VOL. XIII. NO. 23 I Professional Cards ] Hugh B. York, ML D. Microscopy, Electrotheiapy, X-Ray Diagnosis, Specialties Office over Partners & Merchants Bank Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m., 7 to 9 p. m. Office 'phone 60 - Night "phone 63 Win. E. Warren - J. S. Rhodes Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons Office in Biggs Drug Store - 'Phone 29 Jos. H. Saunders, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Day 'Phone 53 - Night 'Phone 40 Williamston, N. C. Dr. R. L. Savage of Rockv Mount, will be at the At lantic Hotel fourth Wednesday in each month to treat diseases ol the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Fit Glasses. **A. R. Dunning - J. C. Smith Dunning & Smith Attorncys-at-L^iw Williamston - North Carolina Robersonville, North Carolina Burrous A. Critcher - Wheeler Martin Maitiu, Jr. Martin & Critcher Attorneys-at-Law Williamston - North Carolina 'PHONE 23 S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law 0 Greenville, N. C. - Williatnstou, N. C. * Greenville Lon« Distance Plionc 328 STA7 NEWELL Attorney at Law Williamston • North Carolina f" * I Society Pressing . . Giub . . 1 O. C. Price, Manager ■ Phone No. 58 Up-to-Dati Clcaing, Pressing, Dyeing and Tailoring * ' 8 fj[ Very -careful attention 1 I given to Ladies' Kid I Gloves, Fancy Waists 8 Coat Suits and Skirts Club Rates for Men. a Clothes called for and. I delivered 1 Agents ior Rose Co. I Chi- 1 • =«*?'. 111 . ' j The "Child's Welfare" move ment has challenged the attention of.thoughtful people everywhere. toothers are aainral supper &ni will find ic Foley's Hoc? and Tar Coca pound a most valuable aid. Coughs colds that uuchecked led to crcup, bronchitis end pneumonia yield quickly to the beal|ng and soothinfc quality;} of Foley's Honey and Tar Com- THE ENTERPRISE SUPERIOR COURT IN SESSION Judge Frank Carter Open ed Court Monday Morn ing--Charges the Qrand Jury in an Instructive pleasing Manner-Crim inal Cases Disposed of this Term The March Term of Martin County Court convened here at 10 o'clock Monday morning with Judge Frank Carter, of Asheville, presiding. Solicitor Richard Alls brook, of Tarboro, represented the State. -» .—....—_ The charge of Judge Carter was a rather pleasant departure from the usual cut and dried definitions of the various crimes. He weut only into details sufficiently to in form the jury in a general way of the various phases of their duties. In plain words he presented to the their official duties. That they must separate themselves from personal prejudices or favors and investigate and true t presentment make of all criuie committed with in their knowledge or brought to their notice. Whether they were in sympathy or opposed to tl)e law, it remained their duty to see that the law wan enforced. That if the law was not; being enforced, piiblic sentiment was largely responsible for its nor enforcement. That to permit any law to be constantly broken with out regard to its enforcement, created criminal public seatiment. His chaegt- was especially upon the carrying of pistols, Ittiivca and razors, alld the illicit sale of whiskey. Jude Carter says his at titude .toward the criminal law is not to make spectacular sentences, but to make suich a disposition of each individual case as will tend to lessen crime and Create a law-abid ing sentiment. His sentences have been in keeping with this position and have been satisfactory to both the law-breakers and the bar. The Grand Jury was composed of the following: C. D Jenkins, 15 O. Cowing J. D. Hflrdison, S E. Roberson, J. M. Oakley, W. J. Lilley, Ira F. Griffin, J. 11. Reil -J. C. Ross, G. R. Ward, Warren W. Waters, W. K. Roe btkk, W. T. Coburn, T. R. Davis, Jesse H. Leggett, Eli Gorganus, C H. Cowen, Whit Moore. The following criminal cases were disposed of: State vs Buck Slaughter. Retak ing, Xol pros with leave. State vs Geb. J.ames and Raleigh Keys. B. &. L. Nol pros with leave. State vs Will Roberion. A. D W. Xol pro:* with leave. State vs W. D. Bell. Retailing. Pleads guilty. Put tinder SIOO bond to appear at each court for three years and .show that be has been behaving and not been engaged ii: retailing. State vsChailesßoxjner. Pleads guilty of simple fes ault. Judg ment suspended payment of coit. State vh E. S. Carson and W. O Cherxy. Affray. Carson pleads guilty. Fined $25.60 and cost and gives bdntl lo appeirfor three year-, to show good behavior. Cherry guilty oi simple assault. Judgment jipSsfl paymentjjfxfieL i_ Sta'e vs Me. Davis.- Guilty. Judgement ouspended. Stat? vs Walter MitcbJl. L. & R. Guilty. Tv.o 5 ears on ronci-. State vs Connor Roebuck. A. D. W. P'.eads gu.lly. £io.co aud cewt. . ; State vs Gray.—&,DW, Pleads guilty. ,one year with leave to hire out. State vs John Griffin. L. & R. Pleads guilty. One y«?or with leave to hire out.. State vs Dennis Hardisou. C. C. ♦T r "n * - - -». * —' WILLIAMSTON, N. C.. FRIDAY, MARCH 22. 1912 Miss Eva Wynne Dead - On Monday evening at 11 o'clock p. m. at the residence of her father L. B. Wynne Esq. the soul of Miss Eva, left its tenement of clay and passed out into the eternal Beyond to be with her Savior and Lord. She was born in this county at Everetts and was the second daugh ter of Mr. L. B. and Mrs. Ella Wynne. She was 24 years old the 3rd of October last. Though she had been a great sufferer, yet she had strong hope that she would recover, but God knew what was best and prepared her for her departure as she gave herself to Him. Quiet, modest, gentle, and lovely in disposition, she loved her home and people and cared but little for the pomp and vanity of the world. As a steno grapher she did excellent work and commanded the esteem of those who employed her. Proficient and oblifj itig her work was appreciated. As a Sunday School scholar her at tendance well was almost per feet. She was a member of the Philatheas. and as a rule attended the sittings of that j when fccalih permitted she rarelv missed any Church service. On the 1 ith day of February, sbe uuit !ed witfh the Williomston Baptist Church, and would have been bap j tized into its fellowship, if her health had allowed. Conscious to ! the end she was not without know ledge tlrut the messenger was call -1 ing for her to answer the summous of the King. When the end came it was quiet and peaceful.- Sbe leaves a lather, mother, four sisters and two small brothers to mourn their loss. ' The funeral setvices were con ducted from the home at half pa it 2 o'clock Wednesday. A large number of relatives and friends gathered to pay the last tributes of respect to her memory and the beautiful casket covered with most beautiful flowers was drawn to the Baptist Cemetery, where all that was mortal was interred to remain till the morning of the resurrection. Rev. Geo. J. Dowell conducted the services and the frjeuds left hoping to meet again where there will be no sad farewell. The sympathies of the good people of Williamston extend to the stricken family, and commend them to the great Healer for the Balm that will always soothe for comfort in this hour of their sorrow. "Dearest sister, thou hast left us, And thy loss we deeply feel; But tis God that has bereft us, He can all our sorrows heal." — How Cold Causes Kidney Disease Partly by driving blood from the surface and Congesting the kidneys,! and partly by throwing too much work upon them. Foley Kidney Pills strengthen the kidneys, give tone to the urinary organs and restore the normal action of tr.e bladder. They aie tonic in action, quick in le-iil'f , Try. them. Saunders & Fo«cen. Services Next Week Rev. C. J. U. Parker, of Reins ville, is exot'.cd to be here on Monday sight and preach thr upi- ; out thf. week in the Baptist Ciuirci . ft earursrry hop ultra •.!: 1 üb" licwjitattend Ifcws-e victs and every bod r-i cordiuily invited to] ccine, G®. J. JJO '.i il, » j- -. „ ■ Pastor. Tc Mothers—And Oftim. Slave-to. cure "cTm!.! i » t i>: raishe?, teiter, chafing-, seal and crusted liumoi t, as- w: il vs / it accidental inju ii; -cuv-;. i.11»; .s, j etc., with. jH'.K-et safety Noting else heals so quit-k.'y, Fo. botK, ulcers, old, running or fever sort.s or pile.; it has.noequal, as cm at] DARDEN ITEMS Mrs. Susan Smith spent Satur day in Plymouth. Will Jackson, ol n'.-ar Ph mouth, was here Saturday. ' Mrs. Anoie Bnttinan is visiting in Jatnesville this week. Misses Annie Robblns and Pearl Waters spent Saturday in Plymouth Harry Latham and Rufus Cbes son were here Sundav frc tn Ply mouth. Mr. and Mrs. Chesson and daugh ter, of Plymouth, were visitors btre Suuday. David Wright and Miss Gertie Mizell were out strolling Sunday afternoon. Mr. Wetd and Miss Futh Dar den spent Sunday near Williaml - with relatives. Rev. Hilary Ambrose filled h;s appointment at the Christian Church on Sundav. Misses Annie Riddick and Neva Swinson were the guvsts of Miss Ethel Carson Sunday, v Mis* F.iye P.verett was the | Mies E'.hel Peel last'netk in the home of Win. Gardner. Mrs. C. W. Cherry audi Mirk Grimes, of Everetts, are quests in the home of Thomas-Robbing. Miss Ueruice Paga-d, a student at the K. C. T. T. .School, spent tin* week-end with her parents here. Died at Smithfield The body of Mrs. Frank Kiljut ri'jk, who died in Suuthfield on Thursday, March 14111. was brougt.t here on the tntdday train on Friday last and taken to the Wilsou plot and there interred, Rev. C. W Howard, .pastor of the Christian Church at Greenville, reading the burial service. Mrs. Kilpatrick was fifty years old, being the eldest child of Wil liam H. and Sirah Wilson, and was born at the old homestead near Everetts. In early womanhood ahe married Mr. Frank Kilpatnck, of Pitt County, who with seven children survive her. Several years ago after suffering a severe loss by fire, the family nnved to Giifton and later from there to L&Grange Since the beginning of the yeai they have resided at Snutbfielc! where they engaged in the h-jtel business. And there Mrs. Kilpat* rick was stricken with pneumonia and despite careful treatment, died. She was a mot he i am! wife, giving ot berneif gladly to make h'jnie pleas.ait atul attractive for htr lovtd otu i Shi had been a member of ihi Chriitain Church for many years and hi \ h. conscien tious Christian. Mrs. Kilpatrick was the skier of Messrs., Ed. and Muthe.v Wilson, of Norfolk. Marshal Vv'il o; and Mrs. AH>ert Perry, of Williamson (itid Mrs. Leone Powell, ol Pitt County, who wire hir-> to ".t!e.id the funeral. DON'T . -I'OUGHT HUSTKK BROWN MARC: 1 2y±. Rejjs's Attack Of'Seali). , "Five year; upo t\v>. d.■ -tor-; told me I had fh I y t^-"yeari« — '; > ttti,'' Tlds stnr'.lit; > mttit v/as by Siilln>ait Green, Malachite, Col, "Thii.y lold ioe i ivonid -die with con,*>iuiplioti, it was jtj .i>,. m theU to tiy the r.est i'-: .. ' ■ hie t»rd Tt?feyau to- use Dr. K • . •> NJV; Discovery. ~Jt In us well i • i i, : >t t« dit«, 1 am workfHß ami i,c.J«ve»i o> e my" iiie to tlit-. i> u- •. ..no luti# etie that has ci.tfc.ti e K'av'e of another virMin. lis tolly to suffer with coughs, id'- oi ami iu;. trrm&n"; i.otv. T&ke the cure.thal':s -..ItU. Kri e ,so cenlA and $1.66. Tri!° OAK CITY ITEMS F. M. Price went to Norfolk on business last Monday. John Daniels made a flying trip to Greenville last week. Oak City Band returned Sunday after tour of four days. Ashby Dunn, of Scotland Neck, attedded the dance here. Mrs. L. T. Chesnon has returned from a visit to Scotland Neck. Tornmie Johnson' and Robert Salsbury were in town Sunday. '4eb Whiteburst was in town a few days last week on business. Mrs. Justus and Miss Hattie Everett were in town Wednesday. * Mis Mary Wooley is spending some time with her sister at Tar boro. Miss Louise Salsbury, of Hassell, spent the week-end with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. S'.aton Ayers, of Everetts, speut Sunday with rela tives here. Billie Hurst has returned after several years absence and taken the Whiteburst place. Master George and Robert Crisp, of Robersonvdle, speut Saturday and Sunday here. Mrs. Heniy Harrell died la=t Th ursday morning with pneumonia and was buried at the Harrell cemetery. Ouite a number of Kober»onvii!e boys and girl-; and also some from Scotland Neck attended the dance last Tuesday night. Mr. Keel, of Robersonviile, was in town iast Wednesday uight also Sunday p. m. Look out boys for your Oak City girls. Mrs. Charlie died very sud denly last Friday evening at her home here. She leaves a husband and two little children. To Wed in May " The announcement of the enga gement of Miss Kate Blount and Dr. Hugh 15. York was made last week, the marriage to take place on May Day, and which will te awaited with interest by many friends here ami elsewhere. Miss lilnunt is the daughter of Mr. and Mr*. George W. Blount, who are among the most prominent re-i'lents of Williamston. She is very popular, winning and holding friends by a charm of manner at tractive alike to old and young. Dr. York is the son of the late John W. York and a native of Nash County, but has been in in Martin County with bis family since boyhood, ile is a graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons cf Baltimore, and iias practiced his heie for several years, where be enjoys a lucrative practice, being one of themot prominent young physi cians in this section, Pi lends of the yoyng couple are heartily congratulating them and ibey will begiu life together with numerous good wishes. Gicrlatis flaws count* - from -i —J- —T. Curb's, py. I;'liL Khxu He. writets, '' I i,ot o'ii ;■ have cured bid can- of n 111 ;•'!/ j a'.ic-i.ts.wiUi I'.fectricDit.itis, but, also ctned myself by iiico of thfi sani? disease. 1 feel .sure they benefit any cose of eczema." This -hows what jthousan'Sr have tJ- vi. c | 7 -ihat KUclitw Batten-- -?a-a --n ;s' effective bleed purifier rtti excellent. remedy for eczema., tier, s.h-ibenm ulcers, boils and itt: nng sores.- It tuiiuuialee liver,' > • ami bowels, expels poisons, 1! 'y t digestion, Luild.s up the Si.oo a Year in Advance ROBERSONVILLE NEWS ITEMS Local Happenings and People who are Coming and Going, Here, There and Yonder as Gathered"- by our Regular Corres pondent. S. K. Redd, of Oakley, ws here T uefiday. Q? Dr. J. E. Ward went to Raleigh ( Tuesday. Herman Rc/vls is or. the jvck list this M-eeii. Mis? Myrna Might is on the sick list this wvtt, Dr. Yer Ward and wi-fe,of-fte'hel were bete Monday. A. T. Rjcdicfc, of Kinston, was here Wednesday. G. M. Robeir.cn went tc Norfolk Tuesday cn business. Miss Fare Everett spent the week end ut Datdeus. Severe.l from heic are alter,diug court ;.t 'Villienibton. The Ladies aid S tic ty met with M:s. J. E. Cotig'eton Thursday. Mi.-s Lula Sauls . pent the week end rvitt) her tnrtitls at Norfolk. N C. Everett mode a abort busi ness :r >p to Rocky Mount laal week Hlder A.-ihlev Mize!l preached at the Primitive Baptist Church Sun day. MmS"ia's Walts and Crawford, of \Vil!iam?tcn, were here Thurs day. I Mr. R B. Crimes and e u iMren are vistting relatives in Williams ton. Misi Canady of Washir; t m.ls visithi}', Mi-.. N. II Shepherd this week. Mrs. and Miss Ho sii- flas ket, t ! Greenville, are in town this week. Mis't* Emma, No!ie and Jose phine Roberson pent Sundav »u Gr'.ndool. t Messrs. R. I, Smith, J II Rob crson, J. A. Mi/ell and A Is. Smith wen I to Washington Wed desday on business, R. 0. Collins, Poll master li.irijc'i;ut. N.J., wa; tiouhled ith .1 severe la grippe eough. He says: "I wo Id he completely exaiisted after nt oi violent coughing. I bciijjht a bottle ol FoleyMoney Tar Comj»onod and before I had taken it all tb? coughing :;p Ma had I)a.i ent:ily ecas'ed. It can't be beat. ' Sunders & Fowden. i : ccd Peanuts For S.ilc J';st received one car lo id o£ genu i c VdinnigUu Seed IVrnuts. V. ; -.I; ofiefi.ii; these to our far mer ".ml; at actual costtoiuduce them to jjro'.v this variety of pea nuts, ~'i they are very much in de- . ma :i ar.-l we believe will yield mtrs j.r j.cic than auy other var ie:y, ?Yv» bringing the grower more raon?y. You must st ! us and lei us book your or :.r promptly before they 3ie qor.e. You: s It i»iy, Va Caioliua Pemut Co. ' Wiili uuston, N. C. • Lswijwe. Tien Peßt«c-!li \,s, ...ftcii t:u' .atal sequence, at .:that hang on . Weaken the r-rt>rcm nnd lower, the vital } ■ oe. Foley's Honey and 1 .: . ouipotiiid is-a reliable medic aid ilut stops the cough .promptly by lualiug the cause; soothes the hitl aued air passage*, and checks the coid. Keep always hand. 1. ' . S t)\!

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