I- ■ ■ ■ u. fpoStirTitS Mr. Editor:— , Without doubt, the dry method is the easiest, safest and ,most economical method of ieeding small chicks. It is always a risk to the health ot young birds to feed moist .mashes. Experienced poul try men have obtainel yery good results from feeding raw or cooked mashes, but it will be wisest course for the -beginner to confiue himself to the dry method, usiug sound, ~-#weet gram. I The chicles should be kept con fine I close to the mother lien fur the first two or three days. Ft r the first two or three weeks the lieu .should be kept shut up in the coop' letting the chicks rnn free. Keep water in a clean drinking fouutain where the hetiarv) chicks can reach ir, keep the. chicks at times a supply of chick-size ' grit, granulated bone ami charcoal. Scatter a little com mercial chick fool in sonv* fine litter a«nd let them scratch for it Feed four or five times daily, but do not feed so much at one time that they are not willing to scratch when the next feeding time comes. After teu or fifteen days the chicks may be gradually, weaned from the chick food, and cracked, corn and wheat fed in its place. If possibe, always have a grass run, or it that is not obtainable, give a substitute such as cut clover, aJfafl fa, sprouted oats, or cabbage. It is very natural that chicks as well as human beings should tire of •one bill of fare day after dty, so it is nec.ssary trt supply supplemwi tary feed to stimulate the appetite and to preveutthe chicks from get ting off their feed For this there is nothing better than cooked .wheat or cracked rice. The grain should be boiled thoroughly, first seasoning the water slightly with .Silt. Bjil until the grains are very soft and almost all the water has evaporated Do not stir any tuore than necessary while cooking, as it is desired to have the grains as . whole as possible. This food should be allowed to cool before feed nig. When ready to feed re move the amount you intend to give the chicks and sprinkle a littie bone or beel meal over it, bone meal preferable. Feed 011 clean »baaids and spread Sufficiently to give all chicks free access to it without having to trample all over the food G,vc as m ich of this food as they will clean up in from fifteen |o twenty minutes. Kemeiuber to keep fresh water before the chicks all the time, and JkeejpiJj''.- drinking fountains clean R. R, Rohkkts. You occasional trouble from indigestion, such as Sour s'om*ch, belching of gas, sour ri-ings find Wtak slo.uach. should not delay a moment to help the stomach digest the food for all these little ailments, annoying both to you'self and to others, arte caus.-d simply by undigested food ju th«i stomach. Kklol for Dyspepsi i and Indigestion taken occasionally will aom relieve you of all the simple fttottiach ailments that you now have, bttt may be more serious later Try Kodol today and take itUo"our guarantee We kno.v it will do •what we say it will do. It is sold by Biggs' Drugstore. The Implement Co., RICHMOND, VA. It is very important both for , effective and economical work to procure The best of FARM IMPLEMENTS Our New Descriptive Catalog J just issued tells all about the best \ O time and labor-saving machinery. 0 It is one of the best and moskin- ' teresting Implement Catalogs it sued. Mailed free on request. We are also headquarters for Farm Wagons. Buggies, Barb Wire. Fencing. V-Crimp and other Roof ing. Gasoline Engines, Saw and Planing Mills. Write for prices and catalogs. The Implement Co., 1302 Main St„ - Richmond, Va. j i w ' ' " -• ' • . ■' . ... •>' A : About Cotton and Tobacco Estitna'es oPfhfe cotton acreage and condition that the, crop is late and that there is no material change in area planted as compared with last year. Texas, it is said, would have iuc?eas£d its acreage under favorable conditions, but dry weather has delayed planting* and lateness in planting* tueatls increased daAage by weevils. The Louisiana and Mississippi crop has teen admittedly reduced on account of the weevil scare. The general awakening to our hitherto tWglected opportunities for corn growing lias also reduced the " of K'ng Ct>W*Hi. --Xnc New York Journal of Commerce says there-is on Ahe whole 4 I*l cent reductiou iu„acteage with the season teu days late. Mis Giles says, thereis 3 per cent reduction in acteage and the coditions just now decidedly worse than last year. ( 111 Danville Va.,.last week there was a largely) attended meeting of the Mutud Protective Aassociation ' of Bright Tobacco Growers of Noi th jCaro'tna and Virginia. Risolu ; tious .were passed pledging the ' members to \»ool their 1909 crop at ! a general average of 12 cents a pound, and reduce next year's crop if Satisfactory prices are not obtain ed for this year. President 11. O. Kerns and Vice- President S C. Adams were directed to appear be foie Congress 111 support of a tar iff 011 Turkish tobacco.—Ex. If you expect to get the best t and most rtliable preparation for Kidnev trouble, inflammation of the bladder, rheumatism, rheumatic pains' weak back and backache you must get DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. They act promptly and are sure. Solo J>)' Bigg's . Drug Store. 1 { Fro* Culture . ! Representative John If. Small i.* making an effort to inaugurate the culture of frogs at the fish station ' at Kdeuton, N. C. The Bureau ; of Fisheries, will probably consider the matter, as Fish Commissioner ' Bowers is favor itye to it. ' The' frog supply iw not great, and the large dtnnnd for the juic\ hind legs has about depleted the ' market. Mauy people with the taste of an F'picure pay exorbitant : pi ices for them, therefore the cul -1 ture would be a most profitable one. ' The French raise great numbers of 1 frogs, and find it profitable. Wash ington City has a ready market tor tilt in, and the prices are fancy Other niatkets can very'' easily p'ace the s 'J'pplv. I, f 7 Woods I.iver Medicine is a liver jregnlator which brings [quick j relief to sick headache,const'pation, ; Jt>iliousne-s atld othtr symptoms of • J liver disorder, Particularly recom. j mended far Chills, Fever, ' Malaria. The £I.OO size contains 2y> times as much as the 50c size. , Sold by Chase's Drug Store I ij X • 5 Von can do better than you are | doibg if you wi'h Make a hit—be • iT. Sick headache, constipation aid biliou-ness relieved by RinjiS ' | Littie Liver Piks. They cleanse the ' | system Dt> not not gripe. Price 25c. Soldby Chase's Drug S orr. M-fave a definite aim in your work jand strike where you ami. | _ m 1 Why (io Elsewhere? Our agency will show convincing evi dence of 35 yearn extensive sale anl highly sati-fied users of the L. & M„ j Paint. All dealers ill others paints cotn ' bined cannot funmty ejual evidence. ! When paiitting with L & M. you are •painting with Metal Zinc Oxide com liJjined with White Lead. Zinc is iui j !>eiisl)able and makes the 1.. & M. wear | awl cover like gold. Its colors remain briglit and lasting. I>on't need repaint tor i» to 13 veirs. Besides it cost less for paint. Sold by R. \V. Salisbury & Bro , Hamilton, N. C., Hardy Hardware Company, Scotland Neclc,' Persistency is one of the greatest points in busin/ss success. Always turn up cheerfully after a turn-down. HASSELL ITEMS V , t , * "v* - * J* •" /] V • ■ ■■ v • ,T. ~ Mr. Jordan spent Wednesday in Greenville. Mr. W. A. Fleming returned home Wednesday. Mrs Tom Robersb'uof Battlehoro 1 was hjere this week. Mr. Wilson Limb of Williams ton was bere Thursday* / 0 Mrs. R. H. spent Thursday in Scotland Neck. The achool tiught hv Miss Al:ra Fleming closed last Friday for the summer. "j Mr: Rnbert-S W-HHy -jmU j»it»iera, I.u,ir i and Ju'ia spent i>irtid iy in ."Rol'ersjnvill^.' - Mr Leslie Hass of Tarboro visit ed his sister, Mrs. I. T. lLtislip, lureSliis we.k. Mr*. Rui iolph and Slielton of Hotise spent Stindav here, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jor d in. i Mo>t cough cures and cold cures are constipating, especially those that contain opiates. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Svrtip is free from all opiates and it cures the'cold by gentle moving the bowels and at , the smietime it soothes irritation of the throat and lu*igs, and iu that way stops the cougu. It is espec ■ tallv recoramenJe 1 for children, as it tastes nearly as good as maple sugar. We sell and reo mitneud it . Sold by Biggi* Drug Store. > DARDENS ITEMS 1 r Mr. Stanford Jackson is still f very ill, ; Mr. w A. Moore had a chill 1 Sunday and is j>till very sick. r , I • Mr. Carrel 1 Fagan made a buii ness trip to Jamesvtlle Tuesday. ' " > ' Mrs. Mittte Fagati, ' who was very sick last week, is improving. • 4 Mesdames David Swinsou ami s George Smith are visiting in Nor i tolk. 1 Mr. Vance Fagati who has beer r sick 'several does noi r improve. Mrs. Amelia Fagati of JawesvilW has been spending several days it thethome of Mi?,, C. C. Fagati. t Mrs. J. K. Snyit'iwick and M.i-tt t t James were the gnest of Mrs C C - Fagati Sunday. Miss Dennie Bell Garduer 1- ft f Wednesday for Williamstoti to I ike ii the commencement and crnival. r Mr. Grady Gurkiti ar.d Mis? . Hilda McCaskey were guests of Miss BeWiice Fagan Sunday night. Man/an Pile Remedy is put tn r a tube with nozzle attached. May c beappliel directly to the allYcud Guarantee'!.' Price >c. j Sold by Chase's I)rug Store. Never recct'ize c mpethion tint'l ' competition \ou. A Guarantee 1 Cough '!■ Bees Laxative Cough Syrup • !*or coughs, colds, • croup, whon;> ug > cough, hoarsness afld «H brum lual affections. Best for clii! en because it fs'quick to relieve Mid tastes good. Gently laxative! S»!d l>v Chad's Drug Store. I r - A BANK ACCOUNT WILI, GKOVV a'm >.Ht of itself. Tfie very act of lraw r injj a rlieck makes a man careful about , his -Ih-jifmil your finals t IN THE BANK OF MARTIN Cf'l NTY. 5 No lilatter if the Mini ;I>e, sfiuill.e'The less it is the more careful ycni should be at>out its s]jeuling. In a litte while you will find that you are spemlinn l->s for trifling things. Vou will dcA'ie that t money in the hauk is ihuch letter than the buying of things %oti do nut really need. r Bank of Martin County N. C. V •* . • - ; - *•■■■ - * . y ' ■> ' • ■ . , " .A . I # **PO*T O* TUK CONBtriOK Of THE Bank of Robersonvtlle - if ■ *» i RoberscuvHle, N. at the close.of hus ."v ■ . ; ' I • mess April -b 1909. ' " * A .'• RKSdITRCKS: 0 Loans ami discounts $ 37,136.72 ! Overdrafts 5453.77 : Ranking house #2,539 20; fur niture and fixtures 1944 7$ Due from bauk and bankerS* 18,399.1 \ Sil *et coin including all miuor coin currency'.. 3-75 * 34 Total f 63,^">5.41 . , tfABIX.mKS J ' 1 Cftpit.il stock * 1 f 15.000.0cf ' Surphi- t'mnt 11 7,160.00 Undivided prftfits, less current ■ expanses and taxes paid - 90.5 j r ti\ideurls unpaid ■ . 1 I Tittle certificates of deposit 6,27013 subject to cbyck 34,694 54 Cashier's checks out-.tandiug 2-.74 Total #63.^569^1 BTM m VtIKTIC CAROI.I N Cfilltlty t)f MlUtill.' I 1. J C. Rolwrtnon, cushter ol ih- atwve f nantt ink tld SBlrttinly iwertr ttinl ttlt ttfnu m nt U tru4 to the bt-jtt of my kiiou Itdfcr 5 ! I J. C. KOHKKTHON, Ca*hier Curi ret Attest: J. H~. Ruliertson, jr., A, S. Rob erwiti H. Hargrove, Director*. . Sil I '-. T IIH.II siid»worn to lie Tore inc. this 4 DAY of M e. i w . S. t„ KOSS. Notary l-uhllc. i ■ ' A POLICY THAT CHAINS VOl' ;• tr« i,,m»taut risk «f ruin is the height of foil) What is the use of working to es-1 . talilisli a home or a business and thetv| hot it liable to burn til) at any time and . * ruin ) ou. - TilK COST OF FIRK INSURANCE I •s so moderate that il is indeed penny | j. wibc and pound foolish to be without it.! Hue us issue ycu a policy' to-day and you will sleep sounder to-night. Sy will I (1 voitF wife, whose home is her a 1 1 . |K. B. GRAWrORD n INSURANCE AGENT, it Godard Building , e Miss Nora J. Fowden, Registered Graduated Nurse. Services Rendered Prompty. Willunvtou, • North Carolina* t " 1 T ' NOTICE Having (pialilied as Administrator of s the estate of John O. Corey, deceased, if Notice is hereby given to allceditors of said estate to present their claims for payment on or before the first day of * 'M«T A—IV !■('", -a*- 'hi" 'Upt ji'tf Jje_ v plead in bar of their recovery. |j All j>ersons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pwe>metU of the same. This April 12111 i'i" 1 J. K. CORF.Y, 4-16 6t Administrator, AI»>IJ NI ST KATO R NOTICK, s Having'this "lay qualifi ;d us adminis trator >ti the estate fit the late William K. Taylor, dectfasdd, I hereby give notice ' to all parties indebted to said estate |! that their accounts must be settled at , once, and all claims held, against said estate must IK- presented dicing the next twelve liluiith~. of this notice " will be pleaded in ba* of their recovery. I This April 14,' l'*" 4 #- . • * C. Ii X HARRISON 4-i6-6t Adniiinstrator, • - William->t°n, N. C., K. F. U. »* NOTICK North Carolina—Martin County in the Superior Court —Before the Clerk. A?C. Smith vs ■ Maggie Powell, Louis Powell, W, M. Gremmer, Matntnie Gremmer and Roy Coburn. By virtue nf a degree of the Superior ..Court of Martin County made iu the above entitled cause. I shall on Monday the 7th day of June 1909. at ■- O'clock trooti, at the court house door of Martin County, Willianiston, N. C'., offer at j public sale, to the highest bibler, for'- cash, the following ■ lescrirrecl reid estate, ■ to-wit:- e Situate .in Roijersonville Township. e adjoining the lands of A. C. Smith and u others* and being lot No. 3 in the divis r ion of the Ruben Edmondsoti land and , lt adjftining Lot No. 4, in said division and II l>eiiig the sliare allotted to Mandy Ed- niomlsoti in slid division, and contain ing i"> Hcres, more or less'; This Bth day of May ii»o9. J. C. SMITH, .5:7.41 Cohiniiss i oue'r « * - ' • . • v - *,. /; r ' ' i ■; • *• . • * .. • „ ' '■ HARDWARE Plow® Cultivator® Disc Harrows . Gucrno Distributors Roofing Base Ball Goods ~ F. W. HOYT Williamstoti,. - - North Carolina t ' X I I r. ; ~rr This is The Place To huv Groceries Fresh and Fine BEST STOCK QUICK DELIVERY 1 . x • -- - 41 ' Everything for the Table In the " . . GROCERY LINE .. Call 'Plume and give > our orders, W. J. HODGES —^ Mobley Httilditii; « - Williamstou, N. C. :WAGONS, WAGONS. WAGONS j . ; J Size you want, Kind you want. Quality you want. PRICE TERMS Think of above before buying Think of above after buying But buy a Weber "KING 'Or AL»L»" J. Paul Simpson Sample in front of City Hall WHUamston , A'. C. Woolard's Combined HARROW - ITLTIYATOR - 1 CARTS AND WAGONS IVIADE TO ORDER Have Woolard to make your FLUES and You will have the 15EST" J. L. WOOLARD j WILLIAMSKVN, N. C. $14.05 ;1 TO ' SAVANNAH,OA. & RETURN | VIA ATLANTIC COAST LINE Account GENERAL ASSEfIBLV PRESBYTERIAN CML'RCM in UNITED STATES r:-. May 20th to 29th. . J Tickets on sale May 17th, i Stli, lytli and for trains >ciieduled to arrive in Savannah before noon May 20th; also for trains May 24th. Final limit, leave Savannah up to atul including, but not later thau midnight Jtine 2nd. For further- information call 011 Ticket Atrent or write — W. J. CRAIG, , , 1 r.C. WHITE, Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger AgenV' ; j Wilmington, N. C. .

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