VOL. XIII. NO. 6 MR. JAMES D. LEG GETT STRICKEN While Quietely Talking with Friends Felt the Attack Approaching— Died Sunday Afternoon- Prominent Mason and Successful Farmer Buried Tuesday The community was shocked on Saturday afternoon to learn of the sudden illness of Mr. James D. Leggett. While talking with friends in the rear of the business house of Anderson, Crawford & Coin pan, he complained of feeling ill and expressed a desire to go home. His friends offered to get a conveyance and while away to se cuse one, he was stricken with paralysis and fell unconscious on the platform upon which he was sitting. Sunday afternoon about five o'clock without ever showing the least sign of consciousness, he .died. For some months he had been in failing health and had consulted specialists in Norfolk and Rich mond, and his condition was some what improved. He had goue about attending to the business in which he was engaged and friends were more hopefuTX^ Mr. Leggett was barn in Martin County near Williamston in March 1866, and since early manhood had lived here, where Jfie had success fully engaged i jr business, laying up a competency for his family worthy of a man who started out in without aid to carve his own fortune. He married Miss Martha Holliday and six children were born to them, one, the eldest, dying some yrars ago. He was a kind and indulgent father, good neigh bor and citizen. Several months ago he made a public profession of religion and connected himself with the Methodist Church before the service closed. He leaves a wife, five children and two brothers a*d one sister to mourn their loss— tin -latter are: W. H. Leggett, of Wil liamston, Dr. John L. Leggett, of Hertford and Mrs. Maggie Warren, of Washington. The funeral services were con ducted on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock by his pastor, Rev. Rufus Bradley. A large number of mem bers of Skewarkey Lodge, assisted by others, pai J.lilm all the honor due a Master Mason. Thev bote his body to the Cemetery and after the beautiful rites of the Church and the Order placed it in the grave to await the summons from on high Balked at Cold Steel "I wouldn't let a doctor cut my foot off," said H. D. Ely, Bantam, Ohio, "although .a horrible ulcer had been the plague of mv life for four years. Instead I used Buck len's Arnica Salve, and my foot was socn completely cured." Heals Burns, Boils, Sores, Bruises, Ecze ma, Pimple*. Corns. Surest Pile 25c at Saunder> & Fowden. 'if The Dixie Comedy Company The Dixie Comedy Company with 13 artists will appear at the Opera House for one week beginn ing November 27th. This is a very strong company under the management of Mr. Harry Lindlev, presenting "The Devil," ' The Angel of the Trail," "Harvest," "Lena Rivers." and others just as good. "I do not believe these is any medicine so good for whooping cough as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. Francis Turpin, Junction City f Ore. This remedy is also unsurpassed for colds and croup. For sale by All Deal ers. THE ENTERPRISE Miss Carrie Alexander Hostess (Reported) On Monday night the first social meeting of the B. and £. Club was held with Miss Carrie Alexnader at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Carstarphen. As was anticiapted by all, the occasion was M most de lightfulone. Miss Alexander, who is a teacher in the Graded School, is charming and affable in manner and quite an addition to Williams ton society. The contest was "Advertise ments," these, displayed in con spicuous places. ,were cut from magazines but with the names of | the things advertised taken there from, and the idea was to find out what each ad represented. This provoked muct merriment, and in some instances proved to be puzzles iudeed. The first prize, a cut glass Bonbon dish, was tied for by Mrs John D. Biggs and Maurice Watts: the consolation rested between Misses Lettie Critcher and Irene Smith, and was "Consolation" deaf t6 the heartsro all women. A most delightful fruit salad was served during the evening by Misses Bennett and Alexander assisted by Master William Carstarphen. A Household Medicine That stops coughs quickly and cures colds is Foley's Houer and Tar Compound. Mrs. Anna I'elzer 2526 Jefferson St-, So. Omaha, Neb., says: "I can recommend Foley's Honey and Tar Compound as a sure care for coughs and colds. It cuied my daughter of a bad oold and my neighbor, Mrs. Benson, cured herself and her whole family with Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound. Everyone in our neighbor hood speaks highly of it." Embroidery Club . The Senior Embroidery Club met with Mrs. A. R. Dunning on Friday afternoou last and hid for guest of honor, Mrs. Joseph J. Stroud, a former member of the Club. At this meeting it was de cided to purchase a number of books for circulation among the members, and this innovation promises to be a very pleasant fea tur during the coming season. Mrs. Dunning servtd refresh ments aud the houis were delight fully i pent. The Club will meet this afternoon at the residence of Mrs K. B. Crawford on Smith wick Street, when she will enter tain in honor of her sister, Mrs. Calhoun Ross, of Seaford, Del. A Mail Carrier's Load Seems heavier when he has a weak back and kidney trouble. Fred J)tK-hreo, Mail Carrier at Atchison. Kas., says: 'I have been bothered with kidney and bladder trouble and had a severe pain across my back. Whenever I car ried a heavy load of mail, my kid oey trouble increased. Some time ago, I started taking Foley kidney Pills and since taking them I have gotten entirely rid of all my kidney trouble and am as sound now as ever." Saunders & Fowden. Beattie Electrocuted Henry Clay Beattie was electro cuted this morning and died with out making a confession. There is little danger from a cold or from an attack of the grip ex cept when followed by preumonia, and this never happens when cham berlain's Cough Remedy is used. This remedy has won its great re putation and extensive sale by its remarkable cures of colds and grip and can be relied upon with implicit confidence. For sale by AIL Deal ers. WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1911 Wc arc Helping Too! William A. Anderson, former Attorney General of Virginia, in an interview published in the Wash ington Post, boosts Accomac Coun ty that State by saving that it is, perhaps, the most prosperous coun ty in the United States. Last year the potato crop in that county was worth more than $2,000,000. He further states that Suffolk has the second richest bank in the county shares being worth about $3,000. Also that the development of the peanut industry has been largely responsible for the prosperity of the country surroundiug Suffolk. There is no doubt of the truth of Mr. Anderson's words. The lands around Suffolk and Norfolk are fine for trucking and the people have made the most of their oppor tunities Then the peanut indus try has been built tip in Suffolk bv profiting on the crop raised in the surroundiog section and by getting the output from Martin and other counties of North Carolina. From thin station bags of peanuts reach ing in number to the thousand go daily to Suffolk and steamers carry a goodly number also. Our peo ple are working diligently to reap a small benefit in commissions, when by keeping the crop here they could build for greater things for themselves and for the town. Vir ginia should at least feel very grate ful to us for riot a bag of peauuts or a bale of cotton is kept for manu facture in the county. All the prof it which accrues from handling both after they are sold by the pro ducers goes to dear old Virginia and other States. Williamston and other towns are drained to the limit so that the fat may be given elsewhere. The cry goes up that business is dull and who civ may be the ones who are trampling out its life just because it is their blind way of seeing the business end of a proposition. Why not wake up to preseut conditions and turn the tide this way? Coughine at Night Meaus loss of sleeji which is bad for everyone. Fdley's Honey and Tar Compound stops the cough at once, relieves the tickling and dry ness in the throat and heals the in flamed membranes. Prevents a cold developing into bronchitis or pneumonia. Keep always in the hou-e. Refuse substitutes. Saun ders & Fowden. Leit for Conference The North Carolina Conference of the M. E. Church, South, con vened in Kinston on Wednesday morning. Rev. Rufus Bradley, who has served the congregation here for the past year, left Tuesday afternoon for Conference. He has done a good work throughout the circuit aud has shown himself a man of splendid parts, entirely con secrated to the service of the Mas ter. The, congregation earnestly desires his return to this work for the coming year, and friends out side the Methodist Church will be pleased to have biui aud his esti mable family dwell longer in their midst. However, a pastor's future is in the hands of the ptesiding Bishop and not until the appoint ments are read will it be known who is to serve the various charges. Tne Conference is composed of a consecrated body of men who cheer fully serve wherever sent. Backicbt, Headache, Nervousness and rheumatism, both in men and women, mean kidney trouble. Do not allow it to progress beyond the reach of medicine but stop it promptly with Foley KiJney Pills. They regulate the action of the urinary organs. Tonic in acton, quick in result. Saunders & Fow den. Died in Kansas The body of Adrian Robertson Mizell, accompanied by his wife, little daughter and brother, Charles Mi*ell, arrived here Tuesday night from Ft. Riley, Kansas. During the latter part of February Mr.. Mirell, who had been suffering for several months with tuberculosis went to Colorado Springs for treat ment. Later he was joined by his wife and child. After remaining sick th«re awhile, he was advised to see a different climate, and so he went to Ft. Riley, where his brother is stationed, intending from there to go to Texas. But the end was nearer than those dearest to him thought and on Friday, November 17th, the spirit left its house of y and returned to the God Who givetb and who taketh away. Months before his death he had professed faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and felt that all was well With his soul. He was born near Williamston, January 31st. 1881, being the old est son of the late Agnstus and Mary A. Mizell and for years had lived in Williamston He married jfi.ss Beulah Robertson, daughttr of Mr. and Mrs Luke L. Robert son, of Martin CsimtVj and tvo children were given them, the old est dying several year ago He is survived by his wife, child, sister-,: Mrs. W A. Brown Mrs M L. Nicholson, Mi-s B1 inch-- Mizell and two brothers, William and C'nrles Mizell. The funeral services were con ducted at the residence of Mrs W. A. Brown by Rev. G. J. Dowel), at 12 o'clock Wednesday and the in terment was in the Biggs cemetery near the Mizell homestead four miles from Williamston. 3 * X Father's Vengeance would have fallen 011 any one w!;o attacked the son of l'eter Bondy, of South Rock wood, Mich., but he was powerless before- attacks o! Kidney trouble. "Doctors could not help him," he wrote, "so at last we gave him Electric Bitters arid he improved wonderfully from taking six bottles. Its the best Kidney medicine I ever saw Backache, Tired feeling, Nervous ness, Loss of Appetite, warn of Kidney trouble that may end in dropsy, diabetes or Bright's disease. Beware: Take Electric Bitters and he safe. Every bottle guaranteed 50c at Saunders & Fowden. University Glee Club From notes of the University a Chapel Hill, it is learrud that Harry Murt Stubbs, the son of our towusman, Hon. Harry W. Stubbs was a successful candidate for mem bership in the Glee Club, which last year won "much praise during its tour through the State. This is a deserved compliment to a Wil liamston boy, and his many Iriends here, who have already recognized his talent, are plaesed to know of his success. It is hoped that the Club may be induced to place Wil liamston among its list of places to visit the coming season. For pains in the side or che>t dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlin's Liniment and bind it on over the seat of pain. There is nothing better. For sale by All Dealers. Oak Tree's Length CF L:?R The heart of an oak TC'C OV; 1 rot after 300 years Startr Much Trouble . , If all people knew that neglect of constipation would result in severe indigestion, yellow or virulent liver trouble soon take Dr. King's New Life Pills, and end it. Its the only safe way. Best for biliousneSlf, head ache, dyspepsia, chills aud debility. 25c at Saunders & Fowden. " The Best Investment for $1.75 There is no other way to spend $1.75 and get so much in lasting pleasure for every member of the family as for a year's subscription to The Youth's Companion. For the boys there are the fine articles by experts in athletie sports 011 the best practise in football, the knack of pitching, new "kinks" in swimming aud sprinting—every thing that interests tbe active, high minded boy. Fbr the girls there is encouragement for all wholesome activities indoors and out, from dainty dishes to dainty dress. For the household there is good advice about gardeniug, handy contri vances, ways of stretching the nickles and dimes. This reading is all iu addition to the ordinary treasury of stories, I articles by celebrated , men and I women, the unequaled miscellany, the invaluable doctor's article, the terse notes on what is going; on in all fields of human endeavor. It will cost you nothing to send for the beautiful Announcement of The Companion for 1912, and we j j will send with it sample copies of I the paper. j I)o not forget that tbe new sub :seriber for 1912 receives a gift of ! The Companion's Calendar for 1912 j lithographed in ten colors and gold, and all the issues for the remaining j weeks of 1911 free from the time ' j the subscription is received. H Only $1.75 now for the 52 weekly j issues, but on January 1, 19 12, the ; subscription price will be ad vanced, ■ | to $2 00. : j THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 144 Beikeley St., Boston, Mass. ' New Subscriptions Received at this Office. ,A Fair Offer ) Your Money Back if You're J not Satisfied ! We pay.for all the medicine used 1 during the trial, if our remedy fails i to completely relieve vou of consti • pation. We take all tbe risk. You I are not obligated to uS in any way 1 whatever, if you accept our offer. ' That's a mighty broad statement, but we mean every word of it. ' Could anything be more fair for 1 your I A most scisntific, common-sense I treatment 1* Rexall Orderlies which are eaten like candy. Their active principles is a recent scientific dis covery that is ordorless, colorless, and tasteless; very pronounced, yet I gentle and p'easant in action, and ! particularly Agreeable in every way. They do 1101 cause diarrhoea, ! nausea, flatulence, griping, or any I inconvenience whatever. Rexall Orderlies are particularly good for I children, aged and delicate persons. If you suffer from chronic or jhab.tual constipation r or the asso , ciate or dependent chronic ailments, we urge you to trv Rexall Order lies at our risk. Remember, you cau get them in Rochester only at our store. 12 tablets 10 cents; 36 1 tablets 25 cents; Ho tablets 50 cents. Sold only at our store—The Rexall Store. The S R. Biggs I)ru« Co. 1 For coughing, dryness and tickl ing in the throat, hoarseness and i all ccugbs and colds, take Foley's I Honey and Tar Compound. Con tains no opiates. Saunders & Fowden. It's a wise child that resembles Its richest relative. J. E. Parker, 2021 No. iothSt., t Ft. Smith, Ark., says that he had 1 taken many kinds of kiudey medi : cine, but did not get/better until he 1 took Foley Kikney Pills. No mat ; ter how long you have had kidney ; you will find quick and permanent benefit by the use of Foley Kidney , Pills. Start taking them now. Saunders & Fowden. si.oo a Year in Advance ROBERSONVILLE NEWS ITEMS Local Happenings and People who are Coming and Going, Here, There and Yonder as Gathered by our Regular Corres pondent. Mc. Gurganus went to William ston Tuesday. Cecil Everett spent Sunday ki Rocky Mount. J. B. Edmondson, of Drivers, was here Wednesdav\ J. H. Roberson returned from Norfolk VVednesday. Mrs. Abe Baker, of Palmyra, is visiting friends in town. W. Z. Morton arrived from Gttenville iu his auto Sunday. Miss Ethel Peel left Sunday for Dardens to complete her school. J. H. Roberson & Co., are en larging their ferfilizer plant. Misses Fefie Riddick and Roland Moore are visiting in town this week Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shepherd arrived Tuesday to make their home here. Mrs. W. A. Ayers and children, of Lynchbuig, are visiting Mrs. W. Z. Morton. Mis'* Rosa Baker, of Palmyra, spent several days here last week with Miss Bettie Roberson. J. T. Brown went to Williams ton Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mr. J. D. I.eggett. Miss Estelle Paschall, who has been visiting Miss Lula Sauls, re turned to her home iu Wilson Mon day. ' Mesdarnes Annie Pittman and W. A. Pope and children, of Hal- I itax, spent several days this week with Miss Miggic Salsburv. VV. A. Webb a colortd farmer 1 living bn the lands of W. L. Ever ' ett near heie, reports that he raised (our potatoes weighing 20 lbs. Manlie VanNorthwiek of Bean fort Co., was here and reported that he sold lour and one half acres of tobacco for $l,lOO. The public is cordially invited ; the J. O U A. M. service at the Methodist Church Sunday at n a. m., by the Rev. C. E. Stevenson. Rev. Warren Davis, who has ac cepted a call to the Christian Church here, preached to a large and attentive congregation on Sun day. Messrs. W. H. Everett, W. W. Salsbury and Claude Edmondson went to Raieigh Saturday aud re turned Sunday on the new machine of W. H. Everett. N. D. Young and family, of Washington, spent .several days here last week on their way to Winston, where they will make their future home. Sated ManY Pros Death W. h. Mock, of Mock. Ark., believe he has saved many lives in 1 his 25 3 ears of experience in the drug business. "What I always like to do," he writes, "is to re commend Dr. King's New Dis covery for weak, sore lungs, hard colds, hoarseness, obstinate coughs, la grippe, croup, asthma or- other bronchial affection, for 1 feel sure that a number of my neighbors are alive and well to-day because they 1 took my advice to use it. 1 hon estly believe its the best throat and ' lung medicine that's made." Easy to prove he's right. Get a trial • bottle free, or regular 50c or SI.OO bottle. Guaranteed by Saunders & Fowden

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