Where is Your Hair? In our combP Why so? Is I not the head amuch better place for it? Better keep what is left where it belongs! Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula, quickly stops falling hair. There is not a particle of doubt about it. We speak very posi tively about this, for we know. Doti not change tkt color of the hair. with MOt J Show it to pomr flyers Indeed, the one great leading feature of our new Hair Vigor may well be said to tie this—it stops failing bair. Then it goes one step further—it aids nature in restoring the hair and scalp to a healthy condition. Ask for "the new kind." 1 ——MadaVytha J. C. AyarOa.. LowaU. Mm i n Weak Kidneys ■££ WBfISS! T BC 1 2.MS k J2 , S s£Lch. find thalr wta« Ml to tha aju itaalf. but In tha narvw that control Mid rlda tod atrenstbiD them. Dr. Bhoop't lUMoraSTi to .« modlrtn* •pacifically prepared to reach thw controlling nervaa. To doctor (he Kldnan »lone. fituttUTlt la a vnto ofttaa.andMbou;m Tlf Tour back ichN or to waak. If tha orlne •caldt. or It dark and «tron*, If you bava «rn ptotnl of Brlirhtt or othat diitrawlnc or dnacaroua kid- Mr dlieais, try Dr. Shoop's Reatondraa month— Tablet* or Liquid—and Ma what it can and will -do tor you. Draolat lacoaoiMod and aall Dr. Shoop's Bostorativo J. B. Speller —DKALER IX- Wood, Shingles, Poultry, Eggs and Furs. We carry a big liue of Wall Paper. ' Williamston, N. C. Jos.ti.Saunders, M.D. Physician arid Surgeon lJay >'hon« 53. Night Phone 67 Williamston,N. C. ■ % Dr. J. T. Underwood DENTIST Robersorville, - N. C. DR. J. A. WHITE, m dentist Office Main St. Phone 93 W. E. Warren J. S. Rhodes Drs. Warren & Rhodes PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Office in BIGO'S DRUG STORK . tf>hon« No. 29. Hugh B. York, At. D. Microscopy, > V rpeciaUies. X-Ray Dtfsglioais ) Office: Chiaa'a Proa BU>re. tmea Betas. • to 10 A. M.i 7 to 9 W. bl "• Fiona Jo. U. Mxk* KhM» Ko. IIS. B rrous A.Ciltchcr. Wheeler Martin. MARTIN & RRITCHER, * Attorneys at Law, WILLIAMSTON, - - N. O Phone 23 V F. D. Winston 8. J. Everett Winston ®. Everett Attorneys at Law WILLIAMSTON, N. C. •Phone SI. Money to Loan A. R. Dunning, J. C. Smith Dunning & Smith Attorneys-at-Law. WILLIAMSTON, - - N. O. ROBEBSONVILLE, N. 0. S. Atwood Newell LAWYER * Office formerly occupied by J. D. Biggs. Phone No. 77. WILLIAMSTON N. C. £* 'J- * 4 . £V.". J jtgg. .9 ' "A PERFEOTLY CORKING TIME." —Cartoon by Maurice Katten, in tha New York World. PRAISES ROOSEVELT, LION SLAYER, BECAUSE HE IS RID DING AFRICA OF "VERMIN." New Yortc City.—Ernest Thompaon-Seton, the nnture writ er, arrived here on the Kronprlnt Wllhelm, and said that the news of Mr. Rooaevelt's bag of llona had been brought to the ship by wlrelesa and had been enthusiastically received. "Mr. Roose velt'a expedition," aaid the writer, "should be of great value. He i« splendld.y equipped for the work, and has with him two of the beat naturalists in America. I hope he will kill many lions, for | they are vermin in that part of Africa. Mr. Roosevelt Is a splen- I did ahot, and should do well." ' Staggering Statistics as to the Annaal Loss of the Poor by Reason of Fraudulent Weights and Measures It Amounts to $20,0d0,000 a Year In New York State Alone —One Consignment of 600,000 Berry Boxes Found Short Measure. * , /* 4 . M—M**a*MM» I • -■*' Albany, N. Y. —Poor people In this State, who have to bur their food supplies in small quantities, were robbed'of about 120,000,000 last year by reason of short weights and small measure, according to an esti mate made by Frits Reichmann. State Superintendent of Weights and Meaaarea. Of that loss sbout $ 10,- 000.000 came from the people in New York City, In spite of the municipal bureau of weights add measures, of whose hesd Superintendent Reich mann has not a very complimentary opinion. "The people who lose most through faulty weights and measures," he de clsred, "are the very poor, who have to buy in small quantities. This State is so far behind its neighbors thc.t it naturally betoraes the dumping ground of short weight and short measure goods. Russia, which we consider a barbarous country. Is so much better governed than New York State in respect to its weights and treasures, as to make as blush." Primarily the reason for tfcis great defrauding of customers by dealers iS not dishonesty, in Superintendent Relchmann's opinion, but the Imper fect laws, whloh leave each munici pality to work out its own desUny, with merely a general supervision on the part of a sadly handicapped State department. Thus dealers in one city supplying retailers in some other city with different .regulations as to ♦eights and measures, or perhaps negligent inspection or no inspection, may 'unintentionally perpetrate a fraud, which the retail dealers would pass along or intensify. "To be sure." Mr. Relchmann con tinued, "there Is much dishonesty, deliberate and lntention.il, in every larne city and many small ones, and it is to guard against this that the sealers of weights and measures have tp watch constantly. Berry Boxes Short Measure. *'l stopped a consignment of 000,- 000 berry boxes to New York City the other day from one of our up-State ciUes," the Superintendent added. 'They were short measure. The con signor said they were to bo used for the 'wagon trade.' " The s'aggerlng statistics which he produced as to the total annual loss from fraudulent weights and meas ures were compiled by taking twenty foodstuCs. the average proportion of loss found by the department's tests and the average consumption yearly of the twenty articles chosen. "They were twent> average com modities —flour, bread, eggs, butter, coffee, tea, suvar, beans and the like," said he. "Those figures, too, are conservative. If anything* the amount would be rather ' than smaller." To take one example. He esti- mated that on dried beans the con sumer paid, for seme 150,000 worth of beans niore than he received In the course of a year. What purport- ' ed to be a quart of dried beans was 1 purchased by one of the Inspectors in a grocery store for twelve cents. The ] beans and the bag containing them were weighed and found to weigh i 23 3-32 ounces. The bag weighed 9-32 of an ounce, leaving for the beans 12 13-10 ounces. A correct quart of beans Is supposed to weigh easetty thirty ounces. Thqg en that j low* College P«to Girl ' on Biwball Team. Dn Moines, lowa.- — Miss Josephine Armstrong has just been placed on th* Still College baseball team to play centre field. She Is pretty, seven teen, an expert tennis and golf play er and can throw' the ball farther t&ap any man out the team. She will play In all scheduled games against the crack teams, Bfce also has a bat ting average of .289. - Miss Armstrong wears a natty bloomer suit and looks not unlike any ' oJ the college players. purchase the customer received nine and one-eighth cents' worth, Instead of the twelte cents' worth for which he paid. Superintendent Relchmana continues as follows:, "All kinds of tricks are used by dishonest merchants. Those mer chants who are not dishonest inten tionally may have faulty scales or Im perfect measures of which they know nothing because tbey are not tested. The longer a set of scales is used the worse it becomes—for the customer —unless It is tested and repaired. But the average merchant never will ask for a test ff he has to pay fees for that test, unless his customers com plain of him. Now, in some towns there is the fee system; in others the municipal scaler of weights and meas ures has a salary and collects fees which go Into the city- treasury; in others, again, there is a straight sal ary basis, and no charge Is made for tests. In some cities there is a rigid inspection; in others absolutely none. Had Conditions in Syracuse. "We went to Syracuse a time ago and found horrible conditions pre vailing. There was a municipal de partment of weights and measures, with a salaried head, who said he never had done anything much, be cause bis predecessors never had done anything but draw their salaries. Things were stirred up; this superin tendent was made to see the error of hla ways, a couple of deputies were added to his staff. Now that same man Is one of the most active and best men in the State. He tells ma that his working day Is limited to eight hours, but that he wants to work overtime In getting after viola tors of the law and does it. I went to Tonkers some time ago, and there was hardly a straight weight or pro per measure in the town. Now they have a good inspection there, and the merchants are running pretty much on the level. "But it's so easy to beat the game. How many customers know the differ ence between dry and liquid meas ure? Yet If a grocer sells a quart of lima beans, Bay, in a liquid quart measure, he's stealing about fifteen per cent. It's very easy for him to undersell competitors a cent or two a 'quart' on that basis, and thus ho drives them out of business or Into his own habits. A butcher, say. keeps several sheets of paper on hie scales. The paper weighs, perhaps, 1 an ounce or an ounce and a half. It doesn't make much difference on h ; ten-pound roast, but on a half pound or pound of meat for the poor woman It tells heavily. And spring scales— j there are as many ways to manipu-' late them as there are makes of scales." "All our neighboring States have j good laws. Canada, on our northern i border, has probably the most rigid j law In the world. If an inspector i stops a wagonload of bread and In ; the load finds one loaf short weight j be confiscates the whole load, gives It.; to some charitable Institution ami prosecutes the baker. Massachusetts ; has probably tb§ best weights and measures system in the United States: Rhode Island has an excellent sys tem; Connecticut now has a bill un der consideration 1 which seems likely to pass; New Jersey has a good sys tem; Pennsylvania apd Ohio, too." 1 > - Racing Doomed in Japan and Horsemen Ix>se Heavily. Toklo. —A tremendous effort has been made by the race track element In Japan to induce the Government to retract and permit betting upon the tracks, but Marquis Kataura, the Pre- has stood Jlrm, and for another year at least the race tracks of the empire will be without their favorite pari mutuel or any other form of bet time. This means practically an end to horse rarlns: in jnpan. «nd. neces sarily, a heavy low to the various race tracks. ' NEWSY GLEANINGS.' Owing to th« enterprise of three American* the roller skating erase has struck Berlin. Robert P. Vandeveldn, arrived from Europe to make a business of Intro duclrsr rich Americans Into European ■oclety. on the east side. New York City, beat men who had ♦ak*" ♦T'PLR T>'»C«. Arrests were fol lowed by small fines. A sbow of pictures and plans to |-*nren on New Yorkers the value of a olty bwtlful was opened In the Twenty-second Regiment Armory. Tho brsvest. calmest .persons In Adana durln* the ma»sac»e were the pupil* nnfl teachers of the girls' | school conducted by American mis sionaries. Tho body of Kuan*-Hsu, the Em peror nf China, who died In Pekln In "November, began, amid impressive ceremonies. Its eljrhty-mile journey to the Western tombs. Henry L. Stlmson, special assist ant United States Attorney, who is in charge of the Government sugar oases, admitted that cHmlnsl prose cutions would be Instituted. One part of Brooklyn. N. Y., can vassed shows the percentage of non churchgoers to be 36.5. Of Jews, 74 per cent. are non-churchgoers; of Catholics, only 11.6 per cent. Field Marshal Qhasl Mqukhtar confirmed the reports of a plot to kill .•>ll foreigners In Constantinople, the ajassacre being frustrated by the tlvnely arrival of the Salonican army. ITixn-ptlonal cordiality In England greeted the birth of a Princess of Orange on sccount of a feeling that the birth of an heir to the Dutch throne had given German aspirations ft setback. PROMINENT PEOPLE. Richard Croker sailed for Europe, not to return until after next election day. Learned Hand was sworn In as a United States District Judge In New York City. The Rev. Charles T. Aiken has re signed as head. of the Susquehanna University. f ' Colonel Roosevelt killed three lions and his son Kermlt one in first hunt after king of beasts in Africa. The pastorate of the Euclid Ave nue Baptist Church.of Cleveland, has i been offered to the Rev. William Wal ter Bustard, of Roxbury, Mass. Cornelius N. Fellowes, for years head of the Horse Show and secre tary of tho Coney Island Jockey Club, died after a reconciliation with his ■on. D?. Rowland 0. Freeman, special ist- In the diseases of children, de clared the solution of the pure milk problem lay In dairy hygiene and not pasteurization. THe Rev. Dr. J. L. Caughey told In a sermon "Why People Don't Go to Church" after a canvass covering fifty no ven Harlem (New York) bloc) s and embracing 66,600 per son H. Lewis Nixon approved Secretary M«yer's plan of cutting away need less superstructure on battleships, and said he thought warshlpte of the future will be mastless, smokeless and spgrkleas. Arrhfjpd back in London, Harry Lauder rhys: "And you want to know what I thought of President Roose velt? Well, he's the kind of a man who doesn't care what any man thlnkß of him, so there!." John Dennln Hall, said to have j held more patents for inventions than any other man In the country except Thomas A. Edison, died of pneumo nia at St. Luke's Hospital, New York City. He was eighty years old. French Tariff Bill Made Public. Paris, By Table—The Senate's new draft of the tarilf bill has been made public. In addition to concessions af j fecting the already published, the maximum duty on can | ned meats lias been reduced from 30 j francs to 2.1 francs per hundred kilos. | Increases in tho maximum with re ! spect to apples, hops, meal extracts, I preserved Vegetnbles, cotton seed oil, vaseline, iron, steel, machinery: tools, i wire, cutlery, nails, bicycles leather I ind shoes in which the United Statefc j is interested ure generally maintftih j ed; some cases they arc notubly I higher. Sour Stomach Hi " tAN * . m lgestion "" Kodol I And Indigestion always means dys pepsia—sooner or later—if the indlges | tion is not rectified. Kodol can't help | but relieve indigestion. It stops all the | agjrravatinjf symptoms, at once, by I fully digesting all food, just as fast as ! you oat it. Kodol thus helps Nature I to effect a complete euro. Our nnarflnfpp Geta dcl'arbot vjur guarantee, tieoiKodoi. it i you are not benefited the druggist will at | once return your money. Don't hesitate; any i druggist will sell you Kodol on these terms, i The dollar bottle contains 2% time* as much as the SOo bottle. Koilol is prepared in ttia laboratories of ii. C. Do Witt & Co.. Chicago BiS tlabita cured at my flanatorlrjn in ft I MH (aw weekf.. Yon can return to I hone iu SO date well, frno and happr. I I bavamadethoiehahitaatpeclaltrfor 25 rear* and cured tliounands. pprr Book on Home Treatment «*nt rllbC Add™. DB. B. M. WOOU.HV, ' loa M. Pry or Blrnt, AtUnM, Ua, EPS LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP \ CONFORMS TO NATIONAL PURE FO DO AND DRUGS LAW. fay An improvement orer many Coutfh. Lunf and Bronchial Reir.ediet. because It rlda th» system of a cold by actinf as a cathartic on the bowels. No opiate . Guaranteed to tflv* satisfaction or money refunded. Prepared by PINEULF: MEDICINE CICHICAGO. U* S. A» \OE SALE AT CHASE'B DRUG STOEE • ■t THE MOTHER'S PROBLEM Of Balllif Strong, Healthy Girls. A aerioua problem which prcaents it self to every mother with girls to raise. In these daya. The exigencies of school I life, the harry and routine of every-day [ duties, the artificial environment of modern civilisation, Inako it more riittlcult .to raise strong, healthy girls i than ever in the history of the world. ' Boys raise thAm» olv ®«* Give them room, give them liberty, and they will grow up healthy at least, without much Worrying. But the girls present a aer ioua problem. How many mothers there are who are worrying about their daughters. Ner vous, puny girls, with poor, capricious appetites, bloodless, listless, a constant anxiety to the mother. How shall she solve her problem? To whom shall she , turn for helpt Each case is more or less a study by itself, and cannot be solved by any general rule. This is the way one mother solved tho problem. Mrs. Bchopfer, GO2O Prescott Ave., St. Louis, Mo., in a letter to Dr. Hartman, says: "My daughter Alice, four years of age, was a puny, sickly, ailing child since she was born. I was always doctoring her. When we com menced to use Peruna sho grew strong aad well." t Another mother, Mrs. Martha R. F. D. 5, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, says: "Our little eight-year-old girl | had a bad cough, and was in a genoral run-down condition." She had several doctors, who could give thechild no re lief, and the mother no encouragement. Finally, she got a bottle of Pernna and commenced giving it to the child, and It proved to be Just what she needed. When she commenced taking Peruna tho child had to be carried. Now the mother says she Is playing around all tho time. Her closlhg words were: "You have dono a groat deal for her. She is tho only girl wo have, and It meant lots to I us to havo her curod." These are samples of many letters Which Dr. Hartman is receiving,.com ing strnlght from tho hearts of loving mothers. While the different schools of mod let no are bickering and differing as to theories and remedies, Peruna I goes right steadily on giving permanent rtllef. After all, it is cures that tho people want. Theories are ot little account. Tilghraan, President and General Manageri J. 0. Staton, Vio*» President; John D. Biggs, Treasurer; Asa T. Crawford, Sec retary ;T. C. Tilghman, Gen. Superintendent. The Dennis Simmons Lumber Cc., Manufacturers ot ? , .*4. Kiln Dried N. C. Pine dumber * Dennis Simmons Brand Cypress Shingles ' Orders Mid Carres poo deno* BdUottod. WILLLAMSTON, N. C. ~"~7 * c I Remarkable Storyl The story of Mrs. Matilda Warwick, of Kokomo, | ; Mind., as told below, proves the curative properties of I ■ that well-known female remedy, Wine of Cardui. I HMrs. Warwick says: I It Will Help You j "I suffered from pains in my head, shoulders, | ■ limbs, side, stomach low down, dizziness, chilly, iier- H ■ vousness, fainting spells and other female troubles. j| I was almost dead. Three doctors did not help me. ■ At last, I took Cardui, and with the first bottle ob- ■ Stained relief. Now lam cured. But*for Carduj^fl, ■ I would have been dead." , Try Cardui. AT ALL DRUG STORES 7 j| I KILL.™ COUCH AMD CURB TW LUNO with Dr. King's New Discovery FOR CB!tfr »MD ALL THROAT AND LiINQ TROUDLEt. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY 08. MONET REFUNDED. "W f^OCuntOHNODtrCNOKO.^O'xxWtB ■ drawiiuf orph«>to.ioroxperiw'Mrch iu»a free report ■ m rrc© aJvloe, »'oW to obtain patent*, trade mark*, ■ Q copyright®, rtc.. IN ALL COUNTRIES. I fltuiness direr I with Walking ton salts /tW,B M money and often tit talent. I Pity» and WHnpm«nt Practlc* E-t'uilvtly. I I Wrua or coin* to ui at ■ tl) Ninth Itrat, «vp. UnlU4 OUU. P»tont OIm.B y W*«MINQTON, D. C. B "ftLL DEALERS" RPWI .ffiM A f 'v ion-*«>f tb' ll t nii-dy will In- Vi' T'ly cvu«au iii'ii :i:y attack of di.iiri iOit. It c.mu always b* '1 ponded npom, pti ii in tliD more mm* *-i'e attacks of vi miip colic anil chole .n morbus. It in equally tmeo«'*»- 'ul for snuitner diarrhoea ana ch"l»i i infantum in childn-n, and is tl«-* • . snns of saving the lives of many ciii Iran each year. When reduced w ill water and ■weetened it Ik to take. Kvery man of it tm tiif should keep thif remedy in his ho me. Buy it now. Piucb, 250. ] i A roe Size, 000. -j — j _ 1