SECTION i. Pages i to 8 VOL. X. NO. 13 SUPERIOR COURT Jucge W. R# Allien Presid ing- -Criminal Docket Small. The December Term of Martin County Superior Court convened Monday morning, with His Honor, - judge W R Allen presiding. The charge to the Grand Juiy was brief and dwelt mainly on the manner of seeking out crime and the law breakers. The Grand Jury was a good one and composed of the fol lowing men: N. A. Getxinger, Foreman, H. H. Moore, Z. V. Pagan, Plenny Peel, M. P. Taylor, J. S. Ayers, H. I). Peel, Whit Davis Henry Slade, A. E. Smith, G W» Keel, G. T. Johnson, H. L. Hardison, Chas. T. Roberson, David Swinson, A. B. Whitfield and J no. T Griffin. The criminal docket was not im portant, but 'was earnestly prose cuted by Solicitor Daniels. The cases were disposed as follows: State vs Eossie Claggon. Called and tailed. State vs Wm. Pieice, c. c. w. Nol pros with leave. State vs Mc. Spruill, a. d. w. Nol pros with leave. State vs H. E. Gardner and R. T. Pareder, affray. Nol pros with leave. State vs Geo. Butler and Nincey Keyes, f.- and a. Judgment sus pended upon payment of cost. State vsj. E. Roger&on, c. c. w. Guilty, judgment suspended upon payment of cost. State vs Richard Eborn, c. c. w. Guilty, judgment suspended." State vs Jeff Au>bon and B Andrews, a. d. \i\ Not guilty. State v kobt. Haislip, a. d. w. Not guilty. State vs Jno. W. Hines, 1. and r. Not guilty. State vs Jeff Ausbon and B. Andrews, injury to property. Guilty, sentenced to county jail 6 , mouths. State vs Jeff Ausbon and Barney Andrews, injury to property Guilty. Judgment suspended. Sta e vs Louuie Gray, a- d. w. Nol pros with leave. State vs W. P. Moore, Jr and Sherman Williams, affray. W. P. Moore guilty, Williams not guilty. State vs Jas. aud Kd. Griffin. Nol pros with leave. State vs Jno. L,ee, f. t. and a. d. w. Nol pros with leave. State-vs Jno. Davis, a. d w. i Nol pros with leave. State vs Mc. Warren, false pre tence. Guilty, judgment suspend ed upon payment of cost. State vs Jno. E. Mizell, a. d. w. Guilty, fined sls and cost. State vs Walter Page, cruelty to animals. Guilty, judgment sus pended upon payment of cost. State vs James Boyd, 1. and r. Guilty, judgment suspended upon payment of cost. * State vs Jas. Boyd, f. and r Guilty. '2 months on Edge toads. „ -combe State vs Will officer. Gu ;i *iorner, resisting ed. -ity, judgment suspend- State vs Geo. Lovet 1. and r. "Not guilty. State vs Richard Daniel, a. d. w. Pleads guilty, judgment suspended upon payment of cost. ' ■ State vs Jno. Tell, a. d. w. Guilty of simple assault, sentenced to jail for 30 days. State vs Irvin Taylor, felony. Not a true hill. State vs Jno. L. Mobley, a. d. w. Guilty, fined sls and cost. State vs W. E. Bunting, a. d. w. Guilty, fined $lO and cost. State vs L. L. Cherry, c. c. w. Pleads guilty, fined $lO and cost. State vs L. L. Cherry, seduction Nol pros. _ . • State vs Tim Williams, abandon ing crop. State appeals to Su preme Court. THE ENTERPRISE WILLIAMSTON, C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1908. State vs Will Horner, 1. and r. Guilty, to mouths on road. State vs Richard Eborn.a.d. w Guilty. 60 days in jail State vs I. L. MoMev, c. c. w. Guilty, judgment suspended upon payment of cost. State vs J. K. Barrow, - 1. and r. not guilty. Slate vs W. L Stalls and J. E Rogerson, affray. Guilty, judg ment suspended upon each defend ant paying one-half the Cost, and the defendant, J. E. Rogerson, be ing put under bond in the sum of SIOO for his appearance at each court for two years. Upon inquiry into the character of J. E. Roger son, Hon. Augustas Whitley stated to the court that when the saloons were closed on Jan. Ist that the de fendent would be better entrenched against violations of the law. That he was an honest aad useful uiau in his neighborhood. Nearly everybody knows De Witt's Little Early Risers are the best pills made. They are small, pleasant, sure Little Liver pills. Sold by Chase's Drug Store, Bigg's Drug Store. Basket Party at Lillev's Hail A very orderly conducted"bas ket party was held at Lilley's Hall Friday, the i ith instant, commenc ing al ;:jo p. oi. The program was opened by Mr. Z. T» Guikin in a very brief talk. With Mr. J. K. Griffin acting as auctioneer the baskets were put up and sold to the highest bidder. 1 After sp few bad been sold, the boys began to realize that there was not a basket for each one and the bid ding was high and rapid. The baskets were outwardly beautiful and inwardly delicious, being filled with everything to please the pal-' ate. After the sale of the baskets, a beautiful cake was raffled off, the young lady receiving the high est number of votes, getting the cake. Miss Crissie Lilley was the fortunate one. Miss Allie Gpffin with a few choice words presented the cake to the winner. The ladies of the community are to be congratulated on the success of the party. The proceeds, amounting to #20.00. will be used in painting 1 Jbe school house. mI » ♦ The Baptist r -OBventlon \ 1 Rev. Geo. J. Dowelf "turned from the Baptist Conven.** o " at Wilson this week and gives a encouraging report of the work done* * in the State for the past year. The convention was not so large in num ber as in former years, but was great in reports of work accomp lished and in enthusiastic support given to every measure' propose'' for the future. The BaptiV doing a splendid work '** are Carolina, numbering ,n North earnest labore- * over 200,000 on miss : -*• The V are strong ] and each year raise *e sums for the spread of the Gospel. The town of Wilson is to be congratulated, that it has had within its such a consecrat ed band. Christmas Cheer for the County . Home. There are ten inmates, five white and five colored, at tbe County Home. Nearly all of them are aged and afflicted, and some have no near relatives tp help them in any way. Bven a small contribu tion of Christmas refreshments will tend to cheer their sad and lonely lives. Let,us do unto them as we would have them, under the same circumstances, do unto us. Any donation of money or fruits, nuts or confections for them, if left with J. L. Hassell & Co.. by 3 p. m. Thursday, December 24th, will be carried to the Home and properly distributed among the inmat& by the keeper, Mr. J l . D. Bowen. SYLVESTER HAJSSELL. ROBERSONVILLE NEWS ITEMS People Coming and Qoing—As Gathered By Our Regular Correspondent. Mi/s Millie Evsre'.t was in town Tuesday. Mr.-L S.Thomas was in town TatsdayT Mr. W. T'. Bradsliaw was in town Sunday, Mr. D. B. Parker is on the sick list this week. Mr. W. L. James sptnt Tuesday in Williamston. • Mr. R. T. Purvis spent Monday in Williamston, Miss Lizzie Roberson went to Bethel Tuesday. Mr. Geo. Turner of Norfolk was in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Purvis were in town Tuesday. Mr. G. M. Roberson is on the sick list this week. Mr. Harvey Roberson spent Mon day in Willivmston. Miss Lizzie Roberson went to Bethel on Tuesday. Mrs. John Daniel of Oak City, was in town-Tuesday. Mr. C. T. Cox of Winterville, was iu town Sunday- Mr. Johnnie Rooks of Hamilton was in town Sunday. Mr. John Fulford of Washington was in town Tuesday. Mi9s Minta Bonner of Oak Grove, spent Sunday in town. Farmers are still bringing lots of peanuts to our market. Mr. B. Bullock of Suffolk, re turned home last* week; Miss Allie G. Little spent several days in town last week. Mr. Frank Bullock of Rocky Mt. was in town Sunday. Miss Alice Smith left Friday for her home in Dillon, S. C. Miss Maggie Salsbury is visiting Mrs. W. 2. Morton this week. Miss Sue Everett spent several days near Gietnville last week. Mr. T. T. Roberson made a fly ing trip to Williamston Monday. | Miss Bettie Roberson was in Hamilton Saturday and Sunday. Me --dames O. L. Robuck and S. E. Robe; 1430 weretown last Fri day. j • M • kiss Mary Lee Little was the guest of Miss Helen Roberson Sum day. Miss Rosa Baker of Hamilton, is visiting Miss Bettie Roberson this -week, v , - Wtlliamston Graded School. . HONOR ROLI.. Week ending Dec. n, 1908. THIRD AND FOURTH GRADES. Corinne Smith, Jim Upton, Car roll Brown, Shelton Woolard, Inez Williams, Louallie Walker, Esther ; Daniels, Gladys Balance, Joe David Thrower, Reynolds Smith, Harrety Thomas, Settle Sam : Moore, Roland Crawford, Robert f Pwa. . , ROSINA DOWELL, , Teacher. I FIFTH GRADE. Clyde Anderson, John Hadley, i Daisy Manning, Ollie Meadows, : Leona Page, Walter Stubbs, Rich ' ard Smithy Louise Upton, Fitzhugh Roberson, Carl Lemmond. SIXTH GRADES Titus Critcher, Ophelia Hoard, : Sampson Hadley, Perley Perry, Eva Peel, Oscar Anderson, Stephen ' Roberson, Irma Woodhouse. MRS. Lamer, Teacher. Bv JOHN D. EVERETT . Mr. \V. F Parker spent several days Iftjutlug near Williamston this week. - Miss Fannie Rollins of Stoker is visiting Mrs. J. K. Ross this week.• Miss Hattie Everett was the guest of Miss Reta Roberson Sun- Suudav. Misses Maree and Eva Perkins of Eve ret tb spent Saturday and Sunday in town with Miss Pearl Roberson. A crowd of young people from here spent Sunday at M!s Lucy Manning's. Mrs W. L. Reddick of Williams ton spent several days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mis. I). F. Roberson. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rawls and little son, Gray, of Rocky Mt. are spending sometime here with Mrs. W. F. Parker. Mrs. J. W. Andrews and chil dren spent Monday and Tuesday iu Williamston. Miss Martha Whitfield spent Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. Winnie Whitfield. Miss Minnie Kdmomhon and Miss Annie Anderson of Willianis ton spent several da) s with Mrs. A. S. Everett last week._ Dr. t'nderwood who has recently located here to practice dcnistry, has completed his office over the drug store and is* now ready for business. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dunning left us thts week to make their home in Williamston. In giving themup, the entire cnnimuni ty feels a positive lo s s. Their influ ence in the civic, social and rt fig eous life of the town was whole some and uplifting. They eariy with them the eflectionatc regards of all who know them, and their prayers for even a greater suocess in the new field of labor. The community suffers a loss in the death of Mrs. T. W. Robertson. She was a good neighbor, a faith ful member of the church, an ef fectionate wife and mother. A husband and five sons are left to miss her loving ministrations. She is also survived by her mother. The tender attachment of daughter fat he? mother sh«? w P ths fact that not a weak pased thajl Mrs. Roberson did not visit th? aged parent, or seild a special mes senger to inquire. The mother, Mrs. Penina Purvis, is prostrated with grief at the death of this de | voted daughter. Colds contracted at this season of the year are quickly relieved with Bees Laxatives Cough Syrup. Its laxative quality rids the system of the cold. Pleasant to take. Best for children for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. Sold by Chase's Drugstore. 1 Bishop Kobt. Strange The rector of the Episcopal Church has arranged to have a ser monr%y Bishop Strange on Monday evenings The Bishop will make his annual visitation to Washing ton on Sunday next, and will come over from there. The public is cordially invited to this service. Pineules for the Kidneys are little golden globules which act directly on the kidneys. A trial Will convince you of quick results for Backache Rheumatism, Lum bago and tired wornout feeling. 30 days' trial £I.OO. They purify the blood. Sold by Chase's Drug Store. '(Contributed) -I'. . The North Carolina Annual Con ferencj of the M. E. Church, South met in its seventy-second session in Trinity Church, Durham, Decem ber. yth, 1 >)oS. Bishop W. Wilron, of Baltimore, the senior bishop, presided. There was the usual attendance of home people and visitors. Hardly an hour of the when the spac ious auditorium was not crowded, many times to overflowing. Taken ns x a whole the reports were good. • All Districtsand near ly all charges paid their full assess ments for Foreign and Domestic Missions. Outside of the flood dis tricts very few charges failed to pay assessments for Missions in fu'l. The opening f-ermon —a most timely and appropriate discourse upon the Methodist interpretation of the doctrine of Regeneration, was preached by Dr. W. H. Moore. Bishop Wilson spoke on Epworlh League work and Dr. Kilgo on education. The addresses of Dr. O C. White, of New York, and Jno. R. Pepper, of Memphis, on the -Laymen's Movement, were striking features of the conference. Other interesting features were the Sunday School address and the or dination of the deacbns and elders. The people of Durham were splendid hosts, for every courtesy was extended to the visitors. Dewitt's Carborized Witch Ha zel Salve has many imitators. There is one original, and the name De Witts is on every box. Best salve tor burns, scratches and hurts. It is especially good fgr piles. Sold by Chase's Drug Store, Bigg's I »rtig Store. Cordial Invitat on. The Columbian Club requests the presence of the dancing young ladies and gen tlemen of Williamstou at a German to be given December twenty-fifth ninet«*n hundred and eights* in the Perkins. Hall Oreenvillle, North Carolina r~ Music by Levins' Full Orchestra; of Raleigh. - £ Letter From P. 0. Department. i The Postmaster, Williamston, N. C. Sir: The Department notes, upon comparing the report of amount of mail handled on routes Nos. 2, 3 and 4 from your office, during the June, 1908, quarter, with the reports for the June and December, 1907, cjuarterSj evidences of a material deerCnse, Itic loss in pa tronage being especially marked in the care of route No. 2. It is hoped that this is not due to any diminution of interest in the service and that the patrons will not relax their efforts to keep the patronage of each of the three ru ial routes at a point fully up to tire requirements, The necessity for liberal support of routes Nos. 2 and 4 was brought to your attention in October, 1906; and you are requested again to bring the matter to the attention of patrons of these routes, and of route No, 3 also; and to renew your efforts to stimulate greater activity in building up the rural that the requirements of! the Department may be met, and any necessity for reducing the fre quency of service obviated. Respectfully, P. V. DeGraw, Fourth Assistant Postmaster Gene ral. Personal experience with a tube of ManZan Pile Remedy will con* vice you it is immediate relief for ' all forms of Piles. Guaranteed 502. I Sold by Chase s*Drug Store, . s[.oo a Year in Advance DELIGHTFUL DANCE »> ' '• 4 Music by Italian Band-- Many Couples Partic ipating. t'nder the management of W. B. Watts the dance at the opera house b on Monday evening, was a most „ enjoyable one. Music was fur nished by Croccia's Orchestra of XVilson. .Tne figures were led by Mr, Harry with Mis* Mar- - ,1 tha Taylor: Other couples were \V. B. Watts and Miss Delhi La nier; Dr. J. S. Rhodes and Miss Kmtna Myers; Dr. A. \V. Dissa way and Miss Clara Hauiptou, of Plymouth; H. I. Coflield of Ever ett, and Miss Allie (1. Little, of Robersonville; A. I) Mizell and Miss Elizabeth Gordon; B. F. God win and Miss Nannie Biggs; Geo. L Whitlev and Miss Kssie Peel; Bruce Whitley and Miss Kva Gaiu or; C. B. Hassell and Miss Anna Crawford; W. H. Gurkin and Miss ' Irene Smith; J. W. Watts, Jr., and Miss Hannah V. Fowden; Mr. Ilarvey Roberson, of Robersouville and Miss Katv Blount; Mr. and Mrs.K. B. Crawford;Theo Hassell and Mrs, Alice Boswell, of Chase City, Va.;Jno. 1,. Hassell and Miss Mary Hai-sell; Mr. and M-s. A. Hassell; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. God v win. Stags. F. l\ Fagau, S. Justus Everett, Lieut. Gov. Winston, Nicholas Mobley, Wheeler Martin, J. P. Simpson and C. W. Bowen, ot Norfolk. Cbaperones: Mesdatnes Fowden, Crawford and Peel. Play at Biggs School house "Out in the Streets" was present ed at Biggs School House on Fri day night last to a large and ap preciative audience. It scored the same phenotninal success as that of the first appearance. The moral of the play is uplifting and will have a good effect upon any audi ence. The management deserve an abundance of praise for i's suc cess.- - . .' A P casing Appointment. The Methodist brethern here are liighTy gratified at„, the return of Kev.C. L. Reid for another con ference year. But ills pleasure is not confined to the Methodists alone for people o(> all classes and sects love and revere the man and want ed him again. In the two years that he lias been with this people, he has ever maintained that high standard of Christian manhood for which his life is noted. The church is to be congratulated. Woods Liver Medicine in liquid form regulates the liver relieves sick headache constipation stomach, kidney disorders and acts as a gentle laxative. For chills fever and malaria Its tonic effects on the system felt with the first dose, The SI.OO bottle contains 2time-» as much as the 50c size. Sold by Chase's Drug Store. Miss Anna Crawford Entertains After the dance on Monday niglit Miss Anna Crawford was hostess to a party of friends and a delightful supper was served in the wee sma' hours. Those enjoying the repast were: Mr. and Mrs. K, B. Craw-, fold, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Crawford* Miss Delia Lanier, W. B. Watts, C. B. Hassell, F. F. Fagan and J, P. Shppson, _ Jones-Andrews Cards are out announcing the marriage of Mr. Samuel Jones to Miss Lottie Andrews, on Wednes day, Dec. 23rd 8 at o'clock, Holly Springs Church, Williams- Towo« .. .| ship. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mrs Lucy Andrews, and the prospective groom, is the sotk of D. J. Jones, all of Williams Town ship. SECTION 1. Pages i io &

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