VOL. X. NO. 30 NORTH CAROLINA PEANUT CULTURE The "Goober" One of the East's Principal Crops of Big Commercial Value Seven million bushels of peanuts are consumed annually by the peo ple in the cities of America, and the largest profit from the crop goes to the farmers of North Carolina, this State out-ranking all others in pea uut acreage and production. The palatableness of the peanut has caused its spread, and it has high commercial value as a luxury and 1 as a food. Originally the food value of the "goober" was known chiefly I to the slave dealer, before the Civil j War, but today it is celebrated not only by the circus crowd and thea-! tre gallery complement, but uni-, varsally is a favorite nut. Its uses, are multitudinous, and the culture | of this crop brings handsome re turns to the grower. The March bulletin of the De-; partmentof Agriculture, issued this 1 month, is on "Peanut Culture,"! and was prepared by B. W. Kilgore State Chemist, and T K. Browne, | of the department. The following j excerpts are some of its principal features: The is a native of Brazil,, although authorities have endeavor ed to trace its origin to the Eastern Hemisphere. It was known to! planters of the old country at an early date, having been used as a staple food on board the slave ships in the trade with America. It was introduced into North America soon after colonization but it was not until about the close of the War between the Stat.es that it began to spread throughout the South and become of importance as a commer cial crop. It was carried to various parts of the country by the soldiers traveling throughout the peanut sections of North Carolina and Virginia. They found how good it was to eat and took some home in their pockets and planted on . their own farms. From this the cultivation of peanuts began to spread, until today it is grown in nearly all of the Southern States and several of the Western States. North Carolina and Virginia are the two largest peanut-growing States, these two States in 1899 pro ducing 7,1 73,786 bushels or 60 per cent of the entire peanut crop of that year. North Carolina in 1889 there were planted 17,776 acres in peanuts, the production in bushels being 421,138 and in 1899 there were planted 95,856 acres, with a production of 3.460 439 bushels—an average of 36.1 bushels per acre as against 23.2 bushels for the entire United States, the value of the North Carolina crop being estimated at $1,852 no. In the decade of 1890 to 1900 the largest gain in area and production of any State in the Union was in North Carolina, where the area cul tivated increased 439 5 per cent ahd the production increased 721.7 per cent. The acreage for North Caro lina in 1899 was 18.6 per cent of the total acreage and its production 28.9 per cent of the tnti're United States. There has been a marked increase in acreage and production since the figures referred to above were collected. There are several varieties of pea nuts however, those of most importance to the farmers"©! North Carolina and Virginia are the Virginia and Running varieties, the North Carolina Bunch and Runflfng (much the same as the Virginia), the Spanish and the Wil mington or North Carolina. Some of these varieties are more adapted to certain sections than to Others. For instance, in Brunswick and New Hanover counties the Wil- THE ENTERPRISE WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, APRIL 16, igoq. * mingtou pea is grown to the exclu sion ot all others. Along the Roa noke river ihe Spanish is growu more than anv other. The latter is the best to grow for hogs and stock, for the reason that it will i grow, on any soil that the.cowpea will, and without the use of lime and land plaster. The large varie ties are the best sellers, as the bulk of the American crop is sold by vendors on the streets, and the large peas are prettier and fill up faster than the small. —News & Observer. Roberson to Hang The Supreme Court has affirmed ! the verdict in the Superior Court ; in the case of the negro, Roberson, who slew Chas. Whichard last year .at Robersonville. Gov. Kitchen ! will now appoint a day for his ex ecution. It Would be a good thing 1 for the county if the same was de cayed until the installation of the j electric chair. Tax List Takers The Board of County Commis ! sioners appointed the following as I tax list takers in the several town ships for the year 1909: Jamesviile, E. Glasgow. Williams, J. H. Riddick. Griffins, A. J.-Manning Bear Grass, Rogerson Williamston, B. F. Godwin. Cross Roads, Jule Barnhill. Robersonville, E. James. Poplar Point, J. R. Ballard. Hamilton, J. T. Waldo. Goose Nest, J. C. Ross. Do it Now If you have a flower to give— give it today. Oue throb of glad ness is worth more to the living heart than a wealth of costly bloom laid, however tenderly above the dead oue. * If you have a kindly visit to make, make it today, lest another step in and lay his quiet hand upon the longing heart, and still forever its fret and pain and power of glad response. In the city of the dead, in the silence of the grave, hearts are never lonely any more. They have no heed nor need.—H*. You who have occasional trouble from indigestion, such as sour stomach, belching of gas, sour risings and weak stomach, should not delay a moment to help the stomach digest the food for all these little ailments, annoying both to yourself and to others, are caused simply by undigested food in the stomach. Kodol for Dyspepsia and Indigestion taken occasionally will sOon relieve you of all the simple stomach ailments that you now have, but may he more serious later. Try Kodol today and take it on our guarantee We know it will do what we say it will do. It is sold by Biggs' Drug Store. Small Cyclone Wednesday morning about 9 o : clock a severe cyclone struck through Griffins Township, strik ing the ne«' residence of Cornelius Lilley, who w'kar with his brother Thos. Lilley was in the piazza of the house when - the storm struck, which completely demolished it, cairying many of the heavy tim bers fifty yards >away. Mr. Tom Lilley was caught under the falling mass and badly hurt perhaps fataly. He could not he rescued until the timbers of the demolished building were cut and removed.* t Change in Schedule The Atlantic Coast Line has made a change in the midday pas senger train by which it will be one hour and forty-four minutes later, 1 arriving, at 1:14 instead of 11:30 as before leaving Norfolk at6:3o a. m. can reach Williamston at 1:14 p. m. The schedule of the ; train going North remains the same!. 1 * ROBERSONVILLE. NEWS ITEMS • fi • 9 ■ People Coming and Going--As Gathered By Our Regular Correspondent. Bv JOHN D. EVERETT Mrs. R. J. Nelson went to Bethel Thursday. Mrs. Jesse Coburn went to Tar boro Friday. Mr. John Gurganus of Stokes was in town Friday. Robert Salstury, Jr., of Hassell was here Sunday. Messrs. Claud and Charlie Roebuck were here Sundays Mr. W. D. Jordan of Hassell spent Sundav here. l Mr. Pitt Roberson of Gold Point 1 was in town Sunday. Miss Varitia Ross spent Saturday and Sunday at Stokes. Mr. Geo. Daniel of' Oak City spent Wednesday here. Miss Irene McNaband Miss Host went to Bethel Sunday. The Shooflv conies at i o'clock now instead of 11 a. M. Mr. C. H. Fleming ot Hassell was in town Wednesday. t Mrs. Church Barnhill of Everetts was in town Wednesday. Mr. A. S. Roberson and family visited at Hassell Sunday. Misses Dora Johnson and Kftie Price were in town Friday.' Miss Lucy Manning spent Sat urday and Sunday in town. Mrs Martha Gurganus is spend ing this week in Pitt Cdunty. Mr. W. G. Lamb of Williamston stopped over here Wednesday. It is reported that five brick stores will soon be erected here. Mesdauies J. C. and J. L. Rober son went to Bethel Wednesday. Mr. T. L. Moore and daughter of Oak City were here Wednesday. Mr. W. L. James spent Friday uight with his brother at Everetts. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Everett and children spent Wednesday in town. Messrs. Walter-Taylor and W r ill Grimes of bethel were here Mon day. Jell Ausbsbu and Bonnie An drews liavfc returned to Roberson ville. Miss Maud Peel is visiting hex sister, Ethel, at the A. C. College, Wilson. Mr. Lester Edtnondson and Jot- Price of Gold Point were in town Sunday. Misses Susie Ross' and Eva Thomas visited the Misses Mooring Sunday. Colored Man Drowned Tuesday morning while Jordan and Will Williams were coming down the river with a canoe filled Wit lb fish, the high wind blowing upset the boat and Will Williams was drowned. Both men could swim, ! hut for some unknown reason, the unfortunate man called for help but before the other reached him la went down. The family of the | drowned man live in town and are' well thought of among their race House Damaged The kitchen of W. A. Jenkiu-, who lives near Parmele, caught on fire late on Wednesday of last week, and but for the heroic work of the neighbors every building on the place would have been consumed. A .very strong wind was blowing and it took hard work to stop the spread of the flames. Mr. Jenk ins feels very grateful to each one who responded to his cries for help, ' and will ever remember their efforts. * Rev. E. C« Andrews filled his ap pointtueut at the baptist Church Sunday. Mrs. A R., Dunning of William ston is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. t. Smith. Elder G. D Robeson went to Fannville Saturday to fill his ap ♦ - * poiatment. Mi-s Myrtle Brown spent Satur day and Sunday with her sister neat Bethel. U. , | v Mis. I). F. Roberson is visiting her daughter, Mis. Ed. Purvis of Has-ell this week. Mr J 1,. Robertson and family sp'-nt Sunday with Mrs. Nature James near Grindool. Mr. 1) F. Roberson is spending a few days with his daughter, Mrs. Ed. l'uryis at Hassell. Missis Emma Robertson and •Lillian Smith were the guests of Miss Mare© Robertson Sunday. Mi-s Florence Johnson of Oak Citv is yisitiug her brothers, W. L. and C. T. Johnson this week. M( > lames W. T. Grimes and J. P. Boyle and Miss llattie Darden of Hamilton were in town last week. Mr L. T. Roberson was home frotn Charleston, S. C., Saturday. He t( ok his sou Henry back with him. \ \lessrs. G. D. and Ira Roberson spent Tuesday at Spring Gteen, placing stones at the grave*of rela tives. Misses Roberson, Chandler, Ma lotie and Kridsr spent Saturday in Greenville, attending the Teachers' Association. j Miss Bertha Barnhill and little sister of Grindool were the guests of Miss Annie Mooring Saturday and Sunday. (juite a number of young people j vent over to Bethel to-day to wit ness the game of ball between the -econd nines of Bethel and Rober onville schools. RobersonvilleGraded School will, have its closing exercises next Thursday and Friday. There will be a debate Thursday at 3 p.m., and a concert at night. Friday at 30p.m., Hon. J Bryan Grimes will deliver the annual address. The closing concert will be given Friday night, April 23rd. at 8 o'clock. HAMILTON ITEMS Mrs. Bryant continues ill. j Miss. Ella Miller is out again. Mrs. M. W. Ballard was here for Faster services. Mrs. I'icot is visiting her sister, Mrs. Bog Slade. Mesdames Grimes and Boyle visited j Robersonville Saturday. . Mrs. Walter Salsbury went to Scotland Neck this week. Mr. Toe Hilton was here from -Noi&lk4o4ii*MU»t«£ \s funeral. Mr David Martin was here this week to attend his mother's funeral, j Mrs. John Barrett from Farmville was here to attend the funeral of; Mrs. Martin. Pineules are for Backache, and bring quick relief to lumbago, rheu matism, fatigue and all other symp-, {oms of Kidney diseases. They j are a tonic to the entire system and build up strength and health. Price 50c and SI.OO. Chase's Drug Store. / Sunday School Festival I . •. The Episcopal Sunday School . held its Easter Festival at 4 o'clock : 011 Sunday afternoon. The interior of the Church was beautifully dec orated mth white and purple flowers and potted plants. Thepojwkj, led by George Howard Kent bearing aloft a golden cross, marched in the church with banners fl>itig and t singing "We march, we march to victory." After entering their seats, two pupils fr'om each' class carried «p a rung made of violets i \vl\ich helped to form a ladder at the chancel rail. The effect was very sweet, and the emblematical significance impressive. Superiti -1 dent A. D Mi*elJ conducted the devotional services. Four pupils of , the infant class sang ' Rise, the j risen Saviour saith," with sujge> ! - tive motions, the entire school join- I tng in the hymn. Mr. W. C. Man uitig delivered an appropriate and instructive address, drawing help ful lessons from the representation of the ladder upon which each must j climb to Heaven, emphasizing the truth that at each step upward the j climber would get a broader vision 'of life and of Jesus Christ. At the conclusion of the address, ! 1 the choir sang "Tell it out," and I every member of the school laid a 1 mite box at the foot ol the ladder. . After prayer anil benediction, the procession was formed and all | marched out singing "Onward ' Christian Sddieis." /lie amount collected from the 1 mite boxes during Lent was S.SS 00. j Miss Laurie Ellison made a greater sum than any pupil, her offering i being s.v 10. Swept Over Niacin II This terrible calamity often hap | pens because a careless boatman ignores the river's warnings—grow ing ripples and faster current — Nature's warnings are kind. That d 11 pain or ache in the back warns you the kidneys need attention if you would escape fatal maladies Dropsy Diabatesor Bright'sdisease Take plectric Bitters at once and see Backache fly and all your be->t feelings return. "Alter long suffer ing from weak kidneys and lame back, one#i 00 bottle wholly cured me," write J. R. Blankeuship, of Jtelk, All Prug.;„ gists. - . The True Wife Do yo'i ask from whence chines i the beautiful word "wife?" It i* . the great word in which the Eng lish and Latin languages conquered the French and Greek. I hope the ! French will some day get a word ; for it, instead of that dreadful word | "fenire." But where do you think it comes I from? Tlie beautiful characteristic of Saxon words is that they mean | something. Wife means "weiVer.'' , j YOll must either be housewives or j housemotljs; remember that. In j the deep sense, you must either I leave men's fortunes and embroider | them, or feed upon and bring them j to decay. Wherever a true wife conies, 1 home is always around her. The i stars may be over her head, the ! glow worm in the night-cold grass may be the only file at her feet, | but home is wherever she is, and ! for a noble woman it stretches far around her, better than house ceiled 'I with cedar or tainted with ver million, sheddiui its quiet light far I for those who el* were homeless, i T his, —then, _ hel^ve—to—be—4he j woman's true sphere and power.— | Rusk in. William E. laylor William E. Taylor, a resident of Bear Grass Township, while at work in his field 011 Monday morn ing was stricken with paralysis, and i death came in a few hours. He leaves a wife and five children, among them Jesse L. Taylor of Belhaven, N. C. si.oo a Year in Advance A PLEASANT EASTER DANCE At Opera house Yester* day Evening--Many Couples Present The first dance of the season wa» given by the voungimen of Wi'i iamston at the Masonic Opera House on Thur-dav evening. F. Croccia's Italian* Band of Wilson furnished delightful music tlirough i out the. evening. The enjoyment of thedaftcers was depicted on every face, and that with the attractive ladies becomingly gowned, made the occasion a most delightful be ginning of social festivit'e-. in the town. Mr. W. B. Watts with Mi c « Annie Larub led the dancers through the beautiful figures. Among those dancing were: Miss Martha Taylor with John W. II.»s --sell; Miss Anna Crawford with Dr, J S. Rhodes; Miss Nora Fow!en with J. Paul Simpson; Miss Irene Smith with Nicholas Mobley; M s* Essie Peel with Leslie Fowden;Mi«-» Eva Oainor with T.J Smith, Jr.; Miss Kva Wolfe wHh W. II C>ur ic in; Miss Louise Fowden with W. jF. Lipscomb; Miss Anna B?th Purvis with Irvin Coffield; Mi-s I Hannah Vic Fowden with Grovtr j Godwin; Miss Delia Lanier with I Geo. L. Whitley; Miss Lillie Wynn with Budd Kverett of Rwberson ville; Miss Katie Blount with Will Kverett; Miss Mav Bennett with Or. J. A. White; « Mr. and Mrs IC. H. Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hasstll, and Mr. and Mrs. A. S» Coffield. Stags: H. A. Biggs, J. W Waftti, Jr., and C A. Baker. Chaperones: Mesdames T. J. SmithyM. E. Peel, W. R Ivo'wden and P. H. Brown. The 20th ot May Celebration (Special to the ENTEKI-KISK.) Charlotte, N. C. April 15th. —All comittees of the Twentieth of May celebration, wbich is to be held in' this city next month commemmor atiug the signing of the Mecklen burg Declaration of Independence, are rapidly completing their gramme for the big event. .The several paradecoinmittees, including the floral, the colonial and others, are making preparations for the most spectacular alT.tir in the his tory of tho city. The Daughters of the American Revolution, t' e Children of the Confederacy, the Colonial Dames and other historic* organizations will participate in the procession. The Chairman of tlie floral parade committee is anxious that all metrbtrs of these organiz ations who do not live in Charlotte shall be present on "Tafts Day" and take part in the parade. Definate plans have been made to erect an immense reviewing stand on the Mecklenburg County court house grounds from which Presi dent Taft and hi) party, including Mrs. Taft and Mrs. Stonewall Jack-on, will review the parade. M E Churcb Services At 11 o'clock Sunday moriJr.'g, Rev. C L. Read will select for his theme. "Sin in Believers." livery member of the church isexpected to be present at this service and to re mai.i five minutes after adjournment to an important meeting. At night the subject will be: "Judgment.", Everybody cordially invited to .> attend all services. Mot-l cough cures and cold cures are constipating, especially those that contain opiates. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup is free from all opiates and it cures the cold by gentle moving the bowels and at the same time it soothes irritation of the throat and lungs, and in that way stops the cough. It is espec ially recommended for children, as ' it tastes nearly as good as maple sugar. We sell and recommend.iu Sdld by Biggs' Drug Store.