VOL. XIII. NO. 33 ( 1j l Professional Cards | Hugh B. York, M. D, ; .Microscopy, Electrotheiapy,X-Ray Diagnosis, Specialties Office over Parmer* & Merchants Bank Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m., 7 to 9 p. m. Office 'phone 60 - Night 'phone 63 j Wm. E. Warren • J. S. Rhode* Drs. Warren & Rhodes 1 Physicians and Surgeons Office in Bigg* Drug Store - 'Phone 39 ( » , Jos. H. Saunders, M. D. ( Physician and Surgeon Day 'Phone 53 - Night 'Phone 40 Williamston, N.«C. —■ I Dr., R. L. Savage of Rockv Mount, will be at the At- i lantic Hotel fourth Wednesday in each month to treat diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and * Fit Glasses. 1 A. R. Dunning • J. C. Smith Dunning & Smith Attorneys „t-Law Williamston - North Carolina Robersonville, North Carolina Barron* A. Critcher - Wheeler Martio Wheeler Martin, Jr. - Martin & Critcher . Attorncys-at-Law Williamston - North Carolina 'PBOha 23 ' S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. - WUlianwton, N. C. Greenville LOD>; Dittncce Phone 328 —————— S. A. NEWELL Attorney at Law ' Williamston • North Carolina Clayton Moore Attorney at Law Williamston - North Carolina John E. Pope , General Insurance,- 4 * * Life, Fiie. Health, Accident, Live Stock Real Estate - Brokerage Williamston - North Carolina Offirp nn Main Street— r ~ m \ SoGiety Pressing a . Glub . . O. C. Price, Manager Phone No. 58 Up-to-Daie Cleaing, , Pressing, Dyeing and Tailoring Very cai«eful attention given to Ladies' Kid Gloves, Fancy Waists t Co* Suits and Skirts Club Rates for Men. Clothes called for and ii- delivered £| Agents for Rose & Co. Marchant-Taiiors, Chi cago, 111 THE ENTERPRfSZ | LOCAL ITEMS •99999999*9999999¥9999**9* All ioUch published in thl* column, where revenue to to be derived, will be charred at the rate ol.io cent* a line, (count tlx word* to a line), each incur. Special rate will be made on oog contract*. Rub-My-Tism will cure you —Fall moon on Monday. —Talk your town. —Your home town Is YOU; don't forget that ever. —Tobacco market opens next Thursday. Bring a load here and get good money for it. Rub-My-Tism will cure you. —The Lprd willing, there will be preaching at the County Home on Sunday at 3 o'clock.—J. L. Cherry. —WANTED at this office. Old rags. Must be clean and free from scraps. sor 6 doses 666 will break any case cf Cbiils & Fever; it acts on the liver better than Caloinel, and does not gripe or sicken 25c. —Williamston has two tobacco warehouses under separate mana gement, and is the best market in this section. Bring your weed to it —New plate °las>s fronts are be ing placed in the double stores oc cupied by Anderson, Crawford St Co. —There will be no service at the Episcopal Church on Sunday, the rector having an appointment to preach in New Bern on that day. Services at the Baptist Church and at Skewarkey as usual. —Sell your tobacco with J. G. Staton the Old Reliable at the Dixie Warehouse. Openitg sale August 15th. —I bid strong and loud on every pile of tobacco put onjmv floor.—J. G. Staton, Proprietor Lixie Ware house. —Sales open this year August 15th. You will find me ut the Dixie Warehouse prepared to make every pile bring its full value. Bring me your first load.—J. G. Staton, at the Dixie arehouse. —Don't listen to these slick-ton gue drummers when you get your tobacco ready fcr market. Drive struight to tbe Dixie Warehouse and let Jim Staton you the full value 011 opening sale, August 15th. -r-Plenty ot buyers this year—all the big companies will have men on our market. lam headquarters. Try me and see with that load of primings.—J. G. Staton, Dixie Warehouse. —Mrs. John D. Biggs gave her class in the Baptist Sunday ScboOl an outing at the "Big Mill" Tues day. Other guests were there and the day was spent iu boating and fishing. A delightful feast was spread at the noon hour and every one partook with childish zest. Little Misses Speed aud Josey, of Scotland Neck, were honor guests of the class. —The Martin County Buggy Co. has secured the services ot Mr. J. A. l'arker, an experienced machin ist. He is trained in tbe repair of gaacfline engines, automobiles and general machinery. By this addit ion to the force at the factory the Company is prepared te do any thing in building and repairing. —The pupils of the Christain Sunday School with' many mem bers of the congregation and friends picnicfd at the Biggs Farm Wed nesday. The party was conveyed in autos and wagons, and the day was cool and pleasant. There was plenty ot good things to eet and fun for everybody. Tbe large oak grove furnished a delightful playground for the children and they thoroughly enjoyed the outing For Sheriff I hereby announce myself a can didate for Sheriff of Martin County subject to the action of the Demo cratic Convention. Reipectfully, Harmon T. Roberson, Jr. WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, AUGUST g. 1912 wtiwwwwwiwmwm f PERSONAL BRIEFS | Harry M. Stubbs left Wednesday morning for Colrain to visit his uncle, W. M. Sitterson. J. T. Barnhill was here from Ev eretts Webnesday. Miss Lila Philpot Is at home from a visit to Oak City. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Boyle were here Tuesday. Mrs. Robert Harrison and chil dren, of Fayetteville, are visiting relatives here. Mrs. Frank Taylor and children, of Richmond, are visiting relatives near town. Mrs. Fannie Biggs and H. A. Biggs are at Panacea Springs this weik. Mrs. John D. Simpson is at Beau* fort this week. Mrs. Chas. Cobb, of Mildred, is here with her little ton and Master Paul Godwin. Miss Frances E. Knight and Master Charles A.Knight left last week for Selina, after which they will go to Knightdale, Middlesex, and Wilson for several w.teks. John C. Lamb was in town Sat urday and left Sunday morning for Chapel Hill, accompained by Miss Virgiuia and Master Howard Her rick. Misses Annie and Mayo Lamb left last week for Atlautic City, where they will spend a month. Miss Frances and Master Charles Knight are visiting relatives in Selma and from there will go tp Wilson County to visit for several weeks. Messrs. H. W. Stubbs and J. R. Robertson went to Charleston, S. C. Monday. Messrs. Albert Perry and McG. Taylor left Monday for Gatesville. Dr. J. S. Rhodes has been in Norfolk this week. « Mrs. C. E. Mizell and little son, who have been visiting relatives here, left Monday fcr Ft. Monroe, Va. Master Stephen and Miss Annie Roberson, of Parmele, have been visiting friends here the past week. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Everet and little son are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hedges. Mrs. Lila Wynne, who has been visiting in Durham and Greensboro, returned Mouday accompained by Miss Daisy Jones, who is en route te Edenton to visit relatives there. H. C. Harrison has returned from Wendell, where he has been for tbe past year. Miss Hattie Thigpeu, of Couetce, is visiting Mrs. W. H. Harrell this week. Wheeler Martin, Jr., has returned from a visit to Wake Forest. Rev. RufaS Bradley spent Tues day in Washington. Miss Anna Strong, of Raleagh, is the gu'.st of Mrs. J. H. Saunders. Mrs. C. W. Kellinger left Tues day for Princeton, N. J., to vfcit relatives. Elder Sylvester Hassell aud Mies Mary Hassell left Tuesday to at tend tbe Hbsstll-Clark marriage at Raleigh. Misses Marv Josey and Ellen Speed, ef Scotland Neck, are 111* guests of Mrs. J. D. Biggs. J. W. Watts, Jr., is at home frosn a two weeks stay at Nag's Head. Messrs. W. Cl fcberrod, Dr. M. I. Fleming"snd C. H. Baker wwc in town Monday. Mr. Sberred is president of the Hamilton Paauf Mfg., Co. acid was here lookiwg over the site for the plant hare. Mrs. John Crowell and Mm Mattie Waters are at Ocean View this week. 1 -J Misses Delia Lanier and Berne Peel are spending the week at Vir ginia Beach.* Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Godwin and little girl are vieiting relatives in town. - \ . 1 *.• • v ■'" . » .. • 1 | To the Democratic Voters of Martin County:— Permit me to thank you very 1 kindly for the consideration and i confidence so generously manifest- 1 ed by your support and cooperation during my continuance in office as 1 Sheriff of your county, and to as- ! sure you that I most heartily and keenly appreciate the same. Not being aware of any com- 1 plaint and not having heard any thing derogatory to my perfor mance of the duties pertaining to tbe office, and thinking that my services and experience might pro bably merit your further considera- tion, confidence and support, and assuring you that tbe best and all that is, ot aud in me, are at your command, I take the liberty of seeking further consideration at your bands, and hereby nnnounce myself as a candidate for tbe office of Sheriff of Martin County, sub ject, however, to the wishes of the County Democratic Convention. This 2oth. day ot June, 1912. J. C.,CRAWFORD. The Minstrel Show TKfc amateurish minstelsy turned off at the City Theater by local talent on Tuesday night gave even the grcucher the grins not the "dry grins" but brought forth the old-fashioned "horse laugh". The management was under Harry M. Stubby, ably assisted by H. A. Biggs aud Miss Lettie Critcher as pianist. The jokes brought out by the interlocution of Harry Biggs, bad a freshness and the local hits made fun tor the appreciative audi ence, "Pete" Fowden as left-end man was the jolliest, laziest nigger that ever went "down the pike". As a close second on the right was ''Handsome Harry", the Caruso of tbe University Glee Club. Bill Harrell, clothed and "shoed" as only a sporty darkey can be, wept occasjonly. Called upon to recite his speech delivered in the court room in defence of "Sallie" Gurk fn lor stealing a pair ot No. 17 shoes from "Beef Trust" Henry Crawford,-he gave it with great dramatic effect that no jury out side of Martin County could resist. Jack Pope was as rich as Jersey cream in "The Ragcime Fiddle " William Manning, the famous ro bust tenor, in the words and rytbm of "Waiting" pleaded the girl of his latest addition tu meet him on tbe Mississippi shore at eleven o'clock. Tbe"Mississippi Dip'was sung with encoring effect by | , "Handsome Harry" The Broken-1 hearted Quartet iumished severel of the most attractive numbers 011 tne programme. The speech of the Royal Duke ®f Critcher bruught down the house and alsi the i pcakert when he missed the tsfble once with the broom fan be- B wielded. "Moonlight B.ny" was warbied by Bruce, the Dandiest, in i style so "chawmiog" to tbe laiiies. Not !a«t, bnt first, wus tbe opening j number sung by the D jke of Astor-1 ia in which all joined Thisi - ijumhfi was the popular "O You| > BeantiinJ Doll," and tbe Duke I . r wider ad it m his own . style. Other members who appear t ed in characteristic "stunts" were Curtifc )»then, Maurice Watts, Ckftcber, aud N. S Godard Sy aud i. J >»wr Awlerson. The entertainment closed with t "Tbs» ftabkn," the scene showing fhe aatupaijy asleep and snoring, whan the ghost appeared there i 1 was a wid scamper to parts un -1 Ktxjwn behind the curtain. If any indication of ap pttdurtiom and it usually is, then » tjbvse acagteqrs need never fear to aigpear a Williamston audi- IBm amount realktad will be - tfMdtedefcay the expenses of tfce s feifet. f p. O. Arbee, teaming contractor Jhdogf* 669 Keeling Court, Can f ton, *&., k now well rid of a severe qod a**K>ying case of kidney trou s bte. ID* back pained and he was j cfoefrfcared wjth headaches and dizzy, tipeik. *1 took Foley Kidney Pills jwt at dkected and in a few days I a felt n*toh better. My life and Atncgtk seemed to come back, and ,1 wail. lam now all over 1 rtree bias and glad to recommend 1 Itt&wy Pills." Try them. Sannde* fit Fowden. OAK CITY ITEMS The fish fry and basket picnic given at Williams Landing on 1 Roanoke River last Friday by J. L. ' Hines was a grand success. The crowd was just large enough to make an enjoyable time. Billy 1 Moore, of Hamilton, took the crowd 1 on the river on his launch. Miss Maggie Davis from Green- i ville, is visiting tbe home of J. J. Piland. ] Henry S. Everett was severely injured Thursday morning while unloading a car of wire fencing. A 1 roll of wire struck bim, and he fell out of the car striking his head. i Miss Georgie Henry, of Wendell, ! is the guest of Miss Bessie Casper. ! N. C. Hines, of Durham, spent ! Friday night here with his father, 1 J. L. Hines. J. L. Hines aud wife were in Scotland Neck Tuesday. Miss Effie Waldo, of Hamilton, was iu town Tnesday. Mrs. Blanch Council Hardison from Norfolk is visiting her father. J. A. Hobbs, of Williamston, was the guest of N. M. Worsley for a few da\s this week. Miss Melissa Worsley is visiting Mrs John Wiggins near larboro. Miss Alma House, of Stokes:, is the guest of Miss Jeffie House this week. A barbecue and basket picnic was largely attended at Everett Landing on the river Wednesday. Miss Julia Focueman, of Burling ton, is visiting Miss Bessie Casper this week. Tbe Farmers Union gave a bar becue here Thursday and a large numStr attended. The "Progr«ss!n" Party Is the individual, man or woman, who uses Fcley Kidney Pills for backache rneumatism, weak back and otber kidney and bladder irre gularities. Foley Kidney Pdls are healing, strengthened, tonic and quick to produce beneficial resulfs Contain no harmful drugs. Never sold in bulk. Pu'. up iu two sizes in sealed bottles. The gunine in yellow package. Saunders & Fow den. For Register of Deeds At the solicitation of a number of ray friends, I have decided to announce myself a candidate for fhe office of Register of Deeds of 1 Martin County, subject to actiou of I the Democratic Convention. Very respectfully, S. S. BROWN. Hr.y lever and asthmi make Au gust a month of intense suffering !to ma»ny people. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound gives prompt ease and relief, and is toothing and 1 healintx to the inflamed membranes, j Wm. M. Merethew, N. Searsport, I Me., Bays: "A tew doses of Foley's | Honey and Tar Compound relieved ! me of a severe attack of asthma and I less than a bottle caused a complete leure." Refuse substitutes. Saun ders & Fowden. For Register of Deeds j I hereby announce n%self a can didate for Register of Deeds, of Jjlartiu County, subjec* to the ap proval aud action of the Democra tic Convention. Very respectfully, Sylvester Peel. A. S. Jones, of the Lee Pharmacy Chico, Cal., who has handled Foley & Co.'s medicines for many years, says. "I consider that Foley's Honey and Tar Comgound has no equal, and is tbe one cough medi cine I can recommend as containing no narcotics or other harmful pro perties." Tne genuine in a yellow package. Saunders & Fowden. A Little Child Dead Maryland, the little ten-niooth old infant of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gardner, died on July 30th, after a short illness with meningitis. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. G. J' Dowell and tbe fce»r ment was in the Baptist Cemetery. s[.oo a Year in Advance Robinson for Sheriff The time is now at band when the Democrats of Martin County will meet in Williamston and in convention assemble to name a man - that will be our next sheriff. Allow me space in your paper, Mr. Editor, to ask the Democrats of Martin County to support Mr. Harmon T. Robinson, for our next sheriff of Martin County. Why I ask the people to support him is he is thor oughly competent in every respect to make Martin County a sheriff she will be proud ot. To nominate Mr. Robinson for sheriff will place the morals of our Politics on a higher level. We have learned bv experience the last few years that the long term of office ba« brought the mora's in Politics very low. In pkisk under date of July 19th, I see these words: "It is said that at each man's birth there is a fairy god who stands sponsor at his christening and if this bo so the god of Detectives stood spono-r at Sheriff Crawford's birih." I want to tell the people of Mar tin County that Mr. Robinson is a young man l orn tinker the new covenant, believes not in fairy gods but belitves in the one God the true and living God of all the uni verse and that all men are boru equal before him. The same writer said "that every mat) in America could not be pies.dent" but he fail ed to siy our platform as drafted in Baltimore that no man should be eligible 'o a secouu term and also say? that every mun in North Caro lina canoot be governor. He will plca;e remember that the Statute Law of North Carolina forbids a man succeeding himself as Gover nor. Our tadieis waen they wrote the Constitution of this State for* bade over one tetm for the Cbiel Magistrate Now let us get back borne in Martin C.unty and con si ier tbe many inhabitants of our old County. Are we going to give one nfan a fat j>b al! lis life and then to hi? sons. If tuch be the cate there is 110 u>e in having a convention and elections. I say no we people of Martin County are prog:e;sive people we do not put ourselves below the representative Democrats or the nation who have declared against -long terms of {office. We believe in a represent ative government and that all men should have an equal chance. We don't believe that ooe man is horn ed of Go;l to be a farmer and another a merchant and another a criminal Such an argument is a travesty against gooJ government. Let us awake and ame to progres sive sentiments and nominate Mr. Robinson for she: iff and at our next county convention pass .1 re solution that no man shall serve more thau two terms in succession for any office in ftiv ifouutj-. — 4 ~ Yours truly- Jas A. Daniel. Work Begun Mr. W. H. Souiuieis:, who is in charge of tne headiug inili, arrived last week with several tr.en. The machinery tor tniil was brought over the Atlantic Coast Line. Sup-- erintendeat Sotnmers and his men erected tents on the mill site, which had been purchased from Marshal Wilson for $1,200 a.id includes 30 acres. The heading mill will oc cupy only three of this, however. Every preparation has been made 4 to hasten the work and the Coast Line will soon begin tbe erection of •the track to the river front. The committee in charge of the arrange ments which the to wn was to make have been unselfish in their support of the movement .'or the good of the town. The material for the Pants Fac tory has been hauled as rapidly as possible and work 011 it has already begun. It will be ready for opera tion by September 15th. as the con tract stated.