VOL. X. NO. 2Q DARDENS ITEMS Mr. E. S. Mizell spent Sunday Miss May Pbelps spent Sunday with Miss Minnie Riddick. Mr. Joe Swain was the guest of Miss Addie Rollins Sunday. Mr. Carroll Fagan made a busi ness trip to Plymouth Mouday. Mr. Stephen Davis, whp has been ill with pneumonia, is convalescing. Messrs. C. C. Fagan and Wm. Gardner spent Tuesday in William ston. Mrs. Mittte Ange who has been vi*4tiflf^relatives bere, has returned home. Mr. and Mis. David Swiosou and Miss Neva spent Sunday in Ply mouth. Mrs. Geo. Tetterton was the gutst of Mrs. Ellen William Mon day afternoon. Mrs. Kllen Waters and Miss Ella Lee Allen were guests of Mrs. Allie Riddick Friday. Mr. John Bond and Miss Lucy Kobbins attended the pie party Thursday night. Mr and Mrs. W. T. Gurkins were guests in the home of Mr. Joe Swinson Sunday. Mr. Vance Fagan who has been in bad health for several months, does not improve. Mr. and Mrs. Hovle Davenport are on the sick list this week. Chills seem to hold on in this vicinity. Mrs. Mittie Fagan and daughter, Miss Bernice, spent Sunday near Plymouth in the home of Mr. War ren Snell. Several of our people anticipate taking a trip to Florida soon. We wish them a nappy time in the land of flowers. Mr. Joe B. Waters, who has been suffering with heart disease, is rap idly growing worse and his death is looked for at any time. Misses Wynne. Rollins, Coburn and Gardner, and the Messrs. Co burn spent Monday at Warren Neck. They reported a fine time. Mrs. Annie Bati-man had a social gathering at her home Monday night. Mrs. Bateman is always a delightful hostess, and the young people enjoy going to her home. Mr. Stanford Jycksou who has been suffering with typhoid fever ever since 'Xmas, is able to sit up for a short time. His sifter, Kath leen, is very ill with fever too, and jit is feaped that it will go through the entire family. Thfc pie party at Roanoke Grove Church Thursday-night was a de cided success. Miss Mattie Fag an won the big cake, which every one wanted. Mrs. Mittie Fagan pre sented the cake and arranged the party for the benefit of a widow lady. Misses Wynne and Rollins, who have been teaching in the school here, left Wednesday for their re spectice honie to the regret of frieh f s. We have had such a con tinue fair ''Wynne" in our midst, but now we are not to have so much as a "Lillie" for Easter. Words Ta Freeze Tie Soul ' Your son has Consumption. His case is hope'ess." These ap pealing words were spoken to Geo. E Blevens, a leading merchant of Springfield, N. C. by two expert doctors—one a lung specialist. Then was shown the wonderful power of Dr. King's New Discov ery. "After three weeks use," writes Mr. Bleveus, "he was as well as ever. I would not take all the money in the world for what it did for my boy " Infallible for Coughs and Colds, its tbe safest, surest core on earth. 50c, and SIOO Guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle THE ENTERPRISE HAMILTON ITEMS Mrs. Bavnor has moved to Tar- Mrs. Joe Pendtr has keen very flick. Mrs. Bryant continues on the sick list. ' * Miss Ella Miller continues to improve. Mr. Gordon Baruhill has been visiting his father. Mr. Robinson of Scotland Neck was in town Sunday. Mrs Slade has been visiting rela tives in Scotland Neck. Mrs. Bovle has been visiting relatives in Philadelphia. Miss Belle Carstarphen returned to Williamston last Monday. Mrs. Sherrod made a pleasant visit to Williamston Tuts Jay. .Mrs. Paul Salsbury is visiting her parents at Scotland Neck. Miss Lizzie Slade returned from Williamston a few days ago. I)r. John D Biggs and wife spent Thutsday with Mw. S. D. Matthews. Mrs. Pearl Ranger returned to Elizabeth Citv after a pleasant visit-to her mother. Pineules are for Backache, and bring quick relief to lumbago, rheu matism, fatigue and all other symp toms of Kidney diseases. They are a tonic to the entire system and build up strength and health. Price 50c and SI.OO. Chase's Drug Store. GOLD POINT ITEMS Mr. Jesse M. Cobum was here to-day. Miss Addie Coburn was here Sunday. Mr. L. E. Cory was here from Williamston last Sunday. Rev. S. W. Summerall filled his appointment here Sunday, yuite a large crowd heard him at all ser vices. Mr. Budd Roebuck was taken to the Washington HospiTaridst week, and there has been no improvement in his condition vet. It begins to look as if the blind tiger business in this section will soon be broken tip, for Constable Stalls is on the watch for any in fringement of the law. Gilf Purvis, colored, was arrested here Sunday by Chief of Police Bullock of Robersonville, on the charge of having sold whiskey to Bobie Robersonville negroes on Sat urday night. Judge Ross bound him over to court, and upon failure to give bond he was sent to jail, f If you expect to get the best and most reliable preparation for Kidnev trouble, inflammation of the bladder, rheumatism, rheumatic pains' weak back and backache you must get DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. They act promptly and are sure. Sold by Bigg's Drug Store. , Prorressive Teachers The Pitt County Teachers' As sociation expect to make the April meeting the best of the year. Dr. John e. Kilgo, President of Trin ity College, will address the meet ing, and Mr. Clarence Poe will be there also. "The great County of Pitt" is moving rapidly along edu cational line* as well as in other things. Her teachers maintain a high standard in every phase of school life. Woods Liver Medicine is a liver regulator which brings quick relief to sick headache,constipation, biliousness and_ other symptoms of liver disorder. " Particularly recom mended for Jaundic, Chills, Fever, Malaria. Tbe SI.OO size contains 2)4 times as much as the 50c size. Sold by Chase's Drug Store WILLIAMSTON, N. C.. FRIDAY, APRIL 9. IQOQ. ROBERSONVILLE NEWS ITEMS People Coming: and Golng--As Gathered By Our ✓ Regular Correspondent. Mr. J. W. Ferrell was here last week. Mrs. Mary Croftou is in town this week. Miss Ora Taylor was in town Monday. Mrs. Aaron Smith was in town Monday. Mrs. Joe Bullock spent Sunday near Bethel. Mr. Lester Edmondson was in town Sunday. Mr. Joe Baruhill went to Ever etts Sunday. Mrs J. E. Ward spent Tuesday in Rocky Mount. Mr.Hight and family have moved here fiom Greenville. Miss Hattie of Everetts was 111 town Saturday. Little Miss Thelma Ross is very ill with pneumonia this week. Mrs. Martin of Bethel was the guest of Miss Krider Saturday. Mesdames J C. and J. L. Robut son went to Bethel Wednesday. Mr. Will Salsbury and sister, Miss Maggie, were here Mondav. ■ Miss Elizabeth C«rr w»s the guest of Mrs. J. E. Ward last week. Sheriff Crawford spent a day with Mr. J. C. Roberson last week. Master George Ross of Gold Point was in town Saturday night Miss Blanch*Jioberson visited in the country Saturday and Suu day. Mrs, Eli Burroughs of Bethel is visiting Mr. David Roberson this week. A Sale Institution The Bank of Robersonville at the annual meeting declared a divi dend of 6 per cent, with net earn ings of 13 and % per cent. The ofliicers for the year are: President, R. H. Hargrove. Vice-President A. S. Kobtrson, Cashier, J. C Robertson, Ass't Cashier, J.. A Mizell, Directors: R. H. Hargrove, A. 8 Roberson, J. 11. Roberson, W. A. -Roberson, W L. Sherrod, F. J. Jeffress, I. C. Crawford, \\ R. A Baily, B. R. Jen kins. J. \V. Ferrell Justus Everett, ]. B. Coffield and J. C. Robertson, I bank is one of the safes*; in the State, and has done much to build up the town and county. Forty-four years ago to day Robert E. Lee surrendered his shat tered army to Gen. Graut. The story of the meeting at Appomattox islcnown to every school hoy :m 1 girl in the nation It is the story of Lee's splendid heroism find Grant's magnanimity. The mem ory of it is treasured in the heart of the Southland. Even in defeat, Lee was the greatest general of modern times. As the years pa-s by, hi;! fame grows brighter, and the greatness ot his life is better ap preciated by those who sought to crush him. Most cough cures and cold cures are constipating, especially those that contain opiates. Kennedy'* Laxative Cough Svrup is free from all opiates and it cures the cold by gentle moving the bowels and at the same time.it soothes irritation of tbe throat and lungs, and in that way stops the cough. It is espec ially recommended for children, as it tastes nearly as good as maple sugar. We sell and recommend it Sold by Biggs' Drug Store. By JOHN D, Lee' Surrender F.VKKETT Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Ross of Gold Point s>ent Saturday with Mr. S R. koss. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roberson and little daughter were out of town Sunday. Miss Maree Pet kins was the guest of Miss Vada Wynn Saturday and Sunday. ! Mis«. Faye Everett spent Sun day in the country with Miss Bes sie Roberson. Mr. David Perkins and family attended the burial of Miss Pet kins In'Pitt County Wednesday. Robersonville High Schoql B 11. te.uu won two games list week; one from the home team, the other from G»M Point. Mr. and Mrs. Leno Rooks and little sou of Roanoke Rapids are spending the week with MrsS M. E Thompson Mr. J W. Perkins has returned from a tour ot Oklahoma, and will move there with his fani.iy some time in the future. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Burnett of Oak City and Mrs. Charlie Junes of C.rindool were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Roberson Sun day. The Odd Fellows held their dis triot meeting here last Thursday. There was a large crowd of repre sentative Odd Fellows present. The citizens of the town gave them a hearty welcome. The police here have been very active arresting violaters of the prohibition law. One uian who resisted arrest had to l>e shot. Sev eral are incarcerated an I others will soon be in the shade. All parties are colored. Sitterson Mitchell The following invitation Ins beer received here: Mrs. Lavinia Mitchell requests the honour of your pres at the marriage of her daughter Gladvs Mr. Simon Carlyle Sitterson oil Wednesday evening, Apr I the t>wenty-fir-t ninety" hundred and nine al seven o'clock First Baptist Church Kinston, North Carolina At Home Kinston, N. C. You who have occasional trouble from indigestion, such as sour stomach, belching of sour risings and weak stomach, should not delay a moment to help the stomach digest the food for all these little ailments, annoying both to yourself and to others, are caused simply by undigested food in the stomach. Kodol for Dyspepsia and Indigestion taken occasionally will soon relieve you of all the simple stomach ailments that you now have, but may be more serious latex Try Kcxlol today and take it on our guarantee We know it will do what we say it will do. It is sold by Biggs'* Drug Store. House Burned Early last Friday morn nig- the house occupied by Mr. John Cherry and family was foutid to be in flames. The inmates moved out as quickly as possible, but were able, with the help of friends, to save only u few articles. There is no certainty as to the origin of the fire. The house was situated along the line of the railroad, not far from the junction with the Plym outh road, and it was thought firs! to have caught from sparks. Mr. Cherry and family were for by friend* and acquaintances, but will have to begin bouse-keeping anew. Book Club The Book Club was entertained by Mesdam.s C. \I. I.huu r and S. "X! >Tevveil al the home" of the latter on Simmon •» Avenue, March 31st. This meeting was a depart ure from the regular order, as the rules jvere suspended and gentle men were present by invitations of each .individual member. The guests were cordially received by the hostesses and u-h --ered itno the drawing room. Th>; program for the aft moon consisted of a contest of trees, which proved very interesting and entertaining and the guessing was entered into with spirit and zest. In drawing for the prize, Mrs Mariotl Cobb won the fir>t And Mr. J P. Simp son the second. The £Ue»ts were ushered into the hall where punch was served by Miss Delia Lmier; thence into the -dining room where a most in viting and enjoyable dinner was served. Everv minute of the three hours was mule pleasant by the hostesses, who have always excell ed in their hospitality. TAX NOTICE 1, J H. Page, Tax Colli "•tor for Hie Town ami tVrwled School of Williainston, N L\ h tve thii> day levied on tile follow ing tracts or parsels of land lying ami lu nik; in Willianwton Township, County .if Martin, State of North Carolina, and a ill sell the same for cash at Public Auc tion in front of the City Hall, in the Town of Williainston, N. C. on Monday, tlie 3rd ilav of May, 1909. for the taxes due and' unpaid for the year 190K, unless the same is paid on or before that date, ; this the first day of April IWO9. Town Lot Ain't. Taxes !'- : 'ey, Pat, t |*3.00 Bailey, Phil I in, . 1 60 Barnes, loU, / 1 \l.oo Beinbridxe, J. 11., t 385 Cherry, Sarah. t 3.00 Clonian*, K C., I 6 20 Daniel, H. B , . I , 2 73 Finch, Wn, 1 2 .74 Pagan, Simon, 1 1.39 Griffin, Rhoden 1 2 in Griffin, Pheobe, 1 2.15 llussell, Wheeler, 1 2.63 Hansel). Naz , 1 2.88 Price, Cartbenia, I 3.24 Red'lick, Henrv, I 1.52 Heddick, L. A.. » I 1.57 Kotxrson, Champ, I . .1 35 Ruffin, Whit, I 0.87 Ruffin, lake 1 5 74' Sluparn, Florence I 1.83 Mines, John, I 3 8> Smith, Kli, 1 385 Statoii, Wilson, 1 J_ 47 wma, (%r'l«V 'i " 11 3.(10: ~ Williams, Kd., 1 3.20 Williams, Joseph, 1 {.36 Williams, P. I>., 1 4.44 Woolard. Kliza, I 1.83 Woolard, West, 1 k.o'2 „ Woolard, Tbad, I 304 Woolard, John, 1 3.94 J. H. PAGE, Tax Collector. TAX NOTICE North Carolina, Martin Cnuntv, I, S. M. Brooks, tax collector for the j town of Partnele, Martin County, North | Carolina, have this day levied upon the 1 following real estate situated and being j in said town and hereinafter described j and I shall, on Monday the 3d. day of May 1909, at 12 o\lyck noon, at the court Ilou.se door in Williainston, Martin County, North Carolina, sell the same to the highest, for cash, for taxes due the town of Partnele for year 1908. I.ots Amount Brown, ME, - 1 fi on Bullock, On, 1 3 27 . Kverett, J W, 1 1 71 Ford, 1 J. 1 5 44 Harper, W W, 1 3 j Jenkins, Wlll, 1 18ft i Jones, Win, 1 229 j Jenkins, Turner, ' 1 3 81 Lawrence, Robt, r 2 00 Norfleet, Jim, 1 1 65 Nelson, W A, x 1 48 Parmele Lumber Co, I 12 15 Rober«on, EJ, / 1 358 Williams, Geo. 1 r 48 This 2d. day of April 1909. - S. M, BROOKS, ->t-9-4t TtHf Collector. Swept Orer Niagara | This terrible calamity olten hap pens because a careless boatman J ignores t4ie river's warnings—grow- I itjg ripples and faster current Nature's warnings are kind. I'll at d 11 pain or ache in the back warns you the kidneys need attention if you would escape fatal maladies Dropsy Diabatesor Bright'sdisease Take Electric Bitters at once and see Backache fly and all your best feelings return. ''After long suffer ing from weak kidneys and lame back, one $i oo bottle wholly cured me," write J. R. Blankensbip, of Belk, Tenn. Only 50c at All Drug gists. s[.oo a Year in Advance i . TAX NOT ICE I. J. C. Crawford, Sheriff of Mar itw€ mtn-v , have t>iii d iy leyied-tth*" l the lolloping tracts or pircels M 1 vnd lyiun and heiiur in ttieCotin'f »f Martin State of No-th C roliua. Ami will s II the same for cash at pu'ilic auction l>etore the court house door in Williamston N C on Monday the 3rd, day of .May 1909. For the taxes due and unpaid for the ye.ir igoS. J. C. Crawford, Sheriff. Martin County, acres lo:s ain't tax- 8 Avers, L F % • 5 65 Wytin, Martha too 2 20 Ausbon, Amey 4 Boston, JllO H1 t 2 484 Boston, Louise 44 2 64 Chesson, Sarah 2 251 1) iniel, Ellen. r2 1 2 Daniel Clark 13 2 4S Gray, Hettie 13 i 5 Griffin, Jordan 50 2 61 Gaskin, Jno 9y 2 i yg Hooptr, Pink, E«t to 2 "ls Jarvis, Amy, Est 1 2 i*t/ Knight, Ki:hard 14 2 jA Leary, Arin-tead 9 l 09 Mo re, Lucv >7'3 i Mu'lin, Stenhen 1 fa%" S5 Kolterson, William 43V 1 453 Rohersnti, Marina r* 2 47 Sinithwick, Temp/ 82 2 res 472 Sykes, William 49 o 55 Smith Jordan 5 161 Wattera, Sarah 12 2 5,0 Walker, J J 2 7 22 Winston, Jordan 1 3 7 1 48 Williams, Chas '4 2 53 Williams Township Jones, Calvin 60 6 8r I.ynch, Jno T iV Co 30 jo 28 30 Brown, Elr/a 28 211 Grav, W A. 35 4 15 Garrett, W. 11 23 * 280 Green, W W 56 3 00 Knight, Elbert 10 * 1 (>2 Lanier, Ausjus'qs 144 8 63 Lee, Kdward 28 5 49 Moore, Sarah 10 , 1 fro Moore, Laura 5 1 39 Reddick, Henry 38 4 68 Smith, Richard 5 3 70 Smith wick, Samuel wo 1 63 Grithns Township Berry Lesley C 750 4 9c Bear Grass Township Peel, J W 11 5 .'s Williauiston Township Tucker, Kliza 1 3 70 Wynn J Rob. 1 1 42 Brown, Reuben 36 4 52 Finch, Wm. 1 556 Hasseil, Whe ler '{ 3 43 Daniel 1 3 Bt> iaid&bU Lizzie 2 » Williams, Kd 1 4 55 Cross Roads Township Ctillifer, C E t 6 38 Cutaway, George 43 4 80 Chance, Henry 2 ' 2 05 Clark, J 11 19 389 Everett, J F 6 3 85 Everett, Harry S2 * 4 89 Taylor, Ashley 24 2 50 Rqbersonville Township Jones, S M 1 1 75 [Surp»ll, G M 130 4 3 a AC L RRCu 1 for 'O7 'OB 370 Andrews, Warren 160 4 57 Draper, John 3 4 Dancy, R I) 16 2 2i» ( Dupree, J T 1 1 45. Forrest, Cena 25 2 50 Forrest, Floyd 2 • 334 llynnn, Djrsey 1 1 4^ Howell, Roy 25 4 00 Hinton, Dock 10 2 80 Jackson, J C" 1 1 4.S Long, Robert 1 1 97 Mauing, Nelson 146 5 50 Rolax, Naiicy A So 4 Teel, Haywood 34 5 86 Turner, Robert 1 1 9° l'oplar IVnt Township Bell, Henry 5 65- Bennett, Alfred Jr X 39^ Bennett, C II 3 6 19 Dancy, John! 1 3 so' Dixon, Re libit 1 10 • 2 Dickens, Collins 34 Staton, Nathan 1 2 05 Hamilton Township Hitch, Frank 1 07 o.S, 1 jO ' Goose Nest Township — Charles i 07 oS 298 Bland, Tliad KY 3 7>" Brown, Eli 5 1 90' Cross, J110 I f When you take Kodol, the food yoti have eattjn will be digested naturally, regularly and promptly, and in this way Kodol gives the stomach a chance to regain its lost strength and heal'h, and after a little while you need " not take Kodol longer, but take it whiie you do need it and if it fails to benefit you yonr money will be refunded to vou. It is sold by Biggs' Drug Storey