VOL. XIII. NO. K) r*Professional Cards j ' Hugh B. York, M. D. Microscopy, Electrotherapy,X-Ray Diagnosis, Specialties Office over Tanners it MercLr.nts Hank ; Office botirs, 8 to 10 a. w., 7 to 9 p. m. Office ';jhone 60 - Nijjlit Win. E. Warren • J. S. Rkcwles Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons Office in Biggs Drug Store - 'Phone 39 N Jos. H. Saunders, M. ft. Physician and Surgeon Day' Phone 53 - Night 'Phone 40 Williamston, N. C. _ t Dr. R. L. Savage of Rockv Mount, will he at the At lantic Hotel fourth Wednesday in each month to treat diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Pit Glasses. A. R. Donning • J. C. Smith Dunning & Smith Attorney s-at-Law Williamstcn - North Caroliua j Robersoaville, North Carolina Bnrronn A. CriUlier - Wbecler Murtic j Martin & Critcher Attorneys-a t-Law Williamston - North Caroliua 'riioKK S3 _— . j. .Ie - - " • 1 S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. - Williamson, N. C. Greenville Long DijAance Phone 3?S Society Pressing . Glub . . I O. C. Price, Manager Phone No. 58 Up-jo-Date Ckaing, Pressing, Dyeing and Tailoring ■ - , ~ '■ • €]J Very careiul attention ■ given to Ladies' Kid I Gloves, Fancy Waists 3 Coat Suits and Skirts Glub Rates for Men. ■ Clothes called for and I delivered Agents for Rose & Co. I Merchant-Tailors, Chi- I cago, 111 j PLOWBRS! When you want the best, remem ber we are a', your service Choice roses, carnations, valiies, violets ami y,cddiug\>utfits in the lateststyles Floral offerings artistically arrang ed at short notice When in ueed of pot plants, rose bushes, evergreens, shrubbery, hedge plants and shade tlces, mail telegraph or telegraph you* order to J. L. O'Quinn &. Co. Phone 140. , >, Raleigh, N. C. Mrs. Reua Jones The body of Mrs. Rena Sitteraon Jones was brought here Saturday from Raleigh, where she died on February rsth. 1912. She was born in Williainstoii, January 23rd. 1874, being the second daughter of , Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sitterson. In ; May 1893, she was wedded to Mr. John S. Joues, cf Clinton, the late Rev. Thorns# B. liansthton. per forming the ceremony. Several years after her marriage, she suf fered from a nervous trouble ami husband placed her in the State Hospital for treatment/. Up to a few years ago •;« would make an annual visit to her parents here and expressed pleasure at beinf home once more. Many friend*' remember her as a vonng woman full of the joy of living until tion came. Her death coming so swiftly upon that of her mother, malces it sadder for the aged father and two brothers. Early in life she had joined the Methodist Church, and cn the ar rival of the train Saturday, the body was placed in the Church here and the funeral wen- heid at 3 o'clock by the pastor Rev. Ro fns Bradley, assisted by Rev. Mor rison Bethea. The casket was borne to Oakdale Cemelerr and the body laid to rest awtm? her loved ones. I j The pallbearers were: A. D. Mixell, S. R. Biggs, Wheeler M»r- H ' tin, Jr., Maurice Watts. Clayton j Moore and Bunas Critcher. ; Ht Won't Lum Hll 1 No more limping for Tom Moote; jof Cocbrao, Ga. "I had a bac sote I on rar iiiFtfcf t that nothing seemed | to help till I used Bucklen's Arnica. • Satvc," he writes, "but this won derfel healer toon cured me." Heal* old, running son-*, ulcers, boils, burns'.ut*, bruises, eczema or pitts. Try it. Only 25 cents at Saunders K Fowden. FREE IFTT FAILS Your Money Back if You are nqt Satisfied with the Medicine We Recommend We are so positive that our remedyfwill permanently relieve con stipation, no matter bow chronic it inay be, that we offer to furunh the medicine at otir expense should it fall to peoducc satisfactory results. It is worse than useless to at tempt to cure constipation with cathartic drugs. Laxatives or cath artics do much harm. They cauße a reaction, irritate, and weaken the bowels and tend to make coastlpa tion more chronic. Besides, their use becomes a habit that is danger ous. Constipation is caused by a weakness of the nerves and mus cles of the large intestine or descend ing colon. To expect permanent relief you must therefore tone up and strengthen these organs and restore them to healthier activity. We want you to try Rexall Or derlies on oar recommendation. They are exceedingly ptea«ant to take, being eaten like candy, and are ideal for children, delicate per sons, and old folks, as well as for the robust. They act directly cji the nerves and muscles of the bow els. They apparently have a neu tral action on other associate organs or glands. They do not purge, cause excessive looseness, nor create any inconvenience whatever. They may be taken at any time, day or night. They will positively relieve chronic or habitual constipation, if not of surgical variety, and the myriads of assaciate or dependent cbionic ailments, if taken with re gularity for a reasonable length of time. 12 tablets, 10 cents; 36 tab lets, 25 cents; 80 tablets, 50 cents. Sold in Williamston only at our store —The Rexall Store. The S. R. Biggs Drag Co. WILLIAMSTON, N. C.. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23. 1912 Honor Roll For the month endic? February 9th, 1912. , Ist. Grade. —Annie Louise Craw ford. 2nd. Grade. Ethel Harris I,ida Cook, Louise Harrison, Ralph Hdwa-ds, Marv Gladys Watts, Wm. Carstarphcn, Snllte Brown, Win. Harrell. 3rd. Ga.de. —Eatclle Crawford, Raleigh Bradley, Clarence Avers, Ssmuel GarJner, Francis Manning. 4th. Grade.—C. D. Carstarphen, Mary K. Ellison, Win. Ellison. sth. Grade.— Una Bradley. Bes» sie Page, Louise Robertson, Corter.; Greeu. 6th. Grade. —Roland Crawford, Janes E. Harrell, George Howard Kent, Sylvia Upton, Carrie Dell White. /- . ' 7th. Grade Ptrzhtigh Robert son, Mary Robert Peel. Bth. Grade.—Leooa Page, Daisy Manning, Oscar Anderson. 91b. Grade.—Eva Peel, Ollie; Robersou, Mvrtle Woolard, Lcory Anderson, EJlie Wynne, Maude j Wynne, Josephine Robertson. 10th. Grade.—Fant>ie M. Man ning, Sallie Hadlev, Martha Ward. • Public Roads 1 Even with a high-powered auto-, mobile that could keep up a pace of ] 90 miles > day indefinitely, it would : take a man more than 65 years to cover all the public road* io the j ITuited States. A yoong man of twenty starring out to accomplish thh tremendous task would be 85 1 before Le had covered the last mile j of pnblic highway in this country. i Alter an Investigation extending over many months. Logan Waller Pagt, Director ef the Office of Pub-: lie Roads, has ascertained thatj there arc now 2,199,14- miles off pobhc roadsiu the United Stares, j The figures include all the new. roads built up to the year 1909. In ' IUO4 there were exactly 2,151,379. It is apparent, therefore, that the increased mileage of new roikds within h period of about five years has been 48,266. "The Investigation just conclud ed", said Director Page, in an in terview, "shows conclusively that the movement for the improvement of public highways has obtained a firm grip on the country'- The per centage of roads which were really improved, amounted to 7.14 in 1904, while in 1909, to which year statis tics are now available, the percent age was 8.66. "It is interesting to observe the growth of improved methods in road construction. For instance, the total mileage of stone roads in rso4 wa:i 36.818, while iu 190*; it was 59,237. The total mileage of gravel roads ia 1934 was r09,90j. while in 1901) it was ouly 102,870. This decrease in gravel roads, how ever, was due to to a reclassification of roads. Many of those reported in 1904 to !>e of gravel proved to be of some other substance, while exaggerations were eliminated. "The total mileage of snr.d clay, brick, bituminous-macadam and; other improved roadsr in 1904 was 6,806, while in 1909 the ir.ilerge reached 28,372." Aim,st Lest Kis life S. A. Stid, of Mason, Mich., will never forget his terrible exposure | to a metcilesi storm. "It gave me; a dreadful cold," he writes, "thatj caused severe pains in mv chest, .so it was bard for me to breathe. A neighbor gave mc teveral doats of Dr. Kind's New Discovery which j brought great relief. The doctor! t.aid I was 011 the verge ol pneu-1 mouia, but to continue with the Discovery. I did so aud two hot-: ties completely cured me.' Uiej only this quick, reliable medi cine for coughs, colds, or any-i'nroat j or lung trouble. Price 50c f«nd| SI.OO. Trial bottle free. Guarao-1 teed by Saundersi& Fowden. ' OAK CITY ITEMS .Miss Blanche Daniels is the guest of Mrs. Everett. J. L Hines left for Norfolk Thursday ou busiues*s. T. L'twrence and wife spent Sat- j urday nij»ht with Mrs. John Hcu^c; at their new home.. The Misses Salsbury from H. 19 I sell were in town Sunday with thi.ii j brother Robert. Miss Emily Allsbrooks, of Port! Norfolk, returned home Monday. She was the guest of Mias Lizzie! Harreli j Edward L. Perkins, whose bn: i I uts* is here, has moved his family • from Hamilton to Greenville, lit j made a flying trip Sunday to his new home. 1 Oscar Council and ltliss Charlotte Casper were the participants in aj quiet home wedding lnsi Wedues-1 :day. Thev are now at their home , in the couutry. j Miss Jenoie Bennett was married |to Bin Casper Tuesday at tour p. ; tn. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's father, \ \ tjobu Hednctt, Sr., and was pre, ; formed by Elder T. Lawrence. The j young couple left immediately for • Richmond aud Washington City. Die Sound Sltep of Boarf Healih i Is not for suffering from kidney ailments and irregularities. The j prompt nse of Foley Kidney Pills , will dispel backache ami rheuma ' ti.»m, heal and strengthen sore, 1 weak and ailing kidneys, restoie I normal action, and with it health i and strength. Mrs. M. S. Spals bury, Sterling, 111., says: "1 suf j fered great pain in my back and : kidneys, could not sleep at night, X conld raise ray hands over my I head. But two bottle* of F'oley { Kidney Pills cared me." Satin ! ders & Fotrden. j*m m 9 Wind Storm Wednesday night was the storm iest ever in this section of the country. The wind blew all day but about ten o'clock at night it commenced to get fierce. For two hours and more the wind reached a velocity of fifty miles, perhaps, greater. Citizens of the town were unable to sleep and the Electric Company shut off all currents foi safety. No damage is reported ex cept to some shade trees and fences. It was almost a sleepless night iu | town and many people were fright ened. A Warning tga'.sst Wo! Feet ... Wet and cßilled feet usually af fect the mucous membrane of the nose, throat aud lung.;, and la grip pe, bronchitis or penumonia may result. Watch carefully, particu lar}- the children, and for the rack ing stubborn coughs give Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. It' soothes the inflamed membrane*., aud heals the cough quickly.) no substitute Saunders & Fowjlen. Cigarettes George Baumhoff, Superintend-J !eirl Lindell Railway. St. Louis Mo., I Isayy: "Under no circumstances will I iirc a man wlfo suiokes cig- j arettes. He bas dangerous at the j front cud of a motor as the man 1 v;ho drinks. His nerves are bouud 1 io give Tray at a critical n o.ueut. A mo to rm an needs his nerve all the time and a cigarette smoker cannot staiitf j TlncHuas A. Kdisouy the great 1 inventor,* says: " The smoking of 'cigarette iotie of tliemosthattnful • habits acquired by man. It ought |to be against the lav/ to smoke or jto sell them. They go well tugeth |er —cigarette and whiskey—and I th y accomplish wonders, in reduc ing mau to a vicious animal." Dcmowslration Work Secretary Wilson has received the following report 011 Demdnstra tion Work of the Depsrttnent in ! North Carolina: Demonstration Work is only four years old in North Carolina yet it has become a power there for pro gressive agriculture, and, through j 'this, tor the-general uplift of the I home-life of the farmer, j Many farmers, advanced In age, (deplore the fact that Demonstration j Work did not begin several decades j ago so that they might live long ( enough to enjoy the fruits of its . ! teachings, thereby reaping the bene- , j tits oi more bountiful crops procluc leil at a minimum ol cash and 'labor. Many farmers who have itxeu i:i Lbu wjik one year state as suciitssfui farmers they are only one vear old. 1 ' * * ' J Tike vrork i- based upon sound, 1 well-tried and essentiul principles. ( 'such a* a deep soil, plenty of Ibumtiv improve*! seed, intensive ' ~ cultivation, rotation of crops, etc. I That the work is accomplishing the j purpose for which it was designed, jis shown in a numlier of ways. For 1 instance the average yield of corn ,j in North Caroliua, for the past , j forty years has bt-en a little less | than tifteen bushels per acre. The ; yields under Demonstration metli jods were as follows: In t9JB, 37 , 1 busl?els per acie; iu 1909, 40 , bushels per acre, and iu 1910 (4,- .j56 r acres) 43 bushels acre. iThe records for 1911 ure not com plete yet, but will probably be .(greater than for 1910, iiotwitli r standing the tact that a severe drought cut off the yield through j the central part of the State. r j The Demonstration" Work stands | for the growing on the farm every thing needed, there iu the way of , hoote snt»pl|er». Thu careful re -1 cords kejH in the work sjjnur that I the>e can be grown for very much' ! less than market prices. The tnat j ter, therefore, is an economic one. The organization In North Caro lina, at present, consists of a State . Agent, two District Agents, fifty ■ one local ageuts and oyer three thousand farmers conducting de , monstratioo plats averaging three I acres each. The two largest demon strations the past season were one . of forty acres of corn that produced . fifty bushels per acre and one of a hundred acres of cotton that grew , a bale and a quarter of cotton per acre. The Demonstrators are sup -1 ervised by the local agents who in . turn are instructed by District aud State Agents, i The Demonstration YVork has has hearty cooperation with the A, & M. College, the Farmers' Union ; and other progressive organizations. The Stale Department of Agricul - ttire is now cooperating finaucially . and otherwise. Local aid for the work for the present season i amounts to $15,000.00. This shows that the people are interested in the work. . Taken as a whole the outlook is v very bright for reaching and iu flneuoinjj in a jir?',-tic.nl way the j mass of farjners in the State. I A Tribute In the death cf Glasgow Knight, which occurred at ibe home of his .sou, lien j ami a, on Saturday, Feb ruary 10th, iivercttc, K. C., the community lost one of. its most faithful colored citizens, llr be longed to. that class of his race which is liked aud respected by the white population. He was ainehi> " ber of the Primitive Bap'ist Church and was a regular attendant upon j its services. He could be trusted at all times, and was ever ready to . reader.a ssistanciwTienr it was re ([uiied. His years were ten more thau the allotted tina-i of man, .and then he went to his reward. _ Qiie who kneyv him wel', _ .. gM SI.OO a Year in Adv&ficr With the Greenboro Normal Students in , Fete—Four Famous May-Poles —— «• "The tall young oak i# ctjf Jiwn for a MajvpoJi ait i .iir Itk fry of the town prevent tbe rising and with jay hi rludr fic« nod bouglK iu their Lands, they march In-fore it to the place of erection." This custom is a* old as tin' Drains to whom the oik was 33C T yU. La ter, however, the pole was rar.ke of whatever tree the.people augnt nb toin. An Rtnmua of »tc Normal College reciTUy •,««. in Sweden a Miy-pnlc it ilt i a wuguificert fir inch hs i« use.; (or the mast of a large ship. It is nectedonr. hilt and stf.nt*# 'he whole yeat round. A Londi;> chnica :* called "Saiat Andrew lTnde:sk.Ji ' cause of th* pole wh'ch. piaated fa the ground every Ni&v- i*y rp*e>ed above the church stfepk. Counter, speaking of an «»rsp:y »i*.;«g.ir:, refers to this pole: j | "Kight vre'.l nloft and\\*r. yfc he..re • yout head, jAs ye woukl t>e ire rhe ye".* -.hnfl of CornhilJ." Froin Mar day to Mav day it bung upon iron hoot- doors of the neighboring teases. In tbe reign of Edwa*d Vi, *ltei a bitter sermon agam«t bfny '.ports, the inhabitant-; of tht-s.- bov in au acute attack of Pahtaiiisu, srw t-d the noble shaft in p:er»?. The pole annually erected ne*r Saint Paul's: catb-dral was kepi m the hostelry called Cierarrf't- halt and "reaclntd to the roof lh 'He>f, a pole forty feet lotg a«o hilteea iucbesabout, fublQd to i>t ;ht j quot ing stall of CierarU ;bt tiiaut." Until 1852, when t>uii»*- ing w.xs demolished fw c;.m~ M> impro'/menta. there s!o-„>i Tver its gate a carved woden f:g :re t f the giant, pole in hand Probably Sbakspere*often «aw »* the village 0/ WeJ/oid, the iail, ifd, white, and blue May- pa* j»L*»ted in the centre of o ntonm! tni which the dancers performed. The Parliament of 164* P i roered that "all aud singular M y;«iles that are or shall be e;tc;to sr.dl be taken down", but m 4661. t n the very first May-day nf:er ::ur W,-*. toration tbe mo-.t f.uiiou* ' of English history, a oed-u : feet high, was erected i-j U:t. Siiaud fcy seamen sent by the iMk? Vcrk. In 1717, old and bvg:/»rj:nj. i.j de cay, it had to be taken down. Sir Isaac Newtou (blessing? i;r. his saintly bead and poetic «j;jli > a-r --ranged tor its purchase and coin veyauce to Wanstc.ui, K«yei., vtherc , it became the support of the grent telescope presented to the Ko>al Society by Ilugoa, tbe Freoib- as tronomer. This pole is often mentioned ia literature. A nineteenth century humorist asks: "What's not destoryed r; Time's relentless hand? Where's Trov? and whert —iht — May-]io!e in the S'rand?'.' Foley Kidney Pill' will cure aay casv of kidney or bladder trouble not beyond the reach of nieuidne. No medicine can do more. Senders & Fowden. The Sweet Thing. Ciazv— ile says he thinks I ign tte nicost girl in town. Sball J ask Ix\m •to en!l? Sarah—No, dear; let ksop on thinkinfe co—Town Topics. ' Koi Cold Affects iiio Kiwwr5 — Avoid takttig cold if your kii« neys are sensitive. Cold congeals the kiudneys, throws tco much work upon them, and weakens thiie cction. ;>er:ou? kidney . trouble and even linght'sdisease mayreuk. Strangthen your kidneys, get lid of the pain and .-orenets, build them up by nhe timely use of Kid-., uey Pills. Tonic in action, quick I in f. w... .•«- .

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