VOL. XIII. NO. 9 SUPERIOR CODRT IN SESSION Judge Ferguson Presides and Metes out Justice to the Guilty—A Num ber of Minor Cases Dis posed of Edgecombe Roads get more Workers from Martin County. The December Term of Martin County Superior Court convened here Monday morning with Judge Garland Fergtrson pies icing. The congested condition of the Criminal Ducket made i; necessary to lay over all civil casts until the special term in January, rvhich has been previously announced. Judge Ferguson's made a strong, practical charge to the Grand Jury, emphasizing the duty of the Jury to uphold the law in each cast brought before them. W- S. Rho des, of Hamilton, was chosen Fore man and H. D. Taylor, officer of the Jury. The following cases have been disposed of: State VJ Dock Hunter, a d. w. Not guilty. State vs W E Bunting. Tres pass. Not guilty. ( State vs Collins Dickens. Retail ing Guilty. Six morfths@fen roads. State vs Tom Manning, a. d. w. Gniltv. sls and all cost. State vsj. W. Coltrain. Nol pros. State vs Ed Griffin, a. d. w. Guilty. SSO and cost. State vs W. D McKeel. 1. &r. Not guilty. State vs Joe Gurkin. Retailing. Pleads guilty. State vs Dock Hunter and Ed Midgett. Affray. Guilty. sls each and cost. State vs Cleve Bagley. Affray. Guilty. Two months on roads. * ' As we go to ptess Miztll Biggs is being tried for the murder of Ausbon Rogers. Embroidery Club The Senior Embroidery Club was delightfully entertained 00 Friday last by Miss Deborah Fleming on Haughton Street. Every member was present and the presence oT Mrs F. L. Minga and Mrs. J. J. Stroud added much to the pleasure of the hour. Refreshments were served and souvmers iu the form of glove darners were given to each present. The Club meets this afternoon with Mrs. Grover Har dison Saved His Win's Life . "My wile would have been in her grave to-day," writes O. H. Brown, of Muscadine, Ala., "if it had not been for Dr. King's New Discovery. She was down la her bed, not able to get up without help. She had a severe bronchial trouble and a dreadful cough. I got her a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, and she soon began to mend, and was well in a short time-" Infallible for coughs and colds, its the moat reliable remedy on earth for desperate lung trouble, hemorrhages, iagrippe, asthma, hay fevefb croup and whooping cough. 50c, SI.OO. Trial bottle free. Griarantee by Saunders & Fowden. Card of Thanks I desire to express my apprecia tion to friends and neighbors for the many kindnesses shown me during the illness and at the death of my husband, James D. Leggett. Even the smallest act done shall be remembered with gratitude. Mrs. James D. Leggett. Without opiates or harmful of any kind Foley's Honey and Tar Con pound stops coughs aad enres colds. Do not accept any substitute. Saunders & Fowden. W ' , 1 : ".r ■ ■ . >X' v n m e ■>. X .t' .: ' , • fw; THE ENTERPRISE Master Hanse Watts f The community was shocked ou on Friday morning to learn of the , death of Hanse Watts, the vouor M 'son of Mr. nud Mrs. J. W. Watts, at their home in East Williamson. The week previous he had been ill * with measles but had been able to S sit up in bed. But on Monday a } change was noticed and attending physician discovered that he was suffering with ureamic poison. All 1 efforts failed to counteract same and restore the little patient to con " So after suffering sev : erely for hours, he died at 4:30 Friday inornirg, December 81 h, Hanse was born October i6tb, ' 1900, and had always been a deli cate child yet full of the joyous ' spiiit ot boyhood, devoted to his family and little boy friends, who loved birn for his open bartedness and attractive manner. He was a member of the fourth grade at school and closely applied himself to the studies of his class and his name has been on the honor roll all the term. The death of no child iu town has brought so great sor sow to the playmates and older friend 6. The handsome floral de signs from the school and many friends attested this fact. His "shiuiug morning fuce" will be missed not only by the loved ones at home in the years to come, but bv all who knew birn. Many were the ttars which mingled with those of the loved ones liecause of his untimely end. Death in childhood is ever sad, yet it can be said: are ye, little human ephemera! Yeplayed only io the ascending beams, aud ' in the early dawn, and in the east -1 eru light; ye drank only of the pre libations of life; hovered for a space over a world of freshuess and blos som?: aud fell asleep in innocence ! before the morning dew was ex- F haled." Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock the funeral services of the Church were conducted by Rev. Rufus Bradley and the little body was laid to rest in the Batist Ceme tery beneathe a mound covered with the flowers he loved so well. , The pall bearers were: J. W. Watts, Sr. W. B. Walts, Maui ice Watts, J. W. Watts, Jr., C. H. Godwin and A. M. Jordan. Lighting Kills Fit 1 Iu 1906 lightning killed only 169 ; people in this whole country. One's . chances of death by lightning are less than two in a million. The ctaancc of death from liver, kidney or stomach trouble is vastly meater but not if Eltctric Bitters be used, as Robert of West Bur lington, la , proved. Four doctors gave him up aftei eight months of suffering from virulent liver trou ble and yellow jaundice. He was then completely cured by Electric Bitters. They're the best stomach liver, nerve and kidney remedy and blood purifier on earth. Only 50c at Saunders & Fowden. T etterton—Smithwick i The following invitation has been received: —— Mrs. Mary E. Smith wick request the honor of your presence at the marriage of her daughter Hannah Glenttood to Mr. Stuart Johnson Tetterton Thursday December twenty-eight nineteen hundred eleven twelve o'clock Holly Springs Church | Williamston, North Carolina. Witktli Cetlig if MMleAgt There is a letting down in the physical forces often shown In an noying and painful kidney and , bladder ailments and urinary irre [ gularities. Foley Kidney Pills are a splendid regulating and streugtn ening medicine at such a time. Try them. Saunders 8c Fowden. % «:;•/ ■; . . WILLIAMSTON, N. C. t FRIDAY. DECEMBER 15, 1911 ACnJu. STARVATION Pacts About Indigestion and its Relief That Should Interest You Although Indigestion and Dys pepsia are so prevalent, most peo ple do not thoroughly understand their cause and cure. There is no reason why most people should not eat anything they desire —if they will oulv chew it carefully and thoroughly. Many actually starve themselves into sickness through fear of eating every good-looking, good smelling, and good-tasting food, because it does not agree with them. The best thing to do is to fit your self to digest any good food. We believe we can relieve Dys pepsia. We are so confident of 'h's fact that we guarantee and promise to supply the medicine free of all co*t to every one who will we it, who is not perfectly satisfied »\ith the results which it products We exact 110 promises, and put no one under any obligation whatever. Surely, nothing could be fairer. We are located light here and our reputation .should be sufficient as surance of the genuineness of our offer. We want every one troubled with Indigestion or Dyspepsia in my form to come to our store and buy a box of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. Take them home and give them a reasonable trial, accoiding te direc tions. Then, if not satisfied, come to us and get your money Wk.j They are very pleasant to take; they aid to soothe the irritable stomach, to strengthen aud invigo rate the digestive organs, and to promote a healthy and natural bowel action, thus leading to per fect healthy digestion and assimila-; tlon. . .'I A 25c. package of Rexall Dyspep sia Tablets furnishes 15 days' treat nieut. In ordinary cases, this is sufficient to produce a cure In more chronic cases, a longer treat ment, of course, ts necessary, and depends upon the severity of the trouble. For such cases, we have larger sizes which sell for 50c. and $1 00. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies iu this community only at our store—The Rexall Store. The S. R. Bigg* Drug Co Will Celebrate Silver Wedding The following invitation has been issued to friends in tho State aud else .v be re: 1886 - 1911 Mr. and Mrs. William A. request the honor of your presence on the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage Friday evening December the twenty-second nineteen hundred eleven from niue until eleven o'clock Williamston, North Caroliua William A. Ellison Mary King Gibson. Wbiu the Leealltv loes not Count Wherever there are people suffer ing from kidnev and bladder ail ments, from backacke, rheumatism and urinary irregularities, Foley Kidney Pills will help them. Bel videre, 111. E. A. Kelly, nn ex engineer, says: ''Three years ago my kidneys became so bad that I was compelled to give up my en gine afld quit. There was a severe •tuliiug pain over t'ue Lips. followed by an inflammation of the bladder and always a thick sediment. Foley Kidney Pills made me a sound and well man. I can not say too much in their praise." Saunders & Fow den. \ MivKMMI Pillt Tonic in action, quick in results. Will cure nny case cf kidney or bladder disorder not beyond the teach of medicine. No say' more. Saunders & Fowden. Teachers* Association I The regular meeting of the Tea chers'- Associttiou was called to order by the president, Saturday November ißih. After devotional • exercises by the Superintendent, • lull was called aud the minutes of I the last meeting were read and ap > proved. Mr. Mizell then took ' Cnap. 1. in "The Teacher and the ' and mode a very interest -1 ing talk by asking questions and i creating iutertst in the topics dis -1 Cu*ed in that chapter. Mr. Normnn who was to have ; discussed Chap. 2. being absent, 1 Miss Mizeli discussed Chap, 3. in a most able as well as interesting manner. In ibe absence of Miss Dunn, Mr. Peel gave a very prac tical talk on the next ehap.er. 1 Mis. Kartell then read a most ex cellent paper on '•Sanitation." 1 Mr. Corey, who was to have dis cuv,- I ihe next subject, was ex cused as the time was so short The ■ president then assigui-d the follow ■ ing to discuss the next chapters? Miss Moye, R.J. Peel, Miss Kffie Williams, A. M. Jorlni. The programme committee then report ed the following for the rext meet ing: "Tlie Be-'t Method of Teach ing Arithmetic in an Ungraded School"—Mr A. Corey. The remainder of the rime to be spent in a Round Table Discussion. Mo tion was then made and seconded for adjournment. The next meet ing will be held 011 the third Satur day iu D;cemoer. Mr*. C. M. L,«uier, Sec'y. NO CAUSE TO DOUBT A Statement of Facts Backed by a Strong Guarantee We guaiantee immediate and p>iitive relief to all sufferer.s ~Tioin constipation In every ca*e wheie our remedy fails to do this we will 1 return the money paid us for it. 1 That's a trank statement of fact-, aud we want you to substantiate them at our risk. Rexall Orderlies are eaten just ' like candy, ar« particularly prompt and agreeable in action, may bej taken at any time, day or night; do not cause diarrhoea, nausea, griping, excessive looseness, or other undesirable effects. They hive a very mild but positive action upon the organs with which they come in contact, apparently action as a regulative ionic upou the re laxed muscular coat of the bowel, thus over coming weakness, and aiding to restore the bowels to more vigorous and healthy activity. Rexall Orde'lles are unsurpassa ble aud ideal for the use of children old folks and delicate persons. We cannot too highly recommend them to all sufiereis trom any form of constipation aud its attendant evils. That's why we back, our faith in them with our promise of money back if they do not give entire sat itu'acttion. Three 12 tablets to cents, 36 tablets 25 cents and 80 tablets 50 cents. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in Willlamstou only at our store, — The Rexall Store The S. R. Biggs Drug Co. Gird of Thanks When sorrow comes as it did to us with the death of our little boy, it is sweet to feel that friends walk ed witu us uo«vii cue Juuesomt pain wnich grief always makes, mingl ing their tears with ours and ex pressing by word and deed love for the dear one gone and sympathy for us and the others. So we de sire each one to know that our hearts are deeply grateful for every act and word and the beautiful floral offerings which were sweeter because of the thoughts in each of • them. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Watts. * . E. C. T. T. S. Notes l>r. F. P. Venable, president of the University, was a most welcome visitor to the school last wi tk. He tunde a pointed talk on the debt of service due the State from those who have the advantages of train ing. President Wright, Professors Wiison and Rags-dale and Misses Dabuey and Waitt attended the Teachers' Assembly. Prof. Wil son bad A paper on the Certifica tion of Primary Teachers. The two literary societies present .* pi »y, "Mr. Bob" on the evening of Dect mber i?, for ihe purpose of raising money to go towards hav ing paint«d the portraits of the two founders of the school, Gov. Jarvis and Pi of, W. H. Ragsdale. Miss Crane, the Virginia-Carolina Y. W. C A. secretary, recently stieut two days ni the school. She made an interesting talk on the work of ihe Y. W. C. A. for wom en in various paits of the world. Her visit was of great help to the oißcers and committees of the or giuiz itioii. Dr. Bod 11, of Rocky Mount who preaches once a month at tire Uui versolist church of Greenville, con duct d a Suuday evening service of the Y. W. C. A. recently. He juade a itroug talk on Systematic Giving. The Kdgar Allan l'oeand Sidney L/inier IJ'erary Societies celebrate N'ortli Caroliua I)ty at their regu lar December meeting. Each girl or group of girls hid some special feature representing her county or gave some bit of history. Fun and fact were well blended. Bislrop Robert Strange made an infoimal talk to the student bod\ on Saturday evening December 9th. Thanksgiving Day was a red letter day to the students of the Training School. Immediately af ter breakfast a praise and thanks giving service was led by Miss Jennie Bru.vu Morrill. A biisk basket ball game was played duriug the morning. The students rooted heroically and s ing lustily sportiug songs. Th • victorious team, the Goblins, entertained the basket ball club aud faculty at a pleasant five o'clock tea. Basket ball was the centra! idea',of the day. After the big dinner, toasts, merry, apt and serious, were in order. "Best ou Earth" This is the verdict of R. J. How ell, Tracy, 0., who bought Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for his wife. ''Her case was the wrost I have ever seen and looked like a snr-j case of consumption. Her lungs were sore and she choughed almost incessantly and her voice was hoarse and weak. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound brought rvlief at once and less tnan three b mle effected a complete cure." Saunders & Fowden. Married on Sunday The friends and acquaintances of Mms Bettie Grey and Mr. Grady Gurltiu will ba interested to learn that they were married at Plymouth on Sunday. Mr. Gurkin drove here trom his home near Dardens and left with Miss Grey in the af ternoon She had been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Emmett Edwards, and the marriage was a surprise to relatives. They will reside with the mother of the groom who owns a large farm near Dardens. H«r Favorite Worm. Dorothy came running up the wan oiji) morning her baby hand extend' ed and on tbe tiny palm a huge browa and black caterpillar. "Just look what I've found, Mr*. H." ihe ex claimed, Joyously. "I never even looked for It, but this la my favorite worm!" Slate _ .ii Advance ROBERSONVILLE NEWS ITEMS m Local Happenings and People who are Coming and Going, Here, There and Yonder as Gathered by our Regular Corres- j pondent. M J. T. Brown weut to Willi ati'ston Tuesday. . H..A. Gray, of Leans, was here Monday. Miss Oni Taylor was here Wed nesday. • ' | Prof. W. H. Mizell went to Jar.iesviJle Saturday. W. F. Parker, of Williatmton, was here Sunday. M rs. P. S. Purvis, of near Ham ilton, was h.-re Wednesda\ . l)r. J. K. :i»d J. A M>z»ll returned from R.rleigh Fii j d y. Mrs. R. T. Bonner, ol Aurora, spent the week here with Mrs. I„yda Pai ker. Miss Fannie L. Gaiuor, of Bethel spent the week er.d with Mrs. J. H. Robersou. Mrs. Lyda Pat ker will soon com plete a haudsoiuj two-story dwell* 1114 on Br.jad Strict. Wiley Rod person has just com pleted a beautiful reside ice on Soum Broad Sireet. Rev. Camel, of Wake Forest, preached here S ittirday and Sun day in the B.iptist Churcn. Messrs. N. C. Everett, Frank Croft.m, J. D. W'oolard and Miss Dollie Bovvers spent Sunday in Bethel. Mi*t*s Alltt G. Litrie; Christina Stancil aud Messrs. Major Manning and Judson Blount were here from Bethel Tuesday. The D. B Paiker Buggy factory was burned here Satuiday night. The origin of the hie is unknown, Mr. O. P. Rotir rsoii puM»cu the , bu.liiug about 12:30 but saw no signs of fire but iiiueu ni:uute.s later the alarm was and soon the whole tovvu had assembled to work in tryiog to save the building, it was impossible to save the build ing but all the offi.e fixtures and and some stock was saveii. The loss is £13,000 wiih fit) 500 insur ance Tue Store of J. H. kober s°n and tne Hotel Beulah were damaged. For Breaking Out. "Why do you Imve those cases with (ho ax, hammer, crowbar tind so forth, on (hp*!? ears?" iiskerl n traveler / on the railrcnd ROir.i?; 10 New York "Oh. fhose nre put there In xso any one wants a window open," replied the facetious man To Make Religion Attractive "I wish I knew some way to make religion more attractive to the man es." "Why not have a description ol Itaven written by one of these t m«n who write descriptions 01 summer r» r/orts for the railroads?" Fuel Economy Method. Tests made by a French railroad of a device for heating water before It reaches the boiler by exhaust steam showed a fnel economy of more than twelre per cent. Test of Sugar's Parity. A simple test for the parity ol sugar Is to burn it. If parec fire wul entirely consume It; If adulterated. It will leave an asfe. > Misplaced Confidence. Confidence In an unfaithful man fa time of trouble Is Ilka a broken and a foot out of Joint —Proverb# 6i Solomon, 25:19. Use for German Peat. Peat deposits in northwest Oar many are to be used as fnel for IM development of electrical energy. Has Been Done. A man who has no music In bto soul may get rich writing popular sOngs 1 ' /- ■ ',im

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