LOCAL ITEMS 1 All notices publWhed 111 thin column, when revenue «a to be derived. will be churned at the rule of 10 cents ■ line, (count «* word* to a tiaeleach i««ur. Special rates "ill be made on 4«n« contracts. '—The petnut factory, which ha? been shut down for repairs, has re sumed operation*. Another engine hid to be installed. —Everybody desiiing the best tobacco seed should no to Old Tom at the Roanoke and procure the same. Old Tom always has the very be»l to give to the farmers. —The ground hog was very fnucii frightened at Irs shadow on We in« slay, and hurriedly entered his mrt*t to stay whittj we have forty*more days of winter weatlur. Farttivts in this section have f>egun in earnest to prepare tor the crop this year. Much deep JJ'OW 4ng has already been done and the art* tine for a wtll culti rated c o;> ..II over Martin County. Tij.e town clock Ins another lazy attack and refuses to work even a lit le hit The manufac turer-. evidently thought th;it any old tln 11 k would do lor the town At any rate tiny should he com fMrlled to "in :ke good." —The stockholdeis mid directors of the Hank of Martiu County met Tuesday afternoon All the ofti cers were re elected and a dividend of nine fu r cent was declared. The all nr-.ot the institution were found 4o tn.- in a splendid condition. Rev. J II Brown, of Newbern JhcJd most interesting services at 4 lie Rpiscliptl Chuicli Sunday 4iiorning. lit It ft 011 the evening 4rain fir l'lymou h, wheie he preached at night. While in town Jie the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. j G. S'aton. —The I'riinttjve Baptist held 4hvir Union Meeting at the Bear Giass Chutch beginning Friday and l isting through Sunday. A pood crowd wa«j present and every AioAy was the recipient of the kind hospitality for which the people of 4h it section are noted. —The season of Lent; observed abunt four-fifths of the Chris ,4ian world, begins on next Wed ,nesday, the )th, called Ash Wed nesday, and ends o:. March 27th with Easter Sunday. : There will ■i>e services in th*j Episcopal Church as follows. Ash Wednesday, cele 4»ration of the Holy Communion at 7:30 a. m ; Morning Prayer and sermon at 11 a. in. Evening Ser vice and sermon at Hamilton. —Tiie first Quarterly Conference on the Willianiston and Hamilton Circuit for 19to was held last Fri day, Rev. Mr. Underwood. pr»*sid 441 g elder, being present. Thebu«j ntss session WHS held in the after noon but owing to the unpleasant aveather there-were no »ervices at night Rev. C. 1, Hit-ad was con >£i]ed to his 10 m with pneumonia aud could not be at the mee'iug. •ft is gratifying to friends to know 4hat he is much improved, being able to leave his bed. Stockholders Meeting The annual meeting of tin; Stock holders of Bank of Martin County was held at the Offices of the Rink on last Tuesday, February rst. Th? Pies dent's ft port was read which showed gratif) ing results for 4be Hmk for the past year- The increased earnings and deposits, and extension of the Hank's facilities and usefulness are soutces of pleas ure to the stockholders. After paying Q per cent dividend 4o the stockholders, S2OOO. of the ♦individe i profits was carried to the stjn>'us account. The Bank has paid to its stock holders SI6OO ) 00 in dividends and -iias a suiplus and profit-; of over ,|(8ooo 00 after paying the present dividend. The present year holds promise of prosperous business conditions, *nd the management urges the stockholders and friends of the Bank to use their best efforts in be «#Mlf of the Bank so that its oppor- may be ftflly realized. r ' | PERSONAL BRIEFS | s#♦♦**«*♦**♦******♦**♦*♦♦* Roll and Ward is here visiting relatives. . Mrs William Slade went to Nor folk Tuesday. Siftion S l\rry was a pleasant ■Z\* ' caller Monday. Miss Dorothy was here Wednesday. Mrs. Charles Hussey is visiting in town this week. Eugene Cordy, of Kdenton, has been here this week. Mr. and Mrs J. H. Purvis were in town Wednesday. Edward Dardetii ami sister, of Hamilton, were in town Sunday, E, H. Hardiaon has gone to Rockv Mount and from there will go to Florida. Mrs. I/uiis C. Harrfsoh has re turned from a visit to relatives to South Carolina. Miss Kuima (rt'aliam returned from Norfolk last week accoinpani ed by Miss C.trulyn Hragg !•* 1! Guiganus left Wednesday for a trip South in the interest of tlu Virginia-Carolina I'eauut Coin pans Miss Isahtlle Sin til bones, who has been the vurst of Miss Klisabeth Gordon, kft Saturday for Wilming ton. " Mr. and Mrs. AlomarHassell and liule d ninhter. Mart ha blade, went tn Norlolk Tuesday to visit re-la- Misses Jeanie Hates and Christine Stevonson. ftlttr a pleasant visit to relatives here, returned to Wil mington Tuesday. S. J. liverett and family arrived' Monday evening liom Willianiston to make iheir home here. They occupy theuß. M. Moye house, om Dickinson avenue. Mr liverett will practice law here, having his office in Masonic temple building. Greenville Rt flector. A Startling Statement New York Medical Auth orities Claim Dyspep sia to be a Pre-Dis posing Cause of Consumption The post mortem statistics of the big New York hospitals show that some cases of consumption are due at least indirectly* to unchecked dyspepsia, especially when the vie tim was predisposed to tuberculosis Dyspepsia wears out the body and brain. The weakened, irritable stomach being tillable to digest food,the body docs not receive the required nourishment, and the vie tim becomes thin, weak and haz zard As a result, the body be comes a fertile field in which the gtrws-of disease may lo4go and flourish. Therefore, the person who per mits dyspepsia to progress unhind ered is guilty of contributing to ward the development of one of the most insidious and fatal diseases known to mankind, * Dyspepsia may be completely eradicated if properly treated. We sell a remedy that we* positively guarantee will completely relieve indigestion or dyspepsia, or the medicine used duting the trial will cost the user nothing. This remedy has been named Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. Cer tainly no offi-rc »nld lie more fair, and our offer should be proof posi tive tliat Rexall Dyspeps a Tablets aie a dependable utnedy Inasmuch as the HK diciue will coast you nothing if it does not benefit you, we you who are suffering with indigestion or dys pepsia to try Kexall Dyspepsia Tablets. A 25-cent box contains enough medicine for fifteen days' treatment. For chronic cases we have>wo larger sizes, 50 cents and $1 00. -Remtmber' you can obtain Rtxal Remedies in Williamston only at our store, —The Rexall Store. The S R. Biggs Drug Co. v Notice Having qualified as administrator of the estate Mrs 8. P. "Everett, deceased late of Martin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at his residence, ou or before the first day of January, nineteen hundred and eleven, or this notice will l>e pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. W. L. EVKRKTT, Adm of S. P. EVERETT. Notice Having qualified as administrator itpon the Estate of W. W. Andrews deceased; Notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said estate tb present them to the undersigned for pay ment on or before the 17th day of Januftry icjt t or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. AH persons iudedted to said estate are requester! to make immediate payment. This 17th day of January 1910. i-M J. L. SPEIGHT. Adm. Notice Ily virtue of authority oi a Mortgage deed executed to me by Augustus joliil son anil Matilda Juh..soii on day ui December, |HM>, and duly recorded in tin* Register's otlice in Martin County 111 Hook k.i\. Page 537 lo secure the pay ment ol a certain boud bearing even date tliercwitli, and tli« stipulations in fuul Mortage deed not having 'veil coni|>iud with, 1 shall exjiose at public action, lot c bit, on Monday the 7th day ot Feb ruary, 1910, at u o'clock at the Court House iu Martin County, I lie lollowlug pioperty: Adjoining the lands of S. Rodger*, J H. learner and others and. being the same laud that said Johnson purchased ol John Walls Containing 35 acres more or less and kuown as the hwamp Field. This January 26th, 1910. JAM lib IJ. I.hGOETT, Assignee ol MARION liI'KROUGHS, 2-jS Mortgagee. Trustee's Sale Ily virtue of authority of a Deed of Trust executed lo tile by Primus Lloyd 011 the 17th ilay of I'ebruaty, 1908, and duly recorded 111 the Register's office iu Martin County 111 llook VVV, Page 371. to secure the pay nieut ol a certalu bond bearing even flate therewith, and the stipulations m said Deed of Trust not having been complied with, I shall ex pose at public auction, for cash, on Mon day the 7th day of March, iyio,>at Court House in Martin County, the following property: beginning at a red oak stump 011 the PopUr Point Road; thence along the LasSnhsr and Perry Ho/.e Moore lin6s to bpriug Branch at the corner of Piinius Lloyd/and Asa Jennings; thence up Spring branch to thn» Coburn liratich; thence up the Coburn branch to the aforesaid Poplar Point Road; thence along said road to the beginning, con taining 25 acres. A one half undivided interest in anil to the following land: Beginning at the River Swash at the old Perry, Ha/.emote and I.iissiter corner; thence up the River Swash to the Coburn lira ich; thence up the Coburn Branch to a bowl gun. at the mouth of another branch; thence up said branch 10 an oak iu the Perry, Ba/etuore line, to the beginning, containing 30 acres, more or less. This the 2nd day of February, 1910 WHKKLBR MARTIN 24 x Trustee. Notice Having qualified as administrator upon the estate of Mrs. C. L. Mcbley, tit-ceas ed, notice is hereby ni\en to all persons holding claims against SHIII estate t.I pre sent tlieui to tlie undersigned for pav imjit on or before the iKth day of De cember, 1910, or this notice will be plead in Imr of their recovery. All persons indebted to said est.ttff ate requested to make immediate payment. This iSth day of IVecember, 1901} y W. T. TAYIjOK. 12-24 Administrator. Trustee's Sale" By virtue of authority of a Deed of Trust executed to me by Guilford C-otten and wife, Ida K. Cotton ami Jiihii Daniel and wife. Matilda Daniel, on the 13th day of January 1904, and duly rtcorded in the Register's office in Martin County, in Book LLL, Page to secuie tie paymeni of a certain bond bcarini; even d ite therewitn, ai.d the stipulations in sai 1 deed of trust not having been com plied with 1 shall expose at public auc tion, for cash on Thursday the 17; h day of February'l9lo, at Hamilton.wt twelve o'clock,-M. in Martin County, the billow ing property: , Part of the land allotted to I«ticji A. Womack, (nee Lucy Savage), as lot No. 2 and known as the Clark and Kverett land in the division of the land* of. the late W. B. Savage, a copy of which is re corded in the land divi ion Book, Pages 77 and 78, containing 74# acres. Also all their right title and interest in and to a lot or parcel of land adjoining the above which is in dibputa, supposed cdntain 16 acres. It being the land deeded by S. T. Womack and wifk, to John Daniel and Guilford Cotten. • This January 18th 1910. 10l "P. L. GLADSTONE. Trustee. Notice Having jjualiGcd as Administrator up on the Kstute of Wbiteuel Daris deceased; Notice i* hereby given to all persons holding claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned for pay ment on or before the sth day of January 1911 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. This sth day of January 1910. |fc7. W. S. RHODKS, Adm. Notice \'.>rth Carolina —Martin Cotn.ty C. If. Godwin & Others Ransom Dtiggins and wife, Parsha; John Clinton and wife, Laura; and Others. The defendant-;, Ransom Duggins and wife, Parsha; John Clinton and wife, Laura Clinton; will take notice that an action enfitled as alt >ve has been com menced in the Sujierior Court of Martin County before the Clerk to sell certain lands in Martin County for a division; and the said defendants are proper parties thereto, and pie defendants aliove named will further 'take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of tlie- Superior Court of Martin County 011 the "tli day of February, 1910, and answer or demur to the j»etition filed in said action or the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said petition. This the 7th day of fanuarv, 1910. J. A. HOBHS, 1 14 Clerk, Superior Court Notice Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain deed />f trust exe cuted to me as trustee by Geoige I). I'.irlies and wile Easter li. Barnes, dated the 31st day of August 190H and record et in the public registry t>f Martin Coun ty ill Book VVV at page 427, to secure the payment of certain notes bearing ev en date therewith, and the Stipulations ill said instrument not having been com plied with, and at the request of the beneficiaties therein named. 1 shall ex- 1 pose at public sale, to the highest bidder for cash, on Monday the 7ih, day of Feb ruary 1910, at twelve o'clock noon, at the court house door at Williamston, N. C., the following described property, to wit: j Beginning on the public road at the line of Sam Williams, running thence a Northerly course with said Williams line to Cabin Branch, thence down Cabin Branch to Sptiug Branch, thence up Spring Branch to said public road, thence with said road to the beginning, contain ing 50 acres more or less. This Jan. Ist 1910. 1-7 G. K. DUNNING, Trustee. Trustee's Sale By virtue of authority of a l>eed of Trust excuted to me by Kldora J. I.em tiioud ou the 9th day of October 1908, and duly recorded in the Register's office in Martin County in Book VVV, Page 38 to secure the payment of a certain bond l>eariiig even date tharewith, and the stipulations in said Deed of Trust not hiving l>een complied with, 1 shall ex pose at public auction, foi 1 cash, 011 Mon day the 14th day of February 1910, at the Court House in Martin County, the following property: Beginning at a post S. T . I.iles corner ou the Conoho road; thence N 45 degrees Fast 116 poles,'thence N 23 ' 2 degrees PI. 135 poles to a guui on Conoho Creek; thence down the tuu of said Creek 424 poles; thence due west 201 poles to a post on.the road at the Gin Sloug'i; thence 75' 2 degrees W 149 poles to a post in Cherry's line in center of a svatiip;thence N 26 *4 degrees W S4 poles to mouth of a canal; thence up said canal 127' i poles to a marked pine, thence N 60 degtes lv poles to the beginning. This 14th day of January 1910. 1-21 11. A. CKITCHKR, Trustee. Notice Having qualified as administrator of the estate of B. F. Codwiti, Jr., deceased, late of Martin County, North Carolina, this js lo notify all oersons bm-ing claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Wil liamston, N. C., on or before the first day of February lyti, or this notice will plead in bar of their recovery.. All persons in debted to said estate will please made -immediate payments— ~- This tStb day of January 1910, B. F. GODWIN, SR., 1-21 s Administrator. Trustee's Sale of authority of a deed of tniht executed to me bv J. L. Keel and wife, Elizabeth. 09 the 14th day of Dec 1901 and dulvyrecorded iij the Register's ofliee in Martin County in Book GGG, page 532 to secure the payment of a cer tain bond 1 learing even date therew tli and the stipulations in- said deed of trust not having been complied with, I shall expose at public auction ou Monday the 7th day of February, 19IQ. at I 2 o'clock M, at the court house door in Martin County, the following property: What is known as the J. L. Keel home place, containing 58 acres more less, ad joining the lauds s>f B. T. Wynn, James Bailey and others. This Jan. 4thl9lo. L. B. WYNN, Trustee. \ ' , . • -.VK* f- r ■ . *• * • t*W*\ . Farmers & Merchants Bank * Williamston, N. C. ' Capital $25,000.00 •" ' - . /V . We offer every accommodation consistent witli Good Banking LET US HAVE YOUR BUSINESS I Four Per Cent. Interest Paid on Time Deposits * , ". y JOHN I). BIGGS, President CHAS. D. CARSTARPHEN, Vice Pres. PRANK F. FAGAN, Cashier „ L H. HARRISON, Ass't Cashier '• _ ; M. I. BROWIN Sc CO. Successors to BROWN & HODGES Taney and Staple Groceries Let Us Supply Your Table Wants Our stock is complete Free delivery within corporate liniit^ 'Phone us your orders STATEMENT BANK OF ROBERSONVILLE, Robersonville, N. C. At the close of busines, November 30th, 1909 Loans and securities I 4.014.44 Capital Stock f 15,000 00 Cash in Banks 42,875.65 Surplus and piofits 8 3.32.98 Ranking House, Furniture Cashier's Checks **■ 1 355*97 and Fixtures 3.483.95 Time Deposits 8,805 13 Overdrafts i,23 6 >3 Deposits subject to check 74.555.J2 Cash on band 6,446 03 ' ' ' $108,059 :o - ■ ■ „ K K- , ■' This IJank assures couiteous treatment and every modern banking facility consistent with prudent and conservative banking metlions, invites accounts of Firm*, Corporations and Individuals. J. C. KOBKRTSON, Cashier J. A. MIZELL,, Ass't Cashier THE GREAT American Shorthand & Business College..... Durham, N. C. A high-grade Business Tiaining School, indorsed by leading busi nsss nun, that qualifies men and women for KXPKKT work in the Commercial World. -■ Dkpartmknts: ljookkeepitig, Banking, Expert Accounting, Auditing. Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegtajhy, Pen Ait. SPECIAL, PREPARATORY Department. -. - Kxtkht Facultv Railhoad Fake.Paid- I — Positions Secdrfd- —— J We also teach by MAIL This is The Place To buy Groceries Fresh and Fine / • * ' , ■ • BEST STOCK QUICK DELIVERY ' Everything for the Table in the \ . . GROCERY LINE .. Call 'Phone 34 and give your orders. (- W. J. Hodges : Mobley Huildirfg • Williamston, N. C _3/. J. Paul Simpson Manufacturer's Agent For Steam and Gasoline Engines, Heavy Duty Engine* and Boilers, Peanut Pickers and. Peannt Diggers. . *" • Pea Hullers and Pea Harvesters, Mowers, Rake* and Hatrows, Wagons, Buggies, and Automobiles. Saw Mills, Shingle Mills, Feed Mills, Grist Mills and Flour Mills, Sliapers. Studers and Surfacers, Moulders. Matchers and Mixers, Planers and Tenon ing Machines, Concrete and Brick Machines, Elec tric Light Outfits, Water Work Supplies, System t Cotton Gins Complete. . • If 1 can't.give you Desired Price and Terms. I'll furnish Man Free of Cost that will Write or Call, \ • i - . - ' ... * /'^ J. PAUL SIMPSON, Williamston, N. C. or . Oibbs Machinery Co., Columbia, S. C. •* a'- 7 « ' \ . . .' * '" " ' '■