VOL. XI. NO. 18 ROBERSONVILLE NEWS ITEMS Local Happenings and People who are Coming and Going, Here, There and Yonder as Gathered by our Regular Corres pondent: X N. C Everett was in town Tue* day. Miss Allie G. Little was in to.Vn Sunday William Tripp left Monday for Bunnerton. A, R. Dunning and wife were in town Fiiday. George Daniel!, of Oik City, was here Sunday. S. E Gates, of Gieeuville, was here Tuesday. J. S. Grftfin, of N irfolk, was iu town' Tuesday. C. A. Biker, of Williamston, wan lure Sunday. John Girduer, of Scotland Neck, was here Sunday. . Frank Cobb and Marvin Hiouut were here Sunday. J. W. Perkins, and family are Siting in Mebane. Mis* L-ta Taylor, of G.ili Pobit, was in town Monday. Mis>s Lillian G oner, of Bethel, visited here last week. Miss L'shie Coburn. of Gjld Point, spent Sunday here. Miss Vivian Roberson was here from Wintervilie Sunday. Miss Ella Langley, of Gtecnville i> visiting Miss Sue Everett. I)r. Hargrove and Church Per kins went to Tarboro Monday. Claude Kdmondson and Arthur Johnson were in town Sunday. - W. H. Crawford and wife were here Williamston Sunday. The Musses Cumming*, of Tar boro, visiteJ in town last week. Henry Everett and wife, ot Oak City, visited relatives last we-fk John Slatoti and wife, ot Bethel, attended the Union here Sunday Elder G. I). Roberson went to Williamstou Wednesday on busi ness. Miss Laura Salsbuty, of Hassell, visile 1 Mrs. W. Z. Morton last week. Mrs. Heber Munford, of Ayden, spent Sunday here with Mrs. G. A. Crofton. I. W. Bass of Rocky Mount, speut Sunday night with G. D. Roberson. Miss Ora Taylor of near Oak Grove viiltei Mrs. A- S. Roberson last week. Mrs. Trevathan and Mrs. White, o? Rocky Mount, spent Tuesday night here. , Misses. Dottie and Norma Bur -1 roughs of near Williamstou .were here last week. ' Miss Alice Edwards, of Raleigh visited her aunt, Mrs. J. W Height, last week Miss Sillie Davenport, of Hamil ton, is spending s >me time with Mis. J. L Robersou Misses Helen and Rachel Ed mondiftn, of Hamilton, spent Sun day with Mrs. J T. Ro-s. b. T,-Martin and A. D Mobley, of Jamesville attended the Union here Saturday and Sunday. Misses Bessie and Faye Beverly, of Bethef, were the guests of Misses Blanche and Nina,Roberson Miss Merle Wilson, who has been visiting Miss Myrna Height, has returned to her home in Louisburg. / «'• ' THE ENTERPRISE Misses Lillie Bunting, Mollie, Edmondson and Mattie Whitbers, of Bathe!, visited Mrs. R.J. Nelson iMt week. Misses Lillie and Eva Wynne, cf William-ton, spent several day* in town last week the gue%ts of Miss Sue Everett. There was a storm party at the home of Mr. Ed Rofitrson'i* Thurs day night. All piesent seemingly enjoyed the occasion. There was quite a number of visisots here in attendaue upon the Union Meeting, which began Fiiday night Rev. Mr McFurland of Scotland Neck, preached tlie in troductory sermon. Several other ministers were prese it. Tlv Church wasjiacked at both services on Sunday. In the afternoon, Mrs. lustus Everett, of Williamson, gave a most inteicstiug talk 011 Missions, and a Woman'* ary Society was forme 1 wi'.h eKven members. Mrs. W. Z. Morton wis elected preside.it, Mrs. Pig A(kins, vice-president and Mrs Robert Nelson, secretary and treasurer. It is hoped that many women of the town will help in this woithy cause. Notes of Interest to Our Readers To pjove that ' will cure Catarrh evetv reader of this paper can have a positive nu »r - theie is any doubt in youf mind as to the lower of "BLOODI Nli" to cure all Catarrh al Troubles the remarkable offer made by C D Carxtar pheu & Co. should expel that doubt. They give you.a personal guarantee with every 50c l>otUe of " BLOODI NE" they sell, to refund the monfcy un less it gives satisfaction: They take all the risk of cure, aud no reader of this paper can afford to suffer louger when an offer like this is made. For the Uplift of the Colored People We have recently affected herein connection with our school an or ganization known as the Home and School Improvement Association. This Association takes in all the colored people in this community It has already begun its work of improvement. The following may be noted as some of its leading ob jects: „/ 1. The improvement of the pub lic schools of the community. Under this head may be included the beautifying of school grounds, the interior of the building and the formation of a library. 2. How to improve the health add sanitary conditions of our peo ple with the view of reducing the death rate. 3. How to elerninate the errors fiom the home life 4 How to elerninate the errors from our religious services, and transmit to our children pure, christian lives. 5. How we mav get the intelli gent and educated people to do more for the unfortnnate one of our Tace. 6. The best methods to pursue to secure a proper respect for the sacredness of the marriage laws. 5 7, How to instruct onr people ou the simple laws of the State, aud the importance 6f obeying the laws. 8. How we may obtain a jjood feeling betsvten the races by prin ciple. 9 The making of friends for the educational cause. This Association, with such ob jects in view, is destined to supply a lo::g felt want HUIOIIL' our people. J. H Johnson, Pres. Robersonville, N. C If troubled with indigestion, con s'ipaiion, no appttite or feel bili ous,, give Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets a trial and you will be pleased with the result These tablets invigorate the stomach and liver and strengthen the digestion. Sold by Saunders & Fow len and All Dealers. WILUAMSTON, N. C.. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1910. DARDENS ITEMS John Sullivan left for Norfplk Monday. Grady Gurktn was here Saturday aftetnoou. Archie Lilley was here Sunday afternoon, v Miss Mary Batemiu is very ill with La grippe. Arthur Riddick spent Sunday hire with relatives. William York from near Wil liunsten was in Dardens last wetk. Miss Mary Jane Davis left Mon day for her home near Jamesville. Miss Kathleen Jackson was the guest ot Miss Deblie Swiuson Fii day night. Miss Minnie Riddick returned Saturday after a pleasant visit to Spring Hope - Kenneth Hopkins was the gu st of Miss Kathleen Jackson Wednes day t veiling. v A crowd of young people spent an enjoyable evening at the home of Mr. J Smtli Mr. E- S. Mizell and wife re turned Sunday night from their bridal tiip NoitU. Thomas Coburn and Miss Ruth Mizell were mimed Wednesday at tie residence of the bride near Ropei. While it is often impossible '.o prevent an accident, it is never im possible to be prepared—it is not beyoud Buy one's purse. Invest 25 cents in a bottle of Chamber loin's Liniment aud you are pre pared for sprains, bi uises aud like injuries. Sold by Saunders & Fow deu aud All Dealers. Willlamston Graded School HONOK ROJ.L For week ending Jan. 28 1910 Kobtrt Petri, James Turner, Har rell Thomas, Reynolds Smith. Oscar Anderson, John Philpot, Ethel Carson, Ophelia Hoard, Lil la Hunch, Bruce Jenkins, Fitshugh Roberson, Louise Upton, • Leon a Page. An attack of grip is often fol lowed by a persistent cough, which to many proves a great annoyance Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ban been extensively used and with good success for the relief and cure of this cough. Many cases have been cured after all other remedies had-fail. Sold bv Saunders & Fow den and All Dealers Carolina Literary Society -The Society was called to order last Friday with the following pro gram: Sketch of Thomas Nelson Pane. Jessie Brown; Reading from "Meh Lady," Lila Wyun; Read ing, Miss Mixell. v. Afier dispatching all business, the Society adjourned. •Allie Hadley, Se„'y. Saturday night about 8 o'clock C. W. Ward and Jos'eplrue Baglev, both colored, were walking on the Koal jns{ out i f town, tht y were fired upon undtr cover ,of tne darkness. Tl e Bngley woman received a bullet in h»-r sca)p v aud a, slight wound iu her arffirfW.ird wag peppered with bird shot in' the is de and " four shot struck him on the head. Drs. Knight and Sauders gave medical attention aud found the wounds slight. As two weapons were used, there was evidence of two assai lants. Monk Bagley, husband of the wounded woman, was accused and botfnd over to await the action el_the Grand Jury. —• "" FIFTH GKADK SIXTH GKAI>K MRS. C M LANIKK, Teacher Attemp'ea Homicide Teachers' Association The Colored Teachers' Associa tion of Martin County met in Wil liatnstou, Saturday January Bth, 1910. with Presideut Johusou in the chair. The meeting was called to order. After a stirring devot ion d exercise, tbe g nernl ord r of business was taken up All the officers were re elected. J. C. Cor don was elected vice president and Rev 1) C Cobb was e'ected assist ant secretary. The t iff rent com mittees were appointed The Sup erintendent, Prof R J. Peel, was present and giive some words of instruction and encouragement. The teachers present made strung I resolutions for tue New Year It is hoped thit every colored, teacher in the .county will fe*l enough iuteres in meetings to he present nt the next meeting, Saturday, February 11th, 1910, nt 1:151'. M. The young theachers of the county would get so much information and eucour igement from the-.*? meetings that they would find themselves stronger and better prepared to do the greit work ot training the future citizens ot this gieat St ite of North Carolina. Program for next meeting; 1. Devotional 2. Spelling, Rev J. F. Johnson and W. H Mizell. 3. Reading, E. li Andrews and J. J. Bryant. » 4 Music, 5, How to teach Primary A»ith metic, W. T Alexander an ! J C Condon. W. V. Oimond, Sec'y A few minutes delay in treating some cases of croup, even the length of time it takes to go for a doctor often proves dangerous. Tb> safest way is to keep Cham ber&in's Cough Remedy in tht* house, and at the fust indication of croup give the child a dose. Pleas ant to take and always cures Sold by Saunders &. Fowden and All Dealers. Resolutions The still messenger of an all wise Ood visited us on January 26th, ujio, and claimed the spirit of our faithful and loyal brother, J. 1). Johnson, be it therefore resolved: 1. That the Woodmen of the World have lost one of its most loyal members, and the town one ot its best citizens, 2. 1h it we cherish the memory of our beloved friend, and strive to emulate the noble example he gave us in his daily walk among men; 3. That the deepest sympath of our Order be ejgjiendtd to the be reaved family and loved ones; 4 That a copy of these resolu tions be,gent to the bereaved family, one sent *to tne county paper for publication and a copy be spread upon our minutes W. C. Manning, U A Cntcher, R J. Peel, Committee. Mizelle Jackson (Reported) j Ap:etty borne marriage took place at Dardeas, Wednesday, Jan uary 26th , when Mr 15 S Mizel'e, fortueriy of Williamstoii, ltd to the njatriage altar MissOhve Jackson. Miss Virgini i J tckson, si-ter of the bride, played the wed unu march before and during the ceremony, while the vow-> were giv- n by Rev O'. J, Dowtll, of Wibjamston. The home was beautifully de scheme of green The bride was dtessed iu a traveling gown of blue d/th with hat to match. Mr. Mizelle is a popular young business man of Datdens, and his bride the popular daughter of J. F. Jackson, E»q. Soon after the mar riage, the wedded pair boarded thp cart for Richmond and Northern cities. They will be at home after February the first. Ganderbone's Forecast For FEBRUARY (Copyright 1910, by C, ieth.) My dears, do you know That a short time HRO Two do ir little children Named Ted and Pitichot Were stolen away On a bright autumn day, And would have been dodo Ha*J Tail had his way. Their emptors had planned When they got them in hand To dash for the nearest Tall cut in the land, And there in the trees To desert them to freeze And I > die of stai vat ion And gii f; )f you please. And when they were dead The robins so red Were to cover them up Fr 111 the foot to the head With 1 aves of the wood, And in..sing when they could, " lYor billies in the forest, Now will tiny be good?" But look fur and wide, Ntmr foiest was spied, Nor any place left Where the babies tuighl have died, For the forests of yore They would never see more, And they heartily wished They had saved three or four Which occasioned a halt, * And with verbal assault They openly s »id It was Ballinger's fault; So they cussed him some more, And they bittcilv swore, And the babes'were put back Just as good as btfoie. But that's enough of Wallinger, or for him or forninst; the ground hog will, awake again upon the 2d inst. lle'll pinch himself a time or two, roll over on his bed, engage in calisthenics till he's sure he isn't dead, :ecall the day's Mgnficnuce with never failing hnmor, and come out to compare his girth with that of the consumer. And side by side before his hole these two will reminisce, and each will tell tile other what his weight, if anv, is. They'll feed of one Brother's ribs, tell stories, laugh and prattle, jump up and down to see whose bones will make the ciri» r rattle, and then, with standing back to back and no am ill bit of unction, they'll ascertain if tliev can throtf a shadow in conjunction. The which the e untry will await with trenibbnn and misgiving, for if they can, we'll have to think of how to keep on living another 30 days and nights, frostbit and tem pest shaken, and paying an ad mis sion fee to see a piece of bacon. Hut let us all be reassured And have the heart to sing. We don't believe a dozen such. Could hop. j to show a tiling; Or fortv of them halt and half In solid phalanx there, Unless they counted One two-three, And Idled themselves with air. Our Mr., Tift should be ushatnvd r i tu be so fat ami siefck with every thing so we can't*eat meat hut once a week. He ought to be too big a man 111 other ways than his tAke p so buxom when he sees how thin the country is. A sym pathetic president i« such a time of test would ask i >r nothing but to take pot tuck with all the 1 • He d eay hiis hard and simple cru-t, his prunes and batter cake, and join Ihe country in the stand we've taken as to steak.. It does seem lili- hard-heartedness for one in such a place to feed him-elt o:. terrapin and set us such a pace. lie ought to live.on hominy and grow so thin and gaunt that anyoue with se;ing him ivouhl think hp was in want. ,It would become bun very well to say, ' I live on rice," and prove it when be wrapped bis coat (Continued on fourth page) s[.oo a Year in Advance A LARGE CROWD OP FARMERS Attend the Institute on Wednesday Lecturers Touch Every Phase of Farm Life-—Augustus Williams Gets Prize for Best Corn--Other Fea tures A large crowd of representative farmers of Martin County attndKl the In c litu"e her« Wednesday. The day was an ideal one, ami the peo ple took advantage of it, ami spent several hours listening to » x |>erts from ibe Agncultur.il Ihpar'meiit. The meeting was opemd at li o'clock at the Court House. M• ssrs Franklin Sherman, W. N llutt and W. G Clirisman lec tured on tilings vital to the success of the farm. Dr. \V. G Chrhmiau delivered an interesting lecture on cattle 'aising, speaking at length on ihe eradication of the tick whtcb is costing ttie South millions of doll irs yearly. He showed where the first .quarantine law was made in Heude'son County, N. C , aud stated that th' Government is sjx tid ing one quarter of a million dollars for eradication of the pest. W. N. 11 nit spoke interestingly «jf San Jose scale and otlur enemies ol lres, giving a lormuU for tiie pro tection of the same front the deadly insets The potato bug, the toot louse on cotton, the baneful tmw quito and the house II v, were each spoken of and also preventatives with which everv fanner should be familiar. The lecture on prv>pes cultivation of cotton and tobacco was very instructive. Nitrate a* soda was recommended to stimulate the growth in stunted stalk* t>f cot ton. 15) th morning and aftenioriji ses sions ol the Institute were highly in*trtjcHve to the farmer®, wltQ afr. beginning to appreciate the effort that the State and National govern ments are mik'tig to aid them iu the production of good croj»s. Spe cial attention was given to corn culture and the selection of proper sed. Mr Augustus Williams, one of the County's most progressive farmers, who lives in Robersonville Township, was awarded the pri/e for the best ear of seed corn Mi Williams is paying much attention to the glowing oi abundant corn crops. Next Wednesday will be Corn Judging Day here and the farmers are urged to come and bf#ng the best «.ars of the grain that they can select, so that proper seel can be chosen for this season's planting. Much valuable information can fit obtained by be.ng present. Do you know that croup can be prevented? Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even after the croupy cough appears and.it will prevent the attack. It is also a certain cure for en.up an:l has never been known to fail. Sold ly Saunders &; I'owden and All Dealers. Fatally Burned The clot turn.; of little 11 >in e r (i., the son of William II ami Anuie lyl wards, who residc neir VViilitico stou, caught on fire Momlay and the child was burned so .severely that dearth came TtiesJay to relieve tlie little suffering ho ly. At first the partrpts and the attending phy sician thought tliat recovery was possible, but during Monday night a cha was noticed and th>' end came soon. THK {ENTERPRISE extends deep est sympathy to the bereaved par ents and the whole community grieves with them iu this great sor row.