VOL. XII. NO. THE PROGRESSIVES WON TUESDAY Williamston Township Decides for Bond Issue by Majority of Twenty- Two--Strong Opposition by Those Benefited Mainly--Quiet Election JTuesdav was a rabiT, «iis .*l j»rte 1 hie (Jay, hut nt 'i to keep the vote's of the township from coming ou'. to cast th ir vbt s f r or mud and wner, or to he more explicit, for >d to iis. The question of a bond is-ue hid im' tak nh-I lin the mm 1- o- ttie peo pie until the dtv arrived fir a de cision Sme rpponen's ot*- t'!• bill had worked up s> m.? feeling ie the matter, and cartiel voteswit.h them When the si-tuition wa viewed about 110011 it «a-seen thii not more than a halt d z n pe pi from the count r y had voted for h bond issue This facthiadestrong er the work of the adVoca'es nf the bill and wlie the polls closed n m jority of twenty two was fou d for good roads and agaiiist mud and water along the forty miles ol township roids. The vote means that Williamstou Township is moving foiward with other sections ot the State. It is a long stride on the road of progress, and every man, woman and child in the township will be bene6tt>d The hill call-, for an issue of bonds to the amount of S4O 000 with provisions for the premanent main tenance of the roads. Ii is to be Tegretted that many who will '-e largely beoe6tted were oppossed. to the bill. * Be a Booster! Do you know there's lots o' people Setti »' round iti everv town, " Growlin' likejj broody chicken, KLnoikin' every good tlii gdown; Don't Von he that kind of ctitle '.Cau e tbfy a nt no use 011 earth You just be a boofoe: rooster, J Crow and host for all you'ri w orth If your town ne> ds boost in' boost'er Don't hold bilk, An' Wrtit to set If some other filler's v. jl in' Sill right,in tTiis country's No out 's tfOt a mor jjngeon ir, It's just \dtirs bs tnncli nf his. If your town is sh >r; on to sters, Yon pet in the b> s.tifi * b z If thine 1 - dln't s en- ju-t to v utt vor, v ' ' An'twe wot Id se m- kinder wrong Whit's tbenutttr.a lioositn' Just *o li' lj> the thing al ng; ~ Cvi*elf *thTt gs should stop a.g«iu' We'd b in a son v plight; You jn»t kev'p th it li-orn a blowin' B >os''A up with nil \our might. If you ■ some feller trvin' Fo to make s m • proj ct go, You can boost it up a trifle. That's your cue to let him know That von'r '.not a goin' to knock it, Jnst btciuse it aitit your"gbouf," But you're Koing to ho st a little, 'Cause he's got ',thc b.st thing out." v If you kno.v some feller's failin's, Ju-t forget 'em 'cause ynu know That same feller's got some good points, , Them's the ous you want to show; "Cast your loaves out on the waters, They'll come back," 'is a saying ture, v Mebbe they will come back "but- tered,". When some feller boosts for you. —Homer Clark Bennett.: ■■■ —- If you have trouble in getting rid of vour cold you may know tfiat you ate not treating it proper • ly. There is no reason why a cold should hang oc for weeks and it will not if yon take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For sale by All r0 ' , THE ENTERPRISE IN MEMORIAM Miss Lillte May Wynne On the first day of Oc'oher. ISBS, >i at Everetts. N. C., ike subject of ; this sketch first. sa*,v the light of ,! •: 1 v.* She was tie eldest daughter I uif L 8., and EM 1 Everett VVy'ms I un.l li\i» ' »" be twenty-five yens jlive m mths and rl i.iteett davs r'd • I S>e died on M tj iav March I,y h. atier a long and .palieut suff^tieg ,! S e was one ot the gentlest and ,j m ist am*ahle char fC'ei'iS. tH*» verv s-ul of honor ai d possessed 'that . 4 sweetness otdispo-ition that a I w-t \ s , cuarms as o'te j urnevs through II rite. It can IK- t UIT said ot ha; , "None kiKW lie p love, uone . named h.rhut to ]>raise " . Hvr pop il.r 11v and IT ciertcy as I a teacher was attested >oy tlv fact i tut tier s -reices eie s term after tesm by tie same school. Jc) lv when her heal h tiat she .til l b> tt) pupils .ml pai'Ons leltjCtantlv acceptnl tiie -ituations « ■ Sh- was a taith'ul and beloved 1 in* m'»er of the Ft iiatl e t Clas-s of 1 tne Biptist Sund «v School, nf Wil I Pamston Wne ever shec-»uld h»;r I place was promp lv fi led She often sang in the c dir and lent her 1 n Buene on the side of that which 1 w4-. right, refilled, and tleya'ing. t At hotue, she whs a comtort am* . jovto'all the meihhetsof the family ' circle Th-.-r latin ten b'-r selt and wis heautnnl, and s ttiev awarded her that prai-«- which 1 her nohleUess ot t ha-actt r, as well a- position in soC'ety j i-nfie l To ' her parents she was not only an i ff ctionate and duiiful J but a companion and valurAttend. She appreciated all done lor fat-r during her illness ami spoke of the c >'ti-.ideratiou sho-vti heie b\ a mill Hudt- ot ti tends. S'e h d " never j nned anv Chinch, n r mule h'w pub ic prole-siou i»t r li.ioii. Yet'sht; ha I j-troiic' convicti ni* of : religious tm:h, an I ineheved, per hap-, ni ire than she sxi-r>--el Her tim dtt\ and shin k modisty made it auuie>\hat d ffuidt to «p ' pro ich i«er on that snbj ct. hni . t nere Were tertain th ng- in cliar" 1 a:te f iti i> sped h winch let u\ Il ' he tact" that s've wits ft Iciet 1 o! out 1.0 1 In an Wet to 1 hi- inqipry ot ; 1 .1 friend ll d neighbor as to hln pe h-on t the grave, he had xpr -s led st r (Ui4 ia:th .tml ,oi earnnit_ de j «.ire"To iz TT () I.' a s'viir' It ni'' b fore llie end Cnn.- >be h >d Up kett appreci tic 1 of a pr vc r toiler el fry a iru-ud at her w e ! ice VV'e liaee "stroii bop • for nn; j young sifter's »te n;it Wel/nr«-. Tie • lift nn.U'>ri.;J inrni h s ni with 1./ i II xpl iiKitioii wiiv those die eiri ftroin v.h m s cirtv lias the tiuh: to i-.xp-r>t mo-t got U. AuS' li hi'. e entered our home, their foot; riuts graves I) p r;ed are oir loved I oues who were best fitted to live i Those who cast th,tir flo vers up 11 the grave are bidden to lock up and I- j cherish the memories of the* de -d, lor the friendships br guu in tnijie r shall ripen in tie: uity. Onr sister has paid the debt that is to be discharged I)v all men. No sex spared, no age exempt. The I m jestic and courtly which monarchs p ss over, the way that men ot-letters tread, the path the warrior travers-es, the short and simple annals'of the poor—all lead to the same p ace, all terminate,* however varied in tbeir routes, in the house appointed for all living. No one cries w ben children long absent from the'r parents go home. Vacation is the morning of jubilee. D a>h is the Chr stiau's vacation m irmng. School is out. It is time4o go home. It is surprising that one should court long life here When friends have gone from us joyously, should we not go wi'h them to the grave, not singing mournful songs but scattering I flowers and congratulating them » • A,r- ■ * *.■ - ¥.\ . ( , WILLIAMSTON, N„ C., FRIDAY, MARCH 17. 1911 that tneir warfare is over and th it they have trit'inph'd ovtr • death through ilie blobd of the Lamb? Ma\ the merciful God, the ' ere t Shepherd and Keeper of His s f ?d ee;>, who will temper tl'ie wind to ■the shorn limb m> uifiiliy keep Jt' e failii r and mother, the five • | sisters aid two brot! eis. together j with friends and lelatiies, under j the shadow rf His wirigs. And in ■ jthat, D»v ot the Lord, when He konnjth to make up His jewels, ' j br»n;» Vietn >ll iu'.othit place where I time s-h ill b-■ one lold and one 1 1 £hephvid. M "SI ep on, beloved, sleep and take 'j thy rot • | Lav down th\ head upon thy Sivi our's bresistj ,| We love thee but Je\us loves »j t tiee l | Good t i 4h», good night, good 1 j ni^ht." • | Th • fij! eral services were con ' d'.Ktfd at In r late home on North H mghton Street, on Tuesday after* I j 11 oO!i at 2 o'clock, by the Kev. j G orne J Dowell, pastor of the llßiptKt Cluirch. A 1 irge number fI of friends and relatives, among j whom were many out-of-town peo ; p'e, followe 1 the body to the ceme ; t'-ry, whee it whs laid away with r the last sad rites ot the Church. Advertising and Business t i An adwr ising expert who knows business as well as advertising— -1 buxine s building and business i keeping—says this: I If >ou want to stay in business ) stay in the advertising field, i No matter how much business , you ate doing, keep up the energy . that makes it. r You might as well cut off your r leg b' C Mise you aieiunuing well in , j a loot race as to cut i ff your advtr j ti".mg because your business is t good , j You tnitfht as well tell the in* I jsurance man ibat you are so healthy j you will (tio,) tie | o icy for a tew" y.-ar- »- to ST»>p advet tising because , theMudirs ait piling up. ' Do i'tut td to" is the c'yeutual i pr linrnary to "Can't do it " Tie oiilv man who doesn't need I to ;(«tv ni-e the man who lias i r tire i f "in '»u ines*. Ti e nlv mm who doe-n't need •! to pt\ hi- | remiuins is.de id. I AOvet n&iu,; k ep-i a business . | h-a:t iy. • i I 1 tones uif its liv-r, »treuythen* * • V j I !?> bice (»»., >tc des is heart ant lie • s its iu-t v s i i ( rder. | Once iin vi hil • a raa'i decides • ' 11a' h * is do rvy so niueh bo* in ss »; t fvi' die can >to > adve t'-.i>v, tot a . , fn i run o't iiii.tnentu-n. [ ! Momentum is ilic gtadiiiii piocess )1t uv r! a fnli stop. . I Tiie uronicntu u business is usual j i 1 Iv, pr» maturely tuII stopped by tin: I II straight lef jib ot the well trained jc,m| e ttor who find-, his opeuii g { i i in the fiHeento i u d.' Court Next Week The Term of Martin Countv Superior Court* convenes i on Monday, the 20th, with His Horn 'r, G. W Wprd, Judge pre>id iug". Tlie Criminal Docket will probably consume the first two days, and then the Civil dases, which a- a whole are unimportant, will be heard. They are arranged . as follows: Wednesday March 22d. Jenkins vs Roys, Bi-itz-l vs Griffin; Blue: thai & Bickart vs Carson. Kagau vs Railroad Co. Bink vs Live Stock Co. Wibon vs Graham. Hassell vs Steamboat Co. Thursday March 23d. Ward v? Peel. Patnt Co. vs Ballard. Furniture Co vs Davenport. Barnes vs Telegraph Co.. Hasstll & Co. vs Yates. Barber et als. vs Griffia et als. ~ - - - ' i V. Enjoyable Luncheon Mrs. Thomas J. Smith dt light fully entertained a number of younv people at lnncheou last l-'riday 1 veil ing at her hcfspitfcble h nneon Mnif street iti honor of M.B'i K. Critctier. guests begun to arrive at B:^o^'clock and. were met ;t tni d jor hy Mr and Mrs. Smith, liu.Y NtissCor in tie au i Master 16ey nobis Sm'tU tisheiing them to the cl >ik roy 11,' after which linl • Mt-s Co: inilt over a ho.vl of delight ful rid refreshing fruit "punch Mnsic and a.niusical ConttSt re next, lululvied in, t)ielattei cau-n g much perlexity among in anv, but aftef'dilligcnt thinking were almost etititi-iv sijcce stub At 10:30 the guests wtre ushered int > the spac ous dining room which was i lum n ited with candle and neatly arranged with rate tah'es for each couple. o;st»r cock-tad, chicken salad, bananas de la cr- anie, cream and cake, u its 1 and c« fl e were served in courses At a l ite hour the guests riluo tautly made ttieir departure declar ing Mrs. Smith an ideal hoste-s Those preseut were: xMtss Lettie Critcher , and John W. Hassell, Miss Delha Lnmr and B. A. Cot cher, Miss Anna Beth Furvis and A. M. Jordan, Miss Katie Blount and Dr. H. B. York, Miss Susie Purvis and B D Ciitcher, Miss Eva Gaitior and J W Buks, Mi-s Martha Ward and T. J. Smith, Jr. • " Join the International Press Bible Question Club The old-fashiomd preacher was a great exhorter, for no matter What th« sußject of his sermon, he ''htM'Wwornid tip with a fctvtJl ex bortation for insiaijtcompliance on ' i the part of his hiarers. Tne pres lent writt r wishes he had the po.vtr ' I to effe -iu dlv t xhort all the rt aders of Tiik HntukpkiSK to jnn the 1.1 lltel U.ii lonal ii I le Qilfstioil Clu') I No matter wheiher \( u are oM or j>> u' g, I'rotesta>>t or Cathobo, 1 nn ou+-i'ler, it will b? nn irtvorte j b i.efit to you to lead and p nitbr j thj-Sugg'stive Qncstions on thr 1 : Sunday Sciun 1 Le-sou now rnnn- I . " v:( " I 1 1, in this [>i p r, r .idiug t'uin in jc nmcii >ll vsnli the loiei 111':iuoai jSrtlry. school Jvfsson. 'ill-. j«e |»j estious tri t >..e\ury «.d , t.« v ;iit i i vaiieu as is i.u n.m ex,> lie Tce, a I wlii e tie;, t 01. not 1.1114 011 e ItL.-. draw t:oui every u id,i tie j!> t that IS 111 li tit T.iiev te iti/ IHI eby VT-sl •)'! 11l II 4.» |ioi-«bir li> .111** t teadTir;' or riog n 1 l'r; r . 1 for yolirscli, Vuii e 1 itienib'/r I onr I. C.i J uyliyc mul u-.'iiig tl;;»c.>ut-•■ •it i' i nng with • ,11 is- 1 a M 1 j 1 1; 19th 4iid '"(it 111 a coupon t,u r(,i p .per -each"we.k, f:oui ih 1 up to 51 w, cks, ce> tifyiag that j * 1 i r o • j. aduu li s be 1 U done. Tuere ale (.v.- sotid gold uu* lals, I fne Utetlii'g s lv'er medals, bvijJ teaher's Bibles, and th rty live v dli able books to be given away a 1 prizes, td our class of pipers ris pr vi:,u -ly ex; l.ducd, to tho e.wlio send in tiie most coupons out of the I 52.* The ties are to be broke if by I die best anrwer to the-fi ve that are to be answered in writing. Yon will need Thk Kntkki'RlSK y urself cr a friend. Use the «t --tacued coupon for your subserip tioii.i Subscribe to Thb Entekpkisk. Card of Thanks .We desire to publicly thanks our many friends and neighbors for the kindnesses done us durii g the iliness of our daughter and when we were so sorely bereaved. These acts w|ll not be forgotten and are warmly appreciated by each tneui ber of our family. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Wynne. r • William L. Reddick Another aged citizen of Martin County answered the call wbep William 1,. Reddick "fell on sleep'" - eiflv Monday morning a 1 his home South of Wi'liamston, where h had - pent so uunv of the years g veti to hi 111. He wis horn on November io'li, 1826, and had bved h 11; p Ist the all'»Tted--tim« of tuan bv reason of the strength which had alwivs'been his. Before the Civil \\,'ar, in iho-e cl iys whe 1 Wi.l aiusii ui's b i-111 s houses were f .r down M iin"S>tiiet, Mr. "Reidi'-k conduced a store I ne tr the con ty whart. In h.'s meoiory was siortd much of ill e.tiK iustO'y 01 th- to mi, and he was, 41 tain.| ai' li .ure to its iuha'n liaiits F-r many years he hi lived on and cultivated a farm jut IK- voud SkeA'arkey 011 the W'asli ling 0.1 Road leading out from ilie tu* 11 Tli' re h- had lived wiili 111 wile, whom hi- had 111 .tried fiftv" five , years ago. She was Miss tempi. Cherrv and survives him with one soil, their onlv cli ld,* v V\'illiam R d. . dick. He was a highly lespeeted coizen of the community and had « lived quietly and peaceably-with all men. Toe funeral services wee con [ ducted bv Klder Sv lvester Hassell, of the Primitive Biptist Church, at • 3 o'clock on Tuesday aftenoon i The interment was in the family i com -tery near the residence. A Fierce Night Alarm is the hoars', statihtig cough of a child, suddenly attacked hy croup. Often it aroused Lewis Chamblin of Manchester, O , [R R No. 2] for . their.four cbildien greatly 8U 1 j«ct to cioup "Sometimes iu severe attacks," he wrute "We ( were afraid tiny would die, but Since we proved what a certain remedy I)r Kmg's N'e v Discoyt-ry is, we hive 4lo t.-nr. V\'e 11 ly 011 it for croup and for cTinghs, colds or anv throat ot lung trouble." So do thousands of 01l rs S) Ula\ r you. A-tlnni, Hav, Fever I,> , Cii ippe, W i 1.-O;-{11 C**itgit, 11 emor- j , rliHgrs.flv helon- it 50c aiidsi.oo. F.r» I I omV Sold hy Saun 1 d'i'i s i\: l''f) A deli - | JAMESVII.! J: IT»:iVIS 1 ? I M s\>f\ { Sindiy i;i P;y 1 in' > ti' h, • ! Mr K !.:i -1 Rubers ri, wisin j . j to 1 li Sm.d iy. M .H > !• ■ -1 H .miit n wisin j j ln'vu Mi >ll.♦ -y. | Mrs p JI Brown went to Wi li j ir,m-'oit. Mood y. j. ; M •'■* Ivil i I. e R ".Vrs-ei ar..l J !VI-,1.•/ /i- * If i--| sou •} en' Su ,; d iy 1 ■! ■, :i oi Gauk. j M. W. W '-V.P'ts'bft Monday: •norn'itg for Gr(.en-bnro to attend! t ; »e Woodine'u conveu ? ion. ' J Mi s Li'lf'in Stalliogs was in' ' .An a fee d i\s last week visiti 11.4 ) J TMastf r T.one.s Smithwick. ! Jtni Lr'gjjitt, of U il l imston was) in town a few minutes Sunday eu | j rruit" to visit Miss Beto'ab I.illey. W 11. I/Lley and Henry Hardi-j nn left for Richmond Va Monday j to.enter Massey Business College. S i,. Wallace put in his seme;, Monday and reports a very gooo j run of heiruigs, and says he thinks J ! h; can supply the demand lliis sea- j' Miss Edith Hardison happened ' to a very bad accident last week. ' While out chopping up wood she I stomped her toe and catue veiyl' m.ar cutting ber off. We are ; ulad to know she is rapidly iinprov- 1 'iig- L When you ha.ve rheumatism in ; your foot or instep,apply Chamber lain's' Liniment and you will get 1 quick relief. It costs bu,t a quarter. Why suffer? For sale by All \ Dealers. i •• •' i. • V - sf.oo a Year in Advance ; ' • i ROBERSONVIIIE NEWS ITEMS V Local Happenings and f > eople who are Coniing anil Going, Herer, There and Yonder as Gathered by our Regular Corres pondent, J W Taylor i in Norfolk this \ve>'k\ ' - • • '• r-t$ Mr aiM Mi» S. K. , Put vis were here S iiulay.,: J■ >!iti D ili ?! iif Oak Ci'y, wis iu t • aii Tre-d-iy. I C Falkm-r, of N vv B rr n, was h *' e \Vi d> e-fliv ' Or. M tni>iiyf, nf bethel, was in 'own' Wcdn siav. Mi -s Kr t H t • 1«, of 11 'B-tfil, was in tnwii WfHne-itsty. Vfi-s Ora T ivlnr Sua lay with Mr-> A S Ro'er-on, Mart !| a h ts been qu'te sitk for .ml d't«'v.s; Mis-- All'e Ben Krnwi, >f Gtin do >l, was here Welne-dav. Uzz e M inrinj; visited friends at Oak It- y. list week. M s B. H Koh-tson, «Tf Gold Pol lit. was in town A'ed nt-'S'l av. . Mes-rs Will Rverr t ;nd Thrower Ta\l»r Wfiit to H t»se>l Snmlav. Sun Haidisor, f Washington, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. ll Messrs, Jesse Speight and Ernest Hl *• mi> 1 v;, of Greenville, were here Wednesday J■ »hii Mar'in, of Hamilton, visit ed his l idy friend here on Railroad str«*> t Sunday, Miss Noiris. of Bilttmore, has ariiv«d to trim for Jenkins & Rob* er-ot this season. The Woman's Vlis-i n irv Society met Wednesday at he h ttn j of Miss Clyd ■ Tripp. Rev. Mr. Shepherd, of S atrfon burvT ful d hi-. reyu'-tr appoint ment her** Sunday. Mr y- i w H •if Wi'li.uns'o i. sp in Sunday with ! Mr- J. W Ai drrws. Miss Myrua Mid Cecil I Kv' r>tt spM;i Sun!.i.. u th' Miss, i Ilil la Kniv h' if~ i H 11 O ir n mmunitv :s a_'..;n ;.a iJeil • d bv *he le t a of ano'lv r one >f !or n o-.t ;« 1 v ! .nid t--| ected ;-'t /. m.-,. Mr A!' \,t i'• ; U «-a 1 s I . , j t , ■ „ » i " I*• ' .1' I ! ' r I «>ut "Pi.- (J . .*•*% K I u • !' y i ')■ n:i . I' • vv • , - •; rj: \ - ; t jut vciis i>i i an !vv ts £»w>d" 'y 'ti, a f a i' 11 1 > l l -1: 1 -r : i the L. i i~t .',;iny. i'u i• ,» he ' >' ' e l ,»i", • hn-. .11 v\ ::; ii ~1 '! '.'.'. i-i de ict n . .id i r n-: -nl : tut m >er ot th£ 1' jim •11 v-■ Htp'ist ■ vhivuh. H• i av s • ;■ - .n, j. !5. Ka ot J{>'rbersonvi!{.\ tc. i , ch.Mr- n and ».ncf r»r >t i> r, 1 -esi h?s \ Itost of friends to mourn their 1 >ss. T.k- bri «1 i-ervic wi-ic* ehi iucied •it "he Piimitive Ilaptiit Ciiurch by Id ler M. T. Livvienc.*. The re iii tins weie takgato the old family •cemetery and there interred.' Subscribe to Thk KxThri^isk Oar Horfy-Fourth Yeai* We started this business iu a smill way in iB6B We have grown enormously because w«? have always treated tbe public «nd our salesmen fairly, giving them "more and better goods than they could buy elsewhere. Now wehaveover two million farmer customers, sup plied,by over two thousand travel ing -alesinen earning on an average »5f over sioo per month for tbem selves. We need a bright energetic young man righr now to travel iu Martin county. Address TheJ.R. Watkins Company, Baltimore, Md. Established 1868. Capital over $2,000,000. Plant \pontains to acres floor space.

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