[Poultry Letterj Mr. Editor:— I have written about a good many phases of poultry culture ttiat is of interest to those engaged in the business, both from the util ity and fancy standpoints. Of the fancy there are, perhaps, a few who would devote their time and money to the line, if there was no such thing as profit to be derived ; from it. But there would not be i enough of that class to hold to our 1 standard and fancy breeds. Now the truth is, if it were not for the profit to be obtained, the poultry interest never could have reached the magnitude that it has attained at the present time It has been stated that there arc greater profits made from poultry, considering the amount of money invested aud labor expended, than from any other branch of business. This is 110 doubt true, and it is a fact that the returns are realized in a shorter time than from any other of live stock that the farmer keeps. Poultry Is handled largely by peo ple not engaged in farming, and for this class of men it is usually a good investment. It would seem that the farmer could raise poultry at a greater profit, because of the free range and the opportunity of •economizing! the waste'that would otherwise occur. Very often it is true that the farmer pays less at tention to his poultry than any thing elye on the farm, yet it seems to be profitable to him at that; how cnuch more profitable it might be if proper care was given. Ido not mean to say that success is always easy in the poultry business, for there are often trials and tribula tions as in other lines of business. But with the present development and progress in the poultry busi iness, I consider that most of the troubles need not be experienced by the careful poultry man or woman. There aie many diseases that occur among poultry, about as til amy as trouble people, but they can be as effectually treated with ordinary care. I have during the many years of experience, l>ecome acquainted with many of the serious ailments that the fowl flesh is heir to. During the early years of my experience, I will confess that there were times when discouragement was near at hand; but now when I look back it does not seem as serious as I thought then In fact, I can see that if I had exercised proper care, the most of the serious trouble would not have been experienced. I will say to the beginner, go slow, go sure —that is the key to success in the poultry business. Up Before The Bar X. H. Brown, an attorney, of Pitsfiekl, Vt.,writes: "We have xised Dr. King's New Life Pills tor years and find them such a good family medicine we wouldn't be without them.'*' For Chills, Con stipation, Billiousness or Sick Headache they work wonders, 25c all druggists. Husband "Vou never kiss tne except when you want some money." Wife Well isn't that often J enough?"—Judpe. •j =ZX —X ~ The Implement Co., RICHMOND. VA. It is very important both for effective and economical work to procure the best of FARM IMPLEMENTS Our New Descriptive Catalog just issued tells all about the best V 1 time and labor-saving machinery. A It is one of the best and moot in- f teresting Implement Catalogs is sued? Mailed free on request. We are also headquarters for : Farm Wagons. Buggies, Barb Wire, Fencing, V-Crimp and other Roof ing, Gasoline Engines, Saw and Planing Mills. Write for prices and catalogs. The Implement Co., 1302 Main St„ - Richmond, Va. TAX NOTICE I, J. H. Page, Tax Collector for the Town and Graded SehooJ of Williamson, N C. have this day levied on the follow ing tracts *>r parsels of land lying and being itl Williamstoa Township, County of Martin, State of North Carolina, and will sell the same for cash at Public .Auc tion in front of the City Hall, in the Town of'Williapistou, N. C. oil Monday, the jrddav of May. 1909. for the taxes due and unpaid for the year 1908, unless the same is paid on or before that date, this the first day of April IUO9. Town Lot Ami. Taxes Bailey, Pat, I y $3.00 Bailey, Phillis, 1 ' Barnes, lola, I a.oo Bembridge, J. H., 1 3 5 5 Clierr\, Sarah, 1 o Ctomaos, E C., I h 2° Daniel. H, 8., 1 »"3 Finch, Wo, 1 »74 Fagan, Simon, 1 1 3? Griftiu, Rlioden I 2 10 Ciriffin, Pbeobe, 1 * 2 15 Hastell, Wheeler, I ' 2 -\s Hassell. Ntu , I B.BX Price, Cartheiiia, I 3.24 Reddick, Henry, 1 I 52 Reddick, L. A., 1 1-57 Robersou, Champ, 1 3.35 Ruffin, Whit, - 1 6.57 Rutfiti, Jake.- - 1 5 74 Florence 1 183 Hines, John, I 3 85 Smith, Fli, 1 3#5 j j Staton, Wilson, 1 ** 2.47 Wrtts, Charles, I 3.00 Williams, F.d. ( 1 3.20 ' Williams, Joseph, I 5-3^ I Williams, P. I)., t 4.94 I Woolard. Kliza, 1 • .83 j Woolard, Wes», I 6.0- j Woolard, Thail, 1 3.09 j Woolard, John, I 3.94 J. H. PAGE, Tax Collector. TAX NOTICE North Carolina, Martin Countv, I, S. M. Brooks, tax collector for the town of Parmele, Martin County, North Carolina, have this day levied upon the following real estate situated and being in said town and hereinafter described and I shall, «n Monday the of May 1909, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door in Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, sell the same to the highest, for cash, for taxes due the town of Parmele for year J9OS. I.ots Amount Brown, M E. 1 fioo Bollock, Geo, - 1 327 Everett, J W, 1 1 71 Ford, 1 J, 1 * 5 44 Harper, W W, I 3'19 Jenkins, Wm, 1 1 Bf> Jones, Wm, 1 2 29 Jenkins, Turner, 1 381 Lawrence, Robt, 1 2 00 Norfleet, Jim, 1 ■ 1 65 Nelson, W A, 1 1 4H Parmele Lumber Co, 1 12 15 Rober«on, EJ, 1 3 5S Williams, Geo. 1 * 1 4S. This 2d. day of April 1909. S. M. HROOKS,^ 4-9-4t Ta^Collector. NOTICE. Having; qualified as administrator of W. K. Gladstone, deceased, this is to notify all persons hold claims against said W. K. Gladstone, to present them to the undersigned, on or l>efore March 17th, 1910. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Gladstone are requested to make immediate pay ment. This March 17th, 3-i9-6t V. L. GLADSTONE, Administrator of W. K. Gladstone. , N'OTfCK Having qualified as administrator upon the Estate of Augustus Loyd deciased; Notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said Estate to present them to the undersigned for payment on or before the 2nd day of March 1910, or this notice will lie plead in l>ar of their retoverv. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make imniediate payment. This 2d day of March 1909. A. HASSELL, 3-12-6t Administrator. NOTICE I'nder and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court made in the Special Pro ceedings entitled C. L. Ellington, Admn. vs. C. L. Fllington and wife, Annie G. Ellington, the undersigned commissioner will, on Monday the 3rd day of May 19X( at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House dror in Williamston, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash three tracts of land described as follows: First, a house and lot in the town of Williamston adjoining the land*, of E. L. Godwin, Sam Howard and others, containing % acre and known as the Phoebe Griffin place. I T he second tract, begining at an oak in Herring Pond; thence running along the bottom of the upper end of the Dug gin Manor plantation; thence along a line to the East end of Duck Island to the center of Deep Branch to Van Swamp, thence down the center of Van Swamp to Great Swamp to Dead Water Swatnf> Creek; thence up Deed Water Creek to Herring Swamp; tlieuce to the first sta tion, containing 247 acres, and known as the Darddsou Place. The tnird tract, Iwginning at a chopped cypress in the Punchen s vamp in Geo. P. Goddard's line, running Eastward])' along a line of ma-kep trees to a chopped Sweet Gum at the head of a float road in Punchen swamp; thence the various sources of the float road to the Merrit corner in the head of Van swamp at the Bart -corner uf Beach Island, thence ! Westwardly along the Merrit and i Lathan line to Geo. P. Goddard's line; | thence along Geo. P. Godard'a line to I the beginning, containing 6> acres, more or less, and known as part of Beach Is land. This the 24th day of March 1909. B. A. CRITCHER, | 4-2-4t CotxiniisHioier. , TAX NOTICE I. J. C. Crawford, Sheriff of Mar tin County, have this day levied ou the following tracts or parcels of land lying and being in the County of Martin State of North Carolina. And will sell the same for cash at public auction before the court house door in Williamston X. C. on Monday the 3rd, day of May 1909. Far the taxes due and unpaid for the year 190 S. J. C. Crawford, Sheriff, Martin County, acres lots ain't taxes Ayers, L F ? 565 Wynn, Marttia 100 2 20 Ausbon, Aniev 4 1 48 Boston, Louise 44 2 64 Chesson,, Sarah 2 251 Daniel, Ellen 12 1 62 Daniel: Clark 13 2 48 [Gray, Hettie 13 2 05 Griffin, Jordan 30 2 61 Leary, Armstead 9 1 69 Moore, Lucy 27'.« 1 84 Mullin. Stephen i "h 3 86 Roberson, William 43 1 4 53 R'»berson, Manna 1 . 247 Smithwiek, Tempy S2 2 res 472 Williams, Cha*'4 253 Williams Township Jones, Calvin 66 6 81 Brown, Eliza 28 211 Garrett, W. 11. 23 ' 2 80 Green, W W 5(1 3 00 Lanier, Augu-. us 144 863 Lee, Edward 28 5 49 Moore, Sarah 10 1 60 Moore, Laura 5 » 1 39 JReddiek, Heniy 38 4 68 Smith, Richard 5 3 70 Smithwiek, Samuel 10 1 63 Bear Grask Township Peel, J W 11 1 5 05 Williamson Township Tucker, Fliza 1 3 70 Wynn J Rob.,i 1 42 Brown, Reuben 36 4 52 Finch, Win. 1 556 Hassell, Whe-ler '4 343 Rajcoe, Daniel 1 3 86 Sleight, Lizzie 2 • * 190 Williams, Ed 1 4.55 Cross Roads Township ►Cullifer, C E 1 638 George 43 4 80 Chance, Henry 2 2 05 Clark, J H 19 3 89 Taylor, Ashley 24 2 50 Robersonville Township Jones, S M 1 1 75 Surpell, G M 130 4 30 ACL. RR Co 1 for 07 'OB 370 Andrews, Warreu 160 4 57 Draper, John 3 4^6 Dupree, J T 1 1 45 Forrest, Cena 25 2 50 Forrest, Floyd 2 3 34 Hyman, Dorsey , 1 14s Howell, Roy 25 4 00 Hinton, Dock 10 2 So Jackson, J C 1 1 45 Long, Robert 1 1 97 Manitig, Nelson 146 5 so Teel, Haywood 34 • 5 «f» Turner, Robert 1 1 90 1 Poplar Point Township Bell, Henry 65 5 65 Bennt It, Aifred Jr - 1 3 ,* Bennett, C H 3 (> 19 Dancy, John 1 3 so Dixon, Retibin 10 2 50 Dickens, Collins 34 5 4? Staton, Nathan 1 2 os I Hamilton Township Hitch, Frank 1 0708 i «;> Township Benthall, Charles i 0708 29s Bland, Tliad 81 3 ,J Brown, Eli 5 l g. ,j Cross, Jno H est 5 07 08. 1 r I NOTICK Having qualified as Administrator uf j the estate of lolin G. Corey, deceased, i Notice is hereby given to all ceditors vn j said estate to present their claims for l payment oil I>r before the first day of ! May A. I), iyio, or this notice will lie plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate nr requested to make immediate payment j of the same. This April 12th 1909. J. R. COREY, 4-i66t Admiuiotrator. Hotli boys had been rude to then mother. She put them to bed earlier that) usual, and complained to their father about them. So lie started up the stairway, they heard him coming. "Hefe comes papa" said Harrj "I'm going to make ' belief e I am asleep," —, —l "I'm not," said Maurice., "I'p: gofng to gwt Up and put something, on '* —Canadian Courier. When you take Kodol, the food you have eaten will be digested naturally, regulaftv"and promptly, and in this way Kodol gives the stomach a chance to regain its lost strength and heal h, and after a little while you need not take Kodol longer, but take it while you do Keed it and. if it fails to you your money will be refunded to you. It is sold by Biggs' Diug Store. - The Best of Everything Can be found in our Stalls t . * * .* ! t • Sausage, Freshly Made, Ten der Beef, Drei>sed Poultry, Vegetables—All Things Need ed by the Careful Housewife. 1 l'hone Your Orders. - Polite Attention Ellington & Lcggctt Stalls t and 2 City Market ft I ' Miss Nora J. Fowden, Registered Graduated Nurse. Services Rendered Prompty. Williamston, - North Carolina* WHITE PINE COUGH SYRUP WITH TAR 1 A Vdludbla ttemndy (or OoMt>, (•«u*h.v Hrmn hidl (jtjrrh. Spd»modl (-roup. Wlnlttr (.oujth jail .ill of th«- air PCKMUD*. ( Hull 4 bunee bottle) TM» contain* «>nthliiK l>als«m 1 ami nvt iiigrtil principlr* tliat allay inflamma tion. the i'ouKli ami miniulaiV wcrrtU>n. It j I* nimji from carefully urtt-cted vrgt table* drug* am! 1- warranted to la - ih rfrillv hartiilrsn to ) y»- tiu> »tlve K« ail the circular wrapper i armum the bottle. It contain* full directions I for I' mm/.niK the earliest Kymptotus of colds, j ami thflr complication#. It tells you how to •curt- cold* lie-fore they become firmly tittlb li»lieil A bottle of WHIT* Colon Svai p j WITH TAK should be Wept ill every family ( mtiluitie chest. i 76 CKNT8 «. R. BIGGS > Prescription Druftftlxt , WII.IMMMON. ISOKIII OAUOLINA i A HOI'SR PLCS INSt'RANCK I makes a good security. No one would | lend.money on a house not insured. If j lenders will not put their cash into an I uninsured house, can you afford to? I . ' I I'IRIv INSt'RANCK MAKHS GOOD I Ihe moriey you have invested in a home. ; Doubtless yon have worked hard for what you have. Don't you think we j 11 nd l>etter write you a ]x.licv to-dav and | hu» make you sure of keeping what you I vorked so li ard to net.'- K. B. CRAWFORD INSURANCE AGENT, ('.odard Building KKJ*>RT OF TIIK CON I »!TloN OF TIIK v Bank of Robersonville j KobtaVCUvtlle, N. C., at the close of bus- I . itiess I'ebv. 5, 11/09. RHSOI'kCKS: I I Loans and discounts f 31,978.10 j Overdrafts 945 01 Hanking house $2,539 20; fur niture and fixtures 75 3,483.95 Due from bank and bankers . 39,162.46 Silver coin iiicludinx all minor • —7 Total — T —~ 'f _ !M,i >64.b3 I.IAHI r.niKS : Capital stock f 15,000.00 Surplus fund 6,100.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 1,628.84 Time certificates of deposit 0,562.53 I>eposiU suU}eet to check 53,439 20 Cashier's checks outstanding 134.06 Total STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. County of Martin. ss:—l, J. C. Robertson, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. C. ROBERTSON, Cashier Correct Attest: J. H. Koliertson, Jr., A. S. Rob erson, R. H. Hargrove. Directors. Subscribed and svrorn to before me, this uday of s. 1,. Ross, Notary Public HARDWARE **7**- . . . - f Plows Gultivators Disc Marrows ■ .V• • - ■:. •* j—* v , Guano Distributors ____ Rooflnj;{ ' Base Ball Goods F. W. HOYT Williamston, - - North Carolina Just Received U - - ———— ———-—■—— —— 135 bbls. Best Portland Cement | -For Sale- Wholesale and Retail N. S. PEEL & COMPANY Brokers & Manufacturers' Agents ( , Williamston, North Carolina M. I. BROWN & CO. Successors to BROWN & HODGES Taney and Staple Groceries Let Us Supply Your Table Wants Our stock is complete Free delivery within corporate limits " Phone us your orders > I Baugh Sc Sons Company Importers and Manufacturers FERTILIZERS Baltimore,. Md.. Jai.uarv 27, ii/k> Messrs. J. L. Ilasstll iS: Co., Williamston, N. C., ' lentleuien: Replying to your valued favor of the 25th we are ]i!easeil to advise that the Special Cotton Seed Meal Mixture 20 tons of which we recently shipped you, has the ammonia derived from Cotton Seed Meal, Nitrate of Soda and Blood in combination We found these sources produce mo-t exrdlent results and it is our purpose to make up the goods *0 that your customers will be highly pleaded with the field test. Thanking you for your favors, we ate, Yours truly, 1 Jiatigh & Sons Company ' Woolard's Combined v HARROW - CULTIVATOR CARTS AND WAGONS MADE TO ORDER €> . ' Have Woolard to and You will have the BEST J. L. WOOLARD WILLIAMSTON, N. C.