~'J —— comparative rowWien. "I have an abitimct theory." "That 'a nothing. I've cot a concrete | Celiac." Regular practicing physicians mwniiawt 1 and prescribe OXIDINE for Malaria, beeaase It la a proven remedy by yean of experienoe. Keep a bottle to the medicine cheat and administer at Ant algn of Chllla and Fever. Opening Up Lhasa. Lhasa, which la the capital of Tibet, for generations was known as the Ftorbidden City, because of its political and religloua excluslveness. In 1904 a British armed expedition "opened the mysterious eld city. Pre vious to that time practically everr European traveler had been stopped tn bis efforts to reach the place. The population In Lhaaaa la about 36,004. HANDS ITCHED AND BURNED Warrenton, Va.—"My little girl waa troubled with eczema for three years. Her hands burned and Itched and look, ed aa If they were scalded. She could not sleep at night; I had to be up all night to keep her hands In warm wa ter. She rubbed her hands and large whlte bllatere came full of yellow wa ter. Then sores came and yellow cor ruption formed. She could not take hold of anything with her hands. I used an ointment and tried a treat ment, hut nothing did her any good, so I got some Cutlcura Soap and Olht ment. After bathing her hands with the Cutlcura Soap and applying the Cutlcura Ointmeqi I waa astonished to aee the great relief, and Cutlcura Soap and Cntlenm, Ointment cured her hands la three weeks." (Signed) Mr*. John W Wlnea, Mar. I, 191*. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each free, with 11-p. Shin Book. Address post-card "Cutlcura, Dept 1* Boston." IF WIFKY HAD HEARD. Jack—Who's that bobbing up and down out thereT Jim —Probably my wife. She's al ways bobbing up when she's not want ed. Sparrow Seta House Ablaze. An English sparrow was the cause of three houses catching fire at Law renceburg, lnd., recently, and had It ; not been for the prompt work of the neighbors and friends all would have been destroyed. The sparrow waa building a nest under the eaves of the home of Mrs. Mary Webber, and It picked up a long cotton atrlng from a pile of rubbish that had Just been i burned. With the burning string in its beak, the sparrow flew to tbe roof of Mrs. Sophia Shafer*s house, then to Otto McCrlgbt's house and then to the roof of Emanuel Wuest'a home, where It dropped tbe burning string. A fire started In the shingles of each building. Each was extinguished by neighbors before much damage waa done. Coot of Living Reduced. The King Fruit Preserving Powder will keep perfectly fresh all kinds of fruit, apples, peaches, pears, berries, plums, tomatoes, corn, okra, cider, wine, etc. No aJr-tlght Jars needed. Used more than 26 yeara from New York to Florida. A small package puts up 60 pounds of fruit and taste la Juat as when gathered. Saves money, time and labor. Too Much Renunciation. "How foolish you women are," said Mr. Nagg to bis better half. "You don't catch men doing such things as Joining 'Don't Worry' clubs." "Of course not," snapped Mrs Nagg. 1 "Men couldn't give up the pleasure of worrying their wives." Important to Mothers . Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infanta and children, and see that it Signature of In Uae For Over 30 Years. Children Cl 7 for Fletcher's Castoria Appropriate Trimmings. "What waa that loe palace trimmed with?" "I suppose It had a handsome friexe." The woman who eares for a clean, wholesome mouth, and sweet breath. Will find Paxtine Antiseptic a Joy for ever. At druggists, 26c a box or sent postpaid on receipt of pries by The Pax ton Toilet Co, Boston. Mass. A woman's mind Is continually run ning to clothes. If she isn't talking through her hat ahe'a laughing In her sleeve. As a w war teals there Is so medietas that quite oomparea with OXIDINE. It not only build* up the sjretem, but takaa nf adarly, pravenia MalafSL Regular or Taate- Um formula at Druggists. Never trust your asorets to the aaaUs—or the females, either. * V'. 1. V-V •••.'• 1 ¥ ... ' / % , . A VERT QUEER CASE OF EXPRESSMAN CARR.—HE WAS ARRAIGNED AND RELEASED ON 91.CJ90 BOND. PUT THROUGH THIRD DEGREE There Is an Important Point of Law Involved In This Cass That Will B* Disposed of st the Next Term ef Court. Ashevllle.—E. F. Carr. the express messenger accused of robbing his own express car and blaming the deed on and aleged fictitious "lone highway man," waa arraigned before a magia- j trate and waived preliminary examl- j nation. He was held to court under bond, of SI,OOO which he succeeded In making. Detectives Thomas, Watts, 800tt. and Oreene. technically accuaed of "aid ing a prisoner to escape," were taken before Judge Lane and made bonds for their appearance at the next term of court. The latter feature of the affair promises to Involve the sheriff's office to some extent, as n deputy sheriff ad mitted the detective to the Jail and brought the prisoner out for them, he then being Carried off to a room In a hotel here. It Is alleged, for a "third degree" probing. The four detectives were before Judg Lane on the technical charge of aiding an escape, ns this is the only charge ao far that Solicitor Reynolds has been able to bring against them, and Judge Lane said that, while he t thought they were technically guilty of the eharge, he would reaerve Judg ment until he had time to thoroughly go into the authorities on the subject. Carr was not present to testify and the question of his being put through the "third degree" Is still in doubt. The portion of the testimony that la causing the most talk In this city is that relating to the ability of any one of thp numerous corps of deputies to enter the county Jail at will, take from It any prisoner that pleases their fan cy to take, and the sheriff remain in ignorance of the whole affair. The . fact that a prisoner can be removed from the county Jail without an order from the court la also proving an In teresting topic of conversation. Destrustlvs Parasite Appears. Maxton.—C. L.. Metcalf, aaslstant stale entomologist was here looking Into the cause of some very destruc tive parasite recently appearing in the different crops. Between Maxton and Fayettevllle, mostly around Parkton and Lumber Bridge, the walermellon crop tn some fields was practically a failure. On some tracts where 400 l or 500 carloads were expected, only about 60 were gathered. Nearer by there are many farms being ruined by the red spider. Those who are being damaged by this Insect are advised by the atate department of Agricul ture to use as a spray 6 pounds each of lime and sulphur disolved in 100 gallon of water. Verdict of Manslaughter Entered. Ktnston. —In the superior court here Charlie Randolph, 13 years of age, was arraigned for the killing of Peary Stallings, a boy several years older, and a verdict of manslaughter was en tered by agreement. Judge Carter heard the evidence In the case for his guidance in rendering Judgment. Sen tence was not passed Immediately, but It is practically certain that Young Randolph will be svat to a reforma tory school for a term of years. The crime was committed on Queen street in this city several months ago, the lad stabbing Stallings after a fisticuff resulting from a boyish altercation. Feared Outcome of Investigation. New Bern—Evidently fearing the outcome of the inquest over the re mains of his wife who had died sud denly a few days ago under suspicious circumstances, Davis Dixon, whose | home Is at Broad Creek, Carteret I county, but wbo at the time was in j Morehead City, has skipped out for parts unknown according to a tele phone message from that place. Folltlos.ln Henderson County. Hendersonvllle. —The Republicans of Hendsraon county held a primary several days ago for the purpose of nominating candidates for the various county offices and for the house of representatives. The returns are In- I complete and the nominees will not ' be announced for several days when the county executive committee win canvass the vote in the primary. Nine candidates were seeking the qomlna , tion for sheriff, six or ■ more, for the I office of register of deeds and a like number for Ihe office of tax collector. Whits Man Shot By Negro. Kins ton. —An angry negro farm ten ant shot and painfully wounded J. W. ' Dixon, a Oreene county farmer, be cauae Dixon had shot some chickens belonging to him. The fowls had been troubling Dixon by. roving about I his premises, and hs took summary | vengeance on them and carried them dead to the negro house and threw them In tbe yard. Aa hs threw the dead chickens over the fence the col ored man, standing in tbe yard with a shot gun, levelled the weapon at Dixon and pulled the trigger. SUNDAY MAIL IS THING OF THE PAST CONGRESS PASSES LAW FORBID * DINQ DISTRIBUTION EVEN INTO THE BOXES. TOOK EFFECT IMMEDIATELY The Patrons of tho First and Secvtd Clasa Offices May Rsoslvs Only Lwt tsrs That Bsar ths Special Dsllvsry Stamp. Charlotte. —The postofflce at Char lotte, aa la every other first or second class poatofflce city in the United 1 States, might as well be a sarcophagus on Sunday hereafter, unless the mall ypu are expecting happens to bear a ten-cent special delivery stamp. And it you received a single article the past Sunday, letter, newspaper or merchandise, that did not bear that stamp it was only because the locsl anthorlties had not received notifica tion of a law passed by Congress—% law which is probably the moat drastic and stringent Sunday enactment that ever received the signature of the President of the United States. It provides that from midnight of Saturday until midnight of Sunday no article of mail received at a first or ' second-class postofflce shall be "work | ed" even to the extent of placing it j In a box, except it be of a special de livery variety. In that case it will be delivered as usual. The law is effect ive at once. The new statute does not affect the dispatching of letters posted, which will be sent off on the various trains as usual. Some courioslty was expressed here as to how such a law. could have pass ed through both houses of Congress and been aigned by the President without publicity attaching to the pro cedure. Advantages For Homessekers. Washington, D. C.—The advantages and oportunlties which the Southeast ern states offer to Industrious home seekers will be strikingly displayed during the next few months at fairs and expostlonß In lowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and New York which last year had an ag gregate attendance of over two million people and at the great annual Cana dian Exposition at Toronto, running over two weeks with an average dally attendance above 100,000, by exhibits which will be made by the Southern Railway System. Exhibits will be made at more than , .twenty-five fairs In the states named. ! each one of which has been selected : with a view to Its character, attend- j ance, and probable interest in loca tions in the Southeast on the part of j the people attending. Four sets of ex- j hibits have been prepared. Each set will be shown at from six to nine dlf ferent fairs covering a wide stretch of country. A special exhibit will be sent to the Toronto exposition. The exhibits will consist of fresh fruits, cotton, tobacco, potatoes and truck j crops and colored pictures showing farm and orchard scenes will be dis | played. Representatives of the Land | and Industrial Department of the j Southern system will be with each ex j hiblt. Attractive literature giving hill information about the Southeast has been sent prepared especially for these fairs and a set of fine Southern views will be distributed as souvenirs By these exhibits the 3outbern Half way will reach a large number of farmers of just the type that is wanted In the Southeast and It Is going to the heavy expense Involved in making the exhibits for the purpose of attract ing such settlers to the country along Its llnrt. Flood and Steadman Appointed. Washington.—Representatives Flood of Virginia, Steadman of North Caro lina and McKlnley of Illinois, have been appointed the House memberH of { the newly created commission to in vestigate the conditions under which foreign governments purchase Ameri can grown tobacco. Danish Navy Will be Represented. Copenhagen, Denmark. —The Danish navy Is to be well represented in the great fleet which is to assemble to commemorate opening of the Panama canal. The big cruiser "Valkyrien," one of the finest ships in the navy, has been chosen as the Danish rep resentatlve. It Is planned to send as one of her officers a prince of the royal family—either Prince Valdemar or his son Prince Axel, both naval officers. It Is also known that Prince Gustav, brother of the king, would like to make the voyage. Grateful For Red Croae Aid. Washington.—Gratitude to the Am erican Red Cross and other Red Cross Societies of the world for help follow ing the earthquake which destroyed Messina and other cities and killed 76,- 000 persons was given strong expres sion by Italian delegates to the Inter national Red Cross conference, held in Washington. Count Somaglla said: "It is with the greatest satisfaction that I take this occasion to express to all the societies which came to our aid, our feeling of lively gratitude for their efficacious assistance." ' • . • / mraraoNAL SmrSanoL LESSON (By E. O. SELLERS, Director of Evenlna Department, The Moody Bible Institute. Chicago.) LESSON FOR SEPT. 1. DEATH OF JOHN THE BAPTIST LESSON TEXT—Mark GOLDEN TEXT—"Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee the crown of life."—Rev. 2:10. , The story of Hamlet and Banquo's ghost is no more vivid or dramatic than the story of the tragedy of John the Baptist. "And King Herod heard of him," T. 4. Of course Herod would hear of the rising young, cousin of John who was creating inch a stir throughout Galilee. His coarse, sinful, licentious, heart cringed at the rebuke of such a life of purity, one that performed so many good deeds, one who was con stantly ministering to others as con trasted with the life of Herod, who only ministered to his own selfish lusts. Small wonder he should ex claim, "It is John whom I beheaded," and one can hear In fancy the rising tide of terror that surged through his heart as he must have screamed, "He is risen from the dead!" The first, three verses of the lesson are a vivid picture of how the fame of this young Galilean affected the consclence itrlcken snd gullty-hearted usurper upon the throne. Who was this Herod? In the first plsce, he was guilty of the sin of In cest. for he had married the wife of his brother Philip, who was still liv ing. From verse eighteen of the les son we learn further that the bold and courageous John had rebuked him of this evil and as a result Herod had cast him Into prison, and though he may have desired, yet he did not as yet dare to take his life. Added to this Is the anger of a sinful woman. John a Just Man. This precipitated a war which re sulted In the overthrow and utter loss of the army belonging to the father of Herod's lawful wife. Why did Herod healtate to comply with all that Herodiaa desired? Verse 20 talis us, because John "was a J'.ist man and an holy." Righteousness Is often a man's surest safeguard. Herod was not altogether devoid of conscience as we have already seen, and this Is further evidence of that fact. Verse 20 adds that when Herod heard! bl® he was "perplexed and heard him gladly." We believe that Herod was Reeking some sort of a recanting upon the part of John, that he was glad (anxious) to hear from his lips some sort of statement that would Justify | his liberation and was perplexed over | the persistence of John, who, though In prison, never for one moment low ered his standard of divine righteous j ness, nor trimmed his sails se as to i catch the wind of Herod's popular | favor. That this was John's attitude and that it was known to Herodias Is evident from the beginning of the verse 21, "and when a convenient day was come." Herodias was all too ready and willing to seize her oppor tunity. To evidence her depths of depravity and also her anjlety, note that Hero ! dias was willing to sacrifice the mod esty of her own daughter to gain her i end. The use of the word "herself" | r. 22 R. V., Is evidence that it was an unusual thing for this daughter of a queen thus to exhibit herself. I Now note the oath of the liquor and lust-drunken king. What an appalling | request. What a terrible consequence. What lengths men will go to "keep i their word" given thoughtlessly or ut i tered in the heat of passion. This Is i one of the blackest pictures of his tory. A lust-driven, licentious poten tate, a rebuked but vindictive queen, slave of these game passions. Not Real Sorrow. The child of the home thaust forth before the gaze of the court to help se cure the ends of a murderous mother. A godly, fearless saint who had a great message from a great God, and with out halting, hesitancy or compromise continued to deliver that message till stricken down in the midst of an orgy of passion. Herod's sorrow was not "unto repentance" (v. 2G) but rather that of a guilty conscience. We need now to return again to the first verse of the lesson and we can well believe It must have been n sad wail, "He Is risen" (v. 16). History tells us Herod lost his kingdom and that he and Herodias died in exile. Let us turn from this awful picture and look at John. How different. Thus dlea he who was the greatest born of a woman. Thus died one who dared to rebuke evil In high places. One who would not compromise to save his life, and ono who was faithful unto death (see the Golden Text).' Can we hesitate to believe that John received his crown? A suggested outline for this lesson Is as follows: I. A Terror-Btricken v. 14-16. 1. Jesus' name apread abroad, v. 14. 2. Men sought to explain Jesus, ▼. 15. S. Herod's guilty conscience. ▼. 16. 11. A Wicked Woman's Hatred, v. 17-25. 1. The effect of righteous life. X. Herod's downward steps. HI. Ths End of a Faithful Preach* •P. v. 20-29. „ 1.. Herod's wicked oath. 2. John's peaalty (3 Tim. 8-12). Ideals In America are almost aa high aa the cost of living. As a summer tonlo there Is DO medicine | that quite compares with OXIDINE. it not only bulMs up the system, bat taken reg ularly, prevents Malaria. Regular or Taste less formula at Druggists. After Dark. "Honest as the day is long, eh?" "Absolutely. But you'd better keep your chicken coop locked." DOES Tom HEAD Acme? Try HICKS' CAPtiDINK. Urn liquid—pleas ant to t»kc -e(T*ct» Immediate—food to prevent Sick Headache* and Nervous Heurtachra also. Tour money back If nut aatlafled. 100., Mo. and Ma. at medicine atorea. The Natural Inference. While out motoring the other day, I ran acroaa rvn old friend of mine." "Was he muchh hurt?" rrfflfflnm CuILL TONIO. Ton know what yon are taking. Tba formula la plainly printed on every bottle, •bow'.aaltlalimply (Julnln*and Iron In eiaateleaa form, ana the most efmlaai form. Kor gruwa people and ebi Id ren, (0 oeata. A Diagnosis, "What's,the.matter with your hue band, Mrs. Mixey?~ "The doctorsays he's got a bad at tack'of ammonia." "Then I guess it's apt to be fatal, tor it's bound to take his breath." Solemn Warning to Parents. The season for bowel trouble is faat approaching and you should at once provide your home with King's Diar rhoea Cordial. A guaranteed remedy for Dysentery, Cbolera Morbus, Flux, Cholera Infantum and all kindred dls -iases. Numerous testimonials on our files telling of marvelous cures can be had by request. Burwell 4b Dunn Co., Mfrs., Chsrlotte, N. C. Everybody In Herd Luck. Suddenly he stepped up to a gentle man, who was waiting for the tram, and, tapping him lightly on the shoul der, said: "Excuse me, but did you drop a five-pound note?" at the same time holding out in his hand the ar ticle. The gentleman quetloned gazed a moment at the note, assumed an anx ious look, made a hasty search of his pockets, and said: "Why, ao I did, and 1 hadn't missed it," holding out an eager hfind. The elderly hunter took the name and address of the loser and, putting the note In his pocket, turned away. "Well," said the other, "do you want It all as a reward?" "Ob, I did not find one," remarked the benevolent one with another I beam; "but It struck me that In a big I place like London there must be a qulry I found that you are the one ! quantity of money lost, and upon in hundred and thirty-first man who lost a five-pound note this morning."—Lon don Answers. PUTTING HIM WISE. He—l'd kiss you if I had the sand. She—There's sand all about us. Help ' yourself. THE WAY OUT Change of Food Brought Success and Happiness. An ambitious but delicate girl, after j falling to go through school on ac | count of nervousness and hysteria, ' found In Grape-Nuts the only thing | that seemed to build her up and fur | nish her the peace of health. "From Infancy," she says, "I have J not been strong. Being ambitious to J learn at any cost I finally got to the High School, but soon had to abandon my studies on account of nervous pros tration and hysteria. "My food did not agree with me, I grew thin and despondent. I could not enjoy the simplest social affair for I suffered constantly from nervousness In spite of all sorts of medicines. "This wretched condition continued until I was twenty-five, when I became Interested In the letters of those who had cases like mine and who were get ting well by eating Grape-Nuts. "I had little faith but procured a box and after the first dish I expe rienced a peculiar satisfied feellpg that 1 had never gained from any ordl : nary food. I slept and rested better that night and in a few days began to grow stronger. "I had a new feeling and peace and restfulness. In a few weeks, to my great joy, the headaches and nervoue ness left me and life became bright and hopeful. I resumed my studies and later taught ten months with ease —of course using Grape-Nuts every day. It is now four years since I be gan to use Grape-Nuts, I am the mis tress of a happy home, and the old weakness has never returned." Name given by the Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. "There's a reason." Read the little book. "The Road to Wellvllle," in pkgs. ■ver ml the tkeve letter f A sew •at appears from tlaa* ta tlaaa. They are snaiat, true, aa# fall af kaui Mareet CRITICAL TIME OF WOMAN'S LIFE From 40 to 50 Years of Age, How It May Be Pasted in Safety. Odd, V*.:— "I am enjoying betta* health than I have for 20 yean, and ! believe I can safely say now that I am a . well woman. I waa lH&ig reared on a farm aai Wm'*? fPP hadallkindaofheßvy ... [mM caused the troubl«a that came on me la ter. For five year* WAAy|MifflM\ll during the Change of 7/| F |P |Hrn Life I waa not able ' ' I iI to lift a pail of wa -11 ' ter. I had hemor rhage* which would laat for weeks and t was not able to ait up in bed. I suffered a great doal with my back and waa ae nervous I could scarcely sleap'at nigtrt, and I did not do any housework for three years. "Now I can do as much work ae any woman of my age In the county, thanks to the benefit I have received from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I recommend your remedies | to all Buffering women. "—Mrs. llilTU L. HOLLOWAY, Odd, Vs. Mo other medicine for woman's Ma has received such wide-spread and unqnaA fied endorsement We know of no other medicine which has such a record eC success as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. For more than M years it haa been the standard remedy for woman's ilia. Tf yon hare the slightest doubt . that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound will help you, write ' to Lydia B.Plnkham Medicine Cow (confidential) Lynn, Mass., for ad -1 vice. Your letter will be opened s read and answered by a woman, - and held in strict confidence. Rheumatism Yields to : MILAM Read The Proof: r Former U. 8. Postmaster ! Recommends Milam. a. Gentlemen —My nleoa sufforert for mans nan will) a trouble pronounced bj hsr pk/siclaas as 0 Crle Acid Rnenmatlsm. and although ta. treated her. «be never obtained relief. ltelns wall acquainted with MII-AM aad knowing t It had been used sueoess folly rcrj frenneoUs la similar ca*es. I determined to put her on 11. SM took 111 bottlea with the happiest retail*. I regard her aa helnt entlmlj relieved, and will altraya tafe* pleasure la recommending MIItAM (or una Ml trouble*. Tour* truly. o. t. DAncaiuxa Danville. Va.. July 11. 1919. " Spent $3,000 on Rheu matism. Norfolk. Va., July M. ml About fire week* aso I «ai I ndnoed to ta*. M Ilea forar ssrravated case of UUematlsm. for wfciek I bad spentovor S3.OUU for all known remodioa aat tried many doctors, wont to Hot Springs. bat rw celTt-d no boneflt* whatever. k'or fifteen years I bare been a sufferer. each sprint I hare been la bed and Incapltated for work until this spring, which, I am tlad to say. I hare been attending to my busi ness. feel One. splendid appetite, and feel coaSdesS that I will be a cured man from rheumatism. 1 wish to say that Milam ha* done all you claims Will do In my caae. so far. and I look forward ta a speedy reoovery, and wonld not take Br. u*a tbs amount of the pries of the modiolus tor what It has done for me *o far. Your* vary truly, 0. '&■ WaM Basin***. Cor. Church and La* Street* Rheumatism Entirely Gone. I was a gnat raffersr from Rheumatism aaS da aided to try MILJLM. I bought six boUloa. and sa now on my fourtb baa. tie. I csn tni th fully sa# that h*T. oarer lakea • medicine that ha* donem* a* aauclisood. ■ My Rheumatism I* en tirely (one. m y eoas a plexlon (catty la. proved and my apsMlu good-In fact. I haveaot felt so wall In a loot time. would not tak* tM.UO for the rood yuat ■I medicine baa done ma. I but In older to be sera U a,,, mm. that tiis trouble I* aa || RilUAlt Urely aradliAua. I wis . I Sake the two rwasalalM -Effltfl- \ s»x;,ar; _ > I BaBI to anyone awSectM r R tram be • B • *h (signed) . I B inorv SON! r-1 : '"KIT Mcnon>a i anurM Tosie ... I , II .«...i« I IT 8 »j Guaranteed B Ask the Druggbt HELP WANTED 1 We will pay you a salary to t represent us In your city. T Thftfreateet opportunity ereroffered to raxL relW 1 ble men and women to secure profitable eonplof . m«nt ut direct represent alive of our schoel. We will psy yon & salary of Sl6 weekly and exua ot» mtaslona for a f«w hours work eftfb day Is yyep « own city. Write ut once for lerrtuirr. l ABJCMj ° L. ROSE & CO. Est. IBti (THE OLD RELIABLE) a We are In the market at all times forSCBAf . RUBBER, RA(,K, METALS, BOXES, 1801 ' AND SECOND-HAM) MACOINERT. We g pay highest prices. Our large list of shlppera-oas , , best advertisement. Writ* for prloa Use " I L,. BOSK * COMPANY . r 410 434 Urook Ava., Richmond, Vlrgtato 0 — r - d WASTED —BAD DEBTS 10 CdiLECT y ' In all portions of th« world. 25 yd*™' ir I exparience No collaction, no charfa. t ' Agents wanted averywherw. •| E. R. PALMORE'S BAD DEBT AGENCY « BOX 603 RICHMOND, VA. r • —J » a KODAKS D ?£fklSS* d rffferf Baataian and Ansco fllna* mailed rflfflV Pa-id Moll orders (ireo prompt auaaUua ® Llkul. Any site roll fllm derelopeil for Isoeasa kP% f ARSONS OPTICAL; CO. I. 144 Kliif Street, Cluiriostoa. a C . MUUTBOMmN HONS A CO. Trv.y, N. k *jW. N. uiMrt'.OTl t, . . . »«.. i i'i ;i .-.afliiMßl-.