THtESTtRPRISE. PCBUSHKD HVKRV FKIDAV •* MAM*two * HAKHKLU. PROMUKTOR* N. g. ' ' WILLI AM C. JVDITOK JOHN VV HASSELL, MAWAGKK SUWSCKIP riON RATES One Veiir • , - - #I.OO Sl* Months - - - " . •5 U Three Months - • • - • J SI Strictly Cash In Advance Advertising Nates on Application " >n!_c W4, r._- ).j-! ' J . N C «• tierx")! 1 Frida v. Al.trrli i 7. 10 1 ' 1 Hob-o 1 may v; t t c 11 I > action ! v Sooier than lie H.o but 'tun j it is ouly «af m nwHiv r-. Mm; 1 of O'U At IIIV |HI-| oifi r- sh'rn! 'b , made to do something ! ( > earn" tln-ii j Fait If there is an vt h «'K 11 *■». 11 , t't- ti ttovtrnor Woodt» v Wilson ot \V Jersrv. will enter tlie I' c National Convention if xt yea f>' J ahead of »>th r in- 11 who liave 11 • bee byz/iin, in tiu n bonuct>. H i-i, a .Soui heritor an I will, in >kt ~ goo.! myalie e lit* mas be plait 1. Our Pi evident is it g i«.ii g in j some expensive patiol uok a- the mohilizitig of troops nii the Mi x 10 tn b >rdvr will r i t m 111'•»! 1 of (I. liars The next Cuiitr ;ss will surels . kno.v the why-, and whtrefoies f i the movement. Perhaps, T»fi can satisfy the people as to the need tor same. The 11.1 veiling expanses of gov- I erunient officers and eiuplo\e-> last year ainounied t» tweve millions of j dollars, and President Tift hasju l| sent .1 letter tn the S cretarv ol the"! Treasury hin to e 111! t 11 e ; ecororuy commissi m all Havel te | c >rds f >r tile la>t fiscal year fui the purpose i f tabu'ui.ei and n-ei-i'm | with a view to ie luciioo .ir.d e.coti"- ( otnv Men gt limbic !>e".nise tliey ijiml ptv n dodar p-i day to: a good j hand who cam • »ve y eent by liar i j knocks, yet these ■-ame nun wi.l.j send a 111 111 tn tlu- I ji 11'ive h 1 - ' and pay liiiu tutu d liais tn r d'V j to squirt 'b'li' j l'ce" an I d;nfkj ineau "ifeker,." a d then vu'e on | the \m rug hi le eve* \ fin "he i> is j an op' l h)t: nil)tv '' > li.' 'o 1 | flioii ,:it .1 )■»\ el - W lii 11 ei il. glided ha!lvor It Ilm\ iug ill. ;>!o v. ; 111 11 Ml' old •• l v l! el> -t 'uteres s of liio- wh 1 li'te \ 1 u '1 .• ui'au f is a V r an! i ! t !ie t- o.>!i- ud s'.l ad ! i t- : e jilt li 1 1 g: > e V U » ll'.'t'vi d, i>i e '■ ij ;! ll j V ■ Til' •« P. ■ v 1 n: TR 'h i i. • ■■ > • • 1 .1 who' 1 e: '1 t . 1 M r. !i s knovn '• j ' I ■ |v• t; ,1: : a" til!, !;.(:■ • . I i • S'i it l ' ' / \ .1 fra:n ;he n -e*. r t 1 : • 11-IS hi l-t—liy 4 VV-J. MJ: :.t--'- : I. d.,!• • •■' . • e 1 ie"\ 11 «. 1' Ihe \ !! •!, IL lil' t . I; 'u t '-si;',} :1" i . 1•• . " 'Hi i?'''Le../ no"" - • s* 'U. o! _i 'e li. ei iid l i- ' hought I>\>-ti'- ' ; fisia' 1 '• 's'.i''"-.! the Am. . • n a l l e- on . 01 kU ; u «W:". i-; ill .H. \ uvi',!!! P ; i '! leading . tin . ■.;! lotxutry o: t w aid ' On the Road A majoiity of the got-, rs in \V liamsto 1 Tv>>vn-hip w nit gooa r ads and said soon Tuesday, w leti tii • election to decide about the baud, issue .for satue was won by twenty two. This was a -mill victory— much smaller th»n it should have been considering tlie imixnianc- o» the question to bp decided. The voters within the corporate limits of the town voted" for the bonds with very few exceptions, and the people in the country tried to kill the bill. To the n»ind of the think er thia is a bit stratoge, for the bene fit will be greatest to the country J people and the town wdl pay the, greater bulk-of tlii taxes T iere -bould hive bien the thought'of mutual helpfulness and each should have stood by the other. As we have s i'ul before, those oppose I to the bill should accept the situation and enjoy the benefits with a pro per degree of appreciation Now that the m itfer Ins be%n j decided, it behooves the B >ar 1 of County Commissi niers i'o pl»ce the construction of roid> in th hands ■Ol a who ktniWM ho.v to b idd , according to the pi.ins of experts J who have Ixen triiued in c?eiy Me'ail. .If prop r care ts taken in U' l c nig and/-mploying labor, then j the berf .'sr vi'l. 1 1 • t;r" •t, other vist; i the work will n »? b* of c irie-poad ! I . 7 1 ; ing \ alue to I!K* bonds to bi- isiiled 1 I * Has Millions of Fihnds ; llmv would you like to v, 11 mbet j villi !r f d; bv ttiilions a-> li 'ck- 1 jl *i 's Arnica S dvv -Hoes? Its as • J t on'id in cures in the pa-4 fo r t\ 1 I • .rs in .il • th» m If 's tlu* 1 e-1 j ( ISi! v 'i ,i't li'- worl I for sore-, nlc rs , j eczema, burns, boils, sc dds, en's, corns -o'e ( vex, sprains, swellings, | 1 j i I brni-cs, cold son s. Has no j for piles at Saunders \S: How den 11 Richmond's Nitrogenous Air,,, H Noting the Southern Power Com l iiuy's plan tor a fixation-of niim- ■ ' gen p! iiit at (ireat l-'.ills, S C., . j The Richmond Times Dispatch de |, poses that "thete /Ugbt to i>e-n j nitrogen factory established on tire, James ttver, the nitrogen in the "air I ot Virginia begins ot a purer ai d L • e'.tir quality than the nittogeu in i j the .n of any other State HI tie , Union." We hesitate, out of .in- j idulgttice toward Hich;n aid, to ac- j h'ept ti i- unconscious admission a 3 i I tint. N is the' piincipalj I bulk giv ing constiment in the I I-atitiosplure its value for plan; ab j I »i.rp'io!r, wh'-ther bv natural or j ail li :i! ill ails, being sei o idai y I.\ he • an tn d life is c.m er ud. ' !-\:t i'in-*phvrc fntr* on "n trnjin f | roiit.tins a y of -oxygei , j t ! ,e 11 f giving vl . iii tor man and j n asi li is oxygen which makes ! u id Charlotte step lively, tee! i j brisk, .i nd do great tilings; ah re s' an ovci-mtrogt nous or bigldy i oihiid atmosplure at Kiclnnond j j would qiiitc accjjtint f»r ill • [ oki us- win.di unkind ] eople tuvel' ; aiiiibiiiv ii 'u that goo I oh! anvil .—The ive from, ill-: Clia! !o'. e... j Ulisel v«.-r puts the thought into ilu in nds ot the ,th*ukei in tins section idiat (.an atino.spltere is our nttio | utninii \Ve ne-.d nil addit onal i uppU lit ox'. i,eii to make us ''git i Old git." Aiiac'rtS Scliocl Piinci^al ,\ t'wi ' .1' « s Uin sclioi ! pritici- J li—A.l>:n, of- 1 vani-^ r -. ■.,:s: ii us to'ti i>v him. " For •i, i!i ui t ,re- yi'ais," he wr tes, ■ n i lit nni.ii s ii. liver and sions i. It t'oui-le aud diseased kuloevs . \;i i ttw iies failed till L used Rkc- !• t'tc !v'tet«,'!iut fur bottle.s id this .• v ii.' i tu 1 rs'.ne Iv itirid me 'ciitu t>!eti-rv Su :h results vre coin in. 1 i .i'U • 11; d > bless thiol for .*•1 -n.g mseh trouble, fimde O ."MII 1 ■"-oil's', kidney disorders, bill • or- s- , and t.»r new health upd 1 vig.r. Fiv them. Only .soc at •* ism '.tu is I'uwuen, ■j \Whicli Arc You? iH e'e is one greit truth in H f dy f XVi it which njJplies most forcibly to. jth of every man ft-ud woman ; in any Conununity. The trni tm H; I"N i tn oi liveth into hitnseif, and Inoin at dieth unto himself/' The history of any town is the litstoty' •>f it pe iple todividually airii co;- | lective'y. We are a p irt, however small, of tlie Rreat whole a"bd a selfish life tehds tt> hurt the com ■ muuity a does the unsellfish one . tend to upijft. If with proigal hand we gve of out best thought, ; onr strong heart, onx earnest labors i for the moral and material advance ment of the conimunit'y, theu we • are working in harmony with the ureat law tb t lu'es. the universe.' Vfen and women, too, there are who get all from a coram uhity and give nothiug back. wbeu they enter their homes, close the door behind them and shut out everything an 1 live in their own narrow world —fearful always lest something a ill be djiie to draw a Hollar or a kind deed from ' them. They care not for thor-e who are 1 a«lii>4 the fight for the betterment ot the town. Some of these may j ; tvi n then !>e deriving their lively ho m! from'the* public that is g_ner- ] oas and yet It fuse to acknowledge by A'pjd or deed anv, obligation to : the p opli .iramg.ffhmtj they live. Death will find them trying to live j J 'i 10 t h'-ms -Ives but tliev shall pass ! along the B.MUC roid trod bv the m l i'ltii >.ou« before Hut ihere are those who like the ! Mount i i, give continually of fhem- I selve-; the inter B's of the pe6o!e jure tbci»•»; they invest dl their gain I in that wtrfch wili build np; they : jsttrvi for the teliuiou-', the .social j and financial betterment of the! town Mid community, and spire not themselves in h lping the for-j vard movement. These are they j ihat sh iH leaei ii the whole and I pun'fv the pools nude by! th • selli-ihness of others. And it is I gratifying t feel that this higher t\ pe ot men and Wuinen compose j the real majority. This thought I is refreshing when one bag been I forced i> set- where sf llilnies!- hurts. | To >re or the other las - each of us | must belong Whil-h class Is y.tirs? John W. Sick-Isriiuh, Greens I horo, I'a., has three children, and; moM children they frequently] I take cold. We hive iri>-l several 1 kin is oi cough ined'cine," he says, j 'but h'.ive never fou id anv yet' 'tha' did them a* inn h good as j Chanfberlain's: Cough Remedy." ! 1 For sde bv All I' filers. , ] I 1 I\A )()K! 1- I 4~ > >K ! II,()( )I\! Bring your chickens to the City Market Where vau will re- ( | ceive highest market I 1 prices for iheni — a k» I: STAU RA N I | . 7 ■ 7 I have >|>ooel a lirst - 1 i 1.0.s ,i.u>l up-to-date Res-- I I ton ant, ulna i•, on c.iu »; t I' I Mea!, -ii .11 f1 • iirs, in.l V I' 1„ served" with an tlniigs "m ■" i , ■ • 1 . r ••e.i-.on _> ive me a rail M | 1 ~ \~S\I T ■ Cit. Market \Vilium;t'hi.Na . ■ J. \.'.JiaiP'.'.i. mmmin/u—jut» gr-J 6S5*» «3T«B» ICKi J"-~ | hocipt.yProssius I J G!ub .. J I O. C. Price, Manager I Phone No. 58. II , I fi fil "p-la - iX. t e Cleaning, I I .Pressing • Dyeing and.l | • Tailoring I a 1 § CI V?t>' careful attention I given to-,. Ladies' Kiel | H , Giov«s. fancy \\ ai»ts • I ' Coat -..Suits ami St i rt H I I ' tialeb for Men. | Clothes called for and . '-! m delivered 1 Agents tor Rose- & Cd ; Merchant-Tailors, Chi—'' t j cago, HI V ' ———■■■ ■'■ ■ ... ,1 ■ • ■■ ■ ■■ * " • - / ' ' * ' . ' S - . ■ y ' i The Origib of Roystcr Rrtilizcrs. Mr. Royster believed that success awaited the Manufacturer of Fertilizers who would place quality above other considerations. This was ME. Royster's k ! idea Twenty-seven years ago and this is his idea to-day; the result has been that it requires Eight Factories to supply the demand for Royster Fertilizers. j • ► ACTC.RirS AND SALTS C^flCtS. • I • »» U N v.. t'VlUMtllA. H. C OH»ie «.».«• k r r . . ■ [; •j . * [' I i- 7 Notice! Land Sale! By virtue of authority Contained in n deed of trust executed to me Do'sey Hy I man, on the 9th (lav >f February t9 f 9. i and registered in th«r Register of Deeds i office in Martin county in Hook XXX, plges 57 and SS, 4o secure the payment I of,certain uote hearing even date tliere- I with, and the stipulations in said deed of I trust not having l>e,;n complied with, I i shall sell at public acution. for cash, on | Monday, the vl day of April 1911', at 12 o'clock M, at the court house door in Williamitton, N C. the following prop j erty: Hounded by the Odd Fellow Hall lot | aid .Slarle Barnhill, Beginning 26 feet from Hall lot, run- j j nmg Northwardly to said lot 26. feet, [ liletioe back to the right tit-way up "Y J ' I track theuce along said it).; Jit of way tract 26 feet-, thence westwardlv to the I j m;* ht of way of the Kiustou branch, the beginning, containing about one-stxteen tli of mi acre. I I'l ace of ;ale, Williams ton, N. C. I Tune of sale, Apnl 3d, 1911, 12 m. Teruis Cash. , This the tst day of Match, 1911. | W I, I.YON, Trustee. Hv S A. Newetl, Alt'v„ j : Choice Cut Flowers ; Roses Caranations and Violets Wedding and Funcr | al Flowers Artistical ly arranged .it Short ' I Notice '*i II Mail, tc 1. up pk iiml tvkpl'out- or* dels promptly filled l>y . j J. L. O'Quinn & Go. rhoiv 140. R.ale ! gh, N. C. I ' %' *' li % I ** I •• i- j ■ ■; y , * I*l ;• .. j Knowledge That Comes to You ■ m ' through "nh •* j o-.W * experience should ibe yuc t.iid-e Think how you would | like to b. ut 'he po-iin>u of that friend or acq nintir e Who was burned out am! ruined becau. he wa u't insured. FACTS AH 1 »Csl* KIRK INSURANCE 1 are so strange thej outdo fiction. Fires have started from an amazing variety of ; curious causes. Have us issuse you api ; liev today and you will be protected in case you should be burned out through auy of them. K. B. GRAWfORD INSURANCE AGENT, Goulard Building . Trustee's Sale , Uy virtue of authority of a Deed of Trust executed to me by M. W^ House on the 14th dav of May 19! I and dulv i recorded in the Registry of Martin coun ty in Book XXX, pa«e 302. to »ecur«rtyie ; payment of a certHiu bond bearing even date therewith, and the the stipulations in said deed of trust not having been complied with. I shall expose at public auction, for cash on Monday the -3d day ! of April 1911, at 1:30 o'clock p. til. at the 1 | court house door iti Willi.unston, Martin | county, the following property: That certain tract of land lying and ;! being in Gpose Nest Township, adj >in | iug the the lands of Howell Cherrv, the Old Blown place and lung on the South j side of the Maple Swamp, described as '•rfoH'TVsr: • Beginning at * corner in Maple '(Swamp, also Ix-ing Howell Chtns'i : I coruer, thence ■ running ab ait a we*! ■j course to tlire*. Maples, the Swat tier ■ 1 Corner, tiiercc nl>oiit the sittVie course Ito Muddy branch, t) the JC«w ; Road, thence with the New Roud to the bark line, thence a Sontheasteily course to the . | Brow" line and to the beginning contain ing five hundred (500) acre* mo e or less. This 4th day of March 1911. SJ RVKRKTT, Trustee. Trustee's Sale By virtue of authority of a Deed of Trust»xecuted to me by K. P. Jacksoft and wife Putlie'JaclUou mi the 31st day December and dulv recorded in Jhe , Registers ofhee of Martin count' in book ► PPP page 448, to seciirt- the pavment of la certain b"'id bearing even date there- I with, ntfd ib stipulations iu siid deed )of trust not having taen complied with t 1 .-.hall i xpose at public ni>ct s .c>:i«for c.eti |on Monday the lotlrday of April 1911,' lat 12 o'clock 111 frvrtit of J. il Ruber son j .V Co.. in the town of Robcr*nrvilny N J C., Martin counts the following ptop^rt): tteginning at the County road about S " TeetfTATH tlU' o!il r4:f('fetivr tWkitfieldf •it .S»rnl| oik. the S w fO'iSr along the Whitfield old place !enco to Stanley - I Ayevs and Se'.h Williams lij;c tin,iue „ I northward along Setli Wili oil's line to the Countv road 1 hence along said ro«d to the lieyh'tiing being the lands pnr rhasrd ft vstfl Maltha W> 11 7ind Sstfa • Whitfield, and also ot ■ acre lot where ihe house now .titids b"«jiglit from > .-• Avers 111111 stii.d'to, c iiititMi JS .K if- tn>'ie or le»s - f March 7 ! 9' 1 • iIARVKY UORKRSuN, Truftee iNotico IT ivlng {|mdiCfd as Xdiniinstra'nr with the wi" annexed (>f T T. CtitmcH I deceased, tl" - is to iKHif'y a' 1 persono i;i [debted to sa'.d H-'.ate 10 come forward it'd settle at osjco and .all 'persons to wh mi said estate indel'ti'i will preieni them to the uudeisigned on or V>clo e March to, mvi. or thib 1 ot'ce will be pie ded in bar of their recovery." . This 6th March 19U T. II COUNCIL, Adui vio of T. T Council, deceased rt . • • . Eggs & Chickens r ... "Kinglet" Barred Plvtnouth Rocksand Single Oomb White Leghorns #3.00 to j fc ' o per trio. n to |6.00 per ico. From special '> per 15 eggs. Baby chicks to centa each Mammoth Broflte Turkey Eggs $2.50 to J 13.00 perdoten. Satisfaction guaranteed. Oakhurst Poultry Farm 4 Route 3. Williamston, N. C. "'V / ' ' ioW— ■' . » Notice! Land Sale! f Under and by virtue of an otder of the 1 -superior "Court of coutitv, made > (V a special proceeding entitled J W. \ndtrson, Adnjr. vs Walter Masse'l et • >tls. heirs at law uf Aaron Hassell, the i undersigned will on Mouday, the 3d (lay 5 \j>ril, icjn. at 12 o'clock M, at the court 1 hoyse door in Martin couutv, N'irth Car : olina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying ■ md being in WilHamstou township. Mar -1 tin County, and.adjoining the lands of Henry Taj lor RHjfaWynn and others, I hounded as follows: , Beginning at the corner of lienry Tay* ; lov's fence on, the public roml leading 1 frrmi Williainstou to Hear Grass, thence j»lo'g said Ta\lot's line to the swamp, ■ iKence up the said swamp to a branch, • thence up said branch to its head thence t with with and along Kliza Ws nil's to the r public ronil, thence along said road bfi^k ■ to the beginning Containing about 4o , 'M-M S more or less, and being all of lot So. I of the Henderson Harrison tract of ? -and lying on the Hast side the rutin road \J£or further relet see deed . tiout Harrison and others to Aaron Has kell in Register of Deeds office,book 888 page 86. * * , This 27th day of Feb 191$. J. W ANDERSON, Com. [ Notice of Sale liy virtue of a lU-crte of the Superior ■ Court of M-titin county in the Special 1 proceedings therein pending, wherein S. f'j Fverett, adfliiaiotratcr 01 Grev Wil ■ Uatiis, deceased, is the plaintiff, and' C. ' 11 Godwin, U johusoti and wife, 1 ; D ucilla Johu'-oii, Hanson arid • I', itia Annie Williams, • Jti \ Clinti ii and wre, I.aurrt Cli!:toii,a»id 1 ! >ii e Fagun, are I'el'end.iuts, it being a 1 jjrn • h.' i land Ijir .is fts, 1 -.hall. , -■) Monilc th- ¥h dsv of April 1911, at ■>' i: I' ck u)v'i. at the Court |i 1 i.*» dour H or .Mn:trn vfuiiU'y~~pTTVd!i nnst'is, N. C»». ; itlf -r at puiji'c a f ion Ut the highest bid f der tMr. cash, the loiiowi described ! JifOptitV, iO'HiU '( Situate ain't near the corporate 1 I'jintsof the town uf >?, C. and boun dd . t,e forth by the linds 1 o* in It.-uflfv .>« tins N-Mh hy llie •• lan : of W heeler Martin, uu l. • Fvt by s • the In ids of Jno. Basse'd and on the ; Wot b' ihe lands i-; Sam An lry\v.> con- it. iiiit:' r 7'i acre.:, more or h»», and be 1. ' . . . 7 I ol U»* ttbdl Willed Iq t • rcj Williams bv Garrett -tnithwick, which said will - is of recorded itt Will llock No, ,j, page 2' office t|i the ck-rk of the superior ' court of M frtin county . ' ( Tbis6t'i day of Match 19M ,J A, K. DUXMNG, Cora. . n \ « e >. . ' riorida-Guba Why not take a trip to FLORIDA l or CRIIA? They baye b en l>rought 1 vit in easp reach by tiie splendid 5 ATLANTIC COAST LOII I?AILKOAD. } Wiite for illustrated booklets, rates or any other infoirnation, which 0 will be cheerfully furnished, o T- C. WHITE, V o General Passenger Agent, 1. Wilmington, N.'C. n . / ' ■ t - .' ' v