LOCAL ITEMS Atl notice* published la this o»h»mn, when revenue la to be derived, will be charged at th rate of 10 ceat* a line, (count »i* wortU to i line)each l««ue. Special ratea will be made ot long contract#. —Meet me at the Roanoke Warehouse. ; 6 or Q doses'*ooO" will cur any case of Chills and bever. —The merry-go-round thas lefl town to the regret of many of th little folks. —For High Prices see Old Tom He can be fouud at the Roanoke Warehouse. —Old Torn still leads «i the Roanoke Warehouse. He is a hustler ir the business. —Rev. George J. Dowell -will hold the regular services at the jßaptist church Sunday. "J7r. Worthington's Southern Remedy kills pain. Used over 60 years. Price ajcts. Guaranteed by dealers." —Mr. J. t. Price i 9 on the sick list this week, and Mr. I). L. Stubbs is filling his place for him. —The Roanc&e Warehouse has sold more tobacco for more money than any other Warehouse in Mar tin County. De Witt's Little Early Risers, safe, easy, pleasant, sure little liver pills So'd by Chase's Drug Store; Biggs' Drug Store. ■—lt will do you good to carry a load of tobacco to the Roanoke Warehouse and watch Tom Gra ham bid 011 it. —Mr. T. J. Latham is acting Chief "of Police this week in the absence of Chief Page, who is en joying the trip to Nags Head. —lt is rumored that a fortune te'ler is in town this week. This is a good opportunity for the can didates to have their fortunes told. —Do you raise tobacco for money or glory. If for money, sell at the Roanoke Warehouse, where Old Tom will see that you get the very top market price for every load. —Be sure to react the advertise ment of the Lester Piano Company, and try for the SSOO piano. If you should fail on that, you can at least win one of the coupons, so ead the ad and get busy. —The Second Senatoiial District Convention!*! called to meet in Washington, N C Tues day, September Bth. ujoß, at the County Court House at 12 o'clock noon, for the purpose of notnina jjng candidates and such other business as may come before if. —The excursion paity to Nags He td are having a wet time. In fact, the crowd is having more than was bargained for. Still, it is rumored, that one of the party was not satisfied with the prospect for baithing so fell over board. Several of the party rC- Wmied yesterday morning. —The rains of the past week have greatly damaged the crops and roads in this section. 111 fact, the crops aud roads all over the county are badly damaged. The river overflowing its banks and in formation from Weldon indicates a further rise of at least four feet. This will make, one of the largest freshets in the Roanoke for years. 6rinaiitid Son Eyes Cured "For twenty years I suffered from • bad case of granulated sore eyes, Bays Martin Doyd of Henrietta, Xy. "In February, 1903, a gen tleman asked me to try Chamber lain's Salve. I bought one box and used about two-thirds of it and jay eyes have not given me any trouble since.'' This salve Is for ttle by All Druggists and Dealers jn Patent Medicine- Mr. John Edward Pope, one of Williamston's most prosperous and clever insurance agents, made a flying trip to Hobgood Monday morning. John's insurance busi ness is extending over a large terri- Rings Little Liver Pills for bili ■ oUsness, sick-headache. They keep y#n well. 25c. Try them. Sol3 Wjfr Chase's Drag Store."™ | "The Piißo With the Swiit Tone' Some Special Z PIANO and ORGAN * .Bargains >n We frequently trade in Square and Upright pianos, and Organ* »n part payment .©f STIEFF or SHAW ® pianos. Each of (these instruments k thor oughly overhauled and put in good e condition thy our factory woniunen, and then put on sale at extremely low figures—just what we allowed for p. them. We offer you some of these now. e We have a .few SQUARE PIANOS that will do service a long time priced from TEN DOLLARS up. t A few UPRIGHT pianos that are great bargains,, from $ [SO up. e A few ORGANS from TEN DOL LARS up. When we aeill a second- hand piano, it is with the usderstanding that we e will take it badj at cost drice when a you wish a new STIEFF or SHAW piano. Write for particulars. I CHAS.M.STIEFF] L. C. STEELE, Manager 114 Granby St. NORFOLK, VA. Mention this Paper, e Official Piano, Janeitown Exposition c _ • LYNN S CAFE .NORFOLK, VA. 5 Board of Trade Building, near Post Oi£ce. Most popular Restaurant in the city. Quick service aud lair prices. PAVILION CAFE OCEAN VfcW, VA. Famous for its Fresh Fish, right from the Bay. For Sore Feet "I have fouud Bucklen's Arnica Salve to be the proper thing to use for sore feet, as well as for healing burns, sores, cuts, and all manner of abrasions," writes Mr. W. Stone, of East Poland, Maine. It is the proper thing too for piles. Try it! Sold under guarantee at All Dealars. 25c. —You may be the luck\ person to win the beautiful, brand-new SSOO Lester Mahogany Upright Piano. Your chance to win is just as good as the next person's. It does not cost one cent to enter the contest. All you have to do is to count the dots in the cut of the Lester Piano which appears in another part of this paper. Even though \ou don't succeed in win ning the first prize, you will at lea.st.get a beautiful book of songs, wor*s and music complete, absu- 1 lutely free, or better still you may win one of the other prizes amounting to $4,500, which the /Letter Piano Co., 66 Oranby St., Norfolk, Va. is awarding. You had better try at once. Remember it Costs you nothing? The contest is open to everybody. The time is getting short, so act today. .Who knows but ybu may receive the fiist prize, a beautitnl upright piano? See the ad in this pdper for full particulars. Coutest closes Monday. Summer complaints and other serious ailments common in hot weather can be traced to the stom ach nine times out of ten. Keep the stomach iu good order right now by keeping a bottle of Kodol handy in the house all the time, but especially during this month. Take Kodol whenever you feel that you need to take Kodol, Just when you need it: then you will not be troubled with sour stomach. > Belching, gas on the stomach, bloating, dyspepsia and indiges tion. Sold by Chase's Drug Store; Biggs' Drug Store. Notice to Customers 1 V* v* 1 I have moved into my new quar ' ters in the City Hall where I will be pleased to see my friends and ' customers at all times. As hereto j fore, I will try to keep on hand at all times the best that can be had in my line. r Send or 'phone your orders and ' thev will have the best attention. Yours to scve, A. J. ADAMS. | Second and third stalls on right. a While Kennedy's Laxative Cough y Syrup is especially recommended " for children, it i*, of course, just - as good for adults. .Children like to take it because it tastes nearly as good as maple sugar. Its laxa i- tive principle drives the cold from p the system by a gentle, natural yet . copious actiou of the bowels. Sold by Chase's Drug Store; Biggs' Drug Store. —,T' • ■ ■ 1 «• • Tn Yuri li Bid "For ten years I was confined t my bed with disease of my kid neys." writes R. A. Gray, J. P. o: Oakville, 3nd. "It was BO severe that lam Id not move part of th time. I consulted the very besl medical skill available, but couli no relief- untif Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended to me. I) has been a>God send to me." C C. Chase; S. R. Biggs. Off en a Vacation Mr C B. Hassell and Dr. James T?S. Rhodes left Monday afternoon ' on the four-thirty for Rocky Mount ' where they caught the New I York-Jacksonville Limited for ' Washington, remaining there until J four o'clock p. in. Tuesday, taking the "Congressional L,imited"to ! New Yoik. They will spend the night there aud leave the'following morning 011 the ".Ilenrick Hudson up the picturesque Hudson River | to Albany, whence by the "Empire Kxpress" to Niagra Falls. They will be gone some three weeks. Hav Fever and Snuntr lolls Wictims of hay fever will ex perience great benefit by taking Foley's Honey and Tar, as it stops difficult breathing immediately and healt the inflamed air passages, and wen if it should fail to cure yonjt will give instant relief." The genuine is in a yellow pack age. C. C. Chase; S R. Biggs. "For More Than SIHi Years a Standard family Medicine." This is to certify that I have used Dr. Worthington's Cholera and Diarrhoea Medicine ever since Ihe year IKSB and have found it to he the liedt medicine for Diarrhoea, Bloody Flux, Cholera Morbus, or any desease it is recommended for 1 ever saw. I keep it at home all the time. I have never known it to fail where it was taken according to the directions on the bottle. I recommend it to the pub lic, take it nothing else, uud it will surety relieve you. M. T. JOHNSON, Fremont, N. C. ••Price ascts. Guaranteed by all dealera." If you are a sufferer from pilfs, ManZan Pile Remedy will bring relief with the first application. Guaranteed, l'rice 50c. Sold by Chase's Drug Store. Notice. Having this day qualified as adminis trator to the estate of W. G. Leggett, decensed. This is to give notice to all parties holding accounts against this estate that they must be presented with in one year from the date of this notice, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will settle immediately. This August 18, 1908. MACK G. LEGGETT, . 6t Administrator. Divorce Notice. North Carolina V Superior Court Martin County J " fepetf Terni iy S. Augustus Coburu vs. Koxanna Coburn Tne defendant above named will take notice thar an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County to obtain a di vorce, and the saVl defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said County to be held on the 3rd Monday, it being the aist day of September, 1908, at the £ourt House of said County .in Willirfmston, N. C. and answer or demur to the Complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 19th August 1908. J. A. HOBBS, C. S. C. 8-20-4t. • of Martin County. Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of W. C. Warren, deceased, late of Martin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having any claims against said estate of said deceas ed to extend the same to the undersigned within one year from date hereof or this notice will be pleaded in har of their recovery. All persons indebted to said will please make immediate payment. LESTER HOUSE. Administrator of W. C.Warren. This 25th day of August 1908. 6t. Ski Likis Good Tfeiigs Mrs. Chas. E. Smith, of West Franklin, Main& says: "I like | good things and have adopted Dr. King's New L,ife Pills as our family 1 laxative medicine, because they : are good and do their work with out making a fuss about it." These painless purifiers sold at All | Druggists/ 25c. > 5 or G doses "60©" will cun - any case of CHILLS and FRVER. £99*999999999999*99999999^ »j| PERSONAL BRIEFS J J \ A****# ***♦♦##*** ****♦#**#« e MfT Hosea Peel, of Plymouth, e was in tow.l today. Mr. M- O. Blount, of Bethel, y was in town Monday. Hon. H. W. Stubbs left Monday • morning for Norfolk. Miss Ora Carson, ot Bethel, i 6 t visiting Mrs. J. H. Page. s Mr. N. S, Peel is spending the t week at Panacea Springs. v Mr. and Mrs. A S. Coffield, of r I'A'eretts, town yesterday. ' | Mr. Walton Harper, of Wilming- B ton, spent Monday with Mr. Julius 0 Feel, e Mr. T. J. Smith returned yester day from a business trip to Snow I Hill, r I eU Mr. Jack Reed, of Plymouth, i. 1 passed through town Tuesday .; mowing. Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Hodges and MissJJva Wolfe left Sunday morn *! ing for Norfolk. s Messrs. C". H. Baker and D. C. ' Matthews, of Hamilton, were in 1 town this morning. Miss Kuth Whiteliurst, of Bethel, " is visiting her brothtr, Mr. C. D. | Whitehurst, this week. J Mr. J. R. Mobley left Tuesday morning for Charlotte to attend . the Repnblicau State Convention. I J Dr. and Mrs. Biggs returned! . this morning from Nags Head, I , ■ where they left the excursionists. I Mrs. K. B. Crawford, who has , been very ill lor several days past, 11 is very much improved at this time. Miss Nora Fowden came home Tuesday trom Windsor, where she i had been for several weeks nursing, Mr. John Phelps passed through Tuesday morning en route to Char lotte to attend the State Conven j tion. . Mrs. A. R. Gordon, and daugh ter, Mbs Elizabeth, left Monday morning for Kelford to visit Mrs. Gordon's sister. Mrs. Aithur Anderson left Tue sday morning for Rocky Mount to join her sister, Mrs. K»el, for a trip to Ualtimore. Mr. W. S. Overman, who has been visiting Mr. W. B. Watts for several days, left yesterday morn ing for Elizabeth City. Captain T. W. Thomas, the genial carrier on R. F. I) No. i, is back on his route after having been cifl on his vacation. Dr. J. A. White, Willianistcn's clever dentist, returned Sunday from a trip to his home near Hob good and Virginia Btach. • Prof. R. J. Peel left Tuesday morning for Morehead, where he is attending the Superintedents of Schools Convention this week Mr. F. U. Barnes has returned from a trip to Maryland, where he spent a week or more with his wife, who is visiting her people. Capt. Fowden was home several , days this week on the sick list. I The captain has beu having a time with boils, but is getting much better. Mrs. H. H. Powell and son, who - have been visiting Mrs. Powell's parents, Rev. and Mrs. George J. f Dowell, left for their home at • Spears Ferry, V#., Tuesday. r Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Brp»^fileft - Wednesday morning trip to 1 Baltimore and New York.* While * away Mr. Brown will purchase the I fall and winter stock for his firm. "" y Prof. Spright Dowell and family, left Monday for their home in Birmingham, Ala., after spending , some time with Prdf. Dowell's parents, Rev. and Mrs. George J. t Dowell. e ■ " Wood's Liver Medicine in liquid y form for malaria, chills and fever, y regulates the liver, kidneys and i bladder, brings quick relief to bili- II ousness, sick-headache, constipa tion. Pleasant to take. Thesi.oc bottle contains times quantity e of the .soc. size. First dose brings relief. Sold by Chase's Drug Store, . ' 11 Lrimit Your Spending and SAVE the balance. That is a to get a start financially than " I to limit your savings and SPEND the balance. ■ 1 His surprising how quickly you ran create capital when you go about it in the proper way and with determination. j I With capital—reserve fnnds—you are ready for business opportunities which will surely come to you. Remember it is INot Your Saving \ alone that wiltVpiake you independent. Your money must be in a safe place and ruubt work for you. E | The Tanners & Merchants Bank Williamston, N. C. Capital 525.000.00 r j JOHN D. BIGGS, President FRANK F. FAGAN, Cashier ! C. D. CARSTARPHEN, Vice-Prest. L. H. HARRISON, A'sst. Cashier r The little attacks of stomach trouble and stomach disorder will [ undoubtedly, lead to chronic dys . pepsia unless you take something for a sufficient time to strengthen the stomach and give it a chance to get well. It you take Kodol in I ! the beginning'the bad attacks ot I | DyspeDsia will be avoided, but if j you allow these little attacks to unheeded it w ill take Kodol a i longer t me to put youi stomach in 1 good condition again. Get a bot- i tie of Kodol today. Sold by Chase's i I Drug Store; Biggs' Drug Store. Shy man—"Er, are you er—j | ware, Miss Sweete, that this is—| er—leap year?" Miss Sweete —"Yes, but I'm not' j leaping; so vou mav skip, Adieu." i | BUSINESS ITEMS fl Notice* will 1* published under this head at the rate of i cent a word. No notice taken for lew* than 15 ceuts an iss.ie. WANTED—Ior cash all kinds of books, old papers, Coins, Stamps, Relics, Curios and Furniture. Send lists. Rare books Relics, Curios and Furniture. Send lists. Rare Hooks our specialty. I Southern Book Exchange, Raleigh, N. I c - - FOR SALE-The Mill. 5 miles from Williamston, good mill house and lO acres of landt For further par ticulars apply to R S. ROGERSON, 4tp KPDI, Williamston, N. C. FOR RENT One large two-story building, Kitchen attached, large gar den. Apply to BOH, or Mrss MITTIK IIARRKI.}.. tf. $3.25 To Richmond, Va. and Return Via ATLANTIC COAST LINE Tickets on sale. August 31st, final limit September 2nd. Good on all regular trains. This is your c'lance to visit Vir ginia's Capitol, Idlewild, aud the beau tiful parks. Special train will provide through train service to Richmond in connection with regular train No. 58 from Kinston, Nosi. 71 and 58 from Washington and Noe. 60 and 58 from Plymouth and all intermediate stations to Weldon. For further information, communicate with Ticket Agent, or write, W. J. CRAIG, T. C. WHITE, Pass. Traffic Mgr." ""~"Gen' 1 Pass. Agt. E. C. COHEN, Trav. Pass. Agt. WILMINGTON, N. C. A Small Depositor at this bank is treated with the same courtesy and consideration as a large one. Bank of Martin County ' j is conducted for the convenience of tvery business man or woman. If you have hesitated to open an account because '* year affairs are not large, hesitate no 0 longer. Your account will yrobably be p as large aa many others now on the books. s Bank of Martin County Williamston, N.t. ►- f- " t ...few .. •- •iW-'* .4? i GENERAL INSURANCE • I- Fire, Life, Health and Accident J. E. POPE, I 'Phone 46 Office: Enterprise Office After the Accident there is plenty of titne for contemplation I Action 18 useless. One cannot insure against accidents after they occur. If you are now sound bodily, display your mental Soundness by securing at once an Accident Policy with the Preferred Accident Company. You will get the best protection afforded at minimum cost. Prompt, liberal and satisfactory settle ment assured. K. B. GRAWFORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Bank of Robersonville Roberscnville, N. C., at the close of bus iness July 15, 1908. RESOURCES: Loans and discounts $ 51,692.85 Overdrafts 819.26 Banking house $2,539.20; fur niture and fixtures $944.75 3.483.95 Due from bank and bankers 4,649 97 Cash Items / - ' 3,443-°4 Total $ 64,079.04 UABIUTISS : Capital stock $ 15,000.00 Surplus fuid 6,100.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 334.66 Bills payable i 15,000.00 Time certificates of eeposit 5,332-53 Deposits subject to check Ja.540.69 Cashier's checks outstanding 71.16 Total $ 64,079.04 STAT* OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Martin. •s:—l, J. C. Robertson, cashier of the Above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge sod belief. J. C ROBERTSON, Cashier Correct Attest: R. H. Hargrove, J. H. Robert son, Jr., A. 8. Roberson. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, thii 11 day of J«ly, 19C8. a. 1* ROM), Notary Public Tin Your Roofs ' f r I will furnish and put on tin for t 4 cents a square foot. Better s grades in proportion. 5 Those who have roofs to tin will do well to see or write, M. P. SMITH, Robersonville, N. C V- ... : r* ■ V'V ' v