VOL. XIII. NO. 15 i Professional Cards Hugh B. York t M. D. Microscopy, Electrotherapy,X-Ray Diagnosis, Specialties Offire over Partners & Merchants Bank Office hours, Sto ro «. m.. 7 to 9p. nj. , t Office 'phoue 60 - Night 'phone 63 . I Wni. K. Warren - J. S. Rhodes Drs. Warren & Rhodes j Physicians and Surgeons Office in Biggs Drug Store - 'Phone 29 Jos. H. Saunders, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Day 'Phone 53 - Night 'Phone 40 Williamston, N. C. _ I Dr. R. L. Savage of Rockv Mount, will be at the At- 1 Jantic Hotel fourth Wednesday in each month to treat diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Pit Glasses. A. R..Dt»oniag - J. C. Smith Dunning & Smith] AttorneyS-at-Law Williamston - North Carolina Robersonville, North Carolina Bnrrona A. Critchrr - Wheeler Martin Martin & Critcher Attorneys-at-Law Wittiatnstoa - North Carolina ruoNK 33 S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law {>rce*ville, N. C. - Williatiisten, N. C. On*nvil!e Long Distance Plione 32S Society Pressing . . Glub . . O. C. Price, Manager Phone No. 58 * o-Date Cleaing, | Pressing, Dyeing and Tailoring Very careful attention given to Ladies' Kid (Sloves, Fancy Waists o Coat Suits and Skirts Club Rates for Men. Clothes called for and delivered * €J Agents for Rose it Co. I Merchant-Tailors, Chi- I cago, 111 _ .. 2 FLOWERS! Wllt'n you want the best, remem ber we are a', ycur service Choice roses, carnations, vallies, violets and wedding outfits iu the latest sjtjJesi _ _ , A Floral offeriugs artistically arrang ed at short notice When in need of pot plants, rose vtr&rcw~a, shiubtKrry, hedge plants and shade trees, mail f J. L. O'Quinn & Co. Phone 140. Raleigh, N. C. THE ENTERPRISE Experimental Fanning Daring the year of 191 1 Seed Test was made on tbe lands of the Williamston Land and Improve ment Company, on the Washing ton Road near Skewarkey Church one mile South from Williamston. The different seed made the fol lowing yields: Variety " Lbs. per acre. Ro«ser No. 1, t» 2 3° Thigpen's Prolific 1.005 Deem's Special, 1.305 Morgan's Climax, 1,23° Culpepper's Improved, 1.^75 Round Ball, i.4 2 5 Hartsville No. 7, '.>3s Bank Account. 975 Toole, 9^ Webber, 1,110 Lewis' Long Staple, 1,050 Allen's Multiplier, 960 Shines Rarly, 1.095 Brown No. 1, 840 Hawkins, 1,200 Bradbury's r.3 20 Russell Big 8011, r.260 Cook's Improved, 1.380 Excelsior Prolific, 815 Simpkin's, 7 SP Summeronr, 1.065 This cotton was planted on land that is of a very light sandy nature and very poor. The preparation of the soil was not thorough and the seed was planted too late, caus ing poor and slow start. The fertilizer used was 000 lbs. 8-4-4 per acre. All lands prepared, ferti lized, planted, cultivated, housed and weighed alike, and if there is anything to cause a greater yield In one variety over that of another, except the seed, we are unable to see it. Respectfully, John W. Manning. NO CAUSE TO DOUBT A Statement of Facts Backed by a Strong Guarantee We guarantee immediate and positive rt-liet to all sufferers from constipation. In every case where our remedy fails to do this we will return the money paid us for it. That's a frank statement of fact#, ani we want you to substantiate them at our risk. Rexall Orderlies are eaten just like carfty, are particularly prompt and agreeable in action, may be taken at any time, day or night; do oot cause diarrhoea, nausea, griping, excessive looseness, or other undesirable effects. They have a very mild but positive actiou upon the organs with which they coma in contact, apparently acting as a regulative tonic upon the re laxed muscular coat of the bowel, thus over-coming weakness,, and aiding to restore the bowels ttf move vigorous and healthy activity. Rexall Orderlies are unsurpassa ble and ideal for the use of child ren, old folks and delicate persons. We cannot too highly recomnitud them to all sufferers from any fcim of constipation and atte;iiaut evils. That's why we back our faith in thein with our promise: of money back if they do not stive entire sat isfaction. Tluce sizes: -f 12 tablets 10 cents, 36 tablets 25 cents and jBO tablets 50 cents. Remember, | you can obtain Rtxr.ll Remedies in [ wilii-mston only at oar store.— 1 Tlte Rexall Store. -The S. R | Biggs Drug Co. The Danger cf La Grippe Isits.fßtfl tendency* to pneu monia. To cure your la grippe coughs take Foley's Honey J and Tar Compound! K. Fishes, Washington, Kas., says; "I wat. troubled wit i) a Severe attack of la grippe that threatened pneumonia. A friend advised Foley's Honey ar.d far Compound and 1 got relief alter taking Ihe first few doses. • I tcok three bottle and my la grippe was cured." Get the genuice, in the yellow package. Saunders & Fowden. f',~ . -\V V:. WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, JANUARY 25. 1912 Hall or Skewsrkee Iodge No. 90 A. F. & A M. , Our Lodge is again called up6n to mourn the death of one of its most faithful and devoted members. James D. Leggett was born March 16, 1866. and died Nov. 19, 191 1. He was elected to take tbe degrees of Masonry on the 14th day 0i Feb. 1593, made an Rntexed j Apprentice ou the same date; passed to the degrees of a Fellow Craft, Feb. 28, 1893, and raised to the sublime degree of a Mssttr Mason April 11, 1893. As a citizen, he was correct in life, just und true in his relations with his brethren, and deeply con cerned in matters effecting the pub lic welfare. To those whom he knew and esteemed, he was more than u friend and companion: and his frankness, sincerity, and never failing good spirits made his society enjoyable and desirable. With a charity as broad as the heavens, and dlspofition tropical in its richness of love and cheerful ness, he lived to make others hap py. He attested in his daily life among his brethren, the grand tenets of our ancient institution, aiding tbe helpless, comforting the desolate, rejoicing with the glad of heart. The drama of life with him is ended another link in friendships, golden chain is broken: another pillar in the great Temple of Mason ry has fallen. Resolved: Ist. That Skewarkee Lodge deeply and sincerely mourns tbe death of James D. Leggett, and that we inscribe upon the records of the Lodge this testimonial of onr respect, confidence, aud love. Resolved: and. That we extend to Lis family and, relation? our deepest sympathy in their sore be reavemer. t. Resolved: 3rd. That this pre amble aod resolutions, under the seal of the Lodge, be sent to the widow of our deceased brother, and that n copy be furnished TliK EN TEBVISE with the request that the same be published. C. D. Carstarphen, Frank F. Fagan, R I. Peel, Com. Honor Roll 2nd. Grade —Martha Slade Has sell, Martha Cot ten Crawford, Louise Harrison, Elizabeth Burras. 3rd. Grade—Mary Clyde Leg gett, Estelle Crawford, Virginia Herrick, Raleigh Bradley, Janie Edwards, Francis Manning, Ron dall Wynne, 4th Grade —C. I). Carstarphen, Mary Kiug Ellison, William Elli son, William Manning. sth Grade —Una Bradley, Bessie Page, Louise, Robertson, Blanche Moore. 6th. Grade—Corinne Smith, Karl Wynne, James E, HarrelJ, Roland Crawford, Upton, George Howard Kent, Joe David Thrower. 7th. Grade —Fitzbugb Robert son, Robert Peel, Mary Bradley, Cljde Andea.soo, Delia K : ife Ward. Grade—Leona Page, /l)aisy Manning. ytli. Grade—Eva Peel, Ollie Rob erson, Maud* Wynne, Myrtle Wool ard, Ellie Wynne. 10th. Grade—Fannie" M. Mai:- niog, Sallie Had'ey, Martha Ward. Foleii's Honsj end Tar Ccmcound "Garfis in EveiYr Cit.e' Mr. Jas. McCiftery, .Mgr. of the Scbitz Hotel, Oraaba, recom mends Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, because it cures in every cast. "I have used it my self and I have recommended it to many others who have since told me of its great curative power nf diseases of the throat and lungs," For all coughs and colds it is speedily effective. Sauuders & Fotvdeu. Resolutions Fertilizer Ta it.: 560 ft>s Acids Phosphate 5,40 lbs cotton | , No fertilizer 495 " " 560 lbs Mnriate of Potash 1,552 lbs cotton No ferti. 360 " 560 lbs Kalnit 1 , a60 lbs cotton No ferti. 560 lbs Blood 675 " " No ferti. 405 " 560 lbs Nitrate of Soda hi 1,237 lbs cotton I No ferti. 495 '* " *6O lbs 3-4-4 j ,025 " : The above experiments represent tests of different fertilizers on a puifoim light, sandv. poor sal. all prepared alike—cotton all ©f same variety, same cultivation and every condition the snin? ex £pt fertilizer. Of the iive blank j mats we find them varying in yield from 315 to 49f, lbs per acre, the acreage of ail tbe blanks being 414 lbs. per acre, which shows that 560 l\>s. Acid Phosphate prodoced 136 lbs. more of seed cotton worth on present makct abont 53.75 or about what the Acid cost The Muriate cf Potash yielded 1.138 lbs. of seed cotton more than tbe average ol the hi,inks tests worth at present prices about $34.14 or $22.94 above cost. The Kainit yielded 8461b*. more than the average blank test (and «j22 lbs. nioic than the average of the adjoining blank test}*), the 846 lbs. of cotton being worth about $22.31* above cost; taking the two adjoining blank tests as -a basis the 922 lbs. would be wcrth $27.66 or about $24.66 above cost. The 560 lbs. of dried blood yield ed 261 lbs. more than the blank acr? worth $7 83 which i* $10.37 less thon cost of fertilizer. Blood was put under crop before planting. The 560 lbs. of Nitrate of Soda put on top dressing just hi-for'- cot ton began to blossom, yielded 823 lbs. more the averse blank acres worth $24.69 or #11.62 above cost of fertilizers. The 560 lbs' of 8-4-4 guano pro duced 621 Whs. cotton more than blanks worth piS.63 or ahontsio. 13 above cost of fertilizers. A Splendid Tribute The two week:/ special terui of the Superior Court of Vlaitin Coun ty came to a close 011 Saturday, the 20th inst., with more cases having been disposed of than during a scs sion of the Court in many years At the close of the Court on Satur day morning. Hon, Harry W. Stubbs, in his usual happy and eleg3nt style, made a short speech, expressing to Judge Daniels the higu esteem in *hich lit- was held by the people of this county. Mr. Stubbs said that he had told tbe people of Martin County that when Judge Daniels came they would fiod him to be the best judge 'hey had ever had, and this prophecy had come true. He declared that the suitors, jurors, lawvers, and every peisou connected in any way with the Court, were well pleased by the charm of manner, patience, sympathy and judicial bearing of Judge Daniel.-., and that he, voicing tbe wishes of the entire couaty, de sired that Judge Daniels would make an exchange and return to Williauiston at a very early session of the Court. Judge Daniels left on tbe after noon train for his home iy >dd sboro, carrying with him the goou wishes and highest respect 01 the citizenship of tie t nine county, and when he returns each man will greet him v.ah a iieaty wel come. SI.OO Per PlaJfi was paid at a barqu' t t f i Il'-nry Clav, in New Orleans in £842. Mighty costly for with stoma ch trouble or indigestion. To day people every where nse Dr. Kings" New Life Pills for these troubles as well as liver kidney and bowel disorders. Kasy, safe, sure. Only 35 cts ..at Saunders & Fowden A Pleasant Occasion The Shakespeare Club had its regular weekly meeting last week witb Mr. Harry A. » Biggs. The hours of study were given to the second act of Hamlet, which is proving s very interesting play; each of the members is finding mote beauty in this remarkable drnma eaah week, and the discussions led by Mr. A. M. Jordan are highly interesting and instructive. After the meeting Mr. Biggs en tertAiued the ilttb at a very prettily appointed supper party in honor of his young ttt-ice. Miss Frances Alexander Biggs Williams, who made her first bow to societv. She was chaperoned by her mother, Mr*, . S,—F.—Williams,—Jr. The guests were: Miss Mary Hassell, Miss Nature Biggs, Mis* Irene Smith, Mrs. John l>. Biggs, Jr., Mr. John L. Hassell, Mr. Frank F. Fagan, Mr. A. M. Jordan, I)r. John D. Biggs and Mr. Albion Dunn, of Greenville. Improvements I The Atlantic Coast Line is plac- I a structure beneath the road run ning across Main Street extension, so thit the street may be cut out to a level, enhancing the beautv of sr.uie and remitting it safer for ! vehicle. This portion of the street j will be worked under the good truads movement as is Main Street ! of the town. The Biptist Parsonage has heeu greatly improved by an addition of a couple of looms on the side look ing toward Haughton Street. A broad varar.da runs across the front and down the aider part of the house, making n most attractive residence and cdflmjj much to the comfort of the pastor .ind his fami ly. Willinntbton lias cau-e to l:e proud of the homes in which its ministers d veil as inch of them is pretty and comfortable. C. I). Carstarphei; is having the house in the rcur oc his store moved in the center of the vacant lot ad joining his residence. He will also move his stables farther back in the lot, thns giving more rodm in front. Tht house will be thorotigly re modeled and made into a hand tome cottage, and will be occupied when completed by Mr. P. H Brown and family, who are mak ing their home here now. The Dixie Theatre "Are you going tonight?" is the question one hears all through the davs now. A stranger asking "WheJt?" is told that the Dixie Theatre under the management of Thrower andFowdeti is open night ly and the best in the world of mov ing pictures is exhibited in the City Opera House where there is plenty of room and comfortable seats. This is an attractive in novation for Williataston, especial ly to the children and the- vouogei set not to mention the older people. On opening night a large crowd was present and the exhibition was fine-. Just before the ciose a slight accident happened to ihe machine and the cry of "Fire" was heard from the gallery. A colored boy jumped from the gallery to the first floor in his excitement and this caused a sudden alarm. Many men in the hali jumped over the B£gta and ran down the stairway, leaving the women aod children in qijitp possesion of tin: house. Af ter all it was a funny thing and all Cau-.ed by .1 frjglneind negro. v Frightful Poitr Winds blow with tcirilie fo;ce at the far north and pla" havoc with the akin causing "red rough or score chapped hacos ai d lips, that need Bucklen's Amica baiveto lu.-altbem. It makes theskm son ..nu tmocTli Uprivaled 1 for cold-soreg, ai:o bums, boils, sorts, ucler-i, cuts, bruises and piles. Only 35 cents at Saunders & Fow deu. Si.oo a Year in Advance ROBERSONVILLE NEWS ITEMS Local Happenings and People who are Coming and Going, Here, There and Yonder as Gathered by our Regular Corres pondent. A. I). Mizell, of WdliasistoQ, wes bere Sunday. J. C. Robertson went to Willian. .-toil Wednesday. Justus Everett, of Palmyra, was in town Thursday. Milton Mizell and L. R. Holiday entered school here Monday. Mrs. R. J. Nelson and sou are visiting in Beth*] this week. Rev. M. K. Bctbea will hoM! services here on Monday night Mrs. J. G. Barnbill end mother spent Weduesday tn Williaoiston. Mr. and Mrs. D. A Move Sunday with Mr*. J. B. Roberson. Miss Lucy Bell Langston, of Wintetvil'.e, spent Sunday with Miss Myron Hi^ht. Miss B=ttie Mize)), who i.s tt-jch ; ing school near here, spent Sunday jin town with her brother Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Crawford, of Williauiston spent Snndaj here with Mrs. J. W. .Andrews. Mr. John and Miss Era Cratxlall were murrised at thr borne of the bride Wednesday p. in 'l*he groom is the sen o; ] I, Ross of near Gold Point and a prosperous • farmer. The bride is the daughter uf Mrs Bettie Crandail ol near Stokes. Charles Durham, Lcvington 111., ban succeeded, iu' timing a ve i ure for bed wetting 'M> Iftlfe boy wet the b*rd ever; night rfcar thro'on the flour. lined several kinds of kidnev-medkmt and ! was in the drug store I-jo'kiuk foi «;t me thing different to help him wben I heard of Foiey Kidney Pill* AUcr lie had taken them two days we could see,a change and when tie had taken two \lnrds of a tuotlle he was cured. Thnt i« about "«ijr. weeks ago and he has not wet in bed since." Saunders & FomU-n. First Distinction Names of the pup:N who wor. a place on each monthly bono: toll daring the Fall Term ol tot Graded School: Louise Harrison, Virginia fl».r rick, Froucis Manning, k!ileijh Bradley, Mary K.JD£ Eibvon, Wil liam Ellison, C D. Carstarpliea, Una Bradley, Jair.ei Ei v.in Harn.ll, Clyde Anderson. Leon*. J age, Daisy Manning, Kvf» J'«» 1 O'.lie Roberson, Fannie Mnrt Manning. Rcsolulions WHERAS, God in llis mfwiite wisdom has seen fit to remove from our midst by death ou: beloved Brother John R. Griflin, who was born February 161b, 1859, and in early manhood Was married fo Miss Margaret 15. Woolard. In be united with the Chuicii at Smith wick Creek. After having medical treatment at St. Vinccit Hospital, at Norfolk, he came home and fell asleep on NovemUsr yth i 9ii. Resolved xst. That while we are grieved over our loss, we believe it is hii?t.?rnal gniu and bow in httia ble submission to Him who doeth all things well; that the community has lost a good neighbor, the faa ily a faithful and devoted father and husband and the Charch a faithful member. 2nrl. That we extend 10 the be reaved family our heart-felt sym pathy iti this great trial and point them to that One whom our brother served. _ *' 3rd. TLl at a copy of THESE lE soTdtions be placed upon cur Church rtcord, a copy seat io the Gospel Me«seng«.r, Ziou'c Lnud mujrk and THK ENTERPRISE for Dtwe by o-d r ci he Chinch at Sniitbwick Creek, Mar tiu County, Saturday before the Fourth Sunday iu November, 19n. ~ For the Church, John J. Manning, George.S. Lilley, i Plpnv Pp#l.