleet will run the banquets on the other Latin coast. Another lot of foreign counts, and busted sports and old. will come across to marry more of our dead easy gold; a count will marry a mil lion cool, and a discount two or three, &ud gokland and girl (and horse laugh lotld) they'll all put out to sea; aud whilt the Goulds give Boni one—just one— more chance, alack, we'll all steal off and kick ourselves quite low down on be back. fj The country papers will get used' To Uncle Sam's mandate' That they may not hold readers who Are not paid up to date; But the Government will not as sist At squaring things, somehow, With old subscribers made so mad They never will pay now March was the first month of the Roman year, aud was named from Mars, the god of war. Mars look-' ed like a twin brother to Richard P. Boboon, and he v. as 111 €" regular Roman delegate to the Peace con ference at The Hague. He was supposed to be the father of Rorn nlus, the founder of Rome, but he | not: he was only the young man's godfather. In ancient warfare it i was customary to place a good bronze bust of Mars on the field \ and theu fight for it. The comedy of life will be about what it has been—the men will la bor day and night, and the wives of men will spin. They'll have a club for every day, and never cease to go; they'll learn to talk of many j themes their husbauds do not know; they'll hear a lecturer from Greece I another on Japan, another on the \ Renaisaoce, and several on man;; they'll hire a lot of loug-haiied freaks to make them erudite, they'll work oa papers everv morn, and ECHO, No. 4232, C0ach Horse Register of France ir i —air in ~i IWII— HI IIMM ■■ ■> The Imported French Coach Stallion, f * PL Brown; foaled March 25, 1904. Bred by if WJ| ' . -JM Wk -j.j M. Wartlne, Dei of Calvados. Sired W Amaryllis by Ris 2d dam Solfice .. : by Assuerus. Theblood of this Stallion to to w' "^tMB Horses is Noted for En durance and Good Temper Kl ; Service by Insurance, $35.00; payable H when mare is known to be with foal. I - '|k For Service at. ... fflfe ffiagj CO.'S STABLES - ' Wllfiamston, N. C. MARTIN COUNTY BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION look up things at night; and their husbands will get supper cold and softer ridicule—and the children will gtow up like wolves, while Mama goes to school. The money indiscreetly loaned Will faithfully keep Lent, And a lady teacher will sit on. The pin when it is bent; But when the principal respouds To screams heard through the house, She'll not tell him what happen ed, but Will sav she saw k mouse. Until the 21st, March will be un> der the influence of thezodical sign known as Pisces the Fish Pisces will induce his relative, Stuyvesant Fish, to take the Illinois Central fight into the U S Supreme Court where E H. Harriman will be ditched with two bum lamps, a de railed back-bone, and a swift kick in the caboose. After ttie 21st, March will be under the influence of Aries, the sign of the Head. Under this sign, old heads will come to the front in the presidential race, and Uncle Joe Canuon will come out of last, place and make the President put two more burrs in the spacious bosom of Mr. Taft's pants. Persons born under Pisces drink like a fish and vote wet. They subordinates, like Friday and Loeb They can say no and it is futile to expose them to any more life insurance, for they won't take it. Thev are very cautious, and always take seals near the fire escape. Persons born under Aries always think before speaking, and then never say any-thing. They are good organizers and generally be long to the Auti-Saloon League. They make good lawyers, and generally get the case continued until they qui provocation attorney. The Vernal Equinox will come, And the Irish will parade; |Theboomiug bullfrog will resume His music in the glade. The molt will burrow in the lawn, And the rash duck hunter toot His caller while pneumonia drills A leak hole in his boot. And then the gentle spring will come and the poet will essay, with swelling breast and bliss his bum and Museattended lay; the rooster will announce the dawn, and the hen will scratch the dirt, and everybody will put on a thinner undershirt. The sassafras will brew again to touethe system rank, and the washout will upset the train and throw it down the bank; the gander and the goose will moult, the meadow will be wet ffijf @tttajtrist WILLIAMSTON. N. C„ FRIDAY, MARCH 6 1908 A GIRL'S LETTER. ifitt Kou Hunt, 733 Harris Strut, Apple torn, M'u„ li rilts Something of Interest to All Women. Read What She Says: 4*T WANT tossy m word for Peruna 1 for aystamlo catarrh and trust o than who read this tnay try It and re ceive the same good from It that I did. "I had been ailing tor m long tlma and nothing seamed to do ma any good, although I tried many doctors and many medicines. I bad become so had that there was no pleasure In living. "I was Anally asked by a friend to try Peruna, which I did, with many misgivings. What was my delight, after taking the first bottle, to see a great change for the better and I Kept on improving until completely re* covered. "/ now ftel Ilka a new woman. It baa done wonders for me and 1 gladly recommend It to others."—Rose Hurst. No ailing woman can fall to be inter ested in the above testimonial. Miss Hurst was persuaded by a friend to try Peruna, and she is now perfectly well and feels" like another woman, Buch la her story In brief. and the spring-intoxicated colt will turn a summerset The house will be rleaoed ijp ag-in,- tLe robbins come in drove, and the husband will eat bread and cheese behind the kitchen stove. The young man's heart will beat for love, and the widow in her weeds will find # man and seize him .whete Ivttellu wore the beads. And then sweet April will return, And Tohn D. get in line And pay hisiuotith's iiistalhiMgt on That thirty million fine. ® FREE Iforrote's Puzzle, FREE. To Iktrodt ck. We will give away ten thousand of these Igor rote's Double Cross puzzles, made of Phillipine mahogany. Difficult and fascinating. Write quick and enc'ose four cents in stamps to cover cost of mailing puzzle, that's all Address Dominocards Co., 1807 Chouteau Ave., St. Louis, Mo. WILL RESENT INTERFERENCE North Carolina Will Give a Solar Plexus Blow to the Natioal Liquor Dealer*' Association' (Duplin Journal) Several liquor dealers of the Statemetin Wilmington Monday to perfect a State organization of the liqnor dealer, which, acting in concert with Tbi National Liquor Dealers' Association, will furnish -amoaign literature and speakers to fight State prohibition in the coming election, May 26th Liquor dealers from Salisbury, Wrtiston Rocky Mount jind ®ther towns were present The chief campaign arguments of the liquor dei lers will be, (1) that prohibition Joes not prohibit; and (2) that thi election will not effect present prohibition territory in the State. If prohibition does not prohibit then why should the National Liquor Dealers' Association be con cerned. The fact that they will furnish money, liquor, literature and orators for the campaigu is the best evideuce that prohibition does prohibit and that State prohibition will the more prohibit the sale of liquor in the State. Second. If the great tnajorffT of the people in the State want State prohibition as the electiou will fully demonstrate, why will not every section of the State (whether wet or dry now) be af fected alike by the election and State prohibition prevail. If the Legislature wisely left State pro hibition to a vote or the people re gardless of any political differences, have not the people a right to get tie the question of State prohibi tion by their votes? Aud who shall question their right to do so? Shall a National Liquor Dealers' 'Asso ciation outside the Stata question the right of the yeople of North I Carolina to vote their State fori prohibition and yet argue that pro- 1 hibition does not prohibit? When did NurtbCaroliua give to 1 tl>e National I.iquor Dealers' As right to say whether its should .submit a State prohibition law to its own j people aud yet reserve the riftht to j prohibition territory now satisfac tory to its people? This campaign j will be simply the National Liquor Dealers' Association's campaign. The Wilmington Messeuger, which is fighting State prohibition states that "the State Liquor Dealers' Association which it is understood will become affiliated with The National Association with the pur pose cf fighting against the pre:-e»t j prohibition move inept in North Carolina" practically admits as much aud tlie people of the State toill see to it that The National Liquor Dealer's Association gets a solar plexus Mav 26th, 1908. SIOO.OO paid by Dr. Shoop for any recent case of Grippe or acute Cold that a 25 ceut box of Preventics will not break. How is this for an offer? The DoctoV's supreme con j fidence in these little Candy Cold Cure Tablets—Preventics —is cer tainly complete. It's a SIOO. against 25 ceuts—pretty big odds. And Preveutics, remember, contain no quiniue, no laxative nothing harsh nor sickening. Pneumonia would never appear if early colds were always broken. Safe aud sure for feverish children. 48 Pre ventics 25c. All Dealers. rhe mule Kicked htm sky high," •uys an obituary, "but we have no word HI to wbather be broke In or not."—Atlanta Constitution. The Lucki QniMir Is the one you puv out for a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. They bring vou the health that's more precious than jewels. Try them for headache, biliousness, constipa tion and malaria. If they" disap point vou the price will be cneer fully refunded at All Druggist. An old lady, hearing somebody Bay the mulls were very Irregular, laid, "It WIIB BO In my youug duys; no truatlug any of 'em." Notice To Oir Customers We are pleased to announce that j Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles is not af- I fected hy the National Pure Food j and Drug law as it contains 110 opiates or other harmful dnfgs, and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adults. C. C. Chase, S. R Diggs. Considerats Judges, j Tho Kngllxb Chief Justice Krle while j trying a-ease at Northampton hnd, to j hta sorrow, to direct a* Jury against , some poor people who had been aean i dnlously but legally swindled. The r»- I suit meant their being alwolutely beg 1 gared. on the "fallowing luuiuliir an elderly gentleman on horseback mode his appearance In the alloy wberp the poor people resided. It was the Judge, lie hud come to give them good udvlca and with It u sum of money that re placed them In their old position. It was more timely aid than that ex tended liy another Judge who had wrongly directed a Jury. lie left In his will n sum of money to liquidate the costs of tho man whom ho had thus caused to lose Ills case. No Use To Die "l.liave found out that there is no use to die of lung trouble as long as you can get Dr. King's New Discovery," says Mrs. J, P. White, of Kushhoro, I'a. "I would hot be alive to-day only , for that wonderful medicine, Jtlooseusup a cough quicker than anything else, and cures lung disease even after the case is pronounced hopeless." This most reliable remedy for coughs and colds, lagrippe, asthma, bronchitis and hoarseness, is sold under guarantee at All Druggist. 50c and sl.o') Trial bottle free tm 3 POWDER Absolutely Pure j Tho only baking powdo* mado with Royal Qrapm Oroam of Tartar J No Alum, No Llmo PhosphaU Real Estate Transfers fti February J. W. Ferrell to N. D. Younl 150 acres, $1250. B A Critcher to Primus L'oyd 25 acres, $350. W. T. Mauning to A. R. Dun ning, 12 acres, $35. M. W. Ballard to O. R. L. BUC S. H. Robuck, 25 acres, $81.50 i Allen Williams to Lareina Wj{ liams, 150 acres, sl6. Amanda Yates to William Yal|| et als, 5 acres sl. Robert Williams to Sitboo P Williams, 20 acres, sl. Slyvester Hassell to Henry Rid. dick one-sixth acre, $34, W R. Robertson to Nathan Ro 5 1 ersun, i'/i acres, $ 150. 1 A. S. Roberson to J. H. Wynn 25 acres, $392. Giles Hawkins to Duffie Hioci "Redding Perry land", $75. N. D. Youug to J. W. Ferreß 1 town lot. $550. J C. E. Hardy to J. L. Clarljj town lot SSOO. J F Holliday to J. H. Hollidfcj| 1 tract sl. J. M. Green to Jtio. W. Green, 1 tract sl. W. B. Everett Trustee, to B. 41 Critcher 25 acres, $225.70. N. Van Nortwick ta Q, Powell, 1 mill lot B. A. Critcher Trustee, toGrda York, 119 a-10 acres slslO. I. C. Crawford Sheriff, to A. a Robertson, 25 acres $205. C. H. Baker et als to F. a Gladstone 1 town lot, SSOO D. P. Ilarrell to Luke H.ntf 72 acres $71.50. D. B. Whichard to Willian Mizell, 10 acres SBO. J. R. Capps to J. E. RoberM o 1 25 acres Si 250. Lemuel Glisson to W. A. Edm t son 20 acres S2OO. Andrew Moblev to Jno. A. Meb lev, acres, S6B 'J P Nathan Moore to Alfred Pettf( ifi s'+ acres, Sl7 5.;. ■ ' H. S. Kverett et als to W, J Cherry, 8 2-10 acres $246. W. W. Anjje to Andrew Watt jr 50 acres, $625. j I J K. Ross to H. C. Norman, ft; acres, sioso. J L. Whitfield to Addie E R«ss r lot, $lO. 1. L. B Wvnnjto Martin Couiity Brick & Tile Co , 7 1-5 acres, $7(20 S A E. Brown to N. F. Bromi 150 acres $1,475. Charles Savage to Silvia How ell, 1 lot. $212. E D. Manning.Trustee, to J. A. Manning, 1 lot, $l5O. L- H Hurt to O. Davenport, 2c acres, $125. - , O F Jones to O. Davenport, 2c acres, $125 J, v. Godwin and Halley to Wicou ice Lumber Co., g'/j acres, $1,300. W A Peel to Granville Mo Te 51 acres, $152.25. If you would like to fool Coffee Critic, "knows fine taste and flavor", quietly Hiak4Vbi him a batch of Dr. Coffee" and serve it piping hot. deceived Mrs. Shoop, audi belief deceive auy one. And there is no! a gTain of real Coffee in it. Coffee is made from pdfce toasted nuts, Made in 1 Minute®-no 20 to 30 minutes ousboiling, impounds 25c. J. A. Mizell & Co. ADVERTISING Tour money back.-Judickmaadvwtfa iag U the kind that pays back to jon the money you invest Bpaca in thia aasurea you prompt raturna . . WHOLE NO. 417 Professional Cards. HUGH B. YORK, M. D. I Microscopy Electrotherapy £ Specialties X-Ray Diagnosis J Office: Chaie'* Drug Store. Offick Hours: 8 to 10 a. m.; 7to 9 r. it. Office Phone No. jj Night Phone No. 6j DR- J. A. WHITE. DENTIST Offick —MAlM Srawrr ' Phonr Q i W. K. Warren. j. 3. m..«| w DRS. WARREN & RHODES, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. OFFICB IN Biggs' Drug Stork | Phour No 2q BURROUS A. CRITCHER, Attorney at Law Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, 23. Wiujamston, N. C. P. D. Winston 55. J. Bvulbtt WINSTON & EVERETT > ATTORNEYS-AT-I.AW Wiluamston. N. C. I 'Phone 31 Money to loan. . S. ATWOOD NEWELL J . LAWYER Oflce formerly occupied by J. D. in« Phone No. 77. "Villi amston N C. A. R- DUNNING ATTORNBY-AT-LAW ROBKRSONVILLB, N. C. | J. E. POPE GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT TIRE and Life a Specialty Health, Accident, Boiler, Plate Glass, Fidelity, Bonds, Burglary. Theft, and Larceny Insurance. J. E. POPE, 'Phono 46 1 4 Office: Enterprise OFFICE CONGRATULATE YOURSELF that this Christmas fiuds yon stil! unharmed by fire. But if you are wise you'll not rely on mere good luck for protection. A FIRK INSURANCE POLICY beats good luck all to pieces. That is protection vou can be sure of. Let us write you a policy to-day; you have escaped fire so long that it is possible vour turn is about due You never can tell when fire INCOMING yo u know. K. B. GRAWfORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building all count. UNoroo ft a W» obtain NTS H THAT PAY. JU»erti«» them UturooghJji 4ow| -- mi niiiif mill fn ip t rni tn tincinM . Bend tuodul. pootoor (or FHKI iMrtl on patentability. 10 yt+nf praetioa. M|R- I PASBING RtFIRENCII For frO M(l Ikpk >ll Profitable Patonta wrlto to fiOJ-808 Seventh Strict,! -* «- ... ; •

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