VOL. XI. NO. 41 FARMERS TO HOLD MEETING To Discuss Best Methods and Good Roads---Coti gressman Small Will Bring a Corps of Expert Agriculturists Qood Crowd Expected . In no line of industury bus prog ress been so marked as in that of agriculture. The South is the greatest crop raising section in the known world, and to the South 'are all eyes turned. Southern Congressmen following the method introduced by Congress man Hobson, have regulaily held institutes in all parts of their re spective districts. These institutes 1 have made enthusiastic farmers and the result is wonderful. Representative John H. Small, of the first district, is thoroughly alive to the needs of his people. The institute for Martin county will be held ou Tuesday, August 2ud, at the Court House in Wil liamston. This meeting promises to be a most Interesting one and the farmers are asked to spend the day learning from teachers who are prepared to instruct in every phase of farm lite. If Martin county • forges ahead, the lands must be cul tivated by men who know best how to produce good crops. These men must learn the science of farming and the institutes are the Govern ment's schools. Can any farmer afford to neglect this importaut' in struction? EVERETT ITEMS Miss Norma Burroughs -was here Tuesday. Mr. Fleming, of Greenville, was - here Tuesday. Mrs. J. S. Peel was on the sick list this week. Mr. Braswell, of Tarboro, was here Monday. Mrs. J. T. Barnhill is on the sick list this week. 1 J. E. Barnhill went to Roberson vtlle Wednesday. T. F. Whitley, of Scotland Neck was here Tuesday. H. O. Daniels, of Robersonville, 1 was here Sunday. J. R. Whitley went to Hamilton ' Sunday afternoon. C. B. Kiddick went to Parmele , Tuesday ou business. \ Miss Eva Wynn, of Williamston is visiting friends here. J. T. Barnhill went to Williams ton Tuesday on business. ✓ • Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Barnhill went Into the country Sunday. Mrs. R. D. Woolard was here Sunday from the country. N. T. Riddick left Sunday for Greensboro and other places. ' Mrs. M. L. James left Sunday to visit her daughter in Kinston. J. S. Ayers and J. R'J Whitley went to Hamilton Wednesday. Dr. J. W. Williams went to Washington Monday on business. Mrs. Kate and Maude James, of Robersonville, were here Sunday. Miss Smith, of Golft%ofnt, is visiting her sister, Mrs, .yt iU Hard jr.. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rogerson re turned Sunday fsom a trip to Northern cities. Mr. Peele, of Smith wick Creek, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. SF. Perry Sunday. l We are glad to note the improve \ meat of Miss Viola Rogers, who , has been sick for some time. j I : 1 Miss Alice Green, has been visiting Miss Euzela Riddick, has returned to her home in Belhaven. 1 THE ENTERPRISE. HAMILTON ITEMS W. L. and Miss Lillian Harrell speut last Thursday here. Mrs. Howell and Miss Dicie are visiting the Misses Purvis. Robeit Baker has just returned from a business trip North. Miss Mollie Moore is visiting Mrs. B. L. Long this week. Miss Lou Mayo Brown is visiting Miss Carrie Sherrod at Etifield. The young men gave an im promptu dance last Friday night. Mary Anthony has returned from a visit to her uncle at Swansboro. Mi?s Anna Clark, of Scotland Neck, is visiting Mrs. J- P. Boyle. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cliftou and children visited relatives here last week. ~ Miss Ruth Matthews left Thurs day to resume her school work in Florida. Mrs. Herbert Salsbury, of Au gusta, Ga., is visiting Mrs. R. W. Salsbury. Mrs. Gattie Gladstone has gone to Bostou to take a summer course i in music. Mrs. M. I. Fleming returned last .week from a short visit to her pa rents in Enfield. Mrs. J. P. Boyle entertained at luncheon last week in honor of Miss Anna Clark Mrs J. P. Boyle entertained at luncheon Monday in honor of Mrs. Herbert Salsbury. The young men of the town gave a dance Tuesday night complimen tary to visiting young ladies. Several fipm attended the Epis copal services at Robersonville last week. They took in the carnival also.-- Mrs. Picot, from Raleigh, who was called to the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Green, after visiting her sister, Mrs. Slade, returned home last week. Elder M. T. Lawrence was on our streets Wednesday after a three weeks confinement to a sick bed. | He is stilkvery feeble, and we wish f v for him~r speedy recovery. Mrs. R. W. Salsbury entertained the Hamilton Book Club at her hospitable home on Main street. Several visitors were present. "The Floral Love Story" contest proved interesting. Refreshment were served. Dr. and Mrs. M. I Fleming charmingly entertained about forty or fifty of their friends at "Sals bury Park" on Tuesday. Delici ous barbecue with all its accessor ies, ice tea, etc., were served. Games aud music were participated in and everybody had a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Sherrod Salsbury delightfully entertained about forty of their friends at "Salsbury Park" last Thursday. Delicious*barbe cue, tomatoes, slaw,-salads, cucum bers, breads, cakes, and ice cream were served and thoroughly enjoy ed. After diuner the guests enjoy ed croquet, tennis, observation races and other g-ames, and at a late hour took their departure, all declaring they had never spent a move delightful day. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets gently stimulate the and bowels to expel poisonous mat ter, cleanse the system, cure consti pation and sick headache. Sold by Saunders & Fowden and all dealers. - » t Services at Jamesvllle On'next Sunday night at 8:15 o'clock Rev. Mr. Read of Wil liamston, will hold services in Tamesville at the Methodist Church. All cordially invited. Special music. r , ■ ~ " WILLIAMSTON, N. C.. FRIDAY, JULY 29. 1910 For ; AUQL'ST (Copyright 1910, by C. H. Rieth.) Last year, Alack aud alas' Beverly, Mass,, And Bill 011 the flat Of his back in the grass Sounding the depths Of the opaliue sky 1 And watching the clouds Floating dreamily by. I Last year, ; A ack and alas! Beverly, Mass. This year, , Sagamore Hill, Strenuous still, * And no one complaining For want of a thrill, Shindy and sass # Just as certain as fate— : Beverly, Mass., ■ Can dream early or late, Suore as it pleases t And snooze as it will — This year, Sagamore Hill. Of August it may first be said, its name is from Augustus, whom men have likened unto Ted, perhaps without injustice. He made the ' world go round about as many ■ times a minute, and the news was always dull without the great Au : gustus in it. He had his Ananias Club for liars aud for fakers, and he loved to sail his little tub among the Roman t breakers. He counted peace a sort I of plague, and never did pursue it, at The Hague, and you couldn't beat him to it. ) s • He preached about the same old things that Teddy has been preach | ing, and most of Rome's awaken ings resulted from his teaching He battled hotly for the right, and 1 valiantly imbued it, and the stork ! could not attempt to lijthtbut what he up and shooed it. 1 There was, however, one affair to tell which is to tattle, and that was where this Roman bear was coming in from battle. He had, of course, put everything opposing him to slumber, and Rome awaited him to sing some laudatory number. But here the parallel desists. Au gustus said them, No, sir! and when he entered with his lists it might have been the grocer for all the greeting that he got from that ad miring chorus, the which desire, of course, was not a bit like Theodorus. But howsoever, when be died the month that loves to gull us was being written far and wide the sea son of Sextilus. They wanted to commemorate the hot time he pre sented the nation with, at any rate, so August was invented. The dog days will resume again, Antl the man who voted water With the weather down to eight or ten Below will grow the hotter. With wishing that he had foreseen The season hot and stewing, And nothing but a choice between • Pink lemonade and bluing. It will not strike him, we're i afraid, a 3 when the cold was sting- i ing, and up and down the wind- ' swept street the fcirles were cling- 1 ing. The/e's nothing Hke a dry parade, the shouts of Haflelulliah, 1 and the children skillfully arrayed for what you want to fool you. I It's very easy to forget there's such a thing as S*mu?er, or such a quantity as sweat, what time the ' busy drummer is rub-a-dubbing up ! the street a million bumps a minute, s and the line sweeps by with rhy- | tlimic feet and the little shavers in ] ' 1 111 illiM It somehow mAkes it seem that booze is only fit for motors, and in the scuffle that ensues not very many voters bethink them that a chance remains that milt won't give them gristle to last when Au gust huils their brains and their ears begin to whistle. A crafty temperance is that con triving its elections when Boreas is at the bat in these disputed sections. There is a time for everything, to labor and to potter, and one to sii way back and sing inaudibly* fcr water. At any ra'e, the world will spin With very small pretension, And the Fall elections w ill begin To clamor for attention. The next few weeks will lire the gun . Rei eated and oftlv, v. And a lot of folks begin to run For office very' soflty. -The bold insurgent will have polled the principal chautaucjuas, an.l will by that time have been told how far discreet his balk was. or if to follow his attack with further demonstration, or quietly to tip toe back upon the reservation. The hopeful Democrat will tool this way and that way training, and hbpe to have us as a rule have none of their explaining. He'll care fully trim up his wicks and get his pump pulsating, and pass the grand stand every six or seven seconds waiting. There'll :>e some dust put up, it seems, when this event gets going, and souie things siting at the seams that wanted proper sewing. Ko wonder Roosvelt came back, and nowadays his gun is rustiug in the shooting rack, when- here is wiiere rhe fun is. The tijujg of green and growing things will near its termination, and the song the thrasher sweetly sings will come with moderation. We'll sort o' think of autumn time, the hunter and the nutter, and the fish ing hole will wear a slime as thick as apple butter. v And then September will return In good autumnal tashion. And the poet fall upon his harp In something of a passion. Let wonderful WASHWAX lo your family washing; saves ruhhitig and saves the clothes; makes them clean, sweet and snowv white. WASIIWAX is a new scientific compound that w ashes in hot or cold water without the use of soap. It is entirely harmless and 'liffereut -from anything you have ever used. Send ten cents stamps today for regular si/.e !>y mail. You will be K' a 'l )' mi tried it Agents wanted to introduce WASHWAX ever v where. Address Wash wax Co., St. Louis, Mo Teething ehildern have more or less diarrhoea, which ce«n be con trolled by giving Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aid Diarrhoea Remedy. All that is necessary is to give the prescribed dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to cleanse the system. It is safe and sure. Sold by Saunders & Fowden and all dealers. Bear Grass vs Tammany Tigers (Reported) On the local diamond last Fri day Bear GrafS defeated tire Tam many Tigers bail team, in a ten in niug game by the score of 14 to 15. The heavy scoring by each taam was on account of their unfamili arity of the diamond, the teams be ing accustomed to a faster grouud. The reversible battery of Griffiu and Griffin wete the features of the Bear Grass team, while Gurganus at short and the Sandv Point catch er for the Tigers are worthy of particular mention, and it is to be expected that these players * will eventually play major league ball. The Tigers have several games scheduled for the coming month and can. promise thrilling games. This team is supported by private contribution and the ad mission is free. Nisslon In Robersonville Rev. J. J. D. Wall, who is en* 'gaged in Mission work in the City of Philadelphia, being superintin j dent of the Galilee Rescue Mission for men, situate ! 011 Vine s reet, Iconducted a Mission at Roberson- I ville last week, beginning 011 Tues -1 day night and closiug Friday morn ing. Rev. Mr. Gordon assisted in the ' The services were held in Har grove's Hall each night and morn ing, and good congregations were present especially at the night sei victs. Mr. Hall is such an earnest worker that he spends his vacation eaih year in holding Mi-siotis. It, was a great privilege for the people of Robersonville to have this con secrated man in their midst. Ac customed to appealing to men in . every walk of life, he never fails to interest. By his earnest manner, 1 he wins men, and the power of the Divine Spirit is felt in the words 1 which fal's from his lips Thursday afternoon of the Mis sion, an open air service was held I ou the principal street of the town, I and a large crowd assembled and . I entered heartily in the service This . was the frst Mission ever held at i Robersonville and the seed sown for I ! good will bring forth fruit in future J years. Mr. Hall does the people good wherever he ministers and Robersonville appreciated his pre sence and sermons. He left ou » . »Friday afternoon for Philadelphia to resume his duties in the Mission rooms there. A Frightful Wreck of train, automobile or buggy may r cause cuts, bruises, abrasions, j sprains or wounds that demand J , Bucklen s Arnica Salve—earth's I greatest healer. Quick relief and prompt cure results. For burns, boils, sores of all kinds, eczema, chapped hands and lips, sore eyes or corns, its supreme. Surest pile at all druggists. Wiillamston Playing Good Ball Last week the Williamston team ' defeated Ahoskie in a fast game on ' the Ahoskie diamond. They also I pi jve 1 Aulander, losing one game , to them, while the second game went r r innings without either team scoring. Wednesday they 1 defeated Elm City on the Williams* , ton diamond by a score of 5 to 3. Ward was on the mound for the home team, allowing only one clean hit Jordan at the receiving end made it difficult for the vis.tors to ' steal bases. The game was char acterized by the usual heavy hitting of the home team, they retired pitcher Winstead of the visiting team from the box in short order. He was replaced by Fountain of Tarboro, who could not stop the hitting. Elm City played good j ball and gave both pitchers good j support, but were outclassed. The j attendance was good, but as the park is not inclosed the gate re ceipts were small. We will main tain a winning team for the rest of the season and will strengthen tins week by the addition of Stlbbs, Martin and a speedy left hander for ! a running mate for our spit ball artist, Ward, whose work you have seen. We are anxious to play some of the remaining games on the home diamond, with the proper en couragement, or otherwise the team 1 will play away from home for the rest of season.—"Dope" Work 24 Hours a Day The busiest little things ever made are Dr. King'#New Life Pills Every pill is sugar coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, languor injo eneigy, brain-fag iuto mental pewer; curing constipation, headache, chills dys- 1 pepsia. malaria. 25c at 'all drug- ] I gists. st.oo a Year in Advance ROBERSONVILLE NEWS ITEMS Local happenings and People who are Coming and Going, Here, There and Yonder as Gathered by our Regular Corres pondent. J. C. Keel went to Stokes Sun day. Jodie Woolard spent Sunday in Parmele. W. H. Everett and G. C. Taylor have left town. Mrs. J. W. Smith, of Bethel, was in town Tuesday. J. D. Bryant, of Tarboro, was iu town Friday night. I). T. Ward left Monday morn ing for his home at Norlina. Misses - Madlen Moore and C!yle Edmondson, of Bethel, are visiting in town. Miss Roeua Hollidav, of Hamil ton is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Hollidav. Miss Lousie Fowden, of William ston, visited Miss Isabelle Morton last week. Miss Enid Taylor, of near Bethel, is visiting Mrs. W. A Roherson this week. The many friends of J W. Height are glad to know that he is , improving. Miss Bessie VanNortwick, of Plymouth, is vH'.ing her a*mt,Mrs. W. S. Vick. • Missed Alma, Selma and Myra Fleming, of near Hassell, were in ' town Monday. Misses Clyde and Annie Farmer, of Wilson, are visiting Mrs. Robert Nelson this week, Miss Katie Bailey, who has been visiting Miss May Whitfield, left Saturday for Kinston. There were quite a number of visitors here last week attending the Episcopal services. Misses Jesse and Maree Sutt'en, of Kinston, are visiting Miss Bet tie Roberson this week. ✓ Miss Feffie Riddick, of near Wil liamston, spent several days last week with-Miss Nina Roberson. Miss Bessie Salsbury and mother, who have been visiting in Green ville, returned home Saturday. Miss Manning, of the Washing ton Hospital, who has been with Mr. Height, left Monday afternoon. Miss Hilda Knight, of Hassell, and Miss Bowlen, of Greenville, j attended the carnival here Thurs day. Mrs. Ed Barnhill and daughter, j Miss Bertha, of Grindool spent I several days here last week at II itel | Beulah. / Oun streets were alive with visit ors last week, who were joining the I confetti battle on the carnival I grounds. Mr. Haskin and family, of Kins- ton, have moved here. Mr. Has kin will sell tobacco for the Con solidated. The world's most successful med icine for bowell complaints is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It has relieved more pain and suffering, and saved more lives than any other medicine in use. Invaluable for children and adults. Sold by Saunders & Fowden and all dealers. Service in KoberconvUle Rev. Wm J. Gordon, of Wil liamston, will hold services at the Hah as usual on the fifth Sunday. Tne hour of of services is .11 a. m.

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