Mr. Editor: I have been asked by some of those interested in jKiultry, what kind of chickens are the silver laced wyandottes, and why I breed them. First, I will try to explain tlieir color, nature and habits. Thev are classed in the American breed and are rated very high as a general purpose fowl. At the very first they sprang into public favor, aud have continued so until the present time among poultry fanciers. It is said that they caroe originally from a cross between the Dark Braira. Silver sprangled Hamburg and the Dreda, a French fowl. Some en thusiasts say that they have Cochin blood in them, from the fact that their ancestors sometimespr duced single combs and feathered legs The Silver-laced Wyandotte has a silvery white plumage with a regu lar marked black lacing on the breast, and a generous distribution of white and black throughout the entire body. cock has a sil ver white head, rose comb, silver hackle with a black s'ripe down the center of each feather; silvery white back, saddle same as hackle, breast feathers black with large white centers, tail black, wings half black; when the wing i§ folded there should be a well defined band across it—shauks and toes rich*vellow, free from feathering. The hen wwy much resembles the male in excepting the back and wihgs which are whiter in the wale. The lacing should be distinct, and the white renters of each feath er free from black or brown pencil ings. There are eight varieties of the Wyandotte breed, namely: Sil ver-flaced, Golden, White, Buff, Black, Partridge, S lvcr penciled and the Columbian. It is a matter of fancy as to which is the best, as t»e general characteristics are the same l« all the difference in the color of plumage, being the only distinguishing mark. I am a Silver-laced enthusiast, but why, may not be so easily ex plained to the fancier of pther breeds. I have a second choice among the general purpose fowlsto wit; the Barred Plymouth Rock. The Wyandotte breeders make the broad claim that it is the best all around of any fowl in the world. J eerily believe it, and the claim will beat" me out from the stand point of beauty and utility. The annual egg production is larger than from any other medium chick en I know The chicks grow quickly into tToilers,and t resse asily and handsomely for the tab'e They are gentle iu disposition, four teet enclosure being sufficient to keep them confined, still they are hustlers for a living if allowed range. They are good sitters 'bnt not stubborn about it; are good mothers, very caretul and attent ive to thtir little chicks. As layers they are among the best averaging about 14 dozen per year. As win ter layers, they do well under ordi nary circumstances. Their consti tution is hardy, and they can be easily raised. They have one fault, although that is only a small one it is the lack of uniformity in the color ot the eggs. The ideal color is a light tint of brown, and the breeders are doing their "dog-gone dest" to make it uniform. In time it will be firmly established, but the time is not yet. Washiigton Once 6m Up To three doctors; was kept in bed for five weeks. Blood poison from a spider's bite caused large, deep sores to cover his leg. Thedoctors failed, then "Bucklea's Arnica Stive completely cured me," writes John Washington, of Bosqueville, Tex For eczema, boil*, burns aud piles its supreme. 25c at All Drug-! gists. v The Implement Co., RICHMOND. VA. It is very important both for k effective and economical work to procure The best of FARM IMPLEMENTS Our New Descriptive Catalog just issued tells all about the best A time and labor-saTing machinery. 1 1 It ia one of the best and most in teresting Implement Catalogs is sued. Mailed free on request. We are also headquarters for Farm Wagons, Buggies, - Barb Wire, Fencing, V-Crimp and other Roof ing, Gasoline Engines, Saw and Planing Mills. Write for prices and catalogs. The Implement Co.. 1302 Main St, • Richmond, Va. . THIBGKEAT HKMEDV IS RECOMMENDED FOR "uSr# Acute a .°d Chronic Diseases of the Kidney, Liver, Bladder ?V\IT or Urinary Organs'and rJMW Acute, Chronic Rheumatism, wnr Uric acid, lumbago or gout. - PREVENTS BRIGHT'S DISEASE Dissolves and expels Grawl VhJK or Call Stones. It heals and removes irritation, luflamma -1 t/!# - tion, Ulceration or Catarrh of .... the Bladder. The Test Tkit Mis Dothan, Ai.a. LAN, 21. I>r. Kilmer Jfc Co.» Hinghamton, N V. j Gentlemen: —AhoHt one \ear ago two of my children suffered htdly from weak kidneys and diabetes; their urine was verv had and they would hive severe spells of dizzines*, and were all run down in health 1 was just about discouraged. I tried several remedies ami finally a doc tor. but they did not seem to improve. I knew of a frierd who was taking Swamp-Boot for kidney trouble with good results, ami I decided to get some for the children. I noticed there was some improvement ajter they hail I taken two large ltottles, pn 1 continued to give it to them until they had taken a half dozen bottles and were well on the road to recovery. 1 think Swamp-Root has done more for my children than any other medicine I have tried and I recom mend it to one having children who sur fered as mine did. R. W. LINSENBY, City Clerk, Dothan, Ala. ... ■ ■ % A Seorgia Woman • * r C; Scarks, Ga., Jan. ij, 1909. Dr. Kilmer & Co,, Binghamton, N. V. Gentlemen! *-» Jkrtne time ago I was troubled with kidnev trouble; had severe , pains in back and hips. Was treated bv a physician, but wtthtKß ally benefit. I 1 noticed some Swamp-Root advertising; and resolved to give it a trial. After taking four bottles I was completely j cured. Not having suffered any pain at j all since aud can recommend Swamp- Root to anyone suffering from kidney 1 trouble. Sincerely, l MRS. K. V. S'TF.VKNS. Baptist Minister Brinson, Ga., Jan. 20, 1909. Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamtou, N. C. Gentlemen:—Some time ago I suffer- > ed severely with pain in my back ami j hips. Mv back pained me continually j and 1 felt miserable, A friend .recom- j mended Swamp-Root. I obtained and j took the contents of two bottles when I felt relief. My hack has not troubled me j since and I can thoroughly recommend j Swamp-Root to any one suffering from; kidney troubles, as I find it afforded me great relief. Yours verv truly. REV. K. T. DAWSON Results After Using Boston, Ga., Jan. 13, 1909. Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. i Gentlemen :-r- Some time ago 1 wes j troubled with kidney trouble. I thought for some time I was suffering with Dia lietes I had severe pains iu my back and hips. A friend recommende ' Swamp- Root anil 1 decided .0 give't a trial. I obtained a bottle from a druggist and after taking a few doses, felt relieved. I After taking several bottles the pain was entirely gone and I have not suffered the slightest since. I cannot lie to enthui- j astic in my praise of this wonderful med icine and it gives me grert pleasure to j give my testimonial in regards to its merits.,.*_, „ J. H. ROUNTRBR, Former Mayor and Member Legislature. J We have sold Mr. Rountree Swamp- j Root and have also sold it iu a number of cases for kidney trouble ami always with j perfect satisfaction. J. C. Adam a Son. Th' Value of a Remldv is Proven by Its ' Cures f?LK\voot> Ai.a., Dec. 14, 1908 Dr. Kilmer a Co , Binghamton, N. C. Dear Sir:—l have derived such gr*at benefit from the use of >our remedy, j S vamp-Root, that I believe it to lie most important for t l ie public to know its | worth. For the past ten years I have ; been the most miserable of men. Did not know wha|t the trouble was hut had to urinate very frequently both day and j night; was all puffed up generally. Could not sleep more than a couple of hours at j a time, was greatly distressed after eating a meal and was about worn out. .1 had tried nearly everything I could see ad vertised and hear of, without helping me to f uy great extent, until finally in Octo ber last at Ripan, Wis., 1 purchased aone dollar bottle of Swamp-Root and coin ' menced taking it according to directions I ami I followed that with another bottle and experienced such great relief aud 1 livery mail brings many unsolicited testimonial from people all over the MVVx"""' Vj United States and foreign lands, expressing heartfelt gratitude for what Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root has done for them. * Do not let anyone sell you sotre other medicine to take the place of v Swamp-Root —if you do you A-ill he disappointed—insist 011 getting y° a f° r —there is no otlur medicine as good as Dr. Kilmer s Swamp " ROOt. V™ —— —~~— ► IF YOU NEED A MEDICINE YOU SHOULDHAVETHE BEST Swamp-Root is not recommended for everything, bat if you have kidney liver or bladder trouble or obliged to go often during the day and get up many time* during the night, have smarting or irritation in passing or heat disturbance due to kidney trouble, Swamp-Root will be found just the remedy you need. Don't be MUled—For example, when you ask for l)r. Kilmer's Swanip-Root, the Great Kidney-, Liver and Bladder Remedy, don't al'ow any druggist, drug clerk or store keeper to pe-suade yov. into buying something else "hrit* place. Everytiuie he succeeds in selling you a worthless substitute lie makes more profit, but you are humbugged at the expense of your health. NOTE. -dfivery reader of THK ENTHKPRISK WHO has not tried Swamp -Root, the great Kidnev, Liver and Bladder Remedy, may address Dr. Kilmergt Co. Binghamton, N. Y„ and receive a sample l»ottle free by mail. . At all dealers in 50c. and SI.OO sizes. A Sworn Certificate of Purity With Every Bottle—See Inside Wrapper. .. . benefit from same that I purchased five dollars worth at HunUville, Ala., and continued its use and am now taking it, but in smaller doses and twice a day iu place of four times a dav and believe bv the time present supply is used up I will 1* entirely well, I am feeling better now than for teu years pant. Can eat and sleep first class, in fact I am feeling so g Hxl that I cannot resist telling vou about it. You are at liberty to jmblu'h this testimonial t>hculd you wish. Very Respectfully, THOS ••STALLART), V. S.W Retired Box 7, R. R. No. 2, Klkwood, Ala. A NKW ROADS, LA., Jan. 22, 1909. Dr. Kilmer & Co., Brughamton, I ' N. Y. I)e?rS:rs: —I write today to the | public that your Swamp, RIM t cured ) me of kidney ttouble" I was al- 1 most past going; having spa-mo lie 1 -pells with luv kidneys that were breaking down ftiv constitution. ; I The best medical aid wis employed 1 and they pronounced mv trouble as alkali in the kidneys, but were tin- ' ab c tu»do me any permanent good ' I took four of Swamp- I Koot and became a well man. This ] was six years ago and I have had no trace of the trouble. Yours for a suffering man, REV. J. R. TAYLOR, Pastor Baptist Church, New Roads, ' La. Mail Carrier's Eioerlence BLOt'NTVLI.K , TKNN. I have been a rural letter carries . for over five years. Some twy years ago I was wi'.U severe paius til my back. I ut-ed medicine from my family physician for several months without any l>enillt. A friend, Mr. J. I). Nelson, advised me to try Swamp-Root, but I had no faith in it. I continued to grow worse ifnd at last decided to try this remedy and bought of Long Bros, a fifty-cent bottle which gave me ( great Relief. I then bought two one - doUar bottles, which I can truthfully have completely cured me. \ Had it not V cn f° r Swamp-Root, I would have Ybeen comj elled to quit the rural fVe delivery service. I advise all mail carriert who get pains in their back that Swamp ! Root will rure them. ! I was so bad that very often my I wife would have to help me to ! ariss. M. B. HKNDRICKSON, I Rural I.etter Carrier, Route No. 2. A Coitnctor G.V . Jan. 20, ! 1409. Dr. Kilmer & Co , Binghamtou, i N. Y. Gentlemen:—About four years 1 ago I suffered from kidney trouble j and rheumatism in mv hips. The pain across my back became so sev re that I could hardly straight |en up and could not walk without dragging my feet. I would uriuate frequently and would have to rise ! two or three times during the night, causing me to suffer from loss of sleep. And with the pain I was all run down and began to lose flesh. I saw Swamp-Root advertised and j bought one bottle to try it. After 1 taking it I felt better and could i sleep all right at night. Icontinu i ed to take it until I had taken four | large bottles. I was entirely free i from any pain in the back and be-1 gan to gain in weight. I always I recommend Swamp-Root to mv I friends as I think the cure in my ' case remarkable Yours very truly, M. H. HICKSON, Donalsonville,! j Ga. Beneficial In Severe Cises EIJOKKIKLD, TKNN. j j Dr. Kilmer &. Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Gentlemen:—l hardlv know how jto expnsi my appreciation for. i the good ycur Swamp-Root has done me. I had been greatly ' troubled with my kidnevs, and with pain in the back; also with, what the doctors termed imfiam mation of the neck of the bladder. Soitfetimes my back would get in such shape that I was almost lielp- Dr. Kilmer's likeness is on the #u». slile wrapper of every bottle. '■ less. I bad tried several doctors and in dieine to no good effect, and and tin 11 y 1 noticed in some paper where Dr. Kilmer proptsel to send a samide bottle of his kidney med icice, Swamp-Root free by mail. I sent at once aud received prompt ly a - unpie bottle. After taking it I found it did me Rood. I then putcliised two bottles from our merchant, Mr. \V T. Kli/.er. Alter taking the medicine I felt like a new man, each dsv roie five miles to teach sthool. You are at liberty to use this letter, or refer auvone , to 1110, as 1 will always lx» glad to tell tliem what a wonderful remedy this Swamp-Root .is. Mr.- Jam s tvetis. of Saundtrsviile, Tenu , is takiti i it ycltli go"d u'MiUs. Very trnlv yours, 1). A MONGOMKRY. Member of Tennessee L- gislature. Rural Route No. 24. Edgefield, Ter.ii. k| Resnlts It Has Proved UOTHAN, AI.A., lan. 21, 1909. Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. V. Dear Sirs:—Have been j-uffering more or less from kidney trouble for the 1«»t five years and was in duced to try your Swamp-Root. Am happy to say, or give you tes timonial, that it lias cured me. I am a traveling saleman for Me-srs, Colgate & Co., New York, and am alwins traveling 011 the road. Drinking the different waters af fected my kidneys. Yours resj ectfullv, SAMUEL WOLF. A Prominent Mason JACKSON, TKNN. According to my experience, I do not consider thete is anything to equal Swamp-Root fur kidney af fection, relieved me when completely helpless. 'THE las-t time I was traveling in Texas, when my kidneys become affected, and for ten days 1 suffered excruciating, pains, accompanied with severe chills Several years previous, having been relieved of a similar attack, I naturally sought relief as before from Swamp Root. After using four of the large size bottle#, I was.completely restored and went on my way rejoicing and praising Swamp-Root. This .was three years ago and 1 have, had 110 indication of a return of the aflec tion. J. J.r , 33 ' Mason. Folly Satisfied , WAVCROSS, GA., Jan. sth, 1909. Dr. Kilmer ik Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Dear Sirs: —During last October I stifiered from diseased kidneys. I consulted my physician, who I tor me, but his treat ment did not benefit me. After I reading some Swamp-Root litera lure, I decided to give it a tiial. ! Alter taking a few doses, I ielt j somewhat relieved, and after two one dollar bottles had bteu taken, j I had no pain and was completely in red. I have not had the slight-" jest pain in my back or hips since. From my own experience, I can II lieerfuHy recommend Swamp-Root to anv one suffering from kidney , trouble. Yours verv truly. SIMON MARTIN. Mr, Martin conducts a carting and transfer,business. . For All Kinds of Turning Plows, Cotton Plows, Oliver Plows, Reversible Disc Plows, Reversible Disc Harrow, I 4 Tooth Harrow, 5 0 Tooth Harrow, 5 Hoe Cultivator, Coxe's Cot ton Planters, Quano.- Distributors. . . . —SEE F. W. HOYT Williamston, - - North Carolina t , Farmers Wanted. We want to know if there are any farmers who do not agree that to produce the most profitable crops, too much care cannot be given in selecting the kind of fertilizers to use. Q. OberSc Son's Company have been established since 1857 and have a reputation for putting on the market the very highest grade fertilizers manufact ured. Ober's STAQ Guano for Tobacco cannot be excelled, and its analysis is guaranteed. Before you buy your guano we would be glad to talk the matter over with you and quote prices. We sell several different brands, all of which are the very highest class goods. :r = NFS. PEEL & COMPANY Brokers & Manufacturers' Agents , Williamston, North Carolina Woolard's Combined HARROW - CULTIVATOR CARTS AND WAGONS MADE TO ORDER Have Woolard to make your FLUES and You will have the BEST J. L. WOOLARD WILLIAMSTON, N. C. M. I. BROWN & CO. Successors to BROWN & HODGES fancy and Staple Groceries Let Us Supply Your Table Wants Our stock is.complete Free delivery within corporate limits 'Phone us your orders $8.75 To t- ' > Washington, D. C. and Return ' ATLANTIC COAST LINE Account inaugural ceivm&ilies President Klect Tatt. Tickets on sale February March ist, 2nd, and 3rd, . I final limit to reach original Starting point not later than ■ midnight March 10th. * «f \ GREAT MILITARY PARADE For further information, reservations etc., call 011 nearest Ticket Agent or write—• W.J.CRAIG, T.C.WHITE, ( Passenger Traffic Mauager, General Passenger Agent* Wilmingtou, N. C. \ " /t J! ■" ' • ' ; I