VOL. XII. NO. 19 IMPORTATIONS OF FOOD SUPPLIES •' ' ' • North Carolina Falls Fnr -- Short of Supplying Plen ty of Hog and Hominy-- An Enormous* Drain on the Purse of the People Who Must Eat to Live It may be startling to some to. * learp that the State raise's on!\ seventy five per cent of neces«a'y foid. The temaining twenty fie per cent is grown in other states Estimating that at the pr> se.it prices that it costs thirty cents pe day for the average person to live, then $80,300,003 goes tU' ot flit State yearly for supplier. N. irth Carolina has 31 091,20 > acres of land surface, the part of which is arable. Upon tins shou d he grown enough to feed the population as this wou'd give t-,. each person fifteen acres of lauo accoiding io the last ie>sus Yvt we haee to ini|>ort 6,855 000 bushel? of wht-at yeaily. But as ths se - tion is no wheat-growing one, ih meat question w 11 probably intetesi % more 1111909 there were in the State 1.356,000 hogs; 449 000 beet cattl.- and 215 000 sliei p It at the nil of thr year all the hogs h»d been slaughtered and they had dress d an agerage of too po.ut.d-> ~ npuce there woul I lrav- been put 011 tie m irket 135 600 oon pounds ot po k If all the beet cattle had b ll slaughtered, and thev hud dressid 400 pounds each, there woald have be 11 put on the market 178 600 o o pounds of beef. If ,all thi s-.hvey had bhi i, «and ;h.-w had drts>c>"t~4«j pouixls each, tti re W ili'd hive beeir put on rmrke 8,60 >,00c3 p >unds of mutton. Tiu-r --would 1 hus have be 11 put on the m rket the grand total i f 323,8 o • 000 meat in o>e yr?r~ from the combined slaughitfjiig 1 f all the beeves, hog- and sheep 11, the S'ate. C trelul statistics show that thi average person 111 includ 114 ui n, wouiiM)andchiUtie cousuiiiei 182 6 pounds df m. at 1, one year. Should thi avtrage b correct for North Carolina, oui people consume, hn ourcalcul 1 , tiou on a pop.ulat.ou of 2,200 000 aboivt 401 720,000 pounds uf uie > j . yearly. It will he seen from tties figiirts that sliould all of out a • mats' he slaughtered in due year, we would .still liuve to purch •-. 77,920,000 pounds of meat 10 ii|> ply the demand At an average j price of 12 1 2 cents a pound tlrs will amount t>#9,74.0 000 annu.dh . Tb's drain 011 our is enormous, aud lends g'-eut etuuh toth* need of more live stock i especially hogs, in North Carolina, j There is t:o Stale in tile U OH where hogs can be raised more | cheaply than in North Car lina. The soils and climate are esp cially adapted to the f e:inut, soy bean, cowpea, red and alsike clovers, sweet potatoes, chufa and othei cheap hog all of which flour ish dining the summer months This is the latitude also where crimson clover, burr clover, hairy vetch, rape, rve, oats, etc., grow luxuriantly in the fall, winter and spring, thus providing an amole supply of feed for hogs and other farm animals the year round Many of the farmers are taking ad vantage of this opportunity to pro duce cheap meat, and are making it pay handsomely. —: » . Notice * There has been at our farm near WHliamston for three months, a red cow about three years old mark ed-split in the right ear. Owner - will please come. Williamston Land and Improve ment Co. :V ' ' J ' - ■ 1- • ••»■ . . ? i ' • / THE ENTERPRISE r E.C.T.T.S. Notes Pres. R. H. Wright delivered an address before an educational rally, at Trenton, February 17th. Mr. C W. Wilson spoke to the teichers of Lenior county at Kins ton, February 17th. •" Mr. R. D. W. Connor of Raleigh 9 oke to the school, Monday ni ;ht, February 2oih, under the .uspices of the Y W. C. A. j The Y. VV. Cf A.*gave a silver tea ou a recent Siturdiv evening, and realize! a neat little ,-um. The Legislative Committee 011 ! Education spent the ik»y lure Feb jrnaryTsiv inspecting ttie school The school y T e 111 y enjoyed the ■speeches from the different mem ijers of the committee. MissGi'ahaui's Bible St tidy Class, composed of twenty girls, spent a I 'ie ightful evening with her socially '•not long ago Refreshment were served and much fun was caused I i>y a unique contest. Tne Junior CI iss,, under the dir. ecttoti of Mis Divts, will give an • it r'a nnitni, c dotual stions lon the evening of Washington's | lrn hd iy. Dr. Geo. D Strayer, Pi of. of I School Administration and "S iptr | vision in Tochers College, Colum !b a University, New Yoik City, j.-\ill v:ive a month's course here to I supi rmttn ients and principals dur ! ing the sumnu r teim. Dr. Straver and Mr Alberf-S. "Look, Supt. of ltaltimore county, Md , on a tour through the snitU I to?* the purpose of inspecting cu'-oKs, spent two days visiting j Pres. Wright-and So king over the Lschool j O.i Saturday eve-dug, Februiry iiirti, Pies atla Jilts Wi ight t nt r tained in lunar of the Se.uors Ciass and their guests, Dr. Stray er and Mr. C■u-ke The lad e-, of t'.e fatuity assisted in receiving and Is rvi'ig The Srtdors .appreciated ju >t oiilv the honor of being enter tallied, lint' al o tbe privilege of meeting the dhtiuiu sin d visitors' The Put Gouut\ Ten h*r>' As sociation had a rneettn.: of gteal interest i« th** sehooratjditorfum on St uMav, Fi bruary I,lth. Majiv people came from ad jot r i g t>Wus iiul c umti s Tbe t\»r nosed \i i I . * tots. Dr. Cooke atld Mr 'Strayer, spoke M-*. "Cooke "-pit:; on the proh ems 1 hat co of out the rural s 'hools, giving an interesting and 'helpful 1 ccount of ho v B 1 ittiflfe countv l- solving tiif-e problems. Mr. Cooke 1-. one of the nio->t sue ces&fu-l county Mtperintendeu|s of tbpcouutrvl His address was of Ispec-i d significance D*. tlieme was Tiie M-auingot Edticat on in oik I) 1110- cracy. This was divide ! into three prts: Ed u calk 11 must give tunity (1) to grow iu intelligence; 1 42^-lo gxuw ta responsibility; (3.)- to grow in power to appreciate the best in life. He closed by saying, "The future of deuioraav and' the nope of humanity depend upon the ,1c md of education given to our children." It was a great speech, strong and inspiring reaching into the heart of the democracatic spirit and showing how this should be developed in each individual. Tortured tor 15 Years by a cure defv ing stomach trouble that baffled doctors, and resisted all remedies he tried, John W. Mod ders, of Moddersville, Mich., seem ed doomed. He had to sell his farm and give up work. His neigh bora said, "he can't live much long er." "Whatever I ate distressed me," he wrote, "till I tried Elec tric Bitters, which woiked such wonders for me that I can now eat things that I could not take for years. Its surely a grand remedy for stomach trouble." Just as ?oofl for the liver and kidneys. JJverv bottle guaranteed. Only 50c at Saunders & Fowden. WILLIAMSTON, N. C.. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24. ign Teachers' Meeting The teichers of Martin County met February iStb. in the Graded School Building of this place. The in eti-ig was ably conducted by Mr. Eason, of Robersonvillc, he dis ■ cussed with a great deal of interest a chapter from McMuruv's ' How to study." O.ie of the most enjoyable fea tues of our last meeting was the presentation of a medal by the teachers of the county to Mr. Peel, County Superintendent. Mr. Corey, with appropriate words, went over a few of the many things that Mr. Peel has done for the schools of. the countyr I'e said that no words were needed when neiV school lions s, both up-to-date and mo le-rn, proclaimed unecringly the fact that good woik had bteu clone; that on account of their love for him, and their appreciation of the good he had done tht m indivi dually the teachers presented him Wi uiedal. There were tlu n reports from the ! Bctturuient Association and the meeting adjourned. 1 would like right here to express ! our sincerest thanks to those of the - town wh have aided us iu ilie j bail bug up of our library. These jlnoks will do moiegood than peo ple may ever dream of. A. M. JORDAN. —s» » When her child is uv danger a woiu ui -will ri>k her life to protect it. No great act of heroism eir risk or bfe is nece-sai y to aihi d front croup. Give Ch .in bet I tin's Cough Kerne ly and .dl d. n iter is avoidid. For sale by all dealers. '_ - ■ Lillcy-Dickens Cupid had a hurry calT'on Tues day night and responded on time j,before the Court of Hymen, when | Miss H-tiie Dkki us, of Ha'ifax C'UUtv, and Mr. C A. Li Hey, 'of M i run County, appeared to have '"the smcioif of the Court orndie formation of the'r patne'ship to eri vaf.e in th -business of lif« j titid r tie firm riama of Lilley. Tins aureeiuent was entered into in the olfi :e of Attorney A. R. Lunning, and the yo.vs were given by Rev Oe > f ge J Do veil, p-istor of , the Baptist tMiurdi. TTTe young con pi arrived o i the- evtiihig train, hav ( y j ing -k pped fr mi u id r the eyes of Jill'- bride's parents. Th* friends of tile vouug parr wis'.i lor thcui a otig and happy- life. You aeC probably nua re that 1 pneumonia always results from a cold, but you iie-ve-r heard of a cold I resulting in pneumonia whetiCbatn | l ed mi's Cough Remedy was usfid | v*'hy take the A hen this remedy maybe had.for a trifle? For sale Hby all de d rs. • •« ■ t Darden-Allen (Reported) Oil Wednesday evening, Febru ary 15th,vat 6:30 o'clock, a very beautiful marriage was solemnized at the home of Mr and Mrs. J, B. Allen, when Mi>s Neva Allen be came the bride of Mr? Stewart F. Darken, of Plymouth. The parlor and hall were beauti fully decorated with evergreens, etc. The bride was jtUired in a going-away grown of blue cloth with hat, gloves aud shoes to match. Rev. A. L. Harrison, of Plymouth, pronounced the vows in a most impressive manner. Among the out-of-town friends present were Mi«-S Myrtle Daiden and Mr. M. G. Dardtn, Mr. and Mrs. Jatnes Allen aud Mrs. Joseph Gufganus, of Wi'son. The bride is an altractive and accomplished young woman of JamesVille, and the groom is a .prosperous young farmer of Plym outh. • ' Enlarging Stock Farm Dir.. Biggs and Rhodes have re cently purchased a number of An gus cattle, which together with those- already on baud, will make a fine herd. They have le ise-d the Whitley lowlands for a_iuiml>er of years. This laud adjoins the r own lauds and will become a splendid range the cattle. Thi Augus breed are raised for beef, being very li-.'avy in weight, tipping tin scales;from 2,000 to 2,500 lbs at two y -ars ol 1. The breed original ly came from Scotland and is ven hardv. Biggs and Rhodes also ar* raising horses and hogs Stock raising could become very profitable in this section if people woul 1 «mi ga>»e ri it. There have been more hog« Slaughtered iu the cou ity this season than for any year previous and people are keeping a better breeil of hogs. Cholera has not been si prevalent, becatis"* farincs are becoming better educa e l along every line and theref >re c ii'i inote easily combat the ravages of among stock. ■ ....'»» , / .. Planing Mill Needed Th - sab; and .removal of the Mo Naughton Mill at Hveietis vvdi c.c cagion gTeat incoiiv«nienct* to tin- in this se tio'n. One can get lumber in the rough but ceiling, flooring and moulding cannot be secured except from a distance, which .villi increased f eight r il\s I work-> a haidship on the pun h 1 er. A snudl planing mdl loc. t d in j Willia i s 01 would be a go d in Ve^tm-'lit, and theie is 110 leason I why i-.uie enterpruing u. 111 ann >' -eHa't-fii sauw' ti+Hl H'i vet in* phbl:c. The town is a good potut from vilrcli to distribute ;uid the mi 1-. in the a jacent country could furnish the r .Ugh lunilier, if the. mill cli • ! not cut.its own supply. Often a small industry leads 10 larg. r I things and when a sectioa nee Is jsnch a plant there-; shofild be some j in,in td'euie-r 1 lie business. How to cure a c> Id is a tpie tion jiirwiiich m on are ju 1 | IKl ■•".■. Cb iiiibiihill'* Cough K- 111 edv has won its great refutation j and immense saie bv its rem ok d»,e; I'cii'i- of colde. It can aKvavs In; deor-ided npm. For snl by alt dea.era. Booze Swiped „ So-iie one, 1 i) doubt, as-i-.t d i \ soui-- oneebe, hug ring and iln is'- ii:g -ifter old "nd . ye lic'-e " e 1 ter d the A. C. 1- sia ou lioe.se jSa'ur iay ii'glu and c*«rti«--1 Itt 11 • liloii k gmd seveial pick ge ml tin irjavorite Tue door in the loffice.wbicti op*ns on the South I pla-form wa o; ened by removiii.' th- L-I.iss theietiom and uills'ct i'• 1 Mune' by reaching inside. Then tie rest was easy. Thesoue night, the feed room of the Va Car Peanu' Co was entered and- some coin taken, the dray b»ing used, per haps, to carry away the corn and the 'iquor. The officers were put on the job hut failed to m>kegood, .so the burglars are securely resting and imbibing the ,'tolen goods. It is quite the fad here to steal whiskey from the deyot. , , Notice I Farmers Union I will be in Martin County for the next ft-w weeks in the interest of the Farmers Educational and Co-operative Union, of America, and will vi-it all tedious of the County for the purpose of establish ing Local Unions. Any section Of the County my services can address me at Williamston. N. C. All communications will have my prompt attention. JOHN L. WARREN, Local" Organizer, Lecturer. Lack of Patriotism The public schools of North Carolina have been for thy p?tst few Aenrs keeping in touch with tht se of other Mates in the observ ance of those even's which make for a deeper patriotic beling in Vht breasts of the ho\ s and girls Upon the foundation which is laid in the hearts of children the future of the State be fSiilt, and a p.-ople W'thnut reverence for the men who have sufT.-ied and eli>d, for their coiihtrv, cannot 1 roperly lay ill s f mndatiou - So it is that the schools are called upon, to ob s-i ve the birtltd Ivs of W'; shiegton, Lee and others who have made hi-tory and whe.se characters are mod. Is for ev-rv boy in the lai d Hut tie sclieol-i in Willi imstou year after year pav n. h. Ed to the h lidtifs which the National Gov eminent as well as the Education d Board his set a put Sb 11 oer b>\ s and girls leh s p tr o; cth ni those ot other When tlu.y come Ir 111 out the school room to the battle f life iu i' eat nesi, will thy\ .l e full ot 1 bat lo.ve (or their c> untiy and those Ime 1 whose -deels etubSaZon the ||>ig-s of h-t iiy?« Ilow can j they be brought taee to lace with I the beauty of rver n.-ing il-.y m-morv ol H ifian like Washinutou, j" wlk-u thi daily routineof the school must be carried oi? Ishe1 s he banks aud public « flice- c-ose. and yet the jsv ho- Is Ihe ver v loundai-ion of our social and civil li'e— are 111 -es^ioii l:i a town the y zy of William i stiju with ; n en o'lmt nt of seviiat | hundred | uj>il-, H is odd to se*" the | lack of patii t-m dist'l J'ed*. Jf a I cm;ilß C- .tiles lO tOWII, SCSlot 1 i clo-ei; but t \ M . is no nne to h m j that the by,ys and .ir's re', ervr.ee ; tii- . .'atc i ixieii of ill- AnKi.c n pet | ie. PATH tor. . .. . OAK CITY ITEMS Miss Mary \Vor>ky was intbwn I ; ridjy Miss II me ah Long le'utned from •8.-ihel l-'ri a\. I'rof Smythe. K A. M., Went to Hohtrsoin ide Sat tin I ay. W > C uncd-went tn Scntland- N- ck Mood.iy on bu-iiiess . Mrt K„ I, I lai-lip, of 11arniltori 1 is spending a f w d t\ s nt home. The many 're nd of II K. II ir tel lie -1 id to se.' hiin out again T Hi.-i ie J' htisou, of II is ell | s-x nt Sunday in town with re la ' i I i ve-, M fsesOlivia ICirly, Lula and ! HI 'nciie.Cotincil were on out streets LFr d lv,' Mis'-es Mire Jolinson, Id i anfl ' j f) >i v Couhcil were on our s!rr-e's | M- nday, I. \ , h" L fiiislir) was in town Friday Clifton Williams.left for Atilan | der Saturday. Miss s Charlotte Casper and O'ivia Karlv made a flying trip to Parmele Friday. Miss Hattie Johnson spent Satur day and Sunday with Misses Olivia and Fannie Flatly. John House, of Scotland Neck, was the guest of Mr. J. J, Long Satuidiy and Sunday. Misses Lizzie Ilarrell Fannie Earlytoid Ainue May Durghteridge are at home for a tew days. Mrs. Henry and daugh tcr, Mrs. Alicia Rawls, of Rober sonville, spefit the week-etid in town with relative*. While playing near the fire on .Thursday, Julia, the little four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs Charlie Price, caught on fire and was painfully burned before the flames could be extinguished. sr.oo a Year in Advance ROBERSOMVILLE NEWS ITEMS Local Happenings and People who are Coming and Going, Here, There and Yonder as Gathered by our Regular Corres pondent. W. 1,. James wen'. to Everett Tnei-'av. J. C. Robert?on went to Oak City Tuesr]av. J. H irtell of Norfolk, was iu torvn Monday. , I?. W. Moialfv, if Gieetiville, was in tow,* Tuesday. Will Htlfst, of Oak C'ty, was iu town We- I nejub y. M's* Ofa Tm lor, of O ,k Grove, I spent Sundry I ere. P. C Rive 'p i t Sntid ty at his ! home Hi leaf Haniift n. Arthur Iltiriii tr; ~? Hnhgood, is I in town for a few thi\ s, ' Mis* Fee T.uh.r, of Spring ' Gre-en was in town Sunday, L ster It,'in nids'Mi, 1 f Gold Point, w s in t >v\ii W'edee-diy. 'I Mrs. R I, S nil it and children 1 ire vi-Utmg 111 Williainston this WeeK. j R v Mr F.ri-li, of-Wilson, filfT led his jc n-ir ;ij»|»• intment here •Sunday. r Mi s ,S liu liver it, of near Gold i- I'n it. visit i \liß tfit.- Robersou la-1 witk I F, iwi.f.ls, of Rdeigb, ; vi.-it■ lier'Mhier, Mrs J. W. Hight » 1 e t Wi i k _,.J li>( G®•rfvylville, hi ■ l"i>iu s ]>ni11 r»i lor the J'.n k.r Bik'kv C nr ii y -e «.. 1 M (W >r ir here was uuur-rf- -J Ju M • * S 1 li I mondsori ol Si"ii g Grrfc'fi, Sui day. Q nt_e a miHib'T a»r»-ndt:d tie !>'„sk i jmrt\ hi Grmdool Friday, gn-.m liy Mi-s M ir.• !i'rb-*rt«oil. t Mrs. ]-' oh, r( VeKon and son SI en V, r | I!h\ s \ Mil Mrs. A. R 1) Mining- t Wi 1 am-.ton this week. , J C S i n Mi s Suse ae.d I M 'gin in- Ch ti .1.-i sjvnt Stnid'y ' w t i .1 iss A'aia Filming neat Has s- 11 Mi s I) 11 \ i.of B-tlu-1,. who i-a-i been visit: friends and rd.i'jves i. r ■, returned h .jite Mon day. S'ti.d iv nmr- i 111?, \V !l. . " ll' 't . J , a ■ I M S■M>.t|ii II i.|; | •Vi ie ' e II t'> 'he dtpofM j' t' t !•,-•" .i'iiv il ol "IK tr;iiii—tw* ke'S wereeidhd lor to Jjoth'l T-vo minutes I .t! i a ,\omii; t entle m iii coinm inlv 1- yo'.vn as P>. to, r-d --v.iii.'ed to the :i_k* t i lliee and called lor one tit ket to 13min I. Tin use ol G /-van's Pneune?ua Cure ha- proven t > lie very beniti ci I to Messrs G. C. T»>lcr and Jodie Woidard, who were out sport ing. Su id..y Thiir horse WIS restless and would not give Taylor a chance to tjet in the buggy —you can guess the rest. But they are getting along as. well one could expect now M. E. Church Sunday % Rev. Rufus Bradley, pastor of the Methodist Church announce his subjects for Sunday, February 26, as follows: Morning—"Divine' Searching " Night—"Clinging to the Faittt." The public is invited to attend these services. -* — 1 A piece of flannel dampened wnh Chamberlain's L,immetit and bound on 'lie effected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled witlu bme back or pains in the s-ide or fhe>t give it a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief, which it af- fords. Sold by all dealers. 1 • BAD COPli

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