VOL. X. NO. 14 COUNTY STATEMENT "B" December 2nd, 1907 to December 7tb, ,1908 DISBURSEMENTS (Continued From Last Issue) 537 Sam Purvis witness fees Sept court v . 3 538 J W Taylor " " " v . 3Jo 539 J R Capp " 3 25 540 Victoria Rogers " '« " " 110, 541 Will Bridgers " " " •' 110 j 542 Weldon Booze " " " " 110 543 J J Kord constable " " 7 to, 544 BD Tew witness " " '' 52° 545 D S Powell " " " *' 520 546 R L Whitley " " " " 260 547 B W Foreman " " " V V^Oi 548 Wilson Andrews" " " " 580 549 Maggie Mauniug" " " " 580 550 TE Carson " . " " " 5 551 Ransom Whitley " "• " 510 552 Jno L Taylor " " " " 430 553 Tissie Hill " v 4 70 iSS4 Frank White " " " " 560 555 Louisa Barnhill " «" " "* 510 556 Lawrence Sheppard witness fee Sept court 5 to 557 Leon Jenkins •' " *• " 5 558 Pet Barnhill " " "*• " 4«o 559 Cherry Martin " " " " 580 560 Tom Andrews . " "' " " ...... 490 561 Jesse Barnhill - " " " " 10 562 H H\Pope _ " " " " 350 563 Harvey Roberson " " " " 250 564 Richard Jenkins " " " " 250 565 J K Rcai " " * 250 566 Jos Bullock •« " " 250 567 J H Whitfield " " " 250 568 Geo Ho liday * 250 569 J T Brown " "" " " 2so 57b J S Benjamin * •' 250 571 f T Edtnondson " " " " " ....... 250 572 Ja* E Moore " " " '* 250 573 H B Mooire. "... 250 574 Lucy Staton '• " " '• .. 250 575 R T Purvis * " " " " 250 576 A C Smith " ...... 1 65 - 577' Ananias Hassell • . .. . 510 578 L C James '? " 30 579 W I Keel " " " " 1 30 580 R H Lanier " " " " 150 581 J D Hard)son wituess fees Sept court . > 'o 582 H Moore " 1 5° in w ? Powell " V " . 145 384 fcli Gardner " " " " .. 150 585 RB Gardner " .. 150 586 SHardison " V r " " 1 95 387 Georgia Lilley " " " *' *45 588 Jno H Lilley " ' r 45 589 El leu • •• " 145 590 HE ~ s** Slade 392 Thos Young 2.s 593 Hattie Slade " "" " 2 5 594 Jno L Rodgerson " " " " } 9° 595 Geo P McNaughton lumber for bridge 11 19 590 J D Bowen keepei co home ". 26 65 597 R H Rodgers lbr and rep back swamp bridge... 8 96 598 C M. Hurst painting Conoho and Brown bridge 13 30 599 T W Davenport lbr repairing lour bridgts 43 46 600 W L Johnson " " .; two " 784 601 Drew Cross repairs Browns bridge. 1 2 26 602 J T Brown repairs bridge T 15 63 603 II L Salfbury & Co coffin pauper aud bridge work • , S 55 wjy J J Robstson & lirolbr for bridge • 20 25 606 Fannie S'ade supplies to poor 2 75 607 D D Stalls coffin for pauwr 5 c»o 608 Anderson* Crawford & Co supplies to poor .17 60 609 Carstarphen &Co " " .... ..i ySO 610 J L Hassell 8c Co supplies to poor jail and coal 107 20 611 J L Hassell &Co supplies county h0me....... * 3681 Qi? Baker & Roberson to poor 2o 00 613 W D Corey . " " V 1... 5 00; 61-4 J A Hobbs stationery apd c s c fees 7 45 613 The Enterprise " reg office 206 616 T I Lathan lodging special juries ( 18 00 617 S R Biggs med co home and j^il...: 12 55 618 C W Keith board jepecial jury. 45- 5° 619 Eliza Jones witness ticket 1 10 , 620 W M Peiry 2 days com 5 days bridge 71 621 W A Brown 2 days com 1 76 in 11 05 622 J C Crawford sliff and jail fees 113 *5 623 " " jail locks 15 60 624 J C Crawford sheriff fees 19 80 625 H D Taylor officer grand jury 6 00 626 Bettie Harrell supplies to poor 2 00 627 Slade Rhodes & Co supplies to poor- 12 00 628 W Martin amount of board for Joe Fryar 21 00 629 J H Reddick repairs Leggetts creek * >7 45 630 W C Manning services elk to bd 7 65 631 J D Bowen service keeper co home 27 40 ~ 632 Joshua L Griffin coffin for pauper . 3 00 633 A B Whitfield repairs Huskenaw bridge 13 75 634 B H Roberson bridge lumber . 818 635 Pleny Peel making fill long creek. 23 50 > 636 Staton & Daniel bridge lumber v 317° ' 637 W T Davenport lumber for bridge 60 06 638 Stbron Brown repairs Butlers bridge " \1 50 639 Jno T Brown work on Conoho bridge 1 00 640 GW Wynn repairs Johnson " 1 50 641 RhodenHarrell cutting tree for Brown. 2 50 642 M W Ballard &Co supplies to poor ...' . 50.00 643 Fannie Slade " " 275 644 Mrs Barfield " " 600 645 Slade Rhodes & Co " " n 50 646 Bettie Harrell " " 200 I 647 Anderson Crawford &Co supplies to poor 17 'SO k 648 D S Powell supplies to poor 14 00 649 R W Salsbury A Bro supplies to poor 19 00 1 650 J B Harris & Co supplies to poor 24 00 651 Cowing & Bros " " 10 00 652 Carstarphen &Co " " 950 653 J L Hassell & Co " " 6 30 ■||s 654 Dr W E Warren county Supt health 2000 655 D D Stalls conveying prisoner to jail 2 50 656 H M Burras stationery 18 00 657 Dr J M Whitfield, expert testimony in court 164 30 658 J H Page conveying prisoner from Pitt Co 7 85 (Continued on page 5) - ' * ' ' * " tjlfcr i * ;' . fi \ .»«•* - x - •. ' w - . t ' .- •■ • - . . THE ENTERPRISE WILLIAMSTON. N. C.. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1908. Installation of Officers—W. C. Manning Worshipful Master The annual installation of officers of Skewaikee Lodge, No. 90, took place 011 Tuesday night at the handsome lodge rooms of the Order. Owing to the extremely unpleas ant weather, the number of mem bers who live out of town was! small. The Lodge assembled at the usual hour, and after some de* gree work, the officers were in stalled according to the rites of the Fraternity. The new officers are W. C Manning, Master; A. F. Taylor, Senior Wardeu; F. F. Fag an. Junior Warden. After adjournment, Proprietor Keith of thfe Atlantic Hotel, served supper in the spacious dining hall of the hotel. The menu was an elaborate one, and was elagantly served. Skewarkee Lodge begins the new year finely equipped for work. The membership is large and grows rap idly. Masonnry is firmly planted in the hearts of members of the Craft. Personal experience with a tube of ManZan Pile Remedy will con vice von it is immediate relief for all forms of Piles. Guaranteed 50c. Sold by Chase's Drug Store. Baraaca Class Organized. Last Sunday the following young men met at the Baptist Church and organized a Young Men's Haraca Bible Class; Louis Harrison, C. A. Baker, B. A. Critcher, Nick o1 a s Roberson, Heniy GtirganiH, J. B. Jones, Wheeler Martin, Jr., S P. Everett. Grover Hardison, Louis Bennett, Vernon Godwin, J. J. Stroud, 1> K. Gurganus, W. J. Teel. E. S. Rogers, Roger Critcher, Jr., and Frank Godwin. They elected the following officers: Louis Hairison, Prest., S. I'. Everett, Vice Prest., Grover Godwin, Sec. and Treas., B. A. Critcher, Teacher. The obj-ret in organizing this class i^tostimulate aniUng young men tlie desif** ior true Clnistian knowledge, and to provide means by which this may be done. It is expressed in the motto selected by the class: "Young men for young men." All young men between 16 and 35 years who do not attend any other Sunday School, are cordially invited to join this class. Henry Gurganus, Louis Bennett and D. E. Gurganus, Committee of Hustlers. D«Witt's Carborized Witch Ha zel Salve has many imitators. There Is one original, and the name De- Witts is on every box. Best salve tor burns, scratches aud hurts. It is especially good for piles. Sold by Chase's Drug Store, Bigg's Drug Store. An Elopement Register of Deeds Coffield is tbe most sought for man in the connty these days, for'tis he only that can make happy two loving hearts by a legal cementing thereof. Monday morning, Mr. W. H. Page and Miss Alice Biggs, daughter of Mr. Kason Biggs, of Bear Grass Town ship, concluding that life would be a weary waste unless they forsook all others and clung one to the other, evaded the watchful eyes of the old folks aud sought tbe aid of the State in the person of Register Coffield. The knot was tied and two more souls were launched on the matrimonial sea, —often full of reefs, but may they escape. A pill in time that will save nine is Rings Little Liver Pills. For biliousness, sick headache constipa tion. They do not gripe. Price ■2jc» Sold by Chase's Drug Store. MASONIC BANQUET HcCieese-Peacock (Reported) One of the prettiest inarriages~«f 1 the season was that of Mr. Joseph iMcCleese of Roper, and Miss Clyde j Peacock, at the home of the bride in Jamesvilte, on Wednesday at 7 (o'clock a. m. The home had been 1 beautifully decorated with ever greens and potted plants and made I a pretty setting for the bridal party. The attendants were Mr. R. T. Co burn, of WiUiataston, with Miss Annjie Wallace, and Mr. Jno. W. Williams, of Roper, with Miss Ida Peacock, of Roper. Rev. C. L. Reid, of Williamston, performed the ceremony The bride was attired in a gray travelling suit with hat and gloves to match; the bridesmaids wore blue cloth. All elegant breakfast was served the bridal party, and the home was thrown open to frieuds who came to offer con^ratjulations- Mr. and Mrs. McCleese left ou the A. C.lt. train for the Notth. Thev will be at home at Jamesville after the New Year. Many hand some pieces of cut glass aud silver were presenttd by friends and rela tives. Nearly everybody knows De- Witt's Little Early Risers are the best pills made. They are sma'l, pleasant, sure L'ttle Liver pi I'm. Sq)d by Chase's Drug Store, Bigg's Drug Store. I • , ' ! Salsbury Sherrcd. Mr. aud Mis. William Llewellyn Shercod request the pleasure of your pres ence at the marriage of their daughter Mary Belle Mr. Heibert Lester Saulsbury on Wednesday afternoon, Jantnry the sixth nineteen hundrtd and nine at (our o'cloik St. Martin's Episcopal Church Hamilton, North Carolina At Home Augusta, Georgia. Pineules for the Kidi eys are little golden globules which act directly on the kidneys. A tiial will convipce yon of quijk results Tor BackacTie .Rheumatism, Lum bago and tired wornout ieeling. 30 days' trial sl*.oo They jurify the blood. Sold by Chafe's Drug Store. High Wind at Oak City About 5 o'clock on Tuesday af ternoon, a storm struck the town of Oak City and lifted the roof of the immense brick store of Harrell and Ross. There is no other dam age reported. A 'strong wind struck almost every part of the county. Every case of backache, weak back, bladder inflammation ami rheumatic pains is dangerous if neglected, for such troubles are nearly always due to weak kidneys. Take DeW'itt's Kidney and Blad der Pills. They are antiseptic and soothe pain quickly. Insist upon DeWUt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. Regular size 50c. Sold here by Chase's Drug Store, Bigg's Drug Store. Called Home Bishop Strange, who bad an ap pointment to preach here on Mon day night, was called to Wilming ton, and left Washington on the early train. It was disappointing to a host of friends and admirers here. He will probably make a visitation in April of the coming year. Woods Liver Medicine in liquid form regulates the liver relieves sick headache constipation stomach, kidney disorders aud acts as a gentle laxative. For chills fever and malaria. Its tonic effects ou the system felt with the first dose. The SI.OO bottle contains 2 % times as much as the 50c size. Sold by Chase's Drug Store.^ NEWS ITEMS yi**? People Coming and Going—As Gathered By Our Regular Correspondent. By JOHN D. EVERETT Taylor is visiting friends in town. Mr. Sam Barnhill spent Monday in Kveretts. Miss Vivian Reeves was in town on Monday. Mr. J. C. Smith is on the jiick list this week. Miss Sauls is spending her vaca tion in Norfolk. Mrs. H. H- Pope Monday in Williamston. Mr. Elector Mayo, of Bethel was in town Friday. Mr. C. H. Rawls was in Will iamston Monday. Miss. Fleming is the guest of Miss Sue Everett. Miss Lydie Rober>:on went to Tarboto Saturday. Miss Krider is at heme in Salis bury for the vacation. Miss Klishie Coburn, of Gold Point, is visiting here. Miss Barnhill, of Kveretts, is visit ng in town this week Mr R. A. Bailey made a busi ness trip to Evtretts Monday. Miss Blanche Daniel and brother visited in Hamilton last week. Mr. Joseph Coffield, of New York, is at home for the holidays. Mioses Baker ami Roberson and Nat). a 11 Rol»erson went to Hamil ton. There will be a Christinas tree at the Methodist Church 011 the J.sth. Mr. and Mrs, Dunning art spell ing Christmas with their parents at Anlander. Mi s s Minnie Whiehard, of Iktbel, is with Mrs R. J. Nelson this week. - MIM iss HoHisO I *,'" of Scotland Neck, are visiting near town. Miss Kthel I'tel relumed home Satuiday Irom the Atlantic Christ ian College. Rev. Mr. Howard preached two able termons in the Christian Church Sunday. Cranky Veasclt. Even tlie M-st (leßlgnera never k uow ' how their will turn out wlien completed. They may break nil records for spee«l, or lliey may he so slow ns to he entirely useless— n mere waste of money. Years n«o two mud barges were built at San Francisco, exactly nltke," constructed from one design One of them was quite commonplace, hut tbe other raced every barge in the hay and heat them all, raced every yacht on the Pacific' coast and heat them. She was so fast that yachts were built on her lines, but turned out mere barges for sloth. Nobody could dee how thix craft differed from her crawllnß sisters or from the yachts. In 1851 the America went to Cones, England, and raced for a prize cup. fihe. won that trophy, and then an Eng lishman bought her and improved her hull, stiffening It with knees through out After that she lost every race. A mother w/rheard her little dauch ter expounding the origin of seii lo hei family of dolls. "You* see, children," she said, "Adam was a man alone and was very lonely, ho God put hiiu to sleep, took his brains out and made a nice lady o! him." Teacher (who has caught Tommy fishing on fcuudayj— Do you know the wages of sin? Tommy—ls this a sin? Teacher— It undoubtedly is. Tommy—l don't want wages for this. I'm sntiefie.l to do it for fun lllustrat ed Bits. The human body contains about enough carbon to make 3,000 lead pen ells or to make enough coal to burn nearly two hours. sr.oo a Year in Advance i . a Misses Malotie and Chandler left Saturday to spend vacation it home in Mebane. Mrs. Will Whicbard and child ren are the guest of Mrs. I,ula liverett this week. Mrs Mauiza Manning; and sou, * Willie, were the guests of Klder G. D. Roberson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Staton and Miss Lillie Bunting spent Sunday with Mrs. R. J. Nelson. Mr. J. S. Griffin had the misfor tune to have a runaway on Sunday No damage except to the buggy. Elder O. D. Rooeruou was ca'led home Saturday on account of the seiios illness of his wife. Her con dition is somewhat improved. The many friends of Mr. J. D. Griffin will be glad to learn of the honois coming to him at Penning ton Seminary, New Jersey. He has been elected Business Manager of the "Penningtonian," the school journal. He was also orator for Williams Jennings Bryan at the Seminary We are proud of the sons of Martin County who reflect so much honor on their native home. • , The Graded School cele brated ' "North Carolina Day" with appropriate exercises. The regular N. C. Dav Program was • used, and the numbers were inter speisfd with instrumental music. A large number of frien Is were present and we were glad to wel come then* The scholars and teachers are always glad to see visitors. We desire that our work, and not our words, shall proclaim the merit of the school. We want to make an appeal for the County Schools. livery boy and girl in the comity who can enter the eighth grade is entitled to, at tend one of lilt se schools - either "flt W r Y!fraviis*oll or Robersonville. It is the purpose of the*e schools to give a course of instruction as good as the best tint is given in high schools. If pipils are not prepared to enter the eighth grade, they cau best prepare at one of these schools. Make arrangements to enter Januiry, 4th 1909. The same privilege is extended to all public school teachers in the county. Accident at Jamesvllle Keddick Daniel, a colored labor er at Stalling'* Mill at Jameiville, was painfully hurt 011 Tuesday. One of his bands was terribly lac erated and one of bis ears was cut off. Drs. Warren and Rhodes am putated the hand at the wrist. The wounded man is resting quietly as / possible under the circumstances. Christmas Entertainment The teachers of the Methodist Sunday School arranged an at tractive entertainment for the pu pils 011 Wednesday evening at the church. The interior of the edi fice was decorated in true Christ mas style representing the child's dreams of how things look when Old St. Nick conies down the chim ney. Two beautifully decorated trees stood 011 either side of the old-fashioned fireplace. Every childish heart beat a regular tattoo when lie beheld all these things. An attractive musical program qjade the occasion more enjoyable. The gifts were both usefut and pretty, and carried with them the love of the Church for the children who have beeu faithful during the past year. Every one went home delighted and full of the spirit of the seasou.

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