LOCAL ITEMS' All notice* published la this eolajsm, where revenue Uto be derind, will be charged at the rate of 10 cents a line, (coast sis words to a linr) esch issue. Special rayes will be made on long contracts. —Smoke El Coreso, the best sc. cigar on the market. —lf yon want a nice mild smoke, something that you can really en joy, ask for El Coreso. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are small, safe, sure and gentle little pills. Sold by Chase Drug Store, and Biggs Drug Store. —The Ladies Aid Societv of the Baptist Church will be glad to take orders for cakes. L~ave orders with the president, Mrs. Wheeler Martin; For burn or scald apply Cham berlain's S-*lve. It will allav the pain almost instantly and quickly heal the injured parts. For sale » by All Druggists and Dealers in Patent Medicine. , —CONCF^RT—Tomorrow, Sat urday night. By the children from the Oxford Orphan Asylum. Come! others with you. An attractive concert. A ' worthy c mse! ** —Yesterday morning when the special car of A. G. Allen's mins trels was being taken out of the side track the car got away and ran down the hill and into two cars by the peanut factory, running one of them off the end of the track. No special damage was done, how ever. > —Dr. J. D. Biggs returned yes terday f r om Richmond. "Nigger Boy," shipped to Richmond last week to be s-o'd was brought back yesterday, Doctor Bigg* having made a trade aftering shipping him. This black beauty will be in the reces on the 20th of May" —Monday was a great day in Windsor Gov. Glenn addressed the people there on the great ques tion of prohibition, and it is stated that three thousand people heard the address The WilHamston Brass Band went over to play for the occasion, and the members won honors for themselves and town. The Band secured an engagement to go over on the 6th of August and play for the "Old Day" calebration. Tired nerves, with that "no am bition" feeling tbar Is commonly fejt in spring or early summer, can be easily aiul quicklv altered by taking what is known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Res torative. One will absolutely note a changed feeling within 48 hours p.fter beginning to take the Restora tive. ' The bowels get sluggish in the winter-time, the circulation of ten slows up. the K'dneys are in active, and even the Heart in many cases grows decidedly weaker. Dr. Shoop's Restorative is recognized everywhere genuiue tonic to these vital organs. It builds up aud strengthens the worn-out weak ened nerves; it sharpens the fa.ling appetite,, and universally aids di gestion. It always quickly brings renewed strength, life vigor, and ambition. Trv it and be convinced. Sold bv All Dealers. WffWMWWHfWWWW | PERSONAL BRIEFS | Mr. I)Yvid Gurganus attended the speaking last night. Mr. R. 11. Salsbury of Hassells attended the- speaking last night. " ' Rev. J- O. Gnthrie of Raleigh spent several days in town this week. Mr. Fred Roebuck and fatnilv were in town last night to attend the speaking. Mrs. Polk McCraw of Tarboro is visiting her mother Mrs. Mollie Peel on Haughton Street. •U Mrs. C. W. Keith left Thursday evening for Greenville where she has gpne on a visit to friends. _ . Dr. J. H. Saunders and Mr. N. A. Burroughs of Everetts were in town last night to attend the speak ' in S- - Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Robertson, Mr. Adkins and son and Mr. W. A. James-aof- Robersonville were in town last Saturday. Messrs. Wheeler Martin and Theodore Hassell left Tuesday for Greensboro to attend the Re publican Convention. GREAT PROHI BITION MEETING N N The Court House Crowded tb Hear Governor Glenn—Good Musk and Singing The Court House was crowded last night to hear the prohibition speech of Cov. R.li. Glenn. Peo ple were here from all sections of the county. The Governor made a powerful appeal to the voters to stand by the women and children and on t'»e a6th day of • May vote for prohibition. \ \ The meeting last night was opVned with "Carolina" led by the children of the Graded School, this was followed bv prayer by the Rev C. L Read of the Methodist Church, after which a temperance song was sung. Mr. W. C. Manning, Chairman of the Anti- SUoon League Exec utive Committee, in a short bu» appropriate s[.eec'i introduced the Governor. For an hour and a half the Gov ernor held the closest attention of the large audience, aud pleaded with them "to stand by the girls and boys of the 'grand old North State.' Lack of time prevents us from dwelling on the speech, but one thin£is sure, it took the crowd ed house and many votes w *re made by it. The people of this section l>elieye in Robert Broadnax Glenn, and will always remember | him lovingly and charitab'y. When the train arrived l yester day evening the Governor was met at the depot by the Williamston Brass Band, two white floats car rying Williamston's fairest jewels, and hundreds of the citizens of the town and county. A procession was formed and the Governor and his host, Col. W. G. Lamb, in I \ a carriage all trimmed in white were escorted -to the residence of Mr. Lamb. After leaving the residence of Col. Lamb the floats were driven through the town, the young ladies and» little girls singing temper ance songs When the float car rying the larger girls was opposite Mr. John D. Simpson's, one of the standards gave way and all the young ladies except two wert thiown to the street. Miss, Louise Kowden falling first and the of the girls on top of her. She sus tained severe bruises but no bones were broken. Miss Mary Dare Brown was also hurt pretty'badly, but not seriously. The other girls w'ete more fortunate, their clothing being damaged more than their bodies. The young ladies are doing very well this morning and it is hoped that they i*jll scxhu be able to be out again. The plajing of the band at the [depot, in the parade and in the courthouse last "night has beet) highly complimented. ¥ v A great many people imagine they hive heart trouble when the fact is that the whole trouble lies iu the stomach. The pains in the side around the region of the heart are not necessarily heart trouble. We suggest that you start with, the stomach and whenever you feel a depression after eating or when ever your food seems to nauseate take Kodol. It will not be very long until all these "heart pains" will disappear. Take Kodol not. and until you know you are right again. There isn't any doubt about what it will do and you yrill .find the truth of this statement verified after you have used Kodol tor a few weeks. It is sold here by Chase Drug Store and Biggs Drug Store. ■■ ■ —On Stcount of thp services to be held in the Court House Sun day morning tbere will be no ser vices at the Episcopal and Metho dist Churches. Regular services at both churches at night. Man Zan Pile Remedy comes ready to use, in a collapsible tube, with nozzle. One application soothes and heals, re duces jbfl animation and relieves soreness and itching. Price 50c. Sold by Chase's Drug Store 4*- -j-There will be fecial services at the Episcopal Church tonight at 7:45 o'clock. Man Zan Pile Remedy, Price ,yoc is guaranteed. Put up ready to use. One a pplication prompt relief to any form of piles. Soothes and, heals. Sold by Chase's Drag Store. Prohibition Day at Holly Springs Announcement was made that on the afternoon of the 4th Sunday in April there would be held in Hol ly Springs Church a meeting in the interest of prohibition. The 4th Sunday is not the regular day for services at Holly Springs but the house was filled to the full limit of its capacity and some stood about the walls. The atmosphere was charged with enthusiasm, of expectation, of genuine interest. At a tew minutes past three o'clock the choir sang America, 'he congregation joining in, in good earnest. Mr. Charlie Daniels made the opening address showing the blight ing, baneful, retarding effects of tl»e saloon, and setting forth in a splendid way the improved condi tion that prohibition would pro duce. Write it everywhere, by- Edgar Daniel; What License Is, by Mack Jones; Whiskey in its Place, by Kanuie Gurkin; The Drunkard's Wife, l»y Fannie Rob erson; Duet, by Misses Andrews; The Baby, or the Bottle,by Fannie Maud Manning; Get off the Hell- Bound Train, by Will Manning; When the Bars are Gone, by Mr. Ben Hopkins; It is Nothing to Me, by Fannie B. Manning; Paying With Boys, by Lucian Har dison. The above indi cates the interest in this cause felt by the good people of Holly Springs and the effective delivery of these speeche l - showed that the young people have caught the spirit of prohibition enthusiasm and resolu tion To Mrs. J. B Hardison and MrV Ed Daniel is largely du»» the credit for the work done in this cause; though when asked who had assis ted, Mrs. Hardison replied that they all showed great interest in it. At the conclusion of this pro gram Messrs: W. C. Manning, Walter Anderson and W. A Elli son made effective speeches. The pastor then invited any who were opposed to the temperance measure to state his position' and give his reasons. There was no response. All who favored voting out the saloons on May 2fr were asked to stand, and the entire congregation with the exception of £jiraen per haps stood up. Any who favored retaining the saloons were given [opportunity to express it by stand ing. All remained seated. The meeting was large aild en thusiastic. If the rest of the county does as well K»v the prohibition cause as the community about Hol ly Spring will do M&rtin County will be a banner county on the dry list by an overwhelming majority. The World's Best Climate is not entirely free from disease, 011 the high elevations fevers prevail, while on the lower levels „ malaria is encountered to a greater or less extent, according to altitude. To j overcome climate affections lassi tude, malaria, jaundice, biliousness, fever and ague, and general debility the most effective remedy is Elec tric Bitters, the great alterative and blood purifier; the antidote for every form of bodily weakness, nervousness, and insomnia. Sold under guarantee at All Druggists. Price 50c. A. G. Allen's Minstrel. Wednesday night's performance was replete with original jokes, songs dances and situations, por traying negro life 'way down in Dixie in a manner that is seldom surpassed. The work of the com edians was in every detail. The tent was crowded, demonstrat ing that Williamston people have not lost their fascination for min strels. . - Wboopine Coogh "In February our daughter had the whooping cough. Mi. Lihe, of Hartland, recommended Cham berlain's Cough Remedy and said it gave his customers the best of satisfaction. We foundjft as be said, and can recommend jt to any one having children troubled with whooping cough," says Mrs. A. Goss, of Durant, Mich. For sale by All Druggists and Dealers in Patent Medicine. McLAWBORNE MYS -5 TERY SOLVED. • . a*... . • > Was not Murder, but Carefully and Deliberately Punned Suicide. The mystery surrounding the shooting of Elias B. McLawhorne has at last been solved. Mr. J. J. Stroud, one of the contractors working on the City Hall brought the information to Sheriff Crawford and Chief of Police Page this week from Mr. Joe McLawhorne, brother of the deceased. The message sent to the officers was in substance as follows: that 'he ogicers here need not worry any more about the af fair, as lie, (Mr. Joe McLawhorne) was satisfied that it was a case of suicide, having seen the letter writ ten by the deceased the night of the shooting. That the letter was written to Mrs. McLawhorne and told her about the plan and why be was going to shoot himself. This information clears up a dark mystery and removes every suspicion as to the perpetrator of the crime. The officers here have written to Mr. Joe McLawhorne for the letter, but have not vet heard from him. The letter when received will be published, as in justice to the cit izens of 1 lie community it should be. % Several of our citizens have always held to the'suicide theory, but the evidence before the Coro nies J ury Was to the contra#. The family knew at the time of Mr. McL**home's death that it was suicide, and should have said so then, instead of leading the people to believe it was minder and putting the officers to the unneces sary expense they had in trving to find the supposed murderer. No Service Sunday Horning Owing to the closing exercises of the Williamston High School be fore which the Rev. Dr. Caldwell," President of Wilson Atlantic Chris tian College, will preach the an nual sermon Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock May 3 r d, there will be no preaching at the HaptisL Church. C'BO. J. DowßLt., Pastor. When you think of Indigestion think of Kodol. for it is without doubt, the only preparation that completely digests all classes of food And that is what you need when you have indigestion or stom ach trouble—something that will act promptly but thoroughly: some thing that will get right at *he trouble arid do the very work itself for the stomach by ) digesting the fo nl that you eat and that is Kodol. It is pleasant to take. by Chase Drug Store and lii Kg* Drug Store. , Centra' Academy Commencement. The present scholastic year will clo-c 011 the 12th of May with the following program: Saturday evening, May 9th, a reception will be given by the stu dents at the Academy* building. On Sunday morning, May 10th, the Annual Sermon will be preached in the auditorium of the M. E. Church, by Rev. R. C. Craven, of Henderson, N. C. 011 Monday morning, May nth, Dr. W. I. Cranford, Professor of Philosophy at Trinity College, will the Annual Address in the x College auditorium * Monday evening, at S o'clock, there will be a declamation contest in the town ball for a gold medal to lie given to the most successful speaker. » On Tuesday, May rath, there will be held in the open air on the Central Academy campus, ail all day farmers' institute. The Most Common Cause ot Suffering: Rheumatism causes more pain and suffering than any other disease for the reaMjn that it is the most common of all ills, and it is cer tainly gratifying to sufierers to know that Chamberlain's Pain Balm will afford rebel, and make rest and sleep possib e. In many cases the relief from pain, which is at first temporary, has become per manent, while in old people subject to chronic rheumatism, often brought 011 by dampness or changes iu the Wiather. a permanent cure cannot be expected; the relief from pain which this liniment affords is alone worth many" times its cost. 25 and 50 cent siifcs for sale by All Druggists and Dealers in Patent Medicine. Personal Interest 1 ■>' tea ThU Bank ti\ei 1 persoual interest in the advancement and welfare of ita customers. ThU Bank desires to help every one of its patrons to a successful business career. Therefore, this institution takes pleasure in furnishing its friends with all of the conveniences and special privileges of a modern and well appointed bank. ■■■ ' 1 Your Banking Business is Respectfully Solicited. , T- : >s•» We Pay 4 Per Cent. Interest on Time Deposits " "\' The farmers & Merchants Bank Williamston, N. C. Capitol 525.000.00 JOHN D. BIOOS, President FRANK F. PAGAN, Cashier C. D. CARSTARPHEN, Vice-Prest. L. H. HARRISON, A sst. Cashier No Flies On Us For we have Wire Netting Windows and Doors THAT FIT 11 Made by the originator of Hand-Made Wire Doors in Williamston. Measure taken and Doors made Jr.oo up according to weight and style; Windows in proportion. Furnitute Repaired and Upholstered Tables, Desks, Kitcken Dressers, 1 wnd Everything in Wood M *de to O r( l er Workshop in AtWutic Hotel Building Your order will be appreciated S. W. HARRELL Do You Use the Best Flour? "MONITOR" is the best high grade pulverized (lour ever offered to the public. Try a i'j 1-2 lb. bag and be convinced—you will buy, a barrel. J. A. MIZELL & CO. Pioneer Cash Free Delivery Grocery Store Phone No. 42 DEPOSITORS RIGHTLY SMILE at him who refuses to avail himself of the advantages of having a bank account. They know their money is safe from theft, injury or fire, while his is, in dan ger all the time. Bank of Martin County suggests that if you have not yet opened an account it would do no ha-m to do so as an experiment. If you doti't like the freedom from worry such an account will give, you can close it any tune. But you'll like it. We Pay Interest on Time Deposits FI&E INSURANCE DOESN'T SAVE your house from burning; tt does save you from the ruin a fire generally causes Can yoti afford to lose vour house and its contents? Would you be able to rebuild and refurnish another house. We think not. > - -1 BETTER HAVE US JNSt 'RE YOU to-day. Putting it off is neither wise nor safe. You can never tell when a fire will occur. It is just ak likely to break out at your house to-night- as- it- is any where else. K. B. GRAWfORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building A UNIVERSAL INK *T*HR celebrated U. S. Add Proof A Ink, manufactured by tbe Anti- Fraud Ink Company, of Washington, T>, C , is not only permanent but will resist the attack of any known acid that, will not destroy the entire fibre of the paper or other material on which it is written. Characters written with Acid Proof Ink are eternal, and will never deteriorate through ag»„ exposure to weather or mould. * J> It will always remain limpid and never throw down a sludjjv deposit on exposure to air. Neither will it mould in any cli- For thf-se reasons it is very desir able in establishments where many open wells are used. It flows freely and uni formly from the pen and is ideal in foun tain pens. The U. S. Acid-Proof Ink can be frozen into a solid lunp of ice without affecting its strength or writing qualities. L. E, Corey Grocery Co. Distributors WiUiamston, N. C. Phone 41 — Worse Than an Infidel was the verdict pronounced more than eitfl teen centuries ago by a great leader named Paul on the "man who provided not for his own household " He ' was worse than an infidel." Yet life insur ance, the most efficient means of protec tion known to -civilisation, "was not " known to man until a little over 200 years ago. The beneficient effects which have flowed from life insurance directly as well as indirectly, have become part of the richest heritage of humanity and done more to inculcate the virtues of providence than all other causes com bined. It is a form of religion wliich unselfish in that it cares for others, so that from a human side, it is religion it self. 011 the other hand "the infinite volumn of huuian misery, anguish and, despair worse than all the accumilati i horrors of-war, pestilence and famine combined," which have been directly the result of prosperous men who neglect to insure their lives for the benefit of their families is appalling to the proportions. Does your family stand in imminent danger like that? Your wife? Yoii* daughter ? Yes they lo, if you have not provided for tlietn in case of your death. Your weekly cigar bill cut in two will - make a beginning. Consult Mr. John B. Pope. He will put you wise. J. E. POPE, 'Phono 46 Office: Enterprise Office $12.80 to Washington, D. C. and Return via ATLANTIC COAST LINK Account Biennial Session 1 National As sociation of Colonial Dames, Washing ton, I). C., May 6th-9th. Tickets on sale May 3rd, 4UI and sth. Final return limit May 12th, 190 S. Ex tension final limit to May 25th may ; be obtained by deposit of ticket and pay fluent of fee 50 cents to Special Agent, 1419 New York Avenue, N. W. Not earler than May 3rd or later than May 12th. For further information communicate w4th nearest Ticket Agent of write, W. J. CRAM;, -1 T, C. WHITK Pas. iS'af. Mgr. Gen. Pas. Agt, Wilmington, N. C, Prepare for SUMMER ~ Pcreeu Doors and Windows Made to' Order Cheap For Prices, Etc., Write or Call on J. D. JOHNSON* WiUiamston, N. C. Subscribe to the ENTERPRISE