The Sam and Substance of being a subscriber to thla paper la that ycu and your family become aHschcd to it The paper becomes a member of the fiunily sod its comiqg each week Will be as welcome as the ar rival of anyone that's dear. It «Q) keep 70a informed an the doings of the community *nd the bargain* of the merchants ngnjuly «dmtktd wflj enable jpw to mw fntpty Him* the coat ofttomMfte | We're Opposed | Mail Order Cencent* Because— 0 They have nne contributed U • cent to furthering the uMnati I ot out town— Every cent received by lltia II from ihu community is a direct I] IOM to our roerckaalf— la altnott every case iKeir II price* can be met right .Jmn, II I without delay in receiving good* ■ and the pouibility of laatakes I ia tiling order!. But— The natural human trail t» to buy where good* are cheapest. Local pride it uaually aecoad ary in the gama df Ilia a* played today. Therefore Mr. Merchant and Biaiaam Man, meet your competitor* I with their owa weapon* — ■ admitting. ■I Advertise! Tbe local fiald it your*. All |j you wed do i* to avail Tour- II aelf of the opportunities ottered. D An advertisement ia thia paper ■ will cany your msmsjs into || hundred* of home* in tha con- II munitv. It i* the *urert medium H of killing your poatast com- H petitor. A apace am «xe II Iwoo't coat arach. Coaae la ■ aad tea it* about ib ■ tie* adrtoa, Vow to etaata paienM. ma mai**B |mr«|U*W, in all COUNTRIES. ■ Mmktu Hr«t will H ukl*glom mw Mm,, ■ ■ mmey mnd qfU* I ft tint md Infrioftfnant Practice l>slu*lv*ly. I ■ Writ* or eom* leu at ■ N( Slata Mmt, *Rp. VMM Malm Mm* MU*,B KILLth. COUCH I AW COitg TIM LUMPS wi ™ Dr. King's New Btseowry I MIS ALL THROAT AMD MWTTMSUC I ajkT&tjWwm g OB uovvrKrwam>ja>. !—I > I "11 MSSBEZIIji nOTWiMrilmaM v wfc> Is aid enough/to read, who has not saen that dga at • rsflroad eraMtag? tf areryaoe baa aaen ft at ma time «r other, then why liam*t company eoo\inwa thoae -*l-1 -T itiij hi iisshq, r *nom\ cvmijuooj koowi Bt store, I don't have to advertise." You* Mora and yoor food* aaad more advrrtilring than the raft. Wfla need 4a to wa*n ptopla to Out for the Ca£" Nothing fa ever completed la the advertMsg world. a goodhtaaioeaa. If it pays to run a bw ade 'roead X Lffi. ADVERTISEia r-jSkTHIS PAPER ' • -f * ' v . M pvOCTORS know that Oxidine ia a moat dependable ays- . tem-cleansing tonic. Most useful in stirring up lazy livers, sluggish bowels and kidneys, ' weak stomachs. Its ef fects are quick, safe, sure and permanent. OXIDINE —a bottle proves. The specific for Malaria. Chills aad Fever and all diaeaaee doe to diaorder* of liver, stomarh. bowela and kidney*. BOc. At Yoor Druggist* naimiriaive eo„ Waco, Teat*. K—tor— Qrsy Hair to Natural Oolor atmnt autacrr aa xxar lavtgorateeand prevents the hair from fcrhii tr aei'ie.» *■ Mm» >r XANTHINE 00., Richmond, Virginia Mm S *m amta.l a—js bmu. a* mim nn ii. DRTn. C* KREITZER'S iOo. SALVE 2Be. Unexcelled in treatment of Boils, Carbuncles, Felons, Ulcers, Corns, Bunions, etc. In use over 30 years. Sold bv druggists, or mailed direct. For ac, we wiu mail you a sample box. W. C. Power A Co., 1536 N. 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa k KODAKS "KKi'W 0 a»*tmen and Ansco film*, mailed post paid. Mall order* given prompt attention. 'varison'S f °c ' Uc * Dta M 4 Klnc Street, Charleston," 8. O, Brown's BronchialTrnrliM HoUitnc excels this Oongh Remedy. Wo opiates, •ample free JOB* I. Blow* A Boa, lioeton, Mass. In a Bad Way7 Stranger (In train) —A man in your business can't get home very often, I presume? « Commercial —Home? I should say not Why, air, I get home ao seldom that I can't remember half the time where I live. Have to telegraph to the firm to send me my addresa! Stranger—You don't say go! Commercial—That's true. Why, one tlm« I was away ao long that I forgot I'd ever been married and I took 1 such a fancy to a pretty woman I met In a strange town that I eloped with her. Stranger—My! My! Commercial —Yes, it would have be«n a terrible thing; but when I call ed on the Arm during my honeymoon and Introduced her the old man told me she was my wife before. —London Tlt-Bita. Pleasing Irregularities. There are wild irregularities t'.iat are pleasing. In the north station a boy tripped while running toward his father and mother, who were on the back platform of the car Just start ing. The Mother —Little Johnny fell i down. The Father—Leave him lay. This waa wholly admirable. Hla Business. "That man indulges In ahocklng laiguago." "Influence of hla trade. He's a tele graph llnemau." 1 Something Extra Good For Breakfast, Lunch or ' Supper— Post Toasties Served direct from pack age with cream. % Surprises Pleases Satisfies "The Memory Lingers" Sold by Grocers. I ..\ ■ - THE FRUIT GROWERS 7: A GREAT EVENT WHICH MAY MEAN MUCH TO HAYWOOD COUNTY. HAVE LARGE MEMBERSHIP Organization to Perfect the Business of Fruit Growers by Way of Getting the Best Prices For Their Products —May Increase Fruit Production. Waynesvllle.—An event which ma) mean much for Haywood county, par ticul&rly the fruit growers, took place here when the Haywood county Fruit Exchange was organized with a large membership. Thla la an or ganisation, consisting of the fruit growers of the county, whose pur pose la to perfect an organization to conduct - the business of the- fruit growers In the way of getting the best prices for their products, bring ing the market in touch with the producers, and giving information as to the best means of cultivating, gathering and marketing the crop. Dr. Qeorge D. Green was made temporary chairman of the meeting and Mr. Boiling Hall was secretary. A tentative organisation yas effected with the following directors: R. P. Johnston, Joe Graves, J. K. Boone, George Wharton, B. P. Howell, Z. C. Davis and Boiling Hall. At a future meeting, the directors are to report a plan of permanent organisation and definite purposes. There a large number of men present at the meeting who ' are not directly engaged in fruit growing Wit seemed to take a lively interest in the business of the convention. Bishop James Atkins delivered an ad dress that was Interesting and help ful. Prof. W. N. Hott of Raleigh was present and also spoke. It Is thought that the organization will result In developing a consider able increase of interest in the pro duction of fruits in thU county. Interest In Contgst Incresses. Hendersonvllle. —unusual interest is being shown In the boys' corn con test of Henderson county, where SIOO will be distributed in cash prizes for those raising the best crops of corn at the least expense on an acre of ground. Prof. W. 8. Rliltle. super lntendent of the county schools, who canvassed the county a few weeks ago, with Charles W* Mason of Ashe ville, agricultural agent of the South ern Railway in the Interest of the contest, stated that eighty-flvo boys j between the agns of 12 and 18 years ! had entered the contest, wtyich closes 1 with the expiration of this month Polk County Moonshiners Captured. ' Hendersonvllle. United States Deputy Marshall T. F. Roland and j Special Employe J. Lee Sams, accom j panted by other revenue men, weri j in Hendersonvllle with five men, j three Fosters, a Barnett and one Car- j ter from Polk county, where they were arrested charged with operating j an Illicit distillery. Three of them gave S3OO bond each and the - two others gave S2OO bond each before j United States Commissioner Valen | tine, who set the date for a prelimi nary hearing. Details of the raid could not be learned here. County Clsrk Was Appointed. Newbern.—Mr. W. B. Flanner, who | has been acting clerk of tho superior j court for this county during the Illness j of the late W. M. Watson, wns ap- ; pointed to fill the vacancy caused by the death of that official, Judge H. W. Whedbee of Greenville mak ing the appointment. Mr. Flanner has had several years experience in the j register of deeds and clerk of the | court office and is thoroughly ac- I qualnted with the duties he will now perform as chief and will make a very efficient officer. Juvenile Thief Held For Court. Hendersonvllle. —As the result of the plundering of six freight cars of the Southern Railway In the Hender sonvllle yards when considerable property was stolen, Sam King, aged 13 years, was bound over to supe i rlor court under a bond of S2OO. Bond Issue Has Been Sold. Roxboro. —A $20,000 bond issue { voted some time ago tor the im provement of the streets of Roxboro has been sold to the trustees of the j Terrell school fund. There Is still j $5,000 of this Issue to be disposed of i and it is practically certain that this will be done in a very short time either to one of the banks or pri vate citizens. Work will be begun as soon as bids can be advertised for and the contract let. Mr. Gilbert C. White of Charlotte is the engineer in charge of the work. To Enforce The Fishing Law* Raleigh.—An order was made by Governor Kitchin for the Elfrelda. the cruising vessel of the North Caro Una Naval Brigade, stationed at New bern to proceed fully armed with a complement of twenty-eight men to the waters of Albemarle sound and subject to the orders of State Fish Commissioner C. 8. Vann in enforce ment of the state fisheries laws. Thf commander of the Elfrelda is to re port at Edenton for service. The or der went to Commander T. C Daniels of Newbern. " • : ' '* J ' ' 7 .. . . . '*"« u ' "' . - s . v .•' THE SAFE LAXATIVE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE e Most elderly people are more or j' less troubled with a chronic, per- " sistent constipation, due largely to lack of sufficient exercise. They ex- ° perience difficulty In Clgestlng even ' lirht food, with a consequent belching * of stomach gases, drowsiness after y eating, headache and & feeling of lassl- .. tude and general discomfort. Doctors advise against cathartics and violent purgatives of every kind, rec ommending a mild, gentle laxative u tonic, like Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, to effect relief without disturbing the i entire system. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is the perfect laxative, easy in action, cer- a tain In effect and, withal, pleasant to B the taste. It possesses tonic proper ties that strengthen the stomach, liver and bowels and Is a remedy that has r been for years the great standby in c thousands of families, and should be in every family medicine chest. It Is t equally as valuable for children as for a older people. ... , Druggists everywhere sell Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin in 60c and SI.OO 1 bottles. If you have never tried it 1 send your name and address to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 201 Washington St., Mon ticello, 111., and he will be very glad to * send a sample bottle for trial. THE ETERNAL FEMININE. ! Mr. Hound—l think I'll have to get a license — Miss Kyoodle—Oh! this Is so sud den! HANDS BURNED LIKE FIRE "I can truthfully say Cutlcura Rem edies have cured me of four long years of eczema. About four years ago I noticed some little pimples coming on my little finger, and not giving It any attention, it soon became worse and spread all over my hands. If I would have them in water for a long time, they would burn like fire and large cracks would come. I could lay a pin in them. After using all I the Balves I could think of, I went to ; three different doctors, but all did | me no good. The only relief I got was j scratching. "So after hearing BO much about the j wonderful Cutlcura Remedies, I pur ! chased one complete set. and after | using them three days my hands were | much better. Today my hands are I ; entirely well, one set being all I used." j (Signed) Miss Etta Narber, R. F. D. 2, I Spring Lake, Mich., Sept. 26, 1910. Although Cutlcura Soap and Oint ment are sold everywhere, a sample of each, with 32-page book, will be | mailed free on application to "Cuti- j j cura," Dept. L, Boston.. Bame Old Story. She —How did they ever come_ to | marry ? He—Oh, It's the name old story. | Started out to be good friends, you know, and later on changed their minds. —Puck. Burduco Liver Powder Nature's Remedy: is purely vegetable, j As a cathartic, its action is easy, mild I and effectual. No griping, no nausea, I makes a sweet breath and pretty com ! plexion. Teaches the liver to act. Sold by all medicine dealers, 25c. ■ Whenever some preternaturally smart slg tells us that he's got our number we wonder where he got his ' j adding machine! For KRADACHE—Hkrka' CAPI'DINE Whether from Colda, Best, Stomach or Nerroua Trouble*. Capudlne will relievo you. It's liquid—pleuent to take—acta Immedi ately. Try It. 10e., Sc., and 60 centa at drug ■torea. If a man is honest he doesn't have j to use a megaphone to advertise the I fact. Even a wise man never gets over I belrg a fool to a certain extent. | For constipation use s natural remedy, j Gartield Tea is composed of carefully select j ed herbs only. At all drugstore*. There's room at the top because somebody 1B always coming down. Mrs. Wtnalow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething, aoftena the guma, reduced Inflamma tion, «U«ya pain,eurea wind Colic, Uc a bottl* Keep your troubles to yourself and they will not expand. - S MKNT iSXIa to euro anr cam of Itotilng, ))linL 1 Bleeding or Protruding Files in oto 14 daja. 60c. j You are only what you are when no | one is looking. . I Constipation can be cured without drugs, j Nature's own remedy is Gartield Tea. It's difficult to discourage a girl ] who can't sing. ITCH, ITCH relieved In 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. AI Druggists. Some men haven't sense enough to ■top borrowing before they strike oil. Possibly Willing to Anlst at It. 1 At a little par'y John T. McCutch eon consented to do a little Impromp tu chalk talking, with the presiden tial possibilities for his subject. Mc- Cutcheon had made several hits. One Df the party, chuckling, leaned over to another, a Democrat. "Pretty good, Isn't it?" he asked. "What do you think of his executionT" "I think it would b« a darned good thing," replied the Democrat. / 1 For COLDS and fIUP Hicks' CATODIHB la the beat remedy—re lieves the aching and fereriahneea—cure»the Cold and reatorea normal condltlona. It's liquid—effeeta immediately. 10c., Be.,and6oc. At drug atorea. A man Is apt to get so rattled when a leap year girl proposes to htm that she can make him believe he did it. TO CUBE A COLD ll* OKI DAT Take LAXATIVB BROMO Qolalne Tablet* Drugglat*rvfnnd money If It fall* to ears. B. W ÜBOVM'S algoatara lion each bos. Mo. Political economy may be all right, but political liberality counts for more about election time. A remedy that has stood the test of time is worth trying. Gartield Tea relieves liver, kidney and stomscli troubles. The way to get a reputation for goodness 1B to be good. " Fink Eye" la Epldenl# la the Spring. Try Murine Eye Remedy for Bailable Relief. Friendship and confidence are plants of slow growth. Woman's Power A Over & KH Woman*! moat florlotte endow meat U the power to awaken and hold the pare and honeat love of worthy man. When ahs loaea it and atiil love* on, no one in the wide world can know the heart afony fl ahe end urea. The woman who suffera from weak neaa and derangement oI her apeoial womanly or ganiam loon loaea the power to away the heart ol • man. Her general health suffers and (he loaea HIHHIHBiUU*" ber good looka, her attractiveness, her amiability and her power and prestige aa a woman. Dr. R.V. Pieroe, of Buffalo, N.Y., with the existence of his staff of able physicians, has prescribed for and cured many thousands of women. He ha* devised a successful remedy for woman's ail ments. It is known aa Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It ia a positive specific for the weekaeeeee and disorders peculiar to women. It purifies, regu lates, strengthens and heals. Medicine dealers sell it. No honttt dealer will advise you to accept a substitute in order to make a little larger profit. XT MAKER WEAK WOMEN STRONG, SICK WOMEN WELL. Dr. Ptfv'i Hunt fWM W|»M| mod tirmrngthmH Stomach, Lhrmr mod Bomb For prompt relief, if you suffer from any of the troubles B 80 common to women, or if you are merely weak, and lackß life and energy, you are urged to take Cardui,the woman's tonic. H Cardui is a purely vegetable, tonic medicine for women, B and as its success of more than 50 years clearly shows, itß can, as a reliable remedy, be depended on, in time of need. B Mrs. L. E. Hibbs, of Morton's Gap, Va., says: "I wasß taken sick and confined to my bed, most of the time, for 10 B' months before I decided to B 3Q CARDUI cc 77 " ■ The Woman's Tonic I I had ulcers and then a tumor. The second doctor that treated me said my last chance B was an operation, and when the third doctor was called in, B he told me it was doubtful that I would recover. B I wouldn't consent to an operation, and decided to give B Cardui a trial When I had taken two bottles, B I felt better. In two months, I could goB ygl about and do light housework. Now 1 feel B Xj well and the tumor is gone. I heartily recommend Cardui to suffering B women. I am sure it will cure." Try a bottle today. Your druggist sells it B^ Wash The corn crop fooled lot* of fannem. JL \l f etmMm Many fields looked good but fell dews V* on yield. This was owing to a lack. d '✓yJ fflPli ava " a^c * >otas '? , or > s P r > mar^r flWl fcijl I s I Your com must have enough quickly availahter If/ Jh M I B ' Potash to produce well-filled ears as well as stalks. I /W\ m KEI "Will _ A com fartlllaae should coatala at least 8t Pots aft ■* I ml nIU II" Settee IO% — BO matter la what form tha fertiliser Sa il"' ifllin IT*\ II aaad. Kalatt, 75 to 100 Iba. per acre, drilled la wldb IIJ 'U| I * tha seed, will kaap away cutworms and root Uc«. lillL . M If roar dealer can't furnish brand, rich enough hi Fotaste* y/M XjJ. and wont carry Potaah Salta ao you can supplement rear jfggjjS b I manure the brands be docs carry, araav- We will sell direct In any amount from m { P " Writa for^frei»^ book at GERMAN KALI WORKS, hew i|l|lll lIL Continental Bid*.. Baltimore II \ M Hill mIiMM iinEßWimlmtCP Meaadnock Block. Chlcac* I" rVfmWWWWttft IEeHSIO Whltaay Central Bank Building. New Reduce The Feed Bill -Improve The Animals Horses and Mlllee do mora work; Cows ITlve more and better Htlk and Batter; Bheap and QoatS »row batter fleecea: Hens *av more tgga, and all as well aa Cattle and Hogs take on more flash and fat, and develop more rapidly and keep km better health and condltloa when fed on Cottonseed Meal and Cottonseed Hulls For Breeding or Kurclnat Stock, Mares, Cows, Sows -r Ives, It la eapeotaMy N valuable. Much better than Bay, far cheaper than Corn. 1 Writ* for free Booklet containing much valuable Information to Feeders aad Steels Balaara to THE BUREAU OF PUBLICITY Interstate -ottonsssd Crushers Association j [, SOS Mala Street. Delia*, Texaa L—————— • M. r r kl ■ . m ter» for Em, Poutog- I ■«■ a m Fruits, Potatoes mm | Vegetables. If y~» ■ V■« Bi ■ want a reliable finnaadi i" V W a ttve house. u/~ We guarauttm highest market prices and prompt f turns. Quotations sent on applicstiM. WOODSON-CRAIG COeJac*. CtMIIISIION MtSCBAHTS. HcUsil. Faultless Dry Cleaning and Dyolng too The best in the South. Write for our booklet CHARLOTTE STEAM LAUNDRY QHARLOTTE RORTH OAROLII* W« Mcur* position! for our graduates. If Interested writ* for catalogue. Addraaa ■. H. BO WEN. Maaagsr, HUM BU(.. Colnhia. kC Q/AVTrn MKN TO LBAKN BARBn VV All I P. 11 Tradolnslx u> eight wortw. Tm~ iinnibi/ IUOD. with set of tools, «*. With jour own tool*, 126. Wages while lni»i> Write for free catalogue. RICHMOND BARBER COLLEGE, Ricbmontf, Va. THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. No.|.No2.H*JU THERAPIONIKIrJESs: ORSAT BUCORBS. CI'RIS KIDNKY. BLADDER DIBRAHL PILES. CHRONIC ULCERS, HKIN ERUPTIONS RITHIIIu §•■4 address envslope for Fflß bnotM to PR. I.K CUM USD. CO.. HAVERBTOCK RD„ IIAMPSTEAD, LOHtKMV, 111 AA Wanted, Second-hard Bags and Bm BAGS W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. M-W2-