THE ENTERPRISE. ■-- \ * J. x ■ ... t PUFLUSHKD EVKRY FRIDAY ■ , R"> M.ANNIJHi X UAHSM.t. I'KtJPRIfiTuHS t, Williaiiiht»n, N. C. * 4 WILLI AM C. MANNING. EDITOR JOHN W. HASSELL. MANAC.HR SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year ... . fi.oo Six Months- - - . .50 Three Mouths ... ..25 Strictly Cash in Advance •Advertising Rates on Application Rntered at the po«t office at WilHamntou. N. C. a» Second Cl»»» Mall Matter. Friday, May 14. iqog I 1 We regret that our pa!roils could nut liave a coinj limentary: notice of the concert given la -1 night by the Grided Sol >ol pupils. Hut it is out custom to close our forms! Thursday night. and as the mana ger was siik, we were unable to j change the rules. A full account j of the concerts by the school will appear next week. The agitation of the temperance, question is worrying the army and navy officers. It is propos d to make total abstinanee a factor in ptomoiion. Senator Johnsoji, ot j nOl th Dakota, is sponsor for this | Uevv idea. If the army and navy 1 •would reach the most perfect mark, j the men who are at the head must j be free from all things that lower | the standard in every station of ] lift?. Debauchery has been tin ea use of many a wrong order given and the ruthless loss of life, and soj often the loss of honor. To be a I nation, we must be a. tem perate one. The man who stops his news j paper to save a doll ir is practicing j doubtful economy. A dollar can be invested i't 110 way to bring bet-' ter returns than by 1 " subscribing top ss )ir.e good paper. Let your home paper come first, and then fellow Willi as uiany more after wards tis 1 yon can rdtord. Newspapers are a necessity in ' every day life. The man who does not take his county paper, a farnie or other trade journal, and his church paper, is a little bit too ! much out-of-date tor theeuery day demands made upon the modern citizen. The dollar spent for the lionie paper is the biggest invest Ij •nent that can be made for 1 M > cts~| The condition of things around the market house and slaughter 1 pen in Raleigh reminds us that the WiHiamston market stalls are not : kept as clean as they can and j should be. It is a difficult matter,! we know, to always have stalls free! fioui oders unpleasant, but .with ( tile u->e of discnleetauts and a' thorough cleansing each day, theie' would be no cause for complaint, ; The Town llaM will be unfitted for! assemblies of any kind, if a stench i> to arise from below. Then it is a 111 nace to the public health. The Mayor has a line opportunity t>; regulate these things, as he is in such close proximity to the market. We are urging a closer observ ance of thesinitary laws not just I ' to be critical, but because we try to serve the public aiuPthe cleanli ress of a town should be the c'-ief tiling in the minds ot those appopi-' ted to lot k after the peoples inter , est. * t i Glut* Rooms Exclusive ( Rv A Woman L : . "1 Once upon a tlm- e i' l a little town ; | on-the banks' of U SU r g"ig river, 1 lived a number of melt who not car - ; ing to get home early in tlie even-) iug, and needing a pleasant place to hang up, fromed themselves into - a club. Being very fastidious,' , they puzzled their intelligent miuds „ for quite a while before a sutiable \ ? name could be found for so august a body. They searched biograpjii-1 cal, historical, scientific and botani- j cal works to discover something , which would be a proper designa-; 1 . i.i. ■ f* tion. Looking far across hemis phere*, over oceans and mountain range?, they found a magnificent flower floating on the sWeet waters of fit classic Nile —that they chose for their emblem. These men were lavish in the furnishing of the rooms, the com fort and brightness of nhich woiild cheer the tired man of bu-ines. .Things were perfect) in arrange ment, and with one accord the men exclaimed: "It is good to be here!" But just then tbev .thought of th ir wives, sweethearts, mothers, sis ters; cou&ius—and, ing not to exclude them entirely frotn their heavenly quarters, adopted a resolution making eve'> Wednesday "Ladies Day." Time sped on, and the cl ib rooms gave abundant nlett«tire to the members. Banpu ts h tve often been held, at which litne the laiJies were peinj t j ted to invade the sacred precincts of the Club and with fcrti«tie hands id 1 more attraciveness to the al ready beautiful int.rior. So the -tory runneth. In the course of titre, fourteen women of the town fromed a book j club, strictly speaking an organiza-, tion, the meetings of which were full of "good things," both to eat ! and otherwise. At the last meet ing of the year, it was dee ded to give a banquet to which each mem ber could ask several friends Hav ing no rooms sufficient to accotro date a crowd, they decided to ask for the ise of the .men's rooms Hut the. Honorable Hoard of Gov ernors refus d to exclude the tin 111- b.r> of the Club who would not be invited bv the women. Being limited 111 means, the women were not in a p isition to have it on tho-e terms. Whether there was a'fear! in the miuds oi the Honorable j Hoard,that some of them might he left out in the cold, is yet as r mote as a demonstration of the fourth-! j dimension. To ask one of them if such r. feir existed would probably "bring on more talk." The action of the Honorable j Board of Governors does not seetn i strange, even though the women have been m ide to think that they ! would be free to ask for the rooms. I One has only to stop and see that four of them are sour old bachelors!*! one a wi lower and the other a married man! Therefore, they are to be more ] itied thiol blamed. The members of the Book Club j are taking this species of ungal lan try sweetly, as they do many things thrown them by the "lords of creation, " There is an j an old adage whicjv reads: "All's | Weil "ttiat eiuls well. Tilt! UUlUiir' have a'cherry "So long, Mary," I for the Honorable Board of Gov ernors. We know of nothing better for cuts bums, bruises, scratches, or in fact anything where salve is j nee "led, than DeWitt's Carboli/ed ' Witch Ha/.el Salve. It is especial-j ly good for piles. We sell and | leconieiul it. Sold by Biggs' : Drug Store. . Talented Artists to Appear in WiH iamston, May 24th, at City Hall We make special tiK'iitum also of Miss Shelly Burrow oi Tennessee as a j ianist and accompanist, This lady can lie justly described as a musical genius She is not only cultured but she has music in her soul, which apparently get's into her fingers when she touches the keys of a piano. Her playing was marvelous. She has teenic, and had execution and tone at her com mand, and i-certainly a true artist, who will long-be .rvmembeied by niauV.ou board —Clipping froui The Atlantic Daily News" oil board the Steamship "Amerika,'' January, 2f»tll, the evening before landing at Plymouth, luig laiul. Charity Concert under the mai 1 ageuieut of Madam jsciTunTirrr Heink. v - s- When you take Kodol, the food you have eaten will be digested | naturally, regularlv'and promptlv. and in this way Kodol gives the j stomach a chance to r.gain its lost j strength and heal h. and after a little while you need not take Kodol longer, but take it while you do r.e.d it and if it fails to: lienefit yqu your money will be refunded to vou, It is sold by Biggs' Diug Store. t TRUSTEE'S SALE 1 By virtue of authority of a Deed of t Trust executed to me by S. A, Price ami s Lula Price on the 14th day of 'March 190 a, and (lulv recorded in the register's office in Martin County in Hook 7.. Page 48 j, to secure the payment of a i certain bond liearing even date therewith and the stipulations in said Deed ol j Trust not having been complied with,. 1 shall exj>ose at public auction, for cash on the 24th day of May 190 V. at i 2 o'clock in Oak City in Martin County, the fol -1 lowing property: That piece or parcel '»f land known as r | the George W. Moore home place, and being the land conveyed to S. A. Price I and I,ula Price by Geo. W. Moore. Con jlainio)« 4iacr*>*-«u*te tir. .lesa, adjoining ' the lands of Eli Hopkins estate aud , ! others. ' JSO T HVMAN, J 4-.V>-4t Trustee. NOTIC E , ! North Carolina,—Murtin County, | In the Superior Court, —Before tlie Clerk A. K Dunning, Administrator of lla'idy Page, deceased, j Ous Little, Cyrus Little, Louuie Little, ! Jennie Vittle, Smitlf" Little, Cleveland I.ittle. Mandy Purvis, Sarah Perkins, Ora Brown, Rryaut Little, Mayo Little, land Cttbv Little, Heirs-at Law. j The defendants above named will,take I notice that an action entittled as above j has lieeti commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County »o sell land to I ui»ke assets to pay the debts against the estate of Handy Paife, deceased, and said defendants will further tako notice that the\ art 1 squired to apjear at the office of the Clerk of the superior court of Mar tin County, at the Court house in W'il jliamstoti, N. C , on the 31st day of May Kxk), and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action, or the plautif! will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. | This 37th day of April iijoq. 4 Jo-4t J A. HOBBS. Clerk Superior Court. i NOTICE j No»tU Carolina — Martin County. | T. S. Hrtilley J vs. 1 F. D. Taylor; . The alios e named defeudent will take ' notice that a summons in the above en titled action was issued against F. D. j Tavloron the 20111 day of April 1909 by J. i A. Hobbs, clerk to the SujieriorCourt tor I Martin County, N. C,, for the sum of said plaintiff by note, which I summons is returnable l»efors; the Judge of the Superior Court o' Martin Coutftv at the Court House on Monday the 21st. day of Jll ue ii»o>j j The defendant, will also take notice ! that the Warrant of attachment wa* I issued by J /\. Hobbs, clerk of the Sup ' erior Court of Martin County 011 the 20th ■ day of April, iioy against the property (of said defendant, which warrant is re | turn able-before the Judge of the Superior I Court of Martin County at the time and ' place alxive named fir the return of the I summons, when and where the defendant is required to appearand answer or demur I to the complaint or the relief demanded ; will lie granted. - Thisthe auth da vls April, | 4 2.V4T J. A. HOBBS, j CL*rk, Superior Court, Martin County. TRI ST HE'S SALE By virtue of authority of a Deed of Trust executed to me by Henrv Hell and Veiino Bell on the Ist day of Nov. 1901 j and duly recorded in the Register's office J 111 Mat tin County 111 Book {', Page | TN, to secure the payment of A certain 'bond beating even date therewith, and 1 the stipulations in said Deed of Trust not having been complied with, I shall sell at'public auction, for cash, on Monday tile "th day of June 1 go.), at 1 > o'clock T at the Court House in Murtin County the ! following property ; It Selti'g (Fie identical land deeded to | Henry Ilell BV \V. P. Bowen and wife and John P Big»>s mortgagee by deed re coided 111 th" Martin County Record ! Book X. Page 1(41 et se|. containing '6O acre> more or less. Adjoining the ! land of Mary Nicholson and W. P. I Bowen, the said dfced is hereby referred O for a description of the said laud. \V. C MANNING, 4 30.41 Trustee, i hlla- 1 —"Hell never passes a uiir ' ror without looking 111 it.' \ Stella — Brave girl! Harper's Weekly. t Won't Slight A Good Friend "If I need a cough medicine I agfrin I know what tp get," declares Mrs. A. I Alley ot BeSls; Me:, ! "t'or v after using ten bottles of Dr. | King's New Discovery, and seeing its excellent rtsuhs in uiy own family aud others, I am convinced .it is the Inst medicine made for : Coughs, Colds trouble " | Every one who tries it feels just that «av, Relief is felt at once and quick cure surprises you. For Bronchitis, Asthma, Hetnorrh ' age, Croup, LaGrippe, SoteThroaty pain in chest or lungs its supreme. 50c aud SI.OO. Trial bottle free. I Guaranteed by All Druggists. | $ .-. Advance Spring Showing f h-'Z .v * _ 25 >1 \ OF Ufr X-,-- h !■.s CORRECT CLOTHES FOR GENTLEMEN | d l& Stylish Hats, the well known Walk Over Shoes, V and a snappy line of Gents' Furnishings Sf ll llf ~~ " " t, 1 ' . a •.- ■ "'ft Our line of £ f Should he Ladies' Examined Dress by all the *!§ Goods Fair Sex - I '|H, - M r ;• / •• • - —.v •- : —a ' yiu * mi > X' Our Millinery Department is prepared to make • - ». / | that New Hat most becoming to you. o — Harrison Bros. & Company - Magazine Bargains! . - * \ The following offers contain only selected magazines of the highest merit. The needs and desires of every One will be found ' represented in this list- Women, Literature, Reviews, Juvenile, Outdoor Interists, Fiction. Technical, Music, Art, etc. THE ENTKHPLUSE aud COSMOPOLITAN or AMERI - or SUCCESS—VaIue $2.00 for g1.«5 Is Greatest Subscription Offer Ihrougn a most unusual arrangement with the publishers we are able to make this remarkable offer. 14 PUBLICATIONS and a DRESS PATTERN •jTotal Value « $3.65 for Only - $2.15 •I"The Enterprise" Weekly, One Year, $l,OOl : Pictorial Review „oo,S y a f h rU 1.00 AL y L E s A E R N^ NE : Success Magazine „„„4Ke y W 1.00 >^ Modern Priscilla - .50 QO IgT r Pictorial Review Pattern, - .15 £■ IW \ To be by the nuhscribei from the rtylcs illuniratnt in Pictorial 1 yt* > 'mm . . Kcvii-w. at any time within two inonthk after r«cr(vim{ the first c«i|>y ' A X. t { Total Yearly Subscription Pricyof the Four and Pattern J | :| 44 The Weekly Enterprise" 1 .a 4 I ■ \ « '** ; ■ ' ♦ r *''' ** '"j ANI) VALUE COST- AND VALUE COSTI AN6 VALVE COST U Ainslee's Maxa/ine.. So for $1 35 Harper s Weekly $5 00 for f4.y> j Philistine >2 h> for «ii 65 ' t American Boy ~200 " t 65" Need'ework- . ..175 " 100 Physical Culture s ih> " i'W» American Homes & Garden * " r A l '{\ K! % I ?#' * e , vie . w aui ' 2, !° " "15 * . „ . .. .. House vile 130 " 125 Popular Magazine . aOO " •> ii> 3 Atilerlcan 200 Ito House Beautiful ... 350 V 3 2.5 Popular Science Month 1 v.. 4 cty V 3 to V Atiiericati Poultry Jourßel.. t3o " 130 ] Human Life 200 " 105 Primary Kducation "'J •• 2(« ' . lAppleton's Mazarine 250 " 200 lllustratel London News .. 7 ia " (> 4s' 'Primary Plans.. t i.*-oo ( (•& 1 ' Atlantic Monthly 600 " 425 ludepeudaat 3 (kT " 235 Puck... i;,*, >• IO | Automobile 4 *) " J25 | International iitudio 'it 06 " 525. Putnans-Reader 4 ( k> " 2 ': Black Cat aOO " 160 • Judge *Boo " 525 1 Rncreation 4 >() «« gift . e Blue ls(Kik 250 " 225 Keratnic Studio " 4 iio Red Itook ~.,., 2'>,> •' 2 • , 1 Bohemian 250 " 200 j Ladies' World r st> " 136 Reliable Poultry Journal ~»i 00 " T jf, I Bookman 3JO " 3 10l Lite ./ '. « (x> 530 Rudder 4 wo • | Boston Cooking School aOO " 1 65] Lijipincott's Maga/.ine 350 " 2 7.1 Scientific American 400 •• ; iio j Breeder's (lazette 300 " 200 Little Folks (Salem) new., a lO " 1 (>3 Scientific Amer arid Sup'i't Sod " ii ' ! Bun' Mcintosh Monthly.. 400 " 3 «*» j McCall's Mag and pattern 150 " 140 Sorilitier's Magazine 400 " ;i (S?i I Century Magazine 51*1 " 4So J McClurelMagazine 250 " 140 Smart Set... \ ,"x, " -J y, "] Children's Magazine 200 " 165 Metropolitan Magaz tie 250 " I 0"> Smith's Magazine .... L'."«) "■} - Christian Herald (N. V. ).. 250 " 2to Modern Priscilla I «;o " 135 St. Nickolas 400 " Ho Country I,if»Mn America... 500 " 400 Motuer's Magazine I •*» " 135 Strand Magazine .. 2 fto " 40 Craftsman 400 " 335 Motor Age v 4 x> " 325 Suburban Life' 400 " •» S > Current Literature ... 100 " 325 Motor Boat "... 3cm " 'J'6O Sunday School Times 2oj " ISo Designer ;—' 150 " 13ft Musician ...» a fto.„" ai» Sunset Magazine • 200 " t tWi Drestnaking at Home 200 " tHS Nation .... 400 " 375 Svsteui 3co " 2Ho Educational Review 4 *i " 350 National lionte Journal 150 " 125 Table Talk 200 " 1«5 Hlectrical World 400 " 366 National Magazine 250 " 2 *) Taylor>Trotwood Magazine 2 .x> " 2 k» " Klectrcian .* Mechanic 200 " 1 (15 National Soortsmau 200 " 1(15 Technical World Magazine -50 " 200 , Ktude (for music lovetn) .. 250 " 200 N.;w Y ) fashions 100 " 135 Theatre Magazine 4 ix> '• 33ft j Farm Journal (a years) 130 " 125 Normal Instructor 175 ' 50 Toilettes .. 300 "ii 36 ® Field and Stream,,— 250 " 200 North American Review... 500 " 4 "*> Travel Magazine......'. 250 " 2*> rWum:~rrr-r 3 *. .2 3,5 • Qutdoor.JLife... 250 •• i aft Van Nonien-Magazine 200 '• 170 Oartlen Magazine....: ..... . 100 " 1 «•*» Outing Maga/.ine 400 " 23s Vogne , ft op " 4 ,V» r Good Housekeeping ... 200 •' 1 tlft Outlook 400 " 375 Wile-World Magazine 220 " 2 ift ' Good Liternt'ire 133 " 120 | Pacific-Monthly 200 " 200 Home Conip'll 220 " 1 J Hampton's Magazine a *> " 200 ; Paris Modes and Pattern..* 150 " 1 3ft Woman's National Daily... 200 " 1 k> I Harpers Bazstrr 200 " 1 l»s | Pearson's Magazine.., 250 " aOO World fo day...... 00 «• 2 ort r Harper's Magazine. .500 " 450 People's Home jI , ■ 1 .1 1' 1 1 1,,.- [ THE ENTERPRISE, EVERYBODY'S and DELINEATOR—VaIue $3.50 for $2.50 . ' ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARF FOR ONE FULL YEAR. Subscriptions may lie new, renewal, or extensions. Magazines ; may l>e sent to one or to separate addresses. . Additional 1 postage is charged on Canadian ami Foreign subscrip tions If you do not find what you want, send us yonr Itst. and we will quote vou the 'lowest possi ' J hie price. We will duplicate any offer made by any reputable agent, agency, or publisher. >'THE ENTERPRISE" - Williamston, N. C." - ' •'