VOL. X. NO. 31 CONDITION OF THE PEANUT MARKET 1 More Than Twice as Many Peanuts to be Mar keted Now Than a Year Ago Smithfield, Ya., April 10, 1909. Since our circular of March 4th, the peanut business in Virginia has been almost at a standstill, except the factories have been filling orders previously booked, and occasional new business. Cancellations are frequent. Most of the trade have sixty days to four months' supply and say they will not buy more until their stocks are exhausted The movement of farmers' grade peanuts the past sixty days has been very light. Speculators and so called independents have liood wiuked the farmers, aijd while they are holding; firm, the speculators and independents are unloading fast as possible, and if necessary they cut prices, while farmers hold the bag. - ; Farmers seem to take for grant ed all they xead and are told about short supply and higher prices but their solicitous friends do not tell them: There are more than twice as many peanuts to be marketed the balance of this season thfrn there was a year ago, and npt half the usual demand for them Busi ness throughout the country is un usually dull, and the labor leaders publish there are two million work ing men idly walking the streets of the cities of this country. They have but a short time to dispose after August, a good many of them cannot be carried over, except at heavy loss because machine-picked peanuts get wormy. The longer they hold the shorter will be the time in which thev have to sell, and consequently the price will be less. These unpleasant facts, but they cannot be successfully gain said. If farmers would thiuk a little, they would sec that the independ ents are making cats-paws of them. If the independents were honest in their statements, they Would buy the farmers' peanuts at price* they tell them they ought to get for therr, and not send agents over the country, advising them not to sell, that prices will be much higher, and buying a few hundred bags here and there to encourage them to hold firm while they unload. They call themselves independ ents, but we learn that they are combined and have been holding regular meetings and formulating plans to sell their gocds while the farmer waits. While offerings of farmers' goods have been light, there has been enough selling to fill the few orders for cleaned goods coming in. The volume of business has been large t le past five months, but most of the orders are filled, and unless there is a marked improvement in present conditions, most cleaners will not be concerned whether hold ers sell or not. Very few are run ning full capacity and several have j shut down. Whatever temporary ! effect deceptive circulars and news paper articles may have, the silent forces of time, supply and demand - are constantly working, and their effect must be seen very soon. Our quotatiousare nominally the same as of the nth ult , but we hope our friends will not fait to ask us for prices before placing their orders elsewhere, 'We waut v^ r business. ' _ Respectfully, THE GWALTNKY- BUNKLEX PEANUT CO. Pineules are for Backache, ar>d bring quick relief to lumbago, tV eu matism, fatigue and all other symp toms of Kidney diseases They are a tonip to the entire«jste-m ajid build up strength and health. Price 50c and SI.OO. Chase's Drug JFrtore. ~. ■! ■' 1.. .*'.£• THE ENTERPRISE Book Club (Report! d) The Wednesday Afternoon Book Club has never been more uniquely entertained than it was on the 14th. instant at the houie of Mrs. T. J. Smith. The programme was a music scheme courtship The story being partly written and partly in blank, the blank spaces to be filled with the names of pieces of music. As the popular music teacher, Miss. Martha Taylor, would Rive some selection 011 the piano, jtbe contest ants would guess the name and fill the blanks, thus completing the story. Mrs. C. M. Lanier won the first j prize, a banjo filled with candy, j»nd Miss Mizell the consolation, a bunny full of candy. The guests were then asked into the dining room where delicious refreshments, consisting of a salad course, were served. Each guest was presented a dium filled with candy as a favor, whico will be long preserved a - a souvenir ot the many pleasures of the afternoon. You who have occasional trouble from indigestion, such as sour stomach, belching of gas, sour risings and weak stomach, should not delay a moment to help the stomach digest the food for all these little ailments, annoying both to yourself and to others, are caused simply by undigested food in the stomach. Kodol for Dyspepsia and Indigestion taken occasionally will soon Relieve you of all the simple stomach ailments that you now have, but may be more serious later Try Kodol today a id t ike it on our guarantee. We know it will do what we say it will do. It is sold by Biggs' Drug Store. 111 l ustration of Form James Ten Kyck, oarsman and coach, discussing rowing one day in the Syracuse Herald office, said success depended on form. He ex plained what he meant by form. Then, byway of illustration, he added: "Everything, everything, goes by form. Thus, out West in the old days, it was the essence of form to be informal. My father u-ed to tell about a 'squire who would marry the young couple that came to him in some such form as this: " 'Bill, do ye take this gal whose hand ye're a-squeezin' to be yer lawful wife, in flush times an' iu skimp?' 'Mame, do ye take this cuss ye've j'ined fists with to be yer pard through thick and thin?' " 'Yer right, for once okl man.' " ' All right, then. Kiss in court, an' I reckon ye'er married as tight as the law can j.ue ye. I guess four bits'U do. Bill, if I don't have to kiss the bride. If I do, it's six bits extry.' " "Mamma, may I play with John Cross?" "No George, He's a bad boy. Let him play with other bad boys." "Well thats all right mamma, his mother says I'm the worse boy on the street." Swept Over Niagara i 1 This terrible calamity ofteu hap pens because a careless boatman ignores the river's warnings—grow ing ripples and faster curreut— Nature's warnings are kind. That d 11 pain or ache in the back you the kidneys need you wou d e*r HH , ljaladia Dropsy Diaoates or fertght'sdisease 1 KlCctrtC ji'ftferi at once and see Jjy anc j a ll your best 1 feelings r'-ctfrn. "Alter long suffer - ing frcim \veak kidneys and lame baci, e oo bottle wholly cured ®?," write J. R. Blankeirship, of Beltc, Tenn. Only 50c at All Drug j^sts. ■ ♦ W 1 ■" "Papa what is a safety match?" Mr. Hetipeckei' ( looking care fully to sef if his \vife is ill hear ing)—A safety match, son, is when a bald headed man mirries an arm* less woman. , -M- ; WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, APRIL 23. 1909. ROBERSONVILLE NEWS ITEMS People Coming and Golng--As Gathered By Our Regular Correspondent. By JOHN l). EVERETT Mr. R. T. Purvis is quite ill this week. Mrs. Hattie Roberson is on the sick list. Mr. Lawrence Staney visited in town Saturday. Misses Dora and Mary Johnson were here Friday. Miss Lydie Roberson spent Sun day in Gold Point. Mr. N. C. Everett went to Scot land Neck Thursday. Mr. Harvey Roberson went to Wtnterville Thursday. Mr. Jim Taylor of Gold Point was in town Sunday. Mcs . Lewis and Willie Manning were in town Sunday. Mr. Totnmie Johnson of Gold Point was here Sunday. Miss Lula Sauls visited her sister in Rocky Mount Saturday. Miss Lelia Everett is visiting Mrs. J. H. Roberson this wek. The Misses Holliday spent Sun day with Mrs. T. H. Holliday. Mr. and Mrs. William Little were the guests of Mrs. J. H. Kohersoii Mrs. Mollie Rawls is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. H. Rawls this week. Mr. ]. H. Smith of the United Mail Services is at home this week Rev. Mr. Reynolds reports a good service at JamesviUe last Sun day. Mr. atid Mrs. A. T. Perkins spent Saturday and Sunday in town. Mrs. Haker Womack of Rocky Mount is visiting her brother, Dr* Nelson. Mr. John Overton, of Stokes, was the guest of Mr. I). C. Mooring Sunday. The Teachers' Assembly The North Carolina Teachers' Assembly Is twenty-six year old It will celebrate its twenty-six h birthday at Morthead City, N. C., June 15-18 inclusive, 1909. Its present membership consists of 524 of the most progressive North Carolina teachers. Of these, ivj are men, 330 are women. Th- y are the men and women who are doing things in the education il world of North Carolina. Of them, Hon. J. Y. Joyner, State Superintendent of Public Instruct ion says: "The North Carolina Teachers' Assembly brings together annually for interchange of ideas and cx periences and, for delightful social intercourse, hundreds of teachers from every part of the State, and gives them an opportunity each year to hear some of the leaders of educational thought of this and other States. No teach-- W J IO j 8 see kjng pr« Sessional improvement and al vatHSWcht in his high calling Tan afFArd "to miss the uplifting powc of sui-'li a meeting as tWuext sio« of the North Carolina Teach ers' Assembly \Vfom : ses to be.'' Mosl 'cough cures and cqld cures are bnstipating, especially those tbtft contain opiates. Kennedy's laxative Cough Svrup i 9 free from all opiates and it cures the cold by gentle moving the bowels and at the same time it soothes irritation of the "throat and lungs, and in that way stops the cough. It is espec ially recommended for children, as it tastes nearly as good as maple 4ugar. We sell and recommend it Sold by Biggs' Drug Store. Mrs. Eliza Cox has been spend ing a few days with friends in the country. Messrs. John Simpson and 1,. B. Wynn of Williatnstou were here S.» turd ay- Mrs. J. A. Coffield is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. W. 11. Everett. Mr. Robert Salsbury and s'ster of Hasstll visited Mrs \\\ Z Mor ton last week. Messrs. J. Haywood Everett and W. H. Everett went to Williams* ton Thursday. Rev. C. I) Howard filled his regular appointment at the Christ ian Church Sunday. The teachers an l pup Is of the | Citadel School gave a sing service j at the Baptist Church Sunday. Bricks are being put in place for one store and excavations made fur, | the foundations of two cithers. - Miss Ruth Davenport of Hob-1 good spent the latter part of the week with Mrs. W. H. A'ikins. Mr. and Mrs J. T. Mrown and Miss Julia F. Roberson sp'ut Snn ! day at the home of Mr. J C. Rob erson. Mr. A. lv Grey found a purse 1 t'uis week, probably belongs to W. jA, Crisp. The owner can get purse by calling on Mr. Grey. *Atr. J. T. Ross entertained infor- at the Hotel Beulah in honor of the teachers of the Graded School. Thos» present were: Misses Sauls, Krider, Roberson, Malone, Chandler, Peel and Mooring; Messrs. Smith, A. O. Roberson, Richard Jenkins, 1.. H. Roberson, Thos. Roljerson, Silas House, \V. A. Ross, Roy Carson, W. H. Everett, J. A. Mizell and D. Un derwood M ssion Sunday School Easter services were held at the | Slade Schotil house Sunday noon. The organization of the 1 school was perfected several months | ago by Rev. Mr. Gordon, and the interest taken in it by the people in I the district has been very gratify-; ing to those who are carrying for- j ward the work. An organ had been kindly furnished by Mr. Bland, and to the strains of music rendered by Mrs. C. A. JefTiess,' the pupils marched up the aisles, carrying banners The devotional: exercises were'conducted by Mr. Gordon. Quite a number of people j from Willianiston attended ami as-1 sisted in the services. I Monday afternoon, the pupils were pleasantly entertained at an egg hunt in the adjacent grove. ; Relreshments were served, and j every o ,e went away pleased with j the attention given by the supers-1 Hentent and teachers, * • "I'D Rather Die, Doctor i than-hnrc my feet-off,"" said M Bingham, of Princeville, 111. "but l you'll die from gangrene (which bad eaten away eight toes>"lf yoTT don't*', saitl all doctors. Instead he used Bueklen's Arnica Salve till wholly cured. Its cures of Eczema, i Fever Sores, Boils, Burns and Piles astound the world. 25c ''at All Druggists. A conceited young cleric once said to au American prelate, "bo you not think that I may well feel flattered that so great a crowd came to hear jne preach. ' "No," answer, "for twice as many would come to see { you hanged. I To The Farmers Ot North Carolina 1. The crop and r? f the faim this year, not of next "year, will iVreporkd TM as it will be taken before the ciop of 1910 is p oductd.- It is important, therefore, for those who de-ire to make anything like an accurate report to pay at tention to these matters this year. Besides the regular farm work, you will be asked to report number of coids of wood consumed by family or faun hands, pounds of butter, value of poultry and eggs, etc.,etc. I give this notice in order to aid in getting as accurate a report as possible of agriculture matters 2 I wish every farmer who raises | c >rn and desires to improve his ■ seed would plant six of his best J jers in six parallel rows. A bulle-i tin producing and selecting seed will be published in July by the Department of Agriculture. W. A GRAHAM, Commissioner of Agriculture. M. E. Church, April 25th. At ii a. in., "Missions " S p.m. | them.?: "Sanballat. ' All are cor ; dially invited to worship with lis. At 4p. in a men's meeting, to : which all the men are invited. C. 1.. RKAD. Depot Burned At) echo of the storm of Tuesday night e;ime in the news of the bur i ing of the A C. I, depot at Jaiues | ville. The building was fired by ! lightning about 3 o'clock, and was entirely consumed with contents. This is the second time in a few 1 years that the depot has been des troyed at that place. The company j will rebuild as -quickly as possible Town Convention There is a talk of a meeting of the citizens of the town for the purpose of naming a candidate for mayor and five aldermen. This is necessary, if the town would have good safe government. It is the duty of every mam to take interest iti whatever concerns the welfare of . 4te*t^rrrrcTTTC"d places, there is always need for some reform The mayor and al dermen are elected for two years J and it is well to know the men | before putting them in. The can jd'tates should be the choice of the | people. Notice There will be an election held at the Mayors office on Tuesday the 4'h. day of Mav- iy>9, for the pur ' pose of electing a Mayor and board of Commissioners for the town of ' Willianiston. C. H. GODWIN Clerk ! | | Woods I.iver Medicine is a liver | regulator which brings quick I relief to sick headache,constipation, j biliousness and other symptoms of j liver disorder. Particularly recom mended for Jaundic, Chills, Fever, ! Malaria. The SI.OO size contains I 2 1 / i times as much as the 50c size, j Sold by Chase's Drug Store A foreigner, watching a young kitten playing with its mother, i asked of his friend, "Vat you ze cali veil he is a little pup? TT j The Circle. If yoyi expect to get the besj 1 and most reliable preparation for I Krdnev trouble, inflammation of the bladder, rheumatism, rheumatic I pains' weak back and backache you must get I>eWitt's Kidney and } Bladder Pills. Th y act promptly and are sure. Sold by Bigg's Drug Store. The Boy —Hoo-hoo! Babbie's swalled my little engine ! The Caller —Good gracious! How could that have happened? The Boy— We wag on the floor playing at trains, aud he was the tunnel. #t.oo a Year in Advance MRS. HARRIET ELIZABETH THIGPEN Died at Conetoe Wednes day --Native of Mar tin County--Strong and True Harriet K Thigpen, daughter of the late Cla\ton and Elizabeth Moot*, of Martin County, died at her home in Kdgecombe County, N. C , Wednesday morning ht I o'clock after an illness of seveal months. In early life she married x , William Thigpen of Edgecombe J County, and three children were given them. Of these two *re liv i g: Wiliiam and Clayton Thigpen, jof Edgecombe County. In intelligence and business quali ties, Mrs. Thigpen ranked far above the average woman. After the death of her brother, Jamts Edwin Moore, she managed the 1 irge estate of her father, and made many fortunate deals for the bene fit of the heirs. She was .strong, conscientious and a loval friend. | For years she had been a membtr | of the Primitive Hapti-t Church, 'and died firm in the faith once de livered to the saints. She hr.l lived an'active, useful life, full of intertst for others. " A large nurn* her of relatives.survive her, among them two sisters, Mrs. Ma y B..ra hill and Mrs. Jumna Stalling* f Jamesville, N. The funeral services were on ducted on Thursday afternoon, i »- terinent in the family cemetery. Sick headache, constipation and' biliousness are relieved by Rings Little Liver Pills. They cleame the system Do not not gripe. Pi ice 25c. Soldby Chase's Drug Store. Bank ot Greenville on Honor Rml. The Financier, of New York, publishes anuually an honor »01l of State banks in the United St :S whose surplus and undivided pro fits exceeds its capital. The lis,t recently published bv the Finan cier shows that there are onlv 619 banks in the Uuited States reach ing this distinction. The Bank of Greenville is on this honor roll, and in the percentage of surplus ard undivided profits over capital this bank stands 3rd in North Carolina and 213 in the United States. The Bank of Greenville has a capital of $25,000 and its surplus and undi vided profits reach $42,000 —Green- ville Reflector. Every family should have a cur few that should "ring tonight," and all other nights it needed. These curfews are inexpersive and can be made at home. Take a piece siding' two feel long ar,l whittle one eiyl to a handle; take the child who needs the curlew and bend him, or her, over a bar rel. Now take; the siding and u-e it a:; a clapper. Put it on hot, di viding the strokes evenly, and see that none miss. Good for a boy or girl up to eighteen, and tlir.e ap plications are warranted to cure the most pronounced case of st eet loafing that exists. The mus eis said to be ifiore effective than s ny ing "Where is my Watide iug B yr ..XonigJlLJ: j. Jj Words To Freeze The Soul "Your- son has Consumption. llis case is hope'ess." These ap pealing words were spoken to Geo. K Blevens, a leading merchant of Springfield, N. C. by two expert doctur.s-—one a lung specialist. Then was shown the wonderful' power of Dr. King's New Discov ery. "After three weeks us»," writes Mr. Blevens, "he was as well as ever. - I would not take all the money in the world for what it did for my boy." Infallible for , Coughs and Colds, its the safest, | surest cure on earth. 50c, and SIOO , Guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle | I free.

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