VOL. IX. NO. 49 ROBERSONVILLE NEWS ITEMS School 6pens Monday, Mis® Sauls In Charge of Music Department—DAnce and Picnic —A Stock Law Wanted—People Coming and Ooing. Bv JOHN D. EVERETT Tuesday, Aug. 26, 'OB. Mr. Benj. Griffin left Sunday for Goldsboro. Mr. Simon Everett Raleigh Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Keel were in town Monday. Mr. C. D. Lane, of Dover, was in town last Friday. Mr. Henry Staton, of Bethel, was in town last Thursday. Mr. R. W. Everett was here from Rocky Mount last Friday. Miss Fannie Baizemore. of Tar boro, is visiting Mrs. L. A. Briley. Mr. Van Stephens, of Dnnn, is visitirg friends and relatives here. Miss Effie Rov, of Stokes, is visiting the Misses Mooring this week. Messrs. Harvey Roberson and W. R. Jenkins spent Sunday in Gold £oint. Miss Trip, of Rocky Mount, is the guest of Miss Lena l'arker this week. Miss Minute Whichnrd and Mrl Fred Mayo, were in town last Thursday. Miss Lvdia Briley, of Bethel, visited Mrs. S. W. Outterbridge last week. The appearance of the academy has been very much improved by a coat of paint. Misses Bessie and Myrtle Rob erson are visiting Miss Nina Rob erson this week. Miss Maud Hardison, of Wash ington, spent last Friday with Miss Blanche Roberson. « - Prices of tobacco are much higher, that is, tobacco that has •gome quality in it, J, . _ Miss Novella Bunting, of Bethel, is visiting Misses Vivian and Lydia Roberson th's week. Miss Hardison, of Trantis Creek, visited Misses Blanche and Nina Roberson last weeks Mrs. C. H. Rawls, of Rocky Mount, is here this week visiting friends and relatives. Messrs. R. L. Smith and W. R. Jenkins leave this week for Balti more for new goods. Mrs. C. H. Whichard and chil dren left Sunday with her father for Highlands, N. J. Mrs. J. L. Perkins, of Stokes, visited Mrs. W. E. Roberson and others here last week. Miss Blanche Davenport, of Jamesville, is the guest of Miss Emma Roberson this week. Rev. Mr. Vickers filled his ap pointment at the Methodist church es, here and at Parmele, Sunday. Mr. Eugene Purvis, of Hobgood, is with his brother. R. 1?. Purvis. He will be in school here this fall. Prof. Everett went to Bethel Sunday to fill Rev. Mr. Andrews' appointment at the Baptist church. Mr. L. P. Lane left Monday for Rocky Mount to take a position as baggage master on the Plymouth train. t Mr. W. A. Ross officiated as superintendent of the Baptist Sun dayschool at the-Baptist church -Sunday. Why is there so much sunshine on the countenance of Dr. Ward this week? Mrs. Ward returned Saturday. THD ENTERPRISE Mrs. Broyles, the blind lady, and her little daughter, were here Fri day night. Mrs. Broyles gave a very nice musical at the Town Hall. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wynn and family, are here from Dover, visi ting Mrs. Wiley Rogerson and other relatives. j Misses Lydia Griffin and Pearl B:ll and M/. James Daniel spent ! Monday in the country at Mrs. Airiffin's farm. Miss Nina Robeisot* spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Perkins, near Washington. Miss Willie Roberson is with Mrs Perkins this week. The automobile of Mr. Exum Keel became unmanable here Sun day, and decided to spend a few davs in towo. So the visitors, Messrs. Keel, Rawls and Blount returned by rail. Among those who went to Smith wicks Creek Sunday were: Miss Maude Brown and H. B Roberson, Miss Callie Brown and J. L Rob erson, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Rober son Miss Susie Keel and Mrs. C. A. Roberson. The Graded School will begin its third year next Monday. Par ents should try to get their children in school the first day. It will mean much for the children and the school. Children who have never been to school and cannot read should not enter after the third week. k Miss Katie Blount, of Williams tin, the Misses Redmond, of Tar boro, Miss Pitt, of Old Sparta, and Miss Parish, of Reidsville, .were the guests of Miss Allie G. Little, at Mrs. J. H. Roberson's, last Thursday night. They all attend ed the dance Thursday night and a picnic at Spring Green Friday. Mesdames L. T. Roberson and J. S. Roberson went to Jamesville on account of the death of their brother. M. J. V. Gray. His re remains'were brought here Mon day for interment. Quite a crowd accompanied the retnaips from Jamesville, The Woodmen of the World performed the rites of burial. All lovers of good music here pleased to learn that Miss Sauls will be back to take charge of the music class next week. Last year under her instruction the pupils advanced rapidly. Her in struction was thorough and scien tific. The people of the commun ity are to be congratulated upon the opportunity of giving their children music under so capable and conscientious a teacher. Tbere is no doubt that she will have a large class. The people want a clean town. The sidewalks of a town should not be the tramping ground of hogs, cattle, geese, etc. With such a state of affairs, the sanitary con dition of the tbwn is bound to be bad. It is the consefl&is of opin ion gf the decent people that we need a stock law. It is not that anybody should be harmed, but that the health of all should not be injured. The few people who de mand the right to pasturfe their stock on the streets of the town would soon learn by experience that the pasture does not pay. Stock kept up in a pasture are freer from disease and require less feed. In a civilized country qp - WILLIAMSTON, N. C.. FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1908. man has a right to dump death dealing poisons at his neighbor'* door. Reason and common sen§e would sooif bring most reasonable people to a sense of justice of a stock law for a town. We are all neighbors, and all should be will* iug to make reasonable sacrifices for each other. The best stock raisers of the country wcu*d not thiuk of letting their stock run wild. Then the oly sacrifice is the building of a pasture After that there is a gain. Mr. Van Stephens returned tcf Dunn Thursday. • Lester Roberson returned from Hassell Thursday. Mrs. C. H. Rawls returned to Rockv Mount Thesdav. Mr. Julius Barnhill, of Everetts,, was in town Thursday. Mr. J. H Roberson, Jr., is in Baltimore for new goods. Mrs. C. James is spending this week with relatives in Everetts. Mrs. R. L. Smith and children are visiting in Bethel this week. The writer ?pent Tuesday in Oak City visiting his brother and sister there. Mr. Stuart, with his building crew, was here Thursday repairing the depot. Mrs. R. B. Brown, and brother, Mr. Lilley, went to Washington Tuesday. Mr. Alfred E. Whitmore, the genial editor of THE ENTERPRISE, spent Tuesday in town. - Miss Hilda Crawford, of Wil liamston, is visiting Misses Pearlie and Blanche Robertson this week. Chronic Diirrhoea Rallied Mr. Edward li. Henry, with the United States Express Co., Chicago wntes, "Our General Superinten dent. Mr. Quick, handed me a bot tle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy some time ago to check an attack of the old chronic diarrhoea. I have used it since that time and cured many 011 our trains who have been sick. I atn au old soldier who served with Rutherford B. Haves and William McKinley four years in the 23rd Ohio Regiment, and have ailment except chronic diarrhoea, which this remedy stops at once." For sale by All Druggists and Dealers in Patent Medicine. Best Element of the Golored Race Against Grime EDITOR ENTERPRISE: I read in your past issue, a message con cerning Robert Roberson. His tragedy is by no means commended by us. The time has come that we, the leading element of our race, should make ourselves inter esting in the matters of this kind. Every man, whether he be white or black, should look on one another as a man. Furthermore, he should regard bis word or obli gation. It is laid down in the Constitu tion of North Carolina, "That we hold it to be self-evident that all men are created eqnal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, the enjoyment of the fruits of their own labor and the pursuits of happi ness." ' v This provision is made, no doubt, for none but good people. We are begging our people to consider tharVe have no right to encourage' or to protect crimes; but to expose them and to aid officers to capture criminals, in order that they may be dealt With and punished by law. Perhaps Roberson was aided in his escape, but I venture to say, .that not a colored citizen who ( HOMICIDE NEAR JAMESVILLE Ben Griffin, colored, who had been employed by Mr. Plenny Peel in the log woods, was found dead about three miles from Jamesville Saturday night about midnight. The first persons to see Griffin thought he was drunk and pulled him from the road and him in the jam of the fence A little later others passing and Pee'ng the man, examined him and found that he was dead. The coroner, Dr. Jos H. Saun ders,was summoned Monday and an inquest held, the jury rendering the verdict that Griffin came to his death by a blow on the head by some party unknown, there having been found on his head a bruise, and further examination by the coroner revealing a fracture of the skull and a blood clot on the brain. There is 110 clue as to the perpe trator of the crime, and 110 one seems to know anything about it. —1 A Faithful Friend "I have usel Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy since it wax first introduc ed to the«pub!ic in 1872, and have never found one instance where a Hire was not speedily effected by .its lis*. I have been a commercial traveler for eighteen years, and never start out oii a trip without this, nv faithful friend," savs H. S. Nichols of Oakland, Ind. Ter. When a man has used a remedy for thirty-five years he knows its value and is competent to speak of it. *JFor sale by All Druggist and Dealers in Patent Medicine. John Brvan' Griljin Dead Mr. John Bryan Griffin aged 60 years, died Monday night' at his homt near Smithwick Creek. His illness was of short duration and death was due to a complication of d s ases. lie leaves a wife and e»'CP children. The funeral servicis were conducted Tuesday by the Rev. A. I). Mizell, and the interment was in the family burying ground. Mr. Griffin was a member of the Primitive Baptist Church; a'brother of Mr. Geo. W. GrifTiti. He was a familiar figure around town, com ing here often to sell wood and produce raised 011 k s farm, and the people htre will greatly miss him. The Enterprise extends its sjm patliy to the bereaved family. cares for the welfare of good people was a partaker of that act. By the white citizens being infuriated, is no more than what could be ex pected. There is nothing I have yet heard of Roberson good enough to exempt him from the greatest afflication of punishment fixed by the law of the land. -We, the colored citizens of Oak City township and the county of Martin, N. C., do heartily thank the officers for capturing Robert Roberson and delivering him to the County jail to wait for trial. We do further thank the citizens of Robersonville, and elsewhere, who were once enraged at the act of the dastardly murder, and are no/v willing that the law shall take its course with the said mur derer. We are also in cjeep sympathy with Mrs. Whichard atfd family, whose soul is burdened with the loss of the most trustworthy com panion, and that the chat is now existing among our leading element to give them a liberal contribution to ouf sympathy and ambi tion against crimes. (Signed) A. D. GRHEN. Oak City, N. C., Aug. 26, 'OB. NEWS FROM THE COUNTY Social and Other News as Furnished by Our Regular Correspondents at Everetts, Gold Point, Hassell and Hamilton. GOLD POINT ITEMS Mr. R. H. Weaver was in town Monday. Mr. R. H. Salsbury.of Hassells, was here Saturday. Mrs C. L. Bunting is visiting friends in Tarboro this week. Miss Lucy Powell was the guest of Mr«. W. J. Cherry last Sunday. The revival at the Christian, church will commence next week. Mr. Raleigh Stalls was here Sun day, the guest of his son, Joseph Stalls. Several of our people went to Willianiston hist Tuesday to see the races. We are glad to see Mr B. H. Roberson out again after a few days illness. Mis. Bessie Williams will soon commence the erection of a house on the Willianiston road. Mrs. Maitha Powell spent last Sunday with her father, Mr. J. J. R. Whitfield, near here. Mr. J. B. Coburn happened to an accident last week by cutting lits kne ■ with a hatchet. Mr. Cleve Taylor, who has heen in the employment of the Fuller Music House, of Newbern, is home j for a few days. > Mr. Thomas Powell, from near ' Sans Souci, B rtie county, was here a few days a go visiting rela tives and friends, Mr. D. Purvis, who left here several years ;igo for Arkansas and now living in Tennessee, is visiting relatives in and around lure. Mr. Budd Roebuck has raised , one of the finest tobacco crops in this section, and has sold it out to Messrs. Crute and Young of Rob ersoijyiHe. HAMILTON ITEMS Miss Puller, of Florida, is visi ting the Misses Slide. Mr Jule Purvis was in town en ! route for Nags Head. Mrs. John Martin has been visi ting her son in Weldon. Yalina Perkins and cotisin have returned from Wjlliamston. Miss Ivfße Waldo returned home from Knfield a few days ago. Mrs. Wadkins, of Philadelphia, is visiting Miss Hattie Darden. tyr. Cloman and grand daughter went to Scotland Neck Saturday. Messrs. Sherrod Sslsbury and Will have gone on a trip to buy goods. Mrs. Pitt Jones, who has been visiting in Norfolk returned home' Thursday. HASSELL ITEMS Mr. H. J. Langston, of Wjnter ville, visited here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Salsbury spent several days at Morehead last week. Mr. Jones, the salesman for Miles Shoe Co., of Richmond, was abound Friday. Messrs. Hugh and John M. Sher rod, of Enfield, are at Mrs. W. A. Flemings this week. •' " - V- - Mr. Lee Roberson, of Richmond, who has been spending a few days si.oo a Year in Advance with his people Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Morton and Misses Mildred and Vela Andrews,, of Robersonville. spent Sunday here with Mr. R. H. Sa'sbury. # _ - ---- - Miss Alma Fleming had a very enjoyable house party at her hon e last week. Among the guests were: Misses Lina and Rettie Mayo, of Tarboro, Mary Sherrod, of Enfield, and Annie Fleming, of Greenville, and Messrs. Tom Mitchel, of New Berne, B. C. Mayo, of Tarboro,. Will Ogleman, of Elizabeth City, E. I. Fleming, of Greenville, and I. S. Fleming, of Pactolus. u EVERETT ITEMS Mr. A. D. Wynn spent the day in Williamston Wednesday. Mr. John L. Perkins went to Tarboro Tuesday on business. Mr. Thomas Riddick is spending some time vC'ith his parents here. Mr. J. T. Barnhill went to Rob ersonville Thursday on business. Hon. J. A. Whitley spent the day in Wiiliamston, a few days ago. Mr. Ben Riddick left Tuesday morning to enter school at Buies Creek. Mr. Minor Hunt is spending a few days in town this week with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Coflield '•jynt tbe day in AVilltamstQH Thursday.. Mr. L. H. Bailey spent Saturday night and Sunday in the country with his parents. Mr. Juo. L. Cherry and E. B. Forbes spent Sunday in the coun try near Gold Point. Miss "Maggie Gurganus, ot Bear Grass, is visiting Mrs. J. S. Peel oii Washington street. Friends are glad to know that Mr. Arthur Barnhill, who has been very ill, is improving rapidly. Mr. Nathan Rogerson is about on the sick list from the effects of wading a big branch Wednesday night. Misses Ella and janle Pnrroijghs delightfully entertained their friends Tuesday night in honor of Miss Bulah Best, of Scotland Neck. Those peeseut were: Miss Lucy' Riddick with Mr. J. B. Barnhill, Miss Hattie James with Mr. Bea Riddick, Miss Eu/.elia Riddick with Mr. L'nward Gurganus, Miss Ora Williams -with Mr. C. I). Lane, Miss Lola Forbes with Mr. I)f In stalls, Miss Thessie James with Mr. Earnest Forbes, Miss Ina James with Mr. Linwood Grimes. Games were played until a late hour, when refreshments were served. Everyone reported a de lightful time. Death of Tone Gray _ Mr. Tone Gray, the constable of Jamesville, died Saturday night af ter a short illness, only two or three days, of congestion of the brain. He wa 38 years old, leaves a wife and one child. His remains were interred in the Gray burying ground near •*/ I - 1 __ , * - —l Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup is sold under a positive guarantee to cure constipation, sick headache, stomach trouble, or any form of indigestion. If it fails, the manu facturers refund your money.. What more can any one do. C» CL Chase; S. R. Biggs.,

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